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Particle Filters for State Estimation of Jump MarkovLinear Systems

Arnaud Doucet, Neil J. Gordon, and Vikram Krishnamurthy, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Jump Markov linear systems (JMLS) are linearsystems whose parameters evolve with time according to a finitestate Markov chain. In this paper, our aim is to recursively com-pute optimal state estimates for this class of systems. We presentefficient simulation-based algorithms called particle filters tosolve the optimal filtering problem as well as the optimal fixed-lagsmoothing problem. Our algorithms combine sequential impor-tance sampling, a selection scheme, and Markov chain MonteCarlo methods. They use several variance reduction methods tomake the most of the statistical structure of JMLS.Computer simulations are carried out to evaluate the perfor-

mance of the proposed algorithms. The problems of on-line de-convolution of impulsive processes and of tracking a maneuveringtarget are considered. It is shown that our algorithms outperformthe current methods.Index Terms—Filtering theory, Monte Carlo methods, state es-

timation, switching systems.


dimension of an arbitrary vector .discrete time.iteration number of the various iterativealgorithms.

For ..

Gaussian distribution of mean and co-variance .uniform distribution on .distributed according to .

conditional upon , distributed ac-cording to .identity matrix of dimensions .transpose matrix.


THE FIELD of applied statistics has been revolutionizedduring the past ten years due to the development of several

remarkable stochastic sampling algorithms that are collectivelytermed Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods [33].Manuscript received August 6, 1999; revised October 27, 2000. The work of

N. J. Gordon was supported by the UKMOD corporate research program TG9.The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it forpublication was Dr. Maria Joao Rendas.A. Doucet is with the Signal Processing Group, Department of Engineering,

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. (e-mail: J. Gordon is with the Signal Processing and Imagery Department, De-

fense Evaluation and Research Agency, Malvern, Worcestershire, U.K. ( Krishnamurthy is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engi-

neering, the University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia (e-mail: Item Identifier S 1053-587X(01)01419-2.

MCMC methods are simulation-based algorithms that have ledto powerful numerical methods for computation of likelihoods,posterior distributions, and estimates derived from them. Mostof the development in MCMC methods so far has focusedon off-line algorithms that operate on a fixed batch of data.The aim of this paper is to propose and analyze recursive(on-line) simulation-based algorithms. These algorithmscombine sequential importance sampling and MCMC algo-rithms. Motivated by several applications in signal processingoutlined below, we focus on deriving recursive algorithmsfor optimal state estimation of jump Markov linear systems(JMLS)—which is a well-known NP-hard problem.Let , denote a discrete timeMarkov chain with

known transition probabilities. A jump Markov linear systemcan be modeled as


where denotes a known exogenous input, and anddenote independent white Gaussian noise sequences. A jumpMarkov linear system can be viewed as a linear system whoseparameters ( , , , , , ) evolvewith time according to a finite state Markov chain . Neitherthe continuous-state process nor the finite state processare observed—instead, we observe the noisy measurementprocess .JumpMarkov linear systems are widely used in several fields

of signal processing including seismic signal processing [30],digital communications such as interference suppression inCDMA spread spectrum systems [26], target tracking [4], [29],and de-interleaving of pulse trains [31]. They can be viewed asa generalization of the hidden Markov model (HMM) (whichconsists of a Markov chain observed in white noise) tocorrelated noise.Under assumptions detailed later on, it is well known that

exact computation of the conditional mean filtered or smoothedstate estimates of and involves a prohibitive computationalcost exponential in the (growing) number of observations [37].This is unlike the standard HMM for which conditional meanstate estimates can be computed with linear complexity in thenumber of observations via the HMM filter. Recently, efficientbatch (off-line) deterministic and stochastic iterative algorithmshave been proposed to compute fixed-interval smoothed condi-tional mean andmaximum a posteriori (MAP) state estimates ofand ; see [10], [11], and [26]. However, in most real-world

applications, one wants to compute state estimates of and

1053–587X/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE


recursively (on-line). The aim of this paper is to present simu-lation-based recursive filtering algorithms for computing con-ditional mean estimates of the states and given the obser-vation history, namely, and . Simulation-based algorithms for computing fixed-lag smoothed state esti-mates and are also presented—thefixed lag is a fixed positive integer.Due to the prohibitive computational cost required to com-

pute fixed-lag and filtered state estimates of and , it isnecessary to consider in practice suboptimal estimation algo-rithms. A variety of algorithms has already been proposed inthe literature to solve these estimation problems [4], [18], [36],[37]. Most of these algorithms are based on deterministic finiteGaussian mixture approximations like the popular Interactingmultiple model (IMM) or the generalized pseudo-Bayes (GPB)algorithms [4]. These methods are computationally cheap, butthey can fail in difficult situations.Another possible suboptimal strategy is to compute a fixed

grid approximation to the filtered state density. This involves ap-proximating the continuous-valued process by a finite stateprocess with fixed states (say). The fixed gridpoint values are called “particles.” The filteredstate density and, hence, filtered state estimates can then be com-puted easily at these grid points according to Bayes’ rule. Thevalues of the filtered state density at these grid points are calledthe “weights” of the particles. However, such a fixed grid ap-proximation suffers from the curse of dimensionality—the ap-proximation error depends on the state dimension of the un-derlying jump Markov linear system. For example, for an uni-form fixed grid, the approximation error behaves as ,where denotes the state space dimension and the numberof grid points (particles).In this paper, we present Monte Carlo (MC) particle filters for

computing the conditional mean estimates. These particle filterscan be viewed as a randomized adaptive grid approximation. Aswill be shown later, the particles (values of the grid) evolve ran-domly in time according to a simulation-based rule. The weightsof the particles are updated according to Bayes’ rule. The moststriking advantage of theseMC particle filters is that the conver-gence rate toward zero of the approximation error is independentof the state dimension. That is, the randomization implicit in theMC particle filter gets around the curse of dimensionality [8].Taking advantage of the increase of computational power

and the availability of parallel computers, several authorshave recently proposed such MC particle methods [3], [16],[21], [22]. It has been shown that these methods outperformthe standard suboptimal methods. In this paper, we proposeimproved simulation-based approximations of the optimalfilter and smoother with novel variance reduction methods; thefiltering and fixed-lag smoothing distributions of interest areapproximated by a Gaussian mixture of a large number, say,, of components that evolve stochastically over time and are

driven by the observations.MC particle methods to solve optimal estimation problems

were introduced in automatic control at the end of the 1960sby Handschin and Mayne [17] . Interesting developments werethen subsequently proposed in the 1970s [1], [35]. Most likelybecause of the primitive computers available at the time, these

papers were overlooked and forgotten. In the beginning of the1990s, the great increase in computational power allowed forthe rebirth of this field. In 1993, Gordon et al. [15] proposed analgorithm (the bootstrap filter) that introduced a selection stepthat statisticallymultiplies and/or discards particles at each time.This key step led to the first operational particle filter. Followingthis seminal paper, particle filters have stimulated great interestin the engineering and statistical literature; see [12] for a sum-mary of the state of the art. With these filters, complex nonlinearnon-Gaussian estimation problems can be solved efficiently inan on-linemanner.Moreover, they aremuch easier to implementthan classical numerical methods.The bootstrap filter is a simple algorithm that can be easily

applied to JMLS. However, in its standard form, it does not useall the salient structure of this model. We propose here simula-tion-based algorithms that make use of this structure and includeefficient variance reduction techniques. Our algorithms have acomputational complexity of at each time step and canbe easily implemented on parallel computers. The filtering al-gorithm is shown to be more efficient than the most recent com-putational methods; see [3], [6], [16], [21], and [22]. Finally, weshow how this filtering algorithm can be combined withMCMCmethods [33] to obtain an efficient fixed-lag smoothing algo-rithm. Given the importance of JMLS, earlier papers have al-ready partly developed similar ideas [1], [6], [35]. We discussin detail these issues in Section V.This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the

signal model and estimation objectives in a formal way. In Sec-tion III, an original simulation-based method is proposed tosolve the optimal filtering problem. We detail the different stepsof this method. In Section IV, after having shown that a directapplication of the previous methods to fixed-lag smoothing isinefficient, we propose an original method based on the intro-duction of MCMC algorithms. In Section V, a discussion of theprevious work on related problems and on the algorithms devel-oped here is given. In Section VI, we demonstrate the perfor-mance of the proposed algorithms via computer simulations fordeconvolution of impulsive processes and tracking of a maneu-vering target. In Appendix A, the backward information filterequations are recalled. Finally, the proofs of some propositionsare grouped in Appendix B. Detailed proofs of propositions canbe found in [14].


A. Signal ModelLet denote a discrete-time, time-homogeneous, -state,

first-order Markov chain with transition probabilitiesfor any , where

. The transition probability matrixis thus an matrix, with elements satisfyingand , for each . Denote the initialprobability distribution as , for ,such that and . Consider thefollowing JMLS given in (1) and (2), where is thesystem state, is the observation at time ,is a known deterministic input, and


are i.i.d. Gaussian sequences, and.

and are functions of the Markov chain state , i.e.,

, and they evolveaccording to the realization of the finite state Markov chain. We assume that , where , and

let and be mutually independent for all . Themodel parameters ,

are assumedknown.

B. Estimation ObjectivesGiven at time the observations , assuming that the

model parameters are exactly known, all Bayesian in-ference for JMLS relies on the joint posterior distribution

, where. Given , is a

Gaussian distribution whose parameters can be evaluated usinga Kalman filter. could be computed exactly, butthis discrete distribution has values, and thus, some approx-imations have to be made as time increases. In this paper, weare interested in the following optimal estimation problems:• Filtering objectives: Obtain the filtering distribution

aswellas theMMSEestimateofgiven by , where

.• Fixed-lag smoothing objectives: Obtain the fixed-lagdistribution , where , as wellas the MMSE estimate of given by

, where.

We restrict ourselves to the common case whereand can be

computed analytically.Remark 1: In most filtering applications, we are inter-

ested in estimating the MMSE (conditional mean) stateestimates and cov . In these cases,

can be computed analyticallyusing the Kalman filter for the sequence .


This section is organized as follows.We describe the standardimportance sampling method and then show how variance re-duction can be achieved by integrating out the states usingthe Kalman filter. Then, we present a sequential version of im-portance sampling for optimal filtering, generalizing the currentapproaches in the literature. We show why it is necessary tointroduce a selection scheme, and then, we propose a genericMonte Carlo filter.

A. Monte Carlo Simulation for Optimal EstimationFor any , we will assume subsequently that

. If we were able to sample i.i.d. random sam-ples—called particles—according to , then an empirical estimate of

this distribution would be given by

and, as a corollary, an estimate of is. From this

distribution, one can easily obtain an estimate of forany

This estimate is unbiased and, from the strong law of large num-bers (SLLN), converges almost surely (a.s.) toward

as . If, then a central limit theorem (CLT) holds

where “ ” denotes convergence in distribution. The advantageof the MC method is clear. One can easily estimate forany , and the rate of convergence of this estimate does notdepend on . Unfortunately, it is impossible to sample efficientlyfrom the “target” posterior distribution atany time . Therefore, we focus on alternative methods.A solution to estimate and

consists of using the well-known importance sampling method[5]. This method is based on the following remark. Let us intro-duce an arbitrary importance distribution ,from which it is easy to obtain samples, and such that

implies . Then

where the importance weight is equal to

If we have i.i.d. random samplesdistributed according to , then a

Monte Carlo estimate of is given by


where the normalized importance weights are equal to

This method is equivalent to the following point mass approxi-mation of :

and thus, .The “perfect” simulation case, i.e.,

, would correspond to for any. In practice, we will try to select the importance distributionas close as possible to the target distribution in a given sense.For finite, is biased (ratio of estimates), butasymptotically according to the SLLN, convergesa.s. toward . Under additional assumptions, a CLT alsoholds. However, we first show, in the next subsection, how thevariance of the estimate can be decreased.

B. Variance ReductionIt is possible to reduce the problem of estimating

and to one of sampling from. Indeed,, where is a Gaussian distribu-

tion whose parameters are given by the Kalman filter. Thus,given an approximation of , ones gets straight-forwardly an approximation of . Moreover, if

can be evaluated in a closed-formexpression, then the following alternative Bayesian importancesampling estimate of can be proposed:



Intuitively, to reach a given precision, will require areduced number of samples over as we only needto sample from a lower dimensional distribution. This is provenin the following propositions, where it is shown that if one can

integrate analytically, then the variances of the resultingestimates are lower than the ones of the “crude” estimates.Proposition 1: The variances of the importance weights, the

numerators, and the denominators satisfy for any








var (3)

A sufficient condition for to satisfy a CLT isvar and

for any [5]. Thistrivially implies that also satisfies a CLT. Moreprecisely, we get the following result.Proposition 2: Under the assumptions given above,

and satisfy a CLT



Given these results, we now focus on importance samplingmethods to get an approximation of andusing an importance distribution . Up to now, themethods we have described are batch methods. We show in thenext subsection how to obtain a sequential method.

C. Sequential Importance SamplingOne can always rewrite the importance function at time as



where is the probability distribution ofconditional upon and . Our aim is to obtain, at anytime , an estimate of the distribution and to be ableto propagate this estimate in time without modifying, subse-quently, the past simulated trajectories .This means that admits as mar-ginal distribution at time . This is possible if we restrict our-selves to importance functions of the following form:


Such an importance function allows for a recursive evaluationof and, thus, of , where the incre-mental weight is given by

Further on, denotes the normalized version of , i.e.,.

1) Choice of the Importance Distribution: There are infin-itely many possible choices for , the only conditionbeing that its support includes the one of , that is, thesupport of . A sensible selection criterion is to choose aproposal that minimizes the variance of the importance weightsat time , given and . According to this strategy, thefollowing proposition establishes the optimal importance distri-bution.Proposition 3: is the distribution that

minimizes the variance of the importance weights conditionalon and .The proof is straightforward as one can easily check that the

conditional variance is equal to zero in this case. We show howto implement this “optimal” distribution and then describe sev-eral suboptimal methods.• Optimal Sampling Distribution: The optimal distributionsatisfies

and the associated importance weight is proportionalto

where and are, re-spectively, the innovation and the one-step-aheadprediction covariance of the observation conditionalon . Computingrequires the evaluation of one-step-ahead Kalman filtersteps. It is thus computationally intensive if is large.

• Prior Distribution: If we use the prior distribu-tion as importance distribution, the im-portance weight is proportional to ,

, . It only requiresone step of a Kalman filter to be evaluated.

• Alternative Sampling Distribution: It is possible to de-sign a variety of alternative sampling distributions. For ex-ample, one can use the results of a suboptimal determin-istic algorithm to construct an importance sampling distri-bution.

2) Degeneracy of the Algorithm: The following propositionshows that for importance functions of the form (4), the vari-ance of can only increase (stochastically) over time. Theproof of this proposition is an extension of a Kong–Liu–Wong[23, p. 285] theorem to the case of an importance function ofthe form (4) and is omitted here.Proposition 4: The unconditional variance (i.e., with the ob-

servations being interpreted as random variables) of the im-portance weights increases over time.It is thus impossible to avoid a degeneracy phenomenon.

Practically, after a few iterations of the algorithm, all but one ofthe normalized importance weights are very close to zero, anda large computational burden is devoted to updating trajectorieswhose contribution to the final estimate is almost zero. Thatis why it is of crucial importance to introduce a selection stepin the algorithm. The aim of this selection step is to discardthe particles with low normalized importance weights

and to multiply the ones with high to avoid thedegeneracy of the algorithm and to jump into the interestingzones of the space. Each time a selection step is used theweights are reset to .

D. Selection StepA selection procedure associates with each particle, say

( ), a number of “children” , such that, to obtain new particles . If , then

is discarded; otherwise, it has “children” at time . If weuse a selection scheme at each time step, then before the selec-tion scheme, we have a weighted distribution

, and after the selection step, we have

1) Some Selection Schemes: We describe here some selec-tion schemes and show how to implement them in itera-tions.• Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR)/MultinomialSampling Procedure: This procedure, which was intro-duced originally by Gordon et al. [15], is the most popular


one. One samples times from to obtain; . This is equivalent to drawing

jointly ; according to a multinomialdistribution of parameters and . This algorithmhas originally been implemented in oper-ations [15]. In fact, it is possible to implement exactlythe SIR procedure in operations by noticing thatit is possible to sample in operations i.i.d.variables uniformly distributed in and ordered, i.e.,

using a classical algorithm [9],[32, p. 96]. In this case, we have andvar . However, as pointed outin [25], it is possible and better to use selection schemeswith a reduced variance.

• Residual Resampling [25]: This procedure performs asfollows. Set and then perform a SIR proce-dure to select the remaining sampleswith the new weights ; finally,add the results to the current . In this case, we obtain

, but var .Recent theoretical results obtained in [8] suggest that it is

not necessary to design unbiased selection schemes, i.e., we canhave .2) On the Use of a Selection Scheme: Two estimates of

can be proposed before ( ) and after ( )the selection scheme at time , where

Using the variance decomposition, it is straightforward to showthat if the selection scheme used is unbiased, then




var var


Therefore, it is better to estimate using as theselection scheme can only increase the variance of the estimate.However, as shown in [24] in a different framework that could beadapted to our case, it is worth resampling as it usually decreasesthe variance of the following estimates , where .

E. Implementation IssuesGiven at time , random samples

distributed approximately according to, the MC filter proceeds as follows at time .

Particle Filter for JMLSSequential Importance Sampling Step

For , sample , and set.

For , evaluate the importance weights up to anormalizing constant


For , normalize the importance weights


Selection StepMultiply/Discard particles with respect

to high/low normalized importance weights to obtainparticles .

Clearly, the computational complexity of this algorithmat each iteration is . At first sight, it could appear thatone needs to keep in memory the paths of all trajectories, thatis, . In this case, the storage require-ments would increase linearly over time. Actually, under thestandard assumption that only dependson via the set of low-dimensional sufficient statistics

and , this is the case forand ; then, one only needs to keep in memorythese statistics. Therefore, the storage requirements are still

and do not increase over time.Remark 2: In the case where we use

, the importance weightdoes not depend on . It is thus possible to perform the

selection step before the sequential importance sampling step.


In many applications of interest, it is possible to wait fora fixed delay, say , before performing estimation of thestates at time . Results can then be significantly improvedwhile keeping an on-line estimation scheme. We show in thissection that a direct application of the previous methodologyto fixed-lag smoothing is not satisfactory if is large and thenpropose an alternative method.

A. Some Strategies for Fixed-Lag Smoothing1) Direct Extension: The proposed simulation-based filter

can be theoretically, and straightforwardly, extended to fixed-lag


smoothing. At time , we have an MC approximation

of the distribution . Therefore, an estimate ofthe marginal distribution is

However, the trajectories have been resampled times, fromtime to . There is consequently a loss of diversityin the trajectories, i.e., one typically only has few distinct tra-jectories at time , and the approximation of the posteriordistribution might then be poor; this is the so-called problem ofsample depletion [10].2) Sampling Using : One solution to this problem

consists of sampling using an importance distributionbased on the observations up to time , i.e., introducing

. The same developments as inSection III-C apply. If one wants to minimize the variance ofimportance weights sequentially, conditional on and

, then is the optimal importancefunction. In doing so, the importance weights at time areequal to

Sampling from and evaluatingrequires steps of the Kalman

filter, each one being associated with all the possible trajectoriesfrom time to time . This is computationally very

expensive as .3) Using MCMC Methods: We propose here an alternative

and computationally cheaper method. This consists of simplyadding a step to the simulation-based filter, and it drastically re-duces the problem of sample depletion. At time , the parti-cles, say , have typically very few distinct values attime as the trajectories have been resampled times. Sev-eral suboptimal methods have been proposed in the literature tointroduce diversity amongst the samples. They are mainly basedon kernel density methods [12], [34]. Based on the current set ofparticles, the probability distribution is estimated using a kerneldensity estimate and a new set of distinct particles is sampledfrom it. These methods require the choice of a specific kernel[16] and are not suitable in our case as the distribution to es-timate is discrete. Moreover, they introduce an additional MCvariation. We propose here a totally different approach that con-sists of applying MCMC steps to the particles; see [33] for anintroduction to MCMC. This idea has been proposed in [27] ina very different context.Assume that the particles are distributed marginally

according to . Then, if we apply to each par-

ticle a Markov transition kernel of invariantdistribution , i.e., such that

then the new particles are still distributed ac-cording to the posterior distribution of interest. Therefore,if is a kernel that updates stochastically

to obtain , then we have a theoretically validway of introducing diversity amongst the samples. It is pos-sible to use all the standard MCMC methods such as theMetropolis–Hastings or the Gibbs samplers. However, contraryto classical MCMC methods, it is not necessary to introducean ergodic transition kernel. This method can only improveresults in the sense that it reduces the total variation norm of thecurrent distribution of the particles with respect to the “target”posterior distribution; see [33] for example.

B. Implementation Issues1) Algorithm: Given at time , random

samples distributed approximatelyaccording to , the algorithm proceeds asfollows at time .

Particle Fixed-Lag Smoother for JMLSSequential Importance Sampling Step

For , sampleand .

For , evaluate the normalized importanceweights using (5) and (6).Selection Step

Multiply/Discard particles with re-spect to high/low normalized importanceweights to ob-tain particles .MCMC StepFor , apply to a Markov tran-

sition kernel of invariant distributionto obtain particles


2) Implementation of MCMC Steps: There is an infinity ofpossible choices for the MCMC transition kernel. We proposehere to use a Gibbs sampling step that updates at time thevalues of the Markov chain from time to , i.e., we sample

for according to ,where


It is straightforward to check that this algorithm admitsas invariant distribution [33]. Sampling

from for can be doneby the following backward–forward procedure of complexity


. This algorithm has been developed in a batchframework in [9] and [11]; therefore, the proofs are omittedhere. It proceeds as follows at time for the particle .

Backward–Forward ProcedureBackward StepFor , compute and storeand using (8) and (9)given in Appendix B.Forward StepFor

For , run one step ahead the Kalmanfilter with , store and

, and then computeusing (7) given below.

Sample , and storeand .

The quantities andare given by the backward informa-

tion filter recursion given in Appendix B, and for any, we have


where ,1being a , diagonal matrix

with the nonzero eigenvalues of as elements and

The computational complexity of the resulting MC fixed-lagsmoother algorithm at each iteration is , andone needs to keep in memory the paths of all trajecto-ries as well as

for .1 and are straightforwardly obtained using the sin-

gular value decomposition of .


Numerous methods have been proposed earlier in the litera-ture to address the problems posed in this paper. In this section,we discuss these approaches and compare them with ours. Toobtain MMSE filtered estimates, most algorithms are basedon deterministic finite Gaussian mixtures approximations witha few components such as the popular IMM algorithm [4],[29] or the detection/estimation algorithm (DEA) [37]; see, forexample, [18] and [20] for related methods. These algorithmsare computationally cheaper than the ones we present here, but,for example, the IMM can fail in difficult situations such aswhen the likelihood at time is multimodal, and the posteriordistribution at time is vague. Taking advantage of theincreasing computational power available and of the intrinsicparallelizability of particle filters, several recent papers haveproposed to use the bootstrap filter to perform optimal filteringof JMLS; see [3], [21], and [22] and an improved version ofit based on kernel density estimation [16]. It has been shownby Monte Carlo simulations that these methods outperform theclassical suboptimal methods. However, the bootstrap filterconsists of sampling, at time , the states accordingto . and are simulated indepen-dently of ; therefore, this strategy is sensitive to outliers,and the distribution of the importance weights can be highlyskewed. In our scheme, the continuous states are integratedout, which leads to estimates with a reduced variance, andthe importance distribution can be chosen on a case-by-casebasis. In the bootstrap filter, the particles are selected using theSIR algorithm. We showed that it is possible to use a quickerselection scheme having a reduced variance. Some previousworks have, however, already introduced some of these ideas.The closest filtering algorithm to the one presented in thispaper is the random sampling algorithm (RSA) of Akashi andKumamoto [1], [37]. This algorithm corresponds to the sequen-tial importance sampling method using asimportance distribution. This distribution was introduced fol-lowing a different criterion. Similar work was developed laterin [6] and [35]. However, these authors neither presented thegeneral sequential importance sampling framework allowingthe use of general importance distributions nor discussed theimprovements brought by variance reduction. Moreover, thekey selection step is omitted in these papers, and thus, aftera few time steps, the algorithm collapses. It is worth noticingthat Tugnait [37] compared, via Monte Carlo simulations, theRSA algorithm and some computationally cheaper alternativealgorithms like the DEA. It appeared that the results of theRSA algorithm were less precise than those of the alternativemethods. Nevertheless, in this early work, only a small numberof particles and no selection scheme were used. In our Monte

Carlo simulations, the obtained results are totally different.Finally, we are not aware of any paper combining particle

filters and MCMC for JMLS. In a batch framework, some al-gorithms have been proposed to estimate for

to maximize using a coordinateascent method. However, the popular single most likely replace-ment (SMLR) algorithm [30] has a complexity , whereasour method applied to this case has a complexity .


Fig. 1. Top: simulated signal (solid line) and observations (dotted line).Bottom: simulated sequence .


Computer simulations were carried out to evaluate theperformance of our algorithms. Section VI-A considers theproblem of estimating a sparse signal based on a set of noisydata. Section VI-B considers the problem of tracking a maneu-vering target.

A. Detection of Bernoulli–Gaussian Processes

In several problems related to seismic signal processing andnuclear science [7], [30], the signal of interest can be mod-eled as the output of a linear filter excited by a BG processand observed in white Gaussian noise. The input sequence is

, , and the observa-tion noise is . and are mutually indepen-dent sequences. The linear filter is modeled by an AR(2) model.Thus, we have , and the signal admits the followingstate-space model:

In the following simulations, we set the parameters to, , , and .

observations are generated and are depicted in Fig. 1. In Fig. 2,we present the results obtained using the particle filtering algo-rithmswith particles.We sample from the optimal dis-tribution and perform fixed-lag smoothingwith . The results are compared with an off-line iterativeGibbs sampling method to compute [11]. Fixed-lagsmoothing significantly improves the detection of occurrenceswith respect to filtering. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 2, the per-formance of the fixed-lag smoothing and batch methods appearsto be very similar. Our studies show that the results obtainedusing a higher number of particles are indistinguishable.

Fig. 2. Top: estimated probabilities (Particle filter). Middle:estimated probabilities (for ) (Particlefixed-lag smoother). Bottom: estimated probabilities (Gibbssampler).

B. Tracking of a Maneuvering Target

We address the problem of tracking a maneuvering target innoise. The difficulty in this problem arises from the uncertaintyin the maneuvering command driving the target. The state of thetarget at time is denoted as , where

( ) and ( ) represent the position and velocity ofthe target in the (resp. in the ) direction. It evolves accordingto a JMLS model of parameters [4]

and diag . The switching term is, where is a three-state Markov chain corresponding

to the three possible maneuver commands:• straight;• left turn;• right turn.

It has the following transition probabilities:and for . We have for any

, ,and . We sampleaccording to the optimal distribution. In Fig. 3, we dis-play a realization of the signal and the MMSE estimate

computed using parti-cles.We also perform different measurement realiza-

tions and compare our results with the IMM algorithm [29] andthe standard bootstrap filter [15]. The performance measure isthe root mean square (RMS) position error computed as follows


Fig. 3. Simulated path of the target (solid line), observations(dots), and MMSE estimate (dashed line).


from theMMSE estimates with respect to the true simulated tra-jectories


where is the MMSE target position estimate in thedirection at time of the th Monte Carlo simulation. We

present in Table I the performance of the IMM filter, the boos-trap filter, and our MC filter for various number of particles;note that the IMM filter is an algorithm with a computationalcomplexity independent of . The MC filter is more precisethan the other methods. Its performance stabilizes quickly asincreases.


In this paper, we presented on-line simulation-based algo-rithms to perform optimal filtering and fixed-lag smoothing ofJMLS. These Monte Carlo algorithms are based on several ef-ficient variance reduction methods. Although these algorithmsare computationally intensive, they can be straightforwardlyimplemented on parallel computers allowing for real-timeapplications. Two applications were presented to illustrate theperformance of these algorithms for online deconvolution ofBernoulli–Gaussian processes and tracking of a maneuveringtarget. We showed in simulations that these methods outper-

form not only the standard suboptimal methods but recentsimulation-based methods as well.Throughout this paper, the model parameters are assumed

known. It is, however, possible to perform batch and on-linemaximum likelihood estimation of these parameters combiningthe particle filtering methods developed here and standard ex-pectation-maximization or gradient-type algorithms; see [19]for details.


Conditional on , the system (1) and (2) is linearGaussian until ; it is thus possible to compute, using theKalman filter, the one-step-ahead prediction and covarianceof ( , , and

, ), the filtered estimate and covarianceof ( , , and ,

), the innovation at time , and the covariance of this inno-vation ( , , and

, ).The backward information filter proceeds as follows from

time to :


and for



varvar var cov



Proof of Proposition 1: By the variance decomposition,one has




We obtain similar results for , , ,and , and (3) follows.

Proof of Proposition 2: As and aresums of i.i.d. random variables, we obtain, using the deltamethod





where , and. Thus, as it is shown in the equation at the

top of the page, one obtains ,; therefore


The expression of follows, similarly we obtain . Finally,one obtains using the variance decomposition.

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Arnaud Doucet was born in Melle, France, onNovember 2, 1970. He received the M.S. degreefrom the Institut National des Télécommunications,Paris, France, in 1993 and the Ph.D. degree fromUniversity Paris XI, Orsay, France, in 1997.During 1998, he was a visiting scholar with the

Signal Processing Group, Cambridge University,Cambridge, U.K. From 1999 to 2000, he was a re-search associate with the same group. Since January2001, he has been a Lecturer with the Department ofElectrical and Electronic Engineering, University of

Melbourne, Parkville, Australia. His research interests include Markov chainMonte Carlo methods, sequential Monte Carlo methods, Bayesian statistics,and hidden Markov models. He has co-edited, with J. F. G. de Freitas andN. J. Gordon, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice (New York:Springer-Verlag, 2001).

Neil J. Gordon received the B.Sc. degree in mathematics and physics fromNot-tinghamUniversity, Nottingham, U.K., in 1988 and the Ph.D. degree in statisticsfrom Imperial College, University of London, London, U.K., in 1993.Since 1988, he has been with the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency

(DERA), Malvern, U.K., where he is currently with the Pattern and InformationProcessing Group. His research interests include Bayesian dynamic estimation,target tracking, and missile guidance.

Vikram Krishnamurthy (SM’99) was born in 1966. He received the from the Australian National University, Canberra, in 1992.He is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering,

University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia. His research interests span sev-eral areas, including stochastic processing. He is an Associate Editor for Systemsand Control Letters.Dr. Krishnamurthy is currently an Associate Editor for the IEEE

TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. He has served on the Technical Pro-gram Committee of several conferences, including the 37th IEEE Conferenceon Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, in 1998 and the IFAC Symposium onSystem Identification, Santa Barbara, CA, in 2000.