Page 1 Various Topics WGISS 17 - Troms Ø May 10, 2004 I.Petiteville, ESA.

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Various TopicsVarious Topics

WGISS 17 - TromsWGISS 17 - TromsØØ May 10, 2004May 10, 2004

I.Petiteville, ESA

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List of TopicsList of Topics

• User Vice-Chair

• “Projects & Applications” SG Chair & Vice-Chair

• Future WGISS meetings

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User Vice-ChairUser Vice-Chair

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User Vice-Chair - HistoryUser Vice-Chair - History– Two User vice-chairs in the past: IGPB then UNEP

– User Vice-Chair vacant after the departure of M.Wilson (UNEP)

– WGISS-15 (Toulouse) concluded that this role had to be continued.

– Adhoc group (Antikidis, Clark, Cudlip, Faundeen, Petiteville) redefined the Terms of References of the WGISS User Vice-Chair.

– Call for candidates e-mailed on Jan. 15, 2004

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User Vice-Chair – User Vice-Chair – Terms of ReferencesTerms of References

• Summary of the TORs:– interact with science and environment organizations to

understand their EO requirements – engage less active agencies– coordinate with non-space organizations– pursue CEOS agencies for easier access to data, information

and S/W products

In addition:– The User Vice-Chair shall have a deep knowledge of the

worldwide User Community. – Presence required at every WGISS Plenary meeting.

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User Vice-Chair - CandidatesUser Vice-Chair - Candidates• Call for candidates closed on March 15, 2005• Two candidates:

Dr. Liu ChuangProfessor and DirectorGlobal Change Information and Research CenterInstitute of Geography and Natural ResourcesChinese Academy of Sciences

L.CzaranGIS OfficerUnited Nations, HeadquartersUN Geographic Information Working Group Secretariat

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User Vice-Chair Co-chairsUser Vice-Chair Co-chairs• Two excellent candidates with complementary


• Agreement by adhoc group to extend the TORs of the User Vice-chair in order to have Two User Vice-Chair Co-Chairs

• WGISS requested to approve the nominations of both Liu and Lorant

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““Projects & Applications” Projects & Applications” SG Chair & Vice-ChairSG Chair & Vice-Chair

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““Projects & Applications” Projects & Applications” SG Chair & Vice-Chair SG Chair & Vice-Chair • Current Chair and Vice-Chair:

– Ivan Petiteville (ESA) . Also WGISS Vice-Chair since Nov. 2003

– Osamu Ochiai (JAXA)

• Ivan to be replaced as “P&A” Chair at the end of WGISS 17.

• According to the SG Chair & Vice-Chair TORs, the SG Vice-Chair should become SG Chair

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““Projects & Applications” Projects & Applications” SG Chair & Vice-Chair (SG Chair & Vice-Chair (cont’cont’))

• Osamu has confirmed that he is ready to become Chair.

• WGISS requested to approve his nomination.

• Call for candidates for the Vice-Chair role.

• Call open until last day of WGISS 17.

• Vice-Chair nomination at the end of WGISS 17 (Friday May 14).

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Technology & Services SG Chair & Technology & Services SG Chair & Vice-ChairVice-Chair

• Chair & Vice-Chair will be renewed at the end of the next WGISS 18 (China, September 2004)

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Next Vice-Chair ?

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Future WGISS meetingsFuture WGISS meetings

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Future WGISS meetingsFuture WGISS meetings

• WGISS-18 China – Organiser National Remote Sensing Center of China– Date 6-10 September 2004 – Location Beijing (TBC)

– Contact Dr. Liu Dingsheng (

• WGISS-19 Argentina (joint with WGCV)– Organiser CONAE– Date February (date TBC) 2005 – Location ? – Contact Hugo Marraco (

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Future WGISS meetings Future WGISS meetings (cont’)(cont’)

• WGISS-20 Ukraine – Organiser NSAU, Space Research Institute– Date August 2005 (TBC)– Location Kiev (TBC)– Contact Dr. Oleksandr Kolodyazhnyy

( )

• WGISS-21 Hungary – Organiser ?– Date April or May 2006 – Location ?– Contact L.Czaran (UN)

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Future WGISS meetings Future WGISS meetings (cont’)(cont’)

• WGISS 22:– Organiser ?– Date September / October 2006 – Location ?– Contact ?

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ESA EO Multi-mission User Services

ESA Web Map Services

20 ESA and non-ESA satellite / sensors,

More than 7 million entries,

More than 200 thousands passes of browse.

More than 10 thousands access

per month.

Previous -ManualTransfer

New – Real TimeTransfer