Pareshsir S. Trivedi

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Swami Vivekanand Personality Development

Government Engineering College , Bhavnagar.

Introduction Of Student:

Name: Shah Meet R.

Enrol. No.:140210125111

Branch: Production - B

Introduction Of My Contributor:

Name: Mr. Paresh S.


Principal Of Shree

B.M.Commerce High


He has studied B.Sc. B.Ed..

Qualities / Traits Of A Contributor:

He demonstrates trust behavior.He always focuses on creating genuine value

for self, for organization , for society.He engages deeply with whatever work he

does.He always have active concern for others.

A contributor combines both “Effectiveness + Human Values” in any work,, making him most sought after by employers, in any work places.

About Pareshsir :His goal is to became a teacher from the

starting. He also worked in “Sachivalay Department”.

He is teacher at B.M. Commerce High School since 27 years.

He is principal at B.M. Commerce High School since year 2002.

Taking Work As…

According to him he takes his work as a Goal, as a Vision , And Specially A New Task as an Opportunity And A new challenge.

He has also told that as a principal he has to take every task as a mission. And also he added that the “ Team Work” is most important.

Overcome the Fear Of Failure:

They’ve shared one of his experience for this that in starting , they were worried about his work that if he is doing well or not. Then they’ve started attending lectures of other teachers and learn from them. As this way they became the principal of the school now from his work. So according to him “if you want to achieve success always be a learner”.

Static or Dynamic Personality:

They always try to learn the things from others and for this always they are trying to give their best efforts.

According to his answers and past shared experience, I’ve noticed that he has Dynamic personality.

Job Satisfaction:

According to him the Always he works for his “Internal satisfaction”. He also added that the external satisfaction is not important , but internal satisfaction gives him more energy to do his best work.

Key to become Successful Employ:

According to him to become a successful employee , one should have his/her “Full Dedication” to his work. Also added that an employee become successful only when they have the “Proper knowledge” of it. And one more thing that the “Surrounding environment” also affect the employee.

Handling problems with Juniors:

According to him that as his post they have to face this of problems sometime. In this situation , They’ve handle the problems with very patience and Proper Understanding.

Short term Vision And Long Term Vision:

His short term vision is to sustain the school in the race of Self-finance schools.

His Long term vision is Development of School and To give more facilities and Good Teaching to the students.

Engage deeply In their Work:

He is joined with most of Educational institutes and they always try that how to take more benefits from this in development of school.

Their Achievements as their point of view:

On this question they’ve replied that the Achievements is not only of them, But His Team and the whole school has made them qualified for this.

As he believes in Team Achievements.

Message to the Future Employees:Always be learner .Always try to learn from the others.Team work is more important.Work for own satisfaction


According to their interview , I get 90-95% of characteristics of a contributor. So As we can say them a Contributor .

Thank You

Guided By : Chetansir trivedi Himanshusir Shrivastav