Pdf powerpoint tech plan counseling 2.0

Post on 06-May-2015

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Counseling 2.0 Powerpoint


  • 1.A Holistic Treatment Approach to Managing ADHD in Adolescents Tech Plan! by Elisabeth Cornacchia! Counseling 2.0! Spring 2014

2. Population Adolescents and their Family Units! Adolescence is awkward and hard enough without having disruptive symptoms of a disorder. Adding inattentive or hyperactive ADHD to the mix can have adverse affects on psychological, emotional, and behavioral well-being and development, including! ! Note: this program is not designed for high risk individuals in need of crisis management. 3. Living with ADD/ADHD People with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) have special gifts and untapped potential that are sometimes hard to unwrap . . . creativity, spunk, charisma, vitality, originality, a unique sense of humor, and areas of intellectual brilliance. ADD/ADHD is not so much a disorder but rather a collection of traits and tendencies (some positive, some not so positive) that define a way of being in the world. When the adverse characteristics become disabling, then this way of being can become a disorder. However, once we learn to manage the challenging, disorderly facets, we can take full advantage of the many gifts and talents embedded in this sparkling kind of mind. 4. Counseling Setting Individual and Family Counseling! Individual Treatment Interventions for Adolescents! ADD Coaching: to change behavior, monitor progress and create a sense of accountability, including time management skills, planning, organizing, prioritizing, and decision-making systems, and attention and social skills building techniques! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): reframe the condition as something that can be managed by using certain specific behaviors to compensate. Clients will share problems and goals, then will collaborate with counselors who will provide insights in setting goals, implementing fixed timelines for problem resolution, and developing action plans. Can also be used for co- occurring psycopathologies, such as anxiety and OCD.! Cogmed Working Memory Enhancement Training! Relaxation Therapy as a supplemental treatment! Psychotherapy: to address co-morbid disorders/symptomology, such as depression! Family Treatment Interventions! ADHD Psychoeducation: Distinguish normal adolescent behaviors from ADD behaviors! Skills Management Coaching: Parental roles and strategies! Realistic Goal-Setting: Recognizing and accepting individual paces, strengths, opportunities, and limitations, while stressing the importance of follow-through and adjustments! Family Sessions: for redefining perceptions and the functioning of the family unit by creating new structural patterns and implementing and enforcing new boundaries. Educational Counseling and Advocacy: ADD Coach can design a customized, hands- on education plan for the student that boosts confidence and performance, utilizing at-home and in-classroom strategies. Coaches communicate with teachers and administrators to develop the most effective classroom and learning strategies, recommend appropriate tutors, and monitor and assess the fit and progress. 5. Hardware and Software Additional:! Webcam and Microphone! Encrypted Email Service: (e.g. Hushmail)! review offline, archive, organize by client, add complex formatting! Encryption keeps communications secure! Chat Program! Website: Adobe Dreamweaver- $19.99/mo! Email and Chat programs linked to site! Domain Name! Webhosting Service: (e.g. GoDaddy.com)! Includes own firewall protection! HIPAA-Compliant Videoconferencing Program! securevideo.com includes video encryption to prevent external access, and a virtual waiting room to prevent a client from accidentally disrupting or entering another clients session! Mobile Videoconferencing: (e.g. iChat or Skype)! Important to explain to clients it is not HIPAA-compliant, therefore privacy and confidentiality are not protected before using Basics:! Computer! High Speed Internet Connection! Web Browser! Password Protection! Router with built-in Firewall 6. Hardware and Software Software:! Firewall Software: (e.g. Norton Antivirus)! For additional protection against hacking and information leaks, ! Blocks the transmission and receipt of certain types of information by the computer! Email Encryption Software: (e.g. Pretty Good Protection [PGP])! Enables encoding of emails and client files! further protecting privacy and confidentiality of client information and communication exchanges.! Social Networking (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)! Create feeds and pages to promote and market services offered! Advocate and use Psychoeducation to raise awareness about ADHD 7. Technology in Practice Text-Based Counseling! Can be beneficial due to feelings of disinhibition, resulting in deeper admissions and expressions than might have been revealed f2f! Synchronous Communication:! Similar to f2f in that communication is instant and continuous. ! Coaching reminders and brief counseling sessions, such as answering questions, with the adolescent via:! IM chat sessions or text! Asynchronous Communication:! Delayed communication in which there is a lapse between responses! Encourage insightful responses that enable clients to reflect and express emotions. VideoConferencing! Synchronous! Similar to f2f, counselors can read body and facial cues! More convenient and easily accessible than in-office sessions! Sessions can be one-one with the adolescent for couching, CBT, etc. sessions, or with the family unit. 8. Software Applications Theres an app for that!! ! Individuals with ADHD have difficulty with time management and organization and often struggle writing as fast as they think. My site would include recommendations of programs that can make their lives a little easier: Time Management, Reminders and Understanding! HomeRoutines: To-Do List/Timer/Scheduler/ Reminder! Momento: journaling app not only allows you to document your daily life, allowing for tracking mood, taking pictures, etc, and connects feeds from social medias! Dragon Naturally Speaking: enables individuals who are faster at verbalizing their thoughts and ideas than writing 9. Practical, Legal and Ethical Implications Practical:! Cost! Limited literacy of technology! Disruption/Lack of computer or internet access! Legal:! Anonymity! Duty to warn! Court orders/subpeonas! Ethical:! Confidentiality and Privacy limitations/ risks due to hacking or improper encryption or data storage 10. ReferencesEpstein, J., Langberg, J., Lichtenstein, P., Kolb, R., & Simon, J. (2013). The myADHDportal.com improvement program: an innovative quality improvement intervention for improving the quality of ADHD care among community-based pediatricians. Clinical Practice In Pediatric Psychology, 1(1), 55-67. doi:10.1037/cpp0000004 ! Heatherington, L., Muiz de la Pea, C., Friedlander, M., & Escudero, V. (2012). How do therapists ally with adolescents in family therapy? An examination of relational control communication in early sessions. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59(3), 339-351. doi: 10.1037/a0028063 ! Jarrett, M. (2013). Treatment of comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety in children: process of change. Psychological Assessment, 25(2), 545-555. doi: 10.1037/ a0031749 ! Jarrett, M., & Ollendick, T. (2012). Treatment of comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety in children: A multiple baseline design analysis. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 80(2), 239-244. doi:10.1037/a0027123 ! Kraus, R., Stricker, G., & Speyer, C. (2010). Online counseling a handbook for mental health professionals. (2. ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Langberg, J., Epstein, J., Urbanowicz, C., Simon, J., & Graham, A. (2008). Efficacy of an organization skills intervention to improve the academic functioning of students with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(3), 407-417. doi:10.1037/1045-3830.23.3.407 ! Maheu, M., & Gordon, B. (2000). Counseling and therapy on the Internet. Professional Psychology: Research And Practice, 31(5), 484-489. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.31.5.484 ! Mallen, M., Vogel, D., & Rochlen, A. (2008). The practical aspects of online counseling: ethics, training, technology and competency. The Counseling Psychologist, 33(1), 776. doi: 10.1177/0011000005278625 ! ! Migone, P. (2013). Psychoanalysis on the internet: a discussion of its theoretical implications for both online and offline therapeutic technique. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(2), 281-299. doi:10.1037/a0031507 ! Richards, D. (2009). Features and benefits of online counseling: Trinity College online mental health community. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 37(3), 231 - 242. doi: 10.1080/03069880902956975 ! SecureVideo http://www.securevideo.com ! Yuen, E., Goetter, E., Herbert, J., & Forman, E. (2012). Challenges and opportunities in internet-mediated telemental health. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43 (1), 1-8. doi: 10.1037/a0025524 ! Quashie, R. (2012). Is Skype HIPAA-compliant? TechHealth perspectives: strategy, analysis, and commentary on current and new health technologies, 1(1).