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Wednesday, March 22, 2017 9:00 am - Dufferin OPP Detachment

1) Call to Order by Chair and Welcome Council Member Greg Lloyd 2) Oath of Office for Greg Lloyd 3) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4) Approval of Agenda 5) Approval of Minutes of December 05, 2016 meeting

6) Issues Arising from Minutes (Unfinished Business)

a) Provincial Offences

7) Presentations/Delegations – none

8) New Business a) Emergency Management Protocols – opening of emergency shelters, road closures, ticketing travelers on closed highways b) Speeding Trucks in the Hamlet of Rosemont c) Proposed Joint PSB Meeting - April 21, 2017 Correspondence (Information Items) a) Mulmur Township Motion re: 3 Key Priorities+ b) Dufferin Situation Table

9) Financial/Budget -- none 10) Detachment Report – on desk 11) Committee Reports – none 12) Other Business – Items for Future Meetings 13) Public Discussion – none 14) Confirming Motion

15) Adjourn





7 11

13 15

The Chair welcomed Staff Sergeant Nicol RandallSteven Sills until May 2017.


Monday December 05, 20162:00 pm - Dufferin OPP Detachment


be filling

Present: Dennis Phillipson - Mulmur Member - ChairJanet Horner - Council RepresentativeProvincial Appointee - Position VacantStaff Sergeant Nicole Randall- CaledonKerstin Vroom - Secretary

f ) Gall to Order by Ghair and Welcome Staff

left by Staff Sergeant

2l Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest

Chair Phillipson stated that if any member h iary interest that they could declarethe nature thereof now or at any time d th

3) Approval ofAgenda

Motion: Phillipson -Horner: THA en approved as copied and circulatedGarried.

4l Approval of 06, l6 meeting

Motion: Horner-Philli e June 06, 2016 minutes are approved as copied and circulatedCarried.

5) lssues Arising from Minutes (Unfinished Business):

a) Discussion on Motor Vehicle Gollision Reports (MVCR)

Staff Sergeant Randall advised the Board that it was the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) who advisedthe OPP that the detachments are not to fonryard MVCR reports to the municipalities as it was not theOPP's information to be sharing. lt was noted that insurance companies are eligible to receive thereports from the detachment for a fee. Staff Sergeant Randall said she would look into getting themunicipality information for municipal property damage occurring as a result of an MVC. Further, shewill also look into the "Emergency Equipment in Attendance" and "services Performed" as the reportsare coming to the municipality from the MTO without this information being filled in.

of Ju

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b) Results of Paid Duty

Staff Sergeant Randall advised that there were three paid duty times completed during the longweekends in August and September and the officers issued a total of 18 tickets.

c) Results Top Three Policing Priorities

The Board reviewed the input received from ratepayers on what they felt should be Dufferin OPP's topthree policing priorities and chose the majority concerns.

Motion: Phillipson-Horner: THAT the Mulmur Police Services Board recommends to the DufferinOPP that the three key priorities for policing in Mulmur are: traffic, property crime and visibility.

AND FURTHER, respectfully requests that this motion be endorsed by Council.Garried.

d) Dissolution of Dufferin PSB Website

The Board discussed the importance of having OPP our website as a good source forinformation for our ratepayers including the Media Rele

Direction was given to the Secretary to include a the OPP logo which wouldprovide general Dufferin OPP information as well

e) Melancthon PSB'Can

The Board reviewed the valuable info and requested copies for the Township'sfront desk for ratepayers

6) Presentati

s)a) Sills on his replacement

7) Financial/Ba) OPP Ann Statement General lnformation and Billing

The Staff Sergeant that the OPP contract had been settled and there will be incremental increases overthe next 3 years.

8) Detachment Report - April - June 2016.

The Board reviewed the Detachment Reports and noted that ratepayers were concerned with thebreak-ins. The Staff Sergeant advised the Board that typically with a population growth, crime canincrease; however, the Dufferin detachment has a high clearance rate for these crimes. Staff SergeantRandall noted that Mulmur's call for service are on track with the projected numbers. The Boarddiscussed the concerning stark increase in impaired charges. The Board questioned the apparentturnover in staff and the number of new recruits. The Staff Sergeant assured the Board that theDetachment cannot get more recruits than there are coaches available and that the OPP had changedits procedure for lateral transfers. The OPP is more cognizant now of placing new recruits where theywould like to be to help mitigate a lot of changeover of staff. The Staff Sergeant noted that there hasbeen a very concerning stark increase in impaired charges.

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l0) Committee Reports - none11) Other Business - ltems for Future Meetings

The Staff Sergeant advised the Board that the Provincial Offences Court Room in Orangeville has beenbooked out by the Superior Court for a considerable period of time that adds up to about six monthsover the next year which means that an offer has been made to have Provincial Offences Court held inCaledon. None of Dufferin County's police forces (OPP, Shelburne and Orangeville) were advised ofthis change and it will be a substantial cost to have the officers now travel to Caledon for court. TheStaff Sergeant is working with the Provincial Offences Regional Sr. Justice to see if they can haveofficers attend via video, which will mitigate some of the costs. lt was not known why the ProvincialOffences court rooms were allowed to be rented out for this extended period of time to the SuperiorCourt. This item will be on the next agenda for discussion.

l2) Public Discussion - none

l3) Confirming Motion

Motion: Horner-Phillipson: THAT all actions ofServices Board, with respect to every matterare hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed; andBoard Members and Officers at the meeting held onconfirmed.

141 Adjourn

Motion: Phillipson-Horner:Chair.

Approved by:


bers of the Mulmur Policeado the Board on the above date

and other actions taken by thedate are hereby adopted, ratified and


ourn at 3:51 pm to meet again at the call of the



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Part One POA

MULMUR 2015 2016

Part three POA

Jan 25 19

Feb 12 35Mar 75 78Apr 27 29May 56 32

June 13 23July 104 46Aug 26 39Sept 1B 31

Oct 34 63Nov 24 23Dec 26 5

Total 440 423

MULMUR 2015 2016Jan 0 16

Feb 0 6

Mar 1 o

Apr 0 4

May 1 3

June 1 0

July 1 2

Aug 1 6Sept 9 1

Oct 2 4

Nov 7 8

Dec 4 0

Total 27 56

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OPP have CLOSED Dufferin Rd 124 Due to Poor Visibility - Kerstin...

OPP have CLOSED Dufferin Rd 124 Due to Poor Visibility

Dufferin County Public Works <>

Wed 2017-02-08 4:59 AM <kerst¡>

OFFICIAL DUFFERIN ROADS NOTIFICATION View this email in vour browser

February 8,2017 4:58 am

ffiu.afferår-r R*ad '$24 *s tLt$Hm frcsm Så"reålbu¡nne

Ë,* S$x*gËrã8yrpt*ffi ds¡e åCI p@$r V$s$bååËty"

NOTE: Th¡s not¡l¡cation ¡s ¡ntendod for ¡nfomational purposes, as provided bythe local polic€ aulhority.

othef rêsourcêÊ: @5llonlario @opp_coMM_cR

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I of I 218/2017 8:58 AMPage 6 of 15

Town of Monog472og Mono Centre RoadMono, Ontario LgW 65g

December 21,2016

Mr. Mike Walker, ChairMono PSBBy Email

Mr. Dennis Phillipson, ChairMulmur P$BBy Email

Mr. Terry Dowdall, ChairNew Tecumseth PSB10 Wellington St. EAllison, ON LgR 141

Dear Sirs,

RE: Speeding Trucks in the Hamlet of Rosemont

Please see the attached correspondence received from two residents regarding theissue of speeding trucks through the Hamlet of Rosemont. We would appreciate if youcould provide some direction to your police services through your Board to assist inenforcing the existing reduced speed limits currently in place through the community,

Yours truly,

Laura Ryan,Mayor, Town of Mono



Telephone: Sagt4t-g1gg Fbx: 5rg4r4r-9r49o E-mail: Web site; www,

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,; , . "".: ,,|.". 1a \

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o ...! le--.Laura Ryan, Mayor of Mono Township


November 07,20L6

Re: Sseedlnr trucks on Hkhway 89 throuqh Rosemont, Ontarlq

Dear Ms. Ryan,

On Monday, November 07, while waiting to have lunch at 'The Globe" Hotel in Rosemoun! I witnessed

two HUGE east-bound gravel trucks nearly'slaughter'an elderly couple who were attending the Dufferin

Arts Council meeting. The couple was turning right off Highway 89, turn signals on, waiting forpedestrlans to clear the intersection. The lead truck, 'blasting' through town, braked hard. The cab

ended up in the west-bound lane before continuing on its way to Alliston. lt was a miracle that no one

was killed.

You and your Council members know that large trucks regularly'thunde¡' through Rosemount, well overthe posted speed limit, with little fear of consequences. Had this driver not braked and jack-knifed, theelderly couple - and likely others - would have been corpses. West.bound trucks coming up the rise

into Rosemount seem to be more responsible, respecting the town's speed limit and the community.

A response that Highway #89 is NOT Mono's responsibility would be a 'COP-OUT, As Mayor, it is your

responsibility to protect your citizens. lf not you, WHO? The argument that gravel trucks are on a timeschedule, thereby justlfying excessive speed, is at best juvenile if not criminal. With more gravel trucks

on the horizon - given the proposed quarries in our area - the danger will only increase.

As members of your communÍty and of the Dufferin Arts Council, we respectfully demand that you

ensure that the OPP act to protect citizens and tourists who visit our beautiful community. Please send

me/us a copy of the actions you have taken to reduce this Rosemount hazard.

Yours truly,

k Ç,ÅRichard Byford


c.c. Shelburne Free Press, Orangeville Citizen, President, Dufferin Arts Council[: : i : ','' ,lÌ¡T,,1 tiîif;]

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r,,,, r.$Sdi *;.,Ln.....,

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November 28,2016

Mayor Lawa RyanTownship of Mono347209 Mono Centre RoadMono, OntarioL9ìü 653

Dear Mayor Ryan:

The puqpose of my letter is pertaining to the speed of traffic along Hþhway89, through the hamlet of Rosemont.

In speaking with the Farners Market businesses this year, they said ddvers ofcârs are aftaid to pull over as the tnrcks drive so fast and ere on their tails.As a rcsult, the revenue from the markets has decreased dramatically,

I am suggesting a flashing light, speed bumps or alternative measures in orderto slow down the traffic. I know from petsonal experience as I own businesson both side of the Highway that crossing the road can be life threatening.

Thank you for your consideration and assistance in solving this sedousptoblem.


c4, JÀJanice O'BornOwner


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Kerstin Vroom




Mike Walker < >

Thursday, December 22,2016 9:43 AMJackie Pherrill; Nicol; 'Ken McGhee: Town of Mono'; 'Brenda Teeter'; Zayachkowski,Derek (OPP); Kerstin VroomResponse to Letter from Mono Mayor re Speeding in RosemontLetter to PSBs.pdf

Ms Pherrill:

I acknowledge receípt of the Mayor's correspondence (attached) with respect to gravel truck movement on Highway89.

The Mono Police Service Board have recently discussed the issue of speeding and heavy truck movement on our roadsand highways. The Dufferin OPP have acknowledged and recognize the issues and have stepped up enforcement andsurveillance using marked and unmarked patrol vehicles and surreptitious sp*ed measuring devices to determine äreasof greatest concern. The "Black Cat Radar Recorder" produces data which includes: Speed Ënforcement Ëvaluation, BestTimes for Ënforcement, Hourly Data by Date, etc. Based on the data officers are deployed accordingly. The Board ispleased with the proactive traffic enforcement progräm that is currently in place.

Rest assured that the concerns of our citizens are recognized and always acted on. By copy of this email toA/Detachment Commander S/Sgt Randall, I request thðt these latest concerns be reviewed and that any observationsand enforcement results be reported back at our next Board Meeting.

Citizens should also be awäre that they should immediately report any driving complaints such as this directly to the CIppwho can, in many cases, apprehend offenders and take appropriate enforcement steps.

Please contact me if you have any questions on this or any matter of mutual concern.

Happy Holidaysl

M.l. {Mike) WalkerChaír - Cítízen RepresentativeMono Police Services Board

From: Jackie Pherrill [mailto:jackie,]Sent: December 22,2016 9:00 AMTo: Mike Walker (;; kvroom@mulmur.caSubject: Letter from Mono Mayor re Speeding in Rosemont

Please find attached a letter from Mayor Ryan regarding the above subject.


Jackie PherrillAd mi nistrative Assista nt to CAO/Cle rk

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Kerstin Vroom

Subject: FW:ïentative Date PSB Joint Meeting: Friday April21,2017

From: Denise Holmes]Sent: Monday, March 06,2OL7 10:25 AMTo: Kerstin Vroom <kvroom @m>Subject: RE:Tentative Date PSB Joint Meeting: Friday April2L,2OI7

Hi Kerstin,

I checked with our members and here are some items they would like to see on the Agenda:

A. Provincial Offences Court update/discuss¡onB. Auxiliary to OPP for safeguard program update/implement

lf you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.



Denise B. Holmes, AMCTCAO/Clerk, Township of Melancthon579-925-5525 Ext. 707

From: Kerstin Vroom]Sent: Thursday, March 02,2017 9:50 AMTo: Denise Holmes; 'Jeff Bunn'; 'Kathy Pearl'; csmith@cfoalternative.caCc: dennis,connie@zing-net,ca; Greg Lloyd; Randall, Nicol (OPP)Subject: Tentative Date PSB Joint Meeting: Friday Aprll2L, 20L7

Hello All,

Could you kindly check with your Boards to see if there is any interest and/or agenda topics for the nexttentative PSB Meeting for Friday April 2L, 20L7.

The Mulmur Board will be meeting on March 22 to discuss and finalize

Thanks so much,


Kerstin Vroom, CMM I Deputy Clerk-TreasurerTownship of Mulmur | 758070 2'd Line East I Mulmur, Ontario LgV 0G8


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Kerstin Vroom


Hi Kerstin,

l've checked with our board and they do not have anything for the agenda at this time



Kathy Pearl, Deputy ClerkTownship of Amaranth374028 6th L¡ne I Amaranth I ON I LgW 0M6Tel (519) 941-L007 ext22I I Fax:(519)

From : Kerstin Vroom [ma ilto : kvroom @ m u lm u]Sent: Thursday, March 2,2077 9:50 AMTo: Denise Holmes <>; 'Jeff Bunn' <>; Kathy Pearl<kpearl@amara>; csm ith@cfoalternative.caCc:; Greg Lloyd <>; Randall, Nicol (OPP)<>Subject: Tentative Date PSB Joint Meeting: Friday April2L,2OI7

Hello All,

Could you kindly check with your Boards to see if there is any interest and/or agenda topics for the nexttentative PSB Meeting for Friday April 21-, 2017.

The Mulmur Board will be meeting on March 22 to discuss and finalize

Thanks so much,


Kerstin Vroom, CMM I Deputy Clerk-TreasurerTownship of Mulmur | 758070 2nd Line East I Mulmur, Ontario LgV OG9

Phone 705-466-3341- ext. 223 | Fox 705-466-2922 |

Kathy Pearl < >

Monday, March 13,2017 11:16 AMKerstin VroomRE: Tentative Date PSB Joint Meeting: Friday April21,2017



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Mulmur Township Council met on Wednesday, December 14th,2016, at9 a.m.with the following present;

Paul Mills- MayorEarl Hawkins - Deputy Mayor\Janet Horner - CouncillorKeith Lowry - CouncillorGreg Lloyd - Councillor

4.4 Report of Kerstin Vroom, Secretary of the Mulmur Police ServiceBoard, dated December 14th on the Board's three key priorities.

Motion #222-16 Hawkins-Lowry: That Council receive the report of KerstinVroom, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, dated December l4th andendorse the MulmurPolice Services Board recommendation to the Dufferin OPP that the three keypriorities for policing in Mulmur are; traffic, property crime and visibility.


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Mayor Mills and Members of Council

Kerstin Vroom, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

December 14,2016

Dufferin OPP Priorities


THAT Mulmur Council endorses the Mulmur Police Services Boardrecommendation to the Dufferin OPP that the three key priorities for policing inMulmur are: traffic, property crime and visibility.


Objective 3 LocalAccess to Services and Objective 5 Community Participation


At the December 05, 2016 Police Services Board meeting, the Board along with StaffSergeant Randall, reviewed the input received from ratepayers on what they felt shouldbe Dufferin OPP's top three policing priorities and chose the majority concerns.

Motion: Phillipson-Horner: THAT the Mulmur Police Services Board recommends tothe Dufferin OPP that the three key priorities for policing in Mulmur are: traffic, propertycrime and visibility.

AND FURTHER, respectfully requests that this motion be endorsed by Council.Garried

Respectfully subm itted,


Kerstin VroomDeputy Clerk-Treasurer

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Dufferin Siüxr ati clrT T¿nble

The Situation Table:

o ls an evidence based approach to mitigating risk. Addresses situations of acutely elevated risk facing individuals, families and

communities of Dufferin Countyo Provides immediate coordinated and integrated response through the mobilization of

resourceso ldentifies community needs/gaps/concerns to the Human Service Sector

Acutely Elevated Risk is defined in this model as:

. Probability that a situation will, without intervention, quickly escalate to the point of crisis

. The identified risk requires a multiagency response

. The potential crisis is high risk and will negatively impact the individual, family and/or thecommunity system

Privacy and Gonfidentiality is criticalto the process:

The Otfice of the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario and the Ministry of Community Safety andCorrectional Services support the work of over 50 Situation Tables across Ontario and areworking together to ensure privacy is respected. All table member organizations have theauthority to collect the Personal lnformation or Personal Health lnformation and only thoseorganizations that have a role to play in the development and implementation of an effectivestrategy to reduce or eliminate the risk.

The model is a four filter approach that provides a structure to ensure that only situations ofacutely elevated risk are discussed; minimal personal and personal health information is

brought to the discussion; the discussion is limited to agencies directly involved.

The Dufferin Situation Table is based on the Prince Albert Saskatchewan model of risk-drivencollaborative intervention. Examples of other tables in the surrounding area can be viewed at:

http://wwlhin.on.calen/newsandstories/current news/20150603connectivitv.aspx

http://vimeo. com/1 082821 3 1

For more information about the Dufferin Situation Table, contact Jennifer Myles,


Co$$ahm*"s*$vs #l$ç$ç ffi¡:$trerx tcrv'nm*,xmËty $afety & Wm$$ Beïn*g

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