Parasito Intro

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  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro


    Diagnosis of Protozoan


    Laboratory methods

  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro


    Observation of several

    parasite life cycle stages

    Trophozoites trope, nourishment + zoon, animal

    Cystsresting or dormant stage

    Oocyststhick-walled spore phase of certainparasites

    Sporesstructure that is adapted for dispersaland surviving for extended periods of time in

    unfavorable conditions

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    Processing blood specimens

    Thick and thin blood smears-Fresh whole blood

    - blood + EDTA

    Low parasitemiaIdentification of characteristic features

    -Stained with:Giemsa-MeOHWrightWright-GiemsaCDC recommends:3% Giemsa sol.(pH7.2) 30-45 min.


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  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro



  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro


    microscopic examination

    1. screen the entire smear at 10X or 20X todetect large parasites such as microfilaria

    2. examine the smear using the 100X

    3. Select a well-stained area with 10-20WBCs/field

    4. if you see parasites, make a tentativespecies determination on the thick smear

    5. examine the thin smear to determine thespecies present

    6. NPF : "No Parasites Found" (at least 300

    fields for malaria diagnosis)


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    Quantifying parasites

    1. Carefully examine the smear at 100X

    and identify species

    2. count the parasitized RBCs among

    500-2,000 RBCs

    3. express the results as % parasitemia=

    #parasitized RBCs/total RBCsat 100X


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    Stool specimensO&P examination

    can be examined fresh or preserved

    Wet Mount preparation of fresh stools:

    for observation of motile trophozoites

    should be examined after 30 min of passage

    Take a small amount of the specimen (not fixed) andplace it on a microscope slide. If the stool specimen isstill somewhat solid, add a drop or two of saline to the

    specimen and mix Systematically scan the entire

    coverslip area using the 10X objective

    a higher magnification may be necessary

    if something is identified


  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro


    (Polyvinyl alcohol)


  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro


    Concentration procedure

    Flotation technique or formalin-ethyl acetatetechnique organisms rise to the top and the debris sinks to

    the bottom

    ADVANTAGE: produce a cleaner material thanthe sedimentation technique

    DISADVANTAGE: walls of eggs and cysts willoften collapse, and some parasite eggs do not

    float Sedimentation techniques

    using Zinc sulfate or Sheather's sugar

    organisms are concentrated in the sediment


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    Staining ProcedureTrichrome staining Most commonly used. is a three-color staining

    protocol used in histology. Uses iron hematoxylinand three differentsolutionsChromotrope modifiedtrichrome staining

    USE: differentiates microsporidia spores

    Modified Acid-Fast (does not require heating)

    USE: the identification of oocysts of the coccidian species difficult todetect with routine stains such as trichrome

    Quick-Hot Gram-Chromotrope alternative stain to the chromotropeprocedure

    USE: demonstrates microsporidian spores in fecal and other clinicalspecimens.

    Modified Safranin Technique (Hot Method)USE: produces uniformly well-stained smears of the intestinal

    protozoa, human cells, yeast, and artifact material.Calcofluor White chemofluorescent technique used only as a

    screening tool (sensitive but nonspecific)

    USE: detection of microsporidia,Acanthamoeba spp., Pneumocystisjiroveci, and Dirofilaria spp.


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    Calibration of microscopes usingan ocular micrometer

    Important for size determination oftrophozoites, cysts, oocysts, and helmintheggs and larvae of Protozoan

    ocular micrometer disk is installed in one ofthe oculars and a stage micrometer is usedfor calibrating the ocular micrometer


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    GU specimens

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    Aspirates Duodenal aspirates useful for Giardia lamblia or Strongyloides

    stercoralis larvae.

    examine unfixed specimens sediment in wet mount within 1 to 2 hours

    after collection or preserved in 10% formalin.

    Sigmoidoscopy material and abscesses of the liver and lung

    for amebic trophozoites.

    examined immediately in saline wet mount preparation or fix in PVA.

    fixed material can be stained using trichrome stain and examined for

    trophozoites ofEntamoeba histolytica.

    Lymph node material, bone marrow, and spleen for motile

    trophozoites ofTrypanosoma bruceigambiense or Trypanosoma

    brucei rhodesiense. For Leishmania donovaniinfections, to see amastigote stages

    Fixed smears can be stained with Giemsa stain.

    Skin ulcers may demonstrate the amastigote stages in cutaneous

    and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.

    Fixed smears can be stained with Giemsa stain.


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    CSF sediment stained with:

    Giemsa for trypanosomes or trypomastigotes,

    amebas and microsporidia Trichrome, chromotrope, or calcofluor for


    Acid-fast stain for calcofluor, or modified

    trichome for microsporidia Culture of amebas such as NaegleriaandAcanthamoebassp.on agar with E.coli


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    Organism Type of TestbCryptosporidium spp. EIACryptosporidium spp.Giardia lamblia EIA

    IFACryptosporidium spp.

    Giardia lamblia

    Entamoeba histolytica/disparDFA

    Entamoeba histolytica DFAEIAIFA

    Entamoeba histolytica

    E. dispar RapidGiardia lamblia RapidWuchereria bancrofti EIA


  • 7/31/2019 Parasito Intro


    Molecular methods

    PCR SpecimenCollection

    stool specimen must becollected in absence of

    preservatives kept andshipped eitherrefrigerated (4C) orfrozen (shipped with dryice)

    can also be mixed inpotassium dichromate2.5% (1:1 dilution) or inabsolute ethanol (1:1dilution) and shippedrefrigerated.

    Agarose gel (2%) analysis of a PCR diagnostictest for detection ofCryptosporidium parvumDNA. PCR was performed using primersCPBDIAGF and CPBDIAGR.1 Lane S: Molecularbase pair standard (100-bp ladder). Blackarrows show the size of standard bands. Lane1:C. parvum positive fecal specimen. The red

    arrow shows the diagnostic band of 435 bp forzoonotic Cryptosporidium parvum.
