Parents News Issue 22

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Chiswick School Parents News


Chiswick School, Burlington Lane, London W4 3UN. Telephone 0208 747 0031

Also available online at 22nd April 2012 - Issue 22Student Services Direct Line 020 8747 6655 to report your child ill or late.

D i a r y D a t e s

Emelia Arbouine Year 9 and Clemmie Rampley Year 10 train at Osterley, are part of the Hounslow Borough Athletics team and run middle distances securing solid times which have allowed them to compete in The London Youth Games and Middlesex Schools Cross Country Championships.

Whilst Evie Rothwell Douglas was out running 26.2 miles last Sunday, the two girls were running 5 kilometres together in the Virgin Money mini-marathon for Hounslow Borough.

The mini marathon is the official UK road running championships for young athletes aged between 11 and 17. Clemmie and Emelia ran the course from Monument to Buckingham Palace where they received a medal.

Clemmie said 'There was a great atmosphere on the day; everyone came out to cheer the runners on'. Having qualified and comfortably completed the course, Clemmie and Emelia have now gained free tickets to watch the Athletics at the Olympics this summer.

A truly fantastic achievement!

By Nikoleta Gashi


Wed 25thYear 10 Parents' Evening

Mon 30thAdult Education start of term

mAyTue 1st

PTA Meeting (non-bids) 6pm

Tue 1st - Fri 11thKey Stage 3 Exams

Mon 14thYear 8 HPV Injections (3)

Mon 14th May - Wed 27th JuneGCSE Exams

Thu 17thW4 Trip

Tue 29th - Thu 31stNew Entrant Interviews

Thu 31stYear 8 HPV catch up (3)Year 7 Parents Evening

JUNESun 3rd

Car Boot Sale


Evie Battles to Complete london marathon for Children with Cancer

Your Weekly NewsletterCHISWICK SCHOOL

Chiswick’s young Runners Complete mini marathon

Showing amazing resilience and determi-nation Evie Rothwell Douglas, Year 13, completed the London Marathon despite suffering a knee injury.

As an 18 year old, Evie was one of the youngest out of the 37,000 competitors to enter the race. After 11 miles her knee ballooned up and she had to call in to a St. John’s Ambulance tent in Bermondsey to get it strapped.

This did not stop Evie and she battled on against pain and fatigue to finish the race in 5 hours and 9 minutes: an incredible achievement. ‘I had a feeling of total relief when I crossed the line’, she said.

Evie chose to raise money for the charity Children with Cancer. ‘I picked it because I feel really strongly that all young people should have a chance in life and too many are struck down by this illness’. She man-aged to raise the grand total of £2267 -85 for the charity.

Evie is still a little stiff but is now fully mobile again. No one begrudged her a day off school on Monday to rest. ‘I feel really proud of myself’, she said, ‘and am still in a state of disbelief.’

‘I’m incredibly impressed by her resilience. It reflects her commitment to the charity and her overall approach to everything she does. She knows that excellence can only be achieved through considerable effort’, said Mr. Sadler, Assistant Headteacher for the Sixth Form and also a marathon runner himself.

Evie has offers from various universities next year including in the States, and has yet to decide what she will do. She has been an excellent role model to other students at Chiswick and we wish her success in what-ever she decides to take up.

Over the past few weeks, Year 7 Opening Minds classes have been organising their own Fair-trade Cafes around school.

The week before Easter saw 7 Marlborough selling their cakes, biscuits and more during fifth period. Teachers and students were invited to the cafe to buy the produce 7 Ma had bought and baked. A rich chocolate cake tempted most customers, while some preferred the cookies and profiteroles. The event went really well for the class, who had put a lot of effort and work into their Fair-trade cafe, and they raised £57 from it.

Miss Macdonald said 'I was incredibly proud of the effort that 7MA put into to our Fair-trade Cafe. It was a resounding success and enjoyed by staff and pupils alike. We raised £57 which is a fantastic amount of money'.

Well done to all Year 7 classes for their hardwork.

By laura reid

year 7 Fair-Trade Cafe

On the 17th April at 12:00am the 20 German exchanges arrived at school. Hungry and tired they went home with their allocated English partners.

Everyday they travelled up to London to sightsee, visiting Greenwich, going around London on an open top bus and to see the Globe Theatre. At the week-end it was up to the English partners to make the weekend as fun packed as possible!

Westfield, Camden, Portobello Road and Covent Garden were some of the obvious places, where they could spend their money and see a unique kind of culture.

Evangeline Stanford said 'I’m really going to miss Jessica, although it's quite stressful ensuring that they are happy and comfortable; me and most of the other exchanges have formed close bonds with our partners and will definitely be sad to see them go on Tuesday.'

We wish the German exchange a safe flight home and cannot wait to see them again in June.

German Exchange Update

Students Host Spring Festival

On Tuesday 27th March the Year 11 Creative and Media Group hosted the Spring Festival in order to raise a bundle of money for their end of year prom in July. The evening was a huge success with a variety of music and dance acts taking to the stage to impress the many students, parents and teachers that attended the event.

It was a great opportunity for the Year 7s to really show off their musical talents and show us that there would be a lot more of where this came from in the future. There were some excellent individual singing performances from the likes of Phoebe Harris and Taga Obano-Cox, as well as performances from the Year 10 band headed by Nina Pryce and ‘Addicted to Pineapple’ in Year 11. Not only was there singing, but there was dancing too, where Oumou took to the stage to wow the audience with her excellent solo dance routine.

The night was run very well by the Year 11 students and Benedict Segal said how he ‘couldn’t wait to organise one next year.’ Marcus also said ‘Not only were the acts and the line up great,

but so were all the other things, such as the food, drinks and hosting.’ Nina summed up the night by saying ‘it was great to see so much new and current talent in the school.’

By alfie howell

Chiswick School was recently donated a grand sum of £12,000 by the PTA to put towards buying a brand new mini bus to put to use for matches and trips.

The PTA who are responsible for rais-ing money for the school gained this money from the hugely popular month-ly Car Boot sale that is run at the school on the first Sunday of each month.

The PTA earn thousands of pounds to enable the school to pay for new equip-ment and now a minibus! The minibus will be of great help to the PE depart-ment in particular, who rely on mini-buses to travel to and from sporting venues.

Mr Whiting said, ‘We are incredibly grateful to the PTA for the new bus. It will mean more students will be able to go on field trips and attend matches. The PTA does a fantastic job for the school’.

Should you want to help the PTA in their amazing fund raising efforts, please e-mail

mini Bus Donated by The PTA