Page 1 ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test – from Theory ...ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test...

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PI 121119

- For immediate release -ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test autumn 2012

Page 1ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test – from Theory to Practice

The ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test is composed of Riding-, Ergonomic-, and Sa-fety Tests. A total number of 38 pedelecs participated. Test autumn 2012 is comple-ted.

Snow, ice, rain, and sun accompanied the Riding Test Autumn 2012. Despite weather-related disruptions, the test was successfully completed.

The Riding Test takes place on an outdoor test track to get an accurate picture of the vehicle on an every day use. It is conducted with an unique and special developed measuring technology. The parameter distance, support, efficiency of the drive, average speed etc. are determined for tour, hill and urban track.

A total number of 38 pedelecs attended the test, including 24 different brands and 2 prototypes.

Please note that the total number of test results will be extended with reissues. Reissues are already tested bikes which are still available on the market.

Bikes of the Test Autumn 2012 (prototypes excluded):

AsVIVA: Wild Eagle, ave: TH 11, Bulls: Greenmover E45, Greenmover Lavida Plus, Greenmover Outlaw und Six 50 E FS, Diamant: Beryll Deluxe + und Zouma Supreme +, Ebike: R004 29er MTB, Giant: Aspiro und Talon, Flyer: X-Serie Steer Deluxe, Haibike: xduro rx, Kalkhoff: Endeavour BS19, Impulse Premium i8R und Tasman Classic i8R, Kettler: Berlin Royal e-Tour, Obra Comfort, Obra Plus und Traveller e-Tour, Kreidler: Vitality Dice, Matra: i-step Touring XA11, Pegasus: Tour E-7, Premio E-8 und Premio Nu-E, Raleigh: Dover i360 Harmony, Riese und Müller: Culture hybrid NuVinci, Sparta: 501 RXS, Stoeckli: Stoeckli e.t, Stromer: Stromer ST-1, Utopia: E-Support Ped.Roadstar, Victoria: St. Vincent, Winora: C3, Faltrad und S2 sowie Zemo: Scooter

For immediate release – Please send a copy of your publication!mail: ExtraEnergy e.V.-Koskauer Str. 100-07922 Tanna, Germany

Tel: +49 366 46 270 94 - Fax:+49 366 46 270 95

Ilona Wünsche test rides Haibike xduro rx, Photo: Angela Budde (

PI 121119

- For immediate release -ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test autumn 2012

Page 2Ergonomic TestThe ergonomic test examines a product’s suitability for daily use and its intuitive usability.25 enthusiastic ADFC members came to Tanna to improve the ADFC`s advisory activities on Pedelecs.

The TasksDifferent questions on suitability for daily use and intuitive usability are evaluated during the Ergonomic Test. The evaluation is carried out on a scale from 1 to 6 with 1 as the best and 6 as the worst.

Task 1: Battery and chargerTask 2: Rear carrier – TravelTask 3: Stairs - Live and storageTask 4: Sill - Obstacles and transportTask 5: Adjustment - Before starting to rideTask 6: Test ride

Ergonomic Test - Global Quality ImprovementHannes Neupert (President ExtraEnergy e.V.) invited Chinese pedelec manufacturers to

For immediate release – Please send a copy of your publication!mail: ExtraEnergy e.V.-Koskauer Str. 100-07922 Tanna, Germany

Tel: +49 366 46 270 94 - Fax:+49 366 46 270 95

25 enthusiastic ADFC members came to Tanna to participate in the Ergonomic Test. Photo: Angela Budde (

PI 121119

- For immediate release -ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test autumn 2012

Page 3participate the Ergonomic Test. Xu jin: "We are learning from the European market to improve the quality of the pedelecs in China."

Synergetic Effect Ergonomic Test25 enthusiastic ADFC members came to Tanna to participate in the Ergonomic Test.

Armin Falkenhein (ADFC chairman Bavaria) and Markus Schildhauer (ADFC country manager Bavaria) agree: "The Ergonomic Test enables to give competent advice on pedelecs. We will continue to participate and recommend it to our ADFC members."

ExtraEnergy would like to thank the ADFC for the dedicated participation and looks forward to seeing the national German cycling organization ADFC at the spring test 2013.

Safety TestsSince 2009, ExtraEnergy co-operates with the laboratories and SLG. From November to December, these labs are

ready to inspect the vehicles to ensure mechanical and electrical safety.

Test ResultsThe test results will be available in the ExtraEnergy Magazine (print and online) from spring 2013.

Text: Angela BuddeEditor ExtraEnergy e.V.

For immediate release – Please send a copy of your publication!mail: ExtraEnergy e.V.-Koskauer Str. 100-07922 Tanna, Germany

Tel: +49 366 46 270 94 - Fax:+49 366 46 270 95

Different questions on suitability for daily use and intuitive usability are evaluated during the Ergonomic Test. Foto: Angela Budde (