Part One of a Strange Twist of Fate

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  • 8/8/2019 Part One of a Strange Twist of Fate


  • 8/8/2019 Part One of a Strange Twist of Fate




    Vincent Gilvarry

    Published by: Vincent Gilvarry

    Copyright 2010 Vincent Gilvarry


    Chapter 1

    The Silhouette

    Adrik and Diego were lost in thought, peering

    vacantly into the fathomless Abyss as their shuttle sailed

    silently towards the transport terminal in the distance.

    The Abyss was an ever-present reality in their life, a

    realm of shadows and mystery, a never-ending ocean of

    absolute nothingness, nestling within the timelessdomain known as the Khavala. The Abyss was the heart

    centre of their world, as beautiful as it was dangerous,

    but it was never to be taken lightly. It surrounded Vela-

    Rishan, glistening like a precious jewel in the morning

    light, but below the surface it was a barren and empty

    wasteland haunted by the phantoms of lost souls.

    One of the many passengers travelling on this

    vessel was a tall woman in long black veils. Lezula was

    travelling alone as she always did, but today she did so

    for a somewhat different reason; she had a vested interest

    in the two boys sitting down the far end of the shuttle.

    She had made it her business to study them a little more

    closely over the last hour. Normally, she would not have

    been so intrusive, but this was a necessity, for a number

    of reasons.

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    She had never seen two less likely companions;

    they were so different in every way. The boy with dark

    hair, for example, was quiet and pensive. She knew next

    to nothing about the habits of young boys, but she

    thought it unusual for one to have a book in his hands,

    even if it was electronic. As for his friend, if hisappearance was anything to go by, he was a different

    story altogether. He had an unusual but interesting face

    even so; it was almost comical to some degree and, as

    for his spiky blond hair, well, there had to a story behind

    that as well.

    Lezula knew more about these kids than they

    knew about themselves. She had been following their

    progress over the last few years, but this was the first

    time she had ever been so close. She would reveal

    herself in her own good time, but for reasons of her own,

    she had chosen a seat in which she could observe themquietly, but from a reasonable distance.

    Under normal circumstances, Adrik might have

    noticed her and even commented on her appearance, but

    at that particular moment, he was oblivious to

    everything, absorbed by the serenity and majesty of the

    infinitely mysterious Abyss. When he did eventually

    surface, his first question took Diego a little by surprise.

    Whats an armadillo? he said unexpectedly.

    Its a mammal of some sort, Diego replied, the

    armour-plated variety, I think. Why do you want to


    I had a very weird and disturbing dream about

    one, Adrik said mysteriously.

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    Adrik had been un-naturally quiet for the last half

    hour and, to Diegos mind, that was often a precursor to

    yet another enigma. Diego had been half expecting to

    hear something, maybe even an update on his latest

    inter-dimensional adventure, but he had not expected a

    question like this.An armadillo, said Diego, theyre completely

    harmless, as far as I know.

    Well, this one wasnt, said Adrik. It was

    stalking me. Every time I looked around, there it was


    It was one of those moments when Diego was

    lost for words. He waited patiently, expecting him to

    share just a little more of his latest discovery, but Adrik

    had retreated into his own private world.

    And, is that it? said Diego.

    Its hard to say, said Adrik the whole thing waslike some horrible nightmare, but only worse.

    Worse means what, in this case? said Diego.

    Well, you know what its like in a nightmare,

    he said, when the brotherhood creep up on you in the

    middle of the night; you try to escape, but you cant.

    Your legs wont move and every time you turn around,

    there they are again.

    The brotherhood was last years obsession; this

    year it was his on-going belief that they were highly

    advanced beings from another civilisation. Hardly a day

    went by when he didnt try to bamboozle Diego with one

    thing or another.

    Diego knew this routine off by heart. Adrik

    would drift off into some unchartered universe to search

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    out yet another perplexing mystery, but he always had

    one more thing to say.

    Its out there, somewhere, he said in a strange

    but knowing way, Im sure of it, D, and its just waiting

    to pounce.

    Okay, said Diego, Ill take your word for it.

    Adriks world was like that, an endless library of

    unfinished stories, fantastic things hed seen from afar

    but never really understood. Adrik was a dreamer; he

    coasted along with his head in the clouds, collecting

    titbits from galaxies far and wide and anything was

    possible with an imagination like his.

    Diego was his opposite in almost every way. His

    was a life of self-enforced rules and regulations.

    Structure and order suited some people and he just

    happened to be of them. He was comfortable with theidea that his daily routine was always planned down to

    the very last detail. Adrik on the other hand was a free-

    wheeling agent of his own design and depending on the

    moment, he did whatever came into his head.

    Within the year, they would both be turning

    fifteen, they had barely anything in common and apart

    from the fact that they were almost inseparable, there

    was no worldly reason why they should even be friends,

    but life in its own peculiar way had turned out to be

    somewhat different.

    If appearance had anything to do with it, Diego

    should have been the eternal optimist; he had inherited a

    wealth of good looks from both sides of his family, a

    rich olive complexion and deep brown eyes from his

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    mothers side and chestnut brown hair from his fathers.

    He often caught the eye of many girls of his age, but it

    was only until recently that he even became aware of it.

    Adriks lean appearance and athletic prowess

    might have had something to do with the fact that he

    could barely sit still for ten minutes at a time, but he washardly undernourished; his mother had always seen to

    that. In one of his kinder moments, Diego had said that

    he was possessed by the devil of over-stimulation. As

    Adrik pointed out, that was a bonus in his case; that

    particular character was a personal friend of his and he

    was more than happy to be in such distinguished


    Unlike Adrik, who had a passing interest in

    almost everything, Diego had no interest at all in his

    appearance. On an impulse, Adrik had decided to wear

    something a little more fashionable for this venture.Rather than traditional Rishani travelling clothes, which

    were robes of the finest possible fabric, he had chosen a

    pair of roll down, buckled-sided boots, tight-fitting pants

    and a jacket decorated with blue metal studs. Except for

    his bungled attempts to straighten his hair, which had a

    natural perversity to curl up all by itself, he almost

    looked human

    Adrik might have had his faults, but Diego never

    underestimated his ability to pull a rabbit out of a hat in

    an emergency. His efforts in this case had been one of

    his classics. It had taken some thought and just a little

    persuasion, but he eventually convinced his parents that

    they were both well overdue for a holiday.

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    In Adriks mind, Arinyah was one of the most

    beautiful destinations in the realm, it was a city as

    ancient as time itself, but it wasnt the architectural

    landscape that he was interested in. Arinyah might have

    been the star in the crown of the realm, a holiday

    destination for the rich and famous, but, as he hadrecently discovered, it catered for a few other people as


    La Kata was a small but interesting island off the

    eastern coast of Sabinica, the hometown of Adriks

    father. Every year for the last five years they had been

    shunted off to the family farm to spend the school

    holidays with old Aunt Finoola. La Kata wasnt such a

    bad place for a holiday, but they never got to see that

    much of it. They spent most of their time slaving away in

    her overgrown garden, battling it out with prickly plants

    and weeds until they expired from exhaustion. It wasntthe thought of old aunt Finoola that Adrik didnt like; it

    was that monstrous, uncontrollable garden.

    He might have thought nothing more about it if it

    hadnt crept into his dreams and turned into his worst

    nightmare. It had been the same routine for weeks on

    end. Adrik was out there in the blazing sun, wearing

    little else other than a pair of tattered old shorts; slashing

    away at one plant after another and ripping them out by

    their roots, but every time he looked around, theyre they

    were again. Night after night, it was the exactly same

    routine, but the last time it happened was the worst night

    of all. The very thought of going to sleep and grappling

    with those things was more than Adrik could face. If this

    was a fight to the death, he wasnt about to lose; he was

    determined that a garden full of man-eating plants wasnt

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    going to get the better of him. Before he crawled into

    bed on that last fateful night, he concealed a long-

    handled knife under his pillow and prepared himself for


    Ill show you whos in charge! he whispered.

    He woke in the early hours of the morning,gasping for breath and tearing at the sheets that had

    become entangled around his neck. When he saw the

    shredded remains of his favourite pillow scattered

    around the bedroom, that was the last straw as far as he

    was concerned; he never wanted to see another garden in

    his entire life.

    Ill go anywhere, he said defiantly, but I am

    not going back there. I refuse to spend two months of my

    life in that slave labour camp, ever again.

    Adrik had a variety of options in his arsenal andhe was determined to bargain his way into one of them.

    What about a month or two with the Order of

    Irregular Mystics, he said to his parents.

    A school for the spiritually advanced, said Mr.

    Sharano, I dont think so. Theyd know better than to

    take you on.

    Well, how about The Island at the Edge of the

    World, he said somewhat tentatively.

    Not a chance, said his mother, a place like that

    is far too dangerous for children.

    Adrik was prepared to carry on like this all day if

    he had to, but he had already made his decision, he knew

    exactly where he wanted to go.

    Okay, he said, a little apprehensively, how

    about the Yumi Summer Camp in Arinyah.

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    Now, thats an excellent idea, said his father,

    that could be just the thing for a boy like you.

    A holiday camp on the northern shores of

    Arinyah was the perfect choice for a kid like Adrik; this

    was an idea on which Mr Sharano was willing to

    negotiate.That is a wonderful solution, said his mother,

    why didnt we think of that earlier?

    Dont know, said Adrik, it just didnt occur to

    you, I guess.

    You never cease to surprise us, do you? said

    Mrs Sharano. Now, eat your dinner, dear, before it gets


    His parents werent resistant to new ideas, but

    Adrik had discovered long ago that they often needed a

    little guidance, especially when it came to rearing

    children. That, however, wasnt his only problem at themoment; the thought of consuming an overly large bowl

    of gooey white noodles was an even bigger one.

    He and his mother had very different ideas on

    what was best for his health, but he was determined that

    this particular concoction would never pass his lips, not

    until this battle had been won, not until he had achieved

    his ultimate goal. He eyed her latest creation with some

    trepidation. He had achieved his objective and now he

    had no choice, he would have to swallow his pride and a

    rather pungent dish that she called tangy noodle salad,

    even if he choked on it.

    Okay, here goes, he said.

    A holiday in Arinyah will do you both the world

    of good, wont it? said Mrs Sharano.

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    It probably will, said Diego. Who knows what

    the future holds for the likes of us.

    Diego had already eaten the tastiest bits of the

    salad and was absent-mindedly pushing what was left of

    the noodles from one side of the bowl to the other.

    Two months in an adventure camp wasnt hisidea of the perfect holiday, but it would have to do. He

    was currently inspecting a potentially dangerous weapon,

    entranced by the finely honed blade of a gleaming new

    kitchen knife, giving serious consideration as to its many

    and varied uses.

    Theres no point in all of this studying, said

    Adrik, soaking up everything that school has to offer, if

    deep down, I feel spiritually bankrupt.

    Mr Sharano just stared at him as he often did, just

    shaking his head in disbelief. This, as he realised, was

    another of Adriks outlandish schemes, behind whichwas a simple case of a hidden agenda. In one way,

    though, he was simply relieved, it didnt matter where he

    went, as long as it was somewhere; time out from Adrik

    was an absolute necessity.

    Adriks greatest achievement had been securing

    two tickets aboard the Silhouette. Travelling did not

    come any more luxurious than this beautiful vessel. As

    well as being the flagship of the Supreme Council; it was

    also a five star passenger liner. Operating on intuitive

    technology, its power drawn directly from the

    atmosphere itself, the Silhouette was the ultimate in

    style, comfort and state-of-the-art refinements.

    Wow, look at that, said Adrik, its


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    At almost fifty stories high, the Silhouette was a

    gargantuan, a majestic sight and an awe-inspiring

    creation in its own right, rising steadily upwards from a

    broad base and tapering gently away to a curved point at

    the top.

    Come on, D, lets take a closer look.They scrambled down the aisle with dozens of

    other equally curious passengers and made their way to

    the observation window. At close range, the Silhouette

    was everything they had heard about and more, a vast

    and towering edifice that shimmered like a splinter of

    black glass in the evening light.

    That first glimpse though, was not what Diego

    had expected; he stepped back unsteadily and collapsed

    into the nearest seat.

    Whats wrong, D? said Adrik. Are you sick or

    something?Diego could barely even answer; it was as if the

    very breath had been sucked from his body and the

    colour had drained from his face. He had no idea what

    was going on, but this was not the first time it had

    happened, he had felt this sensation several times before.

    It started simply enough, like a tingling sensation

    rippling up his spine, but over the last few weeks, it had

    become even stronger. He had never mentioned it to

    anyone, but as he stared at the Silhouette through the

    tinted window of the observation deck, he had a

    suspicion it was somehow related to this trip.

    Adriks mysterious stalker suddenly came to

    mind, but he dismissed that idea almost immediately. A

    harbinger of doom, he didnt think so, but he wasnt

    certain. This had to be a figment of his imagination; he

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    would never allow himself to entertain thoughts such as


    Even with his eyes closed, the Silhouette had a

    power he found difficult to ignore. It hovered before him

    like an elegant but forbidding bird of prey, a dark star on

    an even darker horizon, but what it meant, he had noidea.

    Several minutes later, the shuttle docked at the

    Embarkation Centre. Adrik snapped back to reality all

    too suddenly, his blue eyes announcing clearly to the

    world that he was once again ready for business.

    Lets get moving, D, he said.

    Hundreds of passengers loaded down with coats,

    bags and kids were jostling each other towards the exit

    door. Adrik was juggling two large bags and a loose-

    fitting backpack, desperate to break into the queue.Make way, he said, make way. Im coming


    He leapt recklessly into the fray and disappeared

    amongst a swarm of jet-propelled passengers, eager to

    take their first-ever trip on the Silhouette.

    Diego knew this spelt trouble, he could even see

    it coming. Adriks first day of freedom had gone straight

    to his head. He was on a roll and nothing could stop him

    now. He grabbed his bags and followed in hot pursuit.

    Adrik, slow down, he yelled. You promised

    not to do anything stupid.

    Asking Adrik to do anything sensible was a total

    waste of time and a complete waste of breath. This was

    new territory and Adrik knew it. Two months of

    unrestrained adventure lay ahead and he was going to

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    Here we are, in the middle of a huge foyer, in

    the dead of night, on a transport terminal, hundreds of

    miles from anywhere and were about to be savaged by a

    lethal old witch.

    The transit centre was a vast white auditorium

    with marble floors and long lancet windows streamingup to an ornately carved ceiling. It could have been a

    temple to a minor deity, but in Diegos mind, it looked

    more like his final resting place.

    If I have to die somewhere, he cried, it might

    as well be here.

    It was obvious that the Keeper was not happy

    about this at all. She was still a little ruffled as she

    struggled to regain her composure, but she was an

    imposing sight in her own right, towering above Diego

    like a black-eyed assassin in black silken veils. That,

    though, did not make her any less of a threat; the fumesof discontent were rising up around her like a cloud of

    thick grey smoke.

    It was almost impossible to avoid her purposeful

    gaze, a look of disdain that spelt an oncoming tirade of

    scorn and abuse. It was a look that Diego recognised

    immediately; he had been guilty of just such a thing

    many times. It was a clear indication that she was more

    than aggravated by this turn of events.

    If this was to be the last time he ever took a

    breath, Diego did not really know. The Keeper was

    obviously deep in thought, giving more than a little

    consideration to the punishment they so justly deserved.

    He could almost see the options turning over in her

    mind, instant exile and a long lingering death in the

    depths of the Abyss.

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    Diego was about to beg her undying forgiveness

    when she raised her right hand, revealing one long

    slender finger after another. She simply pointed to Adrik,

    her voice dropping by one octave after another, Look to

    your friend, she suggested. His recovery will be swift.

    As for myself, I am not so sure.But, she added ominously, I shall be seeing

    both of you much sooner than you might have thought.

    Of that, there will be no doubt at all.

    Lezula retrieved her hand-luggage and swept off

    along the walkway, her long black veils billowing

    through the air as they fluttered along behind.

    Diego spun on his heels, his whole body

    quivering with anger; he was all but ready to strangle

    Adrik on the spot.

    What just happened? said a somewhatconfused, Adrik. He was flat on his back, surrounded by

    his squashed and battered luggage and the clasp on his

    backpack was still attached to the buckle on his boot.

    You dont remember! said a furious, Diego.

    Remember what? said Adrik. It was one of

    those moments when he wished he could snap his fingers

    and just disappear.

    You knocked that woman off her feet, Diego


    I didnt, did I? said Adrik as he struggled to

    unlock the recalcitrant clasp.

    You did, said a distraught, Diego, one of those

    evil old witches from the Abyss and I thought she was

    about to fry me, and all because of you.

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    Everywhere they went, every day of his life,

    Diego was at risk of being abused or threatened, and

    sometimes, like today, he even had to contend with the

    perilous spawn of the black-eyed goddess from hell. If it

    wasnt one thing, it was another. It was always the same

    with Adrik; if he set his mind on something, he just wentfor it, regardless of the consequences.

    Adrik had worked himself into a frenzy at the

    thought of this holiday, driving everyone to distraction

    over the last few weeks. He just couldnt wait to get

    there; he had planned it in detail, a few days on the

    Silhouette and two whole months in which to do

    whatever they wished, but if a catastrophe was likely to

    happen, it was almost a certainty that Adrik would be

    somehow involved.

    Adrik knew that he had gone too far this time;

    Diego wasnt just angry, this time he was on the verge.The very second he opened his mouth; Diego would turn

    on him like an enraged viper. Adrik knew from

    experience that it was safer to say nothing at all. He

    wasnt about to tempt him any further than he already

    had; hed regret it for days to come if he did.

    Im sorry, D, he whispered. You know what

    Im like.

    Diego knew exactly what he was like, but he was

    still angry. He had never struck Adrik before, but for the

    first time in his life he was tempted. He wanted to teach

    him a lesson, he wanted to grab him by the throat and

    shake some sense into him.

    It took every ounce of willpower Diego could

    muster to hold himself back. He stormed off for a few

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    minutes and took a long, deep breath; it was the only

    thing to do.

    Why me, he cried, why do things like this have

    to happen to me?

    He looked around cautiously, wondering if the

    Keeper was watching from some quiet and darkenedcorner. He was amazed that they had survived at all; it

    could have been worse, much worse. She could have

    taken her revenge there and then, and for all he knew,

    she might still do so. Whether she would or not, he

    didnt really know, but for yet another time in their lives,

    they had scraped through by the skin of their teeth.

    Theirs had been an uneven and sometimes

    unpredictable relationship, but their lives might have

    been very different if it hadnt been for a strange twist of


    Not long after his tenth birthday, Diego arrivedhome after a few days at a school camp only to discover

    that the house was empty and his parents were nowhere

    to be found. He called for his mother, but there was no

    reply. He searched in all the obvious places, but every

    room in the house was deserted. He rushed around

    asking the neighbours, but their news only compounded

    his concerns; they hadnt seen them for at least a week.

    This isnt like them at all, he said, theyre

    always here when I get home. Theyd leave a note if they

    were going somewhere.

    Hours passed and there still was no sign of them.

    In desperation, he decided to contact the authorities. He

    waited on the line for what seemed like ages and when

    he eventually spoke to an operator, he was informed that

    there was nothing they could do. If anyone vanished in

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    Vela-Rishan, everyone knew why. The Bureau of

    Missing Persons could do little else, other than register

    the fact that two more unfortunate souls had succumbed

    to the clutches of the ever-hungry Abyss. There was a

    standard response to requests such as this and it had

    always been that way.For Diego, this was the darkest and most horrible

    news of all. Please, God, not the Abyss, he cried. Tell

    me they havent fallen into the Abyss. Please say they


    Any possibility of happiness vanished from his

    world in one single stroke, but if it hadnt been for

    Adrik, he may never have survived at all. When Adrik

    realised that he was to be adopted out as a ward of the

    state; he was horrified. He decided to take a stand, to

    take things into his own hands. His only choice had been

    to lobby his parents on Diegos behalf. His primaryweapon was one that he had developed to perfection.

    When all else fails, bombard the enemy until it

    drops, he said. I might only be a kid, but even kids can

    change the world. Adrik was only ten, but even at that

    age, he was a force to be reckoned with.

    I dont want to lose him, Diego is my best

    friend, Adrik argued. Youve got to let him live with

    us. I dont know what Id do without him.

    It was a short but very successful campaign and

    Mr and Mrs Sharano agreed almost immediately.

    Adopting Diego wasnt a difficult decision, he was

    almost a part of the family anyway; they were more than

    happy to welcome him into their home. Mr and Mrs

    Sharano knew that they could never ease his pain, but

    over time, they might soften it a little.

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    Diego was never the same for years after that. He

    withdrew into a world of his own where he was assailed

    by the dark shadows of doubt and misery on an

    increasingly regular basis and even Adrik had trouble

    making him laugh.

    As he sat amidst the wreckage of his worldly

    goods, Adrik looked about as pathetic as anyone could

    look. He had more annoying habits than anyone Diego

    had ever met. He had never said it aloud, but he had a

    deeply felt suspicion he was the product of some cosmic

    practical joke, that there was, somewhere in his gene

    banks, an inherited reason for his, as yet unidentified

    idiosyncrasies. Such a malfunction in a human being, he

    knew, had to be his undoing in the end.

    Adrik had the instinctive ability to do the wrong

    thing at the wrong time. All he had to do was open hismouth and he automatically put his foot in it.

    Even as Diego struggled to restrain himself from

    lashing out there and then, he knew it would be a waste

    of time. Adrik was Adrik and for all of his faults, he

    knew he would never find a more loyal friend. In the

    best and the worst of times, Adrik had always been there

    for him and he always would be and, for better or worse,

    he was the closest thing that he had to a brother.

    Diego was just about to give him a piece of his

    well thought out advice nevertheless when the voice over

    the loudspeaker delivered its final notice. This is the last

    boarding call for all passengers travelling on the


    Quick, D, said Adrik, lets go, otherwise well

    miss it. He leapt to his feet, grabbed his bags and raced

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    off towards the departure lounge. The recalcitrant strap

    had now been restrained, but it was still jangling noisily

    along behind.

    Why me, Diego whispered, what have I done

    to deserve this?

    As the ever-present chill from the surroundingAbyss seeped through the fibres of his dark blue robes,

    Diego became even more apprehensive about this so-

    called adventure.

    This is going to be a disaster, he whispered. I

    just know it is.

    The Silhouette was less than a hundred metres

    away, purring like an enormous kitten in the night sky.

    Diego was tempted to turn around and board the

    departing shuttle and just go back home, but he knew

    that he couldnt. He had no other choice; there was only

    one way to go, there was only path to take, he hadcommitted himself to this venture and there was no

    turning back now.

    For two kids who had never been anywhere more

    exciting than a hobby farm in La Kata, this was to be the

    adventure of a lifetime, but as they would soon discover,

    their destiny was not in their hands. They were about to

    be pitched into the path of an emerging storm. From this

    moment onwards, their lives would never be their own.

    A drama set in motion, long, long ago was about to

    unfold. Their only plan had been for a boys own

    holiday. They had no idea what sort of holiday they were

    in for.

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    Chapter 2

    The Realm of Bliss and Joy

    Ever since their encounter with the Keeper,

    Diegos fury had been relentless. He was still lecturing

    Adrik on what not to do, even as they were leaving theircabin. He was adamant that this was going to be a

    holiday with a difference.

    Problem free, from start to finish, he reminded

    him, do you understand?

    Yep, Adrik said sheepishly.

    If anyone even looks our way, Diego warned

    him, let me do the talking.

    As if, whispered a petulant Adrik.

    His minder might have been keeping a close eye

    on Adriks every move, but freedom was just around the

    corner. Adrik was all but ready to scream when the doorsof the elevator opened to reveal the one place in the

    entire universe where a boy like him could run amuck in

    an imaginary world of unrestrained make-believe.

    Oh my God, he said, look at this place.

    It was on an upper deck of the Silhouette, housed

    within a glass domed pavilion that Adrik had his first

    taste of heaven. This was a virtual playground, a world

    that had no purpose other than to take an unsuspecting

    kid like him on the ride of his life. This was Adriks

    ultimate fantasy, a place where he could get lost forever

    and never go home until he had to, and it was all there, in

    one enormous complex.

    Adrik had very little on his mind other than a

    good time and a few days on the Silhouette was going to

    be exactly that. Apart from whatever else it offered, it

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    was reputed to have the most exceptional game zone in

    the known world.

    This is it, D, he whispered, this is heaven, and

    its all ours.

    This was the fabled haunt of any self-respecting

    gamer, the fast lane to electronic, self-enhancement. Thiswas the cloak and dagger world of the imagination, the

    universe contained with the Realm of Bliss and Joy, the

    games zone of the Silhouette.

    People were milling around everywhere; some

    were browsing quietly while others were seriously

    considering their options. Diego was equally

    preoccupied, entranced by a world that catered solely for

    short-term gratification. Games, as he knew, came in

    almost every shape and form, but most of them should

    have been consigned to the rubbish bin years ago. Therewere a few though, that left him completely


    Why would you want to immerse yourself in a

    vat of micro-organisms? he wondered. Why would you

    even bother? Wheres the fun in that, even if it is laser


    Whatever happened to plain, old-fashioned fun?

    Numerous entrepreneurs had gone out of their

    way to attract his attention and lighten his wallet.

    Alluring holographic displays glistened and flashed,

    noisily pumping out their wares, advertising the pleasure

    worlds that lay within, but one or two offered an

    unsettling glimpse of just a little more.

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    Change your life or theirs, said one game. Help

    a family of endearing little mice outsmart a feral cat with

    a taste for blood.

    Who cares, he said, the food chain really does

    have something to answer for.

    Absolutely not, he said on encountering anotherone called, Drool.

    Youll salivate all the way to the finish line.

    What a stupid idea for a game, he thought.

    Adrik would be in his element here.

    When he encountered row after endless row of

    even more games, with even more nonsensical titles,

    Diego did an abrupt about face and headed off in the

    opposite direction.

    I must have wandered into the kids area by

    mistake, he groaned.

    It was all too much for Diegos ordered mind. Hepreferred a world where common sense had not become

    a victim to random acts of idiocy. He only liked what he

    liked and even then he had his reservations. He rarely

    ever found what he was looking for, but he lived in hope,

    nevertheless. He moved on decisively, almost galloping

    his way to greener pastures, but he had barely gone ten

    metres when a high-pitched voice stopped him in his


    Whatever your heart desires is available

    somewhere in the Realm of Bliss and Joy, a tantalising

    voice informed him. Bliss and Joy though, are not the

    only delights youre likely to encounter.

    Oh my god, he said, what is that?

    Blocking his path was the most outrageous-

    looking woman hed ever seen in his life. Candida

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    looked like something from a ghastly nightmare; she

    sported a wild flourish of bright orange hair that had

    been teased into long thin spikes and tinted with black

    tips. Beneath a swathe of red silken veils, she was

    dressed from head to toe, in a tightly fitting, multi-

    coloured bodysuit.Action games, virtual action games, and even

    virtual battlefields, she said just a little too enticingly,

    you can find virtually anything at all in the Realm of

    Bliss and Joy.

    Perhaps you would be interested, young man.

    I dont think so, Diego replied with an air of

    certainty. He stepped back cautiously; he wasnt

    comfortable with anyone who looked like something

    else. He was even less impressed by the wicked glint in

    her eye. He had every intention of making a very fast

    getaway, but Candida had other ideas.Please, step this way, she said, following his

    every move as stealthily as a cat stalking a mouse. This

    is why you are here, now, arent you?

    I most certainly am not, believe me, Mam, I am


    This woman was just a little too odd for Diegos

    liking. He had never been partial to the colour red, or any

    loud colour for that matter, especially those with a

    fluorescent tinge. Red was a colour with unpalatable

    associations. It reminded him of some grotesque fatality

    in which people had been maimed or butchered, but now

    hed have to include orange on his ever-increasing list.

    Diego was about to turn and run and find

    something a little less unusual, but he happened to catch

    sight of the display directly behind her. Unlike those

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    hed seen for other games; this one was not screaming at

    him with wild flashing signs advertising their unique

    gaming opportunities, this one seemed a little different

    somehow, and he sort of liked that idea. It was quieter;

    the colours were softer and more muted than other

    displays, shimmering with an unusual but somehowfamiliar energy.

    What exactly is that? he asked.

    That, sir, she informed him, is one of the most

    unique concepts in gaming that you are ever likely to


    Theres something very odd about it, isnt


    There is indeed, she whispered, in a knowing

    sort of way.

    Diego was spellbound and not just by what he

    saw. There was something about this game that attractedhim, but when dozens of vaporous, ghost-like figures

    swept in from nowhere and wafted about like spirit souls

    lost in the night; that all too familiar and very puzzling

    energy rippled down his spine once again. He had felt

    that sensation just a few too many times in the last

    twenty-four hours. He still wasnt sure what it meant, but

    it was really starting to annoy him.

    Are you interested in this game? she asked.

    Im not into horror stories, of any description,

    he replied.

    That is not how I would describe it, said


    Maybe you wouldnt, he said, but I would.

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    Ill have you know, young man, she said with

    an air of some authority, that there is no other game

    quite like this one, anywhere else at all.

    Really, Mam, he said, none at all.

    No sir, she said haughtily, not one. This is

    more of a personal adventure than a game, and that alonemakes it unique, now, doesnt it?

    Diego continued to back away but Candida was

    single-mindedly following his every step. This game

    can actually configure itself to your natural skill levels.

    Challenges are automatically tailored to suit your

    personal preferences.

    That could be to someones advantage, said an

    equally single-minded Diego, but not to me.

    It is a well known fact, she added, that there is

    nothing on the market that can equal Mind Maze, in that

    respect.Mind Maze? he said incredulously. What have

    all thoseghouls got to do with the mind? They look

    more like something out of a horrible nightmare.

    Dont be fooled by its appearance, she

    cautioned him, there is more to this than meets the eye.

    Mind Maze is more than just a game. Its in a class of its

    very own. It is the only game that can tap into the power

    of your very own emotional world.

    Yeah, yeah, he said, so what.

    This kids going to be a hard nut to crack, she


    It wasnt often that Candida had to go to such

    lengths to lure in a new customer. This situation would

    require something more than idle chit-chat. It was

    obvious, even to her trained eye that this young fellow

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    was in two minds about this idea, but as she knew from

    prior experience, there was always a glimmer of hope,

    even with the most obstinate of characters.

    This particular game, she advised him, is an

    original, a one-of-a-kind, if you follow my meaning.

    Its not exactly what I had in mind, he said.Strong-willed you may be, she thought, but

    two can play that game.

    Diego had no idea that Candida had been

    approached by the woman in long black veils. She had a

    request that Candida found difficult to overlook. Their

    discussion focused on what she should do if Diego

    proved to be a little resistant or even a little exasperating.

    If Candida could convince Diego of the benefits of this

    game, there was a sizable bonus involved. For reasons

    she was not about to divulge, he wasnt just any old

    customer, Diego was the catch of the day.It really is quite extraordinary, she said. This

    game is capable of taking you on a most unusual

    journey, unlike any you could ever imagine. Where you

    end up though, and what you find once you get there,

    depends on you and you alone.

    Id be surprised if it didnt..., she faltered,

    artfully fishing for his name.

    Diego. he said, hesitantly.

    Id be surprised if this game didnt meet your

    special needs, Di-ego. This game devises challenges,

    suitable tohow shall I say, your personal attributes. No

    other game at all can do that, now can they?

    Some can! he said.

    Now, now, my friend, if you agree to compete in

    the dimensional reality that it offers, and if you were to

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    succeed, you would be entitled to a very big prize


    You mean survive, he said, dont you?

    No sir, she assured him, not at all. Im talking

    about a unique and extraordinary experience here. Im

    talking about the thrill ride of all time; Im talking aboutthe opportunity to succeed in a grand and unusual

    adventure, one that is derived from your very own


    Candida was monitoring his responses very, very

    closely indeed. She had a lot more invested in this game

    than Diego realised and she wasnt about to let him off

    the hook so easily, if at all. The fact that he was testing

    both her patience and resolve only made her even more


    Now, as I was saying, whoever scores the

    highest points will automatically advance to the nextlevel. Winning level one offers a very generous prize

    indeed. Winning both levels however, would put you

    into a particularly unique category altogether.

    And what might that be? he said unexpectedly.

    Ah ha, she thought, that little morsel must have

    been dipped in a sauce that he actually likes.

    Well now, she said, starting to feel very

    confident indeed, amongst other things, you would be in

    the running to win the Grand Prize. Unlike other games,

    which require you to advance through numerous,

    complicated levels, due to the inadequacy of their

    design, of course, you need only complete two levels of

    the loop. Level two is not impossible, but it is, how shall

    I say, different.

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    What loop are you talking about? he said.

    Diego had a short fuse for anyone who spoke in riddles.

    Whats a loop got to do with this game?

    In this particular game, she whispered

    delicately, it means that if you make the right choices in

    the first round, you remain in the loop. If on the otherhand, you make alternative choices, and choose to do it

    your own way, you will be

    Doomed, he surmised, to do it all over again.

    Not exactly, she said, but if you find yourself

    outside of the loop, you would have to complete

    whatever process you started. The choices you make

    however, can be, how shall I say, fateful.

    Fateful! he exclaimed. That puts me out of the

    picture then, doesnt it?

    Candida realised that her time had come. The

    ranks of the interested had swollen in the last fewminutes and she had no choice but to take this charade

    all the way to the next level.

    Has Diego got what it takes, she whispered her

    challenge to an ever-growing audience, in fact, have any

    of you boys got what it takes?

    Do you have the ability, she roared, to outwit

    an assortment of shape-changing, head-spinning

    pranksters, and beat them, academically speaking of

    course, to a pulp?

    Of course we can, said a couple of young men

    in the audience.

    How absolutely wonderful, she chuckled. That

    routine never fails to impress.

    Candida had always been fond of that particular

    line. If delivered with flair and style, it always sparked a

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    little interest, but it was even more effective if she added

    a dash or two of her own particular medicine. Fluttering

    her veils and battering her eyelashes for the sake of a few

    extra customers was a sure fire way of sealing the deal.

    The crowd continued to swell until there was

    barely even standing room. Some were interested, butothers like Adrik were attracted by a free performance

    from this larger than life, exotically dressed young


    Adriks only plan had been to immerse himself in

    the undiscovered pleasures of this wondrous new world;

    he had been looking forward to playing games he had

    never encountered in his life and more importantly, he

    had been looking forwards to becoming one with the

    Realm of Bliss and Joy.

    He had never played any of these games before, but from what he had heard, they were unique to the

    Silhouette. He had great expectations from a game called

    Strike Action, a game in which the player could step

    across the imaginary threshold and enter the game

    themselves. A laser-like weapon attached to your

    fingertips was about as cool as it got. It was as if you had

    magic powers and your fingers were hi-tech wands. It

    was the perfect form of revenge, it gave him the

    opportunity to obliterate a horde of revolting little

    creatures he had come to dislike with a passionate


    In most games you had to track down the

    opposition, but in this game, they came after you. The

    only skills you required were physical dexterity and an

    imagination, and in this case, Adrik had more than

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    enough of both. Over the years, he had developed his

    own version of almost everything and this was one of

    those times when his unique take on modern dance and

    the martial arts allowed him to strut his stuff without

    embarrassing anyone but himself.

    It didnt take long though before his cherisheddream began to turn ugly and he was both physically and

    strategically exhausted, overwhelmed by a never-ending

    horde of psychopathic terrorists assaulting him from

    every angle, forced by a sophisticated computer game to

    battle the same revolting creatures over and over until he

    couldnt take any more. They just kept on coming and he

    had no choice in the end except to make a run for it. If he

    had known that mutants were to be a feature of this

    game, he would never have bothered. They were his least

    favourite opponents and the worst of all possible

    adversaries.An open game card however, gave him the

    opportunity to play a series of ten games in a row and the

    best part was that they were free; all you had to do was

    ask for one. It was a beautifully simple concept, he could

    switch from one game to another at his leisure and if he

    didnt like the one he was playing, all he had to do was

    hit the cancel button and he was transferred to the next

    game on the list.

    What could be better than that, said Adrik.

    What he had not expected to encounter in every

    game in the series was a random opponent who appeared

    and disappeared in the blink of an eye. All he ever saw

    was a fleeting glimpse of black veils. He ignored it at

    first; assuming it was a part of the game. When he saw

    the same thing in the third game and then the fourth, he

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    started to panic. He moved on to the next game in the

    series, but it was always there. Wherever he looked; it

    was somewhere in the background. He wasnt sure what

    it meant, but after a while, he just couldnt take it

    anymore. When he saw black veils reflecting off every

    polished surface in every game he played, he knewexactly who this was.

    Its the Keeper, he cried, Ive got to get out of


    He headed for the door and back into the arms of

    a more familiar world, desperate to get as far away from

    there as possible. He could lose himself amidst an

    anonymous crowd he decided and hopefully the Keeper

    wouldnt have a clue where he was. And then again, he

    thought, maybe that wouldnt do any good at all. She

    could probably reappear at will if she wanted to. He tooka long deep breath and braced himself; hoping his little

    plan would work.

    Just look normal, he told himself.

    His efforts to find Diego took a lot longer than he

    had anticipated. There was more to the game zone than

    Adrik had realised. He sprinted down corridors that went

    one way and another, only to end up time and again at

    the huge plate glass windows that reminded him he was

    on a ship sailing through the boundless world of the

    Abyss. As he raced from one area to another, he was

    starting to get more than a little frazzled by the ever-

    present noise of electronic buzzers and the constant

    unexpected flash from every passing game.

    Ive got to find him before the Keeper does, he

    sighed, or who knows what will happen.

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    When he was just about to give up altogether, he

    noticed a crowd of people gathered around a strange

    looking woman with flaming red hair. Diego would

    never go anywhere near someone like that. He wandered

    over to have a look all the same and was surprised to

    discover that he was there and that he was surrounded bya crowd of inquisitive spectators. Diego rarely drew

    attention to himself for any reason at all, as Adrik knew

    from personal experience, but unbelievably, there he


    He elbowed his way through the crowd, as

    respectfully as possible. Hes my friend, he tried to

    explain, Ive been looking for him everywhere.

    Diego was preoccupied and didnt even realise he

    was there. If he had taken the time to look, he would

    have noticed that Adrik was on the verge, that he was

    about to pop at any given moment.My god, said Adrik, what are you up to,


    Im thinking, he replied, about this game, but

    why though, I havent a clue.

    Adrik glanced up at the huge glittering display

    advertising the features of this game. Even in his

    somewhat distressed state, he sense something about it

    that he didnt like, but it was the warning in small print

    at the bottom that sent shivers up his spine, You never

    know whats on the other side, until youve been there,

    it said.

    That was enough for him.

    Lets get out of here, now, Diego. Theres

    something very weird going on, Adrik whispered. I

    dont like this place anymore.

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    Not now, Adrik, Im busy.

    Adriks was glancing anxiously around at each

    and every face in the crowd, almost oblivious to where

    he was and what he was doing, his agitation increasing

    by the second.

    Someone has been following me, he cried.What do you mean, said Diego, who has?

    That woman, said Adrik, that creepy-looking


    A moment of unnatural silence followed when

    everyone suddenly became all ears. Diego didnt know

    which way to turn, aware that the Keeper might still be

    close by.

    Candida had a job to do and a deadline to meet,

    and she wasnt about to be side-tracked by a skinny little

    adolescent, fixated on a phantom obsession.

    Are you going to play this game or not? sheasked Diego. She grabbed him by the arm and whispered

    her message as clearly as she could.

    This competition is about to commence,

    immediately, sir. If you choose to play, there wont be

    any charge, this time. I dont wish to cause a public riot,

    sir, but you are not just our first customer of the day.

    You are, technically, our ten thousandth customer of the

    year, if you see what I mean.

    I do, said Diego, I certainly do.

    And depending on the outcome, of course, if you

    emerge as the champion of the day, you would be

    eligible for a very generous prize indeed.

    And what might that be? he said.

    That! said Candida, directing his attention to a

    wildly illuminated display.

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    Numerous gold discs, swirling independently in

    mid-air advertised a grand assortment of very desirable

    prizes. A second and very noticeable message indicated

    that it was Only available in Arinyah.

    This could be your lucky day, said Candida.

    Imagine two weeks at the infamous Arinyah Cosmosand in the Presidential Suite and, with your very own

    tour guide.

    A prize like this comes with more treats and

    samples than you are ever likely to see in a life time and

    all because of one little old game. It could change your

    life completely, now, couldnt it?

    It most certainly could, said Diego.

    So, I can get anything my heart desires, he said.

    Within reason, said Candida, as she eagerly

    awaited his response. Is that a yes, then?

    Yes, Mam, it is.Diego wasnt about to squander a mouth-

    watering opportunity like this and just fling it down the

    plug hole, not after the pain and misery hed endured

    over the last few years. If this was an opportunity for a

    few days of bliss, joy and self-indulgence, then he was

    most definitely going to have a shot at it.

    That very familiar energy rippled up his spine

    once again, only this time it felt a little different. Imbued

    with a newfound confidence, he knew that this wasnt a

    pie-in-the-sky fantasy; this was a dream that could

    actually come true.

    All those wishing to play, Candida declared,

    please follow me.

    If it just so happens that our contestants do as

    well as they expect to, she advised the assembled

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    crowd, they will be in very privileged company indeed

    and, if they pass through this level unscathed, the

    company has one request.

    And what might that be? said Diego.

    That you give some consideration, said

    Candida, as to whether or not you will participate in TheUltimate Challenge.

    Perhaps we should just try this level first, he


    By all means, she replied.

    Would everyone please step this way, she said.

    Two competitors per cubicle or you will be disqualified


    Can I play by myself? Diego asked.

    No, Candida snapped at him, you need a

    partner. Are you interested in that prize or not, or would

    you rather leave now, with nothing at all?I have every intention of playing this game, he

    advised her in no uncertain terms.

    Then find someone to play with! she said.

    Diego turned on Adrik, grabbed him by the arm

    and informed him slowly but firmly, Adrik, youre

    going to play this game, whether you like it or not!

    Adrik was momentarily bewildered. Di-ego, do

    we have to?

    Yes we do, Adrik, he said.

    Adrik didnt like this idea at all. He had heard

    about this game. It was much more than just a game,

    apparently, and anything could happen in it. What it was

    though, he hadnt a clue, but he had heard things he

    didnt even want to think about.

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    You owe me a little favour, Adrik, for last night,


    A moment of obvious tension followed. Adrik

    knew by the look on Diegos face that he was absolutely

    serious about this idea. Diego didnt get like this very

    often, but when he did, Adrik had no choice but tosubmit.

    Okay, he conceded, if I must, but only if I get

    half, D.

    Its a deal, then, he said.

    My friends, Candida boomed, Diego has what

    he wants, and we now have a full house. Were nothing

    if not flexible, at mindmaze dot com.

    Candida provided each contestant with a remote-

    controlled hand-glove and then furnished them all with

    last minute instructions.

    If these contestants are as skilful as we expectthem to be, she said, then everyone will get an

    opportunity to see what they are up against. This level is

    a standard feature of the game. Its a race against the

    clock. Their first task will be to annihilate every single

    opponent within fifteen minutes flat.

    The real test of course, she informed them,

    pointing to an external monitor, currently displaying the

    results in huge red zeros, is not just to emerge

    unscathed, but to allow us to see it as well.

    To do that, one contestant must dispose of

    several designated targets, or, she said pointedly, they

    will be eliminated from the game, immediately.

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    Chapter 3

    Sharp Claws and Attitude

    Several young girls had offered to escort them to

    their cubicle, but Candida brushed them aside, adamant

    that they should do it alone.The pathway to glory, she informed them, is

    rarely travelled with an entourage.

    There are names for people like you, Diego

    whispered beneath his breath.

    Even if he had had a moment to express his

    distaste for Candida, he never got that opportunity; the

    doors closed behind them as swiftly as they opened.

    Once inside, they were surprised to discover that

    this was no ordinary games cubicle. It was infinitely

    larger on the inside than any other cubicle they had ever

    seen. It looked more like the control deck of an inter-stellar cruise liner, decorated from ceiling to floor with

    polished black panels and furnished with large leather

    console chairs.

    This is amazing, said Adrik, a platform to the

    next world, if ever there was one.

    They barely had time to take their seats when

    they were advised by an automated pilot to prepare for

    the ride of their lives. The cubicle was gradually

    transformed into a performance area awaiting

    instructions. The next thing they heard was an almighty

    rush of compressed air as an imaginary shuttle

    disengaged from a docking bay at an imaginary space

    port. The lights softened and then became progressively


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    Adrik relaxed into his chair, almost beside

    himself with anticipation. This was the part that he loved

    the most, the visual display screen flickering into life and

    advertising the features of a new and unexplored game.

    He waited with bated breath, expecting an undiscovered

    realm of infinite possibilities to appear magically beforehis eyes. A few minutes passed and nothing happened.

    The only visible sign of any activity was a vague

    impression of the endless depths of a dark and unfamiliar


    When it became obvious that something was

    wrong, he began to panic and then started tapping away

    at the buttons on his console, the lights in the cubicle

    flickered sporadically, but still nothing happened.

    Diego, he cried, where are the controls?

    Ive got them, he said, theyre here, on my

    console. Diego tapped away at the menu bar, expectingthis problem to be resolved almost immediately.

    When Adrik saw the ghostly outlines of vaporous

    creatures swirling through the air, he cried out, No, not

    that game, Diego, not the witches from hell.

    Before Diego could select another game, they

    were stretching out their long vaporous arms and

    encircling him with their eerie, oozy paws.

    Get out of here, he cried.

    While Diego fumbled with the controls, they

    turned towards Adrik, cackling like a bunch of old

    crones savouring the idea of a delicious new possibility.

    He was waving his arms madly about his head as if it

    might do some good. He knew they werent real, just a

    graphic effect generated by a sophisticated program, but

    that didnt make them any less annoying.

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    The control panel was flickering on and off and

    Diego could barely see what he was doing. He continued

    to tap away blindly, scrolling through one option after

    another and when he thought he had the problem solved,

    he said, I think Ive got it.

    The atmosphere in the cubicle changed in aninstant, its soft metallic glow suddenly escalated to an

    inky blackness and somewhere in the background they

    heard a noise that sounded more like the motor of an

    enormous engine. They were unexpectedly thrown back

    against their seats and before they knew what had

    happened, a doorway to another world had suddenly


    Oops, said Adrik, what did you choose this


    Diego never got an opportunity to answer; he had

    expected the game to start as any game would have done,with a colourful introduction, followed by the usual

    range of playing options, but that was not to be. They

    found themselves staring down the barrel of a long,

    black tunnel, the first in a series of doorways that led to

    the energetic world beyond.

    Adrik was equally perplexed, but when he got a

    fleeting glimpse of row upon row of very dangerous-

    looking, razor sharp teeth, he started praying to any god

    that would listen. The doorway opened with unexpected

    swiftness and before they even knew it, they were being

    drawn headlong into its awaiting arms.

    Oh my God, he screeched, whats happening?

    A few minutes later, he scrambled to his feet,

    only to discover that they were stranded on a large chunk

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    of bare and flattened rock and were floating around in a

    hazy-blue fantasy world. Except for a few bumps and

    bruises, he had survived, but Diego had not been so

    fortunate. He was dangling over the edge, dangerously

    close to the point of vanishing into the bleak and

    bottomless Abyss.What have we got ourselves into now? he said.

    He leapt to his feet and was almost incinerated by a

    shower of sizzling flames dropping from the sky like


    Whats happening? Adrik cried.

    I dont know, Diego replied. Test out your

    glove, Adrik, hurry!

    Adrik pressed one of the touch-sensitive buttons

    on his glove, closed his eyes, and raised his hand above

    his head. A projectile soared up into the sky and was

    immediately intercepted by a barrage of miniaturemissiles.

    Who did that? he said.

    Those things up there, behind those rocks, said

    Diego, I bet theyre mutants.

    I hope not, said Adrik, I hate those things.

    The enemy camp was visible on the distant

    horizon; there were hundreds of fortified islands

    stretching from one end to the other in perfect military

    formation. The fluctuating conditions made it difficult to

    see anything much, but when he heard a familiar

    shrieking noise, Adrik pressed another button on his

    glove, a volley of miniature explosives shot into the air

    and the crowd roared with delight. Their monitor

    flickered into life and a line of huge red zeros had

    suddenly been transformed into multiples of a thousand.

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    Wow, I did it, said Adrik, but what did I do?

    Candida was equally as stunned. Adrik had

    vaporized most of the opposition within the first few

    minutes. She scrutinized the scoreboard, watching in

    astonishment as their counter soared into multiple

    figures. Thirty seconds later, she reached for her audio phone, waited until she heard a reply and then said,

    Lezula, I thought you should know, Adrik and Diego

    are doing just fine, in fact, theyre doing just brilliantly.

    Inform your friends that they should be arriving at their

    next destination in about twenty minutes.

    Adrik was screeching hysterically, it was one

    characteristic for which he was universally famous, hed

    been doing it for most of his life, but this was the first

    time that Diego had ever approved.

    Its the welcoming committee, he cried, give

    them everything youve got!Mutants were a feature of many games, but their

    appearance rarely ever changed. To the seasoned gamer,

    they all looked exactly the same, they had grotesque bat-

    like faces, pointed ears and fangs, and each and every

    one of them oozed sharp claws and attitude.

    Hideous little wretches, said Adrik. I look

    forward to the day that were rid of these things.

    It was obvious that this particular species had

    never been briefed on survival skills. They had exactly

    the same routine; theyd initiate a suicide dive, leap into

    the fray for their two minutes of glory, screech

    hysterically, spin like a top and explode in a puff of

    smoke. A well-aimed shot was the only way to dispose

    of such noxious pests.

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    Weve only got ten minutes left, said Diego,

    wed better make the best of this.

    It was at that very moment that another adversary

    made its appearance.

    Uh oh, D, what the devil is that thing?

    Im not exactly sure, said Diego, perhaps itsthe mother-ship.

    As she rose up from the shadowy depths of the

    Abyss, it was apparent that this was a monstrosity that

    could only have come from the deepest regions of hell.

    She hovered momentarily and then began moving from

    one side of the battlefield to the other, her pace

    modulated and purposeful. At first sight, she appeared to

    be a black metallic sphere of no particular persuasion. A

    row of red beady eyes, positioned at strategic intervals

    around her body flickered on and off like high speed

    electronic shutters.Its an automated robot, said Adrik, or at least I

    think it is.

    Whatever she was, she was fully active with her

    sights firmly fixed on her targets. They drew back in

    horror when she initiated an unexpected transformation.

    From hidden compartments deep within her body, she

    revealed an arsenal of highly specialised and very

    flexible tentacles. Each one was black and glistening and

    they were all ready for business.

    They watched with bated breath, not knowing

    what to expect, but ducked for cover when she

    dispatched her first round of missiles. Diego reached out

    and caught one, seconds before it disappeared into the

    Abyss. He flipped it around and was surprised to

    discover that it was nothing but a black rubber ball.

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    I was expecting something worse, he said,

    something like rubber bullets or miniature bombs.

    It looked like any other ball used in a standard

    ball game. He examined it closely, wondering if it had

    some other purpose. It was soft and flexible and

    appeared to have no visible wiring mechanism. It wasthen that he noticed that his glove had a rubbery-looking

    palm pad on either side. The glove was soft and pliable

    with a distinct metallic sheen. Ten highly polished

    buttons ran the length of his index finger and down to

    the tip of his thumb, but the palm pads on either side

    were the most curious aspect.

    I wonder what theyre for, he said.

    Toss that ball into the air and see for yourself,

    said Adrik.

    Wow! he shouted as he did do, this glove

    doubles as a racket! Its true value and purpose had now been revealed, Diego turned on the mother-ship with a

    wicked glint in his eye and said, Come and get it, lady.

    Ill teach you to throw poisonous balls at me!

    The game suddenly took on a whole new

    dimension. The mother-ship upped the ante, festooning

    the atmosphere with a barrage of even more volatile

    balls, but Diego wasnt fazed in the least. Shes nothing

    but a glorified pumping bag, he said.

    He sent each one flying back as quickly as she

    served them up. After a few direct hits from a well-

    placed back-swing, several of her tentacles shrivelled up

    in a puff of black smoke.

    Thats what were after, said Diego. It wasnt

    hard work but they were on fire, screeching with delight

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    as even more of her tentacles evaporated into the


    What do you know about ball games? said


    If you hit a ball on an angle, it has a lethal spin,

    said Adrik, its not the speed that counts, D, its thespin.

    Ah ha! he said, so thats the way it is.

    The secret to success was not just in the delivery,

    a well-angled strike added significant spin to a shot,

    depriving the mother-ship of her staying power. As one

    precious tentacle after another began to fizzle like loose

    electric cables, she sank even further into the Abyss.

    Give her everything youve got, said Diego,

    weve got less than two minutes left.

    Shes bound to be programmed for a last minute

    surprise, said Adrik.Diego took a punt on a function he hadnt yet

    used. He had no idea what it was for, but this was his last

    opportunity. When the mother-ship was about to make a

    last minute comeback, he leapt to his feet and took one

    long breath. He waited anxiously, all the while ensuring

    that he had her directly in his sights. When he was

    absolutely certain, he fired away with reckless abandon.

    When she began to spin like a top on an invisible

    axis, Adrik closed his eyes and steeled himself for an

    explosive and possibly messy end. When he looked back

    up, there was very little left other than a few charred

    remains and a wisp or two of black smoke wafting away

    into the atmosphere.

    For a few uncertain minutes, there was total

    silence, and then Adrik heard a sound that brought tears

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    to his eyes; it was that of the expectant audience, they

    had been watching in amazement as the tally on the

    scoreboard just kept on climbing. A moment later, a

    carillon of noisy bells rang out through the heavens and

    the sky was illuminated by thousands of digitally

    enhanced pixels.Adrik and Diego have hit the jackpot! they

    heard Candida cry. They have hit the one million dollar

    jackpot. They have scored over seventy thousand,

    unbelievable points in just under fifteen incredible


    And that, my friends, is only possible at

    mindmaze dot com.

    Chapter 4


    At an inner level, Diego knew this was more than

    just a game, but its attraction ran deeper than his

    common sense would ever allow him to admit. If he had

    any idea of what was to follow, he would never have

    played it at all. That decision, though, had not been in his


    He was even less aware that this was not a game

    in the usual sense, but an extension of the complex world

    in which he lived, an energetic equation that could

    reproduce itself in an infinite variety of guises until each

    and every element of its plan was in its allotted place.

    If they had moved but a few feet in either

    direction, they would have stepped through the gossamer

    thin film commonly known as the veil. Separating one

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    world from another, the veil was only a breath away, but

    to those who knew how, it gave them the freedom to

    travel from one dimensional realm to another.

    The most enigmatic of all such realms was the

    Khavala, an energy field of immense scope and power,

    the one place in which the finite and infinite, the knownand the unknown existed as one in the boundless

    expanse of the greater universal mind. It was not usually

    a destination in this or any other game; but unknown to

    Adrik and Diego, it was about to become one.

    The Khavala was the home world of a unique

    species of nature spirits called the Krugwah. They were

    one of the few creatures cast from the very same mould;

    they had little potbellies, short stumpy legs, mischievous

    but adorable faces and large irresistible eyes. It was

    almost impossible to tell them apart, but even so, they

    each had their own individual personalities. What diddifferentiate them though was a flourish of soft golden

    hair. There was not so much of it in some cases, but it

    was there nevertheless.

    Lezula had asked them to assist in this venture.

    These boys have an appointment with destiny, she had

    told them, and they dont know a thing about it. I want

    you to take them to the Khavala and then return them to

    that game, without them ever knowing anything about


    In emergencies such as this, the Krugwah would

    employ a time-honoured tactic. A natural diversion such

    as a smoke screen or the cover of darkness often worked

    best. They would slip through the veil, collect their

    charges as gently as they could and whisk them away to

    some other time or place, but an experience like that was

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    not without its dangers. If the poor unsuspecting soul just

    happened to wake up, they usually passed out on the


    Before dusk settled on that chilly night, Adrik

    and Diego would be covered by a makeshift blanket ofweeds and leaves, their basic health needs attended to

    and they would even receive a simple Krugwah bath.

    They had been placed beside a warm open fire in

    the middle of a cool forest. Six little Krugwah, Eenah,

    Peedie, Bootee and Deeta were busily attending to their

    welfare; Malila was preparing a pot of wholesome,

    home-made soup, while Wimple sat lookout in a tree


    The Krugwah were obliging little souls who

    would go out of their way to help anyone in need. They

    had never before had to provide for guests or even attendto their wellbeing, but they were prepared to give it a go


    Something terrible has happened to them, said


    They just un-conscious, said Eenah, its

    nothing much.

    Whats that? he said, pointing at a trickle of

    blood running down Adriks face.

    A minor injury, he not going to die, said Eenah.

    It was only a small scratch and barely even

    noticeable, a little below Adriks left eye, but even so,

    they all considered it their duty to attend to this problem

    as best as they could.

    Numerous attempts had been made to apply a

    simple Krugwah remedy but the idea of actually

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    touching him proved to be the greatest barrier of all. It

    took a considerable amount of time to decide on the best

    method of treatment, but the issue of who was in charge

    had to be decided first. This led to a solid hour of

    bickering and when it was over, Eenah decided that she

    would be supervisor of the first shift. That seemed aperfectly good compromise to them all.

    Deeta had been handed the task of cleaning

    Adriks wound, but it proved to be his greatest challenge

    and, no matter how he tried, he just couldnt bring

    himself to do it.

    What taking you so long? Eenah barked at him.

    A minor medical emergency was all too much for

    little Deeta. You do it, then, he said.

    I not doing dat type of ting, she said, besides,

    they are boys, and I is a girl.

    After hours of fruitless attempts to administerany sort of treatment at all proved totally useless, they

    just sat around and waited. By early morning, the blood

    had dried and the wound had almost healed. Now that it

    was all over, Deeta felt very relieved indeed.

    Wimple was lost in his own world. From his

    vantage point in a nearby tree, he had a clear view of the

    situation below. He couldnt understand what all the fuss

    was about, but even so, he continued to monitor their

    every movement. He wanted to wake the boys

    immediately and get them on their way, but it was

    against the rules for Krugwah to interfere in non-

    Krugwah business.

    The situation in the Khavala had changed

    recently and he was aware that it was becoming

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    decidedly stranger by the hour. Twilight was as strange

    as any other time. He glanced around at the eerie light

    that transfused everything with a pale purple tinge. The

    Khavala was a world like no other. From one invisible

    horizon to the other, it was peppered with landforms of

    every shape and size, but he barely even noticed themIt was the shadowy form in the upper atmosphere

    that concerned Wimple the most. It was barely even

    visible, but he knew it was there. The Gateway was one

    of the great mysteries of the Khavala, a supernatural

    event that appeared like clockwork at the end of every

    millennium. It was a structure as old as time itself, it

    rarely ever opened, but when it did; it did so for a

    specific purpose. Peculiar and sometimes horrifying

    things often followed in its wake. Wimple had very clear

    memories of the destruction that followed its last

    appearance.Dat, he sighed, I dont even care to think


    A threat to the Khavala had only ever happened

    once before, but its impact had changed everything.

    Those memories were never far from the surface and it

    took very little for them to come flooding back. He

    shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if

    Darko had not been contained.

    Because of recent developments, he realised that

    the Krugwah had more on their hands than they might be

    able to handle. Lezula had been preparing them for this

    situation for many years now. These two boys had been

    expected, they were part of the plan, but they had not

    expected hundreds of others to turn up as well.

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    To Wimples mind, the appearance of so many

    other people added a whole new dimension to this

    situation. Except for the Krugwah and the Yumi, no one

    had ever visited the Khavala in its entire existence. Its

    location had always been a closely guarded secret, but

    now, all of that had changed.Too many things are changing, he said.

    He looked up at the Gateway, almost certain that

    it was preparing to play an even bigger role in their lives,

    maybe even bigger than it had the last time.

    The boys are stirring, he heard Eenah yell.

    Wimple, its time to get out of here.

    It had been a while since Wimple had seen these

    kids. Not so very long ago, they had lived in this very

    world, but that had been in another lifetime. He had

    watched them grow into intelligent young men. He had

    been there on the day they made their first foray into theKhavala. He had shown them the secret of crossing over

    from one realm to another, how to pass through the

    invisible veil that separated all worlds. He had

    introduced them to the inter-dimensional highways that

    traversed the Khavala from one end to the other and,

    once he had even taken them to the borderlands of the

    world at the centre of all things.

    It was the aftermath of that experience though,

    that changed the course of their lives for all time. A

    black cloud had appeared on a distant horizon and it had

    been moving in closer ever since. In the end, they made a

    decision that no Yumi had ever made before. A heritage

    as old as the time itself was at stake and the only solution

    was to sacrifice everything.

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    Are you okay? said Diego.

    I think so, he said as he gazed at the reflection

    in his beautifully polished boots. He didnt really know

    for sure. It felt a little odd to be laying there like that, so

    stiff and un-moving, like a body that had been dipped in

    embalming fluid and wrapped in dried twigs and herbs,only hours before it was to be laid in its final resting


    Where are we, D, and how did we get here?

    I dont really know, but we appear to be in a

    forest of some kind.

    A forest? said Adrik.

    Yes, and I have a suspicion that were not where

    were supposed to be.

    What do you mean? said Adrik.

    I think weve been kidnapped.

    By what, said Adrik, by that game?Possibly, said Diego, but Im not certain.

    That was all too much for Adrik to digest in one

    serve. He studied the landscape closely. To his mind, this

    didnt look like a game at all, but if it was a forest, it

    looked like the real thing. A soft dappled light filtered

    down through a huge canopy of over-arching leaves and

    the softest hint of jasmine floated gently through the air.

    So, youre certain were not in that game.

    Im almost sure of it, said Diego.

    Diego had read about places like this, he had

    even seen a real forest once before, but he had never

    encountered anything like this. He came from a world of

    neatly manicured parks and gardens, but they were

    nothing at all like this place.

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    From what he could see, they were surrounded

    on all sides by an unforgiving jungle and if they were to

    get through this situation alive, they would have to fight

    their way through the undergrowth.

    Come on Adrik, on your feet, he said, if were

    to find out anything at all, we have no choice but to go inthere.

    Adrik was a little confused, he didnt understand;

    a tangle of vines and bushes with long spiky thorns

    looked positively dangerous. This was supposed to be a

    game. You didnt have to battle your way through a real

    forest in an artificial game. They were simulations, with

    clear instructions posted at regular intervals and a bucket

    load of rewards if you did the right thing, but search as

    he may he couldnt see anything even remotely like that.

    Isnt there some other way to do this? he asked.

    From his perspective, this jungle place looked like it wasgoing to be a problem.

    Not unless you can fly, said Diego.

    Adrik staggered to his feet and considered the

    road ahead. It wasnt much of a path, but it looked as if it

    had been travelled many times before. They ventured in,

    hesitantly at first, and then began the back-breaking

    work of shoving vines and straggly bushes aside;

    struggling at every turn as they forced their way through

    the encroaching undergrowth. Adrik soon discovered

    that some trees had a mind of their own. Long thin

    saplings werent the worst thing he encountered, but they

    had the potential to do the most damage. He soon learnt

    not to push them aside with such gusto; they didnt like

    that at all. They were like spring tension whips that

    bounced back and slapped him in the face.

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    For a couple of city boys who knew nothing

    about the wild frontier outside their own front door, this

    was hard going. They were not used to roughing it under

    any circumstances. After about an hour, they had just

    about had enough. They were tired and sweaty, covered

    in cuts and bruises, they had been assaulted by some ofthe most vicious plants in the natural world and all they

    wanted to do was get out of there. They were about to

    drop from exhaustion when they noticed that the path

    ahead opened onto a clearing. It was a moment they

    would always remember, the moment the light returned

    to their lives and they rejoiced as a soft cool breeze

    massaged their face and eased its way into the depths of

    their soul. Adrik dashed forward and ripped off his shirt,

    luxuriating in the coolness it brought to his now

    lacerated body.

    It was then that he discovered where they were.Were on the edge of a cliff, he said.

    Beyond that, it was a sheer drop to the bottomless

    world below.

    On an island, he added.

    He should not have been surprised; they lived in

    a world of floating islands. They came in every shape

    and size and dotted the coastline for thousands of miles

    along the length and breadth of every continent in the


    It had been a long and exhausting battle just to

    get to this point and if they wanted to see anything more

    they would have to traverse a narrow ravine and then

    clamber up a steep hill on the other side.

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    The ravine was only a few metres wide at any

    one point but it was not impassable. Their one and only

    hope of making it across was by a natural land bridge

    that spanned the gaping chasm from one side to the

    other. It was a long thin wedge of stone that had

    collapsed from the cliff face on the other side. Most of itwas still intact and even as they studied it, it looked as if

    it was sturdy enough to carry the weight of two

    adolescent boys.

    That looks a little dicey to me, said Diego. It

    could give way at any moment.

    Its either that or we jump, said Adrik, but if

    we miss, thats where well end up.

    Wherever they looked, they were surrounded by

    the vast ocean of nothingness. The Abyss was an

    unavoidable reality in their lives and it was never far

    from their thoughts at any one time. It was the greatleveller, the one place everyone went out of their way to

    avoid. To disappear into its unforgiving depths was the

    last thing either of them wanted.

    What will it be, then? said Adrik

    After a moment of deliberation, Diego decided to

    throw caution to the wind.

    I think Ill jump across.

    Okay, Adrik, he said, move out of the way,

    Im going to do this.

    It wasnt a long jump, but he wasnt prepared to

    miss his mark either. One metre from the edge will be

    about as much as I can manage.

    Adrik watched Diegos every move with baited

    breath. He