PARTICIPANTS - Springer978-1-4684-2922-0/1.pdf · PARTICIPANTS Carl H. Albright Northern Illinois...

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Carl H. Albright Northern Illinois University

Thomas Appelquist Yale University

Marshall Baker University of Washington

William Bardeen University of Wisconsin

Vernon Barger University of Wisconsin

Isac Bars Yale University

P. N. Bogolubov. P.N. Ins. for Nuclear Research Academy of Science U.S.S.R.

Richard Brandt New York University

Laurie Brown Northwestern University

Arthur Broyles University of Florida

Nina Byers University of California

Robert Cahn University of Washington

Peter Carruthers Los Alamos Scientific Lab.

George Chapline Lawrence Livermore Lab. University of California

M. Chen Massachusetts Institut~ of



Fred Cooper Los Alamos Scientific Lab.

John Cornwall University of California-­

Los Angeles

Michael Creutz Brookhaven National Lab.

Richard Dalitz Oxford University

Stanley Deans University of South Fla.

Alvaro de Rujula Harvard University

P. A. M. Dirac Florida State University

Max Dresden State University of New

York--Stony Brook

Loyal Durand Institute for Advanced Study--Princeton

Glennys Farrar California Institute of


Gordon Feldman John Hopkins University

Paul Fishbane University of Virginia

Peter Freund University of Chicago

Harald Fritzsch California Institute of



Frederick Gilman Stanford University

Sheldon Glashow Harvard University

Alfred Goldhaber State University

of New York Stonybrook

Ahmad Golestaneh Fermi National Accelerator

Labora tory

Christian Le Monnier de Gouville

Center for Theoretical Studies

University of Miami

o. W. Greenberg University of Maryland

Feza Gursey Yale University

Alan Guth Columbia University

C. R. Hagen University of Rochester

Leopold Halpern Florida State University

M. Y. Han Duke University

Joseph Hubbard Center for Theoretical Studies

University of Miami

Muhammad Islam University of Connecticut

Ken Johnson Massachusetts Institute of



Lorella Jones University of Illinois

Gabriel Karl University of Guelph

T. E. Kalogeropoulos Syracuse University

Abraham Klein University of Pennsylvania

Behram Kursunoglu Center for Theoretical

Studies University of Miami

Willis Lamb University of Arizona

Benjamin Lee Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Don Lichtenberg Indiana University

K. T. Mahanthappa University of Colorado

Alfred Mann University of Pennsylvania

Andre Martin CERN

Caren Ter Martirosiyan Institute for Theoretical

and Experimental Physics Moscow, U.S.S.R.

v. A. Matveev JINR, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

and Fermi Laboratory

Meinhard Mayer University of California­Irvine


Barry McCoy SUNY, Stonybrook

Sydney Meshkov National Bureau of Standards

Peter Minkowski California Institute of Technology

J. W. Moffat University of Toronto

Yoichiro Nambu University of Chicago

Yuval Ne'eman Tel-Aviv University

Andre Neveu Institute for Advanced Studies Princeton

Roger Newton Indiana University

Kazuhiko Nishijima University of Chicago

Richard Norton University of California -

Los Angeles

Horst Oberlack Max Planck Institut for

Physics and Astronomy Munich, West Germany

Reinhard Oehme University of Chicago

Lars Onsager Center for Theoretical Studies

University of Miami

Heinz Pagels Rockefeller University

Sandip Pakvasa University of Hawaii

Michael Parkinson University of Florida

Jogesh C. Pati University of Maryland

R. D. Peccei Stanford University

Arnold Perlmutter Center for Theoretical

Studies University of Miami

H. David Politzer Harvard University

P. G. Price


University of California -Berkeley

Pierre Ramond California Institute of


Rudolf Rodenberg III Physikalisches Institut der Technischin Hochschule Aachen, West Germany

Fritz Rohrlich Syracuse University

S. P. Rosen ERDA

Ronald Ross University of California -Berkeley

v. I. Savrin Institute for High Energy Physics

Serpukhov, U.S.S.R.


Howard Schnitzer Brandeis University

Frank Sciulli California Institute of


Gordon Shaw University of California


Dennis Silverman University of California -


Alberto Sir lin New York University

L. Slavnov Institute of Math. of the

Academy of Sciences Moscow, U.S.S.R.

L. Soloviev Serpukhov Institute for Theoretical Studies

Serpukhov, U.S.S.R.

George Soukup Center for Theoretical Studies

University of Miami

Joseph Sucher University of Maryland

Katsumi Tanaka Ohio State University

William Tanenbaum Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

John R. Taylor University of Colorado


Vigdor Teplitz Va. Polytechnic Institute and State University

George Tiktopoulos University of California -

Los Angeles

Yukio Tomozawa University of Michigan

T. L. Trueman Brookhaven National Lab.

V. S. Vladimirov Institute of Math. of the

Academy of Sciences Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Kameshwar C. Wali Syracuse University

Geoffrey West Los Alamos Scientific Lab.

Ken Wilson Cornell University

Lincoln Wolfenstein Carnegie-Mellon University

T. T. Wu Harvard University

G. B. Yodh University of Maryland

Fredrick Zachariasen California Institute of


Anthony Zee Princeton University

Daniel Zwanziger New York University


Abelian gauge theory

Action principle for a magnetic monopole

Analytic continuation method for the four-fermion interaction in 2+£ dimensional space

Anomalous dimensions Anomaly, High-y

Axoli-arzela theorem Asymptotic freedom Asymptotically free gauge theory


Bethe-Salpeter chains "Block spin" method Bloom-Gilman variable

Cabibbo angle

Cabibbo angle, computation with six quarks

Cerenkov radiation detection of high Z and S particles

Charged color gluon decays Charm and W states

Charm and strangeness


Vol. 10, 332-337 Vol. 11,288,

290-291, 296 Vol. 10, 10-14

Vol. 10, 277-278 Vol. 10, 280-281 Vol. 10, 14, 19,

369 Vol. 11,91,

171-197 Vol. 11, 307 Vol. 11, 281-284 Vol. 10, 341-343 Vol. 11, 244,·

246, 253

Vol. 11, 31, 60, 64

Vol. 10, 269, 273 Vol. 11, 255-259 Vol. 11, 35

Vol. 10, 310-311, 355-357

Vol. 11, 87-100

Vol. 10, 204-208

Vol. 10, 318 Vol. 11, 5-8, 21,

141, 154-155 Vol. 11, 89-90


Charm searches

Charmed particle production by neutrino s

Charmed quarks and orientation of weak relative to strong interaction (Cabibbo angle)

Cheng-Wu-Walker model Color gauge in lattice theory Color gauge symmetry in

unbroken SU( 3) Color gluons Color SU(3)

Colored quark gluon model Colored quarks and infrared

singularities in diffraction scattering

Colored quarks Ln E7 Conserved currents

Cutkowsky cuts

Density operator. of inclusive cross section

Desargues' theorem and exceptional groups

Diffraction peak for elastic scattering

Diffraction scattering in QCD

Dilepton decays of integral charge quarks

Dilepton production of equal sign by neutrinos

Dilepton production of opposite sign by neutrinos

Dimuon events

Dirac leptons in E7 Dirac-Schwinger condition for

Lorentz invariance Dirac theory of the magnetic

monopole Double beta decay Drunkenness among theorists

e+e- interaction results at SPEAR


Vol. 11, 366-367, 377-378

Vol. 11, 58, 90-92

Vol. 10, 293, 309-312

Vol. 11, 305 Vol. 11, 253 Vol. 11, 205

Vol. 10, 316-318 Vol. 10, 347 Vol. 11, 31 Vol. 10, 316 Vol. 11,274-281

Vol. 10, 239-244 Vol. 10, 19-20,

72-76 Vol. 11, 207

Vol. 11, 334-347

Vol. 10, 239

Vol. 11, 301-311

Vol. 11, 265-285

Vol. 10, 323, 326

Vol. 11, 69

Vol. 11, 57

Vol. 11, 91, 172, 179,181,369, 377-378

Vol. 10, 239-244 Vol. 10, 141, 143

Vol. 10, 122-125, 130

Vol. 10, 350 Vol. 11, 30

Vol. 11, 1-28, 113-132


Eikonal approximation Einstein's theory of nonsymmetric

generalized theory of general relativity

Electric charge multiplicity in generalized theory of gravi tation

Electric dipole moment of E+ Electromagnetic self-energy Energy loss of a monopole Energy-momentum ten~or Equal-time wave function Exceptional quantum mechanical

spaces Exclusive multipion channels in

e+e- in 4 GeV region Expedient model

Fadeev-Popov ghost loops Fancy quarks Fierz identify

"Fixed-point" theories for the four-fermion interaction

Flavors of quarks Four-fermion interaction theory Froissaron Fundamental length

GIM mechanism

Galaetic magnetic field and monopole density

Gauge field theories, high energy behavior of two-body elastic amplitudes

Gauge theories, phenomenological Gauge theories, pure Gell-Mann-Low equations

Generalized theory of gravitation and elementary particles

Georgi-Politzer scaling Gluon propagator Graded lie algebras Gribov-Cardy graphs Gross-Neveu model and

semiclassical quantization


Vol. 11, 314, 325 Vol. la, 16, 18,


Vol. la, 55- 59, 97

Vol. 10, 380 Vol. 10, 85-86 Vol. la, 153 Vol. 10, 59-72 Vol. 11, 336-337 Vol. 10, 231,

232, 234-239 Vol. 11, 118

Vol. 11, 96

Vol .. 11, 207 Vol. 11, 64, 94 Vol. la, 274,

278, 287 Vol. 10, 268, 269

Vol. 11, 92-94 Vol. 10, 267-302 Vol. 11, 314 Vol. 10, 18, 23

Vol. 10, 309 Vol. 11, 92 Vol. 10, 160-161

Vol. 11, 287-300

Vol. 10, 2J5-2l6 Vol. la, 216 Vol. 10, 278-280,

288 Vol. la, 15-118

Vol. 11, 34-37 Vol. 11, 215 Vol. la, 221-228 Vol. 11, 317 Vol. 10, 255-263


Hartree-Fock method Heavy lepton Heavy leptons, radiative decay Hierarchal symmetry breaking Higgs mechanism

High-y anomaly

Highmass resonances upper experiment limits

High momentum propagator in 1 a tt'i c e theory

Hyperons, radiative weak decay

Impulse approximation in field theory

Inclusive cross section Inclusive single muon production

by neutrinos Inequality on slope of diffraction

peak for arbitrary spins Infrared aspects of high energy

diffraction scattering Infrared convergent supersymmetric

theory Infrared divergence in lattice

gauge theory Infrared finiteness

Infrared singularities of non-Abelian gauge theories

Integer charge for quarks

Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory Jordan operators and products

KLN (Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg) theorem and confinement

Kinematics of extended particles (fibers)

Large transverse momentum Lattice theories, relativistically

invariant Lepton-hadron inclusive scattering


Vol. 11, 345 Vol. 11, 4 Vol. 10, 313 Vol. 11, 385 Vol. 10, 217, 246,

331-332, 348-349 Vol. 11, 97, 288,

294, 368, 385-387

Vol. 11, 43, 48, 91, 172, 175-180, 369

Vol. 11, 130

Vol. 11, 252-253

Vol. 10, 306-310

Vol. 11, 231-245

Vol. 11, 331-358 Vol. 11, 340

Vol. 11, 301-303

Vol. 11, 275-282

Vol. 10, 342-344

Vol. 11, 201, 247-248

Vol. 11, 200, 204-209, 267

Vol. 11, 213-230

Vol. 10, 315-330

Vol. 10, 220 Vol. 10, 235-240

Vol. 11, 220-565

Vol. 10, 7-10

Vol. 11, 352-355 Vol. 11, 243-265

Vol. 11, 231-243


Lepton pair events at SPEAR as quark decays

Lepton-quark analogy Lexan plastic as a detector of

high Z particles Limiting definitions of current

operators Lorentz equation of motion for

magnetic monopole

Madness Mad quarks Magnetic charge in generalized

theory of gravitation Magnetic horizon Magnetic monopole, energy loss

in condensed medium Magnetic monopole, mass limit Magnetic monopole, status of

experimental evidence Magnetic monopole theories,

electric charge in Magnetic monopole, theory Magnetic monopoles, experimental

searches M. I. T. bag model Mixed multiparticle state Mixing angles in an E7 theory ~~ equations for infrared d~singularities

Multilepton production by neutrinos

Multipoint vertex functions in lattice theory

Nambu-Goldstone field Near forward solutions of ~L

equatio~ a~ Negative signature monopole

experiments Neutral currents

Neutral currents, experiments Neutrino beam oscillations Neutrino interactions at high

energies and gauge theory predictions

Neutrino physics


Vol. 10, 324-327

Vol. 11, 94 Vol. 10, 167-194

Vol. 10, 147

Vol. 10, 1, 2, 14

Vol. 10, 79 Vol. 10, 79 Vol. 10, 18,

48-56 Vol. 10, 30, 44 Vol. 10, 172-179

Vol. 10, 160-161 Vol. 10, 167-214

Vol. 10, 121-134

Vol. 11, 388-389 Vol. 10, 151-166

Vol. 11, 101-110 Vol. 11, 339-342 Vol. 10, 243 Vol. 11, 215-220

Vol. 11,71, 73-76

Vol. 11, 250

Vol. 10, 218-220 Vol. 11, 214-220

Vol. 10, 158, 159, 161

Vol. 10, 381 Vol. 11, 77-80·,

368-369 Vol. 11, 133-139 Vol. 10, 354 Vol. II, 29-86

Vol. 11, 171-198


New particle searches New particle spectroscopy Noncovariance of Schwinger

monopole Non-Abelian gauge fields and

magnetic monopole theory Non-Abelian gauge fields as

Nambu-Goldstone fields Non-Abelian gauge theories and

infrared structure Nonleptonic decays of strange

particles Nordstrom's solution in general


Octet enhancement Oct on ian quantum theory

Octonionic matrices representing exceptional charge spaces

Operator product expansion and renormalization group

Parquet equations, solutions

"Parquet" integral equations for the four-fermion vertex

Parton model and the density operator

Pat i-Salam model Permanently confined hadron

consistuents Phenomenological gauge theories Poincare's theory of magnetic

monopole trajectory Pomeron exchange

Pomeron (retirement) Positive signature monopole

experiments Proton stability ~' decay modes from SPEAR Pure gauge theories

Quantum chromodynamics

Quantum number exchange

Quark clusters


Vol. 11, 141-169 Vol. 11, 1-29 Vol. 10, 131-146

Vol. 10, 126

Vol. 10, 131

Vol. 11, 213

Vol. 10, 363-373

Vol. 10, 42

Vol. 11, 374 Vol. 11, 362,

382-384 Vol. 10, 231-234,

237-240 Vol. 11, 239-241

Vol. 10, 282-285, 289, 291

Vol. 10, 270-275

Vol. 11, 347

Vol. 11, 363 Vol. 11, 101-111

Vol. 10, 215 Vol. 10, 122

Vol. 11, 289, 291-292

Vol. 11, 267 Vol. 10, 157,

158, 160 Vol. 11, 383-385 Vol. 11, 126 Vol. 10, 216

Vol. 11,32, 275-282, 363-365

Vol. 11, 289, 292-295

Vol. 11, 282-285


Quark confinement in perburbative approach

Quark confinement in lattice gauge theory

Quark decay into leptons Quark gluon theory Quark-parton model Quark scattering in quantum

electrodynamics, limits Quarks of integer charge Quasipotential for the Schrodinger


Radiative corrections to mass matrix

Radiative decay of hyperons

Radiative decay of leptons

Real parts or scattering amplitudes Regge poles Regge trajectories in the M. I. T.

bag model Renormalization group and

lepton-hadron scattering Renormalization in Abelian theory Right-hand currents in weak


Rytov approximation

S-channel unitarity in Pomeron theory

Scaling and rescaling in neutrino scattering

Scaling in elastic scattering Scaling properties of inclusive

cross section Scaling solution of "parquet"

equations Schrodinger theory of nonsymmetric

generalization of general relativity

Screened interaction quasipotential Semiclassical WKB method Sensitivity of monopole searches Sine-Gordon equation in

semiclassical quantization


Vol. 11, 389-390

Vol. 11, 243, 275-278

Vol. 10, 315-330 Vol. 11, 206-210 Vol. 11, 31 Vol. 11, 270

Vol. 11, 315-330 Vol. 11, 333-335

Vol. 10, 351

Vol. 10, 306-313, 360-363

Vol. 10, 313, 357-360

Vol. 11, 309-311 Vol. 11, 319 Vol. 11, 110-111

Vol. 11, 235

Vol. 10, 335-338 Vol. 10, 303,

307-309, 346, 373-381

Vol. 11, 280

Vol. 11, 313-329

Vol. 11, 32-40

Vol. 11, 304-308 Vol. 11, 347-356

Vol. 10, 274-275

Vol. 10, 16, 87

Vol. 11, 335-345 Vol. 10, 249-265 Vol. 10, 152-153 Vol. 10, 250-254,

262, 331-344 Vol. II, 380


Simple graded Lie algebras Slow scaling Soliton solutions in field theory Spin and magnetic charge Spontaneous symmetry breaking for

a semi-simple group Spontaneous symmetry breaking

(Higgs field) in an E7 gauge theory

Standard model "Stream unitarity" expansion of

Polyakov Strings

"Summing the leading terms" Supersymmetries, gauging and


Thirring model Thirring model in semiclassical

quantization Total cross sections of e+e- in

4 GeV region Truth Two-step calculation of Feynman


Universal bag constant Universal gauge group, using E7

Vacuum pairs

Vector-like theories

Ward identities

Weak coupling in semiclassical field theory

Weak gauge group Weak interaction, possible

structure Weinberg angle

Weinberg angle from an E7 gauge theory

Weinberg-Salam gauge theory


Vol. 10, 220-225 Vol. 11, 379-381 Vol. 10, 251-254 Vol. la, 31-34 Vol. la, 337-341

Vol. 10, 245-246

Vol. 11, 96 Vol. la, 290

Vol. la, 2-4, 123, 131

Vol. 11, 288-290 Vol. la, 215-229

Vol. la, 277 Vol. la, 253-255

Vol. 11, 113

Vol. 11, 31, 63 Vol. 11, 245-247

Vol. 11, 105 Vol. la, 239-244

Vol. la, 20, 31, 95

Vol. la, 345-387 Vol. 11, 93-94

Vol. la, 334, 338, 341

Vol. la, 250-252

Vol. 10, 347-348 Vol. 10, 303-314

Vol. 10, 243-244 Vol. 11, 137, 369 Vol. 10, 243-244

Vol. 10, 347 Vol. 11, 371


Wilson £-expansion method


y-distributions for neutrinos Yang-Mills fields and magnetic

monopole theory

Zero mass field theories Zero quark mass in diffraction

scattering Zweig rule

Vol. 10, 278, 284-286


Vol. 11, 42, 47, 91, 175-180, 369

Vol. 11, 175-180 Vol. 10, 125, 127

Vol. 11, 199-209 Vol. 11, 276-278

Vol. 11, 6