Parish of layton with Keymer

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Parish of Clayton

with Keymer

The Parish News St John the Baptist Clayton, St Cosmas & St Damian Keymer and St Francis of Assisi

July & August



From the Rector

“Welcome to our July/August summer edition of the Parish News. I hope you are enjoying the summer and may have a holiday to enjoy as well. All our services are listed in the diary for July and August. The Parish News is quite expensive to produce simply be-cause of the cost of colour printing so we are looking at different ways of finding money to pay for this. I didn’t want to put a charge on it and collection of money for it is time consuming. The simplest way may be for people to pay for a year or to give a lump some at some point towards the Parish News. I want it to continue but we can’t do it if it is costing too much money that we don’t have. Please contribute to this in some way if you can as we feel it is a really useful way of communicating with members of our community. August is quiet but in September we celebrate the Patronal Festival of St Cosmas and St Damian at Keymer with some exciting events and services then also in October we celebrate St Francis Patronal Festival as well so lots to look forward to. With Blessings and Prayers Father Alex


Wed 3rd

Mothers Union Corporate communion BCP 10.30 AB

Fri 5th

Women’s Prayer Breakfast at the Rectory “Thanks for the memories” an evening with the U3A and Marcus Martin at Keymer

09.30 19.30

July 7th

Trinity Three Holy Communion BCP at Clayton Sung Eucharist at Keymer Eucharist at St Francis Family Eucharist at Clayton

08.00 09.45 09.45 11.15


Fri 12th

Men’s Prayer Breakfast at the Rectory 09.30

Sat 13th

Walsingham Mass at Keymer 09.30 TC

Sun 14th

Trinity Four Holy Communion BCP at Keymer Sung Eucharist and Baptism at Keymer Family Service at St Francis Breakfast from 09.45 Eucharist at Clayton

08.00 09.45 10.15 11.15


Tues 16th

Eucharist at Villa Adastra 10.30 TC

Sun 21st

Trinity Five Holy Communion BCP at St Francis Family Eucharist at Keymer Eucharist at St Francis Eucharist at Clayton

08.00 09.45 09.45 11.15


23rd – 25th Episcopal visitation to the Deanery

Mon 22nd

Cameo at Keymer Hall 14.00

Tues 23rd

Deanery Evening prayer at Clayton followed by light supper and Synod, to which the Bishop hopes members of the PCC will attend


July Diary


Thur 25th

Bishop briefly visits BBT at St Francis Confirmation service at St Peters Henfield

14.00 19.30

+ Martin

Sat 27th

Wedding Bloomfield/Gadelha at Clayton Toy Story Summer Special at St Francis

12.30 15.00


Sun 28th

Trinity Six Holy Communion BCP at Keymer Sung Eucharist at Keymer Eucharist at St Francis Holy Communion BCP at Clayton

08.00 09.45 09.45 11.15


Sun 4thth

Trinity Seven Holy Communion BCP at Clayton Sung Eucharist at Keymer Eucharist at St Francis Family Eucharist at Clayton

08.00 09.45 09.45 11.15


Tues 6th

Eucharist at Age Concern 13.30 TC

Wed 7th

Mothers Union Corporate Communion BCP 10.30 TC

Sat 10th

Walsingham Mass 09.30 AB

Sun 11th

Trinity Eight Holy Communion BCP at Keymer Sung Eucharist at Keymer Family service at St Francis Coffee and crois-sants from 09.45 Eucharist at Clayton

08.00 09.45 10.15 11.15


August Diary


Sun 18th

Trinity Nine. Assumption of the BVM at Keymer Holy Communion BCP at St Francis + Sung Eucharist at Keymer Eucharist at St Francis Eucharist at Clayton

08.00 09.45 09.45 11.15


Tues 20th

Eucharist at Villa Adastra 10.30 TC

Sun 25th

Trinity Ten Holy Communion BCP at Keymer Sung Eucharist at Keymer Eucharist at St Francis Holy Communion BCP at Clayton

08.00 09.45 09.45 11.15


Morning Prayer is said each weekday at 09.15 at Keymer Father Alex has a day off on Tuesdays and

Fr Tom on Fridays Julie’s collaboration with Michael Hinton

The Parish Office at St Francis is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.30 to 12.30. 01273 846853. Please email any items you would like to be considered for the September Parish News before Monday 26th August to

The path at Keymer Church Hall will be closed for some time in August for it to be rebuilt and made safer. Please either walk around the side of the hall on the grass or go the long way round. Please don’t force your way through when the building works are happening as this can be dangerous.


St John the Baptist at Clayton Pa-

tronal Festival

A wonderful time was had by all for

our annual flower show and plant

sale with lots of delicious treats,

books, music and games on offer.

Our theme for the flowers this year

was Church


throughout the year with some

stunning displays all around the

church reflecting the different things

that happen in Church.

Saturday evening saw the return of

the Faronel Orchestra playing a wonderful concert of early

medieval music on period instruments in a period setting.

It was very interesting hearing about the different kinds of

instruments and the music and styles that were popular at

that time. Did you know there was a medieval ‘James

Bond’? And that in the time of Henry the Eighth it was very

popular to have instruments that had a buzz or a hum to

them in their sound!


Sunday we had a lovely 8.00 and 10.00 Service celebrating the birth of John the Bapsist using Liturgy from the book of Common Prayer. Sunday afternoon at 3.00 we had out Pet

Blessing Service giving thanks to God for our pets and for all his crea-tures. Star of the show was Buddy the Pony but it was a lovely gather-ing of Dogs and bear the cat as well. Sunday evening was the grand fina-le of the weekend with a concert by virtuoso guitarist, musician and composer Richard Durrant who played an inspired set in Church with a wonderful light display to set

the ambience for different pieces of music. Richard’s fa-vourite guitar was one made from a very famous piece of Sussex Bog Oak that is over five thousand years old! A big thank you to everybody who was involved in running the weekend and special thanks has to be made to Deb-bie and Colin Pateman and Rosemary Puntan for their commitment and the sheer number of hours they put in!


Cameo is One

year old

Geoffrey James performed at our Cameo

first birthday party. A wonderful after-

noon of songs and poetry including a

side splitting rendition of Stanley Hol-

loway’s famous monologue Albert and

the lion. A consummate entertainer who,

together with a slap up afternoon tea

made the a memorable afternoon to cele-

brate our first birthday.

Next Cameo 22nd July and then 23rd



Youth Worker

Hello All,

Arklight youth group is still growing and we have been investing in the group with football goals and volley ball posts which have both been donated to us. We have been having lots of fun and our latest adven-ture was to go to Jump In, based in Burgess Hill, the Young people and I had so much fun everyone was really hot and sweaty. We managed to take a few pictures so please check them out on Facebook or In-stagram. We have only got 4 sessions left until we break up for Summer and we are looking forward to going to the beach and also having a BBQ on our last night.


The Drop In is still going well and we have been looking at how we can invest and grow the group even more. We will be looking at replacing some of the equipment and also looking how to start to include more of a Christian element to the group.

Schools we are still going into the schools in the vil-lage and have made great inroads with the infants’ school as we are going in to the school every month now which is fantastic.

May Camp the young people are still buzzing about May Camp and are all looking forward to us signing up for next year.

Youth Alpha after the great response to a taster session we will be running Youth Alpha from Sep-tember for 11 sessions and on the 12th session we will be going on a day out. It is for young people in school year 6 +, and we will be asking if people could support this by offering to provide a meal for the young people.

Family Fun Holiday Activities will be running again this year for 4 sessions over 2 weeks once dates are confirmed we will be placing adverts around the churches and the local area. I do hope that lots of you will sign up to help after last years success of having 80 people arriving on one of the days.


Work Experience I am delighted to let you know that I will be having a young man come and do his work experience with me on 8th – 12th July. During the week he will be getting involved with everything I do and I am looking forward to having him with us. So, if you see him about please do come and say hi. Some of you have met him before as he joined us for May Camp and also has started to help with youth group. It is great to have a young person wanting to get involved with what we are running in the parish.


Finally, I want to thank everyone over the last few months with fundraising and prayer support with everything I am doing. We are seeing loads of growth in the youth outreach in the Parish, so with this success I am looking for more help. We ideally need more volunteers to help with the younger youth group, drop in, fundraising, prayer support and lots more if you feel you can help I would love to have a chat with you.

Blessings Gary

We are celebrating St Francis Jubilee – 50 years of being in Priory road - with a street party for our friends and neighbours of Hassocks, together with the whole Church community, on the 14th September, from 12:30 to 2:30.

There will be Stalls, games, choirs, food, an historical presentation with the future plans for St Francis, just to begin with.

We would love to see you all there to help us celebrate. Please come and bring your friends.

If you are willing to offer any help, with the organising or can bring food and cakes, or are part of a community group who might be willing to perform,

please contact Sue Anson on 07973315127

or Judith Jenner 01273 845642.


There will be prayer breakfasts in July but not in




‘Thanks for the Memory’ is the title of the forthcoming

concert in which Hurst, Hassocks and Ditchling U3A Singers are looking forward to performing items from their repertoire.

This group of about 30 U3A members was formed 3 years ago and meet fortnightly to rehearse a varied pro-gramme representing many diverse musical styles rang-ing from Mozart to Mamma Mia! As we are increasingly reminded, singing promotes both health and mental alertness and rather than aspire to be a conventional choir this group’s aim is to learn and sing music that’s both fun for the members and hopefully fun to listen to!

The Singers give an annual concert, and this year was in-spired by an appeal from Sheddingdean Baptist Church in Burgess Hill for funds to advance the Music for Memo-ries Mid-Sussex project. Evidence shows that music can help people with Dementia to feel and live better and this scheme attempts to reconnect those experiencing memory loss with their memories, and allow loved ones to use the individualised playlist to communicate with family members. A personal ‘Alive Inside Headset’ deliv-ers high quality music combined with safety features such as no external wiring.

The concert will also include solo Organ and Piano items by the singer’s founder and director Marcus Martin and takes place on Friday July 5th at 7.30pm at St Cosmas and St Damian Church, Keymer. No tickets are required and there is no charge for admission although donations in aid of the project will be most welcome.


Friday 5th July ‘thanks for the Memory’ concert at Keymer Church 7.30 pm Saturday 27th July Toy Story Summer Fun at St Francis 15.00 – 17.00 crafts and activities £5 per family £2 individuals to include pizza, cake and a drink. Saturday 14th September 50th Anniversary of St Francis Church St Cosmas and St Damian Patronal Festival 20th – 22nd September Flower Festival, concert on Friday 20th and Parish BBQ in the Rectory on Sunday 22nd. . Saturday 19th October Music from the 20’s with three course meal. Clayton church Hall 7.30 £15 a ticket on sale from the beginning of September. Saturday 16th November Christmas Fair in Adastra Hall

Events coming up in the Parish



27th July


St Francis Church

Crafts and Activities

Pizza Planet

opens from


Entrance £5.00 a

family or £2 individual

To include

pizza, cake and tea,

coffee or squash

Toy Story Themed

Summer Fun


St Cosmas and St Damian Patronal Festival

20th—22nd September

Flower Festival running from 10.00—16.00 on

Friday 20th and Saturday 22nd ‘A Year in God’s creation’

Light refreshments available.

Friday 20th ‘Concert of the Seasons ‘ and more

with Julie Roberts and Michael Hinton.

Julie has worked with Michael since 2016. An exciting collaboration enabling her to sing Blues, jazz and popular standards from the swing era to

the present day. 7.30 pm Tickets £10 to include interval


Sunday 22nd parish BBQ in the Rectory.


An evening of

20’s Music with


Saturday 19th October

Clayton Church Hall

7.30 pm

Three Course Meal


Entertainment with

Dave and Geoff

Dressing up encouraged but not

compulsory !


£15 Available in


Parish Contacts

Rector Alex Baxter The Rectory, Keymer 01273 875894 Email: Assistant Priest: Revd Tom Cameron 11 The Spinney 01273 846274 Reader: Robin Holford 48 Church Mead 01273 842651 Youth Worker: Gary Pickett 07745 299289 Email: Churchwardens

Mrs Kate Sims 01273 844802 Mrs Janet Sharman 01273 845194 Mr. Christopher Moss 01273 842201 Hon Sec to PCC: Janet Sharman 12 Church Mead 01273 845194 Treasurer: Anne Knowles 45 Bonny Wood Road 01273 846925 Email: Safeguarding Officers: St Cosmas & St Damian: Moira Monteith 01273 840298 St Francis: Wendy Moss 01273 842201 St John the Baptist Clayton: Sandra Boyd 01273 844904

Website: Facebook: ‘The Parish of Clayton with Keymer’
