paschimbanga gramin bank

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank



    I hereby declare that project entitled “ CUSTOMER SATISFACTION REGARDING


    BURDWAN in partial %ul%illment o% the re&u irement %or #raduation De' ree o%

     business administration is my ori'inal (or)* It is by my o(n and not copied one

    %rom other*

    +U,I- -UNDU BURDWAN RAJ C!!"#"

    BBA .RD +"/

    Dated0 11111111111 

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank



    Without practical trainin'$ mana'ement education is meanin'less so lon' (ith the theory7

     practical trainin' is pro3ided to mana'ement students to e4pose them to the actual (or)in'

    en3ironment o% any or'ani8ation* +uch trainin' pro3ides a %rame(or) o% )no(led'e relatin' to

    the concepts and practices o% the assi'ned topics in the or'ani8ation*

    2he summer trainin' is an inte'ral part o% the course curriculum o% /aster o% Business

    Administration 9B*B*A* .rd:* In this the student is in the position to analy8e the inte'ral (or)in'

    o% an or'ani8ation (ith mature eyes and understand the dynamics in a much better manner*

    2his particular project has been conducted at 5aschim Ban'a #ramin Ban)* In the %irst phase o%

    the research project$ there is a introduction o% Ban)in'$ company pro%ile and products o% 5aschim

    Ban'a #ramin Ban) are 'i3en* A%ter that a mar)et research is per%ormed (ith a sample si8e o%


  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank



    2he report contains the or'ani8ational study done at 5aschim Ban'a #ramin Ban)* 2he report

    title is “CU+2/"R +A2I+>AC2IN R"#ARDIND 5A+C6I/ BAN#A #RA/IN BAN-”*

    2he report 'i3es an o3er3ie( o% the ban)in' +ector and company pro%ile* And a(areness o%

    customers about di%%erent types o% products and ser3ices o%%ered by 5aschim Ban'a #ramin


    2his study (as conducted to %ind out the customer satis%action re'ardin' 5aschim Ban'a #ramin


    2he methodolo'y adopted %or the study (as throu'h a structured &uestionnaire$ (hich is tar'eted

    to the di%%erent persons in #urdaspur* >or this purpose sample si8e o% ;

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank




    Banking means “Accepting Deposits for the purpose of lending or

    investment of deposits money from the public, repayable on

    demand otherwise and withdrawn by cheque, draft, ortherwise!"

    Banking companies #$egulation% Act, &'('" Banks are the ma)or

    supplier of the funds in the money market" *hey promote the

    saving of general public, by o+ering safety and security to other

    incentives in the form of interest on bank deposits

     *he currency system of any country is related to its bankingsystem" Bank of any country is related to its banking system" A

    bank is dene as an institution that accepts deposits of money

    from the public withdrawn able by cheque and used for lending

    from the above, it is found that a bank performs mainly two types

    of function, .irst, accepts deposits of money which are withdraw

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    able, second, uses deposits for lending to be recogni/ed as a

    bank, the institution accepts deposits for its own purpose, such an

    institution can0t be regarded as a bank

     *12$2 A$2 3A$456 *7826 . BA9 .59;*49 49 49D4A" * 127

    A$2 B$D2D 49* ? D4..2$29* ;A * 2=$*12$2

    A$2 3A$456 *7826 . BA9 .59;*49 49 49D4A"

    1.COMMERCIAL BANKS: *he commercial banks collect

    deposits from the public and lend money to producers and

    businessmen generally for short period of time" Among all types

    of banks the commercial banks are the most important ones"

    2. DEVELOPMENT BANK: Development bank are speciali/ed

    nancial institution which supply medium and long term nance

    to private entrepreneurs" *hey also perform various promotional

    roles to help the process of economic development where as the

    commercial banks provide medium and long term credit" 4n 4ndia,there are many development banks, such as, 4ndustrial

    Development Banks of 4ndia #4DB4% 4.;4,4;4;4 etc"

    3.CO-OPERATIVE BANKS: *he co-operative banks those

    banks which are organi/ed under the provision of the co-

    operative society0s law of the state in 4ndia ,the co-operative

    banks were originally set up to provide credit to the primary

    agricultural credit societies at cheaper rates"1owever,the co-

    operative banks function also in the urban areas"

    4.LAND MORTGAGE BANKS: *hese banks provide long term

    credit to the farmers of the development of land" *hey also give

    long term loans to the farmers for purchasing land" *he land

    mortgage banks in 4ndia are known as land development banks"

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    5.FOREIGN EXCHANGE BANKS: .oreign e@change banks are

    those banks which are engaged in buying and selling foreign

    e@change" *his banks helps the growth of international trade"

    6. CENTRAL BANKS: 4n each country there e@ists a central bankcontrol the entire banking system of the country in 4ndia" *he

    $eserve Bank of 4ndia is the central Bank of the country"


    Paschim Banga Gramin Bank welcomes you to e@plore the world ofpremier bank in 4ndia"4n this section, you can access detailed information on verview

    of the Bank, *echnology 5p gradation in the Bank, Board of

    Directors, .inancial $esults and 6hareholder 4nfo"

     *he Bank is actively involved since &' in non-prot activity

    called ;ommunity 6ervices Banking" All our branches and

    administrative oCces throughout the country sponsor and

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    participate in large number of welfare activities and social causes"

    ur business is more than banking because we touch the lives of

    people anywhere in many ways"

    ur commitment to nation-building is complete comprehensive"

    $ecent awards and recognitions: E Best nline Banking Award,

    Best ;ustomer 4nitiative Award

    Best $isk Fanagement Award #$unner 5p% by 4BA Banking *echnology Awards G?&?" E *he Bank of the year G??', 4ndia #won

    the second year in a row% by *he Banker Faga/ine" E Best Bank -


  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


     *he symbol of the 6tate Bank of 4ndia #no, its not a key hole%" *he

    circle depicts perfection and the small man the common man -

    being the centre of the banks business"


    I85$2 BA949=, 9*149= 2

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  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    &'NG -*he 9on-$esident 4nvestment ;ell was set up, which had

    streamlined the working operations of the non-resident

    investment sections at important centers"

    &'N -6B4 launched self employment scheme, for providing self-

    employment to educated unemployed youth" 2ducated

    unemployed youths are encouraged to undertake self-

    employment ventures in industry, services and business"

    &'NK -During the year, company set up a data bank of sick units

    available for taken over by healthy units" Jith e+ect from GLth

    August, the Bank of ;ochin

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    &'NL -At the end of the year G( sick units with an outstanding of

    $s &?L' crores were assisted" f these, &? units were

    considered viable and L? from them were placed under regularnursing programme"

    n lst August a new subsidiary named 6B4 ;apital Farket was

    functioning independently, took up leasing business and certain

    other new services"

    &??,??, ?? 9o" of shares issued at a prem" of$s &L? per share"

    &'N -5p to the end of the year the bank had sponsored ?

    $egional $ural Banks covering LL backward and under banked

    districts in the country"

    4n terms of deployment, the advances portfolio of overseas oCces

    rose to $s K,L crores" 4nvestments in inter-bank money markets

    and also in prime securities amounted to $s G,L? crores by the

    end of the year"

    &'NN HDuring the year bank initiated 58*2;1 an 4ndustrial

     *echnology =roup to direct and guide programmes aimed at

    facilitating technology up gradation"

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    Also a scheme to develop entrepreneurship among woman under

    the name I6tree 6haktiI was launched" 6everal concessions in

    respect of margin and rate of interest have been built into the

    package" *hree pilot programmes were launched at ;hennai,

    ;alcutta, and 1yderabad"

    &'N' -6B4;A8, in their capacity as *rustee and Fanager of Futual

    .und, launched two scheme vi/", Fangnum Fonthly 4ncome

    6cheme &'N' and Fagnum *a@ 6ervice 6cheme &''?" During the

    same period 6B4 in association with Forgan 6tanley

    Asset Fanagement 4nc" of 56A, launched the 4ndia Fagnum .und"

    &''? -9ew products launched during the year included a $egular

    4ncome 6cheme, o+ering an assured return in e@cess of &GO and

    the rst 8ure =rowth 6cheme aimed at capital appreciation" A

    6econd o+shore fund of 56 P &G million called Asian ;onvertible

    and 4ndian .und was launched in association with Asian

    Development Bank, Fanila"

    &''G -*he bank sponsored ? $$Bs with a network of & N'

    oCces covering &?G backward and under banked districts of the

    country" A sum of $s &K"GK cores was contributed towards the

    share capital of the $$Bs"

    &'' -During the year as a part of its overseas e@pansion the

    bank established representative oCce in *ashkent"

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    During December, the bank issued &G(,???,??? equity shares of

    $s"&? each for cash at a premium of '? per share of which

    G(K,??,??? shares each were reserved for allotment on a

    preferential basis to 4ndian .inancial 4nstitutions and 4ndian Futual

    .unds" Balance issued to the public"

    &''( - KN sick units with the bank were referred to the B4. $

    including KK public sector units" Approved rehabilitation packages

    implemented in N units"

    &, N?,(L 9o" of 6hares kept in abeyance were issued"

    &'' H6hares issued to employees of the bank bearing

    distinctive numbers (L,GL,??,??& to (,(L,??,??? will not be

    good delivery" *he rights issue was for &G crore equity shares at a

    premium of $s"K? aggregating $s"G? crore in addition to a

    further issue of &"G crore equity shares of $s" & ? at a premium of

    $KK? aggregating $s"G crore for 6tate Bank employees" *heprice of the rights had been $s"L? per share"

    &''N -6tate Bank of 4ndia will kick-start its credit card business on

     Muly & by Qoating two )oint ventures with =2 ;apital" *he

    &''? -9ew products launched during the year included a $egular

    4ncome 6cheme, o+ering an assured return in e@cess of &GO and

    the rst 8ure =rowth 6cheme aimed at capital appreciation" A

    6econd o+shore fund of 56 P &G million called Asian ;onvertible

    and 4ndian .und was launched in association with Asian

    Development Bank, Fanila"

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  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


     *he 6tate Bank of 4ndia #6B4% has decided to take over 6B4 1ome

    .inance #6B41.%, with its assets and liabilities" 1aving the largest

    stake, 6B4 has been weighing various options for bailing out the

     )oint venture company which has slipped into huge losses"

     *he 6tate Bank of 4ndia #6B4% has signed up with ;entral

    Depository 6ervices #4% #;D64

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


     *he Bank launched the IFetal #=old%

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    the small and medium-si/ed 4ndian companies to purchase 56

    goods and services"

    G??& - *he Bank has signed an Fo5 with ;ardi+ KA" for the bankslife insurance business"

     *he Bank has introduced 3oluntary $etirement 6cheme for eligible

    employees, open from the &Kth Manuary G??& to the lst Manuary


     *he Bank has incorporated a subsidiary R 6B4

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    6B4 has assigned the DelhiHbased 1;< ;om 9et to provide it A*F

    teller interHconnectivity which could involve investments running

    into several hundred crores"

    6B4 chief general manager Fadhav F Fehta, who is currently the

    operational head in =u)arat, has been transferred to its corporate

    oCce in Fumbai as chief general manager #;=F%"

     Muly - Announces the launch of the 6B4 4nternational card and the

    6B4 =lobal ;ard for global travellers &n 4ndia" 6B4 4nternational

    cards and 6B4 =old ;ards would be accepted at over G? million3isa outlets worldwide and one lakh outlets &n 4ndia"

    G??G-4n order to reduce risk and develop a transparent and active

    debt market in general and government securities market &n

    particular, the ;learing ;orporation of 4ndia

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    ?, G??G and ceased to be Director on the Board wef Muly ?&,


    H6tate Bank of 4ndia has informed B62 that Fr D ; =upta 4A66ecretary #.inancial 6ector%, Finistry of .inance, Department of

    2conomic A+airs, 9ew Delhi has been nominated as Director on

    the Board of 6tate Bank of 4ndia with e+ect from Muly &, G??G

    vice Fr 6 8urkayastha"

    -6tate Bank of 4ndia has informed B62 that Fr 6 =ovindara)an

    Fanaging Director =2 #9B% has relinquished oCce of theFanaging Director as on Muly &, G??G and ceased to be Director

    on the Board w e f August ?&, G??G".urther Fr 8 $ hanna,

    Director on the Banks ;entral Board ceased to be a Director on

    the Board w e f August G?" G??G consequent upon his resignation"

    S6tate Bank of 4ndia has informed B62 that the Bank has decided

    to close 6B4 6ecurities

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    H6tate Bank f 4ndia has informed that 6hri 8rithvi $a) hanna

    and 6hri umar Bery have been duly elected as Directors under

    6ection &'#?% of 6B4 Act at the =eneral Feeting of the -6tate Bank

    of 4ndia has informed that it has appointed Fr Ananta ;handra

    alita, as a Director on the ;entral Board of the Bank fromamongst the employees of the Bank, who are workmen, for a

    period not e@ceeding si@ months commencing from ctober ?,

    G??G or until his successor is appointed or till he ceases to be

    workmen employee of 6tate Bank of 4ndia, or until further orders,

    whichever event occurs earlier" shareholders of the bank held on

    6eptember ?', G??G"

    6tate Bank of 4ndia has informed B62 that 6hri Manki Ballabh,

    ;hairman has relinquished oCce of ;hairman at the close of

    business hours on his attaining superannuation on ctober &,


    G??RH6tate Bank of 4ndia #6B4% and Faruti 5dyog

  • 8/18/2019 paschimbanga gramin bank


    o+ers nance facility even for lifetime ta@, insurance and

    accessories of the vehicle"

    6tate Bank of 4ndia has informed that the Bank has appointed 6hriAnanta ;handra alita, 1ead Assistant, 6tate Bank of 4ndia as a

    Director on the ;entral Board of the Bank amongst the employees

    of the Bank, who are workmen for a period of

    years commencing from Muly &K, G?? or until he ceases to be a

    workmen employee of the Bank or until further orders,

    whichever is earlier provided that he shall not hold the oCce

    continously for a period e@ceeding si@ year"

    - 6B4 groups total prot identied at $s ,K( cr in ?G

    H Fr" D ; =upta nominated as Director on the Board of 6B4

    H 6B4 introduces 4* up gradation plan with 8F= help

    - 6B4 ;ards and 8ayment 6ervices 8rivate

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