Pastor’s Peace/PieceGuyton hristian hurch (DO ), December 2016, Page 1 Pastor’s Peace/Piece In...

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Guyton Christian Church (DOC), December 2016, Page 1

Pastor’s Peace/Piece

In another congregation, in another place, we were observing Children’s Sabbath by involving children’s art and some of the children that were participants in an after-

school program that used our basement, rent-free. Immediately after that celebration of children, one of our elders stood up and said that the congregation was split over

that after-school arrangement. I don’t recall the words I used to continue the worship service at that point but I do remember the theme we used to hear complaints, find

common ground, and move forward in wholeness—our oneness in Christ. If there was a split, it was in opinions only, and we were still One.

Our nation could use that talk of unity in diversity that was the hallmark of the

Restoration Movement that gave birth to what has become the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We know that it is not easy to live up to that imperative. Move-

ment/Denomination-wise we have had more than one split that caused groups to go separate ways.

In his farewell discourse with the disciples, Jesus prayed that all believers would be one heart and mind (John 17:21). The Apostle Paul proclaimed to the divided Corin-

thian church that there was one loaf at the Lord’s Supper and those, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf (1 Corinthians 10:17). We are One. We

simply need to learn how to act like it through hearing one another, finding common ground, and moving forward in wholeness (2 Opinions 3:16).

The followers of Jesus have always been an alternate community to empire. We are still trying to see God’s reign among us and our mission to the least among us. I

hope that our children of faith can do better. I worry about children growing up in the Internet age who never participate in a community of faith. Our Ministry Plan seeks to

address that and we are making progress. I often revel in the hope of children now

growing up in Children Worship & Wonder on Sundays and really learning Bible stories in Workshop Rotation on Wednesday. I anticipate the faith and leadership of youth

who are the church of today in worship, mission, and recreation under Georgia Peeler’s leadership.

The mission field is ripe. People everywhere are shouting at one another and not talking about being one together. WE have a balm for them. They may not come and

see, so we need to go and tell. That sounds like a plan for Christmas and Epiphany.

Grace and Peace,

Guyton Christian Church

December 2016 Newsletter Web:

Guyton Christian Church (DOC), December 2016, Page 2

December Communion

Linda Barner

January — Volunteer Needed

Disciple Men

Will not be meeting in the month of December. See you in January!

Merry Christmas!

Annual Ladies Christmas Party

All ladies are invited to attend!

Thursday, December 15, 7:00pm

If you are not a Secret Pal participant, bring a gift to share, if you would like!

Sign up in The Gallery!

RSVP by Dec. 7

Prayer Concerns Home Lamar Allen John Battle

Brisher Family Khalea Bryant

Ila Car Ann Cavanah

Audry Edwards Family of John Farrell

Annette Lamb Pat Little

Robin Massey Tammy Mincey

Jack Tuten Eugenia Zipperer

All of our Military at home and

abroad, and all of those who protect us.


Clayton Morgan Frank Parker Tim Peeler

Pastoral Search


Our seniors both at home and in

Nursing Homes Monroe Epting Miriam Griffin


Families of Bill Brisher

Joanne Jones Allison Pitts

All who are Fighting Cancer

Alex Burdo Jerry Burns

John David Fulcher Wren Mason Zach Norton Brian Orrico Chris Orrico

Henry Southward Ava Tinsley

Brenda Wingfield Alfreda Youmans

December Anniversaries

5 Leonard & Geneva Boyles 15 Audry & Doris Jane Edwards 17 Adam & Georgia Peeler 31 Jon & Karen Cote

December Birthdays 2 Edward Hall 10 Stacey Carothers 10 Dianne Garner 10 Bobbie Secich 11 Joe Secich 11 Faye Smith 14 Linda Barner 16 Steven Hall 16 Heather Jackson

17 Betsy Dequeljoe 20 Leonard Boyles 21 Gabriel Dawson 25 Carol White 26 Reagan Radcliffe

Merry Christmas from Young at Heart!

May your season be blessed! See you in January!

Loose Threads Quilting Group Christmas Gathering!

Monday, December 12, 6:30pm, Home of Mary Grace Fisher

220 Candleberry Way, Guyton

Centering Prayer

Wednesday, December 21, 8:30am

Join us in the home of Karen Cote

as we join in contemplative prayer.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

Guyton Christian Church (DOC), December 2016, Page 3

Food Pantry. Our food collection item this month for The Fillin’ Station is DRIED BEANS! Any kind— black-eyed peas, navy, lima, etc. 1-2 pound bags. Canned meats such as tuna, chicken and ham, are always welcome!

The Cantata is coming!

Mark your calendar to

experience the musical

celebration of our

Lord and Savior’s

birth. Our choir members have worked many

hours to bring a beautiful and joyful sound to

the often noisiness of the holiday season.

Come experience a truly uplifting presentation

and reflect on the season’s true meaning. In-

vite community members for the encore per-


Sunday, December 18, 11am

Monday, December 19, 7pm

Pastor: Rev. David Grandgeorge Church Office: Hours —Mon-Thu, 9am-Noon Youth Minister: Mrs. Georgia Peeler

Home: (912) 772-3550 Administration Assistant: Becky Malcom The Rock: (912) 772-8415

Cell: (912) 667-4947 Phone: (912) 772-3478 Fax: (912) 772-4206 Cell: (706) 424-7497

Email: Email: Email:


Christmas Eve

Candlelight Service December 24, 5:30pm

Advent & Christmas Activities — You may place a poinsettia in memory or honor of loved ones among our decora-tions in the sanctuary. They are $13.50. Contact Sandra Moore or the church office by Tuesday, December 6. Go to and click on the Amazon link on the lower left of the web-site to shop at Camp Chris-tian will receive 6% of your total purchase! Saturday, December 3, 8am — Breakfast and photos with Santa. Please RSVP to 661-1418. Sunday, December 4, 5:30pm — Children’s Christmas program with finger foods and a visit from Santa! For Santa’s list, RSVP all children attending to the church office. Children and youth please arrive at Center by 4:00pm. Sunday, December 25, 11am — Morning worship (No Sunday School). Celebrate the birth of Christ!

You’re Invited… Celebrate the joy of the Season! The Exley’s are having their annual drop-in at their home, 1199 Highway 119 North, Springfield.

Sunday, December 18 6:30p—10:00p

Guyton Christian Church (DOC), December 2016, Page 4

Older Youth Facebook — Twitter—

@GCYRock Instagram—

guytonchristianyouth The Rock —

(912) 772-8415 New E-mail—

Wednesday Youth Activities — 6pm

Younger Youth — Meet in

the Christian Center

Older Youth — Meet at The Rock

After December 7, we will

take a short break for

the holidays!

Youth Notes

Older Youth

Christmas Outing

Fri. Dec. 9 Meet at 4:45pm for supper out, then travel to Compas-sion Christian to participate in

The Journey. Tickets are $10. Please let us know you are coming so we can ad-vance purchase!

Gift Exchange & Games

December 14 at 6pm

On the horizon…”Re-Mix”

Youth Assembly at Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons Island, Georgia will be held February 3-5, 2017. The theme will be “Re-Mix.”

Youth Christmas Program

Sunday, Dec. 4th at 5:30pm

Christian Center

The Road to Christmas by Mary Ann Smith

Join us as we go back in time to the first Christmas. Please bring a yummy treat to share in fellowship following the program! I hear we may have a special visitor! Please RSVP all children attending to the church office. Chil-dren and youth please arrive at the Christian Center by 4:00pm.

December 21

9am—3pm Christmas Wrapping &

Babysitting Fundraiser for Mission Trip Summer 2017

Donations of wrapping paper, bows &

to/from labels are appreciated!

Guyton Christian Church (DOC), December 2016, Page 5

Communion Serving Schedule — December

Date Elders Deacons Deaconesses Acolyte

Dec 4 Medie Still Barbara Still

Brian Orrico Chad Zittrouer

Mary Grace Fisher Molly Moore

Steven Hall

Dec. 11 Marshall Reiser Claudette Griffin

Mike Smith David Lamb

Vivian Alley Shannon Thompson

Sam Reiser

Dec 18 Lamar Hall Karen Cote

Johnny Taylor Ron Clary

Becky Malcom Cindy Calhoun

Steven Hall

Dec. 25 Melissa Proctor Michael Moore

Steve LaFountaine Michael Bodnar

Stacey Carothers Ann Cavanah

Spencer Beahm

Guyton Christian Church

Children Worship and Wonder — December

Date Storyteller Greeter Jr. Greeter Story

Dec. 4 Karen Cote Wesley Dawson Sam Reiser Mary & Joseph Show the Way to Bethlehem

Dec. 11 Barbara Still Corey Dawson Spencer Beahm The Magi Show the

Way to Bethlehem

Dec. 18 Cantata

Dec. 25 Karen Cote Jack Malcom Kylie Malcom Christmas — Meeting the Christ Child

Wednesday Youth — December Rotation Workshop: The Wise Still Seek Him

Featuring: Drama, Cooking, Art, Music/Movement, Games & Video

Date Light Supper @ 6:00p (YY)

YY Workshop Leader

Workshop @


Dec. 7 Autumn Burnsed & Nancy Summerour

Karen Cote Games or Drama

Please pick up any extra dishes that

you may have in the Christian Cen-

ter. Things are getting crowded in

the kitchen! Thank you!

Guyton Christian Church (DOC), December 2016, Page 6

These make great gifts!

“Recipes from The Heart”

25th Anniversary


Available for sale at $10 each. Only a few cook-

books remain in stock. Get yours today! Contact

Judy or Becky. Please make checks payable to

the Eula Powers Circle.

Sojourners Last Study Tues. Dec. 6, 6:00p

Merry Christmas! We will resume in 2017

December 4, 12:15pm

The Annual Election meeting of the

Congregation will be held after church

services. The Nominating Committee

will report a slate of candidates for

Elders and the Diaconate for 2017 and

beyond. The election will be by secret


Guyton Christian Church hosted the community Thanksgiving gathering on Sunday, November 20. There were about 30 families represented from Guyton United Methodist,

Liberty Christian Fellowship and Guy-ton Christian.

To All Ladies of the Church

You are cordially invited to at-

tend the Annual Ladies Christmas

Party in the Christian Center.

Thursday, December 15 — 7pm

Let us know you’re coming. Sign up in The Gallery!

Report from the Regional Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Geor-gia, Valdosta, November 11-12, 2016.

Bill Wilson, founder of the Center for Healthy Congregations, led a Pre-Assembly seminar.

Regional Constitution was changed to move from an annual assembly to a biennial assembly held in late April in even num-bered years. The next Regional Assem-bly will be April 27-28, 2018, at Central Christian Church, Columbus, Georgia.

Sense of the Assembly Resolutions encour-age congregations to educate members and provide available resources to peo-ple affected by a mental illness that all may receive welcome, support and re-covery; and added a requirement that ministers and regional leaders partici-pate in anti-racism/pro-reconciliation training.

Announced a financial campaign, I want to make a Difference in Georgia in 2017! to raise $92,500 above and beyond cur-rent giving for leadership development, mission projects, outdoor ministry for youth, and increasing our witness in con-gregational life.

You can read the reports and see all of the de-tails in the Assembly document in the Narthex.

Add your welcome to new members

Georgia and Adam Peeler. They came for-

ward and entrusted us with their commit-

ment Sunday, November 20. Georgia is our

Youth Minister and Adam is a seminary stu-

dent at McAfee School of Theology.