Pagine attive per Windows - Dipartimento di Informaticaguido/master-asp.pdfVBscript • Introduce il...

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Pagine attive per Windows

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 2


• Server-side scripting technology diMicrosoft per creare web pages interattive

• Una pagina asp è una pagina contenenteHTML (ma non solo) inframmezzato dascript tag da eseguire sul server

• Possibilità di usare oggetti COM e ADO diWindows e di manipolare documenti XML

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 3


• ASP per IIS e PWS di Microsoft, ma anchealtre piattaforme (Chili!ASP di ChiliSoft)

• Consente facile collegamento con ADO

• Il server riceve una richiesta dal client cheriguarda una pagina .asp

• La pagina (date.asp) contiene un documentohtml inframmezzato con del codice(VBscript, javascript)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 4

• Prima di inviare il documento, il serveresegue lui stesso le parti di programma inun thread interno

• Il codice genera in output parte deldocumento che viene sostituito agli scripttag

• Parametri ed output gestiti come oggetti daVBscript

• Introduce il concetto di sessione(ma utilizza comunque i cookies)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 5

ISAPI(internet server api)

• Permette legame con dynamic link libraries(DLL) che sono eseguite nello spazio dimemoria del server

• ISAPI filter: permette il controllo delleinformazioni dal client al server (persicurezza) e viceversa

• Una pagina trovata dal server vieneinterpretata dal filtro ISAPI asp.dll che necambia il contenuto

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 6

Pagine attive - tread del server



Web server

(Apache, IIS)

Macchina del server


ISAPI filter

.html request


Altre applicazioniADO

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Logfile169.254.154.181 - - [02/Aug/2000:22:25:52 +0100] "GET /Default.aspHTTP/1.1" 200 2425 - - [02/Aug/2000:22:25:52 +0100] "GET/IISSamples/Default/IE.GIF HTTP/1.1" 304 140169.254.154.181 - -[02/Aug/2000:22:27:28 +0100] "GET /asp/Pro ASP 3.0/Chapter08/Connection/Connection.asp?|23|80004005|[Microsoft][Driver_ODBC_Microsoft_Access_97]_Impossibile_trovare_il_file_'(sconosciuto)'. HTTP/1.1" 200 1151 - - [02/Aug/2000:23:40:53 +0100] "GET /ASP/Pro ASP3.0/Chapter 10/publishers.xml HTTP/1.1" 304 140 - - [02/Aug/2000:23:45:25 +0100] "GET /ASP/Pro ASP3.0/Chapter 11/RecordsetToList.xsl HTTP/1.1" 200 959 - - [03/Aug/2000:00:31:19 +0100] "GET /asp/Pro ASP3.0/Chapter 08/Recordsets/Recordset.asp?Action=Fields HTTP/1.1" 200 1345


Il linguaggio per ASP

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 11

VBscript• Sottoinsieme del linguaggio Visual Basic di

Microsoft: senza tipi

• Linguaggio interpretato senza compilazioneprecedente per maggiore modificabilità

• Orientato agli oggetti, ma senza classi

• Un solo tipo di dato, implicito: Variantil tipo della variabile dipende dal contesto:string, integer, object, currency, date,boolean

• Operatori per conversione di tipo esplicita

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 12


• Dichiarazione implicita o esplicita di variabili:Dim x, y, z (return è fine espressione)

• Assegnazionex=1w="stringa" (dichiarazione implicita)

• Array:Dim v(9), k(10,1) (v ha 10 indici, 0 ... 9)ReDim v(20)Redim preserve v(30)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 13


Dim strA, strX

strX = "una"

strA = "sono" & strX & "stringa" & "spezzata _ e molto lunga"

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 14

Subroutine e funzioni

• Come in Pascal, si distinguono dalleprocedure le funzioni che restituiscono unvalore

• Il valore di ritorno va assegnato ad unavariabile speciale che ha lo stesso nomedella funzione (come in Pascal)

• Parametri passati per call by reference• Variabili locali hanno la durata della

procedura e sono solo visibili in essa

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 15


Sub scrivi (strX, strY)

dim strZ

strZ = strX & strY


End Sub


Function square (intX)

square = intX * intX

End Function

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 16

Strutture di controllo

If condition Then statement

If condition Then statement statements ...


If condition Then statementsElse statementsEndif



Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 17

Select Case expressionCase value

statements...Case value

statementsEnd Select

Select Case strOPCase "+"

x = x + yCase "-"

x = x - yEnd Select

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 18

For var = start To finish [Step value]statements


For intX = 1 to 10 Step 2 Response.write(intX)Next

• output135

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Do While condition (While o Until)statements


intX = 3Do While intX > 0

Response.write(intX)intX = intX + 1

Loop• output321

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HTML fa parte del programma<html><body>

<% Dim i

for i = 1 to 10 step 2 %>

<BR>passo <%= i %>

<% next %>


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Script per Client (IE5)


<script language="VBscript"><!--


comandi VBscript







Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 22

Script per server


<script language="VBscript" runat="server">Comandi VBscript</script><p>

<% Comandi VBscript



<% Comandi VBscript %>

Sono le <%= time %>







Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 23

Non spezzare i tag...


<% Comandi VBscript %>

<p><b>Testo html</b>

<% Comandi VBscript %>



<% Comandi VBscript

Response.write("<p><b>Testo html</b>")

Comandi VBscript %>




Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 24

Inclusione script



<script language="VBscript" runat="server" src="/aspscript/" ></script>


<!--# include file="/aspscript/" -->


<% response.write square(5) %>





Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 25

Efficienza e sicurezza• Con Windows2000 i file html possono essere

denominati .asp: prima di parsificarli oeseguirli si controlla la presenza del tag <%

• I file asp vengono compilati e mantenuti nellacache per essere eseguiti fino a modifiche

• I COM creati in pagina asp possono essere"run out-of-process"

• Asp script e client-side script possono esserecodificati con BASE64 encription. Lo scriptengine li decodifica runtime

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 26

Oggetti intriseci di ASP• Request: mette a disposizioni informazioni

mandate da client tramite metodi e variabili:– HTTP metavariables– cookies– query string appese a URL– certificati SSL

• Response: informazioni mandate al client:– header http– cookies– output (message body): Response.write

(Sostituiscono stdin e stdout di CGI)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 27

• Application: creato al caricamento di asp.dllcon la prima richiesta. Contiene variabili eoggetti globali accessibili ad ogni script

• Session: oggetto associato a ciascun utente alprimo collegamento. Contiene le informazioniaccessibili a tutte le pagine visitate da un datoutente. Timeout stabilisce la sua durata dopoultimo collegamento.

• Server: offre metodi per creare nuovi processie oggetti COM (e ADO)

• ASPError: informazione su ultimo errore

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Collection di Request

• Query string: coppie attributo-valore inviateda form con metodo GET (URL munging)

• Form: coppie attributo valore inviate daform con metodo POST

• Cookies

• ServerVariables: metavariabili HTTP

• ClientCertificate


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 29




For Each keyItem In Request.servervariables()

strItemValue = Request.servervariables(keyItem)

Response.Write "<TR><TD>" & keyItem & " = " &strItemValue & "</TD></TR>"




Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 30

Query stringWhat is the capital city of Sweden? <BR>

<A HREF="q2answer.asp?answer=Reykavik&rw=wrong">Reykavik</A>

<A HREF="q2answer.asp?answer=Stockholm&rw=right">Stockholm</A>


Response.Write("Your answer was " & Request.QueryString("answer") &"...<BR>")

If Request.QueryString("rw")="right" Then

Response.Write("That's the correct answer!")


Response.Write("No, that's the wrong answer.")

End If


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 31



For Each Item in Request.Form

Response.Write("For element '" & Item &_

"' you've entered the value '" &Request.Form(Item) &_




Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 32

Multivalue form<FORM NAME="MultiChoice" ACTION="DealWithForm3.asp"


<H2>Which continents have you visited? </H2><BR>


<INPUT NAME="Cnent" TYPE=CHECKBOX VALUE="NorthAmerica"> North America <BR>

<% Response.Write("You've really been to all these places?" & "<BR>")

For i = 1 To Request.Form("Cnent").Count

Response.Write (Request.Form("Cnent")(i) & "<BR>")


Response.Write("<BR>" & "Impressive...")

End If %>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 33

Collection e variabili di Response• Cookies: le coppie attributo valore inviate

dal server allo user agent client

• Buffer: output bufferizzato fino a flush (pergestire errori runtime dello script)

• Content-type = mime-type ("text/xml")

• CacheControl = public o private

• Expires minuti (per proxy servers)

• PICS("...") (per filtrare contenuto pagina)

• status = messaggio (200 OK, 404 not found)

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Metodi di Response• AddHeader("name", "content") va usato

prima di spedire il contenuto della pagina

• End(), Flush()

• Redirect("url") 303 Object Moved url

• Write(string)

• BinaryWrite(Array) per inviare immaginisenza conversione di testo

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 35

<FORM ACTION="show.asp"METHOD="POST">firstname: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="first">lastname: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="last"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"></FORM>

<% firstname = Request.form("first") lastname = Request.form("last") Response.write(Request.form) For each objitem in Request.form Response.write objitem & ":" & Request.form(objitem) For intloop = 1 to Request.form.count Response.write Request.form(intloop) Next %>

first=Guido&last=Boella ...




Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 36

Cookies• Vanno creati prima di creare output in quantosi trovano nell'header

intCount = Request.Cookies("count")Response.Cookies("count") = intCount + 1Response.Cookies("count") .domain=""Response.Cookies("count") .domain="/docsrv/guido/"Response.Cookies("count") .expires = #date#Response.Write "Hai visitato questo sito " & _

intCount & "volte"VIRTUAL


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 37

<FORMACTION=<% =Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>METHOD="GET">login: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="login"VALUE = <% = Request.QueryString("login") %>passwd: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="passwd"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"></FORM>

<% login = Request.form("login") passwd = Request.form("passwd") Response.Cookies("loginInfo")("login")= login Response.Cookies("loginInfo")("passwd")= passwd %>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 38


<% if Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT") = 443 THEN

Response.Redirect("/securepages/default.asp") else Response.Redirect("/normalpages/default.asp") %>

• Genera un messaggioHTTP/1.1 302 Object Movedlocation /securepages/default.asp

•Stesso effetto su lato client<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0;URL=/securepages/default.asp">

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 39

L'oggetto Application• METODI E VARIABILI:

Contents: collection di variabili(application("nomevar"))lock(), unlock(): solo una pagina .asp puòessere eseguita per impedire interferenze

• EVENTI:onStart: subroutine eseguita alla creazionedell'oggetto ApplicationonEnd: eseguita alla chiusura

• File di inizializzazione: GLOBAL.ASA

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 40

L'oggetto Session• METODI e VARIABILI:

Contents: collection di variabili(session("nomevar"))Timeout: durata session; default 10 min.

• EVENTI:onStart: subroutine eseguita alla creazionedell'oggetto SessiononEnd: eseguita alla chiusura

• File di inizializzazione: GLOBAL.ASA

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 41

Global.asa<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server>

Sub Application_OnStart Application("visits") = 0 Application("Active")= 0End Sub

Sub Application_OnEnd


•VARS.ASPThere have been <B><%=Session("VisitorID")%></B> total visits to this site.<BR>You are one of <B> <%=Application("Active")%></B> active visitors.<BR>Your session started at <%= Session("Start") %>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 42

Sub Session_OnStart Session.Timeout = 1 Session("Start")=Now Application.lock Application("visits")= Application("visits") + 1 intTotal_visitors = Application("visits") Session("VisitorID") = intTotal_visitors Application("Active")= Application("Active") + 1 Application.unlockEnd Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd Application.lock Application("Active")= Application("Active") - 1 Application.unlockEnd Sub</SCRIPT>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 43

SessionID• Asp mantiene automaticamente la gestione delle

Session grazie ai Cookies

• Se non è attiva la ricezione dei Cookies nelbrowser, la Session non funziona

• Il server assume che richieste HTTP con stessosessionid arrivino dallo stesso utente

• Il Cookie è generato in maniera casuale perevitare interferenze: può essere intercettato esfruttato da hacker per spacciarsi per l'utente

• Connessione SSL permette il criptaggiodell'identificatore Session

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 44

• Il cookie sessionID viene inviato solo almomento di una assegnazione alla collectionsession (e.g., session("user")="guido"): masenza buffering l'header è inviato senza idHTTP_COOKIE: … ASPSESSIONIDFFFESKDR=FMCLMFDAKHFDCGHDCCPAPOCC;

• La session espira in base al valore disession.timeout (default=20min) o alla chiusuradel browser (cookie ha expires = 0)

• La session è associata al singolo server:problemi con le server farm; violo load balanceinviando stesso sessionid a stessa macchina

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 45

Esempio session<% response.expires = -10000

if NOT request.querystring("user")="" then



response.write "You are " & session("user") & " "

response.write "<br><a href=" &request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & ">Go back to startpage</a>"

end if

if session("user") = "" then %>

<form method="get" action="<%=request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>">

<input type=text name="user">what's your name?</input></form><%


response.write "<Br>Hello " & session("user")

end if %>


Durata session 1min

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L'oggetto Server• METODI e VARIABILI:

createObject("id"): crea istanza di oggetto erestituisce reference (set). id è cslid "{RB23...}" oProgid: "ADODB.Connection" (vendor.component)

• Execute("url"), Transfer("url"): trasferisce ilcontrollo a script url assieme al contesto (e ritorna)

• GetLastError(): reference ad errore

• File di errore è chiamato tramite server.Transfer:C:¥WINDOWS¥HELP¥common¥400.htm ecc.

• Per eliminare un oggetto x e recuperare la memoria:set x = nothing

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 47

Counter<% Dim objFSO, objCountFile ' object vars for FSO and File

Dim strCountFileName ' filename of count text file

Dim iCount ' count variable

strCountFileName=Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & ".cnt")

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Open the file as a text stream (1 = ForReading, True = Create)

Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCountFileName, 1, True)

If Not objCountFile.AtEndOfStream Then iCount =CLng(objCountFile.ReadAll)


iCount = 0

End If

objCountFile.Close CONTINUA

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Set objCountFile = Nothing

iCount = iCount + 1

Set objCountFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strCountFileName, True)

objCountFile.Write iCount


Set objCountFile = Nothing

Set objFSO = Nothing

Response.Write "This page has been visited by " & iCount _

& " people"


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 49

Script di benvenuto


Dim dHour

dHour = Hour(Now)

If dHour < 12 Then

Response.Write "Good morning!"

ElseIf dHour < 17 Then

Response.Write "Good afternoon!"


Response.Write "Good evening!"

End If

%> We hope you are enjoying our sample code.<BR>

<BR> If you are curious it is currently <%= Time() %> on <%= Date()%>.<BR>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 50

Time counter<% If Request.QueryString("time") = "" Then %>You ... <BR><% Elsedifftime = DateDiff("s", Request.QueryString("time"), Now()) %>You spent <%= difftime %> seconds.<BR>

<% End If %><BR><A HREF="time.asp?time=<%=Server.URLEncode(Now())%>">How long have I spent on thispage?</A><BR>

<% totaltime = session("time") session("time") = difftime + totaltime


atotaltime = application("atime")

application("atime") = difftime + atotaltime

application.unlock %><BR>You have spent<%= session("time") %> seconds during this session.

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 51

File System• I comandi per gestire i files sono metodi

dell'oggetto "Scripting.FileSystemObject"

• Per manipolare files occorre quindi creare unaistanza dell'oggetto file system

• Metodi:openTextFile(nomefile, r/w, create): apre il filenomefile ("c:¥asp¥file.txt") creando un oggettostream corrispondente. r/w: forReading=1,forWriting=2, forAppending=8. create è true ofalsecreateTextFile(nomefile, create): crea lo streamdel file nomefile

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 52


• Metodi:fileExists(nomefile): controlla esistenza diun filedeletefile(nomefile): cancella il file

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 53

Oggetto stream• Uno stream è creato dal metodo di apertura

file del fileSystemObject o daopenAsTextStream di un oggetto file

• Variabili:atEndOfStream: vero se lo stream è vuoto oè stato letto tutto

• Metodi:readall, readline: lettura file o lineawrite stringa: scritturawriteline stringa: scrittura con a capoclose(): chiusura stream

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• Uno stream è un flusso di caratteri leggibilio scrivibili

• Con ADO2.1 esistono solo streamcorrispondenti a files

• Con ADO2.5 si possono usare stream inmemoria senza un file corrispettivo

• Gli oggetti Request e Response diventanostream di input e output

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Oggetto file• Un oggetto file è creato con il metodo

getfile(nomefile) dell'oggettofileSystemObject

• L'oggetto file contiene le proprietà del file epermette di accedere al contenuto creandouna stream con openAsTextFile

• Variabili:name, dateLastModified, type

• MetodiopenAsTextFile(): crea stream

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Gestione file

<% Dim objFSODim objFileDim dateModifiedSet objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(Server.MapPath("modified.asp"))dateModified = objFile.DateLastModified %>This file was modified on <%= dateModified %> or <%FormatDateTime(dateModified, 1) %><% Set objFile = NothingSet objFSO = Nothing %>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 57

Text file<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" FILE="c:¥Programmi¥File


<% strTextFile = Server.MapPath("MyFile.txt")

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If Len(Request.Form("cmdUpdate")) Then

strNewText = Request.Form("txtContent")

arrLines = Split(strNewText, vbCrLf)

Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTextFile, 2)

For intLine = 0 To UBound(arrLines)

strThisLine = arrLines(intLine)

If Len(strThisLine) > 4 Then objTStream.WriteLine Mid(strThisLine, 6)



End If

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<FORM ACTION="<% = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>"METHOD="POST">

The contents of the disk file <B><% = strTextFile %></B> are:<P>

<TEXTAREA NAME="txtContent" ROWS="10" COLS="50" >

<% Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTextFile, 1)

Do While Not objTStream.AtEndOfStream

intLineNum = objTStream.Line

strLineNum = Right("00" & CStr(intLineNum), 3)

strLineText = objTStream.ReadLine

Response.Write strLineNum & ": " & strLineText & vbCrLf




<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="cmdUpdate"VALUE="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;">


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 59

Oggetto Dictionary

• Una tabella associativa in ASP è unaistanze dell'oggetto Dictionary:"Scripting.Dictionary"

• Variabili:keys: restituisce l'array delle chiaviitems: restituisce l'array dei valoricount: numero elementi della tabella

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Oggetto Dictionary

• Metodi:item("chiave"): il valore associato allachiave. Abbreviazione: ("chiave")add chiave, valore: inserisce la coppiachiave-valore nella tabellaexists("chiave"): vero se alla chiave èassociato un valore nella tabella

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 61

Oggetto Dictionary

<% Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

objDictionary.Add "Apple", "Red"

objDictionary.Add "Lemon", "Yellow"

strValue = objDictionary.Item("Apple")

if objDictionary.Exists("Apple") then

objDictionary.Item("Apple") = "Green"

end if

arKeys = objDictionary.keys

for i = 0 to objDictionary.Count -1

Response.Write "<BR>Key = " & arKeys(i) & " -- Value = " &objDictionary.Item(arKeys(i))


arItems = objDictionary.items


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 62

Gestione directory

<% strPathInfo = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strPathInfo)Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath)set objFolder = objFile.ParentFolderset objFolderContents = objFolder.Files%><TABLE><%For Each objFileItem in objFolderContents

%><TR><TD><A HREF="<%= objFileItem.Name %>">

<%= objFileItem.Name %></A></TD><TD><%= objFileItem.type %></TD><TD><%= objFileItem.size %></TD><TD><%= objFileItem.DateLastModified %></TD></TR>

<% Next %>

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VBscript non e' l'unico linguaggio<%@ LANGUAGE = PerlScript %><html><BODY> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><TABLE CELLPADDING=3 BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR VALIGN=TOP ><TD WIDTH=400></TD></TR></TABLE><%

for ($i = 3; $i < 8; $i++) {%>

<font size=<%= $i %>>"Hello World!"


<% } %></BODY></HTML>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 64

VBscript non e' l'unico linguaggio<%@ LANGUAGE = Javascript %><html><BODY> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><TABLE CELLPADDING=3 BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR VALIGN=TOP ><TD WIDTH=400></TD></TR></TABLE><%

for (i = 3; i < 8; i++) {%>

<font size=<%= i %>>"Hello World!"


<% } %></BODY></HTML>

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Negozio elettronico

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Negozio elettronico

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Shopping cart

<% 'Sub AddItemToCart(iItemID, iItemCount) If dictCart.Exists(iItemID) Then

dictCart(iItemID) = dictCart(iItemID) + iItemCountElse

dictCart.Add iItemID, iItemCountEnd IfResponse.Write iItemCount & " of item # " & iItemID & " have beenadded to your cart.<BR><BR>" & vbCrLf

End Sub

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Sub RemoveItemFromCart(iItemID, iItemCount) If dictCart.Exists(iItemID) Then

If dictCart(iItemID) <= iItemCount ThendictCart.Remove iItemID

ElsedictCart(iItemID) = dictCart(iItemID) - iItemCount

End IfResponse.Write iItemCount & " of item # " & iItemID & " have

been removed from your cart.<BR><BR>" & vbCrLfElse

Response.Write "Couldn't find any of that item yourcart.<BR><BR>" & vbCrLfEnd If

End Sub

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Sub ShowItemsInCart()Dim KeyDim aParameters ' as Variant (Array)Dim sTotal, sShipping %>

<TABLE Border=1 CellPadding=3 CellSpacing=1> <TR><TD>Item #</TD> ... </TR> <%sTotal = 0For Each Key in dictCart

aParameters = GetItemParameters(Key) %><TR><TD ALIGN="Center"><%= Key %></TD>

<%= aParameters(1) %><%= dictCart(Key) %> <A HREF="./shopping.asp?action=del&item=<%= Key%>

&count=1">Remove One</A>&nbsp;&nbsp <TD>$<%= aParameters(2) %></TD>

<TD>$<%=FormatNumber(dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)),2) %></TD></TR><%sTotal = sTotal + (dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)))


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 70

<% sTotal = sTotal + (dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)))NextIf sTotal <> 0 Then

sShipping = 7.5Else

sShipping = 0End IfsTotal = sTotal + sShipping %>

$<%= FormatNumber(sShipping,2) $<%= FormatNumber(sTotal,2) %></TD></TR></TABLE><% End Sub

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 71

Sub ShowFullCatalog()iItemCount = 3 %><TABLE Border=1 CellPadding=3 CellSpacing=1> <TR><TD>Image</TD> … </TR><% For I = 1 to iItemCount

aParameters = GetItemParameters(I) %> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC="<%= aParameters(0) %>"></TD> …

<TD><A HREF="./shopping.asp?action=add&item=<%= I%>&count=1">Add this to my cart!</A></TD> </TR><% Next %></TABLE><%

End Sub

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 72

GetItemParameters(iItemID)Dim aParameters ' 3 stringhe image path, description, price

Select Case iItemID Case 1

aParameters = Array("./images/shop_shirt.gif", "ASP T-Shirt", "15.00") Case 2

aParameters = Array("./images/shop_kite.gif", "ASP Kite", "17.50") Case 3

aParameters = Array("./images/shop_watch.gif", "ASP Watch", "35.00")End Select

GetItemParameters = aParametersEnd Function%>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 73

<%If IsObject(Session("cart")) Then

Set dictCart = Session("cart")Else

Set dictCart = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")End IfsAction = CStr(Request.QueryString("action"))iItemID = CInt(Request.QueryString("item"))iItemCount = CInt(Request.QueryString("count"))

Select Case sActionCase "add"

AddItemToCart iItemID, iItemCountShowItemsInCart%><A HREF="./shopping.asp?action=">Continue Looking</A><A HREF="./shopping.asp?action=checkout>Checkout"></A>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 74

<% Case "del"RemoveItemFromCart iItemID, iItemCountShowItemsInCart

Case "viewcart"ShowItemsInCart

Case "checkout"PlaceOrder

Case Else ' ShopShowFullCatalog

End Select

' Return cart to Session for storageSet Session("cart") = dictCart%>


Comunicare nel linguaggio deidatabase

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 76

SQL: Structured Query Language(SeQueL)

• Linguaggio per l'interazione con database tramiteActiveX Data Object (ADO)

• Operazioni:– leggere informazioni

– selezionare informazioni

– cambiare e cancellare dati

– (modificare la struttura del database)

• Ispirato al linguaggio naturale

• Sintassi: keyword arguments keyword arguments...

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 77

Category ID Room ID Description ManufacturerSports Equipment Bedroom Exercise Bike Adventure WorksFurniture Living Room Gray three-cushion sofa Fitch & MatherSports Equipment Garage Mountain Bike Crawford & BicyclesElectronic Den Computer Bits, Bytes & Chips, Inc.Tool Garage Cordless drill ProElectron, Inc.Furniture Dining Room Ebony inlaid table unknownTool Garage Table saw Shear SavvyCollectible Den Baseball card collectionJewelry Bedroom Pearl neclaceElectronic Living Room Audio-Visual Receiver AVTech

Furniture Living Room Gray three-cushion sofa Fitch & Mather



Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 78


• Reperimento dati specificando:– tabella

– colonne tabella

– ordine

– restrizioni

• SELECT * FROM household inventory(prendi tutti (*) i record (con tutte le colonne) dallatabella household invenctory)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 79

• Selezione campi (colonne)SELECT description, manufacturer FROMhousehold inventory

• Selezione recordSELECT roomid, description FROM householdinventory WHERE roomid = livingroom

SELECT roomid, description FROM householdinventory WHERE date BETWEEN #20/01/90#AND #01/03/99#

SELECT roomid, description FROM householdinventory WHERE roomid LIKE '%room'

room iddiventaroomid

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 80

• Ordinamento del recordsetSELECT roomid, description FROM householdinventory ORDER BY roomidSELECT roomid, description FROMhouseholdinventory ORDER BY date DESC

• Unione tabelle: JOINSELECT a.roomid AS roomid, b.manufacturer ASmanufacturer FROM a INNER JOIN b ONa.description = b.description

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 81

• Inserimento di un recordINSERT INTO inventory (roomid, description,manufacturer, ...) VALUES ('bedroom', 'lamp','Brigthlight inc.', ...)

• Modifica di (un) record specifici(o):UPDATE inventory SET manufacturer='Darklight'WHERE description='lamp' ANDroomid='bedroom'

(modifica tutti i record che matchano i criteri)


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 82

Category ID Room ID Description ManufacturerSports Equipment Bedroom Exercise Bike Adventure WorksFurniture Living Room Gray three-cushion sofa Fitch & MatherSports Equipment Garage Mountain Bike Crawford & BicyclesElectronic Den Computer Bits, Bytes & Chips, Inc.Tool Garage Cordless drill ProElectron, Inc.Furniture Dining Room Ebony inlaid table unknownTool Garage Table saw Shear SavvyCollectible Den Baseball card collectionJewelry Bedroom Pearl neclaceElectronic Living Room Audio-Visual Receiver AVTech

Description ManufacturerExercise Bike Adventure WorksGray three-cushion sofa Fitch & MatherMountain Bike Crawford & BicyclesComputer Bits, Bytes & Chips, Inc.Cordless drill ProElectron, Inc.Ebony inlaid table unknownTable saw Shear SavvyBaseball card collectionPearl neclaceAudio-Visual Receiver AVTech

Room ID DescriptionLiving Room Gray three-cushion sofaLiving Room Audio-Visual Receiver

SELECT description, manufacturer FROM household inventory

SELECT room id, description FROM household inventory

WHERE room id = living room

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 83



Room ID DescriptionBedroom Exercise BikeLiving Room Gray three-cushion sofa

Garage Mountain BikeDen ComputerGarage Cordless drillDining Room Ebony inlaid tableGarage Table sawDen Baseball card collectionBedroom Pearl neclaceLiving Room Audio-Visual Receiver

Description ManufacturerExercise Bike Adventure WorksGray three-cushion sofa Fitch & Mather

Mountain Bike Crawford & BicyclesComputer Bits, Bytes, Inc.Cordless drill ProElectron, Inc.Ebony inlaid table unknownTable saw Shear SavvyBaseball card collectionPearl neclaceAudio-Visual Receiver AVTech

Room ID ManufacturerBedroom Adventure WorksLiving Room Fitch & Mather

Garage Crawford & BicyclesDen Bits, Bytes, Inc.Garage ProElectron, Inc.Dining Room unknownGarage Shear SavvyDenBedroomLiving Room AVTech

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 84

Gerarchia di WindowsASP

ActiveX Data Object (ADO)

OLEDBprovider per


OLEDBprovider per





Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 85

ActiveX Data Object (ADO)

• ADO è parte di COM (MS component object model)

• E' costituito da una gerarchia di oggetti:




• Si opera creando gli oggetti e manipolandoli

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 86

• Connection: la connessione con il database indicando

• Command: per eseguire comandi sul database a cui ci siè collegati con la connessione. I comandi sono espressiin SQL

• Recordset: insieme di record di un database. Offremetodi per manipolare l'insieme(spostamento, lettura...)

• Command e Recordset possono creare implicitamenteuna connessione anche senza connection

Gli oggetti Connection,Command e Recordset

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 87

Connection• L'oggetto connection crea una connessione

ad un database che puo' essere utilizzata perpiù operazioni di consultazione o modificadel database

• L'oggetto creato può essere passatoall'oggetto Recordset per indicare ildatabase a cui si sta accedendo

• Specifica del DB: o tramite DSN creato daldriver ODBC di Microsoft o indicando ildriver specifico del DBMS da usare ed ilnome del file.

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 88

Oggetto Connection

• Variabili:state: 1 se la connessione ha avuto successo(costante adStateOpen)

• Metodi:execute(querySql): invia un query aldatabase e restituisce un recordsetclose(): chiude la connessione (implicito afine script)BeginTrans, CommitTrans, RollbackTransper gestione transazioni

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 89

Permessi• La connessione fra server e database con

NT è condizionata dal settaggio di permessi

• Su IIS è possibile indicare per ogni file odirectory quale utente utilizzare per ilcollegamento:

• utente associato a richiesta anonima (didefault IUS_nomemacchina)

• utente e password passate tramite HTTP econtrollate con elenco password di sistema

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 90


• Nella stringa di connessione è possibilespecificare IUD e PWD per utente epassword

• Settaggio utente epassword nel databaseo nel driver ODBCdi Microsoft

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 91

Gli oggetti Connection,Command e Recordset

Dim dbRCSSet dbRCS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)

sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM household inventory" sqlStatement, DSN="nomedb"


Response.Write dbRCS("name")


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 92

Connessione implicita

Dim dbRCS 'dichiaro variabile per contenere recordset

'creo oggetto ADOSet dbRCS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)

'preparo SQL statement e poi riempio recordset

sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM household inventory" sqlStatement, DNS="db.mdb" 'connessione

dbRCS.MoveFirst 'indice del recordset

Response.Write dbRCS("name") 'accesso a field "name"


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 93

ConnessioneDim stP

'indico driver da usare in connessione e file

stP="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; _

DBQ=C:¥guido¥master¥inventario.mdb" 'file di MS Access

'creo oggetto connessione

set objC =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

objC.Open stP 'apro la connessione ed eseguo un comando

objC.execute("INSERT INTO vv _ '_ è a capo in VBscript(description, money) VALUES ('lampada', 100)")

set rsauthors = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "authors", objC 'nome connessione

rsauthors.movefirst ...

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 94


Dim stP

'connessione tramite Data Source NamestP = "DSN=pubs" 'creo oggetto connessione

set objC =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

objC.Open stP 'apro la connessione ed eseguo un comando

objC.execute("INSERT INTO vv _ '_ è a capo in VBscript(description, money) VALUES ('lampada', 100)")

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 95

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 96

ODBC DSN: data source name

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 97


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 98

Oggetto recordset

• Struttura dati formata dalla lista di recordprovenienti dal database e da un indicatoredi quale è il record corrente

• Il record è formato da un insieme di coppieattributo valore (variabili name e value)

• Permette la modifica in locale dei dati e illoro aggiornamento sul database

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 99

Oggetto recordset

• Variabili:state: 1 se la connessione ha avuto successoEOF e BOF: l'indicatore ha sorpassatol'ultimo (o il primo) record (EOF e BOFsono entrambe veri se il recordset è vuoto)Fields: collezione dei campi del recordcorrenteRecordCount: numero di record nelrecordset

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 100

Oggetto recordset• Metodi

Open querySQL, connessione, [cursor],[lock]MoveFirst, MoveNext, MovePrevious,MoveLast: spostamento indicatore nellalista dei recordaddNew: aggiunge nuovo recordFind: cerca il record che soddisfa un vincoloUpdate: aggiorna le modifiche del recordcorrente su databaseUpdateBatch: aggiorna tutti i record

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 101

CursorDynamic cursor — allows you to viewadditions, changes, and deletions by other users;allows all types of movement through theRecordset that doesn't rely on bookmarks; andallows bookmarks if the provider supports them.

Keyset cursor — behaves like a dynamiccursor, except that it prevents you from seeingrecords that other users add, and prevents accessto records that other users delete. Data changesby other users will still be visible. It alwayssupports bookmarks and therefore allows alltypes of movement through the Recordset.

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 102

CursorStatic cursor — provides a static copy of a set ofrecords for you to use to find data or generate reports;always allows bookmarks and therefore allows all typesof movement through the Recordset. Additions,changes, or deletions by other users will not be visible.This is the only type of cursor allowed when you open aclient-side Recordset object.

Forward-only cursor — allows you to only scrollforward through the Recordset. Additions, changes, ordeletions by other users will not be visible. Thisimproves performance in situations where you need tomake only a single pass through a Recordset.

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 103

Locking del recordset• adLockBatchOptimistic 4 Indicates optimistic batch

updates. Required for batch update mode.adLockOptimistic 3 Indicates optimistic locking, recordby record. The provider uses optimistic locking, lockingrecords only when you call the Update method.adLockPessimistic 2 Indicates pessimistic locking, recordby record. The provider does what is necessary to ensuresuccessful editing of the records, usually by lockingrecords at the data source immediately after editing.adLockReadOnly 1 Indicates read-only records. Youcannot alter the data.adLockUnspecified -1 Does not specify a type of lock.For clones, the clone is created with the same lock type asthe original.

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 104

Creazione Recordset

Set rsAuthors = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

With rsAuthors

Select Case Request.QueryString("Action")

Case "Create"

.Open "authors", "Driver={Microsoft Access _

Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:¥asp¥Pro ASP 3.0¥pubs.mdb"

If .State = adStateOpen Thenresponse.write "Recordset created successfully"

elseResponse.Write "Recordset creation failed"

end if

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 105

Display records

Case "Display"

.Open "authors", strConn

If .State = adStateOpen Then

If not .EOF and not .BOF then

While not .EOF

response.write .Fields("au_fname") & ", " & _

.Fields("au_lname") & "<BR>"



else response.write "Recordset empty” end if


Response.Write = "Recordset creation failed"

end if

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 106

Mostra campi di un record

Case "Fields"

.Open "authors", strConn

If .State = adStateOpen Then

If not .EOF and not .BOF then

for each fld in .Fields

response.write & " : " & _

fld.value & "<BR>"



response.write "Recordset empty"

end if


Response.Write = "Recordset creation failed"

end if

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 107

Tabella per form dati.Open "authors", strConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If .State = adStateOpen Then


For each fld in .Fields

response.write "<TR><TD>" & &"</TD><TD><INPUT _ TYPE=""TEXT"" NAME=" & " SIZE=""21"" VALUE= ” _ & fld.value & "></TD>"


response.write "</TABLE><P><INPUT TYPE=""SUBMIT""NAME =""Submit"" VALUE=""Edit Record"">"


Response.Write = "Recordset creation failed"

end if

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 108

Gestione errori If objConn.Errors.Count > 0 Then For each objError in objConn.Errors If objError.number <> 0 then Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1>" & _

"<TR><TD>Error Property</TD><TD>Contents</TD>"& _

"</TR><TR><TD>Number</TD><TD>" &objError.Number & _"</TD></TR><TR><TD>NativeError</TD><TD>" & _

objError.NativeError & "</TD></TR>" & _ "<TR><TD>SQLState</TD><TD>" & objError.SQLState

& _"</TD></TR><TR><TD>Source</TD><TD>" & _

objError.Source & "</TD></TR>" & _ "<TR><TD>Description</TD><TD>" & _ objError.Description & "</TD></TR></TABLE><P>" End If Next

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 109

Aggiunta record rsauthors.Open "authors", strConn, adOpenkeyset, _

adLockOptimisticrsAuthors.Find "au_lname = '" & request.form("clastname") _ & "'"If rsAuthors.state = adStateOpen then

rsAuthors.AddNewrsAuthors.Fields("au_id") = request.form("au_id")

rsAuthors.Fields("au_lname") = request.form("au_lname") rsAuthors.Fields("zip") = request.form("zip") rsAuthors.Fields("contract") = request.form("contract") rsAuthors.Update response.write "Record added - Record Number = " & _rsAuthors.AbsolutePosition


ASP parla XML

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 111


• Asp offre una serie di metodi per gestire fileXML

• Il contenuto di un file XML diventa unoggetto di ASP e non solo una stringa dicaratteri

• I recordset di un database possono esseretrasformati in un file XML

• Necessari IE5, IIS5 con ADO2.5 per pienafunzionalità

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 112


• Il browser IE5 (e forse Netscape 6) offronola possibilità di incorporare file XMLall'interno di una pagina HTML e dimanipolarli con VBscript (come con ASP) oJscript

• I dati XML (xml data island) possonoessere visualizzati in tabelle o in singolielementi XML tramite DATAFLD

• XMLHTTP permette di trasmettere oggettiXML al server e viceversa

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 113

Perché passare dati al client?

• Per avere applicazioni che rispondono inmaniera più veloce

• Per alleggerire il carico di lavoro del server:one page web applications

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 114


• Il browser IE5 permette di visualizzare unfile XML facendolo tradurre da unostylesheet CSS

<?xml version="1.0"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="menu.css" ?>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 115

CSS per XMLmenu.xml<?xml version="1.0"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="menu.css" ?><Menu effective="2000-04-01" expires="2000-06-30"> <Appetizers> <Item> <Name>Deep Fried Mushrooms with Stuff inThem</Name> <Price>6.00</Price> <Description>All mushrooms look alike. Focus on theconversation</Description> </Item>

menu.css:NAME {BACKGROUND-COLOR: teal; COLOR: white;


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 116


links.xml XML file contiene la descrizionegerarchica del menu

links.xsl regole XSL per generare i link dei menu'con gli appositi comandi onclick, id, e attributodisplay

menu.js contiene funzioni javascript per attivareattributo display di un DIV e la chiamata allatraduzione xsl da links.xml tramite links.xsl

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 117

<!ELEMENT Team (Manager , Members , Person+ )>

<!ATTLIST Team project ID #REQUIRED >


<!ATTLIST Manager person IDREF #REQUIRED >



<!ELEMENT Person (Name )>


<!ELEMENT Name (First , Last )>




Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 118

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE Team SYSTEM "team.dtd">

<Team project="a134">

<Manager person="a1"/>

<Members people="b1 c2 c9"/>

<Person sn="a1">






<Person sn="b1">







Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 119

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylecontacts.xsl" ?>



<NAME>John Doe</NAME>



<PERSONAL><CONTACT relation="family">

<NAME>Mary Jones</NAME>



<NAME>Mike Wilson</NAME>




Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 120

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">

<xsl:template match="/">


<xsl:apply-templates />



Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 121

<xsl:template match="CONTACT_INFO">

<xsl:for-each select="./*">


<xsl:when test="[!nodeName()='PERSONAL']">

<DIV STYLE="background-color:teal;"> Personal Contacts </DIV>



<DIV STYLE="background-color:black;"> Business Contacts</DIV>


<xsl:apply-templates /><P/></xsl:for-each> </xsl:template>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 122

<xsl:template match="CONTACT">

<xsl:for-each select=".">


<xsl:if test=".[@relation = 'family']">

<xsl:attribute name="STYLE">font-weight:bold</xsl:attribute>


<xsl:value-of select="NAME"/>

<DIV STYLE="font-size:10pt;left:.25cm;position:relative;">

<xsl:value-of select="PHONE"/>






Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 123

NUOVO STYLESHEET<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">

<xsl:template match="/">Traduzione root element<br/>

Elenco contatti:

<xsl:apply-templates select="*" /></xsl:template>

<xsl:template match="PERSONAL">

<xsl:apply-templates select="*" />


<xsl:template match="CONTACT"><A>

<xsl:attribute name="href">chiama.asp?<xsl:value-of select="./PHONE">


<xsl:value-of select="./NAME"></xsl:value-of>

<xsl:value-of select="./@relation"></xsl:value-of>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 124

Data island

• Due modi per includere XML dentro unapagina html


<XML SRC="http://localhost/xmlFile.xml"></XML>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 125

Data island

• Il contenuto è accessibile (in javascript)tramite il suo id nella proprietà all deldocument (in DHTML) o direttamente

function returnXMLData(){ return document.all("XMLID").XMLDocument.nodeValue; }

function returnXMLData(){ return XMLID.documentElement.text; }


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 126

Data binding

• Oppure il contenuto è accessibile inDHTML tramite gli attributi DATASRC eDATAFLD

• DATASRC fa riferimento all'ID del dataisland preceduto da #

• DATAFLD si riferisce ad un elemento XML• DATASRC può essere associato ad una

TABLE, ma DATAFLD non può essereassociato a TD direttamente: solo tramitealtro tag come DIV

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 127

Data binding

• Si può settare il contenuto di un elementoHTML direttamente usando la propertyinnerText o InnerHTML:

<div id="testo"></div><script>test.innerText="prova"</script><script>test.innerHTML=xmlid.documentelement.text</script>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 128


<HTML> <BODY><XML ID="xmlMeetings"> <?xml version="1.0" ?> <meetings> <meeting> <date>1/1/99</date> <time>9:00</time> <location>104</location> </meeting> <meeting> <date>2/1/99</date> <time>13:00</time> <location>34</location> </meeting> </meetings></XML><table datasrc="#xmlMeetings"> <tr> <td><div datafld="date"></div></td> <td><div datafld="time"></div></td> <td><div datafld="location"></div></td> </tr> </table>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 129

XML in HTML<XML ID="dsoData" SRC="authorsasxml.xml"></XML>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 130

XML in HTML<XML ID="dsoData" SRC="authors.xml"></XML>

<TABLE ID="tblData" BORDER="1" DATASRC="#dsoData"DATAFLD="rs:data">


<TABLE ID="tblData" BORDER="1" DATASRC="#dsoData"DATAFLD="z:row">




<TD><SPAN DATAFLD="au_id"></SPAN></TD>

<TD><SPAN DATAFLD="au_fname"></SPAN></TD>

<TD><SPAN DATAFLD="au_lname"></SPAN></TD>



Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 131


• Il modello ad oggetti DOM permette divedere un documento XML come unastruttura dati di un linguaggio diprogrammazione (API)

• Il parser XML è il programma che permettedi caricare il file XML, verificare la suacorrispondenza con il DTD e creare lastruttura dati manipolabile da XML

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 132

• La struttura dati è un albero dove la radice èla root del documento XML: /

• Comandi di ASP (ma anche Jscript o PHP4)permettono di accedere o modificare lastruttura dati

• Traduzione tramite XSL in ASP sul server

• Creazione oggetto XML:Set source = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")source.async = falsesource.validateOnParse= true 'non necessario: è default

• Caricamento filesource.load(sourceFile)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 133


<%@ Language=VBScript %> (ON CLIENT)<%sourceFile = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")+ "¥Chapter 08¥contacts_basic.xml"styleFile = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") +"¥Chapter 08¥stylecontacts_basic.xsl"

Set source = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")source.async = falsesource.load(sourceFile)Set style = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")style.async = falsestyle.load(styleFile)Response.Write(source.transformNode(style))%>

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 134

Compatibilità con vecchi browser<%@ Language="JavaScript" %><%

var userAgent = newString(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"));

if (userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 5") >= 0)




function OnServer() {

var doc, stylesheet;

doc = Server.CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom");

stylesheet = Server.CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom");

if (doc != null && stylesheet != null){



Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 135

<authors> <author> <name>Graham Greene</name> <id>32454345</id> </author> <author> <name>James Joyce</name> <id>43535345</id> </author></authors>


author author

name name idid

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 136


author author

name name idid




nextSibling previousSibling


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 137


author author

name name idid

documentelement.firtchild author (1)documentelement.childnodes.item(1) author (1)documentelement.firtchild.parentNode documentnamednodemap("name").item(1) name (1)documenteelement.firtchild.firstchild.text G. Greenedocumentelement.firtchild.nextsibling author (2)documentelement.lastchild.previousSibling author (1)

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 138

Accesso a documento XML• Creazione oggetto

set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")oppure Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM in global.asa comevariabile di applicazione

• ATTENZIONE: bisogna fare riferimento alla libreria giusta<!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib"FILE="c:¥Progammi¥filecomuni¥system¥msxml.dll" -->

• Caricamento oggetto da file:objXML.load(strSourceFile)e.g. strSourceFile = server.MapPath("asp") & "¥file.xml"

• Selezione di un nodo:set objColor = objXML.selectSingleNode("color")restituisce un oggetto node

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 139


<XML attributo1="valore1" attributo2="valore2">

<Team project="a134">

<Manager person="a1"/>

<Members people="b1 c2 c9">

<Person sn="a1">




<Person sn="b1">





Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 140

•VALIDAZIONE E GESTIONE ERRORI IN XML<% Language = VBScript %><HTML><HEAD> <TITLE> Verifire - an XML Verify utility</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FORM ACTION="verifire.asp" METHOD="POST"> Enter File to Verify: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"VALUE="<%=Request.Form("TestFile")%>" NAME="TestFile"> <BR>Display the file (if it is ok?) <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="Show"> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Test This"></FORM> CONTINUA


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 141

<% If Request.Form("TestFile") <> "" Then

Dim ObjXML, objRootElement

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

objXML.ValidateOnParse = True


If objXML.ParseError.errorCode <> 0 Then

Response.Write ("Error: " & objXML.parseError.reason )

Response.Write ("At Line " & objXML.parseError.line & ", ")

Else Response.Write (Request.Form("TestFile") & "is valid")

If Request.Form("Show") = "on" Then

Set objRootElement = objXML.documentElement

Response.Write (objRootElement.xml)

End If End IfEnd If %>


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 142

• Percorrimento nodelist (di foglie):

Selezione per nome:set objNames = bjXML.getElementsByTagName("name")

' restituisce una nodelist

dim strArr(objNames.length)

for itemX = 0 to objNames.lenght -1

strArr(itemX) = objNames.item(strArr).text


Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 143

Conteggio nodi XML<% var nodes = 0; var doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.xmldom"); doc.async = false; doc.load(Server.MapPath("menu.xml")); if (doc.readyState == 4 && doc.parseError.errorCode == 0) {Traverse(doc.documentElement); Response.Write("Nodes in the DOM for menu.xml: " + nodes);} else Response.Write("Error: " + doc.parseError.reason); doc = null;

function Traverse(node){ nodes += 1; if (node.attributes != null) nodes += node.attributes.length; for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) Traverse(node.childNodes(i));} %>

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• PROPRIETA' di XMLDOM• async* Indicates whether asynchronous download is permitted.


• attributes Contains the list of attributes for this node. Read-only.

• baseName* Returns the base name for the name qualified with thenamespace. Read-only.

• childNodes Contains a node list containing the children (for nodes thatcan have children). Read-only.

• dataType* Specifies the data type for this node. Read/write.

• definition* Returns the definition of the node in the DTD or schema.Read-only.

• doctype Contains the document type node that specifies the DTD forthis document. Read-only.

• documentElement Contains the root element of the document.Read/write.

• firstChild Contains the first child of this node. Read-only.

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• implementation Contains the XMLDOMImplementation object for thisdocument. Read-only.

• lastChild Returns the last child node. Read-only.

• namespaceURI* Returns the URI for the namespace. Read-only.

• nextSibling Contains the next sibling of this node in the parent's childlist. Read-only.

• nodeName Contains the qualified name of the element, attribute, orentity reference, or a fixed string for other node types. Read-only.

• nodeType Specifies the XML DOM node type, which determines validvalues and whether the node can have child nodes. Read-only.

• nodeTypedValue* Contains this node's value, expressed in its defineddata type. Read/write.

• nodeTypeString* Returns the node type in string form. Read-only.

• nodeValue Contains the text associated with the node. Read/write.

• ondataavailable* Specifies the event handler for the ondataavailableevent. Read/write.

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• onreadystatechange* Specifies the event handler to be called when thereadyState property changes. Read/write.

• ontransformnode* Specifies the event handler for the ontransformnodeevent. Read/write.

• ownerDocument Returns the root of the document that contains thisnode. Read-only.

• parentNode Contains the parent node (for nodes that can have parents).Read-only.

• parsed* Contains True if this node and all descendants have beenparsed and instantiated; False if any nodes remain to be parsed. Read-only.

• parseError* Returns an XMLDOMParseError object that containsinformation about the last parsing error. Read-only.

• prefix* Returns the namespace prefix. Read-only.

• preserveWhiteSpace* Contains True if default processing preserveswhite space; False otherwise. Read/write.

• previousSibling Contains the left sibling of this node. Read-only.

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• readyState* Indicates the current state of the XML document. Read-only.

• resolveExternals* Indicates whether external definitions (resolvablenamespaces, DTD external subsets, and external entity references) areto be resolved at parse time, independent of validation. Read/write.

• specified* Indicates whether the node (usually an attribute) is explicitlyspecified or derived from a default value in the DTD or schema. Read-only.

• text* Contains the text content of the node and its subtrees. Read/write.

• url* Returns the canonicalized URL for the last loaded XML document.Read-only.

• validateOnParse* Indicates whether the parser should validate thisdocument. Read/write.

• xml* Contains the XML representation of the node and all itsdescendants. Read-only.

* denotes an extension to the W3C DOM.

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• Metodi di XMLDOM• abort* Aborts an asynchronous download in progress.

• appendChild Appends newChild as the last child of this node.

• cloneNode Creates a new node that is an exact clone of this node.

• createAttribute Creates a new attribute with the specified name.

• createCDATASection Creates a CDATA section node that contains thesupplied data.

• createComment Creates a comment node that contains the supplieddata.

• createDocumentFragment Creates an empty DocumentFragment object.

• createElement Creates an element node using the specified name.

• createEntityReference Creates a new EntityReference object.

• createNode* Creates a node using the supplied type, name, andnamespace.

• createProcessingInstruction Creates a processing instruction node thatcontains the supplied target and data.

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• createTextNode Creates a text node that contains the supplied data.

• getElementsByTagName Returns a collection of elements that have thespecified name.

• hasChildNodes Returns True if this node has children.

• insertBefore Inserts a child node to the left of the specified node or atthe end of the list.

• load* Loads an XML document from the specified location.

• loadXML* Loads an XML document using the supplied string.

• nodeFromID* Returns the node whose ID attribute matches thesupplied value.

• removeChild Removes the specified child node from the list of childrenand returns it.

• replaceChild Replaces the specified old child node with the suppliednew child node in the set of children of this node, and returns the oldchild node.

• save* Saves an XML document to the specified location.

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• selectNodes* Applies the specified pattern-matching operation to thisnode's context and returns the list of matching nodes.

• selectSingleNode* Applies the specified pattern-matching operation tothis node's context and returns the first matching node.

• transformNode* Processes this node and its children using the suppliedXSL style sheet and returns the resulting transformation.

• transformNodeToObject* Processes this node and its children using thesupplied XSL style sheet and returns the resulting transformation in thesupplied object.

• Eventi di XMLDOM

• ondataavailable* Indicates that XML document data is available.

• onreadystatechange* Indicates when the readyState property changes.

• ontransformnode* Fires before each node in the style sheet is applied toeach node in the XML source.

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XMLDOMDOMDocument Represents the top node of the XML DOM tree.

XMLDOMNode Represents a single node in the documenttree; the base interface for accessing data in the XML objectmodel. Valid node types are defined in the DOMNodeTypeenumeration. This interface includes support for data types,namespaces, DTDs, and XML schemas.

XMLDOMNodeList Supports iteration and indexed accessoperations on the live collection of XMLDOMNode objects.

XMLDOMNamedNodeMap Provides iteration and access byname to the collection of attributes. This interface includessupport for namespaces.

XMLDOMParseError Returns detailed information about the lasterror, including the error number, line number, characterposition, and a text description.

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XMLHttpRequest Provides client-side protocol support forcommunication with HTTP servers.

XTLRuntime Implements methods that can be called from XSLstyle sheets.

• DOM ObjectsXMLDOMAttribute Represents an attribute object.

XMLDOMCDATASection Quotes or escapes blocks of text sothat text is not interpreted as markup language.

XMLDOMCharacterData Provides text manipulationmethods used by several objects.

XMLDOMComment Represents the content of an XMLcomment.

XMLDOMDocumentFragment Represents a lightweight objectthat is useful for tree insert operations.

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XMLDOMDocumentType Contains information associatedwith the document type declaration.

XMLDOMElement Represents the element object.

XMLDOMEntity Represents a parsed or unparsed entity inthe XML document.

XMLDOMEntityReference Represents an entity referencenode.

XMLDOMImplementation Provides methods that areindependent of any particular instance of the document objectmodel.

XMLDOMNotation Contains a notation declared in the DTD orschema.

XMLDOMProcessingInstruction Represents a processinginstruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specificinformation in the text of the document.

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XMLDOMText Represents the text content of an element orattribute.

The DOMNodeType enumeration lists all valid node types.


L'alternativa al DTD

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XML Schema• Microsoft ha (giustamente) proposto una

alternativa al formalismo DTD (documenttype definition) per specificare documentiXML perchè un DTD non è un documentoXML

• Uno Schema XML specifica gli elementiche possono essere presenti in un documentie gli attributi a loro associati usando XMLcome sintassi

• Uniformità e possibile utilizzo di XSL

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<?xml version="1.0" ?><PGROUP> <PERSONA>MACBETH</PERSONA> <PERSONA>BANQUO</PERSONA> <GRPDESCR>generals of the king's army.</GRPDESCR></PGROUP>

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Schema e XML<?xml version="1.0"?><Schema name="schema_sample_1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data" xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"> <ElementType name="PERSONA" content="textOnly"

model="closed"/> <ElementType name="GRPDESCR" content="textOnly"

model="closed"/> <ElementType name="PGROUP" content="eltOnly"

model="closed"> <element type="PERSONA" minOccurs="1"

maxOccurs="*"/> <element type="GRPDESCR" minOccurs="1"

maxOccurs="1"/> </ElementType></Schema>

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Content model di un elemento

• Definizione di elementi e attributi:<elementType name="nometag"><attributeType name="nomeatt">

• Occorrenza di elementi e attributi comeparte di altri:<elementType name="autore">

<element type="nome"/><attribute type="elenco"/>


• attributeType può essere locale o globaleper essere condiviso


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ElementType ed element

• Attributi ElementType:– content: textonly, eltonly, mixed (default), empty

(mixed: <nome>Bill <tag/> Gates</nome>)

– order: seq (default), one (solo uno dei figli), many(duplicazioni)

– model (novità): open (default), closedse un content model è open, può contenereelementi e attributi appartenenti ad altrinamespace senza che siano dichiarati localmente

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 161

• Attributi ElementType:– content: textonly, eltonly, mixed (default), empty

(mixed: <nome>Bill <tag/> Gates</nome>)

– order: seq (default), one (solo uno dei figli), many(duplicazioni)

– model (novità): open (default), closedse un content model è open, può contenereelementi e attributi appartenenti ad altrinamespace senza che siano dichiarati localmente(diventa possibile riutilizzare schemi standardsenza ridefinirli, vedi SOAP e Biztalk)

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<ElementType name="shipTo" xmlns:e-com=""> <element type="e-com:Address"/></ElementType>

<PurchaseOrder xmlns:e-com=""> <shipTo> <e-com:Address> <e-com:name>Alice Smith</e-com:name> <e-com:street>123 Maple Street</e-com:street> </e-com:Address> </shipTo> <orderDate>1999-05-20</orderDate> <shipDate>1999-05-25</shipDate></PurchaseOrder>

SCHEMA aperto



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Element• Attributi di Element:

– minOccurs e maxOccurs: numero di occorrenzepossibili dell'elemento nel content model0,1, ..., * (infinite)

• Raggruppamento di Elementi (con proprietà"order", "minOccurs", "maxOccurs"):

<elementType name="autore"><element type="nome"/>

<group order="one"> <element type="address"/> <element type="email"/> </group>

</elementType>SOLO UNO DEI DUE


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• Gli attributi non possono conteneresottoelementi, non hanno ordinamento, nè sipossono porre alternative, occorrono unasola volta

• Opzionalità od obbligatorietà: required =yes o no

• Range di valori e default:<AttributeType="number" default = "no" dt:values= "yes no" required=yes>

NAMESPACE dei tipi

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• Elementi e attributi si possono tiparenamespace dei tipi:xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">

<Schema name="myschema"



<ElementType name="pages" dt:type="int"/>

<AttributeType="number" required=yes>

<datatype dt:type= "int"/>


</Schema> NAMESPACE dt

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Estensione per vincoli semantici

<ElementType name="pages" xmlns:myExt="urn:myschema-extensions">

<datatype dt:type="int" />






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<Schema xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">

<ElementType name="au_id" content="textOnly"/>

<ElementType name="au_lname" content="textOnly"/>

<ElementType name="au_fname" content="textOnly"/>

<ElementType name="phone" content="textOnly"/>

<ElementType name="Author" content="eltOnly">

<element type="au_id"/>

<element type="au_lname"/>

<element type="au_fname"/>

<element type="phone"/>


<ElementType name="Authors" content="eltOnly">

<element type="Author" maxOccurs="*"/>



Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 168

<Authors> <Author> <au_id>172-32-1176</au_id> <au_lname>White</au_lname> <au_fname>Johnson</au_fname> <phone>408 496-7223</phone> <address>10932 Bigge Rd.</address> … </Author> <Author> <au_id>213-46-8915</au_id> <au_lname>Green</au_lname> <au_fname>Marjorie</au_fname> <phone>415 986-7020</phone> <address>309 63rd St. #411</address> </Author></Authors>

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<xml xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882"xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882"xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">

<s:Schema id="RowsetSchema">

<s:ElementType name="row" content="eltOnly">

<s:AttributeType name="au_id" rs:number="1" rs:writeunknown="true">

<s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="11" rs:maybenull="false" />


<s:AttributeType name="au_lname" rs:number="2" rs:writeunknown="true">

<s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="40" rs:maybenull="false" />


<s:AttributeType name="au_fname" rs:number="3" rs:writeunknown="true">

<s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="20" rs:maybenull="false" />



<s:extends type="rs:rowbase" />



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<z:row au_id="172-32-1176" au_lname="White" au_fname="Johnson"phone="408 496-7223" address="10932 Bigge Rd." city="Menlo Park"state="CA" zip="94025" contract="True" />

<z:row au_id="213-46-8915" au_lname="Green" au_fname="Marjorie"phone="415 986-7020" address="309 63rd St. #411" city="Oakland"state="CA" zip="94618" contract="True" />

<z:row au_id="238-95-7766" au_lname="Carson" au_fname="Cheryl"phone="415 548-7723" address="589 Darwin Ln." city="Berkeley"state="CA" zip="94705" contract="True" />

<z:row au_id="267-41-2394" au_lname="O'Leary" au_fname="Michael"phone="408 286-2428" address="22 Cleveland Av. #14" city="San Jose"state="CA" zip="95128" contract="True" />

<z:row au_id="274-80-9391" au_lname="Straight" au_fname="Dean"phone="415 834-2919" address="5420 College Av." city="Oakland"state="CA" zip="94609" contract="True" />




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Salvare recordset in XML


strsql = request.querystring("sql")

if NOT strsql="" then


Set rsAuthors = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if objFSO.FileExists(strFile) then

objFSO.deletefile strFile

end if

set objFSO = nothing

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 172

With rsAuthors

.Open strsql, "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:¥asp¥Pro ASP 3.0¥pubs.mdb"

If (.state = 1) then

.save strFile, 1 'adPersistent


end if

End with

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set objFile = objFSO.getFile(strFile)

set objStream = objFile.openAsTextStream()

response.write "<textarea>"& objStream.readAll()&"</textarea>"


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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="contatti1.xsl" ?>

<rs:data xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882"xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882"xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset"xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">

<z:row au_id="172-32-1176" au_lname="White" au_fname="Johnson"phone="408 496-7223" address="10932 Bigge Rd." city="MenloPark" state="CA" zip="94025" contract="True" />

<z:row au_id="213-46-8915" au_lname="Green" au_fname="Marjorie"phone="415 986-7020" address="309 63rd St. #411" city="Oakland"state="CA" zip="94618" contract="True" />

<z:row au_id="238-95-7766" au_lname="Carson" au_fname="Cheryl"phone="415 548-7723" address="589 Darwin Ln." city="Berkeley"state="CA" zip="94705" contract="True" />


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XSL per XML e DB

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">

<xsl:template match="/">Traduzione root element<br/>

Elenco contatti:

<xsl:apply-templates select="*" /></xsl:template>

<xsl:template match="rs:data"><xsl:apply-templates select="*"/></xsl:template>

<xsl:template match="z:row"><A>

<xsl:attribute name="href">chiama.asp?<xsl:value-of select="./@au_id">


<xsl:value-of select="./@au_lname"></xsl:value-of>

<xsl:value-of select="./@au_fname"></xsl:value-of>


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Recordset data island<INPUT TYPE=TEXT DATASRC=#xmlPeople DATAFLD=NAME>



<INPUT ID="first" TYPE=button VALUE="<<"onClick="xmlPeople.recordset.moveFirst()">

<INPUT ID="prev" TYPE=button VALUE="<" onClick=

"if (xmlPeople.recordset.absoluteposition > 1)


<INPUT ID="next" TYPE=button VALUE=">" onClick=

"if (xmlPeople.recordset.absoluteposition < xmlPeople.recordset.recordcount) xmlPeople.recordset.moveNext()">

<INPUT ID="last" TYPE=button VALUE=">>"onClick="xmlPeople.recordset.moveLast()">

<INPUT ID="add" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Add Person"onClick="xmlPeople.recordset.addNew()">

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Asynchronous loadingdocParser.ondataavailable = DataAvailHandlerdocURL = FileURL.value;docParser.load(docURL); ...function DataAvailHandler(){

// Get the number of attributes of the rootvar nodeCount = docParser.childNodes.length;var docRoot = docParser.documentElement;

// Count the first level nodes in the treeif (docRoot != null){ nodeCount += docRoot.childNodes.length; }

document.all("status").innerHTML = nodeCount + " XML nodesloaded so far";}


Comunicazione client-server

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Comunicare XML

• Se una pagina sul client ha bisogno non solodi ricevere ma anche di inviare informazioniin XML si può usare protocollo XMLHTTPdi Microsoft

• Non è necessario usare GET e POST, néricaricare l'intera pagina sul client

• Possibilità di gestione sincrona o asincronadella risposta

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Page A

XMLfile A





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Page B

XMLfile B



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Page A

XMLfile A





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Page A

XMLfile B



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XMLHttpRequest Properties,Methods, and Events


onreadystatechange* Specifies the event handler to be calledwhen the readyState property changes. Read/write.

readyState Represents the state of the request. Read-only.

responseBody Represents the response entity body as anarray of unsigned bytes. Read-only.

responseStream Represents the response entity body asan IStream. Read-only.

responseText Represents the response entity body as astring. Read-only.

responseXML Represents the response entity body as parsedby the MSXML parser. Read-only.

Master in web technology e security - Guido Boella 184

status Represents the HTTP status code returned by arequest. Read-only.

statusText Represents the HTTP response line status.Read-only.

* denotes an extension to the W3C DOM.


abort Cancels the current HTTP request.

getAllResponseHeaders Retrieves the values of all theHTTP headers.

getResponseHeader Retrieves the value of an HTTP headerfrom the response body.

open Initializes a Microsoft.XMLHTTP request, andspecifies the method, URL, and authentication informationfor the request.

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send Sends an HTTP request to the server and receives aresponse.

setRequestHeader Specifies the name of an HTTP header.

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XMLHTTP Request<script language="javascript">

function sendit(){

var oMsg = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")"POST", "<%=sURL%>", false)

oMsg.setRequestHeader("MethodName", "enterOrder")

oMsg.setRequestHeader("MessageType", "Call")

oMsg.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml-SOAP")



<xml id="oOrder"><root>

<description>Personal Stereo</description>


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XMLHTTP Response<% Response.ContentType = "text/xml"

Response.Expires = 0

Dim fso, logfile, xmldoc, strResult

Set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")



if xmldoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 then … end if

strProcdate =server.HTMLEncode(cstr(FormatDateTime(Now,vbLongDate)))

strResult = "<orderconfirmation>Your order … "

response.write strResult %>

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XMLHTTP request II

<script> function postXML() { var xmlhttp = new

ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xmlhttp.Open("POST",

"http://localhost/asp/aspxml/code/other/ping.asp", false); alert(XML.value); xmlhttp.Send(XML.value); alert("Round tripped XML document:¥n¥n" +

xmlhttp.responseXML.xml); }</script><textarea id=XML rows=12 cols=60><XML>This is the XML document that will be round


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XMLHTTP Response II<script language=javascript runat=server>

Response.Expires = -1000;

var doc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");


Response.ContentType = "text/xml";;
