Pamela Wallin Senate documents

Post on 26-Oct-2015

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Documents tabled in the Senate by Pamela Wallin as part of her argument that she didn't receive a fair hearing on her expenses. The documents showed efforts from her lawyer to get to the bottom of leaks to the media — including Postmedia News, CTV and the Toronto Star — from a special Senate committee. There was also an unusual chain of emails exchanged on May 17, 2013 between Wallin’s office, the Prime Minister’s Office and Marjory LeBreton, who at the time was the Tory Senate leader.In the messages, LeBreton offered to translate an English statement released that day — in which Wallin said she would “recuse” her self from the Conservative caucus until the conclusion of the audit process – into French. But when a version arrived from Harper’s incoming chief of staff, Ray Novak, that used the French word “retirer” which means “to withdraw,” Wallin’s office objected, stressing that she was not resigning. About 30 minutes later, LeBreton issued a public statement saying that Wallin had “resigned from caucus to sit as an independent.”
