Panic! At The Disco Presentation

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Panic! At The Disco

Music video analysis: This is Gospel.The Struggler

In this video Brendon(the singer) is escaping from doctors, water and ropes. These can be interpreted in many ways but we see these different things holding him back is symbolising society holding him back from being himself and doing what he wants to do. Referring to ’The fallen ones’ in the song also shows that those are the people who are trying to escape because they aren't accepted in society. Based on this we made our assumptions and thought that Panic! At The Disco fans could be seen as the struggler.

Our assumption

- Primarily teenagers but appeals to all ages - Likes social media - Doesn’t wear similar clothing - Don’t play or enjoy sports - Attends gigs more than festivals - Listens to similar music- Reads music magazines - Doesn’t mind the change in genre - Likes the band for the music not looks

Does the data support my assumption?

Our assumption was mostly correct that the majority would be teenagers. However we posted our survey on our social media accounts which is followed mainly by teenagers. The genre is pop rock which is a very common genre for teenagers.

Does the data support my assumption?

Our assumption was correct that Panic! At The Disco fans don’t mind the change in genre and like all the songs. The style of music was not a big change but the fans grew up with the music.

Does the data support my assumption?

The responses to this question were an even mix of yes and no. Some responses included “People who listen to Panic! seem to have similar music tastes, but this could very well be classified as just a stereotype” and “I'm in band and my entire band love Panic! At The Disco and we all have really diverse music tastes. Like from classic to heavy metal to kpop.”

Does the data support my assumption?

The responses to this question supported our assumption that the fans don’t wear similar clothing. All but a few responded with no. Some responses we got was “music doesn't specifically decide how you dress.” and “clothing doesn't always correspond to what people listen to”

Does the data support my assumption?

This data supported our assumption that Panic! At The Disco fans have an interest in social media we also realized that the same amount of people liked to listen to music. Our assumption that Panic! At The Disco fans don’t like sport was also proven correct as very few answered that they like sport. People who selected other mostly wrote art.

Does the data support my assumption?

Our assumption that Panic! At The Disco fans like them for the music not the way they look was correct as this data shows. With responses such as “I like their music and enjoy listening to it” and “I like the variety that comes with each song and the fact they are catchy.”

Does the data support my assumption?

Our assumption was that more people attended gigs than festivals which the data shows to be true. But we didn’t anticipate the amount of people who don’t attend either.

Does the data support my assumption?

Our assumption that Panic! At The Disco fans would read music magazines was not wrong but more people read Comics, which at first we were surprised about but a lot of people like superhero's so read the comics.

How can I apply this to the 4Cs?


- Fans feel attached to the band as they have been around for so long. “Brendon Urie has inspired me since I was 7 years old”

- Fans have grown with the band as their style has changed. “I enjoy the music (old and new) and I love how the band itself has come so far.”

- Fans enjoy the range that the band has and admire their courage to ‘Step out of the box.’ with their “Wide range of music.”

How can I apply this to the 4Cs?

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Characterisation: The Struggler

We think the fans could be generally seen as ‘Strugglers’. We think this through answers such as:

“They've been apart of my life 11 years. I love them so much. They've helped me when no one else could”

“Brendon Urie has inspired me since I was 7 years old”

“He's encouraged me to accept my sexuality with the song girls/girls/boys.”

These quotes taken from the question “Why do you like Panic! At The Disco?” show the character of a struggler as they see themselves as being ‘saved’ from their lives that they are having/had problems in.