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2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 414 Arlington, Virginia 22201

Meeting Minutes February 26, 2019

Commission Members Present: Bill Ross, Chair Duke Banks Steve Finn Dean Foster Colt Gregory Caroline Haynes David Howell, Vice Chair Cindy Krech Shruti Kuppa Mark Lincoln Julie Mullen Drew Murray (Ex Officio, Sports Commission Liaison) Kevin Rachlin Syed Waqar Shah Guests: Neal Hunter County Staff: Marco Rivero, Principal Planner, PRC Staff Liaison Jane Rudolph, Parks and Recreation Director, DPR Angela Lucas, Management and Budget Specialist, DPR Rebecca Schmitt, Assistant to Department Director, DPR PRC members not in attendance: Sergio Enriquez Michael Grace Chairman’s Introduction and Review/Approval of Meeting Minutes The Commission considered their January 2019 Park and Recreation Commission (PRC) meeting minutes. With no objections, the Commission approved the minutes as presented. Public Comment: No public comment was provided.


Agenda Items

Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Budget Overview [DPR Director, Jane Rudolph and Rebecca Schmitt, DPR] DPR Director, Jane Rudolph provided a brief presentation on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 proposed DPR budget. Rebecca Schmitt, DPR and Angela Lucas, DPR were also present and answered questions accordingly. The discussion period that followed revolved around several questions and issues, including the County’s proposed budget gap, differences between the Field Fund contributions and other maintenance fees, field maintenance needs and total field maintenance budget, field reservations and real-time information, possible fee reductions, and potential nature center staff reductions. Other discussions involved possibly using nature centers for other activities (such as birthdays/special functions) and explanations on how the County allocates the various fees collected through the various County funds. The presentation has been posted to the main PRC webpage on the following link (under “2019 Meeting Schedule” within the February “Meeting Materials”). The Commission agreed to produce a letter providing guidance for the proposed FY20 DPR budget. Commission-led Discussion on the Plan for Our Places and Spaces (POPS) Letter to the County Board PRC Chair, Bill Ross, provided a copy of a draft letter outlining the various topics associated with the PSMP update (POPS process). Additionally, Commissioner Haynes highlighted some key changes to the draft PSMP document. Some of the changes include, but are not limited to: new action items on residual rights-of-way, data collection, field utilization, pickleball, multi-use activity centers, civic engagement on athletic field lighting, existing trail improvements, pollinator corridors, among others. Other discussion points focused on secondary trails/categories for paved and unpaved trails. Athletic field lighting and their effects on existing trees/tree canopy and potential light spillover was also discussed. Proposing or prioritizing various park amenities (not just diamond fields and rectangular fields) within the PSMP document should be considered further, as well as how casual use spaces should be described within the PSMP update. There was also a discussion about the format of the tables showing Level of Service analysis and recommendations and whether to show the final PSMP field recommendations for diamond and rectangular fields. Finally, design guidelines for private spaces and acknowledging biophilic design or potential natural habitats should be incorporated within the design discussions for these spaces. A PRC letter regarding the PSMP update (POPS process) will be produced and shared with the County Board. Staff Report

• Mr. Rivero provided the staff report to the PRC and updated the Commission on the date for this year’s Neighborhood Day (Saturday, May 4, 2019) where various, new park ribbon cuttings will occur on that day at staggered times.

4MRV – Jennie Dean Park Staff is beginning the design development phase for the Jennie Dean Park, Phase 1 project. A community engagement process will begin by 1st Quarter, 2019 to design the various park


elements and run through the first half of the year. It will be a distributed/democratic process and will follow the County Manager’s Six-Step Public Engagement Guide for Capital Projects at the “Involve” level. Following the Design Process, DPR will develop construction documents and submit for various permits. Construction is anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2020.

Alice West Fleet Elementary School Exterior wall construction is over 80 percent complete and interior wall construction is approximately 60 percent complete. Structural wood ceiling/roof structure over the new gymnasium and library is scheduled for completion by this month. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-ins are ongoing. Wall close inspections on the 3rd and 4th floors respectively should be complete this month. Geothermal piping is currently under construction and scheduled for completion this month. The future bus loop has been put on grade and stone sub-base installed to stabilize the grade. The loop is serving as an access road for construction vehicles within the site during construction, and for emergency vehicle access to Jefferson Middle School. Some projects anticipated for completion this month include (but are not limited to): completion of spray fireproofing of structural steel, exterior wall framing and sheathing, exterior spray foam insulation, and other site utility work. Modified construction hours allow for longer construction times during the week as well as on weekend and holidays to meet the anticipated school opening in September 2019.

Ballston Pond Retrofit/Beaver Pond Park Improvements Next steps are finalizing the design and obtaining construction bids. The start of construction is anticipated in fall 2019.

Benjamin Banneker Park Improvements CEP set is under review with Permitting and LDA set is being finalized for permit review. MOT Plan is commencing, meeting with DES, DPR, NOVA Parks and AE kicked off MOT process.

The Bill Thomas Park Volunteer Award

• Five submissions were received for individuals; zero for groups • Scoring committee has been assembled and must complete scoring by March 1 • 2018 award winner(s) will be announced mid-March • Awards will be presented to the 2018 award winners at the April 25 recessed Board

meeting at 6:30 p.m., followed by a reception (room TBD). Bluemont Park (Neighborhood Conservation Project) The sidewalk/trail entrance connection to N. Manchester Street is complete and trees were planted at the new entrance in November. Invasive plant removal and reforestation are ongoing and will resume second quarter 2019. New site furnishings and signage will be ordered and installed first and second quarter 2019.

Dawson Terrace Park

• Excavation prep for playground install along with stakeout & layout – Ongoing • Installed site benches. • Prepped rebar for install of second play tower footings - Complete

Dorothy Hamm Middle School (formerly New Middle School at Stratford Site) Progress on construction of the addition has been impacted by rain. APS anticipates having the renovations completed in the existing building by August 2019 and the addition ready for use in October 2019. Students will be able to begin school in the renovated portion of the building at the beginning of the school year. For details on the status of the project go to the Dorothy Hamm Middle School webpage where monthly construction updates are posted.


Edison Park (Neighborhood Conservation project) This project was approved by the County Board as part of the Neighborhood Conservation bundle in November 2018. The first design/working group meeting will be held Wednesday, February 13th. The project is currently in design.

Fairlington Park Project

• All play equipment installation complete. • BMP Under drain works complete. • BMP works for filter pave installation complete. Filter pave installation completed. • BMP dry swale works complete and inspected by third party engineer. • Areas outside the play area graded and sodded. • Synthetic Turf installation complete. • Fitness equipment installed. Pour in Place (PIP) safety surface installed. Asphalt works

scheduled for this week depending on weather. • Installation of leaf mulch complete. • Substantial completion walk thru to be scheduled for a later date after all work is

complete. Glencarlyn Park Shelter was delivered and the installation of columns being erected, bottom of stairs complete. Partial walkway along shelter complete. Restrooms closed until further notice to facilitate construction.

Gunston Diamond Field Replacement

• BMP under drain install - Ongoing • Begin storm drainage box install - Ongoing • Begin stripping top soil – Ongoing • Begin demo of existing diamond field lights and poles - Complete

The Heights Building (formerly the New Secondary School at Wilson) No adjustments have been made to the contractor’s schedule this month. Exterior glass curtainwall installation was completed in January except the tall glass walls at the main entrance lobby and several panels on Level 4. With the window wall installation, exterior sheathing, brick wall and framing work has continued to enclose the structure so that the interior can be heated. On the interior, the mechanical, electrical and plumbing system rough-ins have been continued up to Level 5. Heating will be switched to permanent natural gas which will be connected this month. The concrete electrical vault construction to house the Dominion Energy transformer is completed. Transformer and main switch will be placed this month. The permanent power will be installed and connected in early March. Anticipated school opening is still September 2019.

Long Bridge Park and Aquatics & Fitness Center Geopier installation will wrap up in February. Excavation for foundations will start later in February with the Building Permit issuance. Long Bridge Park Field 1 and 4 Replacement Planning on soliciting proposals at the end of the month.

Lubber Run Community Center and Park

• All permits have been approved as of Wednesday 2/6. • Excavation and foundation work to begin immediately.


Lucky Run/Allie Freed The second phase of reforestation was completed in Fall 2019. Invasive plant removal will resume second quarter 2019.

Madison Manor Park The project will be going out to bid in February and a contract should be awarded in April. Construction anticipated to begin in May. McCoy Park Improvements GC completed punchlist items and fence has been removed from the site as of 2/11. Furnishings are slated to arrive between 2/11 -2/18 week. Furnishings and final wood detailing to implemented in upcoming weeks. Community sponsored Little Free Library installation is being scheduled. Landscape planting slated for Mid-late April with contractor. Tentative ribbon cutting May 4, part of Neighborhood Day, details in early stages of development, contingent with final landscape installation.

Mosaic Park The construction contract (to Nastos Construction, Inc.) for construction of improvements to Mosaic Park is going to the County Board for consideration this month (Item #15 as part of the County Board’s 2/23 Consent Agenda). Nelly Custis Park Demolition of the concrete path complete. Survey stakeout of the concrete walkways and site.

Oakland Park The project has gone out to bid, with an anticipated County Board meeting for award of construction contract in April 2019.

Powhatan Springs Skate Park Weather has been a huge factor of late with severely cold temperatures and snowfalls bringing work to a standstill. Yet, between weather events, work has been progressing. The skate park specialty contractor is expected to complete their work on the skate park during the month of February. Work has begun on the bioretention area and general site cleanup has begun. The project is on track to be completed late winter 2019 with final landscaping to occur in spring 2019. Public Spaces Master Plan (A Plan for Our Places and Spaces (POPS)) Process The Request to Advertise (RTA) County Board agenda item will be considered at the County Board’s March 2019 regular or recessed meeting (scheduled for either Saturday, 3/16 or Tuesday, 3/19 respectively). RHP+ Construction continues at the Wilson School site and the school is expected to open in the fall of 2019. Penzance continues demolition and excavation of the Rosslyn Highlands Park, Fire Station #10 and 1555 Wilson Blvd site. The Fire Station is anticipated to be completed summer 2021. The park is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2021. Construction documents are currently being prepared for the playground (on the APAH Queens Court Site) which will start construction in 2021. APAH has submitted for permits for their site and anticipates the undergrounding of utilities on 18th Street North to start later this winter, with their building starting in summer 2019.


Site Plan Review • SP #233 1501 Arlington Blvd. (Best Western Site)

▪ The Planning Commission and County Board hearings have been moved to April.

• SP #72: Harris Teeter Site/American Service Center ▪ Two Mixed-Use Buildings (685 Residential Units) ▪ New Harris Teeter and ground-level retail ▪ Thee-level structured parking garages (923 parking spaces total) ▪ New Public Park (0.5 Acres) ▪ First SPRC meeting anticipated no earlier than March 2019.

Tyrol Hill Park

• Tyrol Hill Phase IV- Land Disturbing Activity (LDA) permit has been renewed. Once the final report/certification for the BMP and the As-Builds are completed the LDA can be closed out.

Urban Forestry Office Updates

1. Kate Donahue has joined the Urban Forestry Commission, replacing Steve Campbell. 2. All tree planting is complete for the season. Our tree planting coordinator is working to

mark sites for the spring season. 3. Staff has worked to begin updating the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Guidance

Manual, to improve tree preservation and planting on all projects that fall under this ordinance. This will hopefully be completed in early 2019.

4. Staff is investigating an illegal tree removal in Glencarlyn neighborhood. 5. Arbor day is scheduled to be on May 3, at Campbell Elementary School. 6. Forestry staff attended the Jennie Dean Park kickoff meeting with consultants and will be

helping guide tree preservation and planting. 7. Tree maintenance staff helped clearing snow during the three recent snow events and are

now focused again on tree maintenance. Commission Member Reports Purple = Information provided at PRC Meeting

• 26th Street North and Old Dominion Drive Site Master Planning Task Force (David Howell) • The 26/OD Task Force meets biweekly and has therefore met twice since the last PRC

meeting. The first of these included a presentation by the Donaldson Run Neighborhood Association, but otherwise the bulk of time was spent in subcommittee work to consider a wide range of options for park features, the needs of the county for certain operation functions at the site, the preferences of the four neighborhoods surrounding the park, the compatibility of various features with the site, and potential design arrangements. The park/open space subcommittee and the operations subcommittee provided feedback at the end of each meeting. Between these two meetings, task force chair Noah Simon also walked the site individually with most of the task force members. While no options have yet been eliminated, the consolidation of operational functions in a single section and the preservation and enhancement of natural, casual and recreational spaces are generally viewed as initial keys for guiding further task force work. The goal is to provide a final report to the board by mid-April.

• 55+ (Dean Foster)


• Eating healthy, combined with physical activity can help a person live a full, active life, preserving independence into old age. 55+ members know this as our sports, fitness and wellness programs continue to grow. In fact, last year the 55+ wellness programs saw a 30% increase in participation. In recognition of March being National Nutrition Month, the Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Eric Hargan, accompanied by the Administrator and Secretary for Aging, Lance Robertson will visit the County’s OSAP Social 60 Café at Walter Reed Senior Center on Wednesday, March 6th. Also attending will be Robert Blancato, Executive Director of the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services. They will attend an 11 a.m. nutrition program presentation and then assist with serving the noon meal and visit with our participants.

• The Long Bridge Aquatic and Fitness Center Fees Working Group presented the proposed fees for the new facility to the Senior Adult Council in January, highlighting the membership and drop in fees specifically for seniors. This gave the SAC the chance to give any feedback on the proposed fees before it is presented to the County Board.

• On Wednesday, February 27, DPR Finance and Community Recreation Staff will meet with the Senior Adult Executive Committee to discuss the proposed 2020 county budget and any affects it may have on the 55+ Programs.

• On Wednesday, April 17, from 10 am to noon at Arlington Mill Community Center, an Earthfest will be held for all ages of participants to learn about composting, recycling, energy efficiency, removal of invasive plants, fitness, creative arts with recycled metals, and much more. Stations will include representatives from the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, the Arlington Art Truck, and more.

• On Friday, May 17, at Walter Reed Community Center, the Annual 55+ Fitness Day will be held. This is a demonstration of available fitness, sports, health and wellness activities and programs. All free for anyone 55+.

• Alcova Heights (Colt Gregory) • Alcova Heights Park Renovations - Phase 1 Design Presentation - Feb 21. 2-19 -

Community Meeting #2: - General design goal: Make park feel more connected. Currently divided by 8th

street. Maintain natural qualities of the Park. - Phase 1 - Picnic Area Picnic Shelter, Sand Volleyball Court, Restroom

renovation, Basketball Count and Lighting. - Community Discussion: General agreement with plans presented. Example

discussion issues: Fews means to get wood into the proposed fire pit in redesigned picnic area. Perhaps add rain-garden or drainage feature to mitigate run-off from renovated basketball court.

- Concerned with areas NOT addressed in the plans. Interested in upgrade of frequently used informal trail the county uses for Sewer line access. Interested in stopping the extreme steam erosion between the Park and State Department property. [This issue is not within the scope of the project]. Interested in stopping the State Department shuttle buses from idling on 8th street in the Park.

- Next Steps: Obtain on-line feedback in Feb-March. Community meeting at Arlington Palooza in April.

• APS (Jim Meikle) • Bike Element MTP (Steve Finn) • Civic Federation (Duke Banks)


• Annual banquet will occur on Friday, April 5th at Fort Myer.

• Crystal City Review Commission (Kevin Rachlin) • The purpose of the meeting was to reintroduce the Crystal City Review Commission

on the timelines, work plans, and other amenity/building constructions for the various areas of Crystal City (or the rebranded “National Landing” site). Amazon representatives attended and took notes (no formal presentations were given). There was discussion on a potential idea of better connecting Route 1 to the various other areas of Crystal City/Pentagon City. Most consistently, the Commission expressed their interest for more open space within the Crystal City/Pentagon City area. Other comments provided concerned the ideas of new libraries that may serve as polling sites or other similar public facilities are important and are currently not available within Crystal City (considering very little County land exists within these areas). There were also conversations regarding the Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center.

• Joint Facilities Advisory Commission (JFAC) (Bill Ross) • The Joint Facilities Advisory Commission will meet on 2/27 to hear a report which

evaluates the group's previous recommendations for facility uses at the Buck Site, which included fire equipment storage and logistics, an emergency response center, a police impoundment lot, and school swing space.

• Long Bridge Fees Working Group (Bill Ross) • The final report of the working group presented its results to the Long Bridge Park

Advisory Committee on 1/31. The discussions revolved around the challenges of providing an equitable set of fees in comparison with the fees in other county pools and fitness centers, while minimizing required tax support. There was also a discussion about the appropriate set of fees for employees of Arlington companies who live outside of Arlington. The Long Bridge fees schedule will be approved under next year's budget.

• Natural Resources Joint Advisory Group (NRJAG) (Gregory/Haynes/Howell) • Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC) (TBD) • Plan Lee Highway (Cindy Krech/Julie Mullen)

• The meeting last week for Plan Lee Highway was to gather information and analyze to better understand the needs and wants for those living along Lee Highway; information from the tables will help refine the vision of the interest groups and county for Lee Highway.

• Over 200 people attended this meeting at W&L High School, with discussions around - walkability, green space, trees, sense of place/ purpose from DC into VA for the road, as well as to recognize the historical significance in the community of this road.

• Lee Highway Plan: January 30th Community Forum Kick-off Meeting: - The goal of this meeting was to kick-off the 3-year Lee Highway planning

process and introduce key leaders of the project (County Staff: Natasha Alfonso-Ahmed; Consultants: Ryan Bouma and John Bachmann; Community Forum Chair: Paul Holland and Vice Chair: Sandi Chesrown) as well as share the project scope, schedule and Community Engagement Approach.

- The project builds off a grassroots community engagement effort led by the Lee Highway Alliance that was documented in the 2016 Visioning Study Report.


- The project will be led by the County through a multi-disciplinary staff team, supported by a planning consultant, with a multi-layered engagement approach to communicate, consult, involve and collaborate with a broad set of stakeholders.

- The project will analyze existing conditions, establish the vision and develop recommendations that are organized around 9 key planning elements established in the 2016 visioning study including: Land use, housing, transportation, public spaces, building form, height and urban design, historic preservation and cultural resources, economic vitality, sustainability and public facilities.

- Timeline is 3 years with Phase I: Gathering Information and Phase II: Developing Ideas taking approx. 25 months and Phase III: Drafting the Plan and Phase IV: Refining and Plan Adoption lasting approx. 11 months.

- For more information or to get involved, visit the project website: or contact the planning team at: or find updates on social media @planarlingtonva #planleehwy.

• Public Facilities Review Committee (PFRC)

• Arlington Education Center Reuse (Sergio Enriquez) - No updates.

• Plan for Our Places and Spaces (Caroline Haynes)

• There was a Public Spaces Master Plan advisory committee meeting on Tuesday, February 19 where we reviewed the changes to the October 24, 2018 draft. Changes were made in response to comments received during the public review period, as well as comments received from commissions. Attached is a summary that I prepared with the key changes to the PSMP draft. The advisory committee generally supported the changes and commended staff for including changes responsive to comments, while maintaining the integrity of the plan.

• The full document is scheduled to be posted on the county website on Wednesday, February 27, and I will forward that link once it is available.

• The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider the Request to Advertise (RTA) at the March 6 meeting, and the RTA will be on the agenda for either the March 16 or 19 County Board meeting. The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider the plan at either the April 8 or 10 meeting, and County Board consideration will be scheduled for either the April 23 or 25 meeting.

• Open Data Advisory Group (Duke Banks) • Site Plan Review Committee (Bill Ross)

• 600 N. Glebe Rd. – Harris Teeter Site (Bill Ross) • 1122 N. Kirkwood Road – Washington Boulevard at Kirkwood (Syed Waqar Shah)

- The February 4th meeting was the first scheduled meeting for this project before it goes to the Park and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission for final review and discussion. Echoing staff and public comment, there was a strong emphasis on preserving the current social and community value. Arlington County Community Planning, Housing, and Development staff emphasized that after reviewing the proposed central courtyard/open space rendering, the space appears publicly inaccessible on both the Washington or Kirkwood sides. The rendering depicts low lighting/walls on all sides of the open space, making the space appear confining, in addition to a depiction of a


lack of public access into the open space through what it seems a tunnel. Listed below are concerns and questions the Park and Recreation Commission have discussed. 1. What type of social amenities/facilities, barbecue patios, roof top common

areas, etc. are going to be developed the residents of the development? 2. Suggest the consideration of a more interesting mix of large and small

trees, allowing the trees a stronger chance of surviving for the long term. 3. Would the applicant consider providing (and staff consider asking as part

of the community benefit) funds to help develop the proposed open space? 4. With the circulation planned for this block, which will connect the building

with the burial grounds, this public space will not only benefit the community, but the residents of this building. With the dearth of parks close by, the addition of residents to this area should be met with assistance to the county in providing necessary public space.

5. Emphasize that the Commission is interested in knowing more regarding streetscape improvements along Washington Blvd at this site, as the stretch heading from the Washington Blvd and Kirkwood intersection up to Outdoor Adventures is one of the worst stretches for bicyclists and pedestrians in the Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor.

6. As Arlington is a prominent dog community and as generally 1/3 of residents in newly developed residential buildings own dogs; will a private dog walk/relief area be provided in this development, even if small?

7. The landscape plan depicts that there is a central courtyard for the building that has trees and/or plantings. Which plants will be planted? Will a particular type of photophilic (high light) and/or photophobic (low light) be planted? This is asked because for what is planted, how these will thrive given shadowed low lighting that may enter the centralized courtyard open space?

8. Given the dominant glass designs of modern buildings, the Park and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission suggests that bird friendly design and glass materials be incorporated into any tall building project, such as the 1122 N. Kirkwood Residential Project.

• PenPlace Phase I (Shruti Kuppa)

- No updates.

• Best Western Site (Shruti Kuppa) - The consideration of this project, which will provide a contribution for

enhancements and renovation at Ft. Myer Heights Park, has been pushed back a month or two.

• Market Common Clarendon (Bill Ross) - No updates.

• Sports Commission (Steve Finn/Mark Lincoln)

• Long Bridge Aquatic Center Fees were discussed • POPS LOS Discussion

- Discussion of gathering casual space usage statistics - Discussion about the sports organizations documenting the possible programs

they could implement if there was a larger inventory of field space


• Discussion about the current conditions of the fields in the county and understanding how DPR grades the various fields and allocates resources for maintenance, remediation, and improvements. Possible effort to review and inventory the field conditions to determine if there are issues that DPR needs to address.

• Girls on the Run is looking for an opportunity to find a sponsor to enable it to serve underserved children. Discussion ensued over its gender specific nature and how to make it less gender specific. Costs are $22-$125 per participant to cover the lessons, the coaches, and the end of the season 5K race.

• Diamond field report – adding new batting cages at Greenbrier; original budget was 10K; requesting the budget be increased to 30K to do proper cages with turf and better safety aspects.

• Urban Forestry Commission (David Howell) • The January UFC meeting included two primary agenda items: First, Richard Viola

provided the draft bicycle element of the Master Transportation Plan. This was the same presentation as received at PRC. A discussion followed on lighting, prioritization, the effectiveness of the environmental review process, and integrating natural resources as a positive component in the plan. Similar to PRC, the commission discussed a range of concerns and clarifications, and there was unanimous approval to do an advisory letter to address recreation and natural resource connections, natural routes being treated differently from commuter routes, lighting and prioritization, and varying widening of trails, depending on need.

• The second item was an update on the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Manual, presented by Urban Forester Vincent Verweij. The presentation can be found on the UFC page at: A conversation followed clarifying the role of this document, species selection, and appropriate mulching specifications. Mr. Verweij plans to re-share a previous presentation on the effectiveness of the Ordinance, and will share new statistics in future meetings.

Other Business

• Letters to the County Board o PRC Chair Ross reiterated that the PRC will produce a letter for the proposed FY20

DPR budget, and that the Commission may explore providing an Amazon related letter.

• Review of the PRC Charge

o PRC Chair Ross outlined a few of the possible changes that should be considered within the charge, ranging from term limits/reappointments, specifying planning groups, adding certain community groups, and other associated items. There was discussion on the PRC’s need to provide financial disclosure forms to the County Board Office (CBO). PRC Chair Ross will work with the CBO on providing more information regarding this requirement. The PRC discussion also noted if it is required to provide the financial disclosure form that this requirement should be specified within the PRC Charge.

• Update/Status on 2018 Bill Thomas Park Volunteer Award (Shruti Kuppa)


o Commissioner Kuppa provided an update on the award. Official consideration of the candidates/awardees will be reviewed by the PRC at its March 26, 2019 meeting. There was almost unanimous consideration for one specific individual. Commissioner Kuppa noted that process improvements made the procedure to consider and rank nominees easier (per the revised guidelines).

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Next Meeting: March 26, 2019, 7:00 p.m. (Room 311, 3rd floor of Ellen M. Bozman Government Center)