Parliamentary Documentation Vol. XXXVIII 16-30 November...

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Parliamentary Documentation

Vol. XXXVIII 16-30 November 2012 No.22

AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURE POLICY-(INDIA-NORTH EAST REGION) 1 HATAI, Lakshmi Dhar Revitalising of hill agriculture in North-East: An overview. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.19-20 ** Agriculture-Agriculture Policy-(India-North East Region). 2 PATEL, Amrit Harnessing agricultural potential in North Eastern region KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.21-23 Reviews the current scenario of Agriculture Sector in the North East region and suggests strategic action plan to accelerate the process of agricultural development during Twelfth Plan (2012-17). ** Agriculture-Agriculture Policy-(India-North East Region). -FARMS AND FARMERS 3 METI, C B and Others Performance of Kisan call centres. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.36-38 ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers; Information Technology; Agriculture Education. -FISHING AND FISHERIES-ACQUACULTURE 4 SINHA, M and PANDEY, D K Fisheries and acquaculture: Potential for blue revolution in North East. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.40-42 ** Agriculture-Fishing and Fisheries-Acquaculture. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE 5 BINDRA, Prerna Singh Catch, torture and then kill them. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(29.11.2012) Comments on rising cases of man-animal conflicts in India ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life. 6 DUTTA, Arup Kumar Human-animal conflict. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(17.11.2012) ** - Keywords 1

-FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE Comments on the human encroachment into forests and destroying wild life. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life. 7 PANDEY, Gautam Pushing them back to the brink. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(21.11.2012) Reveals that an international poaching racket suppported by Chinese smugglers threatens to push Rhinoceros into endangered zone in Assam. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life. 8 SINHA, Supriyo As long as the Indian tiger burns bright. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(27.11.2012) Raises concern over the gradual decline of the tiger population in India. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life. -HORTICULTURE 9 GAUTAM, Harender Raj and HANDA, Anil Horticulture can be fortune turner for North East. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.8-10 ** Agriculture-Horticulture. -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA) 10 GODREJ, Adi We need a better land law. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) Discusses the salient features of the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011. ** Agriculture-Land and Land Reforms-Land Acquisition- (India). BIOGRAPHIES -POLITICAL LEADERS-GANDHI, MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND 11 NOORANI, A G Savarkar and Gandhi's murder. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.114-124 ** - Keywords 2

BIOGRAPHIES -POLITICAL LEADERS-GANDHI, MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND Looks into history and role of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in the murder of Mahatma Gandhi. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-GANDHI, Mohandas Karamchand. -POLITICAL LEADERS-KYI, AUNG SAN SUU 12 GHOSHAL, Baladas Pragmatic road to reconciliation. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(17.11.2012) Deals with Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi's efforts to revive democracy. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-KYI, Aung San Suu. -POLITICAL LEADERS-THACKERAY, BAL KESHAV 13 BHATIA, Sidharth Death of a maximum leader. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(19.11.2012) Pays tribute to Bal Keshav Thackeray, the supremo of the Shiv Sena in Mumbai. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 14 GUPTE, Pranay Lessons not learnt. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(23.11.2012) Pays tribute to Bal Keshav Thackeray, the Chief of Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 15 KUBER, Girish Tiger in winter. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.11.2012) Gives an opinion on the impact of Bal Keshav Thackeray's death on Shiv Sena's future. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 16 MALHOTRA, Jyoti Thackeray is all about his legacy. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(25.11.2012) Pays tribute to Shiv Sena Chief Bal Keshav Thackeray. ** - Keywords 3

-POLITICAL LEADERS-THACKERAY, BAL KESHAV ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 17 SAMRAT Ek tha tiger. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(18.11.2012) Throws light on the political achievments of Shiv Sena Chief Bal Keshav Thackerey. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 18 SARDESAI, Rajdeep Polarising figure. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(30.11.2012) Pays tribute to Shiv Sena Chief Bal Keshav Thackeray. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 19 SWAMI, Praveen Authentic Indian fascism. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(20.11.2012) Comments on the political ideologies of Shiv Sena Chief Bal Keshav Thackeray. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. 20 ZEESHAN SHAIKH Tiger by design and ferocity. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(18.11.2012) Throws light on the political career of Shiv Sena supremo Bal Keshav Thackeray. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-THACKERAY, Bal Keshav; Shiv Sena. -PROMINENT PERSONS-TAGORE, RABINDRANATH 21 RAY, Alok Cultural titan. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(27.11.2012) Throws light on the relevance of Rabindranath Tagore's songs and poems in present day. ** Biographies-Prominent Persons-TAGORE, Rabindranath. ** - Keywords 4

CENSUS AND POPULATION -MORTALITY RATE-(INDIA) 22 VISARIA, Leela Why children remain at risk. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(23.11.2012) Focuses on the challenges ahead for India to achieve United Nations Millennium Development Goal pertaining to reduction in infant mortality rate. ** Census and Population-Mortality Rate-(India); UN Millennium Project. COMMERCE -AUCTIONS-(INDIA) 23 BHATTACHARJEE, Subhomoy Getting the auction right. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(23.11.2012) Gives suggestions to make auction scheme transparent and profitable in allocation of natural resources. ** Commerce-Auctions-(India). 24 MEHTA, Pradeep S To auction or not: Is that the question? ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(29.11.2012) Gives an opinion on auction policy in allocation of natural resources. ** Commerce-Auctions-(India). -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-EAST AFRICA) 25 BISWAS, Aparajita India's growing trade with investments with East African countries. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.30-35 ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-East Africa). -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-EUROPEAN UNION) 26 CHHIBBER, Bharati India-EU relations: Challenges and opportunities. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.84-90 Focuses on the trade relations between India and the European Union. ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-European Union). ** - Keywords 5

-INTERNATIONAL TRADE-EXIM POLICY-(INDIA) 27 PRAMOD KUMAR UPA Government's foreign trade policy: A critical review. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.36-42 UPA: United Progressive Alliance. ** Commerce-International Trade-Exim Policy-(India). -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-WTO-(RUSSIA) 28 GIDADHUBLI, R G Cost and benefit of Russia's entry in to WTO. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.50(No.42), 2012(6.10.2012): P.24-27 ** Commerce-International Trade-WTO-(Russia). COMMUNICATIONS -TELECOM POLICY-(INDIA) 29 MITRA, Kushan Manipulating the airwaves. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(20.11.2012) Expresses opinion on the failure of recent auction of spectrum for 2G mobile services. ** Communications-Telecom Policy-(India); 2G Telecom Spectrum; Scam. 30 POONAWALA, Tehseen Killing a telecom revolution. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(20.11.2012) Comments on the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India on auction for 2G telecom spectrum. ** Communications-Telecom Policy-(India). 31 PRASAD, Rohit CAG and 2G. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(29.11.2012) CAG: Comptroller and Auditor General. Deals with the failure of 2G telecom spectrum auction. ** Communications-Telecom Policy-(India); 2G Telecom Spectrum; Scam. -TELEPHONE-MOBILE PHONES 32 SHAHANI, Kartik Managing mobile phone fraud. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(22.11.2012) ** Communications-Telephone-Mobile Phones. ** - Keywords 6

CONSTITUTION AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -CITIZENSHIP 33 GULATI, Ankita UID and the marginalised: Promises and pitfalls. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.38-40 UID: Unique Identification Number. Provides a critical analysis of Unique Identification Number's claims of empowering the marginalised people. ** Constitution and Constitutional Law-Citizenship. DEFENCE -ARMY-ARMY AND CIVIL RELATIONS-(INDIA) 34 MUKHIM, Patricia Of AFSPA and surrendered ultras. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(22.11.2012) Highlights the issues related with Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 imposed on Northeast States of India. ** Defence-Army-Army and Civil Relations-(India). -DEFENCE POLICY-(INDIA) 35 JAYAL, Brijesh D Security in the balance. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(19.11.2012) Emphasises the need for setting up a national defence university so as to provide reforming measures in the national security system. ** Defence-Defence Policy-(India). -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-CHINA) 36 GURINDER SINGH Can 1962 be repeated? INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.62(No.22), 2012 (16.11.2012): P.18-25 Recollects the war fought between India and China in 1962 ** Defence-Defence Relations-(India-China). -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-UNITED STATES) 37 LOKANATHAN, Venkateshwaran India and the US: A defining strategic partnership in the 21st century. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): ** - Keywords 7

-DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-UNITED STATES) P.75-83 ** Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States). 38 TOURANGBAM, Monish Indo-US relations: A reality check. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.91-96 ** Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States). -NATIONAL CADET CORPS 39 SARMAH, Ratul NCC calendar and the semester system. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(20.11.2012) NCC: National Cadet Corps. Emphasises the need to review the National Cadet Corps syllabus so as to co-op with semester system of examination for under graduate courses. ** Defence-National Cadet Corps. ECONOMIC GROWTH -(CHINA) 40 MAHAPATRA, Chintamani Miracle or mirage? DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(28.11.2012) Draws inspiration from China's economic growth. ** Economic Growth-(China). -(INDIA) 41 GHOSH, Jayati Structural imbalances. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.20-24 Highlights the ironies of India's economic growth story with particular reference to employment scenario. ** Economic Growth-(India); Employment and Unemployment. 42 MUKHERJEE, Gautam Lets go with the mood of rating agencies. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(29.11.2012) Comments on rating agency Moody's report on Indian economy. ** Economic Growth-(India). ** - Keywords 8

-(INDIA) 43 RAGHAVAN, Srinath Build our economy to make an impact in Asia. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(19.11.2012) Gives suggestions to make Indian economy more effective in Asia's economy. ** Economic Growth-(India). -(INDIA-BIHAR) 44 AIYAR, Swaminathan S Anklesaria Sandy solution for Nitish's revenue coffers. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(18.11.2012) Examines the reasons behind demanding for a special status to Bihar. ** Economic Growth-(India-Bihar). 45 GUPTA, Shaibal Why Bihar is special. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Argues that Bihar needs special category status to attract investments. ** Economic Growth-(India-Bihar). -(INDIA-GUJARAT) 46 RAJESH SINGH India will win in Modi's Gujarat. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(22.11.2012) Throws light on the development of Gujarat under the leadership of Chief Minister Narendra Modi. ** Economic Growth-(India-Gujarat). -ECONOMIC CRISIS 47 MOHAMED A ELERIAN Blame game. FOREIGN POLICY (WASHINGTON), No.196, 2012(Nov, 2012): P.27-28 Emphasises the need to cooperate each other so as to save the global economy. ** Economic Growth-Economic Crisis. ** - Keywords 9

-ECONOMIC POLICY-(INDIA) 48 BAJPAI, Arundoy India's economic diplomacy: New thrust areas and emerging trends. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.3-9 ** Economic Growth-Economic Policy-(India). 49 KRISHNAKUMAR, N V Our progress in reforms: From permit raj to clearance raj DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(17.11.2012) Gives a critical view on India's ongoing economic reforms ** Economic Growth-Economic Policy-(India). 50 PATNAIK, Prabhat In the service of capital. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.6-13 Critically comments on the India's current economic policies. ** Economic Growth-Economic Policy-(India). 51 VENKITESH RAMAKRISHNAN Long away from Avadi. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.25-29 Analyses a major shift in Indian National Congress Party's economic policies. ** Economic Growth-Economic Policy-(India); Indian National Congress. -ECONOMIC POLICY-(INDIA-NORTH EAST REGION) 52 SHAHIN RAZI The North-East: Towards economic resurgence. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.3-7 Emphasises the need for a multi-dimensional approach to boost socio-economic development in the North-East region ** Economic Growth-Economic Policy-(India-North East Region). EDUCATION 53 GURMEET SINGH Importance of education in the changing scenario. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.32-34 ** Education. ** - Keywords 10

-EDUCATION POLICY-(INDIA) 54 MONDAL, Ajit and METE, Jayanta Right to Education: An appraisal. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.11-14 ** Education-Education Policy-(India). 55 PARAMESHWARAN, K The right of every child: The right to education. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sept, 2012): P.29-31 Focuses on the Government's sincere efforts in elimination of child labour through implementing Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. ** Education-Education Policy-(India). 56 SANYAL, Subhashree Mission 'Education for All': Reflections from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.8-10 ** Education-Education Policy-(India). -EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 57 CHOUDHURY LAHIRI and BANDYOPADHYAY, Sarbani Dressing the feminine body. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.47(No.46), 2012 (17.11.2012): P.20-24 Focuses on the significance to implement a "dress code" for women teachers, students and other employees in educational institutions in West Bengal. ** Education-Educational Institution; Women. -EDUCATIONAL REFORMS-(INDIA) 58 MITTAL, Rakesh Bharti Carrying the drive to secondary schools. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Suggests to implement Public-Private Partnership model in education. ** Education-Educational Reforms-(India). -GIRL EDUCATION 59 TAMANG, Anisha Challenges of ensuring equal access to education for women: A critical analysis. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): ** - Keywords 11

-GIRL EDUCATION P.15-18 ** Education-Girl Education. -HIGHER EDUCATION-(INDIA) 60 BORDOLOI, Ritimoni Challenges concerning higher education. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(23.11.2012) ** Education-Higher Education-(India). 61 MATHEW, P M Strong case for foreign universities. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(29.11.2012) Hopes that the entry of foreign universities will improve the condition of higher education in India. ** Education-Higher Education-(India). -PRIMARY EDUCATION 62 BISWAS, Anil Kumar Decentralisation of elementary education in India. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.3-7 ** Education-Primary Education. 63 SANYAL, Subhashree Primary education in North East: A commentary. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.15-18 ** Education-Primary Education. ELECTIONS -PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS-(UNITED STATES) 64 ABU NASAR SAIED AHMED Barack Obama's second stint. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(18.11.2012) Applauds Barack Obama's Second time victory in Presidential elections in the United States. ** Elections-Presidential Elections-(United States). 65 BARUA, Rajen Barack Obama and the American dream. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(21.11.2012) Applauds the victory of Barack Obama in Presidential elections for the second term in the United States. ** Elections-Presidential Elections-(United States). ** - Keywords 12

ELECTIONS -PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS-(UNITED STATES) 66 MITRA DAS, Srijana Born entirely in the USA. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(27.11.2012) USA: United States of America. Celebrates the victory of Barack Obama's re-election to the post of President in the United States. ** Elections-Presidential Elections-(United States). ENERGY -ENERGY POLICY-(INDIA) 67 GANAPATHY, Cauvery Energy security and Indian foreign policy: Tracing the coordinates. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.56-61 ** Energy-Energy Policy-(India). -ENERGY RESOURCES-NUCLEAR ENERGY-(INDIA) 68 SRINIVASAN, M R Small is not beautiful in power generation. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(30.11.2012) Gives view in support of generating nuclear power in India. ** Energy-Energy Resources-Nuclear Energy-(India). ENVIRONMENT -ENVIRONMENT POLICY-(INDIA) 69 KULDEEP SINGH and KAHLON, Preet Inder India's policy on the issue of climate change and focus on UPA. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.22-29 ** Environment-Environment Policy-(India); Global Warming -GLOBAL WARMING 70 BRODER, John Doha climate talks promise little. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(28.11.2012) Gives a critical view on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held at Doha. ** Environment-Global Warming. ** - Keywords 13

-POLLUTION 71 RAKSHA KUMAR Delhi to try total ban on plastic bags. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(21.11.2012) ** Environment-Pollution. -POLLUTION-WATER POLLUTION 72 JOGINDER SINGH Good money that has gone down the drain. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(26.11.2012) Raises concern over the pollution in river Yamuna despite thousands of crores of Rupee spent to revive it. ** Environment-Pollution-Water Pollution. 73 SHARMA, Sudhirendar Yamuna can survive only by reviving its tributaries. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(16.11.2012) Gives suggestions to control water pollution in river Yamuna. ** Environment-Pollution-Water Pollution. FINANCE -APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE-(INDIA) 74 GOSWAMI, Manoranjan Multi member CAG? ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(23.11.2012) Protests against Governments proposal to make Comptroller and Auditor General of India, a multi-member body. ** Finance-Appropriation and Expenditure-(India). 75 VYAS, Neena Why cannot the CAG become a multi-member body? DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(20.11.2012) Gives an opinion on the proposal to make Comptroller and Auditor General of India, a multi-member body. ** Finance-Appropriation and Expenditure-(India). -BANKS AND BANKING-MICROFINANCE 76 HALOI, Keshabananda Micro-finance: An anti-poverty tool. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(22.11.2012) Focuses on the role of microfinance institutions to curb ** - Keywords 14

-BANKS AND BANKING-MICROFINANCE poverty in rural areas of India. ** Finance-Banks and Banking-Microfinance. -CURRENCY AND COINAGE-DEVALUATION-(INDIA) 77 MAHAJAN, Ashwani Bane of twin deficits. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(26.11.2012) Raises concern over the weakening of Rupee's value in international market. ** Finance-Currency and Coinage-Devaluation-(India). -FINANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS 78 ABDUL KALAM AZAD Fake financial institutions. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(18.11.2012) Criticises the Reserve Bank of India for allowing the fake financial institutions to operate and victimise the poor devasted people in Assam. ** Finance-Financial Sector Reforms; Central Bank-(India) -FOREIGN INVESTMENTS-FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT-(INDIA) 79 CHANDRASEKHAR, C P For the sake of foreign investments. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.16-19 Analyses the consequences of United Progressive Alliance Government's Foreign Direct Investment policy. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India). 80 DAS, Satanjib FDI in insurance sector: A reality check. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(28.11.2012) FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India). 81 GOLDSMITH, Peter and GANDOAK, Parveet Singh Protecting foreign investments. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.11.2012) Discusses the foreign investors friendly provisions made in Indian Bilateral Investment Treaties. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- ** - Keywords 15

-FOREIGN INVESTMENTS-FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT-(INDIA) (India). 82 JAITLEY, Arun Why not vote on FDI in retail? INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. Argues against Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector. 83 KALYANI SHANKAR It's only fair that FDI should be voted upon. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(30.11.2012) FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. Suggests both Indian National Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party to clear their stand on Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector. 84 MADHAVAN, M R Rules for the FDI face-off. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(22.11.2012) Highlights political differences on Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector. 85 PRABHASH, Ranjan BIT about Walmart. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) BIT: Bilateral Investment Treaty. Comments on India's Bilateral Investment Treaty with the United States. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India). 86 RAO, K S Chalapati and DHAR, Biswajit Vaulting over India's retail FDI policy wall. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.47(No.46), 2012 (17.11.2012): P.10-13 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. Comments on the Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector. ** - Keywords 16

-FOREIGN INVESTMENTS-FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT-(INDIA) 87 RAO, S L For farmers to get more. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(26.11.2012) Discusses whether the farmers will be benefitted from Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector; Agriculture. 88 SARKAR, Shivaji India needs to watch its back. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(20.11.2012) Discusses about the employment scenario after getting allowed Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector; Employmenmt and Unemployment. 89 SHYAM CHAND FDI in multi retail is anti-aam aadmi. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.50(No.42), 2012(6.10.2012): P.7-8 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector. 90 YECHURY, Sitaram Clear double standards. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) Expresses views on the Government's policy on Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand Retail Sector. ** Finance-Foreign Investments-Foreign Direct Investment- (India); Retail Sector. -TAXATION-(INDIA) 91 SRINIVASAN, P R Sensible tax on Capital gains. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(20.11.2012) Gives suggestions on Indian tax policy. ** Finance-Taxation-(India). FOOD -FOOD PRICES 92 CARRASCO, Bruno and MUKHOPADHYAY, Hiranya Food price escalation in South Asia. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.47(No.46), 2012 (17.11.2012): P.59-70 ** - Keywords 17

FOOD -FOOD PRICES Highlights the causes of persisting food price inflation in South Asia. ** Food-Food Prices. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT -SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES 93 KASHYAP, Sushanta Kumar Indigeneous industries of Assam: Challenges in the present scenario. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.29-33 Emphasises the need to address the problems relating to traditional small scale industries. ** Industrial Development-Small Scale Industries. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS -(ASIA PACIFIC-UNITED STATES) 94 KOSHY, Ninan Imperial 'pivot' to Asia-Pacific and the new cold war. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.50(No.42), 2012(6.10.2012): P.11-14 Examines the consequences of the United States' dominance in the Asia-Pacific region. ** International Relations-(Asia Pacific-United States). -(INDIA-ASEAN) 95 HAZARIKA, Lohit and KANWAR, Sunil Gogoi Development of North East regions of India in the prism of Look East Policy: Its potentialities and challenges, P.137-152. PHUKAN, DEVOJIT (ED): LOOK EAST POLICY AND NORTH EAST INDIA, 2013 New Delhi, SSDN Publishers and Distributors. ** International Relations-(India-ASEAN); Economic Growth (India-North East Region). 96 MISHRA, Rahul ASEAN at 45: What it means for India and the world? WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.99-106 ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nations. ** International Relations-(India-ASEAN). ** - Keywords 18

-(INDIA-ASEAN) 97 SAIKIA, Apurba Look East Policy and North Eastern region of India: A cost benefit analysis, P.17-30, in. PHUKAN, DEVOJIT (ED): LOOK EAST POLICY AND NORTH EAST INDIA, 2013 New Delhi, SSDN Publishers and Distributors. Analysis the impact of India's Look East Policy on the socio-economic development of North East Region. ** International Relations-(India-ASEAN); Economic Growth (India-North East Region). -(INDIA-BRAZIL) 98 PRAKASH, B S In praise of an old friend. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(21.11.2012) Deals with political relations between India and Brazil. ** International Relations-(India-Brazil). -(INDIA-CHINA) 99 BORA, Tilottams Look East policy and Indo-China relations, P.79-94, in. PHUKAN, DEVOJIT (ED): LOOK EAST POLICY AND NORTH EAST INDIA, 2013 New Delhi, SSDN Publishers and Distributors. ** International Relations-(India-China); ASEAN. 100 KONDAPALLI, Srikanth Shaping China's India policy. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(22.11.2012) Focuses on China's foreign policy towards India in the wake of changing political scenario in China. ** International Relations-(India-China). 101 PANT, Harsh V Ambitious neighbours need good fences. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(22.11.2012) Gives an opinion on diplomatic relations between India and China. ** International Relations-(India-China). ** - Keywords 19

-(INDIA-IRAN) 102 CHANCHAL KUMAR Indo-Iran relations in the new strategic environment: Opportunities and challenges. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.107-112 ** International Relations-(India-Iran). -(INDIA-MYANMAR) 103 BHATIA, Rajiv Significant journey underway. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(21.11.2012) Focuses on the significance of the visit of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Chairperson and General Secretary of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar, to India. ** International Relations-(India-Myanmar). 104 KARLEKAR, Hiranmay Messages from a visit unlike any other. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Deals with Myanmar political leader Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to India. ** International Relations-(India-Myanmar). -(INDIA-PAKISTAN) 105 KULKARNI, Sudheendra Why PM must visit Pakistan. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(25.11.2012) PM: Prime minister. Gives an opinion on the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Pakistan. ** International Relations-(India-Pakistan). 106 MISHRA, Jugal Kishore Indo-Pak relations: A re-look. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.62-66 ** International Relations-(India-Pakistan). 107 SOOD, Vikram First things first. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(21.11.2012) Emphasises the need to solve terror raising issues between India and Pakistan. ** International Relations-(India-Pakistan); Terrorism- (Pakistan). ** - Keywords 20

-(INDIA-UNITED STATES) 108 BUTON, Marshall M Obama's second wind. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Gives views on the significance of Barack Obama's re- election as President of the United States in context with India. ** International Relations-(India-United States). 109 HAZARIKA, Obja Borah Taking stock of Indo-US relations: The UPA years 2004- 2012. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.122-130 ** International Relations-(India-United States). 110 MUKHERJEE, Subrata UPA's foreign policy initiatives: Continuity of a bipartisan. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.10-15 ** International Relations-(India-United States). -(IRAN-ISRAEL) 111 SHAHROZE TARIQ RAZA Israel's dress rehearsal for war on Iran. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(24.11.2012) ** International Relations-(Iran-Israel). -(ISRAEL-PALESTINE) 112 ALON USHPIZ We all fall down. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(20.11.2012) Highlights the role of the International Community in resolving the conflict between Israel and Palestine. ** International Relations-(Israel-Palestine). 113 DASGUPTA, Swapan Target strikes back. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(23.11.2012) Gives views on recent racket attacks on Israel from the Gaza strip. ** International Relations-(Israel-Palestine). 114 GUPTA, Kanchan Silence of an uneasy truce won't last long. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(25.11.2012) ** - Keywords 21

-(ISRAEL-PALESTINE) Comments on political relations between Israel and Palestine. ** International Relations-(Israel-Palestine). 115 MUKHERJEE, Mayuri Another vicious bout of violence. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(21.11.2012) Comments on growing conflict between Israel and Palestine ** International Relations-(Israel-Palestine). -FOREIGN POLICY-(INDIA) 116 DAS, Samir Kumar When consensus collapses: India's foreign policy in recent times. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.16-21 ** International Relations-Foreign Policy-(India). 117 GIRI, Nivedita India's foreign policy: Correcting the faultiness! WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.67-74 ** International Relations-Foreign Policy-(India). -FOREIGN POLICY-(UNITED STATES) 118 GELB, Leslieh H Lie that screwed up 50 years of US foreign policy. FOREIGN POLICY (WASHINGTON), No.196, 2012(Nov, 2012): P.24-26 Analyses the foreign policy of the United States since 1962. ** International Relations-Foreign Policy-(United States) -REGIONAL ALLIANCES AND PACTS-BRICS 119 AGTMAEL, Antoine Van Think again: The BRICS. FOREIGN POLICY (WASHINGTON), No.196, 2012(Nov, 2012): P.76-79 BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Compares the Gross Domestic Product growth rate together of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa with that of the United States. ** International Relations-Regional Alliances and Pacts- BRICS; Economic Growth-(United States). ** - Keywords 22

LABOUR AND LABOURING CLASSES -LABOUR POLICY-(INDIA) 120 RAJALAKSHMI, T K Bearing the brunt. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.30-35 Draws attention towards the plight of Labourers working in various industries in the current economic scenario. ** Labour and Labouring Classes-Labour Policy-(India). LANGUAGES -ENGLISH 121 SATCHIDANANDAN, K Indianising English. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.98-102 Discusses about the recognition of 'English' language as a medium of literary expression in Indian literature. ** Languages-English. LAW AND JUSTICE -CAPITAL PUNISHMENT-(INDIA) 122 AKBAR, M J Penalty called death. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(25.11.2012) Holds an opinion about imposing death penalty to Ajmal Kasab, an accused in 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack case. ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). 123 MALIK, Ashok Death sentence is bad, but it is still needed. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(24.11.2012) ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). 124 MOHANTY, Deebashree Closure report. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(25.11.2012) Gives an opinion on awarding Capital punishment to Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab. ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). 125 RAGHAVAN, R K Death penalty is repugnant, but can one sympathise with Kasab? DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(22.11.2012) ** - Keywords 23

LAW AND JUSTICE -CAPITAL PUNISHMENT-(INDIA) Comments on the debate over death penalty imposed to Ajmal Kasab, an accused in Mumbai terror attack. ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). 126 SAMRAT Hangman's knot. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(22.11.2012) Deals with execution of Ajmal Kasab, an accused in Mumbai terror attack. ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). 127 SRIDHAR, Madabhushi Act of constitutional impropriety. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(23.11.2012) Comments on the execution of Ajmal Kasab, an accused in 2008 Mumbai terror attack case. ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). 128 VENKATESAN, V Keeping the nation in the dark. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(22.11.2012) Comments on the execution of Ajmal Kasab. ** Law and Justice-Capital Punishment-(India). -JUDICIARY-(INDIA) 129 CHANDRACHUD, Abhinav Need to have a uniform retirement age for judges. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.47(No.46), 2012 (17.11.2012): P.24-27 Emphasises the need to bring at par the retirement age of High Court judges with that of the Supreme Court of India ** Law and Justice-Judiciary-(India); Judges. -JUDICIARY-JUDICIAL ACTIVISM-(INDIA) 130 ARUN, T K Who's afraid of the Apex Court? ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(29.11.2012) Focuses on the role of judicial activism in India. ** Law and Justice-Judiciary-Judicial Activism-(India). ** - Keywords 24

MASS MEDIA -PRESS-JOURNALISM AND JOURNALISTS 131 CARR, David Using war as cover to target jounalists. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(27.11.2012) Raises concern over the safety of world-wide jounalists. ** Mass Media-Press-Journalism and Journalists. -PRESS-PRESS AND STATE 132 SASHI KUMAR Manufacturing dissent. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.110-112 Expresses views on the freedom of the press and security to social media across the world. ** Mass Media-Press-Press and State; Internet. -PRESS-PRESS AND STATE-(INDIA) 133 DATTA RAY, Sunanda K Freedom to suppress. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(27.11.2012) Gives an opinion on imposing legal restraints on media. ** Mass Media-Press-Press and State-(India). -PRESS-PRESS ETHICS-(INDIA) 134 KATJU, Markandey Jury of thier peers. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Contemplates that a stronger Press Council would be the best regulator of Media. ** Mass Media-Press-Press Ethics-(India). 135 NAYAR, Kuldip Jingle of coins. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.50(No.42), 2012(6.10.2012): P.11-12 Expresses concern over the declining standard of press. ** Mass Media-Press-Press Ethics-(India). ** - Keywords 25

-RADIO AND TELEVISION 136 PHUKAN, Bhaskar Our TV: Yet to set a benchmark. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(21.11.2012) Emphasises the need to improve the satellite television industry in Assam. ** Mass Media-Radio and Television; Satellite Communications. MIGRATION -INFILTRATION 137 AE MD KHAIROZ ZAMAN Migration from Western front. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(19.11.2012) Expresses concern over infiltration of Muslims from East Bengal to Assam. ** Migration-Infiltration. MINES AND MINERALS -MINING-MINING LAW AND REGULATIONS 138 SHIRODKAR, Girish Denationalise coal mining, to bring tariffs down. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(21.11.2012) ** Mines and Minerals-Mining-Mining Law and Regulations. PARLIAMENT -LEGISLATIVE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE-(INDIA) 139 CHANAKYA Get down to business. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(18.11.2012) Contemplates that the Opposition parties must negotiate to resolve the crucial issues and save the dignity of Parliament. ** Parliament-Legislative Practice and Procedure-(India). 140 DASGUPTA, Swapan Of debates, divisions and discretions. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(30.11.2012) Raises concern over the regular disruptions in Parliamentary proceedings during winter session of 2012. ** Parliament-Legislative Practice and Procedure-(India). ** - Keywords 26

PARLIAMENT -LEGISLATIVE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE-(INDIA) 141 MUNGEKAR, Bhalchandra Make the House work. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(16.11.2012) Comments on the role of Opposition Parties in hampering the functioning of Parliament. ** Parliament-Legislative Practice and Procedure-(India). PETROLEUM -GAS 142 PRADHAN, Sanjay Kumar Myanmar-Bangladesh-India gas pipeline: Intricacies and Indian foreign policy discourse. WORLD FOCUS (DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.131-135 ** Petroleum-Gas. -OIL PRICES 143 DASGUPTA, Dipankar and CHATTERJEE, Tushar Kanti Petroleum pricing policy: A viable alternative. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.47(No.46), 2012 (17.11.2012): P.46-50 Critically evaluates the Government's pricing policy for petroleum products in India. ** Petroleum-Oil Prices. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT -CASTE-POLITICS-(INDIA-TAMIL NADU) 144 KARTHIKEYAN, D and GORRINGE, H Rescuing Ambedkar. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.136-140 Expresses concern over the continued desecration of Bhim Rao Ambedkar's statues in Tamil Nadu. ** Politics and Government-Caste-Politics-(India-Tamil Nadu). -CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS-FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 145 CHAUDHURI, Arindam How 'free' is freedom of speech? PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(23.11.2012) ** - Keywords 27

-CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS-FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Raises concern over the arrests of two girls in Mumbai for voicing their opinions on social networking sites. ** Politics and Government-Civil and Political Rights- Fundamental Rights; Internet. 146 VISWAM, S Freedom in peril. JANATA (MUMBAI), V.67(No.44), 2012(25.11.2012): P.1-2 Expresses concern over arrest of two young women in Mumbai for recording a personal comment on a social networking site. ** Politics and Government-Civil and Political Rights- Fundamental Rights; Internet. 147 WANI, Namita State, private property and the Supreme Court. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.36-39 Appeals for the reinstatement of fundamental right to property in the Constitution to protect the interests of the farmers in India. ** Politics and Government-Civil and Political Rights- Fundamental Rights; Land Acquisition. -FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT-(INDIA-GUJARAT) 148 MANDER, Harsh No talisman anymore. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(28.11.2012) Assesses the performance of the Government led by the Chief Minister, Narendra Modi in Gujarat. ** Politics and Government-Functions of Government-(India Gujarat). -NATIONAL INTEGRATION-SECULARISM 149 ASGHAR ALI ENGINEER Secularism: Vote-based or value-based? NATION AND THE WORLD (NEW DELHI), V.19(No.503), 2012 (16.11.2012): P.16-17 ** Politics and Government-National Integration- Secularism. -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(CHINA) 150 IYER MITRA, Abhijit Don't look for change in Beijing. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) ** - Keywords 28

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(CHINA) Expresses views on political leadership transition in China. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(China). 151 MANOJ, C G Open-door generation. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(16.11.2012) Deals with the expectations of world community from China's new political leadership. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(China). 152 MUKHERJEE, Amitava New leadership in China. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(26.11.2012) Assesses the political condition of China in the wake of election of Xi Jinping as the new President of China. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(China). 153 NIHAL SINGH, S China: New leaders new challenges. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(16.11.2012) Gives views on forthcoming political transition in China. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(China). 154 SIMPSON, John Will Chinese Communism survive? DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(19.11.2012) Critically evaluates the current political condition of China. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(China). -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(EGYPT) 155 CHAULIA, Sreeram Sundar Revolution in a tailspin. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(26.11.2012) Expresses concern over political turmoil in Egypt. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(Egypt). ** - Keywords 29

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(INDIA) 156 CHAUDHURI, Arindam Country needs young leaders. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(16.11.2012) Encourages youths to join politics in India. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(India); Youth Affairs. 157 CHERIAN, Devi Cong, BJP losing ground. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(25.11.2012) Analyses the growing significance of regional parties in national politics when the Indian National Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party are losing touch with common man. ** Politics and Government-Political Development-(India). -POLITICAL PARTIES 158 NAYAR, Kuldip Elusive consensus. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(30.11.2012) Expresses concern over the divergence of opinion among political parties on various national issues. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties. 159 NOORANI, A G Party inquiries. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(25.11.2012) Emphasises on the need to bring transparency and accountability in working of political parties. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties. -POLITICAL PARTIES-BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY 160 BHAGAT, Chetan Agni pariksha moment for Sangh Parivar. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(18.11.2012) Focuses on the challenges ahead for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh to handle Nitin Gadkari's shady business situation. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party; Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. 161 CHANAKYA Stricking the wrong notes. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(25.11.2012) ** - Keywords 30

-POLITICAL PARTIES-BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY Focuses on the challenges ahead for the President of the Bharatiya Janata Party to revive its image. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party. 162 PANAGARIYA, Arvind Time for BJP to rethink. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(17.11.2012) Pleads the Bharatiya Janata Party to appreciate the benefits of economic reforms being initiated by the Government. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party. 163 SURESH, K G Looking for Muslim foot soldiers. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(26.11.2012) Suggests Bharatiya Janata Party to show sincerity to attract Muslim votes in forthcoming elections. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party. 164 UPADHYA, R Filling the moral space. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(17.11.2012) Examines the political condition of Bharatiya Janata Party in the wake of corruption charges levied against its President Nitin Gadkari. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party. -POLITICAL PARTIES-INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 165 AATISH TASEER Rahul Gandhi: The tale of a failed crown prince. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(27.11.2012) Critically evaluates the political career of Indian National Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Indian National Congress. 166 SHASHI SHEKHAR Congress has a negative image. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.11.2012) Examines the political condition of Indian National ** - Keywords 31

-POLITICAL PARTIES-INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Congress in the wake of forthcoming Gujarat Legislative Assembly elections 2012. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Indian National Congress. 167 SURYA PRAKASH, A Liitle love or regard for democratic institutions. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) Criticises Indian National Congress Party for rediculing the Constitutional bodies like Comptroller and Auditor General of India. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Indian National Congress. -POLITICAL PARTIES-SHIV SENA 168 KETKAR, Kumar Meltdown begins. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(20.11.2012) Examines the political condition of Shiv Sena after the death of Balasaheb Thackeray. ** Politics and Government-Political Parties-Shiv Sena. -POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND IDEOLOGIES-CAPITALISM 169 MUNDLE, Sudipto Passage to Capitalism. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(29.11.2012) Highlights the different ways being undertaken by India, China and Russia to adopt Capitalism for economic growth in 21st century. ** Politics and Government-Political Philosophy and Ideologies-Capitalism. -POLITICAL STRUGGLE-(SYRIA) 170 ADAMS, Simon Syria staring at a genocide. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(17.11.2012) Raises concern over the rising violence and poor condition of human rights in Syria. ** Politics and Government-Political Struggle-(Syria). 171 GAREKHAN, Chinmaya R Civil war set to escalate. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(26.11.2012) ** - Keywords 32

-POLITICAL STRUGGLE-(SYRIA) Assesses the political condition of Syria. ** Politics and Government-Political Struggle-(Syria). -REGIONAL PARTIES 172 SUBRAHMANYA, K Regional parties rise as Cong, BJP shrink. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(18.11.2012) Assesses the political condition of regional parties in India in the wake of Lok Sabha elections, 2014. ** Politics and Government-Regional Parties. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS 173 RAGHAV CHANDRA Rebuilding India's steel frame. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(27.11.2012) Highlights the shortcomings in administrative management. ** Public Administration-Administrative Reforms. -CIVIL SERVICES-(INDIA) 174 NGAIHTE, T K Only crammers need apply. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(24.11.2012) Criticises the recent change in the pattern of the Civil Services examination. ** Public Administration-Civil Services-(India). -CIVIL SERVICES-BUREAUCRACY-(INDIA) 175 BARMAN, Abheek Sack non-performing babus to spark growth. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Emphasises the need to bring reform in Indian bureaucracy ** Public Administration-Civil Services-Bureaucracy- (India). ** - Keywords 33

-CORRUPTION-(INDIA) 176 CHAKRABORTY, Sayan It is media glare than real work. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(21.11.2012) Gives a critical view on Anna Hazare's anti-corruption campaign. ** Public Administration-Corruption-(India). 177 CHANDRA, Shailaja Striking at the root of corruption. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(27.11.2012) Emphasises the need for electoral reform so as to curb the corruption in India. ** Public Administration-Corruption-(India); Election Law and Reforms. 178 KALYANI SHANKAR Eloquent on corruption, mum on price rise. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(16.11.2012) Holds an opinion over the civil society's fight against corruption. ** Public Administration-Corruption-(India). 179 Not out of the trough yet (Editorial). HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.11.2012) Suggests the measures to be taken to curb corruption. ** Public Administration-Corruption-(India). 180 SAHAY, Mohan Corruption then and now. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(16.11.2012) ** Public Administration-Corruption-(India). -DISASTER MANAGEMENT 181 TALMIZUR RAHMAN Flood control: Old wine in new bottle. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(16.11.2012) Comments on the efforts being made by the State Government to control flood havoc in Assam. ** Public Administration-Disaster Management; Floods. ** - Keywords 34

-LAW AND ORDER-INTERNAL SECURITY-(INDIA) 182 CHHIKARA, R S National disintegration: The threat from within and outside. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(23.11.2012) Deals with issues related to national security. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Internal Security- (India). -LAW AND ORDER-RIOTS-(INDIA) 183 DAS, Pramod Communal Violence Bill. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(27.11.2012) Throws light on the important features of proposed Communal and Targeted Violence(Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011 by the National Advisory Council. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Riots-(India). -LAW AND ORDER-RIOTS-(INDIA-ASSAM) 184 RAVI, R N Assam needs a survival strategy. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(25.11.2012) Raises concern over rising ethnic riots in Assam. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Riots-(India- Assam). -LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-(INDIA) 185 KANWAL, Gurmeet Launch covert action. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(23.11.2012) Pleads to launch covert operation against Pakistan's terror outfits. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Terrorism-(India). 186 PARTHASARATHY, G If Pakistan provokes, India will hit back. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(23.11.2012) Warns Pakistan not to promote terrorism in India. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Terrorism-(India). ** - Keywords 35

-LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-(INDIA) 187 PUNJ, Balbir Don't surrender before the rabble-rousers. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.11.2012) Examines the implications of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in India and Pakistan. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Terrorism-(India). -LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-(INDIA-MAHARASHTRA) 188 AYESHA SIDDIQA Inconvenient truth. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(26.11.2012) Comments on the hanging of Ajmal Kasab, an accused in 26/11/2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Terrorism-(India- Maharashtra); Capital Punishment. 189 PATANKAR, V G Mujahid or mercenary? TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(23.11.2012) Looks at the reasons behind Ajmal Kasab's becoming a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Terrorism-(India- Maharashtra). -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-(INDIA-ASSAM) 190 BEZBORUAH, D N Saga of ceaseless induced strife. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(20.11.2012) Describes the reasons behind riots and violence occured at Kokrajhar in Assam. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Violences and Disorders-(India-Assam). -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-(INDIA-NORTH EAST REGION) 191 MUKHIM, Patricia Of AFSPA and surrendered ultras. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(22.11.2012) AFSPA: Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Suggests the measures to be taken to tackle the problem of insurgency and withdrawl of Armed Forces Special ** - Keywords 36

-LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-(INDIA-NORTH EAST REGION) Powers Act, 1958 in the North East region of India. ** Public Administration-Law and Order-Violences and Disorders-(India-North East Region). -PRIME MINISTER-CABINET-(INDIA) 192 Manmohan Singh new team will boost confidence. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.62(No.22), 2012 (16.11.2012): P.34-35 Comments on the reshuffling of the Union Council of Ministers in India. ** Public Administration-Prime Minister-Cabinet-(India). PUBLIC HEALTH -DISEASES-AIDS 193 RAO, J V R Prasada Creating an AIDS-free environment. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(30.11.2012) AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Emphasises the need to end Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in India. ** Public Health-Diseases-AIDS. 194 SINOUSSI, Francoise B and KAMARULZAMAN, A 'Getting to zero': Journey towards an AIDS free world. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(21.11.2012) AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Deals with the efforts to make Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome free world. ** Public Health-Diseases-AIDS. -DISEASES-DENGUE 195 HOJAI, Dhruba Prevention and control of dengue. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(17.11.2012) ** Public Health-Diseases-Dengue. -DISEASES-TUBERCULOSIS 196 BHARATHI GHANASHYAM Aiming to bring TB cases to zero. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(24.11.2012) TB: Tuberculosis. ** Public Health-Diseases-Tuberculosis. ** - Keywords 37

-DISEASES-TUBERCULOSIS 197 UDWADIA, Zarir This should not exist. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(28.11.2012) Contemplates that public and private health care organisations must work together to curb Tuberculosis. ** Public Health-Diseases-Tuberculosis. -DRUGS 198 ATTARAN, Amir and BATE, Roger Countries need to act against fake and substandard medicines. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(24.11.2012) ** Public Health-Drugs. 199 SELVARAJ, Sakthivel and HABIB HASAN FAROOQUI Draft drug price policy 2011: Legitimising unaffordable medicine prices? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.47(No.46), 2012 (17.11.2012): P.13-17 ** Public Health-Drugs. -MEDICAL ETHICS 200 SALAHI, Adil Mercy killing: No killing can be merciful. NATION AND THE WORLD (NEW DELHI), V.19(No.503), 2012 (16.11.2012): P.32-33 Expresses Islamic views over mercy killing. ** Public Health-Medical Ethics. -MEDICAL RESEARCH 201 YOUNG, Susan Genetic screening for disease risk. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(23.11.2012) Throws light on the medical research going on to screen life threatening genetic disease at an early stage. ** Public Health-Medical Research. -NUTRITION 202 SHARMA, Arpita Nutrition policy and strategy stakes of malnutrition in India. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.41-44 ** - Keywords 38

-NUTRITION ** Public Health-Nutrition. -PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY-(INDIA) 203 MANDER, Harsh Mental illness, choice and rights. NATION AND THE WORLD (NEW DELHI), V.19(No.503), 2012 (16.11.2012): P.21-22 Discusses the National Health Care Bill, 2012 and its impact on the mentally challenged people. ** Public Health-Public Health Policy-(India); Disabled Rehabilitation; Mental Health. 204 PERVEZ AHMED Urgent care centres can save many lives. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(30.11.2012) Demands to improve emergency medical care facilities in India. ** Public Health-Public Health Policy-(India). -PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY-(IRELAND) 205 EMMANUEL, Dominic Missing child in the right to abort. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(21.11.2012) Criticises Ireland's law on abortion. ** Public Health-Public Health Policy-(Ireland). 206 ETHEL ROHAN Ireland's antiquated abortion law. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(22.11.2012) Deals with protest against illegality of abortion in Ireland. ** Public Health-Public Health Policy-(Ireland). -SANITATION 207 SHARMA, Arpita Sanitation for all in North Eastern region. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.11-14 ** Public Health-Sanitation. 208 SRIDHAR, M V Housing is key to solving toilet issue. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(16.11.2012) ** Public Health-Sanitation. ** - Keywords 39

RURAL DEVELOPMENT -(INDIA) 209 BHATTACHARYA, Shrayana and PRITCHEIT, Lant Cash is no cure-all. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(27.11.2012) Argues that cash transfer will create problems in implementing social programmes in India. ** Rural Development-(India); Public Distribution System. 210 PANI, Narendar Cashing in on schemes for poor. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(29.11.2012) Comments on Union Government's cash transfer scheme launched recently for welfare of the rural poor. ** Rural Development-(India); Public Distribution System. 211 SEEMA CHISTI Jury is out, subject has changed. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(30.11.2012) Gives an opinion on recently launched cash transfer scheme for social welfare programmes in India. ** Rural Development-(India); Public Distribution System. -RURAL EDUCATION 212 KURIAKOSE, Francis and IYER, Deepa Kylasam Elementary education for the rural girl child: An assessment. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.19-22 ** Rural Development-Rural Education; Primary Education. 213 SWAMY, Raju Narayana Integrating rural women in India into the higher education landscape. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.24-28 ** Rural Development-Rural Education; Higher Education. ** - Keywords 40

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -COMPUTERS-INTERNET 214 DUTT, Barkha To each his own. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(24.11.2012) Comments on the proposal of imposing censorship on social media. ** Science and Technology-Computers-Internet. 215 MITTA, Manoj Don't muzzle net dissent. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(24.11.2012) Expresses concern over violation of the Section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2006 relating to working of social media. ** Science and Technology-Computers-Internet; Information Technology. 216 PATHAK, Geetartha New media tools and freedom of speech. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(16.11.2012) Comments on the Government's decision to censor social media. ** Science and Technology-Computers-Internet. -INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 217 GUPTA, Apar Dangerous law that must go soon. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(28.11.2012) Raises concern over the misuse of Section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2000. ** Science and Technology-Information Technology. 218 GUPTA, Apar Virtual menace. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(26.11.2012) Focuses on the debate over Section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2000. ** Science and Technology-Information Technology. 219 PRASAD, Ravi V S Section 66A of IT Act has to go. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(22.11.2012) Pleads to remove the controversial Section 66A of ** - Keywords 41

-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information Technology Act, 2000. ** Science and Technology-Information Technology. 220 RAJEEV CHANDRASEKHAR Don't kill freedom of speech. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(30.11.2012) Emphasises the need to review the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011 so as to safeguard citizens' rights. ** Science and Technology-Information Technology; Fundamental Rights. SOCIAL POLICY AND PLANNING -CHILD WELFARE 221 HALARNKAR, Samar India's big chance. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(22.11.2012) Emphasises the need to review the Integrated Child Development Services. ** Social Policy and Planning-Child Welfare. -CHILD WELFARE-CHILD CARE 222 MARY SUNANDA Need for greater reforms in ICDS. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.35-37 ICDS: Integrated Child Development Scheme. Calls for an urgent need to reform in the 'Intergrated Child Development Scheme' project so as to address the prevailing malnutrition problem among the children in India. ** Social Policy and Planning-Child Welfare-Child Care; Nutrition. -CHILD WELFARE-CHILD LABOUR 223 DEY, Monish Kumar Child labour and its future. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(19.11.2012) Expresses concern over prevailing problem of child labour all over the world with special reference to India. ** Social Policy and Planning-Child Welfare-Child Labour. ** - Keywords 42

-SCHEDULED CASTES 224 DREZE, Jean Quiet grip of caste. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(29.11.2012) Emphasises the need to fight against prevailing caste system in society. ** Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Castes. -SCHEDULED TRIBES 225 TRIPATHI, Purnima S Midnight's children. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.29(No.19), 2012(5.10.2012): P.46-48 Expresses concern over the Government's apathy towards the rights of members of denotified, nomadic and semi- nomadic tribes in India. ** Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Tribes. 226 ZUBAIR AHMED Why Jarawas don't have to say? KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.11), 2012(Sep, 2012): P.45-46 Discusses over the rights of Jarawa tribes residing in Andaman and Nicobar Islands to participate in the decision making policy of the Government in terms of banning the tourism activities in the 'buffer zone'. ** Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Tribes; Tourism. -SOCIAL PROBLEMS-SCAVENGING 227 MANDER, Harsh India's great shame. JANATA (MUMBAI), V.67(No.44), 2012(25.11.2012): P.9-10 Emphasises the need for strictly enforcement of law relating to eradicate 'manual scavenging'. ** Social Policy and Planning-Social Problems-Scavenging. -WOMEN-CRIME AGAINST WOMEN 228 FARRUKH DHONDY Raise the baton now. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.11.2012) Expresses concern over rise in crime against women. ** Social Policy and Planning-Women-Crime Against Women. ** - Keywords 43

-WOMEN-CRIME AGAINST WOMEN-(PAKISTAN) 229 SYED, Aijaz Zaka Turning point for Pakistan. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.19(No.503), 2012 (16.11.2012): P.32-33 Shows the uproar in public domain over the attack on Malala Yousufzai and its impact on Pakistan's position. ** Social Policy and Planning-Women-Crime Against Women- (Pakistan). -WOMEN-SOCIAL CONDITION 230 NAYAR, Kuldip Plight of women. DECCAN HERALD (BANGALORE), 2012(16.11.2012) Throws light on the various socio-economic problems being faced by the women in India. ** Social Policy and Planning-Women-Social Condition. SPORTS -CRICKET 231 MAJUMDAR, Boria Testing times ahead. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(16.11.2012) Highlights the challenges ahead for Indian team while playing India-England Cricket Test Series. ** Sports-Cricket. TOURISM -TOURISM POLICY-(INDIA-MANIPUR) 232 BHATTARAI, Binod and PANDEY, Deepan Eco-tourism: An engine of economic growth in Sikkim. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.61(No.1), 2012(Nov, 2012): P.43-46 ** Tourism-Tourism Policy-(India-Manipur). TRANSPORT -AIR TRANSPORT-CIVIL AVIATION-(INDIA) 233 SWAMY, V Kumara After the bust. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(21.11.2012) Examines India's bankruptsy laws in the wake of poor financial condition of Kingfisher Airlines. ** Transport-Air Transport-Civil Aviation-(India). ** - Keywords 44