Past life regression and healing with · past...

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Dee Cooper-Wells | Past life regression & healing | April 4, 2016

Past life regression and healing with Dee



What is past life regression?

This is where we get to clear our ‘karmic debt ledger’ and perhaps have access to our akashic records (your own life’s blueprint)

This is a serious undertaking and needs to be a road traveled with someone who has the experience to bring you back from a past life, as there is often some sense of traumatic response to uncovering your past life, especially if it was not pleasant. The importance is that you not get stuck in your past life.

How do we do past life regression?

This will take approximately 2 hours in total.

We need to be in a quiet environment with no distractions. I will discuss with you how the session is run and what to expect during and after.

1. Reading to uncover I do a mini reading to uncover where you are at this point in your life and any concerns you may have that you feel we need to address for healing.

2. Energy check Your aura and chakra energy are checked and then I put you into a meditative state to regress you.

3. Past life We will walk together down the path towards your past life or lives where you may discover one or more lives which have an impact on your physical life. You will actually be able to see yourself and describe the life or lives you are revisiting. You will learn:

• What lessons are you supposed to be learning • Why are you in the relationships you are and what did they mean in past lives • Why are you fearful or resentful • Why is your journey so hard


4. Energy healing and balancing post regression I will then have a discussion with you about what it is you need to do to heal your energies and also balance yourself and you karmic debt from your past life and in this life.

5. Benefits of Past life regression You will feel totally renewed and even tired. You will have released or understand what it is you need to release that you have been carrying from one life to the next. You will also feel an immense change within yourself.

You will discover so many things about the things you question in this life

• Disabilities • Illness • Fears and need for security • How to turn your circumstances around • Financial insecurities • Types of life choices you make

6. Follow up I will do a follow up Messenger or phone session the next week to ensure that you have been able to heal properly.

7. How to book These are personal and one on one sessions done in private. They are usually done in your own home as it is unsafe for you to drive afterwards.

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COST: $95.00