Class IX Science - – IX Science...

Post on 07-Mar-2018

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    Class IX



    General Intructions:

    Submit all your work in a proper folder.

    Creativity And Originality Of The Work Will Be Appreciated.

    Practice the questions related to chapter 5 of the book.

    Do the following worksheet neatly on A4 size sheets.

    Make the plant cell and animal cell using waste material .

    Chapter 5

    The fundamental unit of life

    Q1) Fill in the blanks:-

    1. ______________ and __________ are the examples of unicellular and multicellular organisms.

    2. __________ is the structural and functional unit of life.

    3. Plasma membrane is made up of ____________ and ______________.

    4. Organisms with primitive nucleus are called as __________________ while the organisms with

    well defined nucleus are called as ________________.

    5. The function of SER is to synthesis ______________ while that of RER is to synthesis


    6. The jelly like content of the cell enclosed by the plasma membrane is ________________.

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    7. ____________________ is the waste disposal system of the cell.

    8. __________________ is the power house of the cell.

    9. ___________________ is the kitchen of the cell.

    10. Mostly vacuoles are _______ sized in animal cells while plant cells have ___________ vacuoles.

    Q2) Name the organelle that contain genetic material.

    Q3) Why are lysosomes called as suicidal bags?

    Q4) Name the three types of plastids and the functions they perform.

    Q5) Expand : RER , SER , DNA , ATP , ER

    Q6) Shape and size of cells are related to the function they perform. Explain with example.

    Q7) A special process helps in the intake of oxygen inside the cells and release of carbon dioxide from

    the cells . name the process.

    Q8) Define osmosis and plasmolysis.

    Q9) Amoeba is able to engulf its food due to the flexibility of the cell membrane . what is this process

    called as?

    Q10) Egg membranes from three eggs were carefully taken out and labeled as A, B and C. each of these

    membranes were filled with 1% solution of sugar . membrane A was immersed in 0.5 % sugar solution ,

    membrane b was immersed in 1 % sugar solution and membrane C was immersed in 2% sugar solution .

    predict the behavior of the three membranes.

    Q11) Give the functions of the following:

    a) Cell wall

    b) Cell membrane

    c) Nucleus

    d) Mitochondria

    e) Golgi apparatus

    f) Lysosomes

    g) Plastids

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    h) SER

    i) RER


    Q12) State the similarity between mitochondria and plastids.

    Q13) Name the substances stored in vacuole.

    Q14) What is the percentage of plant cell volume does the central vacuole occupy?

    Q15) Complete the following table:

    Organelle Plant/Animal/Both Function




    Rough ER

    Smooth ER

    Central Vacuole



    Nuclear membrane


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    Nuclear pores

    Multiple choice questions based on practical skills:

    Temporary mount

    Q1) In order to locate the specimen under the compound microscope the objective lens to be used is

    a) 10X

    b) 40X

    c) 100X

    d) Fine adjustment and 40 X

    Q2) If the power of eyepiece is 10X and that of objective lens is 40X , then the total magnification of

    microscope will be

    a) 10X

    b) 400X

    c) 100X

    d) 4X

    Q3) While preparing the temporary mount of cheek cell the tissue that is scrapped from the inner side of

    cheek is :

    a) Epithelial tissue

    b) Muscular tissue

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    c) Connect6ive tissue

    d) Nervous tissue

    Q4) The stain used in preparing temporary mount of cheek cell is

    a) Glycerine

    b) Safranine

    c) Water

    d) Methylene blue

    Q5) Which of the following organelle is visible in the temporary mount of cheek cell

    a) Nucleus

    b) Mitochondria

    c) Golgi body

    d) Lysosomes

    Q6) To avoid air bubble during the prepration of temporary slide one should

    a) Use needle to place the cover slip

    b) Allow the slide to fall gently on the cover slip

    c) Remove air bubbles using the brush

    d) None of the above

    Q7) After staining onion peel for 2 3 minutes what will be the colour of the peel

    a) Colourless

    b) Red

    c) Blue

    d) Yellow

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    Q8) The stain used in preparing temporaray mount of onion peel is

    a) Glycerine

    b) Safranine

    c) Water

    d) Methylene blue

    Q9) Which of the following organelle is visible in the temporary mount of onion peel

    a) Nucleus

    b) Mitochondria

    c) Golgi body

    d) Lysosomes

    Q10) Use of brush in preparing temporary mount of onion peel is

    a) To paint the peel

    b) To transfer the peel

    c) To remove the air bubble

    d) To clean the slide

    Q11) Microscopic observation of onion peel shows nucleus at the periphery the reason for this is

    a) Large nucleus

    b) Large vacuole

    c) Lack of cytoplasm

    d) Improper staining



    Q1: A sample of water under study was found to boil at 1020C at normal temperature and

    pressure . Is the water pure? Will this water freeze at 00C? Comment.

    Q2: Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. Comment.

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    Q3: Classify the following into osmosis/diffusion.

    a) Swelling up of raisins on keeping in water.

    b) Spreading of virus on sneezing.

    c) Earthworm dying on coming in contact with common salt.

    d) Preserving pickles in salt.

    e) Shrinking of grapes kept in thick sugar syrup.

    f) Aquatic animals using oxygen dissolved water during respiration.

    g) Spreading of smell of cake being baked through the house.

    Q4: Water as ice has a cooling effect whereas water as steam may cause severe burns. Explain

    these observations.

    Q5: Alka was making a tea in kettle. Suddenly, she felt intense heat from the puff of steam

    gushing out of the spout of kettle. She wondered whether the temperature of the steam was

    higher than that of boiling water in the kettle. Comment.

    Q6. (a) Conversion of solid to vapour is called sublimation. Name the term used to denote the

    conversion of vapour to solid.

    (b) conversion of solid state to liquid is called fusion. What is meant by latent heat of fusion?

    Q7. It is hot summer day. Priyanshi and Ali are wearing cotton and nylon clothes respectively.

    Who will be more comfortable and why?

    Q8. You want to wear your favourite shirt to a party, but the problem is that it is wet after a

    wash. What steps will you take to dry it faster?

    Q9. Comment on the following:

    (a) Evaporation produces cooling.

    (b) Rate of evaporation of an aqueous solution decreases with increase in humidity.

    (c) Sponge though compressible is a solid.


    (a) To compare the rate of evaporation of petrol, water and acetone.

    (b) To compare the rate of sublimation of camphor, naphthalene and odonil.

    Observe the change in mass, size and shape throughout the day after every 4 hrs.Tabulate your

    observations on a separate sheet.

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    PHYSICS Do the work in physics note book

    1. REVISE the chapter MOTION.


    1. A particle is moving in a circular motion with radius r .the displacement after half a circle would be:

    (a) 0 (b) 3.14 r(c) 6.28r (d)2r

    2. Define speed.what is SI unit of speed?

    3. A car is moving along a straight road at a steady speed. It travels 150m in 5seconds

    (a) What is average speed ?

    (b)How far does it travel in 1 second?

    (C) How long does it travel in 6 seconds?

    4. Draw a distance time graph for

    a) uniform motion.

    (b) non uniform motion

    (c) body at rest

    5. Differentiate between scalar and vector quantity.

    6. Derive the equations of motion by graphical method.


    Enlist types of motion. Along with the examples and past the related pictures in the note book.


    Seperate A-4 size ruled sheets.

    Assesment will be done on the following parameters.


    content and expression

    usage of vocabulary,phrases,idioms and proverbs



    Q-1 You are Akshit/Akshita , a class 9 student of New Horizons Public School. You have been

    asked to give a speech in morning assembly on the benefits of games and sports. You feel that

    participation in sports and games helps an individual to develop in a healthy way. Sports not only

    provide physical exercise they also develop qualities of willpower, courage and endurance as

  • 9

    well a co-operation and team spirit. Write your speech in about 200 words to encourage students

    to participate actively in sports and games.

    Q-2 Write a debate either in favour of or aganist the motion,"The main aim of education is to

    prepare students for a career."

    Q-3 IT had happened again. Despite all his efforts, Sachin was late for school for the third time

    that week. .......

    Complete the story in about 200 words. You could use some of the phrases given below:

    Sincere efforts

    Genuine reason

    But quite unbelievable

    Knees shaking and voice quivering

    Utmost relief

    Prepare the following assigned topics for speech activity to be held after vacation and write the

    same in a separate loose sheet of A4 size ruled sheet in neat and presentable way:-

    Roll No- 1&2 Role of education in ones life

    Roll No 3&4 My remarkable adventurous journey/life is an adventure face it

    Roll No 5&6 Empowering girl child is the best way to empower nation

    Roll No 7&8 Working and educated mothers are more supportive in the progress of nation

    Roll No 9&10 Pollution A big hazard

    Roll No 11& 12 Flood,Tsunami,drought are they man made or natural disasters?

    Roll No 13 & 14 Development & progress should not be at the cost of natures destruction.

    Roll No 15 & 16 Road rage in youngsters

    Roll No 17 & 18 Child Labour- A menace

    Roll No 19 & 20 Sports should be mandatory in school curriculum

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    Roll No 21 & 22 Advantages and disadvantages of science

    Roll No 23 &24 Your little care can save the environment

    R0ll No 25& 26 Electronic revolution has killed the pleasure of reading

    Roll No 27& 28 who is a true Indian?

    Roll No 29&30 Are we happier than our forefathers?

    Roll No 31 &32 nature is full of bounty and beauty, to protect this is every citizens duty

    Roll No 33& 34 Television is the leading cause of violence (favour/ against)

    Roll No 35 & 36 Fortune favours the brave

    Roll No 37 & 38 Safer the environment healthier the life

    Roll No 39 & 40 The role of media in society

    Roll No 41& 42 Degrading moral values in new generation

    Roll No 43 &44 How do we make the world a better place to live

    Roll No 45 &46 Terrorism a serious threat to nation

    Roll No 37 & 48 importance of skill based study

    Roll No 49 onwards------ importance of discipline and time in ones life

    Assessment parameters:-

    An Impressive introduction

    Richness of vocabulary used

    Content and expressions

    Time limit 3 minutes

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    We cannot stop natural disaster but we can arm ourselves with knowledge so many lives

    wouldnt be lost if there is enough Disaster Preparedness keeping the above statement in

    mind prepare a project on disaster management with the help of information given below.

    1. Define the term Disaster.

    2. List the type of disasters.

    3. Choose any one topic among the following

    a) Earthquake

    b) Flood

    c) Drought.

    Instructions. 1. Write the causes, dos and donts of the selected disaster along with its

    Mitigation strategies.

    2. Support your project with adequate pictures.

    3. Your project should not exceed 5 pages.

    Revise the chapter done In class.


    1. . Revise the chapter the story of Village Palampur

    2. Collect any five information from the newspaper regarding the steps taken by the

    government for improving the conditions of people living in rural india(focus mainly on

    eradication of poverty in villages specially farmers.)

    3. Farmers of Tamil Nadu are agitating in Delhi. Write in 200-300 words expressing their

    agony and problems.

    Instructions. 1.) Your project should not exceed 5 pages.

    2. Support your project with adequate pictures.


    1. Revise the chapter Nationalists movements in Indo-China.

    2. Collect information of any two nationalist leaders of Vietnam and write their contribution in

    independence of Vietnam. Also paste their pictures.

    3. Choose any three tourist place of Vietnam and paste their pictures. Write information (best

    months to visit, specialty about the place etc.) about the tourist places.

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    Instructions (i) Your project should not exceed 5 pages

    (ii) Support your project with adequate pictures


    Do the following activities in LAB MANUAL file.

    Activity 1- To construct a square root spiral

    Activity 2- By paper cutting and pasting, verify if two lines intersect each other then vertically

    opposite angles are equal.

    Activity 3 - By paper cutting and pasting, verify that the sum of interior angles of a triangle is

    180 degrees.

    Do the following worksheet in ASSIGNMENT register

    Q1. Find four rational numbers between


    Q2. Represent on the number line.

    Q3. Express the following in the form of

    , where p and q are integers and q 0.

    i. 0.235

    ii. 15.712121212..

    Q4. Find one irrational number 2015 and 2016.

    Q5. If x = 2 + , find the value of


    Q6. Evaluate after rationalizing the denominator of

    , it is given that and


    Q7. Evaluate:

    Q8. Simplify:

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    Q9. Write the degree of the polynomial .

    Q10. Find the value of k, for which the polynomial has 3 as its zero.

    Q11. If the polynomial is divided by , it leaves a

    remainder 10. Find the value of a.

    Q12. Divide by and verify the division algorithm.

    Q13. Factorize




    Q14. If

    find the value of


    Q15. Evaluate 106 x 94 by using suitable identity.

    Q16. If and , find .

    Q17. In which quadrant or axis do these points (6,5), and (-3,50)

    Q18. Plot the points P( -1, 0), Q ( -1,1) and R (2,3) on the graph paper and check whether they

    are collinear or not.

    Q19. Plot the points P(1,0), Q(4,0) and S(1,3). Find the co-ordinates of the point R such that

    PQRS is a square. Also, find the area of the square.

    Q20. Locate and write the coordinates of a point:

    a. above x- axis lying on y-axis at a distance of 5 units from origin.

    b. below x- axis lying on y-axis at a distance of 3 units from origin.

    c. lying on x-axis to the right of origin at a distance of 4 units.

    d. lying on x-axis to the left of origin at a distance of 2 units.

    Q21. Find a and b so that


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    Q22. If x=

    , find the value of 4x



    Q23. If p and q are remainders when the polynomials x3+2x

    2-5ax-7 and x


    2-12x+6 are

    divided by (x+1) and (x-respectively and if 2p+q=6 find the value of a.

    Q24. Find the value of b if x3-bx

    2+3bx-b is exactly divisible by (x-3).

    Q25. Factorise 33a3-b



    Do NCERT EXEMPLAR of chapter 1, 2 and 3 in ASSIGNMENT register.


    Do the following worksheet in A4 size sheet:-

    1. What are the various applications of computers in the field of entertainment?

    2. Do you think computer system can be applied in the field of manufacturing? Why?

    3. List all the electrical and digital devices that you see around you and identify whether the

    device has been resulted from any type of technological convergence. Conduct a research on all

    the devices, and make a report, describing the features and functionalities of all the devices.

    4. List the technologies that have emerged as a result of two or more technologies.

    5. Make a list of different generations of CPUs and their year of release.

    5. Collect the information on following topics :

    Roll no.1-8 .Future of Mobile Commerce

    Roll no. 9-16 Cloud Computing .

    Roll no. 17- 24 4-G and 5-G Technology

    Roll no. 25 32 Plagiarism Detection Technology

    Roll no. 33 - 40 Cyber Terrorism

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    Roll no. 41 48 Blue tooth Technology

    Roll no . 49 51 Phishing

    Hindi 1. | 2.

    1. . . ( 1 -11( 2. ( 11 -03(

    0 ( 01 -51( 5 ( 51 -11( 0. 1. | 2. , | 0. | -

    ( 1 -13( ( 11 -23( - ( 21 -03( ( 01 -53( ( 51 -13( 5. ( ) \ 1. | 1. | 7. |