Path Ways to STAAD

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8/13/2019 Path Ways to STAAD 1/4

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Karim R. Tue, Nov 19 2013 8:57 PM 0


Path Ways to for Analysis and Design on Plant Projects


If you are an avid user as I am, or you

have invested many hours learning to efficiently use this structural analysis

and design software, then why invest additional time and painstaking effort

learning and using another program that barely suits your design needs? In a

few cases this may be an unavoidable reality based on project constraints andrequirements of the project managers.

However, I have good news for you! :)

In many cases (we will discuss some in detail)

issues hindering use of on specific projects can be addressed thru

software interoperability and project workflow integration. Well, what do I

mean by project workflow integration? For some of us Engineers and Designers,

we have most often received input data and produced our deliverables in

particular formats. For the Structural Engineer these file formats consist of 

STAAD files (.std) along with Excel spreadsheets (.xls) and .PDF calculation

documents. For a Structural Designer these files may be 2D drawing files(.dgn), 11x17 submittal drawings (.PDF), and 3D BIM model (.dgn).

So the question remains, what is meant by software interoperability and project 

workflow integration? Software interoperability is the

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ability to use data produced in one software package, in a different software

package accurately without manually exchanging the data into a new format. Project

workflow integration is capitalizing on software interoperability to improve

project efficiency, increase accuracy, and reduce cost. Therefore not only can

you use STAAD.Pro as your structural design and analysis program of choice, you

have the added benefit of improved efficiency, increased accuracy, and reduced cost.


If project workflow integration makes so much more sense, why isn’t everyone

taking advantage of it?  There are several answers to that question.

However, my goal is to address a very important one, which is basic awareness of integration options.

Bentley Systems has been at the forefront of integration efforts for many

years. These efforts have resulted in excellent software interoperability and project

workflow integration across Bentley structural, civil, and mechanical

applications to name a few. For structural integration Bentley’s Structural Synchronizer has become the focal

 point for Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM). For example, if you are

using STAAD.Pro for interoperability between structural modeling, structural

analysis, mechanical modeling and mechanical analysis products, bi-directional

data transfer can be accomplished with great accuracy and efficiency across the

various applications.

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Many companies have recognized the opportunity to

integrate using Bentley software programs effectively and have leveraged these

capabilities to give themselves a leading edge in their market place.

What if clients, sub-contractors and stakeholders on various projects require deliverables in formats of 3 rd 

 party vendors (Non-Bentley products)?  Are we consequently forced to use different

structural engineering software other than to accomplish software

interoperability? The answer is likely No, we are not! We can use STAAD andhave our integration too.


In addition to the Bi-directional interoperability

using Bentley ISM format, there are two other formats widely used for data

exchange on engineering projects. These formats are CIS/2 (.STP) files and IFC

(.IFC) files and they can be used in instances where the ISM format is not an

available option.

So let’s look at some real world project scenarios to see how these project workflow integrations can be

implemented.We will focus on Plant Engineering and Design Projects for the examples of Path

Ways to for Structural Analysis and Design. Starting within the Plant

Modeling software, we will discuss options for bi-directional data exchange to

the Structural Modeling software and then finally into STAAD.Pro. Note: Many

Plant Modeling software applications are capable of generating a CIS/2 file

that can be directly imported into STAAD.Pro. Once in, we then have

bi-directional data exchange with our Structural modeling and documentation

software. In reality there are several available alternatives for project

workflow integration, therefore you can integrate in a way that best meets the

needs of your project schedule and optimizes project integration.


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