PARENT CHORISTER - Cantabile Choirs · 2019/6/25  · chorister who misses rehearsals will find it...

Post on 05-Oct-2020

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CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. Mark Sirett Artistic Director Geoffrey Sirett Assistant Director Hollie Stewart Administrator (613) 549-0099 @cantabilesings Rehearsal address/office Mailing address: The Spire Cantabile Choirs 82 Sydenham Street P. O. Box 2273 Kingston ON Kingston ON K7L 3H4 K7L 5J9

BRIEF HISTORY The Cantabile Choirs of Kingston is a registered charitable organization founded in the fall of 1996. It has evolved into one of the largest choral organizations in the Canadian choral scene, and considered unique for its intergenerational scope of choirs. The purpose of the choirs is to provide excellent in choral training for choristers of all ages through a high standard of performance of quality choral literature. The music includes both sacred and secular literature ranging from traditional classical repertoire to 20th century folk songs, original compositions and multicultural or world music. Commissioning of new works, and the opportunity to work with celebrated international guest artists are components of the programme. The choirs have received enthusiastic support from critics and audiences alike. It has been recognized nationally and internationally for it creative and imaginative programming. Luminoso, Vivace, Madrigal Singers and Youth Singers have won local, provincial and national honours in the Ontario Provincial Music Festivals, and the National Music Festivals Finals including the Lincoln Trophy, Mathieson Trophy and Cooke Trophy. In March of 2004 the Youth Singers won a Gold Award at the Young Prague Festival. In the spring of 2008 the Coro Spirito were semi-finalists in the CBC Choral Competition. In the May 2019 Grande, Luminoso and Vivace won major awards at the Kiwanis Music Festival and Vivace was awarded first place in the provincial finals, to move on to the nationals. Cantabile was awarded ‘Outstanding Choral Event’ 2010 by the Association of Canadian Choral Communities for ‘Brown Eagle, Black Raven.’ The choirs tour regionally, nationally and internationally. Luminoso and Vivace have traveled to England 1998, Alberta 2000, Ireland 2002, the Czech Republic 2004, Italy 2006, France in 2008, Cuba in 2011 & 2017 and England in 2012, Cuba in 2014 and performed at Carnegie Hall in 2019. Medio and Coro Spirito have been heard regionally in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Stratford, and many other locations in eastern Ontario. Coro Spirito has performed at Festival 500 in Newfoundland. Cori Spirito and Coro Profondo toured England and Scotland in July 2011, Italy in March 2014, France in 2016 and Ireland in the summer of 2017. The choirs have released seven CD recordings which have received critical acclaim and selections from the disc were played on CBC Radio and NPR in the U.S. The latest recording project, Wonder, A Cantabile Christmas Live was released in 2017.


EMAIL Email is the best way to communicate quickly with everyone.

Be sure that the email you have provided on register is the one that you check daily

Sudden changes or important information will be communicated by email

If you change your email address, please contact the office immediately

NEWSLETTER The Cantabile newsletter, published at the beginning of every month, is the major form of communication. It is emailed right

to your inbox at or near the beginning of every month!


Additional copies of the newsletter posted at - click the Chorister tab on the left side of the page.

Please note any important changes and additions to the schedule for your choir

SOCIAL MEDIA ‘Like’ Cantabile at Periodically we’ll send out ‘e-vites’ - electronic invitations to upcoming concerts - which we’re hoping our choristers and families will share with friends and family on Facebook.

Twitter: @cantabilechoirs Instagram:




6 - 7 FRIDAYS, 4:30-5:15 SEPT- APRIL

MEDIO 8 - 9 FRIDAYS, 4:15-5:15 SEPT- APRIL








In order to achieve a high level of performance, attendance at all rehearsals, concerts, and special events is imperative. A

chorister who misses rehearsals will find it difficult to keep up with the choir, and slows the progress of the entire group. The

chief difference between ‘singing’ and ‘singing in a choir’ is the building of ensemble - singing rhythmically and in tune with your

section, enunciating clearly, uniformly singing the correct vowel, singing expressivley and as one instrument. These qualities only

develop as choristers work with their fellow choristers as a team. The music learned for one concert becomes part of the

repertoire for the whole season. A chorister who hasn’t adequately learned materials for a concert will not know them well for

performances later in the season.

a) Members of Grande, Luminoso and Vivace who miss any more than three rehearsals, (including sickness), will

not be permitted to sing at the next concert.

b) Piccolo, Medio, Cori Spirito and Coro Profondo who miss more than two rehearsals (including sickness), will not

be permitted to sing at the next concert.

c) Attendance at dress rehearsal/final rehearsal is mandatory for all choristers.

d) Poor attendance at rehearsals and concerts may result in a chorister being asked to withdraw from the choir

e) If you or your child is ill please call 613.549.0099 and leave a message, or email

f) If you have a cold (non-infectious), sit at the back of the rehearsal hall, follow your music, mark your score,

listen and observe.

g) There are no acceptable absences including school events

h) There is a probationary period in the fall, during which behaviour, cooperation, commitment, and contribution to

the choirs are monitored by the artistic and support staff. This is an opportunity for new choristers to

demonstrate that they are willing and capable of meeting the challenges of the choir. If a chorister does not

appear to be able to keep pace with the musical demands, or attendance record is poor, they will be asked to leave

the choir.


please consult your newsletter for updates, changes and additions to rehearsal times. There is a Cantabile calendar at—click ’Upcoming’. This has details for the regular rehearsals and special

events listed for the season and is updated regularly. Please do your best to check it periodically, especially if the monthly

newsletter announces a change in scheduling or a new event. Except during CONCERT WEEK rehearsals are held in the upstairs hall of The Spire. Piccolo rehearses in the lower hall.

Use the William Street entrance to The Spire

Please enter quietly as the staff of the other organizations which call The Spire their home may be working and there may be

piano lessons in progress in the music studio.

In the winter, assume that rehearsals will go ahead as scheduled. Choristers will be notified as quickly as possible by email (or

in extreme cases , by phone) if rehearsal is cancelled.

Additional Notes for Piccolo, Medio & Grande

We ask that the children not play the piano prior to rehearsal

Bring your Cantabile music bag—if you have not already received one you will receive one at the beginning of the season

In the bag have :

a black 3-ring binder and your music sharp pencils with eraser to mark your score water bottle

MUSIC The music for rehearsal and performance is the property of the Cantabile Choirs. Every piece must be returned after each concert

or the chorister will be charged for the replacement of the scores. Please use pencil only to mark your scores.


Cantabile Final Rehearsals are usually held the day before the concert from late afternoon through the evening.

Dress Rehearsal means wear a uniform.

Final Rehearsal means no uniform required!

The schedule varies for each concert depending on the choirs and instrumentalists involved, and the need for combined

rehearsal time. These are announced well in advance in the monthly newsletters.

Generally speaking, the schedule is set out so that Medio and Grande rehearse immediately after school.

The newsletter will always specify the exact schedule for each choir, and if uniforms are required

Please be prompt

No talking in the hall as choirs are rehearsing

No cellphone, text-messaging at any rehearsals or performances.

Be prepared to stay later than announced

Common courtesy and good manners to each other are expected at all times. Choristers are expected to behave backstage in

the same way they do on stage. Choristers who do not conduct themselves in this manner may be asked to leave the choir.

recording devices of any kind are not permitted at either the final rehearsals or at concerts - these are infringements of

Musicians Union bylaws and copyright and performing rights regulations. By special permission of these organizations a

single recording for the Cantabile archives is made of these concerts.

photography is not permitted.


Each choir has a distinct uniform. Details about these will be presented at parent/chorister meetings at the beginning of the


no extreme make-up, hair-styles or hair colour; long hair should be tied/pinned from your face.

no nail polish , or sparkles in your hair

no jewellery , except for ear studs. Besides the blue pin, Women’s jewellery must be simple and discrete

no watches (ask others to please turn off alarms)

Singers may wear small barrettes, hair bands or scrunchies if they are black only, no sequins or other colours

no perfume or cologne or strong scented deodorant/hair sprays as many choristers have allergies and environmental


Choristers are expected to stay in their uniform until they have left the building after the concert. Girls must stay in their

dresses and boys should keep their shirts tucked in and their ties on.

you are still representing the choir even when you are not performing!

NOTES FOR PARENTS Please arrange to pick up your children immediately after rehearsals.

Cantabile is not responsible for child care before or after rehearsal.

Parking can be difficult around the William Street entrance especially during winter months. For the safety of our choristers,

please do not double park or block other driveways

For Piccolo, Medio, Grande, Luminoso and Vivace, Cantabile needs parent helpers to assist with the supervision of our

young people.



Cantabile is once again offering two types of season ticket packages,

Full 5 (all 5 concerts at 15% off regular ticket prices)

Pick 3 (Christmas and your choice of 2 other concerts - 10% off regular ticket prices.)

Subscribers may purchase Christmas tickets before they go on sale to the public.

Concerts often sell out weeks in advance, so parents and family members are advised to purchase season tickets to avoid dis-appointment.

2019/20 subscriptions will be available for purchase online from July 1 to mid-October. More information regarding subscriptions can be found at

INDIVIDUAL TICKETS Single tickets will be available beginning October 1 on-line at, from our office, the Church Bookroom, and Novel Idea. Please purchase your tickets early to avoid disappointment, and let friends and family know to do the same.


The founding Artistic Director Dr. Mark Sirett holds both masters and doctoral degrees in choral conducting and pedagogy from the University of Iowa. He is an award-winning composer whose works are frequently per-formed by major ensembles in this country and abroad. He is frequently in demand as a guest conductor, clini-cian and adjudicator. He won the Jury Prize for Imaginative Programming and Artistry at the Cork International Choral Festival, Outstanding Conductor at the Young Prague Competition, the President’s Leadership Award from Choirs Ontario and recently Outstanding Composition from the Association of Canadian Choral Communi-ties.

Geoffrey Sirett, Assistant Conductor, is a founding member of the Young Men ’s Chorus (Vivace). A graduate in vocal performance and pedagogy from Western University, opera performance from U of T Geoff with addi-tional training at the Aspen Festival. He has performed with the Canadian Opera, Montreal Opera, Edmonton Opera, Vancouver Opera, Tapestry Opera, Toronto Symphony, Winnipeg Symphony, Calgary Philharmonic, Elora Festival Singers and Ottawa Choral Society. He is recent recipient of the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding Performance/Opera/Male for his starring role in The Overcoat. Alana Sargeant - Medio. Alana is a graduate of the Concurrent Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education program at Queen’s University. Her involvement with Cantabile began with Coro Spirito in 2010. Since then, she has acted as an assistant to the Medio, Grande and Cori Lumino and Vivace as part of the Conductor Ap-prenticeship Program. These experiences have allowed her to assume conductorship of the Queen ’s Uni-versity Chorus, an eighty-voice extracurricular choir on campus and the Sydenham Public School Primary and Junior Choirs.

Margaret Moncrieff - Piccolo In addition to her work with Cantabile’s youngest choristers, Margaret is director of Young Choristers Limestone and Mulberry School Choir. Choir Assistants: Joan Egnatoff (Grande), Rachel Lutz (Piccolo) Librarian: Judi Cova

Accompanists: Clare Miller Since moving to Kingston in 2003, Clare has collaborated with Bottle Tree Productions, Hart House Orchestra, Kingston Symphony Orchestra, Queen’s Chorale Ensemble, She Sings, and Two Women Opera Company. She has attended the collaborative pianist programs at the Canadian Operatic Arts Academy in London, ON, and Tapestry New Opera 101 in Toronto. Clare also accompanies the Kingston Chamber Choir, Kingston Choral Society, Queen’s Community Music and Queen’s School of Music. Michel Szczesniak has been an active member of the Kingston music community since 1989. He appears regularly as a solo-ist with the Kingston Symphony Orchestra, is a member of the Queen’s University School of Music, has presented solo and cham-ber music recitals throughout the area and has been associated with the Cantabile Choirs for the last 10 years. Concert activities include broadcasts for CBC Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, and Regina, with solo appearances with the Winnipeg, Victoria, and Aspen Festival Symphony Orchestras. Originally from Long Island, New York, he has degrees from the Manhattan School of Music and the State University of New York at Stony Brook.


As a charitable organization, the Cantabile choirs is run by an elected Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting of the

organization takes place mid- October in the upstairs hall at The Spire. Choristers (age18 and over), parents, and interested

individuals are invited to attend. You will be informed of the date and time of the AGM by email and in the newsletter.

If you have any experience and interest in serving on our Board of Directors, please contact Chair Christa Bracci

Board of Directors

Christa Bracci, chair

Erin Clow, vice-chair

Trevor Kilgore, secretary

Victoria Stinson, treasurer

Liz Bates, Chris Everdell, Helen Rutledge, David Strong, members at large

In addition to parent helper, there are countless other opportunities to assist Cantabile as a volunteer: stage crew, ushers,

uniform, fundraising & special events. Please let us know if there are any areas in which you are particularly interested