November 15, 2013 - 2013 Foundation and Alumni News - web...C...

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Gettysburg 150 years...Gettysburg 150 years...13 Commandant s Update14 Medal of Honor 150th


15 Denver Event16 SSI & USAWC Press17 USAHEC Update18 Dean s Message19 Fellows Update

10 News & Events12 Books By Grads & Faculty14 1986 Reunion in Turkey15 Class Gift News16 2013 Donor Honor Roll23 Taps24 Tribute Donations26 Mailbag

Soldiers’ National Monument,

Gettysburg National Cemetery

Detail of Pres. Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address,

painted by Richard R. Miller for the RES ’13 class giftAR




FALL 2013FALL 2013

2 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

PresidentLTG (Ret) Thomas G. Rhame

Vice PresidentMr. Frank C. Sullivan

TrusteesLTG (Ret) Richard F. Timmons (President Emeritus)

MG (Ret) William F. Burns (President Emeritus)Mrs. Charlotte H. Watts (Trustee Emerita)

Dr. Elihu Rose (Trustee Emeritus)Mr. Russell T. Bundy (Foundation Advisor)

COL (Ret) Buddy G. BeckLTG (Ret) Dennis L. Benchoff

Mr. Steven H. BiondolilloMr. Norman P. Blake

LTG (Ret) Ronald R. BlanckMG Wesley E. Craig

Mr. Charles A. DonabedianMs. Jo Blanche Dutcher

Ms. Susan FincoBG (Ret) Leslie L. Fuller

COL (Ret) Peter C. LangenusMr. Amir Lear

Ms. Jessica R. MitchellBG (Ret) Harold W. NelsonMr. Richard A. PattarozziLTG (Ret) James B. Peake

LTG (Ret) Michael D. RochelleMs. Judith M. Victor

Special LiaisonMG Anthony A. Cucolo III, Commandant, USAWC

Faculty LiaisonsCOL (Ret) Philip M. Evans

Col (Ret) Michael A. Marra, USAF

Chief Executive Offi cerCOL (Ret) Ruth B. Collins

Director for DevelopmentLTC (Ret) Daniel L. Monken

Foundation & Alumni Affairs StaffJanine Farson, Bookkeeper

Donna Gellert, Administrative Asst.Linda Caton, Alumni Affairs Offi ce Manager

Donna Bullis, Alumni Affairs Asst.Nancy Johnson, Alumni Affairs Asst.

Message from the PresidentWarm greetings to all USAWC graduates and friends of the Foundation,

We certainly live in interesting times… As we refl ect on the recentgovernment shutdown, it is clear that the impact to the Army War Collegewould have been even more severe if your Foundation hadn’t been here

to help. We were able to help bring speakers who otherwise might not have been able totravel, and to support programs that could not have otherwise been held. Your support trulydoes make a difference!

We had a very productive Board of Trustee meeting in September. We formally thankedthree Trustees who completed two full terms: LTG (Ret) Dick Trefry, MG (Ret) GeorgeBarker, and Ms. Rebekah Nottingham. Dick Trefry served actively two decades whenyou combine his long service as Alumni Association Vice President (twice) and thenPresident, and his service as Foundation Vice President and active Trustee effective withthe merger in 2008. Even at 89 years old, Dick will stay active serving the Foundationand the College, and we are grateful for that. George Barker and Rebekah Nottinghamhave also been outstanding Trustees. George led our Development Committee to thesuccessful position we experience today. There wasn’t a challenge that George didn’ttake on to produce results that have enabled us to continually increase our support to theCollege. Rebekah served on several committees to bring her business background andexpert knowledge of defense industries to our Board. Thanks also to Mr. Ralph Hakewhose business acumen was very helpful during his term of service to the Foundation.

We feature the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg on the cover of this issuefor several reasons. Gettysburg continues to offer a snapshot of U.S. history wherestrategic leadership mattered for the ultimate survival of the nation. Studying the strategicenvironment of the Civil War is instructive at so many levels. The War College itselfhas produced some of the fi nest Civil War historians in the nation who publish, leadstaff rides, present lectures, and translate lessons for groups that range from school-agechildren to seniors from all walks of life. We also commemorate the 150th anniversaryof the Gettysburg Address. The nation’s fi rst National Military Cemetery was dedicatedat Gettysburg in November 1863. President Lincoln’s “few appropriate remarks” duringthat dedication turned out to be perhaps the most strategic address by any U.S. President.As you read this edition, you’ll fi nd many links to Gettysburg, as both graduating classesof 2013 selected it as the theme of their class gifts, and as Medal of Honor recipientsgathered there in September for their annual convention, to include all four living USAWCgraduates (see p. 4).

I commend the entire Foundation staff for completing the U.S. ArmyWar College Class Gift History: 1956-2013 this summer. This is a

phenomenal collection of photographs and stories describing everyclass gift to the College since the fi rst one recorded in 1956, justfi ve years after the College relocated to Carlisle Barracks. Please

see p. 15 for more information about this from Ruth.

Thanks always to the College Public Affairs Offi ce and the Photo Lab for their continuedsupport through many courtesy photos and stories.

LTG (Ret) Thomas G. Rhame, RES ’81, PresidentAR




h l W

Mission of the Army War College FoundationENRICH . . . . . . .the College’s academic environment,ENHANCE . . . . .research and outreach,FOSTER . . . . . . .fraternity among alumni,ENCOURAGE . .excellence in faculty and students,ENSURE . . . . . . .preparation of outstanding leadersfor the U.S. military, other government agencies, andour international allies.

The Army War College Foundation and Alumni News is published bythe Army War College Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a non-profi t,tax-exempt, publicly supported organization under sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRS code. All donations are tax deductibleto the extent allowed by law. The contents of this magazine are notthe offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, or theDepartment of the Army.

LTG (Ret) Tom Rhame recognized LTG (Ret) Dick Trefry and MG (Ret) George Barker for their service to the Foundation. Ms. Nottingham could not be present.

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 3


Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 3

Alumni, Family, friends and colleagues:

As I write this, it is another picture-book Fall day here atCarlisle Barracks. Crisp air and tunnels of gold and red foliagemark the change of seasons and warn of another cold CentralPA Winter. Though there is much I could talk about, the ArmyWar College Foundation Team has done a wonderful job puttingtogether another great issue of this magazine that covers manyof the changes and updates-to-practice going on here at CarlisleBarracks. So I thought I would reinforce one aspect of your USArmy War College of which we are all very proud, and that is“our outside game.”

When one thinks of the US Army War College, foreignengagement may not immediately come to mind. Few insideor outside the Army, or our government, know of the immenseeffort taken here at the Army’s Home of Strategic Thought tosupport deployed commanders and interagency teammates andkeep the US Army regionally engaged. While our faculty’s #1priority remains educating and developing strategic-mindedleaders, they do much more than teach. We maintain a strongbench of subject matter experts on a wide range of strategictopics and lend this expertise to the geographic combatantcommands on a routine basis. Over the past three months alone,US Army War College staff and faculty have participated inover 20 exchanges around the globe in direct support of fourstar headquarters enabling their engagement and partnershipefforts. I’d like to provide a sampling of our work with an“Around the World in Five Minutes” rollup.

As the nation rebalances to the Asia-Pacifi c, a vast regioncharacterized by great distances and a multitude of cultures,our faculty is assisting the US Pacifi c Command in its effort tostrengthen alliances and partnerships. As China has taken anincreasingly more competitive stance towards the US, USAWCexperts on the People’s Republic have participated in People’sLiberation Army Seminars sponsored by USPACOM. We willalso be hosting at least two different People’s Liberation Armydelegations to maintain this dialogue.

Of course, events unfolding in the Middle East, to includerecent international focus on Syria, only reinforce thecontinuing importance of this region to the US and the globaleconomy. We participated in US Central Command’s revisionof its theater strategy and also assisted the duties of a forwardUS Army headquarters in Jordan. Turning our eyes to Europeand Africa, the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Instituteand our International Fellows are working together to enableleader development in the areas of cultural competence andpeacekeeping operations. Of course, one must follow upeducation with experiential learning and we’re assisting USArmy Europe and US Army Africa in preparing and executingfi rst-class training exercises -- like “Western Accord 13,” whichwe helped convert into a mission rehearsal exercise for unitsheaded to Mali.

Focusing on our own “backyard,” our Center for StrategicLeadership and Development assisted US Southern Commandin developing exercises for US forces and Central andSouth American partners to practice collective response inhumanitarian assistance and disaster relief. We’re supportingthe home front, too: we recently executed US NorthernCommand wargame that tested interagency efforts to countertransnational organized crime. This wargame is just one pieceof our broader Strategic Wargaming Series – our initiativeintended to provide a strategic-level look at issues current andrelevant to the Army, combatant commanders and the nation.Wargames, along with routine dialogue with national andregional peacekeeping centers and individual countries rangingfrom Japan to Brazil to Egypt to Pakistan make us a popular – iflittle-known -- “economy of force” element for any deployedUS headquarters. We are a very relevant solution in these daysof great fi scal austerity for the conduct of low cost, high payoff,partner capacity building in world-wide forums.

Finally, this spring, we will host the very fi rst InternationalAlumni course here at Carlisle Barracks. We will inviteinternational alums to return to their alma mater and spenda week helping us refi ne our curriculum to stay relevant totoday’s international challenges. I need our very accomplishedinternational graduates to help us answer the question, “Are weteaching the right things to best prepare strategic leaders foreffective leadership in an increasingly globally interconnectedworld?” This course will also be part of a major effort toconnect to all our alumni worldwide; I fi rmly believe moreroutine discourse with you all would serve us extremely welland make us a better academic institution.

I hope this information gives you a different perspective ofour re-energized role and builds your confi dence that your WarCollege is aggressively executing the other key element of ourcore mission -- advancing knowledge in the global applicationof Landpower, and thereby helping to keep the United StatesArmy regionally engaged. As ever, I welcome your thoughtson these activities and always welcome your presence backhere at your intellectual home base and the US Army’s home ofstrategic thought!

Tony CucoloMG, US Army49th Commandant

November 15, 2013

4 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

150th MOHMedal of Honor 150th AnniversaryThis year, 2013, marks the 150th anniversary of thepresentation of the fi rst Medal of Honor by Secretaryof War Edwin Stanton. Established by Congressand signed into law by President Abraham Lincolnearlier during the Civil War for presentation to thosewho “…distinguish themselves by their gallantry inaction, and other soldier-like qualities, during thepresent insurrection,” the Medal of Honor was theonly military medal available at the time.

To date, there have been 3,463 recipients of theMedal of Honor, 39 of them graduates of the U.S.Army War College. To commemorate the Medalof Honor Centennial in 1963, the War Collegededicated a permanent memorial in front of thecurrent Upton Hall which reads,

4 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

MG (Ret) Patrick H. Brady, RES ’78,received the award for action as a Major inVietnam on January 6, 1968. “Obscuredby fog, he made repeated landings in smalllanding zones through unchallenged enemyfi re, damaging his ambulance helicopters.Throughout the day, he used three helicoptersto evacuate a total of 51 seriously woundedmen, many of whom would have perishedwithout prompt medical treatment.”

Col (Ret) Wesley L. Fox, USMC, RES ’84,received the award for action as a 1stLieutenant in Vietnam, on February 22, 1969.“Under intense fi re from a large, concealedforce, he was wounded but advanced throughheavy fi re, personally neutralizing an enemyposition. He ordered an assault and directedfi re. Wounded again in a fi nal assault, herefused treatment to establish a defensiveposition and evacuate casualties.”

COL (Ret) Roger H. C. Donlon, DCS ’84,received the award for action as a Captain inVietnam, July 6, 1964. “Commanding a baseunder fi erce attack, he repeatedly exposedhimself to enemy fi re, moving around thecompound’s beleaguered perimeter duringfi ve hours of attack, directing defensepositions and aborting a breach of the maingate, suffering wounds but marshalling hisforces and thwarting the attack.”

COL Gordon R. Roberts, RES ’08,received the award for action as a Specialistin Vietnam, July 11, 1969. “Ignoringheavy automatic weapon and grenade fi re,he leaped to his feet and charged heavilyfortifi ed enemy bunkers fi ring as he ran,silencing four bunkers. He fought through ahail of fi re to join elements of a company thatwas pinned down and, while exposed to fi re,helped evacuate wounded.”

At the 2013 Medal of Honor Society Convention in Gettysburg

on September 19, our four living USAWC recipients were joined

by Col (Ret) Mark D. Grim, Jr., USMCR, DCS ’95, who was a

convention volunteer portraying Brevet MG John F. Hartranft.

L-R: Brady, Fox, Grim, Donlon, and Roberts.

LTG (Ret) Robert F. Foley, Medal ofHonor recipient and proud father ofLTC David Foley who is in the USAWCResident Class of 2014, visited Carlislewhile attending the Convention inGettysburg. He spoke to honor students atthe Carlisle High School about character.

USAWC has many otherconnections to the Medalof Honor. One is that BGAlbert L. Mills, the fi fthU.S. Army War CollegePresident (original title for

what is now Commandant) was awardedthe medal for action as a Captain on July1, 1898 during the Spanish American Warnear Santiago, Cuba. His citation reads,“Distinguished gallantry in encouragingthose near him by his bravery and

coolness after being shot through thehead and entirely without sight.”

One of the more widely-used meeting rooms in theCollege is named in honor ofDr. Mary E. Walker, the onlyfemale to receive the award.Dr. Walker was a contract

civilian acting as assistant surgeon. Shereceived the medal November 11, 1865from President Andrew Johnson on therecommendations of MGs Sherman andThomas for her medical actions during theBattle of Bull Run in 1861, at Chattanoogafollowing the Battle of Chickamauga in1863, as a prisoner of war in Richmond in1864 caring for sick and wounded Unionsoldiers, and later during the Battle ofAtlanta, 1864.

In a most fi tting location, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society held its annual conventionin Gettysburg September 18-22, 2013. Over 50 surviving recipients attended the convention,

including the four living recipients who are also USAWC graduates.


Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 5

NSSDenver National Security Event

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 5

On October 3, 2013, a wonderful group ofUSAWC men and women gathered at theGovernor’s Residence at the Boettcher Mansionin Denver, Colorado for a national security event.The event location was arranged by Ms. AnnBrown, NSS ’06 and former Foundation Trustee.

The key element of the event was a nationalsecurity seminar with two key presenters,

Mr. James H. Crocker, Vice President and General Manager, CivilSpace, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, and Maj Gen Jane C.Rohr, RES ’04, Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, U.S. AirForce Space Command. Both senior leaders talked briefl y abouthow their organizations contribute to national security and what theysee as emerging issues for senior leaders, and then attendees had theopportunity to dialogue with them. Thanks to all who made our fi rstevent in Denver a major success!

IfIf you would like the Foundation to hold an alumni event at a special location in your area and you are willing to helppcococ oro did naatete tthee lococala logoggisstit cscs,, plpp eaeasese ccono tatactct Rututh CoCollinss atat ruutht .ccolo linss@u@usasawcc.oorgggggg oorr 71717-7 243-3 175656..

Ann Brown

Governor’s Residenceat the Boettcher Mansion400 East 8th AvenueDenver, Colorado 80203

Army War College Foundation

National Security Seminar

Alumni Event and Reception

October 3, 2013

4:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Governor’s Residence

at the Boettcher Mansion

Denver, Colorado

6 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

The Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) turnsSixty in 2014. SSI originated with the 23rdCommandant, MG James E. Moore. In June1954, his proposal to the Army Chief ofStaff was approved for an “Advanced StudyGroup…to undertake a continuing programof long range thinking on strategy and landpower,” with the mission “to study broadproblems whose solutions will provide long-range guidance for Army policies.”

Today, SSI and the USAWC Press continue toserve as valuable sources of ideas, criticism,innovative approaches, and independent

analyses that address key national securityissues. SSI’s Research Scholars also instructResident and Distance courses and serve asResearch Advisors for them and USAWCFellows. They are guest speakers at manyDoD schools and institutions, and provide abridge to the broader international communityof security scholars. SSI also pursues Armyand DoD priority areas for strategic researchby sponsoring visiting professors under theIntergovernmental Personnel Act, participatingin DoD’s Minerva Chair Program, and hostingthe External Research Associates Program.

SSI’s publications, to include Parameters,promote academic freedom and give rise tonew and often controversial perspectives.Each year, the USAWC uses 50 - 70 of SSI’spublications across its courses, and typically,requests for over 40,000 additional copiescome from other institutions. This is inaddition to the 1.8 million downloads fromthe website in 2012, and the increase to nearly25,000 SSI Newsletter subscribers. All SSIanalyses, dating back to 1992, are availablefor immediate download from the SSI andUSAWC Press website in .pdf or ePub

SSI & USAWC PRESSStrategic Studies Institute and USAWC Press

NATO Missile Defense and EPAA: The Implications ofBurden-Sharing and the Underappreciated Role of theU.S. Army, by Steven J. Whitmore and John R. Deni (SSIMonograph – 67 pages)

Changing Minds in the Army: Why It Is So Diffi cult andWhat To Do About It, by Stephen J. Gerras and LeonardWong (SSI Monograph – 47 pages)

Confl ict Management and Peacebuilding: Pillars of aNew American Grand Strategy, by Volker C. Franke andRobert H. Dorff, eds. (SSI Book – 423 pages)

Forging an American Grand Strategy: Securing a PathThrough a Complex Future; Selected Presentationsfrom a Symposium at the National Defense University,by Sheila R. Ronis, Ph.D., ed. (SSI Book – 144 pages)

Central Asia After 2014, by Stephen J. Blank, ed. (SSIMonograph – 137 pages)

A Transatlantic Bargain for the 21st Century: TheUnited States, Europe, and the Transatlantic Alliance,by Ellen Hallams, Ph.D. (SSI Monograph – 95 pages)

The Effectiveness of Drone Strikes in Counterinsurgencyand Counterterrorism Campaigns, by James Igoe Walsh(SSI Monograph – 77 pages)

The Real “Long War”: The Illicit Drug Trade and theRole of the Military, by Geoffrey Till (Letort Paper – 80pages)

An Assessment of the DoD Strategy for Operating inCyberspace, by Thomas M. Chen (Letort Paper – 60pages)

Closing the Candor Chasm: The Missing Element ofArmy Professionalism, by Paul Paolozzi (SSI Monograph– PME Monograph Series – Vol. 5 – 56 pages)

The Security Concerns of the Baltic States as NATOAllies, by James S. Corum, Ph.D. (Letort Paper – 66pages)

The Causes of Instability in Nigeria and Implicationsfor the United States, by Clarence J. Bouchat (SSIMonograph – 130 pages)

Cartel Car Bombings in Mexico, by Robert J. Bunker andJohn P. Sullivan (Letort Paper – 70 pages)

Development of the Baltic Armed Forces in Light ofMultinational Deployments, by James S. Corum, Ph.D.(SSI Monograph – 60 pages)

AFRICOM at Five Years: The Maturation of a New U.S.Combatant Command, by David E. Brown (Letort Paper– 123 pages)

Nuclear Weapons Security Crises: What Does HistoryTeach? by Henry D. Sokolski and Bruno Tertrais, eds.(SSI Book – 286 pages)

A Framework for Restructuring the Military RetirementSystem, by Roy A. Wallace, David S. Lyle, and John Z.Smith (SSI Monograph – 49 pages)

Russian Interests in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Keir GilesCSRC (Letort Paper – 60 pages)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Libya:Reviewing Operation Unifi ed Protector, by FlorenceGaub (Letort Paper – 50 pages)

Joint Strategic Planning System Insights: ChairmenJoint Chiefs of Staff 1990 to 2012, by Richard M.Meinhart, Ph.D. (Letort Paper – 48 pages)

The Struggle for Yemen and the Challenge of Al Qaedain the Arabian Penninsula, by W. Andrew Terrill, Ph.D.(SSI Monograph – 126 pages)

Nigerian Unity: In the Balance, by Clarence J. Bouchat(SSI Monograph – 105 pages)

The Future of the Arab Gulf Monarchies in the Ageof Uncertainties, by Mohammed El-Katiri, Ph.D. (SSIMonograph – 51 pages)

Avoiding the Slippery Slope: Conducting EffectiveInterventions, by Thomas R. Mockaitis, Ph.D. (LetortPaper – 100 pages)

Return of the Balkans: Challenges to EuropeanIntegration and U.S. Disengagement, by Janusz Bugajski(Letort Paper – 215 pages)

Asia-Pacifi c: A Strategic Assessment, by David Lai,Ph.D. (SSI Monograph – 113 pages)

The Challenge of Drug Traffi cking to DemocraticGovernance and Human Security in West Africa, byDavid E. Brown (Letort Paper – 105 pages)

War and Insurgency in the Western Sahara, by StaffResearcher (SSI Monograph -110 pages)

Cyber Infrastructure Protection: Vol. II, Ed. By TarekN. Saadawi, Ph.D.; Louis H. Jordan; Vincent Boudreau,Ph.D. (SSI Book – 281 pages)

Recent examples of SSI and USAWC Press publications:

6 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

A few of SSI’s great faculty. L-R: COL Mark Hinds, Dep Dir; Prof. Nate Frier; Dr. Tony Echevarria; Prof. Jef Troxell; Dr. John Deni; Prof. Trey Braun; Dr. David Lai; Dr. Andy Terrill; Dr. Jose da Cruz; and Dr. Lenny Wong.

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 7

USAHECU.S. Army Heritage and Education Center UpdateThe U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) remainscommitted to “Telling the Army’s Story, One Soldier at a Time.” Ourteam of civilian government employees, non-profi t employees, non-appropriated fund employees, interns, volunteers, service members(both active and reserve), and a host of ambassadors and supporterscontinues to excel daily.

Big news “hot off the press” is that AHEC was just named a SmithsonianInstitution Affi liate. This affi liation brings national recognition for thegreat work of our professional “team of teams” (past and present). Thebenefi ts are tremendous. Simply being recognized by the Smithsonianis incredible, but we also benefi t from an annual Affi liates Conferenceevery year in Washington, DC; access to the Smithsonian Affi liationswebsite for guidelines, press information, and resources; an affi liates-only protected online resource for collaboration; the SmithsonianAffi liations Visiting Professional Program that helps develop affi liatestaff members; the opportunity to showcase exhibitions and programsat the Smithsonian Ripley Center and International Gallery inWashington, D.C.; and much more. We have much to learn as we breakground for the Army with this affi liation, but we know this partnershipwill make us better across all disciplines -- archive, library, museum,outreach, and programs.

Another major announcement is that the Army War College Library isnow part of the USAHEC team. This is a great opportunity to reviewlibrary operations and to learn from each other as we patiently workthrough the issues that arise to emerge better and stronger.

Th e Korean War Commemoration was a huge success. Th e veterans and attendees, including the Korean Consul General of New York, made it special.

Additional news:• USAHEC is now host for the USAWC Strategic Arts Film

Program, in partnership with the USAWC and AUSA. Please joinus for a fi lm, moderated by great USAWC faculty members.

• We added a Bradley Fighting Vehicle to the Heritage Trail andconverted a hallway in the building into an exhibit honoringservice in Kuwait and Iraq for Operations IRAQI FREEDOM andNEW DAWN.

• Our fabrication and exhibit design team efforts include highlightingimprovised explosive devices.

• We are working to publish a story in at least one publication in all50 states and our photo contest is ongoing.

• Our conservators continue to improve our processes and policies,working daily to protect and preserve the paper and artifacts thatare at the very heart of why we are here.

• The staff and facilities teams continue to work behind the scenesto keep us all on track and safe, synchronizing and executinghundreds of projects and events, large and small.

Speaking of “behind the scenes,” three time-consuming and laborintensive initiatives deserve special mention:

• A full library inventory • Our fi rst archival assessment, with our Corps of Engineers partners • The museum “tiger team” is completely re-housing our entire


These projects will give us a better understanding of what we have,improve our efforts to prioritize work, and show us where we havegaps. The work takes time and it can be frustrating, but the team iscommitted to working together and fi nding solutions.

Capturing just a few of these highlights ofthe last several months remind me of all thatthis team does…and can do. Despite thechallenges and frustration of reorganizing,furloughs, inspections, shutdown, and the like,your USAHEC team is talented, capable, andamazing. It is an honor to be associated withthem. So, please allow me just a moment to say-- Thank You! One Team, Army Strong.

COL Matthew Dawson, Director, USAHEC

Th e Smithsonian Affi liations team presenting AHEC’s affi liate fl ag. L-R: Ms. Jennifer Brundage, National Outreach Manager, Mr. Harold Closter, Director of Smithsonian Affi liations, Ms. Elizabeth Bugbee, External Aff airs Coordinator, and COL Matt Dawson, Director, USAHEC.

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 7

8 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

SSISchool of Strategic Landpower – Dean s MessageAs the Dean of the School of Strategic Landpower (SSL), I emphasizefi rst our continued commitment to “providing high qualityProfessional Military Education at the strategic level.” I alsowelcome our many new faculty members to the USAWC team. Theyenrich the talented collection of practitioners and scholars who lead ourstudents. With the faculty’s experience, linked to our continued focuson teaching excellence, our students are in good hands.

Among the highlights of every summer is the celebration of Graduation.In June, 385 graduates of the Resident Education Program (REP)walked across Wheelock Bandstand to receive their diplomas, and inJuly, 348 members of the two-year Distance Education Program (DEP)did exactly the same. Congratulations and best wishes for continuedprofessional success to all our new graduates.

Spring and summer are also wonderful seasons of renewal as newstudent cohorts arrive. A relatively recent initiative that continues togrow and bear valuable dividends is the orientation program for theincoming DEP class. About 300 students from the Class of 2015(about two thirds) participated in this voluntary session. The program

provided technical support, an introduction to the curriculum, otheruseful information, and the ability for new students to meet andgreet faculty and staff. In June, we welcomed back 369 members ofthe DEP class of 2014 for their First Resident Course (FRC). Theyparticipated in seminar discussion, heard guest speakers, conductedseveral exercises, visited Washington, DC, and enjoyed a staff rideto Antietam. The 2014 REP began its academic year in August with385 students, including 77 International Fellows from 67 countries, thelargest group in USAWC history.

The College held the 59th National Security Seminar by hosting136 prominent and diverse Americans from across the U.S. duringthe last week of the resident class. Keynote speakers for the weekincluded Gen (Ret) Michael Hayden, USAF, former Director of boththe National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency, Ms.Susan Herman, President of the American Civil Liberties Union, andDr. Norm Ornstein, noted author, political scientist and resident scholarat the American Enterprise Institute. During the Commandant’sNational Security Program in conjunction with the AY13 distanceclass, we hosted 69 new seminar members. Key presenters for theevent included the Honorable Max Cleland, Secretary of the AmericanBattle Monuments Commission, LTG (Ret) Russel L. Honoré, and MGJennifer L. Napper (U.S. Cyber Command).

We adapt and refi ne the curriculum to maintain a strong groundingin relevant national security professional expertise. Central to ourefforts is continued emphasis on mastery of war and warfare, capablestrategic leadership, and effective defense resourcing. For the AY14REP curriculum, we have shortened the portion of the calendar devotedto the core curriculum to open up additional space for electives. Thispermits greater exploitation of faculty members’ unique expertise andmore individualized tailoring of the Carlisle experience by students.We have also piloted a model of concurrent core course executionthat intertwines Theory of War and Strategy and National SecurityPolicy and Strategy lessons on the same days, and Theater Strategyand Campaigning, Defense Management, and Regional Studies onconsecutive days. At the end of the core curriculum period, we willbuild on the success of last year’s pilot program by administeringComprehensive Oral Exams as a graded graduation requirement. Weare also refi ning a series of experiential learning events to reinforceclassroom lessons with practical, real-world experience. Core courseexperiential learning exercises are an important component of theNational Security Policy and Strategy, Defense Management, andthe Theater Strategy and Campaigning courses. Two major nationalsecurity staff rides to New York City and Washington, DC, continueto bring home powerful lessons about leadership at the national andinternational levels across elements of diplomatic, informational,military, and economic power.

SSL continues to meet the demandingchallenges of a rapidly changing world bydeveloping strategic leaders who are skilledin the application of Strategic Landpower andintelligent and agile enough to address the mostrelevant security challenges and opportunities.

Dr. (COL, Ret) Richard A. Lacquement, Jr.,RES ’09, Dean, School of Strategic Landpower

Faculty processional at graduations.

8 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

GEN Raymond T. Odinero, RES ‘9538th Chief of Staff , U.S. Army

LTG Jeff rey W. Talley, DDE ‘03Chief, U.S. Army Reserve

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 9FalFalFa l 2l 2013010130 3 Fouououuouo ndandandannd tiotiotioioon &n &n &n &n && AlAlAlAlA umnumnumnumnumnumni Ni Ni Ni NNewsewsewsewsewsewe s 99999

Fellows UpdateFellows Update

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 9

On October 4, 2013, MG Anthony A. Cucolo III, RES ‘98, Commandant, Brig Gen Stephen Mundaw, RES ‘14, IF Class President, and COL John J. Burbank, DDE ‘12, Director, International Fellows Offi ce, dedicated the new location of the International Fellows Hall of Fame in the Wil Waschoe Auditorium. Th is provides more display and photo space.

New International Fellows Hall of Fame

p y p pp

U.S. Army War College Fellows Update

AY 2014 U.S. Army War College Fellows

The U.S. Army War College Fellows programis off to a fast start for AY 2014, with 99Fellows assigned in 49 locations and in 55separate programs around the country andoverseas. The Fellows charter is two-fold interms of Army expectations. The main thrust isfor each Fellow to take advantage of a learningenvironment that is separate and distinct fromthat which is traditionally offered by the warcolleges, and also parlay knowledge gainedfor the betterment of the Army. The secondarythrust is for the Fellows to represent the Army,either formally or informally, at the institutionsand areas to which they are assigned. TheFellowships as currently confi gured offer theFellows the opportunity to satisfy the Army’sgoal of developing appropriately-educatedambassadors for the Army, who will besteeled to hold positions of broad scope andgreat responsibility, work in highly complex,ambiguous environments, and deal withproblems which have no clear-cut solutions.

There have been several material changesto the program for this year, all approved byChief of Staff of the Army (CSA).

First, the USAWC Fellows Program sawnew institutions start up this year, e.g. inIsrael, where Fellow LTC Steven Berger isin residence at the Interdisciplinary Center’sInternational Institute for Counter-Terrorismat Herzliya, and in Singapore, where COLDoug Woodall is the fi rst Fellow to serveat the Nanyang Technological University’sInternational Centre for Political Violence andTerrorism Research within the S. RajaratnamSchool of International Studies.

Second, CSA made the decision to convertFellowships previously hosted at think tanksto assignments for post-MEL 1 Fellows,bringing that number from 3 to 9. Previously,the more senior offi cers, now known as CSASenior Army Fellows, were only assignedat the Brookings Institution, the Council onForeign Relations, and at the WeatherheadCenter at Harvard. The CSA Senior ArmyFellows are charged with providing theArmy story at their hosting sites, and alsocommunicating trends and ideas as identifi edat the think tanks back to the CSA and seniorArmy leadership.

Finally, the USAWC Fellows senior Armymentorship program has evolved to strengthenthe output of the Fellows’ research efforts.AY14 saw the fi rst time that each Fellowwas assigned a General Offi cer senior Armymentor, a senior Army representative for theFellow to converse with as he/she selects aresearch topic and produces a refi ned writtenproduct. For this year, the number of GeneralOffi cers involved has doubled, in order tomore fully address the many functional andgeographic interests and portfolios of theArmy leadership. This has also had the benefi tof lessening the number of Fellows assignedto each General Offi cer, allowing for a moreproductive dialogue to occur.

The Fellows are now at their hostinginstitutions and learning, engaging with thegeneral public, and representing the USAWCand the Army on a daily basis.

Welcome to those Fellows who are newFoundation members, too!

COL (Ret) Phil Evans, USAWC FellowsCoordinator

10 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 201310 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 201310 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

NewsNews and Events

GEN John F. Campbell, RES ’99, was sworn in as the 34th ViceChief of Staff of the U.S. Army in May 2013. He is shown here in BlissHall speaking to the DDE ’13 class in July 2013.


GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, RES ’97, took command of U.S.Central Command. He is shown in this photo sharing a laughwith Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel at the MacDill Air ForceBase ceremony in Tampa. (Photo by Edmund D. Fountain, TampaBay Times)

GEN Vincent K. Brooks, USAWCF ’99, took command ofU.S. Army Pacifi c on July 2, 2013. He replaced another USAWCgrad LTG Francis J. Wiercinski, RES ’98, who retired.Congratulations to both.

USAWC Fellow takes command ofU.S. Army Pacifi c

GEN Martin E. Dempsey, CJCS, presided over the ceremony on

October 2, 2013 when GEN Curtis M. “Mike” Scaparrotti, RES’98, took command of United Nations Command/Combined Forces

Command/U.S. Forces Korea from GEN James “J.D.” Thurman,RES ’95, who is retiring.

Wiercinski Brooks

Dempsey Scaparrotti Thurman

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 11Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 11Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 11

NewsNews and Events


The Honorable Max Cleland, current Secretary,American Battle Monuments Commission, formerAdministrator of the U.S. Veterans Administration,and former U.S. Senator from Georgia, was thekeynote speaker on July 23, 2013 for the annualDaniel M. Lewin Memorial Lecture presented forthe graduating DDE class each July. Lewin wasaboard American Airlines fl ight 11 which crashedinto the World Trade Center towers in NYC on9/11/01. This lecture series, and writing awardsfor both the Resident and Distance classes eachyear, are possible through generous donationsfrom friends and colleagues of Danny Lewin.

MBTI for FamiliesYes, the USAWC is stillencouraging families to takeadvantage of the Myers-BriggsType Indicator (MBTI) sessionsas part of the extensive MilitaryFamily Program here. In thisphoto, Dr. Tom Williams,DDE ’02, (right) Director,Senior Leader Developmentand Resiliency, is thanking Mr.Hile Rutledge (left), President

of Otto Kroeger Associates, for his great presentation. Sadly, Dr. Otto Kroeger, knownas “Mr. MBTI,” an expert, pioneer, and author in the fi eld of personality type, passedaway in October 2013. The MBTI for Families presentation is made possible withsupport provided by the Army War College Foundation.

Dr. Clinton O. Longenecker was the featuredspeaker on September 5, 2013 for the Sonnyand Martha Moore Lecture on Ethics. Dr.Longenecker is the Stranahan Professor ofLeadership and Organizational Excellence inthe College of Business and Innovation at theUniversity of Toledo. This lecture series wasestablished in 2003 to honor CH (COL, Ret)Sonny Moore, RES ’01, and his late wifeMartha. The lecture series is funded throughthe Army War College Foundation by a generousgift from Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Bundy. Sonnyis pictured here (left) receiving a surprise giftfrom Dr. Longenecker (right).

VADM (Ret) JosephA. Sestak, USN, andformer Congressman,has been named the2013-2014 holder ofthe General OmarN. Bradley Chair ofStrategic Leadership.He will conductclasses at USAWC,Dickinson College,

and the Penn State University DickinsonSchool of Law during this academic year,as part of the unique partnership betweenthe three institutions. The Army WarCollege Foundation thanks the AmericanPublic University System for itsgenerous support that enables the USAWCpartnership to continue.


D Cli t O L k th f

Ethics Lecture SeriesEthics Lecture Series

Mr. Steven H. Biondolillo, oneof the newest Trustees onthe Foundation Board, wasrecently inducted into theNational Wrestling Hall ofFame at a ceremony in Bostonon November 2, 2013.

Ambassador Helen Reed-Rowe is thenewest member of the USAWC CommandTeam. She is a career member of theSenior Foreign Service and arrivedafter serving as the fi rst resident U.S.Ambassador to the Republic of Palau from2010 to 2013.

12 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

BOOKSBooks by Grads and FacultyA Soldier’s Soldier: Joseph Edward Muckerman II 1926-2010 (RES ’68) by Anne Muckerman. This tributeto a great offi cer and American, COL Joseph E. Muckerman II, U.S. Army, Retired, was written by his wifeAnne. A West Point graduate, COL Muckerman served in post-war Japan and Vietnam and commanded keydefense sites stateside during his long career. Described by superiors as “physically, mentally, and morally”an offi cer “of the highest caliber,” he was known and respected for leading by example. Joe remained on theUSAWC faculty for two years as Director of Communist Military Strategy Studies after his 1968 graduation.This book honors Joe’s life in service, including many photographs and memorials from family and friends.

Allah and Elohim: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? by Dr. (COL, Ret) Michael J.Oldham, ThD, DCS ’86. The author wondered why, following 9/11, world leaders, including PresidentGeorge W. Bush, were so quick to say that the three major world religions—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—all worship the same God. Christians were especially vocal in espousing a tolerant worldview toward Muslims,stating that Allah and Jehovah God were the same deity, ostensibly to avert violence directed against Muslims.Having studied the major world religions, Dr. Oldham simply could not accept the premise that the God of theBible is the same God as the Qur’an’s Allah. This fascinating read takes an in-depth look at each religion’sdescriptions of God, providing clear support with verses from the Bible and the Qur’an.

Prelude to Blitzkrieg: The 1916 Austro-German Campaign in Romania, by BG (Ret) Michael B. Barrett,DCS ’91. In contrast to the trench-war deadlock on the Western Front, combat in Romania and Transylvaniain 1916 foreshadowed the blitzkrieg style of advance seen in 1939-1941. When Romania joined the Allies andinvaded Transylvania without warning, the Germans unleashed a campaign of bold, rapid infantry movements,with cavalry providing cover or pursuing the crushed foe. Hitting where least expected and advancing beforethe Romanians could react—even bombing their capital from a Zeppelin soon after war was declared—theGermans and Austrians poured over the formidable Transylvanian Alps onto the plains of Walachia, rolling upthe Romanian army from west to east, and driving the shattered remnants against Russia. This tells the story ofthis largely ignored campaign to determine why it did not devolve into the mud and misery of trench warfare,so ubiquitous elsewhere.

A Reluctant Hero’s Footsteps by BG (Ret) John R. Scales, USAWCF ’93. After discovering in 2011, bychance, the after-action reports of his father’s WWII unit, the 329th Infantry Regiment, Scales had the idea toreconstruct and retrace his father’s path in Europe and to do so with his three children. Scales documents thelife of a man and his family and relates the history of the unit he joined in combat, inserting photos and artifactswhere possible. In fi tting all the records together with the trip itself, with a combination of research and luck,Scales discovered his father in new ways and built a memory for his children. In an appendix, he also providesa guide to how you can do this for your veterans, as well.

The Dragon Extends Its Reach: Chinese Military Power Goes Global, by COL (Ret) Larry M. Wortzel,DCS ’95. China has evolved from a nation with local and regional security interests to a major economic andpolitical power with global interests, investments, and political commitments. It now requires a military that canproject itself around the globe, albeit on a limited scale, to secure its interests. As Wortzel explains, the ChineseCommunist Party leadership has charged the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) with new and challenging missionsthat require global capabilities. Advances in technology and the development of indigenous weapons platforms,combined with reactions to modern confl icts, have produced a military force very different from that whichChina fi elded in the past. Wortzel presents a clear and sobering picture of the PLA’s modernization effort as itexpands into space and cyberspace, and as it integrates the traditional domains of war. This book puts China’sgrowth into military and diplomatic historical context and will appeal to the specialist in security and foreignpolicy issues in Asia, as well as those interested in arms control, future warfare, and global military strategies.

Skin in the Game...Poor Kids and Patriots by MG (Ret) Dennis J. Laich, DCS ’97. Laich makes a compellingcase that the All-Volunteer Force no longer works in a world defi ned by terrorism, high debts, and wideningclass differences. He poses three fundamental questions: 1) Is the All-Volunteer Force working? 2) Will it workin the future? and 3) What if we had a war and no one showed up on our side? He addresses the implications ofthe fact that less than one percent of U.S. citizens have served in the military over the last 12 years, even thoughwe’ve been fi ghting wars the entire time, and that the one percent come from poor and middle-class families.The survivors bear the scars of their service for the rest of their lives, while the wealthy and well-connected sitat home. Laich offers alternatives that a debt-burdened nation in a dangerous world cannot afford to ignore,alternatives that could provide the manpower to support national defense, close the civil-military gap, and savetaxpayers billions of dollars per year.

12 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 13

Oswald’s Diary by COL (Ret) William H. “Bill” Drohan, DDE ’00. The U.S. Army InvestigativeRecords Repository may look like the government’s attic; nobody knows everything that lies inside that vastarchive, waiting to be discovered – even something like Lee Harvey Oswald’s own account of the Kennedyassassination. This espionage thriller, written by a former Army intelligence offi cer, begins in the Repositoryas Reservist Kevin Hogan picks up a dusty dossier and a potentially volatile package fi nally breaks free of itspaper prison. Once loose, it sets off a desperate chase to get this sinister document into the right hands. IfHogan fails, neither the document, nor Hogan himself, may ever again see the light of day. The book reachesout of Cold War suspicions and blood to rattle offi cial Washington and shadowy power players across theglobal playing fi eld. It offers a view of the curious world inside the Beltway. Kindle version only.

From Kabul to Baghdad and Back: The U.S. at War in Afghanistan and Iraq by COL David W. Lamm,RES ‘00, John R. Ballard, and John K. Wood. These experts challenge commonly-held views aboutthe success of the global war on terrorism and its campaign in Afghanistan. Their book questions somefundamentals of the population-centric COIN doctrine currently in vogue and harshly criticizes key decisionsabout the prosecution of the Afghan war. It compares the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan from a rarenational strategic perspective. It questions several key operational factors in Afghanistan, including thedecision to give NATO the lead, the performance of both civilian and military leaders, and the prosecution ofan Iraq War-style surge. It also contrasts the counterinsurgency campaign styles and the leadership of seniorAmerican offi cials in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The fi nal chapter outlines key lessons of the two campaigns.

Silent Wounds: The Hidden Cost of War by CH (COL, Ret) James W. Daniels, Jr., DDE ’03, RichardKuhlbars, and Emily Howden. This book was written as a result of the three authors’ personal experiences asmilitary family members and chaplains. The book deals with the impact of war on the human being. Filledwith the latest research, it is written in a way that brings understanding to the silent wounding experiencedby so many of our military, their families, and friends. No one is untouchable and as more and more returnfrom the sometimes horrifi c events of war, there is a growing need for acknowledgment and understanding.Through the pages, you will get to know a young couple, Luke and Jennifer. They are fi ctional, althoughbased on real people and events. You will experience their pain and feel their anguish as they strive to returnto some sense of normalcy, to give perspective to their experiences, and to live as a family again.

The Confederate Enfi eld by CAPT (Ret) Steven W. Knott, RES ’04, current FAC. This monographexamines the specifi c markings found on British Pattern 1853 rifl e-muskets and short rifl e derivativespurchased by the Confederacy. Viewer (inspector) cartouches, supplier logos, property marks, and inventorycontrol numbers used by the War Department and the states of Georgia, North Carolina, Louisiana, andSouth Carolina are all covered. Specifi cs features include over 60 color photos of Confederate Enfi elds andrelated markings, 32 color scans of signifi cant purchase and shipping documents (most published here for thefi rst time), detailed information on the meaning and location of all known Confederate marks (JS-Anchor,Anchor-S, Circle-CH1, Oval-IC, Crown-SHC, Star-TC, furnishers’ letters, inventory numbers, and GA,NC, and SC property marks), new information on the state purchasing agents of Georgia, North Carolina,Louisiana, and South Carolina; and a rare identifi ed Enfi eld of a Confederate soldier killed in action atGettysburg.

Leader Business: Battle-Tested Leadership Strategies For Any Organization by COL (Ret) ThomasHenry Magness, USAWCF ’07. Every year, ineffective leadership costs American companies hundreds ofmillions of dollars in lost revenue, missed opportunities, preventable waste, and poor personnel decisions.How’s your leadership? Are you getting the results you need? If not, maybe it’s time for some leadershipfundamentals. Drawing on over 25 years of military service, Magness offers lessons learned in one of theworld’s foremost leadership laboratories: the U.S. Army. From the unforgiving environment of the NationalTraining Center to Ranger training in the Florida swamps, to the life-and-death stakes of combat operationsin Iraq and Afghanistan, the book examines how executives can use military leadership principles to achievesuccess in any organization. It takes the same proven four-step framework the Army uses to develop itsleaders to serve the nation and applies it to the business world..

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 13

RES – ResidentDCS – Department of Corresponding StudiesDDE – Department of Distance Education

(DCS renamed as of 1 Jun 98)SRCOC – Senior Reserve Component Offi cers Course

USAWCF – U.S. Army War College FellowFAC – FacultyNSS – National Security SeminarSIS – Strategy Implementation SeminarCNSP – Commandant’s National Security Program


14 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

Class of 1986USAWC Class of 1986 Reunion in Turkey September 17- 26, 2013

Members of our Class of 1986 held a special reunion in Turkey,assisted by our Turkish classmate and his wife, MG (Ret) Riza andMrs. Semra Kucukoglu. Forty-one classmates, family members,faculty, and friends, including six International Fellows, spent weekone touring well-known sites in Istanbul; 22 extended their trip intoweek two touring historic locations across Turkey. We stayed andhad a welcome dinner at the Titanic Hotel near Taksim Square. Thatfi rst week, we toured Topkapi Palace, Hippodrome Square, the BlueMosque, and Saint Sophie’s. We had a dinner cruise on the Bosphoruswith entertainment. Thursday morning was a visit to the Turkish

Military Museum and the afternoon was spent touring and shopping inthe Grand Bazaar with seminars getting together for dinner in a numberof restaurants. Friday morning was fi lled with touring the DolmabachePalace and then a daytime lunch cruise up the Bosphorus. Fridayevening was the Gala Dinner with cocktails on the roof bar of the PonteRestaurant and a steak dinner. Saturday was an optional tour day butvirtually everyone participated and visited the Archeological Museum,the Spice Market, Underground Cistern, the Chora Church, and theCastle of Seven Towers – part of the city walls.

Week one, L-R on the Roof Bar: Tom Troy, Ray Gentilini, Trinket Troy, Tack Yasumura ( Japan), Sandra Scobi, Eleanor Gentilini, Masako Yasumura, Tim Scobi, Lorraine Sanderson, Paulette Barazotto (guest of Jan Bohm), Riet and Paul Messerschmidt, (Netherlands) Jan Bohm, Nikki Craig, John Sanderson (Australia), Pam Harris, Jerry Sharpe, Dale Craig, Phil Harris, Nancy Adams, Ron Blanck, Preston Hughes (Guest of Riza), Nick Rosenqvist (Sweden), Virginia Butler, Carolyn Gaddis, Gunnis Rosenqvist, David Fitz-Enz, Gordon Butler, Semra Kucukoglu, Ronit Ben-Itzhak, Mike Rosenfeld, Ramona Holland, Linda Rosenfeld, Bob Cato, Carol Fitz-Enz, Kay Cato, Uzy Ben-Itzhak (Israel), Joe Gaddis, John Holland, Riza Kucukoglu (Turkey), and Bob Hervey (Faculty).(Th e bolded names are the folks who stayed for Week Two.)

Sunday, the 22nd, the group fl ew to Kayseri in the morning and drove toCappadocia for two days. We visited the Outdoor Museum in the Valleyof Goreme with its 9th century churches inside rocks. Some went to see“Whirling Dervishes.” Five took a balloon ride over Cappadocia withabout 125 other balloons; the rock formations were simply amazing.

We later visited theunderground city ofKaymakli, climbed tothe top of the OrtahisarFortress, visited apottery factory, saw ademonstration of Turkishrug making, and attendeda local wine tasting. Wedrove to Konya, visiting arestored Caravanserai onthe way, a tile museum,

and the Museum of Mevlana, founder of the “Whirling Dervishes.” Wevisited an archeological site where the earliest known cities from 8,000BC are being excavated. On Wednesday, we drove to Pamukkale tosee the world famous white travertens and calcifi ed waterfalls as wellas the ancient Roman city of Hierapolis built behind the waterfalls. OnThursday, we drove to Kusadasi and visited the city of Aphrodisiaswith its extensive renovation ongoing and its museum fi lled with fi nesculpture. We spent Thursday night in the world famous Kismet Hotel

in Kusadasi where kings and queens have stayed. The best was saved forlast with a visit to Ephesus, the best preserved Roman city in Turkey, thefi nal home of the Virgin Mary, and the Church of Saint Paul.

It was a grand two weeks. We thank our guide, Il ke Duru, who madethe tour very special. Mark your calendars for the USAWC Class of1986 Reunion in Australia, April 2015.

COL (Ret) Jerry Sharpe, RES ‘86

Week two at Ephesus in front of the Library of Celsus

14 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 15

Class Gift NewsClass Gift News

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 15

Greetings to all! I do not usually include my own article, since as “Editor-in-Chief,” I select and manage the input. However, for this edition, I need to personally provide you some news about a few of our initiatives related to the book we published this summer, the U.S. Army War College Class Gift History: 1956-2013. Due to the “intrigue” involved in class gift decisions, how they were produced, and why they were loved or hated, many of you asked us to collect stories and photos of the gifts, and we fi nally did. I will not take space here to describe how we accomplished it, but suffi ce it to say, it was no easy task! The fi rst copies rolled off the press in early August and yes, I am shamelessly urging you to buy it for yourself, for another grad, or both. Here’s a sampling of the feedback we’ve received:

The last two features in the Class Gift History book are the 2013 class gifts, both related to the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. The Resident Class selected President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and the Distance Class selected Joshua Chamberlain’s and Strong Vincent’s leadership on Little Round Top. The Resident Class artist is Richard R. Miller from Tennessee and the Distance Class artist is Bradley Schmehl from Gettysburg. There are still prints (USAWC editions) available through our Foundation Gift Shop and online at

We are always looking for donations of class prints that we can raffl e to benefi t our Alumni Scholarship Program. If you have one that you are willing to donate, the Foundation will provide you a gift-in-kind receipt for tax purposes. The latest print donated and raffl ed was “Cold Steel” by Don Stivers, featuring the bayonet charge up Hill 180 in Korea led by Medal of Honor recipient Lewis Millett. In a special coincidence, the winner of the print was LTC Shauna Hauser, DDE ’12, Commander of the Harrisburg “Cold Steel” Recruiting Battalion.

The book has also generated a great deal of interest from grads who want to buy and sell class prints. Of course, anyone can look for prints on the secondary art market, but several of you asked if we would help facilitate the communication with other grads in a more “informed” networking. We decided to launch a “print fi nder” service for those interested in buying or selling a class print. This is not a “broker service” of any sort, but rather a means to facilitate and match up graduates who are interested in buying or selling USAWC class prints. This service is available now at:

We are raffl ing a framed Resident 1996 class print “An Act of C o m p a s s i o n ” by Don Stivers. Tickets are $10 each and alumni members will get two-for-one, as is our custom. The drawing will take place Thursday, June 5, 2014. Get your tickets by contacting the Alumni Offi ce via email ( or phone 1-800-684-0884.

Thanks to all who helped us with recollections, photos, or inspiration to complete the Class Gift History. The result is a unique tribute to the USAWC and its graduates.

i f l

“The book is incredible beyond belief. The words give vivid descriptions of the times as well as of the gifts. And the quotes from class members are so meaningful. The pictures remind me of the special places and people at the War College that I have enjoyed, beautifully and effectively arranged.”

“The narrative you included for our gift [RES ’92] was spot on and what a hoot! I am so delighted that it was included, along with the photographs, so that little piece of humor is now part of War College history! And it is interesting to note some of the unusual gifts, like Root’s swords, the French mortars, and… a clock?”

“What an outstanding accomplishment! In addition to documenting the beautiful artwork, the book is itself a marvelous historical account of the College and this important tradition; and, it represents history I was a part of. I had a lot of emotion when I was reading through the book, cover to cover.”

“As far as I know, this is the fi rst and only collection of all the artwork and it includes bios of all the artists as well. It is a magnifi cent effort.”

“You certainly captured the essence of the struggle that takes place in each class with the process. I recommend this book as required reading for all future USAWC students so they are prepared for the great adventure that the Class Gift has in store for them!!

“What a history buff’s delight! It is U.S. history, Army history, and personal glimpses into the lives of those who made the history and those who have helped to record and preserve it.”

“What a magnifi cent book, and truly historic document. I shall proudly display the book for all my guests and friends to see.”

“All I can say is FANTASTIC! What a superb job on research and fi nal product.”

“Wonderful job! Very handsomely presented, beautiful reproductions, interesting histories, and reminiscences from class members. I will treasure my copy forever.”

“I wish I had this and known of the class gifts when I attended NSS week. I bet most NSS attendees would love to have this book as a memento.”

“The book is terrifi c. It’s so much more than simply a collection of class prints. It is a history of the Army War College in prints and photos. The tables in the old MHI reading room… The Blue Spruce trees out front of Root Hall, now no longer there, but once a class gift and an artifact from the past. What a tremendous amount of work and what a brilliant product! My highest compliments!”


16 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 201316161616 FoFoundundatiationon & A& AAlumlumumlumlumumlumninininnin NewNewwNewNewNewNewNeNewssssss FalFFFaFalFalFaFaFaa l 2201301301313300

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Commandant’s Cicle($1,000 to $4,999)

Mr. William H. AlexanderAllison TransmissionAshton Tiffany, LLCMG (Ret) Dionel E. AvilesMG (Ret) George E. BarkerCOL (Ret) James V. BenvenutoThe Black Horse Foundation, Inc.LTG (Ret) Ronald R. BlanckMr. Patrick A. BurnsCOL (Ret) Douglas B. CampbellMr. David CaplanDr. Mariann CasarellaMrs. Otto P. Chaney, Jr.COL (Ret) Ruth B. CollinsMrs. Beverly CordreyDefense Credit Union CouncilDixon Valve & Coupling Co.Mr. Charles A. DonabedianMs. Jo Blanche DutcherThe Education Policy andLeadership Center

Mr. Jim Ewart

COL (Ret) Carla K. FisherMr. Andrew FlynnAnonymous Grateful GradCOL (Ret) Bernard F. GriffardMr. Ralph F. HakeCOL (Ret) Duane E. HardestyThe Fran and Mary HarveyFoundation

Mr. Michael HawbakerHershey Trust CompanyIndiana University of PennsylvaniaMr. Vernon JacobCOL (Ret) Michael J. KomichakThe Leonard and Evelyn LauderFoundation (George Schiele)

Mr. Amir LearBG (Ret) James B. LeeMr. Stephen LinehanMr. Marshall G. Linn IIIMr. Robert H. LuxCOL (Ret) Ted R. MaddryCOL (Ret) Julie Trego MantaMG (Ret) Carl H. McNair, Jr.Mr. John MengMetro Bank

Ms. Jessica R. MitchellLTC (Ret) and Mrs. Daniel L.Monken

Mr. Harvin C. Moore IVMG (Ret) Mary E. MorganCOL (Ret) Darryl G. MurchMr. David J. NapeCOL Michael John PeffersCOL (Ret) Kevin L. PehrCOL (Ret) Robert E. PownallCOL (Ret) Robert S. PoydasheffGEN (Ret) Dennis J. ReimerGEN (Ret) Robert W. RisCassiCOL (Ret) Wayman D. RobertsonLTG (Ret) Michael D. RochelleMr. Lew SonnMrs. Katherine J. StrongSuburban Electrical Engineers/Contractors, Inc.

LTG (Ret) Billy M. ThomasLTG (Ret) Richard F. TimmonsAnonymousCOL Michael Sean TuomeyVFW Post 7415 New CumberlandMs. Joan VyzralMG Steven N. Wickstrom

Foundation President’s Circle($500 to $999)

LTC Jeffrey David AbramowitzMG (Ret) Jamie S. Barkin, M.D.COL (Ret) James A. BartlettLTG (Ret) Dennis L. BenchoffCOL (Ret) Thomas N. BentleyCOL Mary Patricia BolkGEN Vincent K. BrooksMs. Miriam F. BrowningCarlisle Barracks & CumberlandValley Chapter, AUSA

MG (Ret) William J. CollinsCOL (Ret) Ronald R. CombestMG Wesley E. Craig, Jr.COL (Ret) Ralph E. Cross, Jr.COL (Ret) Kenneth P. Davis, Ph.D.Mr. Carlo D’EsteMr. Nicholas P. DiPaoloBG Ronald E. DziedzickiElite CoachCOL (Ret) Edwin H. Felsher, Jr.Ms. Susan M. FincoCOL (Ret) Andrew G. FishmanBG (Ret) Leslie L. Fuller

Dwight D. Eisenhower Society$150,000 and Up

Deloitte & Touche

Omar N. Bradley Society$50,000 - $99,999

American Public University System, Inc.Audia Group

Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. BundyThe Hearst Corporation

Packaging Corporation of AmericaMr. and Mrs. Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Foundation

RPM International, Inc.

J. Lawton Collins Society$25,000 - $49,999

Association of the United States Army (AUSA)Mutual of America

Occidental Petroleum CorporationSchneider National, Inc.

Southern Company Charitable Foundation, Inc.William T. Morris Foundation (Paul Barrett)

Tasker H. Bliss Society$10,000 - $24,999

BAE SystemsThe Beck Foundation, Inc. (Buddy and Charlotte Beck)

Distance Education Class of 2013The Frankel Family Foundaton

Hershey Entertainment and Resorts CompanyLockheed Martin Washington Operations

Universal Health Services, Inc

Emory Upton Society$5,000 - $9,999

The Blake Family Charitable Foundation (Norm and Karen Blake)The Cleveland Foundation (Frank and Barbara Sullivan)

Giant CarlisleMr. Marco Greenberg

COL (Ret) Peter C. LangenusMr. Gary Melius

Members 1st Federal Credit UnionMilitary Offi cers Association of America (MOAA)

NoblisMs. Rebekah E. Nottingham

Resident Class of 2013The Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation

LTG (Ret) Roger C. Schultz

Special Thanks to theseMatching Gift Organizations

AARPThe Boeing Company

Chevron Humankind Matching Gift ProgramGannett Foundation

General Electric FoundationGoldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program

Harris FoundationInsurance Services Offi ce, Inc.

Lockheed Martin Corporation FoundationRobert R. McCormick Foundation

Mutual of AmericaThe Powell Foundation (Harvin C. Moore)

Sprint Foundation Matching GiftsSchneider Electric / Square D Foundation

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 17FalFalFaFFFF l 2l 20130133333333331 FouFoFoFFFouFououuFouFFouFouFFouFoF ndandandandndandandandaadndandandandndaaandandndan tiotiotiotion &n &n && && AlAlAlAlAllAlAA umnumnumumnmmnumnummnnumnumumnniii Ni Ni NN NNNewewewwwswswswswswsewsewswssswe sssse 117777771777

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Foundation President’s Circle continued

Mr. Robert W. GelfmanGettysburg CollegeMr. Carl GoldsteinGEN (Ret) Alfred Mason Gray, Jr.COL (Ret) Robert G. HertelCOL (Ret) Robert F. HerveyLTC (P) Joseph L. Hilfi kerJewish Communal FundCOL (Ret) Paul C. Jussel, Ph.D.Dr. Thomas Kempken, M.D.COL (Ret) Ralph P. KennedyCOL (Ret) Kirk M. KnightCOL (Ret) Buford R. Koehler, Jr.Dr. Richard J. KossmannLTG (Ret) Edwin S. Leland, Jr.MajGen Kristin LundMr. Keith J. ManternachGEN (Ret) Edward C. MeyerMG (Ret) Robert L. MeyerMr. William E. MuraneLTG (Ret) James B. Peake, M.D.COL (Ret) Ray E. Porter IIIMr. Herbert N. PosnerLTG (Ret) Thomas G. RhameMr. William B. RichardsMr. Frederick H. RothsteinMr. Michael J. RubinoMr. Ira SchwartzGEN (Ret) Robert M. ShoemakerCOL (Ret) Carl A. Singer, Ph.D.Mr. C. Randy SnowMr. Steve StaffordCOL (Ret) Herbert I. SternLTG (Ret) Howard F. StoneCOL (Ret) Eugene L. ThompsonLTG (Ret) Walter F. Ulmer, Jr.VFW Post 477 Memorial HallAssociation

Ms. Judith M. VictorMG Luis Raul VisotMr. Jeffrey A. VolkGEN (Ret) Carl E. VuonoMr. Samuel WalkerBG (Ret) Michael H. WalterCOL (Ret) Daniel L. WhitesideCOL (Ret) Allen R. Wolff

Strategic Leader Circle($100 to $499)

COL John William AarsenMG (Ret) Forrest A. AbbottMG (Ret) Nancy R. AdamsBG (Ret) Clara L. Adams-EnderBG (Ret) Clarence M. AgenaMr. Gale R. AguilarBG (Ret) Timothy E. Albertson

COL (Ret) Robert A. AlbrachtCOL (Ret) Joseph W. AlbrightCOL (Ret) Charles B. AllenMG (Ret) William F. AllenDr. William T. AllisonCW4 (Ret) David R. AlsopCOL Michele Harrington AltieriCOL (Ret) Joseph B. AmeelCOL (Ret) Richard W. AnderschatCOL (Ret) Martin S. AndersonMG (Ret) Andrew H. AndersonGen (Ret) Earl E. Anderson, USMCMrs. Nancy Bargo AnthonyCOL (Ret) Barry J. ApplebyCOL (Ret) Margaret P. ApplewhiteCOL (Ret) Raymond F. ArmentCOL (Ret) Peter A. ArntsonCOL Joseph E. ArtiagaCOL (Ret) Walter Gene AshleyCOL (Ret) Thomas H. AuerBG (Ret) William W. Austin, Esq.Mr. Danforth W. AustinCOL R. D. AutLTC (Ret) Charles A. AycockMr. Marshall M. BakerCol (Ret) Arthur W. BanisterCOL (Ret) Paul Z. BarnesMr. Anthony J. BarsamianCOL (Ret) John K. BartolottoCOL (Ret) Glenn W. BartschCOL (Ret) Edward S. BasanezMG (Ret) John P. Basilica, Jr.MG (Ret) Sampson H. Bass, Jr.MG (Ret) George V. BauerBG (Ret) Robert H. BeahmLTG (Ret) Quinn H. BeckerBG (Ret) Edmund T. BecketteCOL (Ret) Ernest A. BeckingMajGen (Ret) Ronald L. BeckwithMr. Joseph H. BellMs. Ingrid BellBG Paul M. BenenatiCOL (Ret) Patrick J. BennettMr. David C. BennettCol (Ret) James H. Benson, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Carl F. Bergstrom, Jr.MG (Ret) Michael M. BerzowskiCOL (Ret) Victor A. BetzoldBG (Ret) William R. BiglerCOL (Ret) Gilbert L. BishopCOL (Ret) Robert L. BishopMr. Douglas C. BlaineCOL (Ret) William J. Blankmeyer, Jr.COL (Ret) Donald F. BletzBG (Ret) James W. Boddie, Jr.Mr. Donald B. BoldtCOL (Ret) Stephen J. BondMG Margaret W. BoorCOL (Ret) Donald W. Boose, Jr.

COL (Ret) Alan G. BourqueCOL (Ret) Judith A. BowersCOL (Ret) Larry C. Boyd, Sr.MG (Ret) Michael A. BoydMr. Robert A. BoyntonCOL (Ret) Frank R. Braden IIICOL Mathew Joseph BradyMG (Ret) Bobby F. BrashearsCOL (Ret) Abbott A. BraytonCOL (Ret) Gordon M. BrewerCOL (Ret) Joseph BriggsCOL (Ret) Mary Ann BriskyCOL (Ret) Theodore G. Brna, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Carl R. BroadhurstBG (Ret) Ernest D. Brockman, Jr.COL (Ret) Douglas K. BrowellCOL (Ret) Keirn C. Brown, Jr.BG (Ret) George J. BrownCOL (Ret) Kenneth N. BrownCOL (Ret) Tyrone K. BrownCOL (Ret) Roger J. Browne IICOL (Ret) & Mrs. Robert F. BroylesMr. Cole R. BuergiCOL (Ret) Carolyn R. BullinerCOL (Ret) Charles A. BullockCOL (Ret) Arlene G. BurbankCOL (Ret) Edward J. BurkeMrs. Marlene T. BurlesonCOL (Ret) Orville N. ButtsBG (Ret) Raymond C. Byrne, Jr.COL (Ret) John P. ByrneCOL (Ret) Steven D. CageMs. Donna M. CallCOL (Ret) Robert D. CallanderCOL (Ret) Donald M. CampbellCOL Sylvester CannonCOL Gregory L. Cantwell, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Eduardo CardenasCarlisle Barracks Spouses ClubCOL (Ret) Glenn A. CarlsonCOL (Ret) Michael J. CarlsonMG (Ret) Tod J. CarmonyMs. Cynthia C. CarnahanCOL (Ret) Marcus E. Carr, Jr.Mr. Keith R. CarsonLTC (Ret) J. Floyd Carter IIIAnonymousLTG Robert L. Caslen, Jr.COL Miguel A. CastellanosCOL (Ret) Bruce W. CastkaCOL (Ret) Billy F. CaudillCOL (Ret) H Allen ChadwickMr. Richard F. ChambersCOL (Ret) Robert J. ChantCOL Steven T. ChapmanLTC (Ret) Robert P. Chappell, Jr.COL (Ret) John S. ChappellCOL (Ret) Samuel L. ChappellMG (Ret) Joseph J. Chaves

MG (Ret) James A. CheathamCOL Chun-Wang ChiangLTG (Ret) Dana K. ChipmanBG (Ret) Neal R. ChristensenCOL (Ret) Randolph P. Christianson, M.D.BG (Ret) Joseph P. Cillo, Sr.COL (Ret) Armon A. CioppaCOL (Ret) Frederick L. Clapp, Jr.COL (Ret) Daniel D. ClarkCOL (Ret) Dorothy H. ClarkCOL (Ret) Louis R. ClarkCOL (Ret) Robert H. ClarkCOL David J. ClarkMr. John C. ClarkCOL (Ret) John H. ClaybrookMG (Ret) Robert G. ClaypoolCOL (Ret) William T. ClaytonCOL (Ret) George C. ClowesCOL (Ret) William T. Coffey, Sr.COL (Ret) James J. Coghlan, Jr.Mr. Gerald I. CohnCOL (Ret) Eugene D. ColganMG (Ret) Dan M. ColglazierMr. Anthony C. CollinsRev. Douglas G. ComstockMr. Taylor L. ConleyDr. William David ConstantCOL (Ret) Charles B. CookMG (Ret) William E. Cooper, Jr.COL (Ret) Robert S. CooperCOL (Ret) John A. Cope, Jr.Mr. Victor V. CoppolaMr. John J. CorriganCOL (Ret) Joseph T. CoxCOL (Ret) Buckner M. Creel IIICOL (Ret) William R. CristCOL (Ret) James M. CrittendenCOL (Ret) Robert N. CrittendenCAPT (Ret) Mike CrochetCOL (Ret) Eugene F. CrooksMG (Ret) Robert E. CrosserCOL (Ret) George L. CrowderMr. John Lewis Crown, Jr.COL (Ret) Francis J. CummingsCOL Mary Gomez CurllMG (Ret) Jerry R. CurryCOL Larry W. CurtisBG (Ret) Tom & Mrs. GraceCuthbert

COL (Ret) John F. D’AgostinoCOL (Ret) Edward Daily, Jr.COL (Ret) Joseph I. Daily, Jr.COL (Ret) Joseph S. DancsesCOL (Ret) Ralph M. DanielsonCOL (Ret) William H. Danzeisen, Jr.Col (Ret) James W. Davis, Jr.COL (Ret) Edward P. DavisCOL (Ret) Jethro J. DavisCH (COL, Ret) William J. De Leo, Ph.D.

18 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 201318181818 FoFoundundatiationon & A& AAlumlumumlumlumumlumninininnin NewNewwNewNewNewNewNeNewssssss FalFFFaFalFalFaFaFaa l 2201301301313300

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Strategic Leader Circle continued

COL (Ret) Gary E. DeKayCDR John A. DemersMr. Donald S. DenboMr. Frederick W. Dennerline IIIBG (Ret) John F. DePueDr. Stephen J. DerbesDerry Presbyterian ChurchAmb. John des GroseilliersMr. Anthony DiazCOL (Ret) Clifford M. DickmanCOL (Ret) Richard P. DiehlCOL Carl David DietzMs. Joann P. DiGennaroCOL (Ret) Earnest Wayne DillBG (Ret) Lyle C. DoerrCOL (Ret) William J. DollLTC (Ret) Thomas S. DombrowskyCol (Ret) Richard C. DoomCOL (Ret) Lawrence C. DotonCOL (Ret) William A. DowMG (Ret) James L. DozierBG (Ret) Henry F. Drewfs, Jr.COL (Ret) Richard G. DubuqueCOL (Ret) Sharon R. DuffyMr. John P. DuganCOL (Ret) Charles D. DugganCOL (Ret) Richard E. DuncanCOL (Ret) Ron Dwane DupreeCOL Robert T. Durbin, Jr.COL (Ret) Harry V. DutchyshynLTG (Ret) Charles W. DykeBG (Ret) Charles K. EbnerCOL (Ret) William G. EckhardtBG (Ret) Joseph L. EcoppiCOL (Ret) Lauris M. Eek, Jr.COL (Ret) Howard C. EggersEight Eighties Wounded Warrior Team, Inc

COL (Ret) Otis J. Elam, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Thomas E. EliasCOL (Ret) Jay H. EllensCOL (Ret) Roy P. Elliott, Jr.COL (Ret) Jeffrey R. ElliottMr. Larry W. EllisMs. Kimberly S. EngelbertBG (Ret) Uzal W. EntBG Robert W. EnzenauerCOL (Ret) David G. EpsteinAnonymousCOL (Ret) Ronald C. EstepCOL (Ret) Christos J. EvangelosCOL (Ret) Gerald T. EvansCOL (Ret) Michael K. EvensonMr. Robert B. EvnenMr. Charles B. Ewing, Jr.LTC (Ret) John W. FalkenburyMG (Ret) Vincent E. Falter

COL (Ret) Robert J. FamilettiBG (Ret) Dallas W. FanningMG (Ret) and Mrs. Kenneth L. Farmer, Jr.

COL John William FasanoCOL (Ret) Jose R. FelicianoCOL John W. FelleisenCOL (Ret) John M E FeretCOL (Ret) Daniel M. FerezanMs. Sharon C. FergusonCOL (Ret) Lee Scott Fields, Jr.COL (Ret) Clifford L. FieldsCOL (Ret) William H. FinckCOL (Ret) Glenn G. FinkbinerCOL (Ret) Albert T. FinnertyCOL (Ret) Ernest W. FischerMrs. Judith FleckCOL (Ret) Paul M. FleenorBG (Ret) Steven W. FlohrMr. Chuck FollettBG (Ret) Evelyn P. FooteCOL (Ret) Ernest H. Fountain, Jr.COL (Ret) Donald L. FowlerBG (Ret) Jack R. FoxMr. Jonathan M. FoxCOL (Ret) Bryan C. FoyCOL (Ret) James A. Fraley, Jr.COL (Ret) Robert B. Franklin, Jr.BG (Ret) Joe N. Frazar IIIDr. Jeffrey S. FreedMG (Ret) James E. FreezeCOL (Ret) James P. FregoCOL (Ret) William D. FreimanCOL Michael E. FrevilleCOL (Ret) Leonard J. FullenkampMr. Terrance R. FulwilerCOL (Ret) William J. FurtadoCOL (Ret) Howard M. Gabbert IICOL (Ret) Jettaka Gammon COL (Ret) John GannonCOL (Ret) Thomas P. GannonCOL (Ret) John M. Gasper, Jr.COL (Ret) Cloyd B. GatrellCOL (Ret) Donald E. GauntnerCOL (Ret) Robert W. Gay, Jr.COL (Ret) Roy S. Geiger, Jr.COL Deborah L. GeigerCOL and Mrs. Frederick J. GellertCOL (Ret) Ray and Eleanor GentiliniCOL (Ret) Robert J. GerardMr. Robert GiaquintoCOL (Ret) John K. GiblerCOL (Ret) Taft R. GilliamDr. Rosario Lindsey GiulianMr. Richard J. GlasierCOL (Ret) D. Peter GleichenhausLTG (Ret) Henry T. GlissonCOL (Ret) Carl V. GloverMr. Jonathan L. Goldfarb

COL (Ret) James E. Gordon, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Thomas R. Gordon, Ph.D.BG (Ret) Dudley J. GordonMrs. Thomas P. GormanDr. Henderson P. GrahamLTG (Ret) Charles P. GrahamCOL (Ret) Wallace D. GramLTG (Ret) David E. Grange, Jr.LTG (Ret) Richard G. GravesLt Gen Claudio GrazianoLTG (Ret) Arthur J. GreggBG (Ret) Gerald Dieter Griffi n, M.D.GEN (Ret) Ronald H. Griffi thThe Honorable John G. GrimesMr. George F. GrodeBG (Ret) Donald J. GudinasBG Louis H. Guernsey, M.D.LTC (Ret) Ronald M. GuibersonCapt. Raymond A. GuidettiMG (Ret) Harold L. GwatneyMr. Stephen R. GwinCOL (Ret) Frank W. HackleyMG (Ret) Raymond E. HaddockCOL Deborah T. HaffeyMG (Ret) Henry M. Hagwood, Jr.COL (Ret) James H. HairstonMr. Charles W. HallCOL (Ret) Kenneth E. HallowayCOL Priscilla H. HamiltonMr. Brian C. HamiltonCOL (Ret) Carl W. Hance, Sr.COL (Ret) Roger W. HansenCOL (Ret) Charles R. Hare, Jr.COL Cheryl Yvette HarmonCOL (Ret) Kevin F. HarringtonMr. Terry L. Harris, CPACOL (Ret) Earl W. Harter, Jr.COL (Ret) Raymond S. HawthorneCOL (Ret) James P. HayesMr. James J. HearnBG (Ret) Hal L. HefnerCOL (Ret) Robert B. HeintzCOL (Ret) Franklin J. HendersonCOL (Ret) Raymond E. HendersonCOL Mary C. HenryMr. John HenselMr. Larry R. HershmanCOL (Ret) John J. Hickey, Jr.CH (MG, Ret) David H. HicksCOL (Ret) Howard E. HightCOL (Ret) Joseph C. HightowerCOL Alberto Miguel HigueraDr. W. Bartley HildrethCOL (Ret) Robert L. Hill, Esq.CH (COL, Ret) Philip W. HillCOL (Ret) David C. HinshawBG (Ret) Edward Y. HirataLTG (Ret) Fred Hissong, Jr.COL (Ret) Peter D. Hoffman

COL (Ret) Robert I. HoidahlCol (Ret) Randall W. HolmMrs. Lisbeth M. HolmbergCOL (Ret) David P. HolmesMs. Penelope S. HorganCOL (Ret) Terrell E. HorneCOL Lawrence E. HowardCOL (Ret) Donald E. HowellCOL (Ret) Jerry A. HubbardMr. Fred E. HunnekeMG (Ret) Milton HunterCOL (Ret) Paul W. IhrkeMG (Ret) Donald R. InfanteLTG (Ret) Joseph R. IngeInstitute for the FutureCOL (Ret) William R. IrvinCOL (Ret) James S. Irwin, Jr.MG (Ret) Roderick J. IslerMG (Ret) Robert R. IvanyCOL (Ret) Daniel J. Jackson, Jr.COL (Ret) Allen C. Jacobs, Jr.COL (Ret) Camie L. JarvisCOL (Ret) Charles N. JayMr. William E. Jayne, Jr.Mr. Michael JeffersCOL (Ret) Lewis I. JeffriesMrs. Wanda L. JepsenCOL (Ret) Patricia A. JerniganCOL (Ret) Henry L S JezekCOL (Ret) Elizabeth Liechti JohnsonCOL (Ret) Mark H. JohnsonCOL Darfus L. JohnsonCOL (Ret) Larry M. JonasMr. Frank L. Jones, Jr.COL (Ret) Arland A. JonesCOL (Ret) Donald H. JonesMG James R. JosephCOL (Ret) James H. Joy, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Antoine J.M. JumelleCOL (Ret) Ralph E. KahlanDr. Peter S. Kay, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Harry James Keats, Jr.COL (Ret) Ulrich H. KellerDr. Christian Boyd KellerCOL (Ret) Patrick Kelly IIICH (MG, Ret) Orris E. KellyCOL (Ret) Edward Jay KellyCOL (Ret) Herbert S. KenigsbergCOL (Ret) Leo KennedyMr. Richard M. KesslerMAJ Gwynne E. KinleyCOL (Ret) Jerry R. KirkCOL (Ret) Andre C. KirnesMrs. Gretchen KittsCOL (Ret) Carolyn F. KleinerMr. Gregory A. Kleva, Jr.LTC Christopher Matthew KocCOL (Ret) Rolland A. KoreskiCOL (Ret) Edward S. Kowalewski

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 19FalFalFaFFFF l 2l 20130133333333331 FouFoFoFFFouFououuFouFFouFouFFouFoF ndandandandndandandandaadndandandandndaaandandndan tiotiotiotion &n &n && && AlAlAlAlAllAlAA umnumnumumnmmnumnummnnumnumumnniii Ni Ni NN NNNewewewwwswswswswswsewsewswssswe sssse 11999999199

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Strategic Leader Circle continued

COL (Ret) Thomas A. KrueglerHon. James E. KuhnCOL (Ret) Elena KuskyMG (Ret) Lawrence F. LafrenzMG (Ret) Dennis J. LaichMG (Ret) Robert A. LameRADM William H. LangenbergCOL David N. LangleyCOL (Ret) John V. LantermanCOL (Ret) Thomas LanyiBG (Ret) Eugene R. LanzilloMG (Ret) Donald R. LasherCOL (Ret) Alan L. LaubscherBG (Ret) Joseph O. Lax, Jr.COL (Ret) Raymond LeaheyCOL (Ret) David E. LeckroneMGen (Ret) Paul M. Lee, Jr.COL (Ret) Ross B. LeidyCOL (Ret) Rufus E. Lester, Jr.COL (Ret) John C. LevangerBG (Ret) Joseph S. LevineMr. Robert LevineMaj Gen (Ret) Richard B H LewisMr. Charles R. and Mrs. Janet J. LiebMr. John LiepaCH (COL, Ret) Bernard H. Lieving, Jr.COL (Ret) Richard L. Lininger, Jr.COL (Ret) James R. LinnenCantor Michael Li-PazCOL Andrew J. LippertMG (Ret) Paul R. ListerCOL (Ret) Richard E. Littlefi eldCOL Richard B. Littleton, Jr.COL (Ret) Luther R. LloydProf. James R. Locher IIICOL Kathleen A. LoftsMs. Stephanie A. LokmerMr. Lawrence LoPrestiCOL (Ret) Harold W. Lord, Jr.COL (Ret) Miller L. Love, Jr.COL (Ret) James E. LoveMs. Kathryn LuCOL (Ret) David J. LynchMG (Ret) Thomas P. LynchMs. Susan E. LynchCOL (Ret) Marvis F. LynesBG (Ret) John Y. H. MaCOL (Ret) Roger T. MacLeodCOL (Ret) Carlos MadridMr. Karl O. Magnusen, Ph.D.MG (Ret) Warren A.E. MagruderCOL Francis Scott MainMr. Michael G. ManesBG (Ret) Nikitas C. ManitsasCOL (Ret) Charles M. MarshallCOL (Ret) Thomas J. MarshallCOL (Ret) Richard C. Martin

COL (Ret) Richard S. MasonCOL (Ret) Franklin D. MastroCOL J. Hunter MathewsBG (Ret) Gerald R. MattesonCOL (Ret) Lloyd J. MatthewsBG (Ret) John A. MaurerCOL Todd A. MayerMs. Cheryl D. McAuleyCOL (Ret) Laurence W. McCabeCOL (Ret) Anita H. McCowenMG (Ret) J. Hollis V. McCrea, Jr.MG (Ret) John H. McDonaldMs. Virginia McDowellMG (Ret) James C. McElroy, Jr.Mr. John F. McFasselCOL (Ret) Billy J. McGowanCOL (Ret) Stewart K. McGregorMr. Andre McGuireMrs. Connie McHughMr. W. Shelby McKenzieCOL (Ret) Danny R. McKnightCOL William James McLaenCOL (Ret) Joel E. McLeod, Jr.COL (Ret) Richard K. McNealyMs. Karen R. MeansMG (Ret) Henry W. MeetzeDr. Gerardo J. MelendezCOL (Ret) John T. MelvinCOL (Ret) Mark E. MerandaMrs. Kay H. MerrillCOL (Ret) James L. MesserCOL (Ret) Mary L. MesserschmidtCOL Allen L. MeyerMs. Catherine S. MichaelsonCOL (Ret) Hans and Mrs. MargeMijocevic

LTG (Ret) Paul T. MikolashekCOL (Ret) Clarence A. Miller, Jr.COL (Ret) George Matthew Miller, Jr.COL (Ret) Kent D. Miller, Jr.COL (Ret) Ward A. Miller, Sr.COL (Ret) Harold L. MillerDr. Larry D. MillerCOL (Ret) Glenn W. Mitchell, M.D.COL (Ret) Joseph D. MolinariCOL (Ret) Gordon K. MooreCOL (Ret) James D. MooreMAJ (Ret) Joanne E. MooreRADM Carlton D. MooreCOL Christopher J. MorganMr. Larry MorganCOL (Ret) Michael M. MorseDr. June R. MossBG (Ret) John W. MountcastleLTC (Ret) Ralph F. MuellerMr. David MulliganBG (Ret) Robert M. MurdockCOL James Howard MurphyBG Mandi A. Murray

COL (Ret) Charles T. Myers IIICOL (Ret) James C. Myers, Jr.Gen (Ret) Richard B. MyersCOL (Ret) Harry W. NagelCOL Donald E. NallsMG (Ret) Michael J. Nardotti, Jr.MG (Ret) William L. NashAmb. Harvey F. NelsonCOL (Ret) Ronald B. NemethCOL (Ret) John T. NettlingLTC (Ret) Clayton R. NewellCOL (Ret) Albert NewtonMs. Ella Jean NicholsLTG (Ret) Jack P. Nix, Jr.LTG (Ret) Max W. NoahCOL James H. North, Jr.COL (Ret) William E. NuttCOL (Ret) Frank P. OakleyCOL (Ret) David F. O’BrienCOL (Ret) John J. O’Connell, Jr.COL Daeyvid S. O Lochlayne, J.D.LTG (Ret) Malcolm R. O’NeillMr. Cyril Okemewa OnewokaeMr. John J. OnufrakCOL (Ret) William S. OrlovCOL (Ret) John F. OrndorffCOL Blake C. OrtnerDr. Pilar N. OssorioLTG (Ret) John P. OtjenCOL (Ret) John K. Ottley, Jr.COL (Ret) Alfred H. Paddock, Jr.COL (Ret) John J. PajakCOL (Ret) Vincent E. Palmeri, Jr.Mr. John S. PalmoreCOL (Ret) Louis A. PappasMrs. Catherine B ParaCOL (Ret) Joseph L. Parlas, Jr.COL (Ret) Stanley J. ParmentierCAPT (Ret) William I. ParrishCOL (Ret) Bruce E. PattersonMG (Ret) Walter A. PaulsonMG John W. PeabodyCOL (Ret) Michael A. PearsonCOL (Ret) Edouard A. PeloquinMr. Karl PelvertsCOL (Ret) Kerney A. Peoples, Jr.MG (Ret) John S. PeppersMs. Christine PerneskiMr. James Kirk PerrinCOL (Ret) Brian C. PerrisCOL (Ret) Gregg E. PetersenCOL (Ret) James C. PetersonCOL (Ret) Paul W. PhillipsCOL Paul Michael PhillipsBG (Ret) Stuart C. PikeMG (Ret) Milton A. PilcherCOL (Ret) William R. PinkstonCOL (Ret) William C. PinsonCOL (Ret) Richard F. Plechner

LTC (Ret) Kevin Douglas PolingMG (Ret) Robert A. PollmannCOL (Ret) Lewington S. PonderCOL (Ret) Robert A. PortanteBG (Ret) Richard W. Potter, Jr.Mr. Timothy W. PottsBG (Ret) Darryl H. PowellCOL (Ret) Richard W. Prendergast, Jr.COL (Ret) Michael L. PriceCOL (Ret) James H. Proctor, Jr.MG (Ret) Hawthorne L. ProctorCOL (Ret) Jason K. Psaltides, Esq.Dr. George P. PsihasMr. Keith B. QuigleyMr. Wynn L. Radford IIIMs. Chandler M. RalphCOL (Ret) Maurice H. RalstonCol William Frank RatledgeRed Lion VFW Post 1446COL (Ret) Anthony T. ReedCOL (Ret) Hollis T. ReedCOL (Ret) Jean D. ReedAppreciative NSS AlumCOL Carl Thomas Reese, M.D.LTC (Ret) John F. ReidMr. Donald H. ReimannMr. Eli ReinhardCol Jeff S. RenierCOL (Ret) Paula D. RenshawCOL (Ret) Bruce A. ResnakMrs. Rebecca S. ReynaCOL (Ret) Thomas A. RhenMr. Ronald E. RhodyCOL (Ret) Davis M. RichardsonMs. Janice RicksMrs. Dagmar B. RivesCOL Gregory W. RobinetteAnonymousCOL (Ret) George J. RobinsonDr. William I. Rodier IIICOL (Ret) Richard M. RodneyCOL (Ret) Carl G. RoeLTC (Ret) James David RoellgenCOL (Ret) John B. RogersCOL (Ret) William T. RogersonCOL (Ret) Steven L. RoopCOL (Ret) Everette L. Roper, Jr.COL (Ret) Robert S. RoseCOL (Ret) Kenton E. RossBG (Ret) Alfred T. RossiMr. Steven J. RoyCOL (Ret) William F. RyallCOL (Ret) Frank G. SalimbeneCOL Peter J. SammarcoCOL (Ret) Thomas F. SanderCol (Ret) Walter I. D. SasserMr. Barton L. SatskyBG (Ret) Robert G. SausserCOL (Ret) Edwin M. Savacool, Jr.

20 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 201320202020 FoFoundundatiationon & A& AAlumlumumlumlumumlumninininnin NewNewwNewNewNewNewNeNewssssss FalFFFaFalFalFaFaFaa l 2201301301313300

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Strategic Leader Circle continued

BG (Ret) John R. ScalesLtCol Julie Cae SchafferMr. Douglas B. SchellengCOL (Ret) Heinz A. SchiemannCOL (Ret) Robert P. Schloesser, Ph.D.Mr. Jeffrey R. SchmidDr. Linda N. Schoen GiddingsCOL (Ret) Charles W. SchudtMr. William H. SchulerCOL (Ret) Jeffery L. SchwanderLTC (Ret) Robert L. SchwarzCol (Ret) Alvin C. Schweizer IICOL (Ret) George G. SchwenkCOL (Ret) Timothy C. ScobieCol (Ret) Jason C. SealLTG (Ret) Richard J. SeitzCOL (Ret) Hubert S. Shaw, Jr.Col (Ret) Robert G. ShawCol (Ret) Brian Y. ShiroyamaCOL (Ret) Cyrus R. ShockeyCOL (Ret) James R. SiketMG (Ret) Stephen Silvasy, Jr.COL (Ret) Bedford J. SilveyCol (Ret) John D. SimsLTG (Ret) Jerry L. SinnCOL (Ret) Lawrence E. Skelly IICOL (Ret) John Norman SloanCOL (Ret) Charles F. SmithCOL (Ret) Norbert F. SmithLTC Douglas Scott SmithMr. Frank Marsh SmithProf. Richard H. SmythMG (Ret) Charles R. Sniffi nCOL Robert Alan Snyder, Jr.COL (Ret) William P. SnyderCOL (Ret) Arnold H. SoederCOL (Ret) Paul F. SomervilleCOL (Ret) Lawrence E. Sommers IIICOL (Ret) David E. SpauldingCOL (Ret) Robert J. SpidelMs. Jo L. SpielvogelMG (Ret) David W. StallingsCAPT (Ret) Norman F. SteinMs. Susan Steinhauser andMr. Daniel Greenberg

LTC (Ret) Sava M. StepanovitchMG (Ret) Elmer Lewis StephensMG (Ret) William A. StofftMG (Ret) Donald C. StormCOL (Ret) Don M. StotserLTC (Ret) Douglas S. StrackMG (Ret) William F. StreeterDr. Robert A. StrongMG (Ret) Michael D. StrongMG (Ret) Ansel M. Stroud, Jr.COL (Ret) Alan M. StullCOL (Ret) Theodore M. Stults II

COL (Ret) Warren R. StumpeMG (Ret) Robert J. SunellCOL (Ret) Richard L. SutterMaj Gen (Ret) Leroy W. Svendsen, Jr.CH (COL, Ret) Calvin H. Sydnor IIIBG (Ret) Lance A. TalmageLTC (Ret) David L. TannenbaumCOL (Ret) Robert H. TaylorCOL Robert E. TebergLTC (Ret) Richard D. TerrellCOL (Ret) Peter J. ThedeCOL (Ret) Stanley E. ThomasBG George R. Thompson, Jr.LTG (Ret) James E. Thompson, Jr.BG Tracy A. ThompsonCOL (Ret) Gerald B. ThompsonCOL (Ret) Ralph A. ThompsonCOL (Ret) Cary T. ThreatCOL (Ret) Walter P. TibbettsCOL (Ret) Willard N. Timm, Jr.BG (Ret) Warren A. Todd, Jr.Col (Ret) Frederic L. TollesonCOL (Ret) Meredith T. Tomlinson, Jr.COL (Ret) Robert L. TonseticCOL (Ret) Thomas G. TorranceBG (Ret) John G. TownsendDr. and Mrs. Richard T. TravisLTG (Ret) Richard G. TrefryCOL (Ret) Joseph W. TrezMG (Ret) Edward L. TrobaughCOL (Ret) Andre J. TrottierCOL (Ret) Gregory L. TroutmanLTC (Ret) Robert M. TwissMs. Martha TyrochCOL (Ret) Robert R. UlinCOL (Ret) Melvin R. Van DykeCAPT Vincent J. van JoolenBG (Ret) Arthur R. VandePoeleLTC (Ret) Robert E. VermetteVFW Memorial Post 8851 BoilingSprings

Ms. Maureen O. ViallLTC (Ret) John F. Votaw, Sr.MG William D. R. WaffCOL (Ret) Theodore L. WagnerCOL (Ret) Jeffrey A. WaiteLTC Nancy Anna WaldronBG (Ret) Thomas S. WalkerCol (Ret) J. Rodney WaltonMG (Ret) William F. WardCOL (Ret) Michael L. WarnerCOL (Ret) Dwight D. WatkinsBG (Ret) Jimmy R. WatsonMG (Ret) William L. Webb, Jr.COL (Ret) William E. WeberMr. Philip C. Wehle, Jr.COL (Ret) David J. WehrlyCOL Brett D. WeigleBG (Ret) Richard G. Weinberg

COL (Ret) Sherman WeisingerCOL David Scott WernerCOL Scott Randolph WestDr. J. Michael WestCOL (Ret) Charles H. Weyhenmeyer, Jr.BG (Ret) Paul T. WeyrauchAnonymousBG (Ret) and COL (Ret)Wheelwright

COL (Ret) Jack A. WhiteCOL (Ret) James R. WhiteMr. Howard G. Whitley IIIBG (Ret) Charles L. WhitlockCOL (Ret) Richard I. WilesBG (Ret) Terry L. WileyCOL (Ret) John F. Wilhelmy, Jr.Col (Ret) Raymond H. WillcocksCOL (Ret) Hugh A. WilliamsCOL (Ret) Thomas J. WilliamsMrs. Coralie C. WilliamsMs. Beth A. WilliamsCOL (Ret) Darrel A. WilliamsonCOL (Ret) Norman L. WilliamsonCOL (Ret) Richard C. WillisCOL (Ret) William Gerald WillisCOL (Ret) Roy L. Wilshire, P.E.COL (Ret) Daniel M. WilsonMG (Ret) Patrick D. WilsonMr. Robert Forrest WinchesterCOL (Ret) Barringer F. Wingard, Jr.MG (Ret) William P. Winkler, Jr.COL (Ret) Michael J. WinslowBG (Ret) Stanley W. Wisnioski, Jr.COL (Ret) William L. Witham, Jr.COL (Ret) Charles A. WokutchBG Wilbur E. Wolf IIICOL (Ret) Kelly A. WolgastAnonymousCol (Ret) Walter J. WoodCOL (Ret) Donald L. WoodhouseCOL (Ret) Steven G. WoodsCOL (Ret) Gerald L. WrightMG (Ret) Daniel V. WrightMr. Roland D. WussowLTG (Ret) Kenneth R. WykleCOL (Ret) Ray J. YantisCOL (Ret) Harry R. YargerBG Garrett S. YeeCOL (Ret) Joseph O. YorkCOL (Ret) Samuel R. YoungCOL (Ret) James H. YoungquistMG (Ret) David T. Zabecki, Ph.D.Ms. Yvonne L. ZeccaCOL (Ret) Carl M. ZilianCOL (Ret) Patrick D. ZimlichMG Bruce E. ZukauskasMr. John M. Zurisko

Friends of USAWC($99 and Below)

COL (Ret) Alden D. AckelsCOL (Ret) Albert A. AckermanCAPT William Joseph Adams, Jr.LTC (Ret) Dorothy A. AdamsMG (Ret) Jerald N. AlbrechtCOL (Ret) M. James Aldrich, Jr.COL (Ret) Judith W. AlexanderCOL Francisco F. Alicea, Jr.COL (Ret) Jack R. AlsopCDR Thomas R. AndersonCOL (Ret) Amanda L. AndersonCOL (Ret) Louis H. AndersonMr. Levon AndersonCol (Ret) David A. Anderson, USMCCOL (Ret) Wayne W. AsayCOL (Ret) Ronald H. AverillCOL (Ret) Franklin R. BabbBG (Ret) Mark R. BaileyBG (Ret) Edward Stan BaldwinCOL (Ret) John E. BallCOL (Ret) Werner W. BanischCOL (Ret) James C. BarbaraBG (Ret) Dale R. BarberCOL (Ret) Dennis A. BassettCOL (Ret) John H. BattsMr. Robert S BeasleyCOL (Ret) C. Duncan BeaumontBG (Ret) Raymond E. Bell, Jr.COL (Ret) Anthony B. BellCOL (Ret) Diane L. BerardMr. William Paul BergstenCOL (Ret) John A. Berry IIIMG (Ret) Peter T. BerryCOL (Ret) Thomas L. BertaCOL (Ret) William R. BetsonCOL (Ret) Paul A. BigelmanCOL (Ret) Dean F. BlandMG (Ret) David R. BockelCOL (Ret) Milton BogolubBG (Ret) Philip L. BolteBG (Ret) Lewis Thomas BookerCOL Charles M. BorgLTC (Ret) Norman L. BowersLTC Bowlman Tarleton BowlesCOL (Ret) Paul B. Boyd, Jr.COL (Ret) William A. Bradley, Jr.COL (Ret) John K. BradshawCOL (Ret) Douglas A. BraendelMs. Beth Brent and Mr. RodDuChemin

Mr. Louis B. BreseeCOL (Ret) and Mrs. Gregory A.Brockman

Col (Ret) John H. BroujosMr. William Brown IIICOL (Ret) Charles L. Brown, Jr.

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 21FalFalFaFFFF l 2l 20130133333333331 FouFoFoFFFouFououuFouFFouFouFFouFoF ndandandandndandandandaadndandandandndaaandandndan tiotiotiotion &n &n && && AlAlAlAlAllAlAA umnumnumumnmmnumnummnnumnumumnniii Ni Ni NN NNNewewewwwswswswswswsewsewswssswe sssse 221211111211

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Friends of USAWC continued

COL (Ret) Wayne K. Brown, Jr.COL (Ret) David W. BrownCOL (Ret) Thomas L. BrownMG (Ret) Donald J. BrownCOL (Ret) Thomas E. BroylesMG (Ret) Clay T. BuckinghamLTC (Ret) Paul A. J. BueDr. Richard Craig BullisCOL (Ret) Richard and MargeBullock

Dr. Robert J. BunkerCOL (Ret) David D. BuntonCOL (Ret) Marland J. BurckhardtCOL (Ret) Clark A. BurnettCOL (Ret) David H. BurpeeCol (Ret) Thaddeus E. BurrCOL (Ret) Raymond E. BurrellDr. James H. BurtonCOL (Ret) Alan G. ButkiCOL (Ret) Michael F. CalcaterraCOL (Ret) James L. CampbellDr. John R. CampbellLTC (Ret) Roger F. X. CarneyCOL (Ret) Leslie D. Carter, Jr.Mr. Charles Michael CassidyMr. Leonard A. CecereCOL (Ret) Brion V. ChabotCOL (Ret) George ChalustowskiCOL (Ret) Neil M. ChapinCOL (Ret) Scott ChapmanCOL Randall Keith CheeseboroughCOL (Ret) Jon E. Chicky, Jr.COL (Ret) Ted Allen CimralCOL (Ret) Lawrence G. ClaytonCOL (Ret) Kenneth H. ClowCOL (Ret) Edward L. ColbyCOL (Ret) Ralph N. ColeMG (Ret) Thomas F. ColeCOL (Ret) John ComparettoCOL (Ret) John F. Concannon IIICOL (Ret) John F. ConlonCOL (Ret) Kevin T. ConnellyMG (Ret) Anthony H. Conrad, Jr.LTC Paul Richard ConteThe Honorable Colleen ConwayCooney

Brig Gen Stephen D. CotterMG Anthony A. Cucolo IIICOL (Ret) Ronald T. CyrCOL (Ret) Burt DallCOL (Ret) Robert W. DalrympleMr. George W. Daneker, Sr.COL (Ret) Stephen J. Dangerfi eldCOL (Ret) John D. DavenportCOL Judith Ann DavenportCOL (Ret) Donald L. DavidsonCOL (Ret) Edward L. Davis

COL Robert Brian DavisCOL (Ret) Willie Day, Jr.BG Arlan Michael DeBlieckMs. Joan Marie DeemCOL (Ret) Richard G. DeleisseguesCOL Craig Stephen DenneyAnonymousCOL (Ret) John W. DePauwCOL (Ret) John W. DevensCOL David D. DeVoy IICOL Barry Di RuzzaAmb. Francois M. DickmanCOL (Ret) Kenneth B. DigreMrs. Marlene & Col (Ret) DouglasDoehle

COL (Ret) Robert DolanCOL (Ret) Charles J. DominiqueCOL (Ret) Clarence B. DrennonCOL (Ret) Arthur E. Dunn, Jr.AnonymousMG (Ret) George A. Edwards, Jr.COL Scott Lawrence Effl andtCOL (Ret) George L. Eitel, Jr.COL (Ret) George V. EllisMr. James N. EnyartCOL (Ret) Philip M. EvansMG (Ret) Dennis J. FaganCOL (Ret) Edward L. FaisonCOL (Ret) Thomas E. FaleyMG (Ret) Barbara G. FastCOL (Ret) Uldric L. Fiore, Jr.COL (Ret) David G. Fitz-EnzCOL (Ret) William J. FlanaganMG Ferg I. FoleyCOL (Ret) Frank C. Foster, Jr.LTC Bradley James FosterLTG (Ret) James F. FretterdCOL and Mrs. David A. FrisoneBG (Ret) Santo J. FruscioneMr. Edward R. Frye, Jr.COL (Ret) Bill FugittCOL (Ret) Pamela A. M. FunkCOL (Ret) Daniel E. FurtadoCOL (Ret) William O. GallMr. Paul S. GardinerLTC (Ret) Mario GargiuloCOL (Ret) David W. GaviganCOL (Ret) Edwin P. GeeseyCOL (Ret) Mark H. GernerCOL (Ret) George R. GilesMr. Jimmy B. GillCOL Karl GinterCOL (Ret) Gerald E. GlassCOL (Ret) Daniel B. GlodowskiBG John GoodaleCOL (Ret) Chandler GoodnowMG (Ret) Charles E. GortonCOL (Ret) David L. GrayCOL (Ret) Kenneth N. Greenlaw, Jr.

BG (Ret) David E. GreerCOL (Ret) Paul L. GrosskrugerMG (Ret) Max Guggenheimer, Jr.Col (Ret) Paul F. GuzowskiCOL Jay D. HadenMG (Ret) Craig A. HaganMr. Brien HallettCOL (Ret) John Paul HalvorsenCOL (Ret) Edward A. HamiltonCOL (Ret) Charles M. HansonMr. Olaf T. HarkenCOL (Ret) William R. HarnagelCOL (Ret) William T. Harris IIICOL (Ret) Chester R. Harris, Jr.COL (Ret) Cecil B. HarrisCOL Charles K. HarrisMr. Gurnee F. HartCOL (Ret) James G. HattersleyMs. Cheryl HecklerCOL Kevin C. HegartyCOL (Ret) Paul C. HemmerDr. Gregory L. HenryCOL Stephen B. HenselCOL (Ret) Curtis J. Herrick, Jr.CAPT (Ret) Frank T. HinchyMG (Ret) John A. Hoefl ingMr. Eric E. Hogan, Jr.COL (Ret) James F. HolcombCOL (Ret) John E. Holland, Jr.COL (Ret) David R. HoltgrieveCOL (Ret) Joseph W. HouseCOL (Ret) James M. Houseworth IVCOL (Ret) John R. HowellMr. John C. HutchesonCOL (Ret) C Powell HuttonCOL Robert A. HylandCOL (Ret) Victor D. IrvinBG Lewis G. IrwinCOL (Ret) Robert C. JackleMG Jeffrey A. JacobsCOL (Ret) James Robert JagielskiCOL (Ret) Charles R. JohnsonCOL Russell Dexter JohnsonBG (Ret) Thomas C. JonesCol Diane Marie JonesCOL (Ret) William H. JordanCOL (Ret) Michael R. JorgensenCOL (Ret) Ralph W. JulianCOL (Ret) Charles J. Kacsur, Jr.COL (Ret) James G. KalangesDr. Paul Rexton KanCol (Ret) Lester K KataharaDr. William D. KautzCOL (Ret) Arthur J. KeatingCOL (Ret) Matthew J. KeatingMr. Richard F. KeeveyCH (COL, Ret) Herman J. Keizer, Jr.BG (Ret) Joseph P. KellyLTC (Ret) Ray J. Kendall

COL (Ret) Charles A. KenglaCOL (Ret) Jonathan H. KentCol (Ret) William D. KentMr. James E. KentMr. Thomas T. KernCOL (Ret) Carol A. KerrCOL (Ret) Frederick R. KienleProf. James O. KievitCOL (Ret) Carl E. KincheloeCOL (Ret) Alwyn H. King, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Alfred R. KittsCOL (Ret) George R. KlebBG Keith A. KlemmerCAPT (Ret) Steven W. KnottCOL Richard William KucksdorfCOL (Ret) Clifford M. KurrusAnonymousMr. Anthony M. LacenereCOL (Ret) Marvin E. LackeyMG (Ret) Joseph M. LankCOL (Ret) Charles W. Larson, Sr.Mr. Douglas M. LaVioletteCOL (Ret) Joseph P. LearyLTC (Ret) William E. Lee, Jr.COL Richard D. LeonardCOL (Ret) Seymour W. LiebmannCOL Vincent Ray LindenmeyerAnonymousCOL (Ret) H Thacher LinkeCOL (Ret) Philip E. LivermoreCOL (Ret) David J. LofgrenMG (Ret) Joseph M. LojekLTC (Ret) Samuel LombardoCOL (Ret) Brian A. LovattCOL (Ret) Thomas A. LoweCOL (Ret) Daniel J. LynchCOL Laura McKnight MackenzieDr. Thomas A. MagnellCOL (Ret) John C. MaherCol John Richard MahoneyCOL (Ret) Thomas R. MannCOL (Ret) Thomas J. ManningMr. David F. ManningCOL (Ret) Max G. ManwaringMr. Louis J. ManziCOL Steven Paul MarchCOL Timothy MarlarCOL (Ret) Albert R. MarshallMrs. Patricia M. MatthewsCOL (Ret) Wm. Richard MattoxCOL (Ret) James S. McCallumMr. John F. McCarthy IIIMG (Ret) Charles E. McCartney, Jr.Mrs. Jasper M. McCurdyCOL (Ret) John M. McDonaldCOL Michael Wayne McDougalCOL (Ret) Margaret J. McGeeMG (Ret) Charles I. McGinnisCOL (Ret) John R. McQuestion

22 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 201322222222 FoFoundundatiationon & A& AAlumlumumlumlumumlumninininnin NewNewwNewNewNewNewNeNewssssss FalFFFaFalFalFaFaFaa l 2201301301313300

HONOR ROLL2013 Donor Honor Roll Donations for the period August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013

Friends of USAWC continued

COL (Ret) Thomas W. McShaneLTC (Ret) James N. MeadeCOL (Ret) Arthur C. Meier IICOL (Ret) Edward MennonaCOL (Ret) George H. MessengerCOL (Ret) Aubrey F. Messing, Ph.D.Mr. Robert H. MetcalfCOL (Ret) Dawn L. MichaudBG (Ret) Bruce T. MiketinacCOL (Ret) Jon M. MillnerCOL Lawrence King Montgomery, Jr.CDR Brian T. MontgomeryCOL (Ret) Michael B. MontgomeryMG (Ret) Howard T. MooneyCOL (P) Kenneth H. Moore, Jr.COL (Ret) Nicholas J. MoranaCol Michael F. MorrisBG (Ret) Harry J. Mott IIICOL (Ret) Jay C. MumfordCOL (Ret) Edward C. Murphy, M.D.COL Everett H. NagelCOL (Ret) Francis E. NaughtonCOL (Ret) Darrell W. NelsonMr. J. David NelsonMr. John B. NergerMs. Mariane NewtonMs. Betty L. NoakesCOL (Ret) Louis J. NorthCOL David M. OaksMrs. Elizabeth D. OdellCOL (Ret) Alexander M. OkimotoCOL (Ret) Michael J. OldhamLTG (Ret) Robert L. Ord IIIBG (Ret) Nicholas Ostapenko, J.D.COL Augustus L. Owens IIBG (Ret) Donald F. PackardCOL Ernest T. ParkerCOL (Ret) James A. PassmoreBG (Ret) Jude W. P. PatinCAPT (Ret) Bruce M. PattersonCOL (Ret) James H. Paul, Jr.LTC William Lee Peace, Sr.Mr. Mark R. PerryCOL (Ret) Peter B. PetersenCOL (Ret) Joseph A. PezzulloMG Harry J. Philips, Jr.COL (Ret) James H. PhillipsCOL (Ret) James T. Pratt IIICOL (Ret) Steven M. PriceCOL (Ret) Lee J. Pryor

Quickel Evangelical LutheranChurch

Mr. Robert J. Radel, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Victor G. Raphael, Jr.COL (Ret) Charles R. RashCOL (Ret) A. Allen RasperMr. John Lee RatcliffeLTC (Ret) Randy W. ReadshawCOL (Ret) Robert H. Reardon, Jr.COL (Ret) Jackson C. ReavillCol (Ret) Thomas P. ReddenMr. John R. ReedMG (Ret) Raymond F. ReesSGT Sean Paul RicardCOL (Ret) Terry L. and Mrs. Joette L.Rice

AnonymousCOL (Ret) John E. RichCOL (Ret) Michael H. RichardsCOL (Ret) OBrene RichardsonCOL (Ret) William E. RidderMr. Gregory RingMr. l. Jeff RissmanMG (Ret) George R. Robertson, P.E.COL (Ret) George Frazier Robinson IIICOL (Ret) Kathleen M. RoehrCOL (Ret) Cranston R. RogersCOL (Ret) R. Joe RogersCOL (Ret) Keith C. RogersonDr. Thomas J. RohnerCOL (Ret) Albert L. RomaneskiMG (Ret) Jon R. RootCOL (Ret) Louis RoseCOL (Ret) Marvin RosensteinCOL (Ret) Curtis W. RoslerCOL (Ret) John H. Roush, Jr.COL (Ret) James R. RowanLt Col (Ret) Toben I. RowerMr. Jeffrey C. RubensteinBG (Ret) Floyd L. RunyonCOL (Ret) Thomas B. RussellCOL (Ret) Alphonse F. Russo, Jr.COL (Ret) Robert J. SamplMG (Ret) Anthony S. SarbanesCOL (Ret) Donald C. SchaeberleAnonymousCOL (Ret) Robert F. Schlegel, Jr.COL (Ret) Michael N. Schleupner, Jr.COL (Ret) James D. Schultz, Jr.BG (Ret) William J. SchumacherCOL (Ret) Brooke Schumm, Jr.COL (Ret) John Logan Schutz

Dr. William A. SchwerCOL (Ret) Carl B. ScipleBG (Ret) Charles M. Scott, Jr.COL (Ret) Herb and Pat SegalCOL (Ret) Noble H. Sevier IIMG (Ret) Robert D. ShadleyCOL (Ret) Roland H. ShamburekCOL (Ret) Richard L. ShilesCOL (Ret) John P. Shillinglaw, Jr.COL (Ret) Alexander P. ShineCOL James D. Shumway IVMr. John A. SiegfriedThe Honorable Roger H. Sirlin, Esq.COL (Ret) James K. Skeens, P.E.COL (Ret) Charles St John Smith, Jr.COL (Ret) Ronald M. SmithMr. James E. SmithMrs. Elizabeth C. SmithBG (Ret) Jerry C. SmithersMr. Gary S. SosnieckiCOL (Ret) James R. SpackmanMG (Ret) Clyde W. Spence, Jr.Col (Ret) Paul N. SpencerCOL (Ret) Len SpiritoCOL (Ret) Joseph V. Spitler, Jr.BG (Ret) Thomas R. Sprenger, M.D.COL (Ret) Frank H. Spriggs, Jr.COL (Ret) Victor E. StameyLTC (Ret) Michael E. StamilioCOL (Ret) Todd R. StarbuckMG (Ret) Richard E. StearneyCOL (Ret) Edward P. StefanikCOL Christopher W. StockelCOL (Ret) William T. StockhausenDr. Alan G. StolbergCOL (Ret) Jeffrey P. StolrowCOL (Ret) Thomas R. Stone, Ph.D.COL (Ret) Nicholas L. StraffonCol (Ret) Jack C. StrasserCOL (Ret) Shand H. StringhamMr. Joseph T. N. SuarezRADM John J. SweeneyCOL (Ret) James R. TalleyMG (Ret) Will H. TankersleyCOL (Ret) Edwin S. TankinsCOL (Ret) Eugene A. Taylor, Jr.COL (Ret) Herbie R. TaylorCOL (Ret) Richard H. TaylorCOL (Ret) Vincent J. TedescoMG (Ret) Merdith W. B. TempleCOL (Ret) Donald I. ThiessGEN (Ret) John H. Tilelli, Jr.

Col (Ret) David F. TippettCOL (Ret) Pierre L. TitardCOL (Ret) John F. TroxellCOL (Ret) Nicholas J. TurchianoMr. John M. TurongianCOL (Ret) Ronald R. UshijimaCDR Richard T. VallinCOL (Ret) Paul V. ValvoCOL (Ret) William A. Van HornCAPT Peter Marc Van SteeDr. Anthony A. VasileCOL (Ret) James A. VelezisCOL (Ret) Anthony J. VergopiaMs. Deborah H. VergosCOL (Ret) Robert V. VermillionCOL (Ret) Eric H. VielerCOL (Ret) John R. VilasCOL (Ret) Alan G. Vitters, Ph.D.Mr. Arvind VoraCOL (Ret) Leonard M. WagmanCOL (Ret) Carl D. WalbeckCol (Ret) Roy A. WalkerCOL (Ret) Sally L. WallaceCOL (Ret) Robert A. WatsonCOL (Ret) Hershel B. WebbCOL (Ret) John R. WesterveltCOL (Ret) Robert S. WetterstroemCol Scott L. WheelerCOL You-Ying W. WhippleCOL (Ret) Kenneth H. White, Jr.BG (Ret) Dennis A. WilkieCOL (Ret) James E. Willoughby, Jr.COL Kevin J. WilsonMr. L. Sam WilsonCOL (Ret) David M. WinklerCOL (Ret) Arthur C. WinnDr. Robert S. WoodCOL (Ret) James R. Woodall, Jr.COL (Ret) Charles A. P. WoodbeckMG (Ret) Stephen R. Woods, Jr.COL (Ret) Larry M. WortzelBG (Ret) Stephen N. XenakisCOL (Ret) Branislav YaichCOL (Ret) Kenneth K. YamanouchiCOL (Ret) Conrad H. YarmoffCOL (Ret) Morris M. YoungMr. Dean A. ZajicekCOL (Ret) Paul E. ZigoMr. Tony ZizziLTC (Ret) William E. ZleitMr. Michael P. Zumwinkle

This report serves not only as an expression of our grateful appreciation, but also as a means of helping us verify ourrecords. We strive to be accurate and complete in all that we do. Please inform us of any inaccuracies or omissionsand we will gladly correct our records. Thank you.

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 23

TAPSTAPS Fall 2013RES – ResidentDCS – Department of Corresponding StudiesDDE – Department of Distance Education

(DCS renamed as of 1 Jun 98)SRCOC – Senior Reserve Component Offi cers Course

USAWCF – U.S. Army War College FellowFAC – FacultyNSS – National Security SeminarSIS – Strategy Implementation SeminarCNSP – Commandant’s National Security Program


Name & Class ................................................. Date of Death1950sCOL (Ret) Herman H. Kaesser, RES ‘51..........................January 14, 2000BG (Ret) Duncan Hallock, RES ‘52......................................April 20, 2013COL (Ret) Nelson L.Whitmire, FAC ‘52-’54 ...............December 14, 2012Col (Ret) Stanley A. Dallas, USAF, RES ‘53............................. July 9, 2007BG (Ret) James H. Lynch, RES ‘53................................ February 12, 2008BG (Ret) Franklin G. Smith, RES ‘53.................................March 23, 2001LTG (Ret) William P.Yarborough, RES ‘53....................December 6, 2005COL (Ret) Kelso G. Clow, RES ‘54 ......................................March 2, 2004COL (Ret) Thomas Duncan Gillis, RES ‘54......................January 11, 2007COL (Ret) Seymour I. Gilman, RES ‘54...................... November 23, 2000MG (Ret) Thomas A. Kenan, RES ‘54 ........................ November 28, 2004COL (Ret) Albert L. Reed, RES ‘54.........................................May 4, 2005BGen (Ret) Louie C. Reinberg, USMC, RES ‘54.............. February 8, 2006BG (Ret) Horace L. Sanders, RES ‘54 ............................ October 28, 2004COL (Ret) Fred L.Walker, Jr., RES ‘54 .........................December 22, 2012COL (Ret) Joseph H.Wiechmann, RES ‘54.......................March 24, 2000COL (Ret) Milton P. Barschdorf, RES ‘55 ...............................May 3, 2010BG (Ret) Kenneth I. Curtis, RES ‘55........................... November 20, 2005COL (Ret) Houghton R. Hallock, RES ‘55.......................January 13, 2007COL (Ret) Albert E. McCollam, RES ‘55 ............................August 1, 2004COL (Ret) Robert E. McMahon, RES ‘55..........................March 29, 2000BG (Ret) Howard E. Michelet, RES ‘55 ........................ February 10, 2006COL (Ret) Donald B. Miller, RES ‘55....................................May 30, 2006LTC (Ret) Clair “Lyle” Rishell, FAC ‘55................................May 21, 2011COL (Ret) Clifford G. Simenson, RES ‘55 ........................ October 6, 2004COL (Ret) Clyde A.Thompson, USAF, RES ‘55 .............. October 12, 2001COL (Ret) Warren S. Everett, FAC ‘56-’59 .................... February 26, 2001COL (Ret) John S. Harnett, RES ‘56..................................March 29, 2006COL (Ret) Benjamin W. Heckemeyer, RES ‘56...........September 17, 2013LTC (Ret) Claude R. Hinson, RES ‘56...................................May 24, 2006Mr. Donald L. Howard, RES ‘56............................................ July 23, 2010MG (Ret) Edward C. D. Scherrer, RES ‘56............................April 22, 2002COL (Ret) Julian V. Sollohub, RES ‘56 .................................May 19, 2007MG (Ret) William A. Becker, RES ‘57 ..................................April 15, 2012COL (Ret) Jack A. Boulger, RES ‘57 .............................. February 28, 2002COL (Ret) Beryl L. Boyce, RES ‘57............................. November 18, 2004Mr. Edgar A. Bradley, RES ‘57 .....................................September 8, 2004COL (Ret) Walter A. Edens, RES ‘57 ...............................January 19, 2011COL (Ret) David G. Hammond, RES ‘57.......................... October 1, 2002COL (Ret) Kenneth E. Jurgens, RES ‘57...............................June 23, 2002Col (Ret) Albert Sidney Kelly, USAF, RES ‘57................December 9, 2010COL (Ret) Paul S. Reinecke, Jr., RES ‘57......................... October 10, 2001COL (Ret) Eugene H.Walter, RES ‘57..................................... July 6, 2005COL (Ret) Howard C. Blazzard, RES ‘58 ...........................August 2, 2007COL (Ret) Robert H. Camp, RES ‘58...............................January 28, 2008COL (Ret) Francis S. Donnell, RES ‘58 .............................August 10, 2011COL (Ret) William J. Higgins, Jr., RES ‘58 ............................June 15, 2007COL (Ret) Richard R. Irving, RES ‘58...................................April 20, 2002COL (Ret) Raymond G. Jones, RES ‘58......................September 28, 2010Col (Ret) John R. Lirette, USMC, RES ‘58..........................August 2, 2006COL (Ret) Harley “Swampy” Marsh, Jr., RES ‘58........September 8, 2012COL (Ret) Marcus L. Powell, Jr., RES ‘58...................September 20, 2013LTG (Ret) Richard J. Seitz, RES ‘58 ........................................June 8, 2013COL (Ret) Harry E. Skinner, RES ‘58......................................June 8, 2007COL (Ret) Carl K.Warren, Jr., RES ‘58.................................May 26, 2004COL (Ret) David W.Way, RES ‘58....................................August 18, 2001COL (Ret) Wayne M.Winder, RES ‘58 ................................March 2, 2006COL (Ret) Gerald O. Jacobs, RES ‘59............................December 9, 2003COL (Ret) Carl P. Keiser, Jr., RES ‘59 ...............................January 21, 2011COL (Ret) John Edwin Kirk, RES ‘59 ..................................March 8, 2011Brig Gen (Ret) Harold V. Larson, USAF, RES ‘59..............August 30, 2005COL (Ret) Harold C. Lindley, RES ‘59 ..........................September 6, 2012COL (Ret) John A. Ord, FAC ‘59-’62......................................April 6, 2010BG (Ret) Carleton Preer, Jr., RES ‘59 ..............................January 16, 2002COL (Ret) Arthur W. Reed, RES ‘59.....................................June 25, 2013MG (Ret) Andrew P. Rollins, Jr., RES ‘59 .........................August 23, 2012COL (Ret) J. Logan Schutz, RES ‘59.......................................June 7, 2013Mr.T.Arthur Smith, RES ‘59 ................................................April 27, 2011

1960sMG (Ret) William A. Burke, RES ‘60......................................May 7, 2013COL (Ret) Norman M. G. Locksley, RES ‘60 .....................March 18, 2012MG (Ret) George W. Putnam, RES ‘60 .............................August 6, 2009COL (Ret) Cyrus “Cy” Shockey, RES ‘60 .........................August 16, 2013COL (Ret) Earl C.Acuff, RES ‘61................................... February 13, 2007BG (Ret) L. Douglas Kinnard, RES ‘61, FAC ‘65-’66 ............. July 29, 2013COL (Ret) Albert D. Schutz, RES ‘61....................................April 26, 2013COL (Ret) Charles B. Schweizer, RES ‘61 ............................May 12, 2013COL (Ret) Donald C. Spiece, RES ‘61 ...............................March 29, 2013Col (Ret) Joe N. Swanger, USAF, FAC ‘61-’65..................August 25, 2011COL (Ret) Kenneth C. Crawford, RES ‘62.................. November 18, 2012

LTG (Ret) John “Jack” Morris II, RES ‘62........................August 20, 2013COL (Ret) Hugh G.Waite, FAC ‘62-’63...................... November 27, 2003COL (Ret) Nels A. Parson, Jr., RES ‘63 .................................May 19, 2013COL (Ret) James W. Phillips, RES ‘63........................September 14, 2013CDR (Ret) William R. Hamaker, USN, RES ‘64................January 26, 2013MG (Ret) Edwin W. Heywood, SRCOC ‘64 .................. February 27, 2013COL (Ret) H. Eugene Kessler, Jr., RES ‘64........................ October 2, 2013LTG (Ret) Sidney “Sid” Berry, RES ‘65 ................................... July 1, 2013Dr. Royal H. Burkhardt, RES ‘65......................................March 21, 2013CAPT (Ret) William P. Holden, USN, RES ‘65 ............September 23, 2012Lt Col Kenneth H. Barber, USAF, RES ‘66 ..............................April 4, 2013COL (Ret) Robert “Bob” Rheault, RES ‘66.................... October 16, 2013MG (Ret) George M.Wallace, RES ‘66 .............................August 2, 2013COL (Ret) William M.Whitesel, RES ‘66, FAC ‘72-’74.......... Sept. 2, 2013COL (Ret) William J. Bradley, Jr., RES ‘67 ............................April 18, 2002Col (Ret) Robert O. Burke, USAF, RES ‘67 ..................December 26, 2001MG (Ret) William P. Levine, SRCOC ‘67...........................March 29, 2013COL (Ret) Richard “Dick” Harwood, RES ‘68.................August 29, 2013COL (Ret) William E. LeGro, RES ‘69, FAC ‘69-’71 ...........March 13, 2013COL (Ret) John P.Vollmer, RES ‘69......................................June 19, 2012

1970sCOL (Ret) John E. Coon, FAC ‘70-’74, ‘76-’78 ....................June 17, 2007COL (Ret) George C. Horton, RES ‘70.................................... July 3, 2013MG (Ret) Laclair A. Melhouse, SRCOC ‘70 .................. February 12, 2004LTC (Ret) Elidio J. Monoriti, FAC ‘70-’71..................... November 3, 2012Mr. Frank A. Parella, RES ‘70................................................ July 27, 2008COL (Ret) Paul L.Applin, Jr. , RES ‘71....................................May 3, 2013COL (Ret) Ronald N. Bowman, RES ‘71...........................March 20, 2008COL (Ret) William “Bill” Crouch, Jr., RES ‘71............September 19, 2013BG (Ret) Victor A. DeFiori, RES ‘71........................................June 8, 2013CW4 (Ret) Raymond L. Hill, FAC ‘71-’74 .................... November 2, 2001COL (Ret) William Dougald MacMillan IV, RES ‘71 ............. July 12, 2013COL (Ret) Richard “Whitey” Miller, RES ‘71.....................August 9, 2013BG (Ret) Joseph G. Rebman, SRCOC ‘71.......................January 28, 2002COL (Ret) John H. Richardson, RES ‘71 .....................December 22, 2011Col (Ret) Norman G. Smith, USAF, RES ‘71.................. February 23, 2012BG (Ret) Felix L. Sparks, SRCOC ‘71 .........................September 24, 2007COL (Ret) George Stukhart, Jr., DCS ‘71...................September 30, 2013COL (Ret) Allan “Torg”Torgerson, DCS ‘71..............September 20, 2013COL (Ret) Clement H.Will, RES ‘71 ......................................June 7, 2007COL (Ret) Perry B.Woolridge, DCS ‘71 .......................... February 1, 2010COL (Ret) Robert J. S. Cottey, RES ‘72..........................December 5, 2007Col (Ret) William M. Dalton, USAF, RES ‘72 ......................March 9, 2013Mr.Valcris O. Ewell, Jr., RES ‘72 ........................................... July 11, 2013Maj Gen (Ret) David W. Forgan, USAF, RES ‘72................... July 26, 2013COL (Ret) Charles A. Hoenstine, Jr., RES ‘72 ............. November 25, 2008COL (Ret) Everett E. Hooper, RES ‘72.........................December 21, 2004LTC (Ret) Borromeo W. Hurley, DCS ‘72 ................................. July 3, 2008COL (Ret) Ronald E. Ice, RES ‘72............................................ July 6, 2004COL (Ret) James T. Minyard, DCS ‘72 .................................April 13, 2013LTC (Ret) Roger R. Ramsey, RES ‘72 ..............................January 12, 2013MG (Ret) Forrest A. Abbott, DCS ‘73, SRCOC ‘77 .............August 3, 2013COL (Ret) William L. Baddaker, RES ‘73 ..........................August 12, 2004COL (Ret) Elbert “Bill” Berry, DCS ‘73 ................................April 28, 2013COL (Ret) Anthony Carroll, RES ‘73 ....................................April 29, 2013COL (Ret) John W. Granicher, DCS ‘73 ................................April 14, 2013COL (Ret) Charles “Chuck” Hunter, DCS ‘73 ............September 26, 2013COL (Ret) Donald J. Metcalf, DCS ‘73 ...............................August 5, 2002COL (Ret) James J. O’Quinn IV, DCS ‘73 .............................April 17, 2011Col (Ret) David G. Palmer, USAF, RES ‘73 .................... February 23, 2013COL (Ret) Daniel H. Ralls, RES ‘73 ..................................August 31, 2013COL (Ret) Robert L. Ray, RES ‘73 ......................................... July 22, 2013COL (Ret) Charles “Charlie” Weeks, DCS ‘73 ..................March 12, 2013COL (Ret) Bruce F. Williams, RES ‘73 ...............................March 14, 2011COL (Ret) William A. Zeigler, RES ‘73 ...................................May 7, 2013COL (Ret) Charlie L. Blalock, RES ‘74 ...................................May 7, 2013BG (Ret) Josiah Blasingame, Jr., RES ‘74 ..............................June 8, 2013COL (Ret) John B. Cottingham, Jr., DCS ‘74 ................September 9, 2002COL (Ret) Charles J. Garvey, RES ‘74 ....................................April 4, 2013COL (Ret) John L. Heiss III, RES ‘74..................................January 4, 2013Dr. Charles M. Hersh, FAC ‘74-’85 ......................................June 28, 2013COL (Ret) Jasper “Marvin” McCurdy, RES ‘74 ................March 25, 2013Mr. Michael J. Nastasia, RES ‘74 .........................................May 26, 2013COL (Ret) Norbert M. Reinert, DCS ‘74 ..............................June 18, 2013COL (Ret) Edwin P. Stewart, DCS ‘74 ..............................August 28, 2013LTC (Ret) William G. Dickinson, FAC ‘75-’79 .............September 16, 2013COL (Ret) Camie “Cam” Jarvis, RES ‘75 .....................September 1, 2013COL (Ret) William H. Parker, DCS ‘75 ....................................April 3, 2007COL (Ret) Theodore “Ted” Rosenberg, RES ‘75 ........September 12, 2013Mr. Jesse E. Tucker, RES ‘75 ............................................. October 7, 2013COL (Ret) Gene Frederick Wilson, RES ‘75 .......................... July 26, 2013COL (Ret) Ralph O. Anderson, RES ‘76 ...........................August 26, 2010

COL (Ret) Wallace E. Bostick, DCS ‘76 ...............................March 7, 2013CAPT (Ret) William A. Coll, USN, RES ‘76 ..........................March 2, 2013COL (Ret) Ronald M. Danno, RES ‘76 ........................... October 25, 2013BG (Ret) Joseph B. Knotts, USMC, RES ‘76 ...........................June 1, 2007MG (Ret) Thomas L. Merrill, SRCOC ‘76 ...............................May 5, 2013Col (Ret) Jack L. Ritter, USAF, RES ‘76 .................................. July 15, 2013COL (Ret) Conrad D. Stephenson, DCS ‘76 .........................April 25, 2013COL (Ret) Jack L. VanPool, RES ‘76 ................................January 13, 2013MG (Ret) George “Bud” Akin, RES ‘77 ........................ October 27, 2009MG (Ret) Louis J. Del Rosso, RES ‘77 .......................... November 6, 2003COL (Ret) Jerry D. Fink, RES ‘77 ......................................August 10, 2013COL (Ret) Wm. “Keith” Seago, RES ‘77 ............................... July 24, 2013COL (Ret) Garrett V. Sidler, RES ‘77 .................................August 24, 2013COL (Ret) Robert E. Churchman, DCS ‘78 .................... October 22, 2012MG (Ret) Anthony Harry Conrad, DCS ‘78, SRCOC ‘81 .......Oct. 20, 2013COL (Ret) Eleas “Lee” A. Cozanitis, RES ‘78.........................April 7, 2013COL (Ret) Arthur E. Dunn, Jr., DCS ‘78 ............................August 13, 2013Mr. David E. L’Heureux, RES ‘78..........................................June 23, 2013BG (Ret) Virgil A. Richard, RES ‘78 ............................September 11, 2013COL (Ret) Winston H. Bearden, DCS ‘79 ...........................August 9, 2013COL (Ret) Donald S. Elkort, DCS ‘79 ..............................January 10, 2012LTG (Ret) Caryl “Glenn” Marsh, RES ‘79 ........................August 23, 2013COL (Ret) Charles “Chuck” Marshall, DCS ‘79 .......... February 16, 2013COL (Ret) John J. McGinn, RES ‘79 .....................................June 21, 2013BG (Ret) Charles M. Sirhal, SRCOC ‘79 ....................September 20, 2004

1980sCOL (Ret) Gordon M. Clarke, DCS ‘80 ................................June 16, 2013COL (Ret) Douglas A. Doehle, RES ‘80 ...........................January 25, 2013COL (Ret) John W. Greiner, USMC, DCS ‘80..............September 13, 2013MG (Ret) Charles A. Hines, RES ‘80, FAC ‘80-’81 .................. July 4, 2013COL (Ret) David S. Kyle, RES ‘80 ...........................................April 5, 2013LTC (Ret) John “Jack” Damewood, DCS ‘81...................August 12, 2013COL (Ret) Billy Richardson, DCS ‘81 .....................................May 5, 2013COL (Ret) Clifford E. Simonsen, DCS ‘81 ............................. July 15, 2013GEN (Ret) Fabian Agamalong Guem, IF-Sudan, RES ‘82...March 3, 2013COL (Ret) Ronald R. Primmer, RES ‘82 .....................September 24, 2013COL (Ret) Robert L. Bunch, DCS ‘83 ................................March 19, 2013COL (Ret) Stephen E. Inman, RES ‘83 ....................... November 12, 2010Col (Ret) Jerry M. Figgins, USAF, RES ‘84 ........................August 14, 2013Mr. Morris C. Johnson, RES ‘84 ...................................... February 7, 2012MG (Ret) Mamman Tso Kontagora, IF-Nigeria, RES ‘84 ....May 30, 2013MG (Ret) Norman E. Williams, RES ‘84 ........................ October 27, 2013COL (Ret) James E. Bigelow II, RES ‘85, FAC ‘85-’87 ...... October 9, 2013BG (Ret) William K. McDaniel, SRCOC ‘85 ........................March 7, 2012COL (Ret) John T. “Tom” Nettling, RES ’85 .....................August 29, 2013COL (Ret) Carl Kahrs Mattson Towley, DCS ‘85 .............January 12, 2009MG (Ret) Arthur V. Episcopo, SRCOC ‘86 ....................... February 2, 2013COL (Ret) Clarence “C. V.” Ford, Jr., RES ‘86....................March 18, 2013COL (Ret) Cornell Fuller, RES ‘86 ....................................August 21, 2013Ms. Margaret E. MacGregor, Staff - Library ‘56-’88 ......January 27, 2006COL (Ret) James M. Robinson, DCS ‘86 .............................April 16, 2013BG (Ret) William J. Gormley III, DCS ‘87 ........................ February 9, 2013COL (Ret) Juan F. Herrera, DCS ‘87 ................................. October 6, 2013BG (Ret) William H. Reiff, SRCOC ‘87 ........................December 27, 2012COL (Ret) John T. Wildenberg, RES ‘87 ..............................March 8, 2013MG (Ret) Huwaidi Al-Juwaie, IF-Saudia Arabia, RES ‘88 ...... Feb. 17, 2012COL (Ret) Giles F. Crider, RES ‘88 .....................................March 16, 2013LTC (Ret) James P. Durbin, DCS ‘88.............................. February 21, 2013COL (Ret) Terry L. Wagner, RES ‘88 .....................................May 23, 2013

1990s to presentCOL (Ret) Joseph “Joe” C. Bowen, RES ‘92 .......................... July 8, 2013COL (Ret) Steven P. Ankley, RES ‘94..........................September 20, 2013BG (Ret) Daniel “Pepa” Coffey, DCS ‘95 ............................April 17, 2013BG (Ret) Rodney F. Dyer, DCS ‘96 ........................................ July 30, 2013BG (Ret) Terry L. Robinson, RES ‘96 ....................................May 17, 2013COL (Ret) Timothy D. Lynch, RES ‘97 ................................... July 17, 2013Mr. Joel A. Miele, Sr., NSS ‘99 ...............................................May 7, 2013 BG Frederick “Fred” Johnson, DDE ‘00 ...................... February 26, 2012Mr. Donald “Don” Grosz, RES ‘05 ....................................August 9, 2013Dr. Steven E. Gwirtz, RES ‘05 .............................................March 1, 2013Mr. Fred E. Hunneke, NSS ‘05 ...........................................August 9, 2013COL John C. Smith, DDE ‘05 ...............................................April 30, 2013COL Kurush “K.B.” Bharucha-Reid, USAWCF ‘06.................May 6, 2010COL (Ret) Kenneth “Ken” Carrick, RES ‘07 ......................August 3, 2013Mr. Brian Young Gibbs, NSS ‘08 ..........................................June 13, 2013Professor Richard “Rich” Smyth, FAC ‘10-’13 ....................May 27, 2013

SpousesMrs. Joy Drew Blazey .................................................... February 1, 2013

(wife of BG (Ret) Frank E. Blazey, Jr., RES ‘63)Mrs. Marina Bolster .......................................................August 19, 2013

(wife of COL (Ret) Kent R. Bolster, RES ‘04)

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 23

24 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 20132424242224424242444 FoFoFoFoFoundundunduunundundatiatiatiatiatiationonoononon && A&& A& Alumluluummnininini NewNewNewNeNewNewe ssssss FalFalFalFalFFa l 2l 2l 2ll 0130130130131

Tribute Donations Since Spring 2013 Newsletter through November 4, 2013AR





MG Sidney P. Spalding, RES ‘36 from COL (Ret) Peter A. Arntson, DCS ‘82


LTG (Ret) Richard J. Seitz, RES ‘58from COL (Ret) and Mrs. William S. Orlov, RES ‘80, former FAC


BG (Ret) L. Douglas Kinnard, RES ‘61 from his wife Mrs. Douglas Kinnard

Mrs. Joy Drew Blazey from her husband BG (Ret) Frank E. Blazey, Jr., RES ‘63

COL (Ret) Roy Strong, RES ‘66 from his wife Mrs. Katherine “Kay” Strong

COL (Ret) Joseph B. Love, RES ‘69 from COL (Ret) Marion W. Manion, RES ‘69


COL (Ret) Zane E. Finkelstein, RES ‘70from COL (Ret) Dick Littlefi eld, RES ‘77rom COL (Ret) Richard M. Rodney, DCS ‘77

GEN (Ret) Glenn K. Otis, RES ‘70 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76

COL (Ret) Alfred R. Kitts, DCS ‘71 from his wife Mrs. Gretchen Kitts

Those deceased in the Class of 1971from MG (Ret) Carl H. McNair, Jr., RES ‘71

MG (Ret) Forrest A. Abbott, DCS ‘73, SRCOC ‘77from Lynn Stall, Mary Stall, and Shelley Stall Kanefrom MG (Ret) Berlyn K. Sutton, DCS ‘74from Mr. Stephen M. Young

Mrs. Patricia Mauer, wife of Prof. Bill Mauer, former FACfrom COL (Ret) Richard and Marge Bullock, RES ‘71

COL (Ret) Jasper M. McCurdy, RES ‘74 from his wife Mrs. Dolores M. McCurdy

COL (Ret) Benjamin H. Purcell, Jr., RES ‘74from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76

COL (Ret) Camie L. Jarvis, RES ‘75 from his wife Mrs. Kathleen C. Jarvis

COL (Ret) Winfi eld C. Frank, RES ‘76from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76

MG (Ret) Thomas L. Merrill, SRCOC ‘76 from his wife Mrs. Kay H. Merrill

Col (Ret) Jack L. Ritter, USAF, RES ‘76from COL (Ret) and Mrs. Walter L. Hatcher, RES ‘76

Those deceased in the Class of 1976from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76

Departed Classmates from COL (Ret) John L. Patten, RES ‘76

1970s (continued)

1LT Alice L. Ryan, 1943 - 2007from her husband MG (Ret) James A. Ryan, DCS ‘77


LTC (Ret) John H. Damewood, DCS ‘80 from his wife Dr. Judy Damewood

Col (Ret) John W. Greiner, USMC, DCS ‘80 from his wife Mrs. John W. Greiner

MG (Ret) Richard B. Griffi tts, RES ‘80 from COL (Ret) Don Woodhouse, RES ‘80

COL (Ret) David S. Kyle, RES ‘80 from An Anonymous Donor

Dr. (LTC, Ret) Frank R. Braden, Jr.from his son COL (Ret) Frank R. Braden III, former FAC

COL (Ret) Robert L. Bunch, DCS ‘83 from BG (Ret) Harry J. Mott III, DCS ‘77

Mrs. Patricia Daneker from her husband Mr. George W. Daneker, Sr., RES ‘83

COL (Ret) Rudolph H. Egersdorfer, DCS ‘83from his wife Maj (Ret) Joanne E. Moore, USAF

Mrs. Rebecca L. Handy from her husband COL (Ret) M. L. Handy, RES ‘85

Mrs. Barbara Lee Roddis Hervey, wife of COL (Ret) Bob Hervey, RES ‘85 fromCOL (Ret) and Mrs. William S. Orlov, RES ‘80, former FAC

COL (Ret) John T. “Tom” Nettling, RES ‘85, former FACfrom Adviser Investments LLC / Matthew Wylliefrom Matt Andersenfrom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arbogastfrom Henry and Nina Aversafrom W. Fred Boggsfrom Jack and Linda Briggsfrom John and Joan Cliftonfrom COL (Ret) Ruth B. Collins, RES ‘98, former FACfrom COL (Ret) and Mrs. Alden M. Cunningham, DCS ‘84, former FACfrom MAJ (Ret) Sharan L. Danielfrom Billy and Donna Deanfrom LTC (Ret) Andy and Lisa DeGregoriofrom James and Denise DeSallefrom Robert Gerronefrom Robert A. Herrmannfrom COL (Ret) Robert “Bob” F. Hervey, RES ‘85from John M. Leefrom Richard and Judy Lillyfrom COL Nelson L. Marshfrom Dr. (COL, Ret) Harold E. Neal, Jr., DDE ‘98from BG (Ret) and Mrs. Harold W. Nelson, RES ‘84, former FACfrom Edward and Pat Nettlingfrom COL (Ret) and Mrs. William S. Orlov, RES ‘80, former FACfrom Mr. and Mrs. James F. Patchfrom Sarah K. Pintofrom Paul and Ruth Ann Schultz

TAPSTAPS Fall 2013RES – ResidentDCS – Department of Corresponding StudiesDDE – Department of Distance Education

(DCS renamed as of 1 Jun 98)SRCOC – Senior Reserve Component Offi cers Course

USAWCF – U.S. Army War College FellowFAC – FacultyNSS – National Security SeminarSIS – Strategy Implementation SeminarCNSP – Commandant’s National Security Program


Spouses (continued)Mrs. Patricia M. Daneker ............................................ November 4, 2012

(wife of Mr. George W. Daneker, Sr., RES ‘83)Mrs. Rebecca “Becky” Handy ...........................................March 9, 2013

(wife of COL (Ret) Malvin L. Handy, RES ‘85)Mrs. Barbara Hervey ..........................................................May 26, 2013

(wife of COL (Ret) Robert F. Hervey, RES ‘85)Mrs. Janice Q. Hess ........................................................August 14, 2013

(wife of Mr. Gary L. Hess, RES ’95)

Mrs. Paticia Kay Mauer ............................................... February 22, 2013(wife of Dr. William A. Mauer, FAC ‘73-’75)

Mrs. Marilyn Romaneski ............................................. February 10, 2013(wife of COL (Ret) Albert L. Romaneski, DCS ‘71)

Mrs. Donna Siegfried ............................................................ July 6, 2013(wife of Mr. John A. Siegfried, NSS ‘12)

Mrs. Carmela P. Tierno .................................................. October 12, 2013(wife of the late COL (Ret) Ralph “Rocky” Tierno, RES ‘66

Mrs. Kimberly Webster .......................................................June 22, 2013(wife of LTG (Ret) William “Fuzzy” Webster, Jr., RES ‘95)

Mrs. Carlajean “Carla” Wedding .....................................August 3, 2013(wife of CAPT (Ret) Thomas “Tom” Wedding, USN, RES ‘09)

Mrs. Constance “Connie” Young ........................................ July 29, 2013(wife of COL (Ret) Terry J. Young, RES ‘92)

WWWWWE HAVE A “GOOD NEWS” CORRECTION TO OUR SPRING 2013 MAGAZINE.WWe incorrectly reported that LTG (Ret) Thomas F. Metz, RES ’90, had passed away in 2004. Many of you immediately knew that was an error because youuhhad seen him recently and knew that reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated. It turns out that LTG Metz’ uncle, Thomas M. Metz, RES ’53, haddddied after living a full and successful life, and we got them confused because they shared the same mailing address for a number of years after LTG Metz’’oown parents passed away. LTG Metz was very understanding and told us that his uncle would always be his hero and their identities had been confuseddbbefore. He told us that when he graduated from USMA in ’71 and began to get his 2nd Lt’s pay, he was missing one payment only to fi nd out that it wenttininii to his uncle’s account byy mistake. We sincerelyy reggret the error!

Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 25Fall 2013 Founnnndndddandad tiottioottttti n & AlAlumnumnmnmnnumnmnumni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Newsewsewswewsewsewseeewse 25252525525252525

COL (Ret) John T. “Tom” Nettling, RES ‘85, former FAC (continued)from Todd and Jodi Seipfrom Don and Barbara Slabyfrom Nicholas D. Snider, The National Foundation of Patriotismfrom Janice and Jim Snyderfrom Frank and Christine Spaethefrom Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn G. Ulrichfrom Al and Shirley Wamsleyfrom Michele Wamsleyfrom LTC (Ret) James R. Webb III, DCS ‘85from Ms. Joy M. Whitcombfrom Merrill and Mona Woodfrom COL (Ret) Nelson V. Wood, RES ‘78

COL (Ret) James M. Robinson, DCS ‘86from COL (Ret) W. Gene Ashley, DCS ‘83

LTC (Ret) Douglas O. Fleck, DCS ‘89 from his wife Mrs. Judith Fleck


COL (Ret) Dolf Carlson, USAWCF ‘90, former FACfrom COL (Ret) Don Howell, RES ‘08, former FAC

Dorothy Donahue from her daughter COL (Ret) Jeanne G. Hamilton, DCS ‘92

Mr. Tim Jones from COL (Ret) Ralph E. Cross, Jr., DCS ‘93

Mr. Edward J. Pryor, Jr. from COL (Ret) Ralph E. Cross, Jr., DCS ‘93

COL Peter F. Cohen, DCS ‘94 from his sister Ms. Sue Satsky

Theresa M. Gibbons from her beloved partnerCOL (Ret) Dianne K. Baldwin, DCS ‘96

COL (Ret) Jo Carol Terry, RES ‘96 from her beloved partnerCOL (Ret) Melita E. McCully, RES ‘98


Mr. Robert W. Riddle from his wife COL (Ret) Rebecca C. Samson, RES ‘06

Dr. Sara L. Morgan, former FAC from Mr. John F. McFassell, RES ‘11

COL Jerry D. Cashion, RES ‘08, former FACfrom Mr. John F. McFassell, RES ‘11from COL (Ret) Alan G. Stolberg, former FAC, and DNSS Colleaguesfrom COL (Ret) George E. Teague, RES ‘00, current FAC


SK2 Loran W. Anderson, USN, KIA December 26, 1943, Phillipines from hisnephews COL (Ret) Martin S. Anderson, RES ‘87 and Mr. Loran G. Anderson

Colonel Robert Armstrong from COL David M. Oaks, DDE ‘06Mr. Robert P. Briner, a WWII “Greatest Generation” Radioman

from Mrs. Judith Fleck

CPT Oliver M. Hitch from his son-in-law Mr. John “Jack” Meng, NSS ‘11

Danny Lewin, the genius who transformed the Internet from Mr. MarcoGreenberg, SIS ‘11

Mrs. Rosemary H. Hertel from her husband COL (Ret) Robert G. Hertel, RES ‘74Danny Lewin, killed 9/11/01 from Maggie and Jonathan Seelig

Mrs. Mabel Jean Lombardo from her husband LTC (Ret) Sam Lombardo

MSGT John C. Meng from his son Mr. John “Jack” Meng, NSS ‘11

Fr. Pat O’Shea from COL (Ret) Patrick D. Zimlich, RES ‘87SSG Benjamin “Levi” Pigman, U.S. Army, 160th Special Ops Aviation Reg(Airborne) from COL (Ret) Rolland A. Koreski, RES ‘76

Harry H. Price, LT, USN, 1942-1946 from COL (Ret) Steven Price, DCS ‘92

1LT James Mansfi eld Symington, 2nd Division, 23rd Infantry, 1917-1918from Mr. J. McKim Symington, Jr., RES ‘01

Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Watkins from COL (Ret) Dwight D. Watkins, RES ‘05SGT Patrick Hawkins, U.S. Army Ranger, son of COL (Ret) and Mrs. RoyHawkins, RES ‘99 from COL (Ret) Ruth B. Collins, RES ‘98, former FAC

Since Spring 2013 Newsletter through November 4, 2013Tribute DonationsAR




Please consider our Foundation for your tribute donations.


GEN (Ret) Frederick J. Kroesen, RES ‘62from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76

MG (Ret) Nicholas P. Kafkalas, RES ‘67, SRCOC ‘72from BG (Ret) Uzal W. Ent, DCS ‘73

COL (Ret) Ralph Puckett, Jr., RES ‘67 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76


LTG (Ret) Robert L. Wetzl, RES ‘70 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76COL (Ret) John K. Gibler, RES ‘71 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76BG (Ret) Uzal W. Ent, DCS ‘73 from COL (Ret) Ruth B. Collins, RES ‘98MG (Ret) Jerry A. White, RES ‘77 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76


COL (Ret) David J. Drew, DCS ‘81 from COL (Ret) Joel E. McLeod, Jr., JD, RES ‘81COL (Ret) Earle F. Lasseter, DCS ‘83 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76COL (Ret) and Mrs. Alden Cunningham, DCS ‘84, former FAC

from Mr. Eli ReinhardBG (Ret) and Mrs. Harold “Hal” W. Nelson, RES ‘84, former FAC

from Mr. Eli ReinhardMG (Ret) George H. Harmeyer, RES ‘86

from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76LTG (Ret) John M. Lemoyne, RES ‘86 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76COL (Ret) Gary A. Jones, RES ‘88 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76


COL (Ret) Joseph W. Trez, RES ‘90 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76LTG (Ret) Ben Freakley, RES ‘95 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76LTG David and Mrs. Margaret Huntoon, USAWCF ‘95, former Commandant

from LTC (Ret) Dan MonkenLTG Keith C. Walker, RES ‘95 from Lockheed Martin Washington OperationsThe Offi cers Who Inspired Us from LTC (Ret) J. F. Carter, DCS ‘98


COL (Ret) Paul C. Jussel, Ph.D., RES ‘00, current FAC from Gettysburg CollegeDr. Thomas J. Williams, DDE ‘02, current FAC from DeloitteMG Harold J. Greene, RES ‘03 from Lockheed Martin Washington OperationsMG H. R. McMaster, Jr., USAWCF ‘03 from COL (Ret) Robert S. Poydasheff, RES ‘76COL (Ret) Joel R. Hillison, RES ‘04, current FAC

from LTC Nancy Anna Waldron, DDE ‘11CAPT (Ret) Steve W. Knott, USN, RES ‘04, current FAC from Nationwide InsuranceCOL (Ret) Stew E. Remaly, RES ‘04 from Mr. Edward R. Frye, Jr., NSS ‘04COL J. Matt Lissner, DDE ‘07

from USAR Ambassador John des Groseilliers, SRCOC ‘12


CDR John J. Patterson VI, USN, RES ‘10, current FACfrom Ms. Cheryl Heckler, NSS ‘13

Mr. Robert Heldfond, NSS ‘11 from Ms. Jessica R. Mitchell, NSS ‘04Mr. Steve Linehan, NSS ‘11 from Ms. Cheryl Heckler, NSS ‘13COL David A. Shively, DDE ‘11 from The Honorable Colleen Conway Cooney, SIS ‘11Seminar # 9, NSS ‘13 from Cantor Michael Li-Paz, NSS ‘13COL Lee Salmon, RES ‘13 from Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Church


BG (Ret) Nikitas C. Manitsas from COL (Ret) Warren R. Stumpe, DCS ‘76COL (Ret) Christopher D. Kolenda and the men and women executing COINstrategy in Afghanistan from Jo Blanche Dutcher, NSS ‘08

The men and women whose stories are told in “The Outpost” by Mr. JakeTapper, CNN from Jo Blanche Dutcher, NSS ‘08

Mr. Joe Biddle, upon his Induction to the Tennessee Sports WritersAssociation’s Hall of Fame from COL (Ret) Ralph E. Cross, Jr., DCS ‘93




Tribute ProgramTribute Program





26 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

MAILBAGMailbagRES – ResidentDCS – Department of Corresponding StudiesDDE – Department of Distance Education

(DCS renamed as of 1 Jun 98)SRCOC – Senior Reserve Component Offi cers Course

USAWCF – U.S. Army War College FellowFAC – FacultyNSS – National Security SeminarSIS – Strategy Implementation SeminarCNSP – Commandant’s National Security Program


26 Foundation & Alumni News Fall 2013

COL (Ret) Nicholas J. Morana, DCS ’73, was featured inthe “Kudos” section of the MOAA magazine Military Offi cer,Jul 13. In addition to an extensive military career, he foundedCitizens Against Medical Errors, Inc. and serves as Vice Chair ofthe Hernando County, FL Human Rights Coalition, Chair of theBoard of Directors of the Hernando County Enrichment Centers,Inc. and Program Chair and Awards Chair for MOAA’s WestCentral Chapter, FL.

BG (Ret) Richard G. Weinberg,DCS ’77, served 21 years as a Circuit Court Judge, plus 13 years asa Senior Judge, before retiring in October 2012. He is the founderof the Special Forces Reserve Component (Florida National Guard)3BN20SF (Green Beret); he also served seven years as Commander.Two points of related trivia: His wife, Michelle, was an “extra” inJohn Wayne’s “The Green Berets” movie, and a parachute drop zonewas recently designated as Weinberg DZ at Camp Blanding, FL.

MG (Ret) Patrick H. Brady, RES ’78, was inducted into the NationalAviation Hall of Fame in Dayton, OH on 4 Oct 13. Brady, a Vietnam veteran and Medal ofHonor recipient, is the fi rst Army aviator to be honored there. During his 34-year career, Bradyfl ew more than 2,500 combat missions as a Dust Off helicopter pilot (see also p. 4).

COL (Ret) David W. Blackledge, FAC ’78-’83, and his wife,Diana, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on 5 Jun 13.They celebrated in West Point, NY, following the wedding oftheir granddaughter.

BG (Ret) Edward Wheeler,DCS ’83, is proud his daughter,Kelsey Elizabeth Griswold,was named Miss Oklahoma

2013. Ms. Griswold competed in the Miss America Pageant inSeptember 2013.

COL (Ret) Wesley F. Fong, DCS ’85, a Vietnam veteran, hasled the Hawaii Veterans Goodwill Delegation to China six timessince 2007. Fong served as Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Army/Japan; Deputy Commander, Pacifi c Army Liaison Command;and Staff Judge Advocate, HQs, IX Corps. He is a recipient ofthe national Jefferson Award for Public Service, the Universityof Hawaii Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Organization ofChinese Americans Community Service Award.

COL (Ret) Samuel W. Floca, Jr., RES ’88, is enjoyingretirement as evidenced by his success at fi shing!

LTG (Ret) LouisMatshwenyego Fisher,IF Botswana, RES ’89,was appointed HighCommissioner of Botswana

to Nigeria. Before his appointment, he was a senior lecturerat Botswana’s highest institution of learning, the Universityof Botswana, in their Department of Political and Administrative Studies. In August 1998,General Fisher was inducted into the USAWC International Fellows Hall of Fame.

COL (Ret) Paul E. Zigo, DCS ’89, is a tenured Associate Professor ofHistory and the Director of the Center for WW II Studies and Confl ictResolution at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, NJ.

AMB (Ret) Ravic R. Huso, RES ’93, formerU.S. Ambassador to Laos, has retired from a32-year career in the Foreign Service. He wasawarded the Defense Distinguished Public

Service Award for his lifetime contributions to U.S. national security.

COL (Ret) John “Rick” O’Shea, RES ’93 &FAC ’94-’99, is now Chief, Air Operations forthe Secretary of the Air Force. In this position,he leads an offi ce which manages the global travel of Members andStaff of Congress, ensuring that applicable laws and policies arefollowed.

COL (Ret) Michael T. Metcalf,MG (Ret) Robert G. Lee, and COL (Ret) James P.Hayes, all DCS’ 94, enjoyed being in Garmisch, Germanyand admiring the GEN George C. Marshall statue at theMarshall Center.

COL (Ret) William J. Davis, RES ’95 & FAC ’95-’97, was inductedinto the Special Forces Regimental Hall of Fame on 9 May 13.

Brig William “Bill” Mellor, IFAustralia, RES ’95, was appointedDisaster Recovery Coordinator forsouthern Queensland by QueenslandPremier Campbell Newman after seriousfl ooding there earlier this year.

LTG Mick Bednarek, RES ’99,relinquished command of First Army inMarch 2013 to become Chief of the Offi ceof Security Cooperation in Baghdad, Iraq.

GEN Dennis L. Via, RES ’99, receivedthe 2013 Thurgood Marshall CollegeFund (TMCF) Alumni Leadership Awardin Washington, DC on Veterans Day,11 Nov 13. This was presented at the

annual Leadership Institute, where 500 of the best and brighteststudents attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities(HBCU) participate in a professional development conference andrecruitment fair. GEN Via is an HBCU alumnus and a distinguishedMilitary Graduate from Virginia State University. He commands theU.S. Army Materiel Command.

MG Paolo D. Serra, IF Italy, RES ’01, is theCommander of the United Nations Interim Forcein Lebanon (UNIFIL). He met with COL Antonio“Tony” Banchs, DDE ’14, the U.S. Senior DefenseOffi cial/Defense Attaché to Lebanon, at hisheadquarters in Naqoura, Lebanon.

General (Retired)Walter J. Natynczyk,IF Canada, RES’02 assumed the

responsibilities of the President of the Canadian Space Agencyon 6 Aug 13. He previously served as Canada’s Chief of DefenceStaff from 2008 to 2012. He is a member of the USAWC IFHall of Fame.

LTG Robert B. Abrams, RES’03, is assigned as senior militaryassistant to the Secretary of Defense.

LTG (Ret) Dana K.Chipman, RES ’03,was joined by severalSeminar 3 classmatesat a retirement socialin Aug 13. L-R

are: COL (Ret) Bob Carpenter, LTG (Ret)Chipman, BG Robin Mealer, and COL (Ret)Kent Woods.

BG (Ret) Richard S. Miller, DDE ’03, was awarded the Lieutenant General Raymond S.McLain Medal at the recent AUSA Convention in Oct 13 for his outstanding contributions tothe advancement of AUSA’s goal of a seamless and component-oriented Army.

LTG Perry Wiggins, RES ’03, assumed command ofArmy North from LTG (Ret) William B. Caldwell IV,USAWCF ’96.

COL (Ret) ChristionBrewer, RES ’04,retired in Oct 13 andcelebrated with hisdad, Tom Brewer, atPensacola Bayfront

Stadium. During the ceremony, Christion presented aleather jacket to his dad to commemorate his service from1957 to 1965 with the Arkansas National Guard.

COL Craig S. Cotter, RES ’04 is proud of his son, Phillip, who ran The Freedom 500 non-stop ultra relay with a group of offi cers from Duke University to One World Trade Center, NewYork, 11-17 Aug 13.





















Mealer Woods



Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 27


Fall 2013 Foundation & Alumni News 27

RES – ResidentDCS – Department of Corresponding StudiesDDE – Department of Distance Education

(DCS renamed as of 1 Jun 98)SRCOC – Senior Reserve Component Offi cers Course

USAWCF – U.S. Army War College FellowFAC – FacultyNSS – National Security SeminarSIS – Strategy Implementation SeminarCNSP – Commandant’s National Security Program


CH (COL, Ret) Michael D. Tarvin, DDE ’04 has been named the Directorof Chaplain Services for Tyson Foods, Inc. He is responsible for leadingmore than 120 workplace chaplains employed by the company.

LTG Flora D. Darpino, USAWCF ’05, was promotedin September and sworn in as the fi rst female JudgeAdvocate General of the U.S. Army. She will lead

nearly 2,000 full-time judge advocates and civilian attorneys providinglegal services to the Army.

COL (Ret) Jeffrey R. Elliott,DDE ’05, retired from the PA ArmyNational Guard this summer. Thisphoto was taken on Memorial Day 2013 and was the fi rsttime he and daughter Liz (ROTC at Syracuse) and sonChristian (ROTC at George Washington University) werein uniform at the same time.

BG Percy “Sonny” G. Hurtado, RES ’06, Oklahoma NationalGuard, is serving as the Deputy Commander – Police, NATO TrainingMission – Afghanistan, Combined Security Transition Command,Afghanistan. His mission includes overseeing the training, equipping,and advising of the 157,000 members of the Afghan National Police.He has served 20 years with the Oklahoma City Police Departmentand is currently a Patrol Supervisor (Lieutenant) and a Field TrainingOffi cer Supervisor.

LTC (Ret) Margaret D. Stock, DDE ’06,received a MacArthur Genius Grant for her immigration law reformefforts stressing the crucial role of a healthy and effi cient immigrationsystem. The MacArthur Fellows Program awards unrestrictedfellowships to talented individuals who have shown extraordinaryoriginality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a markedcapacity for self-direction.

BG Bradley A. Becker, RES ’07, tookcommand of the Army Training Center and Ft.Jackson, SC in late Aug 13. He took commandfrom the Interim CG, another RES ’07 grad,BG Peggy C. Combs, who returned to herposition as the Commandant of the United StatesArmy Chemical, Biological, Radiological, andNuclear School at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.

RDML Michael J. Dumont, DDE ’07, was appointed DeputyAssistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and CentralAsian Affairs, Offi ce of the Secretary of Defense.

COL Gordon D. Kuntz, USAWCF ’07,assumed command of the Kansas NationalGuard Medical Detachment, Lenexa, KS, inJun 13.

Mr. Jim Ewart, NSS ’08, andMr. Randy Snow, NSS ’09, enjoyreunions with BG Kevin Griese,RES ’08, primarily in South Dakota.Jim and Randy are both very appreciative of having had theopportunity to attend the National Security Seminar (NSS) atUSAWC.

BG Kevin R. Griese, RES’08, recently had the pleasure of enlisting his son, Douglas,a high school senior, in the SD ARNG as a 12T-TechnicalEngineer (surveying, drafting, materials testing). Kevin said,“Without a doubt, the proudest moment of my career.” Afterbasic training and AIT, Douglas will attend SD School ofMines and Technology.

BG Linda L. Singh, DDE ’08, was appointed the AssistantAdjutant General for Maryland Army National Guard.

BG Wayne L. Black, DDE’09, was promoted in Jul13 and named the AssistantAdjutant General of theIndiana National Guard.

BG Peter A. Bosse, DDE ’09, was promoted in April 2013 inBirmingham, AL.

COL Kelly L. Snyder, DDE ’09, took command of the139th Medical Brigade on 4 Aug 13. The 139th has nearly3,000 Soldiers dispersed from Missouri to California withheadquarters in Independence, MO.

BG Hugh C. Van Roosen II, RES ’09 & SRCOC ’12, isback from his 15-month tour in Liberia, the fi rst U.S. generalappointed to United Nations (UN) duty there in more than 16years. The UN Mission in Liberia is one of 16 peacekeepingoperations led by the UN.

MG Rajendra Chhetri, IF Nepal,RES ’10, was assigned as QuarterMaster General at Nepalese ArmyHQ.

COL Jayson A. Altieri, RES ’11,assumed command of the 110thAviation Brigade on 9 Aug 13at Fort Rucker, AL. The 110thfl ies close to 500 aircraft dailyand is responsible for training

1,300 Army, Air Force, and international military aviatorsannually in aircraft such as the AH-64 Apache, CH-47Chinook, and the UH-172 Lakota helicopters.

BG Ivica Kinder, IF Croatia , DDE ’11, was promoted inMay 2013 and is Head of the Military Offi ce of the Presidentof the Republic of Croatia. He proudly wears the USAWC IFBadge on his uniform.

COL Hunt W. Kerrigan,RES ’11, enjoyedhaving this photo taken

with members of the PA National Guard in Sep 13 inAfghanistan.

CAPT Michael A.Sokolowski, USN,RES ’11, recently took command of 2nd Medical Battalion,Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, NC.

Col Michael F. Fahey III, USMC,DDE ’12, took command of MarineCorps Reserve, Intelligence Support

Battalion in San Diego, CA on 7 Sep 13. Alsoattending the event was BGen Paul Lebidine,USMC, DDE ’12 & SRCOC ‘13.

COL Michail “Gus” S. Huerter, RES ’12,assumed command of U.S. Army Garrison, FortBenning, GA, in Jun 13.





Becker Combs



Ewart SnowGriese

Doug KevinKevin




Van Roosen









Four grads linked up at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping TrainingCenter (KAIPTC) in Accra, Ghana in June 2013 for USAFRICOM ExerciseWESTERN ACCORD 2013: COL Robert “Ed” Lowe, RES ’11; COLMark Murphy, DDE ’10; LtCol Terry Thomas, USMCR, RES ’12; andCOL Robert M. “Bo” Balcavage, Jr., RES ’11.

RRe-enactments and history “walks and talks” were conducted this past summer regarding the burning of the Barracks, the shelling of the town, and thecircumstances which found Confederate MG J.E.B. Stuart and LTG Richard Ewell in Carlisle in late June and early July of 1863, while others were convergingon Gettysburg. Visit g p and fi nd links to great presentations by historians Dr. Richard Sommers and CAPTf(Ret) Steve Knott about these events in and around Carlisle.

The sketch above by Thomas Nast was published in Harpers Weekly, July 25, 1863. The sketch refl ects the fl eeing of local citizens as the Confederates shelledyCaCarlisslee aandd tthee Pene nssylyy vaaniaa Militit aa trt yiyy nggg ttoo dedefeendd tthee ttowo n. Phototoo cocouru tetesysyy oof tht ee Armyyy Here ittagaggee ana dd Edducucatatioon CeCenttere ((USUSAHECC)).





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