Peace Notes November 2013

Post on 20-Mar-2016

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Word of Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers, MN






“You are what you eat.”

That’s fine when we enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal of turkey, gravy,

mashed potatoes, and steamed carrots. But what about when we munch

on the cheese curls, popcorn, chips, and pretzels? Too o$en, what we’re

hungry for isn’t good for us. Junk food like this is not nutri&ous and we

need nutri&on in our lives.

The same can be said of our spiritual life. We need nutri&on in our spiritu-

al lives. True spiritual nutri&on is in Jesus Christ. In the Bible reading for

Thanksgiving from John 6:24-35, Jesus describes himself as “the food that

endures for eternal life,” “the true bread from heaven,” and “the bread of

life.” A rela&onship with Jesus Christ is what truly sa&sfies in life. Nothing

else can sa&sfy. And we constantly need this spiritual nourishment in our

lives. Like we need bread as a regular part of our diets, so we constantly

need Jesus in our lives.

In the Asian culture rice is very important. In fact, one woman from Asia

put it like this: “In my culture it’s as though we have two stomachs. One

for regular food such as meat and potatoes and vegetables and one for

rice. And no ma5er how much meat and potatoes and vegetables we eat,

if we don’t eat rice, we are always hungry. It seems like if we don’t eat

rice, we are never sa&sfied.” Jesus might say to that woman, “I am the

rice of life.”

We may have some good things in our lives such as family and friends and

our own hobbies, interests, ac&vi&es and material goods, but without a

rela&onship with Jesus there is an emp&ness. We are never sa&sfied. We

constantly need Jesus in our lives. And we can be nourished by Jesus

through worship, prayer, Bible reading, fellowship with other Chris&ans,

serving, and giving.

Jesus is the bread of life. There is a lot of junk in our lives that isn’t good

for us. But an on-going rela&onship with Jesus is true nutri&on for our

lives. It is sa&sfying. It is filling.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Pastor Rick Skare

All Saints Day

Memorial Service Sunday, November 3

12:30pm at the

Word of Peace Cemetery

All are invited to a5end, but

especially those who have lost

someone this year or who have

loved ones buried at the Word of

Peace Cemetery.

The cemetery is located on Terri-

torial Road just west of Tucker

Road, next to the old St. John's

Episcopal Church.

Thanksgiving Eve

Worship and

Pie Social Wednesday, November 21

at 6:30pm

Come for Worship,

Stay for Pie!


21705 129th Ave. N.

P.O. Box 306

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office

763-496-2400 (press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

On the Web


Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement Our vision is to be a community where

everyone knows Christ’s Love and

shares Christ’s Love with all people.

Our Mission Statement Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo&on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus&ce and peace.


763-496-2401 or

December newsle�er deadline:

November 15 at Noon

November 3 & 4 Guest Preacher, Pastor Catherine Malotky

Scripture Readings: Luke 6:20-31; Ephesians 1:11-23; Psalm 149

November 10 & 11 Guest Preacher, Pastor Catherine Malotky

Scripture Readings: Luke 20:27-38; Psalm 17:1-9; Job 19:23-27a

November 17 & 18 Pastor Rick Skare, “How to Live when the World’s On Fire”

In Luke 21:5-19 Jesus gives us guidance for how to handle it

when life goes crazy.

Scripture Readings: Luke 21:5-19; Psalm 98; Malachi 4:1-2a;

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

November 24 & 25—Christ the King Sunday Pastor Krista Strum, “Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing”

What is the main thing if the main thing is keeping the main thing?

Scripture Readings: Luke 23:33-43; Psalm 46; Colossians 1:11-20;

Jeremiah 23:1-6

November 27—Thanksgiving Eve Pastor Rick Skare, “Spiritual Nutri&on”

As we prepare for our Thanksgiving meal, we remember that our true

spiritual nutri&on is in Jesus Christ. Jesus describes himself in this day’s gospel

reading as “the food that endures for eternal life,” the “true bread

from heaven,” “the bread of life.”

Scripture Readings: John 6:24-35


and and



A Message from A Message from A Message from A Message from the President of our Congregationthe President of our Congregationthe President of our Congregationthe President of our Congregation

An9cipated Budget Shor:all

As we reflect back on 2013 at Word of

Peace, we see a year of opportuni&es and

a year filled with constant ac&vity at our

church. So much is happening every day

here as we reach out to our congrega&on

and our community.

Our financial posi&on is the same this

year as it has been in the past and we

need your help to allow us to con&nue to

meet our financial obliga&ons. We are

asking each household to contribute an

addi&onal $65/month for 3 months

(October, November, and December) over

and above what you are already giv-

ing. With your support and prayers we

will be able to end this year on a high

note and prepare for an even more ex-

ci&ng year in 2014.

Navajo Lutheran Mission School

Support Con9nues

Please remember to gather up those Camp-

bell’s product labels (especially the bar code

rectangle) and the General Mills Box Tops for

Educa&on, and bring them to the church

office to help the Navajo children of the Lu-

theran Mission School in Rock Point, AZ.

Since Fall of 2007 we have sent thousands of

Campbell’s bar codes and Box Tops for Edu-

ca&on to the Mission School. Each one of

these bar codes and box tops equates to 10


You are an important part of helping with

this project. Each year the Word of Peace

Church School children gives $600 of their

offering to help the Navajo children with tui-

&on assistance, breakfast and lunch meals,

and buying books and other educa&onal ma-


THANK YOU for your con&nuing support of

the Navajo children!

The Execu&ve Team selected seven primary and two alternate

members to serve on the Senior Pastor Call Commi5ee. They are:

Andy Andersen (Chairperson)

Lora Anderson

Michelle Anderson

Corey Haeder

Sandra Lidberg

Roy Sperr

Karee VanDeRiet

Lou Oberdeck (Alt)

Kris Hofstedt (Alt)

October was a very busy month for the Call Commi5ee, as they

met with a representa&ve from the Synod, finalized the ministry

profile, and met with Bishop Ann Svennungsen.

Over the next few weeks, the commi5ee will prepare their inter-

view ques&ons and review candidate profiles. Although infor-

ma&on rela&ng to specific candidates is confiden&al, we will do

our best to keep you up to date on their progress. Look for weekly

announcements in the bulle&n and the weekly e-newsle5er, as

well as online at

The most important thing you can do to help is to li$ up the com-

mi5ee in your prayers. Their efforts will shape the future of our

church and they need your support throughout the process.

Thank you,

Mike Schlegel, Congrega�on President

Help Beau9fy the

Sanctuary for Christmas! PoinseTas may be ordered beginning Sunday, November

3 through 17. They will be used to decorate the sanctuary

through Christmas Day,

then you can pick them up

to enjoy at home.

Cost is $10 each. Contact

the church office for de-



The Fair Trade Fair is coming

back again this year! Fair

Trade gi$ items will be sold

before and a$er worship ser-

vices on November 24 & 25

and December 8 & 9. Find

beau&ful, handmade Christ-

mas gi$s from ar&sans

around the world, while mak-

ing a real difference and par-

&cipa&ng in a mission to

eradicate poverty.

Hos&ng a Fair Trade event gives our congrega&on a chance to directly

empower ar&sans and farmers to build sustainable lives by sending

their children to school, building health clinics, and increasing oppor-

tuni&es and training for women. Select from scarves, handbags, jewel-

ry, po5ery, housewares, decora&ons, baskets, coffee, chocolate and

more! For more informa&on, contact the Global Mission Team at

Fair Trade Fair

Nov. 24 - Dec. 9

Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over

130 countries have experienced God’s love through the

power of simple shoebox gi$s from Opera&on Christmas

Child. Gi$-filled shoeboxes are a powerful way to intro-

duce children to God’s greatest gi$, salva&on through Je-

sus Christ.

Word of Peace is a Relay Center for Opera&on Christmas

Child again this year. Simply fill a shoebox or small plas&c

container with a variety of gi$s that will bring delight to a

child and drop it off at Word of Peace during Na&onal Col-

lec&on Week, November 18-25 during the following collec-

&on &mes:

Nov. 18 through 22 - 6pm to 8pm

Nov. 23 and 24 - 9 am to noon

Nov. 25 - 10 am to noon

Detailed instruc&ons and a limited number of shoeboxes

will be available soon. Or, you can go online to to

find out more.

Volunteers are needed to help collect shoeboxes during

Na&onal Collec&on Week, and drivers are needed to make

deliveries to the Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove

on Wednesday, November 20th and a$er noon on Mon-

day, November 25th. Please contact Karen Running at or 763-496-2421.

Thank you so much for showing and sharing Christ's love

around the world!

Opera9on Christmas Child



Purchase a gi$ for a family in our

congrega&on who is struggling fi-

nancially. Choose a wish list item

from the Adopt-A-Family wall in

the Gathering Area beginning

Tuesday, November 19 and return

your dona&ons to the church office

by Sunday, December 8 (include a

gi$ receipt along with the request


For more informa&on, please

contact Karen Running at 763-


Social and Global MinistrySocial and Global MinistrySocial and Global MinistrySocial and Global Ministry


You are Invited to

A#end A Spiritual Journey at

Monastery of Christ in the Desert in

the Beau�ful Chama Canyon

Wilderness of Northern New Mexico

June 1-7, 2014

Join Michael Sahlen for a week of quiet

reflec&on, seeking, and study in one of

the most beau&ful and remote monaster-

ies in the world.

A5endees will fly into Santa Fe and drive

to the monastery on Sunday to spend the

week in retreat. You will stay at the mon-

astery’s guest house and meals will be

served in the monastery’s refectory. You

will return to Santa Fe on Friday for an

Agape meal at one of Santa Fe’s fine res-

taurants. Then you will fly back on Sunday


Cost for this retreat is $1,700. Deadline

for registra&on to guarantee cost is De-

cember 1, 2013. A $500 deposit is re-

quired to secure your reserva&on.

Check out the monastery at Contact Michael at

763-496-2412 for more details.

What is NAMI In Our Own Voice? NAMI In Our Own Voice is a unique public education program in

which presentations consist of two trained NAMI volunteer present-

ers sharing their compelling personal stories of living with mental

health challenges and achieving recovery. Audiences range from indi-

viduals living with mental health challenges, students of all ages, law

enforcement officials and faith community members to veterans and

service providers.

While audiences benefit from the inspirational stories of the speak-

ers, presenters increase their confidence and develop leadership

skills through helping to inspire and motivate others.

NAMI Minnesota, the state organization of the National Alliance on

Mental Illness, will offer its next NAMI In Our Own Voice presenta-

tion on Sunday, November 3 at 6:30pm at Word of Peace.

Audience Perspectives “I learned more about mental health con-

ditions from these generous people than

any book I have read.”

“[In Our Own Voice] is helpful for people

to understand how REAL and how DISA-

BLING the symptoms are. So many people

see [individuals with mental illness] as

manipulative or lazy.”

About NAMI

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest

grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better

lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI

Minnesota staff, dedicated volunteer members, and affiliate leaders

work tirelessly to raise awareness and provide essential education,

advocacy and support group programs for people in our community

living with mental illness and their loved ones.

Individuals interested in learning more about NAMI or the IOOV pro-

gram are encouraged to contact NAMI Minnesota at or 651-645-2948.

Sponsored by the Word of Peace

Mental Health Task Force Mission Statement:

To promote mental health education, resources,

advocacy, and inclusiveness through faith based

activities both within and outside of the congrega-


For more information on this event or the Mental Health Task Force, contact Dan Hassinger at or call 763-531-4615.


When Your Parent Needs You A Guide To Posi9ve Growth

When Caring for Aging Parents

Sunday Morning Study

Begins November 3 at 9:45am

Becoming the caregiver for your parent is

something that none of us expects to do. We

associate our parents as taking care of us,

when suddenly things change and we find our-

selves taking care of those who have diapered,

fed, supported, and encouraged us. It can be a

lonely journey. Join others who are on this

same journey for a &me of dialogue to learn

and encourage one another.

This class is for anyone who is currently, will be,

or has experienced caring for their parents. The

class will be facilitated by Word of Peace mem-

bers who have been or are caring for their

loved ones. We will begin with a video clip on

various issues about caring for our parents, and

a discussion will follow.

November 3

Becoming the Caregiver for Your Parent

Rela&ng to Your Parent in a Way You Didn’t Before

November 10

Experiencing Life Changes Through Caregiving

Confron&ng Your Parent About Their Need for Help

November 17

Recognizing and Dealing with

the Stress of Caregiving

November 24

Growing as a Caregiver

No pre-registra&on is necessary.

All are welcome to a5end.

Become a Word of Peace Member We welcome you to worship and study with us! All ac&vi&es are

open to everyone, regardless of membership status. If you would

like to become an official member of the congrega&on and to vote

at congrega&onal mee&ngs, please a5end the next New Member


Tuesday, November 19 — 5:30-9:00pm Register & request child care by November 11

Recep9on of New Members is on November 24 & 25

(choose one worship hour to aEend)

Our orienta&on session is designed to quickly help you feel a part

of this community. You will:

· Meet the pastors and key staff

· Learn what we believe and how we do ministry

· Enjoy a fellowship meal

· Iden&fy your gi$s and how to use them at church and beyond

For more informa&on about membership to Word of Peace or to

register for the orienta&on, please visit

membership or contact Susen Kay or Beth Brekke at 763-496-


CROSS Corner

CROSS Food Shelf supports,

Osseo, Maple Grove, Corcoran,

Dayton and West Champlin.

They provide food, housing,

Meals on Wheels, clothing,

school supplies, and birthday,

Christmas, and Easter gi$s for kids. They serve approximately

600 families each month (2,000 Individuals).

Volunteer Opportuni9es: CROSS especially needs a$ernoon

and evening volunteers on Wednesdays from 4-7pm. If you

can help, call CROSS at 763-425-1050.

November Food Needs: Peanut bu5er, ramen noodles, condi-

ments, hygiene products, toilet paper.

CROSS is in need of over 600 turkeys to share with families in

need for Thanksgiving. Please watch the local papers for the

buy one get one free and donate the free one to CROSS! Also

needed: stuffing, jello/pudding, pie fixings, gravy, aluminum

foil/turkey baking pans.

In September, Word of Peace donated 91 lbs. of food, 7 lbs. of

clothing and $6,328 in financial gi$s to CROSS. Thank you for

your generosity!


JOY—Jesus, Others, Yourself

When we give, we give for JESUS. We give in response for

what Jesus has given us—His life, love, and forgiveness

now and forever. “Very truly, I tell you, the one who be-

lieves in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact,

will do greater works than these, because I am going to

the Father.” (John 14:12)

When we give, we give for OTHERS. We give to share the

gospel of Jesus Christ with others—to proclaim God’s love,

hope, and life with others in word and deed. As our con-

grega&on’s vision statement directs us, “To know Christ’s

love and share Christ’s love with all people.” We also give

to others who are in need. As Jesus commands us: “love

our neighbors as ourselves” and care for the “least of


And when we give, we give for the sake of OUR OWN

SELVES. Our giving does not earn our salva&on, rather, it’s

a way for us to prac&ce our faith. It is a way for us to deep-

en and strengthen our rela&onship and connec&on with

God, and it can help us in our rela&onship with money. For

when we give a por&on of our income back to God (the

Bible directs us to give 10% of our income back to God),

then we are saying that money does not control our lives.

On Sunday and Monday, November 17 and 18, you and

your family are invited to make a financial pledge to our

Lord and our Lord’s work through Word of Peace’s Gen-

eral Fund for the year 2014. The General Fund supports

such ministries as:

Worship Services Church School

Confirma@on Vaca@on Bible School

Youth Group Adult Educa@on

Kids of Peace Preschool Ministry to Those in Crisis

Local Poverty Relief Funerals

Weddings Bap@sms

Community Outreach Building U@li@es & Maintenance

There will be a special “Pledge Celebra&on” at all services

on November 17 and 18, and the Stewardship Team will

once again provide fresh sweet rolls, juice and coffee fol-

lowing each service. Watch your mail for the 2014 Pledge

Card, and they will be available at the church doors on

Pledge Sunday/Monday.

If you are not giving to the ministries of Word of Peace on

a regular basis, we challenge you to start with a certain

percentage of your income and grow from there. If you are

giving to the ministries of Word of Peace, we challenge you

to grow in your giving by a half or one percent of your an-

nual household income.

Thank you for all you do for the ministry of our Lord

through Word of Peace!

Pastor Rick and the Word of Peace Stewardship Team

Introducing a wonderful

opportunity to give to Word

of Peace through GiveMN’s

“Give to the Max” Day on

Thursday, November 14.

Simply go to

givetothemax and make a

one-&me dona&on to Word

of Peace through our se-

cure website.

GiveMN is a collabora&ve

venture to transform phi-

lanthropy in Minnesota by

growing overall giving and

moving more of it online.

Can Your Business Offer a

Match? Organiza&ons that

offer a dona&on match will

be highlighted so donors

will have the opportunity to

double their dona&on.

We Could Win a Golden

Ticket! Two donors, one to

a nonprofit (like Word of

Peace) and one to a school,

will be randomly chosen

every hour to have $1,000

added to their dona&on.

Addi&onally, two $10,000

Super-sized Golden Tickets

will be randomly drawn at

the end of the event.

Please Give to the Max on November 14th.


Learning MinistryLearning MinistryLearning MinistryLearning Ministry Advent Family Night Tuesday, December 3

6:30-8:00 pm

Families of all ages, shapes,

and sizes: Carve out a night to

prepare for Christmas and to

remember the reason for the

season! The Educa&on team is

sponsoring a night of Advent

cra$s, ac&vi&es, food, and


Make Christmas ornaments together, make

cards for people in military service, create a gin-

gerbread na&vity and much more!

This evening is free and all are welcome! Please

sign-up for this event so we can plan for your

arrival by contac&ng Megan Moen at or calling 763-496-2423.

Mark Your Calendars: Church School Kids Sing

in Worship in December

December 1/2—

Children three-years

through 1st graders (please see excep&on

below) sing during worship.

December 8/9—2nd through 4th graders

and combined 1st/2nd grade classes sing

during worship.

5th Graders—5th Graders assist our li5le ones

during music. They will help the li5le ones sing

on December 1/2. Look for more informa&on

from your child’s 5th grade teacher.

December 22, 23, 25—No Confirma&on or

Church School

7th Grade Box City Touched Lives

and Changed Hearts Ninety-five 7th graders, 10 high school youth helpers,

and adult guides spent an evening learning about be-

ing homeless and hungry in October.

In cold temperatures and wet condi&ons, 7th graders

stood outside of the church in food lines, received

soup made from canned goods that were donated,

and ate outside. The rain and cold prevented the stu-

dents from sleeping outside in boxes, but that just

made the 7th graders realize even more that our

homeless do not have a warm place to return home

to at night.

Students brought canned goods in for the food

shelves and listened to a speaker who educated them

about the homeless and hungry in our community

and state.

Thank you to Tami Andersen who helped prepare

food, our Confirma&on guides, high school helpers,

and our Confirma&on staff for

their leadership and ministry.

Church School Kids:

Give A Birthday Present to

Jesus and to the World! Church School Kids, bring in your

loose change offering to church

school! From Thanksgiving through the end of Decem-

ber church school offering will be given to God’s Glob-

al Barnyard in honor of Jesus’ Birthday.

God’s Global Barnyard provides livestock, resources,

and educa&on to families around the world. God’s

Gobal Barnyard is a program of the ELCA World Hun-

ger Campaign and creates sustainable living op&ons

for families.

Families will also have the opportunity to sponsor ani-

mals to break the cycle of hunger and poverty for

families around the world.

Look for our informa&on table, sponsorship forms,

and offering baskets beginning in November. Contact

Kris&n Skare with your ques&ons at 763-496-2404.


SeniorsSeniorsSeniorsSeniors Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-7657 for resource, community

or general informa&on for seniors in the Rogers area.

To subscribe to the Rogers Senior Newsle5er, call 763-241-3520. Read

the newsle5er online at

• Thursday Senior Shop Rogers

Bus—Thursdays at 10am, $1.00 per

rider. Contact Judy at 763-428-


• Jammers Potluck & Music—

Sunday, Nov. 3 from 1-5pm (eat at

4pm) at the Rogers Community

Room. Contact Dave at 763-428-


• Rogers Senior Dining—Tuesday

through Thursday every week at

12:00 noon at the Rogers Commu-

nity Room. Call at least two days in

advance by 2pm for reserva&ons,

763-428-0976. Cost: 55+ $4.00. Un-

der 55 $5.00.

• Cards & Games are played Tues-

days through Thursdays from

12:30-2pm at the Rogers Communi-

ty Room. Call Liz, 763-428-0939.

• Rogers Senior Fair—Local organiza-

&ons and businesses will educate

and provide valuable informa&on

for seniors at the Rogers Communi-

ty Room, 21201 Memorial Drive, on

Friday, Nov. 8 from 10am-2pm.

Presenta&ons throughout the

event. Refreshments and snacks

will be available. Free to the public.

• One-on-One Computer Help at the

Rogers Library: Thursday evenings

from 5:30-8pm. Ques&ons about

how to search the Internet or sign

up for an e-mail account? Need

help working on a document or

using your device (including e-

readers)? Get a 1/2 hour of help

from a knowledgeable volunteer.

Call 612-543-6050 to set up an ap-

pointment, or sign up at the Rogers

Library Informa&on Desk.

• The Word of Peace Kids-Care Bus

takes seniors shopping at Ridgedale

every other month. The next trip

will be December 10. Cost is $1.00

for the round trip. The bus will pick

us up at Word of Peace at 9:30am

and return us by 1:30pm. Call Judy

to sign up at 763-428-7657.

MS: Bagels & Bibles (youth group) meets twice a month

from 9:45-10:45am in the Youth room. Join us Nov. 3 &

17 for food, devo&ons and games! Friends are always


MS: If you are a middle school family and not currently

receiving the bi-monthly MSM.PEN e-mail newsle5er,

contact Marcus Eads at

HS: Interested in small group discussions with awesome

people?! Join us Tuesdays from 4-5pm for high school

Bible study!

• Nov. 5 @ Sadie’s Coffee in St. Michael

• Nov. 19 in the Youth Room

• Nov. 26 @ Davanni’s in Rogers

For informa@on about youth ministries, go to or


outh, Grades 6-8 HS: HS: HS: HS: High School Yout

h, Grades 9-12

HS: Wednesday Night Youth Group moves back to the

Youth room! Nov. 6 & 20 from 7:30-9pm. Bring your

friends, eat some food, & have a great &me!

HS: Sunday Perk on Nov. 3 & 17, 11-Noon in the Youth

room – Coffee, hot chocolate, & great conversa&on!

HS: If you are a high school family and not currently re-

ceiving the bi-monthly e-mail newsle5er, contact Kate

Gantz at

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C h a n g e S e r v i c e R e q u e s t e d

SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays 8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional 9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended

11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary

MondaysMondaysMondaysMondays 6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary

From your word of peace

church family