PDT Engineering: ProE Tip #016

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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PDT’s ProE guy offers his Tip of the Week in an ongoing series for mechanical engineers.



ProE Tip of the Week: Part Draft CheckPerform a draft check to verify your part meets tooling requirements…


Part Draft Check - Step #1: Create a part and run a draft check…

1.B: Select surfaces you want checked for draft(To check all surfaces in the specified pull direction select

component from the drop down menu and click the entire part)

1.A: Select analysis > Geometry > Draft

Simple extruded part

1.C: Select the pull direction for the part(Best done using a datum plane / surface to specify the pull direction)

1.D: Select the correct amount of draft the part should have(Varies depending on part size and design – for this example we’ll use 1.0° draft)

1.E: Change quick draft check → saved draft check and name the draft check(For this example we’ll name it MAIN-DRAFT to be used later)

1.F: Run the draft check!


Part Draft Check - Step #2: Analyze the results of the draft check…

The draft check shows there is 0° draft in the specified pull direction. These surfaces need to be drafted to meet tooling requirements…

0° Draft Color

(Draft check is easier to see with part in wireframe view)


Part Draft Check - Step #3: Add 1° draft to the green surfaces and open the saved draft check to verify…

3.A: Select analysis > Saved Analysis > Show the saved draft check named MAIN-DRAFT

1° Draft Color

1° Draft Color3.B: The analysis now shows the part has the correct 1° draft in the specified pull direction!


Part Draft Check - Step #4: Now that you have a saved draft check for the main pull direction, you can easily rerun the check once more features are added…