Parish Newsletter - Holy Spirit WB

Post on 06-Apr-2022

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The T h i r d S un d a y o f A dv en t

Sund a y 1 6t h D ece mb er 2 0 1 8 (Missal p87)

Parish Newsletter For the Holy Spirit West Bridgford, and Our Lady of Grace, Cotgrave.

This month the newsletter is supporting– Faith in Families

HOLY SPIRIT ROTA Rotas: Euch. Ministers Counters This Week Week 4 James Moran Next Week Week 1 John Kitchin Rotas: Readers 6.30pm 9am 10.30am This week Spencer Johnson Paton Next week Mann Sumner Staniforth Rotas: Shop Rota This Week Dec 16 Una Perry and Dympna Kitchin Next Week Dec 23 Roz Connery and Liz Ashcroft Greeters Rota 9am Mass This Week Dec 16 Ana and Carol Next Week Dec 23 Pauline and Gil Greeters Rota 10.30am Mass This Week Week 3 Nanci and Sergio Frakich Next Week Week 4 Maria Dori and Cathy Tough Rotas: Sunday Coffee 9am Sunday Coffee 10.30am This Week Phil and John Duffy Maura Hickey Next Week Ros Woods and Ann Vesey No Refreshments Rotas: Children’s Liturgy (School) Children’s Liturgy Pre-School This Week Jane Angela Knott Next Week No Children’s Liturgy Half Term

SVP ADVENT APPEAL To provide food for homeless, disadvantaged and struggling families, Please bring your bag of collected items this weekend 16th/17th DECEMBER and leave in the narthex. These bags will be delivered to The Friary, London road hostel and Emmanuel house.


This Weekend’s Second Collection is for:

Poor and Needy Parishes

We celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent

There will be ‘Evening Prayer and Exposition’ this Third Sunday of Advent at 5pm at the Holy Spirit Church.

Parish Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve

4.30pm - Children’s Christmas Mass

6.30pm - Christmas Vigil Mass

5.45pm - Christmas Eve Carols followed by a

Family Mass at 6pm (Our Lady of Grace).

11.30pm - Carols and Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

9am - Christmas Day Mass

10.30am - Christmas Day Mass

11am- Christmas Day Mass

(Our Lady of Grace)

Advent Penitential Service

There will be an Advent Penitential Service on Monday 17th December 7.30pm at the Holy Spirit. Confessors will be available.


Becket School pupil, Alicia McLeod, is hoping to go to Lourdes to help with the sick. She has to raise quite a lot of money so will be doing a Cake Sale this weekend after the Sunday 9am and 10.30am Masses this weekend

Please show your support

Advent Reconciliation

Services with Confessions

They will also be other Services taking place at the follow-ing Parishes this week;

Tuesday 18th December -St Anne’s, Radcliffe

Wednesday 19th December- Sacred Heart, Carlton

All start at 7.30pm. Priests available for Confession.

Rosina Maffuci RIP

Please pray for the soul of Rosina Maffuci who died recently.

Her Funeral Mass will be on Wednesday 19th December 1pm at The Holy Spirit.

Please keep her family in your prayers.


The Holy Spirit Our Lady of Grace

Melton Road Candelby Lane

West Bridgford Cotgrave

Nottingham Nottingham

NG2 7JW NG12 3JG


Parish Priest– Fr. Michael Brown Tel: 0115 9814271

Assistant Priest– Fr. John McCay Tel:0115 9810320

29 Charnwood Grove, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2

7NT. Email Fr. Michael or Fr. John at;

Primary School Senior School

St Edmund Campion The Becket School

Head Teacher Head Teacher

Mrs A. Blake Mr Paul Grieg

Tel: 0115 9147889 Tel: 0115 9824280


Children’s Liturgy– Karen Richards Tel: 9374565

Cafod - Sandie Clogg Tel: 9893149

Cotgrave PPC- Anne Ferguson Tel: 9892693

SVP- Michael Jennings Tel: 9374307

Traidcraft- Lynn Harrison Tel: 9140577


Baby and Toddler Group- Sophie and Amelia Email Parish Office at; Beavers- Margaret Walker Tel: 9899553 Brownies- Claire Spencer Tel: 9142508

The Burundi Project- Jim Madden Tel: 914 2370

Cafod and Traidcraft– Dympna Kitchin Tel: 9843535

Catenians - John Sneyd Tel: 9816769

Children’s Liturgy - Angela Knott Tel: 9821978

Cricket Team- David Paton - (

Cubs- Paul Butler Tel: 07883 064927

Fellowship Group- Mary Elliot Smith Tel: 9149473

Golf Society- John Carolan Tel: 07764285863

Guides- Wendy Walker Tel: 0776 4578309

Holy Spirit Youth Project- Cheryl Stretton Tel: 07540096234

H.S. Badminton- Tony O’Dwyer Tel: 9452648

H.S. Celtic Football- Nigel Rowden Tel: 07768093525

H.S. PPC - Angela Fenn Tel: 07920 149140

Lourdes- Maria Dabrowska Tel: 9147207

Nottingham Citizens– Theresa Brennan Tel:07935737639

Anna Franks Tel: 9899404

The Tuesday Evening Prayer Group- Tony Crump Tel: 9336466

Rainbows- Rebecca Adamson Tel: 07818 599 074

Scouts- Margaret Walker Tel: 9899553

S.V.P.- Liz Wheat Tel: 9141012

U.C.M.- Bernadette Turner Tel: 9233127

Working Group- Graham Doust- Tel: 9527804

Social Centre Bookings- Catherine Giavarini Tel: 07854233172


Newsletter Editor: Catherine Giavarini Tel: 07528080093

WEBSITES - Parish: www.




West B+Cotgrave RC @holyspiritwb


Christmas joy fills the earth Right up to the edge of heaven

A sprinkling of joy falling down from the night sky Like tiny pockets of sparkling lights

Till all the darkness is filled with the light of joyful life A new life begins

One of eternal and everlasting joy You, Lord, are the cause of our deep joy

Today, Lord, You have come into the world And You fill our hearts with JOY


Maria Dabrowska

Hints and Tips to live simply.

We are planning to have a weekly hints and tips item in the newsletter, please send your suggestions to Catherine Giavarini, Parish Administrator on

Suggestion for this week – open your Christmas presents carefully and reuse the wrapping paper next year, or donate it to the live simply campaign, we will be leaving collection boxes in the Narthex in January 2019 Thank you.

Diary for Week Commencing 16th December Social Centre Diary


Sun 16th December

The Third Sunday of Advent

Holy Spirit 6.30pm Mass– Margaret and Patrick Moore RIP

Holy Spirit 9.00am Mass– Michael Thoms RIP

Holy Spirit 10.30am Mass– Anna Barazzuol RIP

5pm– Evening Prayer and Benediction

Our Lady of Grace 11am Mass– Ruby Williamson RIP

Coffee after both Masses (Hall)


( Lounge Reserved for SVP)

Mon 17th December

Advent Feria

Holy Spirit– 9.15 Mass-Danny Walsh RIP

7.30pm– Advent Reconciliation Service

Tues 18th December

Advent Feria

Holy Spirit 8.55am—Divine Office and Morning Prayer

9.15am Mass–

Exposition after Mass 10.30am

Our Lady Grace - 9.30am Mass–

( Rosary before Mass)

10am-4pm Dementia Day Care

Centre ( Hall)

7.30pm-9.30pm Prayer Group


7.45pm-8.45pm Yoga Class (Hall)

Wed 19th December

Advent Feria

Holy Spirit 8.55am—Divine Office and Morning Prayer

9.15am Mass– Frank Dempsey RIP

1pm Funeral Mass– Rosina Maffuci


Coffee after Mass (Hall)

5pm-7pm Dance Class ( Hall)

6.30pm-8pm Youth Group


Thurs 20th December

Advent Feria

Holy Spirit 8.55am– Divine Office and Morning Prayer

9.15am Mass– Andrew Cunningham RIP & Cunningham


(Rosary after Mass)

5.15pm-7.15pm Beavers ( Hall)

7.15pm-9.15pm Scouts ( Hall)

7.30pm-9.30pm RCIA (Lounge)

Fri 21st December

Advent Feria

Holy Spirit 6.30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

7.30pm Mass– Dendle French RIP

9pm-11.30pm Bar Open (Lounge)

Sat 22nd December

Advent Feria

Holy Spirit 9.15am Mass– Ellen and Wilfrid Martin RIP

9.45am-10.15pm Confessions

5.45pm-6.15pm Confessions

6.30pm Mass– Barry and Monica Hough RIP

Sun 23rd December

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Holy Spirit 9am Mass– Eileen Jim and John Frayne RIP

10.30am Mass– Mary Crosby RIP

5pm– Evening Prayer and Benediction

Our Lady of Grace 11am Mass– Sarah Riley RIP

Coffee after 9am Mass (Hall)


Raised £944.02 Thank you.


Holy Spirit Bookshop -

Christmas cards, nativity sets, Advent candles and calendars as well as children's books, Baptismal cards and gifts. Mass and sympathy cards as well as many cards for different occasions. Please come and have a look.

TRAIDCRAFT OUR LADY OF GRACE- Thank you to the H.S. CAFOD group for the invitation to join them at their event on Dec 1st and 2nd. Goods totalling £130 were sold. Thanks to all who helped with the stall and those who purchased fairly traded goods.

Advent Group

Once again, Our Lady's is running an advent group. The theme is "Adverbs for Advent". Our next meeting is on 20th December

The group will take place in people's homes. so contact Anna on 0115-9899404 or 07981 826792 if you would like to come.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2019 If you would like to pray for a child who will be making their First Holy Communion next year on 4th May 2019 then a Prayer Sponsor list is available in the porch area of the church.

Please put your name and address down clearly on the form next to the child you would like to sponsor.

Thank you from the FHC Catechists.


There is a Prayer Sponsor sheet for those parishioners who would like to be prayer sponsors for children who will be making there First Holy Communion next year. Please fill in the form. Thank you.

QUIZ IN AID OF EMMANUEL HOUSE- Thank you to all who have already purchased quizzes to support the wonderful work of Emmanuel House. Don't worry if you haven't got yours yet as there are still a few left. The closing date is January 9th so you have plenty of thinking time.

The SVP at the Holy Spirit are presently supporting two families with children and appealing for toys and clothes for Christmas. New or unused please. Girls of 9.yrs 8 yrs and 7yrs (clothes sizes 11-12yrs and 8-9yrs)and boys of 13yrs, and 18 month. Donations can be left in the narthex labelled or contact. Liz 0115 9141012 and collection can be arranged. Thank you.

Thank to all the parishioners that supported Maria Dori’s Spanish Tapas and Paella fundraising event last Sunday. Special thanks to Maria and her friends for providing all the delicious food. Maria raised £200 for The Holy Spirit church. We are very grateful to her, and she will be sorely missed by all of us, when she moves to London with her family next year.

Holy Spirit Christmas Flowers

If you would like to donate flowers ( Red carnations, Roses or greenery with red berries) in memory of a loved one please place them in the bucket in the narthex on Sunday 23rd and up to 10am on Monday the 24th and they will be used in the Christmas flower arrangements. Thank you. Liz,Roz, and Eileen.

Thank you to Jane Dalton and The Tuesday’s Choir for their wonderful Carol Concert at the Church last Tuesday which was enjoyed by all who attended.

This was Jane’s last concert this year, as she is planning to move back to Ireland with her family, the parish will miss her too.

Volunteers Needed for

The Children’s

Christmas Eve

4.30pm Mass

Children’s Liturgy


If you child attends our Children’s Liturgy group on a Sunday they will have the opportunity to dress up in Nativity outfits and read the Gospel during the Christmas Eve Children’s Mass at 4.30pm. We do have some costumes but not enough angel outfits.

If you would like your child to take part, please let the Children’s Liturgy team know. We also urgently need parent volunteers to hand out costumes and Readings before 4.30pm Mass.

Please contact Children’s Liturgy Leader Vicky Squire.






We urgently need some new volunteers to join the Children’s Liturgy Group. Please consider helping us. We need more volunteers for the New Year, otherwise we will no longer be able run two groups on a Sunday only one large group. Which would be a great shame to the church.

You will need to do a DBS check. We have mentors to support you.

Please contact Vicky Squire at;

Or Angela Knott at;