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PAINT BRANCH UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Affirming and promoting the inherent worth and dignity of every person since 1954

November 2011

SUNDAYS AT 10:00 AM Families with young children are invited to sit in front for a better view until the Sing-Away Song.

Nursery care is provided in Room 5 every Sunday from 9:45 to 12:45.

Religious Exploration for Children and Youth after the Sing-Away Song Refreshments and Fellowship after the service. Enrichment Hour from 11:45-12:45, with childcare provided.


November 6th Still Loved Rev. Diane Teichert with Ken Redd, Worship Associate, and the Choir

Is a person without memories still the person, and how do we cope with these losses – our own and our loved ones? Today we will thank and covenant with the lay leaders who help us be a “caring community,” our Pastoral Care Associates and We Care Coordinators. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

November 13th Annual Public Education Sunday Featuring students from Suitland High School’s Center for the Performing and Visual Arts

Rev. Diane Teichert with Marilyn Pearl, Worship Associate

The performances by these young people are always inspiring! The sermon will explore “what makes a great teacher,” so please contact the minister with your story about a favorite teacher or, if you are or were a schoolteacher, a story about a favorite student. The Special Collection will be for the string program at Suitland High School (see p. 6 for details). DARTT will host a brunch before the service for the students and accompanying friends and family. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

November 20th For All that is Our Life Rev. Diane Teichert with John Sebastian, Worship Associates

Erica Shadowsong, Director of Religious Exploration, and the Choir

Gratitude and praise, humility and generosity… why ought these Thanksgiving themes be our everyday disciplines? Today we begin Guest at Your Table, a holiday-long fundraiser for the UU Service Committee’s empowerment work around the world (see p. 7 for more info). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

November 27th What Should a Good UU Do? Guest Preacher Doyle Niemann with Carol Carter Walker, Worship Associate

and Abby Crowley offering the Together Time Multi-age activities for children after the Sing-Away Song

Overcoming our weaknesses and charting a positive path in a changing world… or how do we avoid being our own worst enemy? Our guest preacher, a PBUUC member, is a representative in the Maryland House of Delegates (learn more about him on page 10).




B R A N C H E S ~ 2 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

November Services .................................................................................................................................................... Front Page

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 The Minister’s mUUsings ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-4 Religious Exploration.............................................................................................................................................................. 4-5 Pastoral Care Associates .........................................................................................................................................................4-5 Social Action Committee (SAC) News .................................................................................................................................... 6-7 Lobbying for Marriage Equality .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Important Meeting Date Change ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Buy a Blue Sweatshirt ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Special Collection Update ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 November 13 Special Collection for Suitland High School .................................................................................................... 6 Guest at Your Table on November 20 .................................................................................................................................... 7 Diversity / Anti-Racism Transformation Team (DARTT) .......................................................................................................... 7 Monthly Meeting Update ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 JPD 7th Annual Racial Justice Conference Highlights ........................................................................................................... 7 2011 PBUUC Auction! .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Green Team News ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 PBUUC Certified as a Green Sanctuary! ................................................................................................................................. 8 Food/Film/Fun Update ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

In and Around Paint Branch .................................................................................................................................................. 9-10 Beautification Day Update ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Announcing Children’s Choir .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Water, Water Everywhere Waterscape Photographs ........................................................................................................... 9 Path to Membership ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Guest Preacher for November 27 .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Annual PBUUC Holiday Meal ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Help Lease Our Space ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 The Wider Unitarian Universalist Universe ......................................................................................................................... 10-12 Murray Grove Retreat & Renewal Center ..........................................................................................................................11-12 Wheel of Life ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Holiday Events ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Guest Branches Coordinator ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

Spirit of Life Center ................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Leadership Directory .............................................................................................................................................................. 14

Deadlines for November/December Branches, and Sunday Bulletin Announcements ..................................... 15

Table of Contents

B R A N C H E S ~ 3 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

L ast June at our Annual Meeting, the members voted unanimously: “…to declare ourselves an inclusive,

Intentional Multicultural Congregation. Therefore, we commit ourselves, the

Board of Trustees, staff, committees, affinity groups and lay leadership to actions to

transform all aspects of congregational life in ways that affirm our multicultural iden-

tity as the foundation of the church's strength.”

Since then, consideration of “actions to transform all aspects of congregational

life...” has taken place in various groupings of staff and leaders. For example, at the

June retreat of the Board of Trustees, it was a full hour of the tightly-packed agenda.

At the August planning meeting of the Worship Staff (your Music, Dance and Reli-

gious Exploration Directors and Minister), we explored what it means to our worship

experience. It should be (because we voted it to be) on the agenda, and implicit in

the discussions, of every lay and staff group responsible for any aspect of congrega-

tional life (and if it isn’t yet, please ask for help from me or the folks who have been

leading DARTT events for these past four years)… including the topic of this column, our theology.

Do we Unitarian Universalists have a theology? When we ask that question, where is the emphasis? On the word “a”

meaning “one” or on the “theology” meaning “study of the divine”? Actually, I just looked it up (again) in my Webster’s

New World Dictionary and see that, while “theos” is Greek for “god,” its roots are in the word for “breath” which sug-

gest to me that theology is actually about “that which sustains us” as basically as breath sustains us.

What sustains you? What sustains you? As your minister, from conversations with many of you, I know that what sustains

us varies a lot among us; we are theologically diverse. This is a nearly invisible form of diversity that we ought to reveal

to each other more easily, more often. After all, we are a religious community – here you are free to be open about your

beliefs without fear of unthinking judgment; here our faith journeys are a matter of (our third and fourth) principles not

creeds. The word “religion” is related to the word “to bind.” Will we be more bound together as a Beloved Community

when we know each other theologically?

Unitarian Universalists have been asking theological questions of us for a long time. Our most influential twentieth cen-

tury theologian, James Luther Adams, did a great job of answering, in a way that invites a very wide range of

theologies to be bound together, including both theists and humanists:

"Religious liberalism depends on the principle that 'revelation' is continuous." Our religious tradition is a living

tradition because we are always learning new truths.

"All relations between persons ought ideally to rest on mutual, free consent and not on coercion." We freely choose

to enter into relationship with one another, including what religious community we join.

"Religious liberalism affirms the moral obligation to direct one's effort toward the establishment of a just and loving

community. It is this which makes the role of the prophet central and indispensable in liberalism." Justice.

"We deny the immaculate conception of virtue and affirm the necessity of social incarnation." Agency: Good things

don't just happen, people make them happen.

"Liberalism holds that the resources (divine and human) that are available for the achievement of meaningful

change justify an attitude of ultimate optimism." Hope.

The Minister's mUUsings…

B R A N C H E S ~ 4 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Religious Exploration

In this year, which I’ve declared from the pulpit to be a year of “telling our stories,” I hope that we will share more about what sustains us individually and from that discover more about how we are bound together in community. What will emerge as a common (choose your metaphor) thread, warp, woof, glue, ground, design, melody, hue, dance-move,

language, and/or sign of the divine???

Hoping to see you on Sundays,

By the time you read this letter, we will be moving into a time of the year that is culturally associated with family,

celebration and…well, food! And yet, as I write this now, it is two weeks until the October 30th service I am helping to

plan, which provides an opportunity to celebrate the darkening time of the year. And so, I must confess, my thoughts

are preoccupied with darkness.

By now, many of you know that I practice a largely earth-centered spirituality, so it may come as no surprise to

you that the turning of the seasons takes on a special meaning to me. In my personal life, I am exploring something

known as “shadow” work. Shadow work begins with one very important principle, and that is taking a good, hard look

at one’s “shadow” self. What does that mean for me? Well, it means getting a good old reality check with honesty, first

of all.

There was a moment in October that brought this home to me. I was scheduled to give a storytelling perform-

ance at a talent showcase event with some groups of people I did not know very well, but hoped would come to know

and accept me. Through a miscommunication, I sat through the whole event expecting to be the last performer, only to

watch it end while I was never acknowledged! Immediately, all sorts of suspicions rose in my mind like a lump in my

throat, and I was beset with thoughts of having been deliberately snubbed. The logical side of me finally gathered the

courage to straighten it out, and it turns out the mistake was partly mine. Even so, I was very ashamed that I had been so

disappointed, and that it took so long to shake off! Wasn’t I supposed to be “grown up” enough to be past this kind of

thing already?

It was then that I realized it is time to take a look at my own “shadow,” the unconscious influences, prejudices,

old wounds, weaknesses, and perhaps other aspects of myself that have gone unnoticed over the years. To work with

one’s shadow is to behold and acknowledge aspects of yourself of which you may be less than proud, and to commit to

work toward healing them, even when you’d rather deny them. Hard work, indeed; yet, the cycle of life has an uncanny

Gazing at ShadowsGazing at Shadows

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“To rid ourselves of our shadows - who we are - we must step into either total light or total darkness.” Jeremy Preston Johnson

If you or someone in your immediate family is hospitalized or if a PBUUC member or friend is dying or has died, or if you would find it helpful to talk about your faith, your church involvements, or the decisions, transitions, joys or sorrows in your life...please call Rev. Diane Teichert.

B R A N C H E S ~ 5 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

way of bringing one back to revisit these things and make some changes at the appropriate time. I suppose that’s part of

the magick of the dark time of the year…

As the RE program settles into its regular movement, I feel that I am just beginning to get to know many of the

teachers and families who help make up the fabric of this church. In the process, I am struck with the sense of history

and continuity. There are memories here, events both perceived and actual, that have taken place and are a part of your

experience of the RE program at PBUUC. Some are good, and some, probably not so much. Most of them are likely not

on my radar at all, and perhaps that is how it will stay. After all, it’s good to look ahead and move on, right?

All the same, I’d like to take a page from Mother Nature’s cycle of life, and invite you to think for a moment with

me about darkness and shadows. If we’re truly honest with ourselves, everyone can think of disappointments, doubts,

and concerns we have about community. As we get to know each other, it is inevitable that some of these “shadows”

will rise and lengthen along the path we travel together. And yet, it is also during the darkening time of the year that we

in community often find ourselves huddling around the proverbial campfire, taking comfort in each other’s presence,

knowing that such proximity is necessary to pass warmly through the cold season ahead. Facing darkness together inevi-

tably leads to sharing light and warmth, and I don’t know about you, but many of the lasting memories I have of this time

of the year are those of togetherness, warmth, and the closeness of needing each other.

So I invite you to look at the shadows with me, and to see the ways in which we can double back and reinforce

our way throughout the year, so that we can be sure of our footing when the seasons turn and we travel this path again.

May I walk along with you and share your light?

Brightest blessings,

Erica Shadowsong

Director of Religious Exploration

B R A N C H E S ~ 6 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

same date. SAC will meet instead on Saturday morning,

December 3, from 10am to 12noon in Room 1 of the RE

Building. Please make the change on your calendars and

join us then!

Buy a blue sweatshirt for High Point High School

when you go to the thrift store!

One of the Social Action Committee's

goals for this year is to strengthen our

connection with High Point High School

(which is only about a mile from the church). High Point

students are required to wear royal or navy blue sweat-

shirts or sweaters. Only one month into the school year,

the school has already given out 100 extra sweatshirts and

needs more! A donor from our church has replenished

their supply with 29 sweatshirts by going to a half price

sale at a thrift store. If you are in a thrift store, buy a royal

or navy blue sweatshirt or sweater (no hoods or large de-

signs; small logos and all sizes OK). Please put them in the

navy blue box in the Meeting House Foyer and SAC will

deliver them to High Point. For more information con-

tact: Jane Hudson at

Special Collection Update

The October 2 Special Collection for Asso-

ciation Sunday brought in $546. These

funds will go toward strengthening Unitar-

ian Universalist ministries. Your donations

support scholarships, continuing education and assess-

ment of UU ministry needs for the future. Thank you.

Special Collection for Suit-land High School Sunday, November 13

Public Education Sunday, on

November 13, is our service dedi-

cated to congregants involved in education, at which stu-

dents from the Center for Visual and Performing Arts at

Suitland High School will perform. A special collection will

be held for the high school on this day. Checks should be

Lobbying for Marriage Equality in Annapolis Off to a Strong Start!

UU’s are part of a new statewide coali-

tion called Marylanders for Marriage Equality. This group

organized a Day of Action at the state capitol on Mon-

day, October 17 to take advantage of an early

opportunity to lobby for marriage equality before the

regular state legislative session starts in January. The

day was a success with a crowd of nearly 100 from

around the state rallying in Lawyer’s Mall. Then they

broke into district groups to meet with their state sena-

tors and delegates. Paint Branchers will be proud to

learn that our church had the largest faith based contin-

gent there! We brought and presented our petitions for

marriage equality which folks had signed at Paint

Branch. In reverse alphabetical order, special thanks to

the following Paint Branchers who made this important

lobby trip: Elizabeth Yanowitch, Andy Myrup, Tricia

Most, Nicole Most, Melody Lawrence, John Holbrook,

Tish Hall, Mary Dancy, Liam Brennan, Nancy Boardman,

& one other who remains unidentified.

After visits to the legislative district offices, each group

reported back to the coalition organizers so they could

get a better sense of how the votes were unfolding this


Marriage equality has been identified as a top priority

congregational issue for Paint Branch and the UU de-

nomination will continue to be the strongest of partners

in working for marriage equality to become MD law as

soon as possible – hopefully in this upcoming legislative


Important Meeting Date Change for the Social Action Committee

The Social Action Committee monthly meeting, origi-

nally scheduled for Saturday, November 19, has been

cancelled due the UUSJ’s immigration program on that

Social Action Committee News (SAC)

B R A N C H E S ~ 7 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

made out to: Suitland High School. In the memo line,

please indicate VPA-String Dept. There will also be a gath-

ering of supplies for the Center after service in the Meeting

House Lobby. Many unwanted home items can be used by

the various departments, e.g., objects for still life drawings,

music for the music department, and costume jewelry for

the theatre department. You can send your non-cash dona-

tions for the school to Sylvia and John Lagerquist after the

service. Their address is in the PBUUC directory. Thank you

in advance for your generosity.

November 20 Guest at Your Table

Guest at Your Table is an annual tradition in

which congregation members take home a box

featuring photos of people that the Unitarian

Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) has

worked with recently. These people are your

'guests', and you are asked to share your blessings with


Guest at Your Table fosters understanding and awareness

of UUSC's human-rights work. Guest at Your Table boxes

will be collected in early January. Donations will be con-

verted to a check to be mailed directly to UUSC.

Monthly Meeting Tuesday, November 1, 7:30 pm

RE Building, Room 1

The meeting agenda will include time for personal reflec-

tions and planning for the Suitland Continental Breakfast,

January 1 Kwanzaa Service and Brunch, as well as feedback

from the District Racial Justice Conference and Social,

Racial and Earth Justice Kickoff. If you can’t attend, please

submit your ideas to!

Joseph Priestley District Seventh Annual Racial Justice Conference Highlights

Don and Emma Sue Gaines-Gerson, Tricia Most, Carol

Carter Walker, members, and Lucette Smoes, a friend, at-

tended the October 14-15 Racial Justice Conference at the

UU Church of Arlington (Virginia). The conference theme

was Weaving Our Stories of Change: The Journey To Multira-

cial, Multicultural, Multigenerational Community. It high-

lighted work done by three congregations in the District in

collaboration with other groups doing racial and social jus-

tice work. Two sub themes were intentional multigenera-

tional programming and inclusion and more nuanced cau-


On Friday night we shared a meal and wonder-

ful music with a panel of District leaders. Sat-

urday began and ended with spirit-filled wor-

ship services led by the Revs. Carlton Elliott

Smith and Linda Olson Peebles, members of

Arlington’s ministerial staff.

Saturday provided opportunities for caucuses

of youth, white allies, people of color and mul-

ticultural families; and four presentations on collabora-

tions between UU congregations and community organi-


First Church of Philadelphia, a downtown church, collabo-

rated with the Islamic Relief Fund to provide Philadelphia

residents with food, toiletries and health screenings during


The UU Church of Arlington collaborated with Beacon

House, a community-based UU ministry for at-risk youth in

northeast Washington, DC, on OWL-Out, an initiative tak-

ing the acclaimed UU curriculum about sexuality, Our

Whole Lives, to predominantly non-UU youth.

The UU Church of Arlington also discussed its budding

partnership with the Dream Project, a newly-formed non-

profit to address the impact on children of undocumented

immigrants not being able to obtain in-state tuition rates.

The Bull Run UUs of Manassas, VA talked about working

with the Prince William County chapter of Virginians Or-

ganized for Interfaith Community Engagement (VOICE) on

predatory foreclosure practices in immigrant communities.

What Paint Branchers might learn from this Conference

will be discussed at the next Diversity/Anti-Racism Trans-

formation Team Meeting on Tuesday, November 1.

Diversity/Anti-Racism Transformation Team (DARTT)

B R A N C H E S ~ 8 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Saturday, November 12, 4:00 to 9:00 pm

You know the feeling you get just before guests are due to

arrive for an elaborate dinner that you’ve planned for

weeks? Or you’re about to go on stage to sing or play after

months of rehearsal? Or, you’re about to have your first

art showing after painting for a year? These are big mo-

ments. You know you’ve not done everything you could

have. Made one more round of calls. Solicited for gift cer-

tificates and ads more aggressively. You coulda/shoulda/

woulda done things earlier, differently, etc. But, it’s too

late now.

YOU are needed to make the auction a success!

Donate. As soon as you read this article, turn on your com-

puter, IPad or smartphone and go to

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and submit your do-

nation form online. Or, send an e-mail describing your gift

to Or, leave your form in the Church

Office no later than Sunday, October 30.

Volunteer. We are still looking for Silent Auction Room

Managers. We also need several cashiers to help speed the

check out process. Say yes when the Choir approaches you

about setting up, serving and cleaning up after Dinner.

Attend. Remember the Auction is both fun and a fund-

raiser! Check out the Children’s Cash & Carry for items for

holiday presents. Enjoy the Dinner provided by the Choir

and the Coffee and Dessert Bar operated by the Youth

Group. Raise your glass at the Beverage Bar operated by

the Religious Exploration Committee. Enjoy the Auction

Cabaret orchestrated by David Chapman and featuring the

talent of Paint Branchers.

PBUUC Certified Green


Paint Branch is a certified Green

Sanctuary church. This logo is the official symbol of

churches that are committed towards creating a religious

community with a fundamental commitment to living in

harmony with the earth. We will work towards creating

sustainable lifestyles as a faith community. With this

accreditation we join 182 other UU churches that have

been certified as Green Sanctuary churches since the be-

ginning of the program. And this is the beginning for us. In

future issues of Branches you can learn more about ways

that each of us can increase our effectiveness in our ef-

forts to live sustainably.

Food/Fun/Film Fest Update

There was a lively discussion following the showing of

Gasland, the documentary on the dangers that can occur in

the process of hydraulic fracturing of rocks and shale to

release natural gas. As always, PBUUC members brought

delicious varieties of food that guests from other churches

also enjoyed. The Green Team will be planning films for

future showing. We apologize for the poor quality of

sound for the recent film showing. The problem has been

found and will not recur, so watch this space for future

announcements of food/fun/film fests.

At the next meeting of the Green Team on November 13

during Enrichment Hour, a member of the Anacostia

Watershed Society will bring us up-to-date on local devel-

opments around us; with particular focus on ways in which

we can cultivate deeper “green waterway” consciousness

given the fact that our Paint Branch stream ultimately runs

into the Anacostia."

Penny O’Brien, Green Team co-chair

Something for Everyone

The 2011 Paint Branch UU

Church Auction

Green Team News

B R A N C H E S ~ 9 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Beautification Day Update

On Saturday, October 8, approximately

30 church folks came out to start the campaign “Look at

the church through new eyes.” That represents a full 10 % of

our congregation! People pitched in to do everything from

washing windows to planting new flower beds.

Many thanks to all of you who were able to be there. We

appreciate your support. It is a true act of community


Buildings and Grounds Committee


Announcing the Children’s Choir!

PBUUC is proud to announce the Children's

Choir! For children in kindergarten through 5th

grade, the Children's Choir will sing during

selected services and rehearse in the Kelley Room during

Enrichment Hour leading up to those services. (If you think

your 4-year-old is ready for Children's Choir, we welcome

him or her too!) See service bulletins or contact Renee Katz

( or 301-928-3200) or Ebeth Porter

( or 410-884-2808) for upcoming

rehearsal dates, to sign up, or for more information.


Water, Water Everywhere

A collection of Rene McDonald’s pho-

tographs of waterscapes, culled from

decades of wanderlust (travels with a space scientist) will

be on display in the Meeting House.

The twenty-four photographs represent the Atlantic East-

ern seaboard, the northern Atlantic along the coast of

Brittany, the Pacific, mostly glimpses of Hawaii, and a lone

California sunset, as well as the waters of southern Africa,

and a Mayan ruin at Tulum. They will be on display through

December and are for sale with 20% of the price going to

the church.

Rene tells us, "Water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface.

And, we all came from the sea, so I felt that my photo-

graphic odyssey should begin there. I grew up on Long

Island so my early vision of the world meant trips to Jones

Beach, still my favorite seashore. In college I was

fascinated by sea stories. I was mesmerized with

Melville’s Moby Dick, and Lord Jim and Nostromo by Joseph

Conrad. When I had the opportunity to travel, it was not

surprising for me to try to capture the glories of water."


Path to Membership

Saturday, November 5

1:00—3:00 pm

For those of you who are new

to PBUUC, come and meet our

congregation’s elected leaders as well as some of those

who lead our programs and activities. You will hear fasci-

nating stories from its past, and be helped to figure out

how the congregation is organized, what our major pro-

grams are – those that serve the congregation, those that

serve the community, and those that try to change the

world – and how you can get involved. While we call it

“Path to Membership,” signing the Membership Book may

be an outcome or not, as suits your place on your journey.

Interested? Please sign up in the Foyer on Sunday, call

or contact the PBUUC office: 301-937-3666 or email The recommended and very

readable Our Chosen Faith, by John Buehrens and Forrest

Church, is available for sale ($15) or to borrow in the Foyer

on Sundays, or may be ordered from the UUA Bookstore at

As you are getting to know the congregation, Rev. Teichert

is available to meet with you to discuss your questions or

for pastoral care (perhaps regarding your faith journey,

transitions in your life, or your joys and sorrows). Please

call her at 301-937-3666 or email to set

up a time to talk, in her office, at your house, or near where

you work or live, for tea/coffee or lunch.

In and Around Paint Branch

B R A N C H E S ~ 1 0 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Raised a Midwestern protestant, Doyle Niemann has been

around Unitarian Universalism for more than 45 years; he

and his wife Karen Morrill joined Paint Branch UU Church in


A student activist in the ‘60s and a community organizer

and left-wing journalist in the ‘70s and ‘80s, Doyle worked

at a wide range of “progressive” jobs in the advocacy, orga-

nizing, labor, nonprofit and corporate worlds before going

to law school in 1992. For the last 14 years, he has been a

criminal prosecutor in Prince George's County. In 1983, he

was elected to the Mt. Rainier City Council and then went

on to terms on the Prince George’s Democratic Central

Committee and School Board. Since 2003, he has repre-

sented an inner-Beltway district in the Maryland House of

Delegates, where he is known as a reliable ally on behalf of

UU values and principles.


Annual PBUUC Holiday Meal

The Holidays are just around the corner (believe it or not)!

And we’ve got some fun events to enjoy! One of these is

our Annual PBUUC Holiday Meal. This will be held on Sun-

day, Dec 18 after service. Please contact Jan Montville to

ask questions or offer help: or or 301-464-6298).

In search of Holiday Elves to help make this event


Help Lease Our Space

The church needs your help to spread the

word that it has attractive, affordable space for long-term

lease to non-profit organizations. (We are limited to non-

profits because of our zoning.) Ideally we would like to en-

ter into a long-term arrangement for full-time use of the

lower level classroom and reception/storage space in the

Religious Exploration (RE) Building. We also want to con-

tract with non-profit organizations for recurring intermit-

tent rental of our upper level RE classrooms, Kelley Room

and Hospitality Room as long as these uses do not conflict

with church programs.

The rates for long-term or recurring, intermittent use of our

space will be substantially discounted from the rates for

one-time rentals for weddings, parties, meetings, etc.,

shown on our website. If you have leads, please send them

to or call (301) 937-3666.

If you have places in your community or workplace to post

a flyer, they are available in the Meeting House Foyer.

If you want to talk about possible leads, contact Leasing

Team members Brenda Anna, Melody Lawrence, Jonathan

Mawdsley, Susannah Schiller, Becky Sheehan or Carol

Carter Walker.

This is a compilation of the many opportunities provided by

other UU churches, regional and district organizations, to

grow, explore and live our UU values.

Friday, November 5, 6:30 pm. Goodloe Memorial UU Con-

gregation Hosts Fundraiser For Bowie State University


Why would a congregation of 70 members take on raising

$10,000 over five years for a scholarship for a Bowie State

University student? History!

Nearly 100 years ago, Don Goodloe wanted to become a

Unitarian minister but was told by the president of Mead-

ville Theological School, one of our Unitarian seminaries,

that, as an African American, he was unlikely to find a

Unitarian congregation to serve. In spite of this dreary, but

accurate prognosis, Goodloe became the first African

American graduate of Meadville Theological School, now

Meadville-Lombard. Rev. Goodloe turned to education,

becoming the first principal of the Bowie Normal School,

now Bowie State University.

The Wider Unitarian Universalist Universe

Meet the Guest Preacher for November 27th

B R A N C H E S ~ 1 1 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Several years ago, a member of the Bowie Unitarian Univer-

salist Fellowship discovered the historical significance of

Rev Goodloe’s accomplishments by reading Mark Morrison-

Reed’s book Black Pioneers in a White Denomination. Rec-

ognizing Goodloe’s vision and determination to serve his

community in the face of great obstacles, the members

voted to change their congregation’s name to Goodloe

Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

On Saturday, November 5, at 6:30 pm Goodloe Memorial

UU Congregation, 1540 C Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, MD,

is asking area UU congregations and community organiza-

tions to support their scholarship fund by attending a

special program.

The guest speaker is Denise Davidoff, former moderator of

the Unitarian Universalist Association, founder and officer

of several interfaith groups and denominational visionary.

Tickets are $15 for individuals and $25 for families. Carol

Carter Walker, co-chair, DARTT, has tickets.

Thursday, November 10, 6:30 pm. Darkening The Door-

ways: Black Trailblazers and Missed Opportunities in

Unitarian Universalism. Rev. Mark-Morrison Reed, Author.

Goodloe UU Congregation, 1540C Pointer Ridge Road,

Bowie, MD. Contact: 240-475-2111.

Saturday, November 19. 8:30 – 9:00 am for registration &

coffee. The program runs from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and is

entitled Issues Affecting Local Immigrants/Preparing for Jus-

tice GA 2012: Mobilizing Area UU’s to Transform Concern into


Flyers with details are available in the church lobby. The

program is sponsored by Unitarian Universalists for Social

Justice (UUSJ) and the Chesapeake Unitarian Universalist

Growth Committee. The Plenary morning speaker is Kat Liu

who is the primary developer of the Study Action Guide for

the “Immigration as a Moral Issue” GA resolution. There

will also be three workshops entitled 1) “Ideas, Models, and

Resources for Congregational Study and Action on Immigra-

tion”; 2) “The Disposable Foreign Worker: The On-going

Struggle of the PG County International Teachers”; and

3) “Rapid Response Teams”, a proposal to create teams

who could respond quickly to a hate group demonstration.

Location: Cedar Lane UU Church, 9601 Cedar Lane,

Bethesda MD. 20814-4099.

There is no fee for this important immigration program, but

a freewill offering for UUSJ will be taken.

To register: Send your name, congregation, e-mail or

phone to . Or the phone number to call is

301-588-1951. The fax is 301-588-5752. Please RSVP by

Wednesday, Nov. 16th.


Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal Center

Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal

Center is a peaceful, affordable

space. It is open year-round and is

perfect for retreats, family reunions

and holiday gatherings. Visit our website -

for more information.

Grove Gatherings at Murray Grove: Musical/Artistic Coffee

Houses. Live entertainment 7:00-9:00 pm, $10 per person,

children under 12 $5; doors open at 6:30 pm. Bring your

favorite appetizers and/or desserts to share, and BYOB.

November 9: Frank Fotusky, virtuoso acoustic blues guitar-

ist and singer, with hand-crafted gifts by local artists

available 3:00-7:00 pm. Kindly RSVP at or 609-693-5558.

Universalist Convocation - May 18-20, 2012: The annual gath-

ering held " explore and draw from the heritage of Uni-

versalist experience and faith to inform Unitarian Universal-

ism today and help light its way toward the future" will be

at Murray Grove this spring. Presenters include Rev.

Richard Gilbert, Rev. Kalen Fristad and Rev. Rosemary Brae


B R A N C H E S ~ 1 2 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Don't miss our new quarterly electronic newsletter, the

Hand-in-Hand! To receive it, email us at newslet-, or call us!

For further information contact:

Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal Center

PO Box 246, Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734


A memorial service for Donald Munro’s father, the late

Donald Munro, Jr., will take place on Sunday, October 30

during Enrichment Hour in the RE Building, Room 4, hosted

by the Spirituality Circle. All are welcome.

We received word from Dottie Burke that her mother, Alice

Gadol, a former member of PBUUC, died on Tuesday,

October 11 at the age of 91. Dottie’s address is 9444 Ridge-

wood Road, Columbia, MD, 21046. A memorial service will

be held at PBUUC on a date to be determined.

Yvany Peery informed us that her mother, Darnelle Peery,

died on Monday morning, October 10. She was the wife of

the late Ben Peery, long-time PBUUC member. Yvany would

appreciate cards at 1204 Dale Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Our hearts go out to John Sebastian and his partner Michael

Legér. John’s mother died on Saturday, October 15.


November Guest Branches Coordinator

Mary Dancy organized the article listings and graphics

for this issue of Branches.

The Wheel of Life


Saturday, December 3rd 4-8:30 pm: All Ages Holiday Party with Annual Holiday Craft Fair Pizza/salad for a donation of $5, carols, make your own crafts, and decorate the tall Meeting House tree! Hosted by the RE Committee Sunday, December 4, 10 am: Holiday Choir Service Sunday, December 18, 10 am: All Ages Solstice Service Noon: Holiday Meal Saturday, December 24, Time: TBD*: All Ages Christmas Eve Service Time: TBD*: Candlelight Christmas Eve Service Sunday, December 25, 10 am: Carols and Stories for Christmas Day Sunday, January 1, 10 am: Service Honoring Kwanzaa * Parents and choir are being polled re-garding possible new times. Please contact the church office at 301-937-3666 to add your committee’s holi-day event or activities.

B R A N C H E S ~ 1 3 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Spirit of Life Center Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, MD 20783 Web: Phone: (301) 937-3666



Balance can bring you vitality-a restored sense of purpose-and improve your quality of life. Join us at the Spirit of Life Center at PBUUC to renew yourself with a half day retreat of classes and workshops on Saturdays. Attend one or more of the classes/workshops as described below:

Meditation Foundation Course Workshop: by Meditation Museum Understand yourself and gain inner clarity and power to foster better relations and decisions.

Dance Class: by Sharon Werth The Dancer in You! Discover the movement that is in your body. Start your day stretching and moving, and let the dance of your inner spirit out!

Shamanic Journey Class: by Mary “Tyrtle” Rooker Intuitive Guidance through Shamanic Journey. This simple-yet-powerful ancient “drumming meditation” helps you ac-cess your intuitive right brain’s answers to life’s challenges, from the mundane to the sublime.

Simplicity Circle Workshop: by Simplicity Matters Earth Institute Simple living is about making conscious choices about what you do with your time, your money, and your energy. Simple living is about mindfulness, not deprivation. Simple living is about focusing your energies on what you personally con-sider important, and improving your quality of life as a result. 7 sessions following the book ($22.00 for book)

Laughter Yoga-mix Class: by Tina McCloud A fun and gentle yoga mix of breathing, poses, stretches, meditation, and laughter therapy. All physical levels are wel-come, as we are able to modify any limitations (mat, floor, wheel-chair) or skill levels. No experience necessary.

Zumba Class: by Shawna Webster An exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning class that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health.

Quality of Life Workshop: by Raman K. Pathik Explore the meaning of quality of life for you and develop a blueprint to implement better habits that will improve bal-ance in your life. Experience how to connect with your true self, nature, your family, your community, your finances, your body, health and the world.


8:00 AM OR 1:00 PM

Simplicity circle (7 sessions) ($22. for book + $5 donation)

2 hrs. Dance Donation $10/class or $32/4 classes

1 hr.

10:00 AM Meditation Course (6 sessions) (Suggested donation $5/each)

1 hr. Laughter Yoga Donation $10/class or $32/4 classes

1 hr.

11:00 AM Zumba Donation $10/class or $32/4 classes

1 hr.

12:00 PM Quality of Life (6 sessions) (Suggested donation $5/each)


CONTACT: 4:00 PM Shamanic Journey (Suggested donation $5/each)

2 hrs.

If you would like to take more than 2 classes, you can pay a donation of $25.00 per week for a half day retreat or however many classes and work-shops you desire.

B R A N C H E S ~ 1 4 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

œ Staff •

Minister Rev. Diane Teichert 301-937-3666 Music Dir. & Pianist David Chapman 301-937-3666 Dir. Religious Exploration Erica Shadowsong 301-937-3666 Rel. Exploration Asst. Kweli Powell 301-937-3666 Church Administrator Barbara J. Morton 301-937-3666 Admin. Asst./Bookkeeper Rebecca Birnie 301-937-3666 Dir. of Chalice Dancers Sharon Werth 301-937-3666 Sunday Service/Bldg. Mgrs: Chuck Bury 301-779-2535 Jesse Crowley 301-345-2663 Chris Eby 301-789-7217 Child Care: Kamini Wickramaratne 301-937-3666 Beth Judy 301-937-3666


Officers and Board of Trustees

Co-chair Susannah Schiller 301-776-1887 Co-chair Bettie Young 301-890-2967 Vice chair Don Gerson 240-293-6570 Vice chair Michael Léger 301-589-6808 Trustee Don Henderson 301-977-1186 Trustee Mark Shute 301-442-6312 Trustee Charles Towe 202-547-7053 Trustee Peter Wathen-Dunn 301-270-2391 Trustee Evangeline Wells 301-422-3614 Secretary Melody Lawrence 301-379-3864 Treasurer Mike Stark 301-441-2473 Asst. Treasurer Marilyn Pearl 301-805-1218

Pastoral Care Associates Lynn Johnson 301-890-1852 Teresa Meeks 301-774-8151 Mike McMenamin 301-490-7506

We Care Coordinators

Esther Nichols—November 301-864-2068 Jeri Holloway 301-982-0758 Allison Hughes 301-864-1889 Iris Peabody 301-593-4095 Gloria (“Genie”) Van Pelt 301-927-0331

Worship Associates

Claire Boston (2011-12) 301-585-4183 Celinda Marsh (2011-14) 301-585-2106 Don Mitchell (2009-12) 301-776-2359 Marilyn Pearl (2011-12) 301-805-1218 Ken Redd (2011-14) 301-486-4631 John Sebastian (2010-13) 301-589-6808 Carol Carter Walker (2010-13) 202-636-8138

PBUUC Leadership Directory


Adult Religious Education Michael Léger * 301-937-3666 Arts Council Pat Tompkins 301-474-3858 Buildings & Grounds Paul Young 301-440-0612 DARTT (co-chairs) Tricia Most 301-445-2821 Carol Carter Walker 202-636-8138 Denominational Affairs Donald Gerson 240-293-6570 Finance Kate Brett 301-931-9024 Green Sanctuary Penny O’Brien 301-586-9005 Karine Bouis-Towe 202-547-7053 Legacy Fund Ken Redd 301-486-4631 Leasing Team Carol Carter Walker 202-636-8138 Membership TBD Ministry Peter Dowling 301-589-3025 Nominating Jonathan Mawdsley 301-982-4520 Personnel Will Snyder 301-219-2870 Religious Exploration Alice Tyler 301-935-5279 (Co-chairs) Matt Elliott 301-441-4508 Social Action Nancy Boardman 301-982-3450 Spirit of Life Center Raman Pathik 301-890-9072 Stewardship Sherry Mitchell 301-776-2359 Visual Arts Jane Trout 301-572-2898 *Temporary ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groups and Activities

Auction Carol Carter Walker 202-636-8138 Theresa Shute 301-442-6312 Bridge Penny O’Brien 301-586-9005 Chalice Dancers Jennifer Grant 240-426-1277 Choir David Chapman 301-937-3666 Coffee Coordinator Raman Pathik 301-890-9072 Community Café Esther Nichols 301-864-2068 Ethnic Dinners Marilyn Pearl 301-805-1218 Handcraft Circle Marj Donn 301-474-1353 Head & Heart History Kweli Powell 301-275-6360 Marriage Enrichment Don Fairfield 301-552-4330 Mediation Program David Haberman 301-498-7086 Men’s Group Peter Wathen-Dunn 301-270-2391 Mystery Book Club Kathy Kearns 301-277-3211 Nature Spirituality Circle Tabitha Pierzchala 301-592-0294 Quest Discussion Group Lowell Owens 301-345-1572 PB Facebook Page Tish Hall 301-681-1457 (Co-coordinators) Ken Montville 301-464-8367 Poetry Out Loud Shantida 301-593-0417 Shamanic Journeying Mary Tyrtle Rooker 301-891-1288 Simplicity Circle Raman Pathik 301-890-9072 Spirituality Circle Amy Steiner 301-890-9072 TWedHUULK Marge Owens 301-345-1572 Ushers Esther Nichols 301-864-2068 Warm Nights John Bartoli 301-275-6226 Webmaster Mark Shute 301-442-6312 Women’s Retreat Tish Hall 301-681-1457

B R A N C H E S ~ 1 5 ~ N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1


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Branches Deadlines:

December Edition – Friday, November 18

January Edition – Thursday, December 15

Bulletin Announcement Deadlines

Every Wednesday at 12 noon

120 words or less – include day, date, location time, and contract information of someone who can be reached with questions.

All deadlines are now on the web calendar. Go to

And click on “calendar” for the latest deadlines, events, activities and more!