Overview of NSF Standards Process and Joint Committee Formation

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Sustainable Water Contact Products Stakeholder Meeting October 30, 2012. Overview of NSF Standards Process and Joint Committee Formation. Session Overview. Brief Overview of NSF International ANSI and NSF Standards Development Process Formation of the Joint Committee Questions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Overview of NSF Standards Process and Joint Committee Formation

Sustainable Water Contact Products Stakeholder MeetingOctober 30, 2012

Session Overview

• Brief Overview of NSF International• ANSI and NSF Standards Development Process• Formation of the Joint Committee• Questions

NSF International: Mission

“Protecting Public Health and SafetyAround the World”


Developer of over 72 national consensus standards Certified 250,000+ products around the globe Serve 12,000+ companies in 100 countries including offices

and labs throughout Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America

U.S. Standardization System

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) – A private, non-profit organization that administers and

coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment systems

• ANSI roles– ISO member body for United States– Accreditation of Standard Development Organizations

(SDOs) – Process review for voluntary standards development – Accreditation of third-party programs for product

certification, personnel accreditation, etc.

What is a Consensus Standard?

“Consensus” means substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.

ANSI Essential Requirements

ANSI Ensures Due Process

Due process means that any person (individual, organization, company, etc.) with a direct and material interest has a right to participate by:

– Expressing a position and its basis– Having that position considered– Having the right to appeal

ANSI Benchmarks for Due Process

• Openness• Lack of Dominance• Balance of interests• Coordination and Harmonization• Notification of standards activity• Consideration of views and objections• Evidence of consensus• Appeals procedures• Written procedures

ANSI-Based Consensus Process

ANSI Project Initiation

Notification (PINS)

Development Phase

(Consensus Body)

Ballot and Public

Comment Phase

Comment Circulation

and/or Reballot

Reballot of Substantive Changes

NSF Policies Implement ANSI Due Process Requirements

• How NSF ensures due process in its standards development activities

• Operation and structure of NSF standards committees

• What points in the NSF process required ANSI notifications take place

• Numerical requirements for consensus (balloting)

• NSF appeals process

NSF Standards Credentials

• 60+ years developing public health and safety standards

• ANSI accredited standards developer and member of ANSI leadership committees

• ANSI Audited Designator status

• Currently maintain 62 American National Standards, another 10 in development

NSF Brings Industry, Public Sector Community, and End Users Together

Federal, State, Local, Academia

Food, Water, Consumer Goods Retailers, Media, Educators,Consumer Groups

End Users

Public Sector


• Consensus body that oversees a specific standard or set of related standards

• Balanced membership of external stakeholders– Public Sector/Regulatory– Producers/Manufacturers– End Users/Specifiers– Other categories as indicated by the

standards project

• Membership is based on applicant’s experience and expertise (can include international representatives)

NSF Joint Committees

Task Groups

• Formed to evaluate a specific technical issue for a Joint Committee (JC)

• Develop a draft standard, draft revision, or other recommendation for review by the Joint Committee

• Membership not limited to JC members• Ad hoc or standing group

Determination of Consensus

• Straw ballots and informal comment periods

• Pilot projects for feasibility

• “Audit” readiness – objective evidence

• Official balloting by NSF Committees and Public Comment

JC Balloting Requirements

• Affirmative ballot of at least 2/3 of those who voted, excluding abstentions

• Affirmative ballots must represent at least a simple majority of the JC membership (> 50%)

• All negative votes or comments have been considered and have received a written response

• Unresolved objections have been advised of right to appeal

Council of Public Health Consultants

• NSF advisory body for standards development

• Elects its own membership– Regulators– Academics – Public health professionals– Other leadership in public health– No manufacturers

ANSI Public Review Process

• Concurrent with NSF development process– PINS Notification (start

of project)– BSR 108 - Draft

available for public comment (at JC ballot)

– BSR 109 - Final version of standard approved (completion of CPHC ballot)

– NSF self-designates as ANSI standard

Formation of the Joint Committee

• Applications are solicited from interested stakeholders• NSF will identify candidate to assume the role of Chair

– Chair must be eligible to provide liaison role to NSF Council of Public Health Consultants

• Chair will review applications with NSF to compile balanced committee membership

• Applications are maintained for future voting participation

JC Member Responsibilities

• Provide technical expertise on one or more subjects covered by a standard

• Participate actively by attending meetings, reviewing documents, providing comments

• Return ballots within prescribed deadlines• Minimum 3 year commitment

Selection of Voting Members

• Individual applications in each interest category will be reviewed– Effort to achieve balance within each interest category

and across the committee– Any one interest category cannot be more than 50% of

the committee membership for non-safety standards– Expertise of individual applicants

• An organization can have only one voting member

Breakdown of Applicants

• Industry – 18 applications– Representation across DWTU, DWA, Plastics, Plumbing, RWF

and WWT

• User – 13 applications– Consultants, certifiers, professional society

• Public Agency – 6 applications– Local, State, Federal government

• Additional outreach to public sector, academia needed

Ways to Participate – Observer

• Submittal of public comments on draft standards– Obtain copies of drafts and submit public comment for the

Joint Committee’s consideration through NSF workspace at http://standards.nsf.org

– ANSI Standards Action published weekly and available to view at www.ansi.org

• Can attend standards committee meetings (JC or TG) as an observer

On-line Collaboration Tool

• On-line Workspace for standards and policy development


– Calendar function for meetings – access to logistics and materials

– View documents and ballots– Provide comments on documents and ballots– Access to NSF standards development policies and

forms, reference materials, etc.


Thank you!