Padmavat - Part 1 - Hindi

Post on 15-Nov-2014

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Malik Muhammad Jayasi of Jayas, followed and established a cult based on eternal love (Premashrayi Dhara) in 'Nirgun Brahmopasana' .Selecting the medium of the story of 'Padmawati' and 'Ratnasen'. With Union and seperation- 'Sanyoga' and 'Viyoga', he explained the concepts of Gyan and Yoga. The objective of Jayasi was to find his most beloved - God - through love. This love-current, stream of love in his poetry, is the chief theme of Jayasi, and through Love he found his beloved - God. His ancestors were resident of Arabia, and they came into India probably in connection with their business. He lost his one eye due to attack of smallpox in his very early childhood. His parents left this world when he was a child and wandered here and there with saints and Fakirs. His maternal Grand father took care of him, got him married and ensured that he was well settled. There were seven sons to him, but all of them died in an accident - falling of the roof of the house. Since then he was detached (Vairagya) from the world and left the house living in the company of Fakeeras. He made Sufi saint Shekh Mubarak Bodle his Guru and accepted the path of Sufi religious faith (Sufi Sampradaay). His fame as a Sufi saint spread all over and through his literary work he explained the Sufi ideas.His Work is as under 1)Akharavat, 2)Padmavat, 3)Sikhanavat 4)Chandravat, 5)Irtavat, 6)Matkavat, 7)chitravat, 8)Muraeenama, 9)Makharnama, 10) Posteenama, 11)Maharanama, 12)Holinama, and 13)Akhiri Qalam.Of these 'Padmavat', 'Akharavat', and 'Akhiri Qalam' are accepted as his authentic work. Padmavat has proved itself as a classic, and due to this creation, Jayasi got a recognition as a poet.Some believe Tulsidas's Ram Charit Manas was composed as a result of an inspiration from the work of Jayasi. Padmavat gave Jayasi an eternal fame. In 'Akharavat' alphabetically the Sufi theories Have been explained. In 'Akhiri Qalam' there is explanation of heaven and hell and in his noted work 'Padmavat' the relation of 'Brahma' and Jeeva' has been depicted through the worldly love of 'Padmavati' and 'Ratnasen'.Padmavat, the epic poem is a fictionalized version of the historic siege of Chittor by Alauddin Khilji In 1303 AD, who attacks Chittor after hearing of the beauty of queen Rani Padmini, the wife of King Rawal Ratan Singh.According to Jayasi, Chitor stood for body, Raja for mind, Singhal for heart, Padmini for wisdom and Alauddin for lust.
