Pay no attention to these 9 weight loss myths

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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LOSS MYTHSJane Sheeba |

Losing weight is a life time goal for many

Losing weight is a life time goal for many

So it is indeed a lifestyle, rather than a temporary “process”...

On one hand we have lifestyle changes

On the other hand we have the so-called weight loss myths

If you are someone who believes in any of the following weight loss myths, then you are ruining your weight loss efforts.

Let’s talk about the myths

#1 Skipping meals help you lose weight

Without proper meals, your body will be deprived of energy

Naturally your body will want you to eat a LOT

#2 Low fat or fat-fee is the way to go

For one, all fats are NOT equal

Second, you NEED certain amount of fat for healthy

functioning of brain and other organs

(FYI: Your brain is 60% fat!)

#3 All fats are equal

Completely avoiding fats thinking that all fats are equal is


Artificial, or processed fats are certainly not good - like the trans

fats(Click here for more details on this)

#4 Replace sugar with artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can fool your taste buds.

But not your body!

Your body knows when to get “satisfied” with that craving

And, artificial sweeteners are not 100% safe to replace sugar

#5 Eat whatever you want, but remember to exercise

Over eating and hoping that you can compensate with exercise is

also a myth

Exercising and healthy eating should go hand in hand

#6 Nuts are fattening

Nuts contribute to the healthy fats that you need for healthy

functioning of your body

As long as you consume nuts in moderation, you don’t have to


#7 Losing weight is (always) healthy

Do not EVER assume that losing weight is always healthy

Unexpected weight loss could signal a serious health issue

If you are on a weight loss mission and if you notice that

you lose weight as you expected it is fine

#8 Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight

This partial fact is simply overrated when it comes to

weight loss

For one, you cannot survive merely with water

Second, while it is true that drinking water helps with weight loss, water cannot melt your fat

Drinking water

suppresses your appetite,

keeps you hydrated and

speeds up your metabolism.

It also helps to flush out toxins from your body.

#9 Any weight loss approach is fine as long as you lose weight

Never ever fall into this trap

Healthy weight loss is the only way to go.

Make lifestyle changes. Be active. Eat healthy and lose


I cover this in detail in my e-book

Lose Weight And Stay Sane (click to grab the book!)

Remember, it is not just about losing weight;

it is about being healthy and fit

Remember, it is not just about losing weight;

it is about being healthy and fitVisit for more info!