Parliament visit2

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Parliament of Victoria



• Victoria's first Legislative Council (1851-6) took three decisions that profoundly influenced the course and conduct of parliamentary democracy in Victoria. It drafted a Constitution; it introduced the Secret Ballot; it began the construction of Parliament House. This third decision was not easy. Arguments over the best site in Melbourne for such a building were intense. It was not until April 1854 that Eastern Hill, the current Spring Street site, was agreed upon.

Design History

• As importantly, it was not until December 1855 that Colonial Engineer, Charles Pasley, handed responsibility for the design and construction of a building for the new Parliament to two architects in his office Peter Kerr and John George Knight. By 1853 a Parliament House design competition had been held. The entries were judged inadequate. As a result Pasley had himself produced an ordinary design that had been accepted by the Legislative Council.

• Kerr in turn adapted and significantly improved Pasley's work transforming it. He laboured over his drawing board, working on the building on and off for the next forty years. In the process he produced more than 600 detailed sketches and designs, while his colleague Knight managed the actual site construction.

• From this team effort emerged one of Melbourne's most dramatic nineteenth century buildings constructed in distinct stages

Queens Hall

Queens Hall Ceiling

Legislative Council

Legislative Assembly


No sooner were the Chambers complete than work began on the Library. Construction of this eastern wing began in 1858 and was completed in 1860. This had the effect of joining the two legislative chambers at the rear, thereby forming a `U-shaped' building. Visitors to the Library remarked on Kerr's rich architectural imagination; on the impact of gas lights and tiers of books, curving staircases and a central ten-sided table, on the interior dome of the centre chamber and slanting light from the east-facing windows. They were also impressed by the classical architectural detail found on the east facade. Faced with sandstone and classical in allusion, it was the first expression of Peter Kerr's plans for the entire building. Victorians and their Members of Parliament were pleased. No further construction took place for another 18 years. John George Knight severed his contact with the Public Works Department, while Peter Kerr contributed designs and drawings for such buildings as Melbourne's Post Office and Government House.

Front Desk/ Reference Inquiries

Reading Table


Wood Heating

Library OPACS/ Intranet

Loan Inquiries

Library - Upstairs

Reading Room

Premiers’ Corridor

Strangers Corridor & Dining Room

Parliament of Victoria is open to public when members of parliament are not sitting, however it is obvious what is most valued here is its parliamentary members. Security screening ensures the safety of its members (my nail scissors were confiscated during the site visit) and parts of the prestigious building are off limits (the public/library staff may dine in the strangers corridor but are not permitted in the dining room). The specialised library staff are employed to satisfy the requests and demands of parliamentary members. Reference librarians are on hand to help clarify information used in speeches, reports etc. The loans enquiries desk is manned at all times. The intranet is designed to be easy to navigate and meet the needs of its intended clientele. An associate of mine is employed solely to upload relevant videos and include a synopsis of these onto the intranet. Another library staff member is employed in a similar role this time for uploading print material. Members of parliament are able to access the intranet from the library and their office/s.

Newspapers are displayed and kept and made available so the elected members of parliament can access the relevant news of the areas they represent (- see slide 24). The interiors of the Parliament building/s are impressive. ‘Classical decorations, gold-leaf, columns, statuary, burgundy carpets and seating in the Legislative Council, forest-green in the Legislative Assembly duplicating the Westminister colours, added sophistication to an otherwise callow Melbourne. Its citizens were overwhelmed’ (Parliament of Victoria, 2010). A rich and indulgent design such as this illustrates that its users are of upmost importance. The library is designed and staffed in such a way that its sole purpose is to fulfil the needs of those most valued – the parliamentary members. Areas still to explore: How many library staff are employed and what are their specific roles. What qualifications and experience do the librarians possess?

Parliament Floor Plan