Paper 2, part 1: Vocabulary Grammar Use of English Re Family ...

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Paper 2, part 1:•

Vocabulary Grammar Use of English Reading Listening Speaking Writing

Family connectionsKey word: likePhrasal verbs: relationshipsDescribing relationshipsKeeping a vocabulary notebook

Unit 1Friends and family

Present tensesState and dynamic verbsPresent perfect simple and present perfect continuous

Paper 3, part 3: Word formation

Jobs and work Key word: asPhrasal verbs: jobs and applicationsSuffixes

Unit 2Jobs and work

Making comparisonsRules for comparing

Paper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice clozePaper 3, part 3: Word formation

Sport and pastimes Key word: timeVerb + noun collocations

Unit 3Sport and leisure

Obligation and necessity• Paper 3, part 4: Key word transformationsPaper 3, part 3: Word formationPaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

AnimalsKey word: lookPhrasal verbs: lookAdjectives and prepositions

Unit 4Nature and animals

The grammar of phrasal verbsCountable and uncountable determiners

Paper 3, part 3: Word formationPaper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice clozePaper 3, part 4: Keyword transformations

Books and filmsKey word: thingVerbs of manner

Unit 5A good story

Gradable and non-gradable adjectivesNarrative tenses

Paper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice clozePaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

TravelKey word: justPhrasal verbs: travel Confusable wordsParticles and meaning in phrasal verbs

Unit 6Transport and travel

Expressing the future• Paper 3, part 4: Key word transformationsPaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

Inventors and inventingKey word: toPhrasal verbs: inventing, computers, technologyDictionary skills

Unit 7Technology

Verbs followed by gerund or infinitive

• Paper 3, part 3: Word formationPaper 3, part 2: Open clozePaper 3, part 4: Key word transformations

Crime and criminalsKey word: get Phrasal verbs: get

Unit 8Crime and social responsibility

Relative clauses: defining and non-definingInformality and formality in relative clauses

Paper 3, part 2: Open cloze Paper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice cloze


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Paper 2, part 1:•

Vocabulary Grammar UseofEnglish Reading Listening Speaking Writing

Family soap operasPaper 1, part 3: Multiple matchingGossipPaper 1, part 2: Gapped text

Talking about peopleListening for general meaningPaper 4, part 1: Multiple choice

Asking and answering questions Paper 5, part 1: Conversation (spoken questions)

Paper 2, part 1: Compulsory letter or email

Volunteer workPaper 1, part 3: Multiple matching

Talking about jobsPaper 4, part 1: Multiple choice

ComparingPaper 5, part 3: Two-way conversation

Paper 2, part 2: Letter of application

Eccentric sportsPaper 1, part 2: Gapped text

Free timeThe early history of footballPaper 4, part 2: Sentence completion + part 3: multiple matching

Expressing abilityComparing photographsPaper 5, part 2: Individual ‘long turn’

Paper 2, part 1: A review•

A dog’s lifePaper 1, part 3: Multiple matching

Animals and humansAlmost human?Paper 4, part 2: Sentence completion + part 3: multiple matching + part 4: Multiple choice

Comparing photographsPaper 5, part 2: Individual ‘long turn’

Paper 2, part 1: Compulsory email (giving advice)

The banglePaper 1, part 1: Multiple choice

Great adaptationsPaper 4, part 2: Sentence completion + part 4: Multiple choice

Paper 2, part 2: A short storySequencing

Dream holidaysScanning Paper 1, part 3: Multiple matching

Travel and visitsTravel arrangementsPaper 4, part 1: Multiple choice

Organising a scheduleDiscussing optionsDiscussing your travels

Paper 2, part 2: A report•

Robot revolutionPaper 1, part 2: Gapped text

Intelligent robotsPaper 4, part 2: Sentence completion

Suggesting and recommendingExchanging ideas, expressing and justifying opinionsPaper 5, part 3: Two-way conversation

Paper 2, part 2: A review•

Crime and punishmentPaper 1, part 3: Multiple matching

Stopped by the policeSocial responsibility Active listeningPaper 4, part 3: Multiple matching + part 4: Multiple choice

Paper 5, part 3: Two-way conversation

• Paper 2, part 2: An article•


Tenses •

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Food and drinkKey word: take Phrasal verbs: take Phrasal verbs and their different meanings


Forms of used to and would• Paper 3, part 4: Key word transformationsPaper 3, part 4: Open cloze

Describing objectsKey word: seemOrder of adjectives Avoiding too many adjectives


Modal verbs for guessing, speculating and deducing

• Paper 3, part 4: Key word transformationsPaper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice cloze

Shopping and consumerismKey word: ifPhrasal verbs: shopping


ConditionalsMixed conditional wish

Paper 3, part 4: Key word transformationsPaper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice cloze

Weather and disastersKey word: way


Contrast and concessionthoughThe definite article

Paper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice clozePaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

News and newspapersKey words: say and tellPhrasal verbs: news and newspapersSpidergrams


Reported speech Reporting verbs suggest

Paper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice clozePaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

FashionKey word: thinkPhrasal verbs: clothesHomophonesConnotation


The passive have something donemake, let, allow and need

Paper 3, part 3: Word formationPaper 3, part 4: Key word transformationsPaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

Culture and heritageKey word: mindPhrasal verbs: different meanings of phrasal verbs


Inversion • Paper 3, part 3: Word formationPaper 3, part 4: Key word transformations

Colour and decorationPhrasal verbs: decoration


Cleft sentencesso, such, too and enough

Paper 3, part 1: Multiple-choice clozePaper 3, part 2: Open cloze

Vocabulary Grammar UseofEnglish Reading Listening Speaking Writing

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All mouthPaper 1, part 2: Gapped text

Eating outIn the darkPaper 4, part 3: Multiple matching + part 4: Multiple choice

Expressing preferencesTalking about the past

Paper 2, part 2: An opinion essay

Crop circlesPaper 1, part 1: Multiple choice

Out of the bluePaper 4, part 2: Sentence completion + part 3: Multiple matching

Guessing and speculatingPaper 5, part 2: Individual ‘long turn’

Paper 1, part 2: Compulsory email (Informal exchange)Fluency and accuracy

Pocket moneyPaper 1, part 3: Multiple matching

Money habitsPaper 4, part 1: Multiple choice

Expressing regret, giving advice and making suggestions

• Paper 2, part 1: An opinion essayGiving arguments ‘for and against’

Weather forecastsPaper 1, part 2: Gapped text

Natural disasters / HurricanesPaper 4, part 3: Multiple matching + part 2: Sentence completion + part 4: Multiple choice

Activating your knowledgeCriticising and complaining

Paper 2, part 1: A discussion-type essay

The paparazziPaper 1, part 1: Multiple choiceStrategies for unknown vocabulary

A news report What’s on TV?Paper 4, part 2: Sentence completion + part 3: Multiple matching

ReportingAgreeing on what to watchPaper 5, part 3: Two-way conversation

Fashion victimPaper 1, part 1: Multiple choiceWriter’s overall attitude

CrazesSchool uniformPaper 4, part 1: Multiple choice + part 4: Multiple choice

ChallengingPaper 5, part 3: Two-way conversation + Part 4: Collaborative task

Paper 2, part 2: A descriptive essay

Genuine fakesPaper 1, part 2: Gapped text sentencesFestivals Paper 1, Part 3: Multiple matching

StatuesLiving traditionsPaper 4, part 3: Multiple matching + part 4: Multiple choice

Adverbs in conversation • Paper 2, part 2: An article •

A dream islandPaper 1, part 1: Multiple choice

Design and colour psychologyPaper 4, part 4: Multiple choice

The Speaking Paper: all four parts

• Paper 2, part 1: Compulsory email (giving advice)

Paper 2, part 1+2: Checking and editing your work

Vocabulary Grammar UseofEnglish Reading Listening Speaking Writing

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