PC Twisting postures

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Aananda PC Twisting Postures


Twisting Postures

Seed Pose

a posture that shares

common principles of


architecture and awareness

with subsequent relative variations.

Seed poses are found in a basic sun salute.

Virabhadrasana 1 (with back heel down) Warrior 1

Seed Pose for all twisting posturesComponents:

Foundation –• Standing Twist – four corners of the feet• Seated Twist – sit bones (ischial tuberosities)• Virabhadrasana – semi-open hip, from which the

spine is rotated from 5th lumbar vertebrae. • Dynamic alignment of structures in the

transverse plane as they relate to the rotation and rotational forces of the spinal segment above and below.





Spinal Twist

• Sacrum NO TWIST• Lumbar - Lower back rotation is limited to

less than 2 degrees per segment, since excessive rotation could lead to spinal cord or nerve damage.

• Thoracic – Some Twist – (30 degrees)• Cervical – Most Twist (60 degrees)• http://www.spine-health.com/video/spine-


Dynamic Alignment

Transverse Plane/Axial Plane• From the foundation awareness of the

relation of the rotation to spinal segment above and below.

• Rotational forces are gravity and the spine’s own system of defense against injury.

• Rotational forces oppose one another greatly when using torque.

Standing Twists

• Sucirandhrasana- Thread the Needle Pose (must be taught before twisting torso in standing)

• Parivritta Trikoasana- Revolving Triangle Pose

• Namaskar Parsvakonasana- Pray Twist Pose • Parivritta Parsvakonasana- Revolving Extended

Side Angle Pose• Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana- Revolving Half

Moon Pose

Seated Twists• Bharadvajasana- Bharadvaja’s Pose - Torso Stretch Posture-hero/half

lotus/twist Bharadvaj- A Rishi to whom many Vedic hymns are attributed. He was the son of Brihaspati and father of Drona, the preceptor (military genius) of the Pandavas. The Taittiriya Brahmana says that "he lived through three lives" (Probably meaning a life of great length), and that " he became immortal and ascended to the heavenly world, to union with the sun."

• Ardha Matsyendrasana- Half Lord of the Fishes Posture

• Marichyasana 3- Marchi’s Pose - Marichi is the great-grandfather of Manu ("man, thinking, intelligent"), the Vedic Adam, and the "father" of humanity. Marichi or Mareechi (meaning a ray of light) is the son of Brahma, the cosmic creator. Before the creation started, Lord Brahma needed a few people who can be held responsible for the creation of the remaining universe. Therefore he created 10 Prajapatis (Ruler of the people) from his Manas (Mind) and 9 from his body. Marichi is one of the manasaputras of Lord Brahma.

Supine Twist

• Jatara Parivartanasana- Lying Twist Pose

• Supta Matsyendrasana- Lying Twist Pose (Cat)