Peak Oil Implications Trauger FINAL

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 Peak Oil Implications Trauger FINAL


    Peak Oil: Implications forPeak Oil: Implications for

    Sustainable Natural ResourcesSustainable Natural ResourcesManagementManagement

    David L. TraugerDavid L. Trauger

    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    J. Edward GatesJ. Edward GatesUniversity of Maryland Center for EnvironmentalUniversity of Maryland Center for Environmental


    USDA Forest Service Sustainable OperationsUSDA Forest Service Sustainable OperationsSummitSummit

    November 18November 18--20, 200820, 2008

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    Contemporary natural resources managementContemporary natural resources managementis highly dependent on cheap, abundantis highly dependent on cheap, abundantenergyenergy

    A critical evaluation of implications of Peak OilA critical evaluation of implications of Peak Oilis needed in order to anticipate and plan for ais needed in order to anticipate and plan for arange of futuresrange of futures

    We will face great challenges as well asWe will face great challenges as well asopportunities in different biogeographicopportunities in different biogeographicregions as we adjust to new realities duringregions as we adjust to new realities duringthe coming decadesthe coming decades

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    Global Peak OilGlobal Peak Oil

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    Energy governs how we do our jobsEnergy governs how we do our jobs

    Powering facilities, computers, generators,Powering facilities, computers, generators,or motor vehiclesor motor vehicles

    Consuming food energy hiking to the nextConsuming food energy hiking to the nextobservation or sampling pointobservation or sampling point

    Manufacturing some useful field orManufacturing some useful field orlaboratory device or toollaboratory device or tool

    Much of what we describe here willMuch of what we describe here will

    be influenced by future economicbe influenced by future economicconditions and whether we can avoidconditions and whether we can avoidcollapsecollapse

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    Management ImplicationsManagement Implications

    of Peak Oilof Peak Oil

    Impacts on BudgetsImpacts on Budgets

    Impacts on OperationsImpacts on Operations

    Impacts on MaintenanceImpacts on Maintenance

    Impacts on PersonnelImpacts on Personnel

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    Impacts on BudgetsImpacts on Budgets

    Expensive, increasingly scarce oilExpensive, increasingly scarce oil

    will not only affect our ability to drivewill not only affect our ability to drive

    our cars and trucks, butour cars and trucks, but

    Costs of everything will go upCosts of everything will go up


    Effects will ripple throughout our national economyEffects will ripple throughout our national economy

    Significantly impact institutional and agencySignificantly impact institutional and agency


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    Major Budgetary ImplicationsMajor Budgetary Implications

    Greater justification of expenditures and aGreater justification of expenditures and a

    sharper focus on setting program prioritiessharper focus on setting program priorities

    Mandated high efficiency in bothMandated high efficiency in bothoperations and equipmentoperations and equipment

    Curtailment or elimination of obsolete orCurtailment or elimination of obsolete or

    inefficient programs or operationsinefficient programs or operations

    Sharing of resources and responsibilitiesSharing of resources and responsibilities

    among personnel and different agenciesamong personnel and different agencies

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    Impacts on OperationsImpacts on Operations

    Operations may be focused withinOperations may be focused withinautonomous administrative regionsautonomous administrative regions

    -- Movement of personnel around theMovement of personnel around the

    country or state or province may be too costlycountry or state or province may be too costly

    Greater reliance on electronicGreater reliance on electroniccommunications using renewablecommunications using renewable

    energy sourcesenergy sources

    -- Brownouts and blackouts may affect theBrownouts and blackouts may affect the

    electrical grids dependabilityelectrical grids dependability

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    Forests, Refuges, Parks, andForests, Refuges, Parks, and

    other Public Landsother Public Lands

    Lack of disposable income may meanLack of disposable income may meanfewer visitations by the publicfewer visitations by the public Declines in ecotourism leading to economicDeclines in ecotourism leading to economic


    Pressure to privatize or open public landsPressure to privatize or open public lands

    for needed revenues to operatefor needed revenues to operate Directly for income to support operationsDirectly for income to support operations

    Indirectly for metals, minerals, hydrocarbons,Indirectly for metals, minerals, hydrocarbons,geothermal, wood, biomass, etc.geothermal, wood, biomass, etc.

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    Species ManagementSpecies Management

    Recreational hunting, fishing, and camping likelyRecreational hunting, fishing, and camping likelywill declinewill decline

    Increase in poaching and timber theft for subsistenceIncrease in poaching and timber theft for subsistence

    Rare, threatened, and endangered speciesRare, threatened, and endangered species Increase in extirpation and extinctionIncrease in extirpation and extinction

    Greater emphasis on law enforcementGreater emphasis on law enforcement

    Exotic and invasive speciesExotic and invasive species Control may be too expensiveControl may be too expensive

    Habitat and landscape restorationHabitat and landscape restoration Lets work with nature!Lets work with nature!

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    Inventories, Monitoring, andInventories, Monitoring, and

    ResearchResearch Research activitiesResearch activities

    Greatly reduced capabilityGreatly reduced capability

    Focus on rigorous and integrated adaptiveFocus on rigorous and integrated adaptiveresource managementresource management

    Activities dependent on extensive use ofActivities dependent on extensive use of

    manned, motorized craftmanned, motorized craft Severely compromised, e.g. Routine patrols,Severely compromised, e.g. Routine patrols,Fire fighting, Breeding Waterfowl Surveys,Fire fighting, Breeding Waterfowl Surveys,

    Big Game SurveysBig Game Surveys

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    Surveys using volunteersSurveys using volunteers

    Breeding Bird Survey, etc., may becomeBreeding Bird Survey, etc., may become

    difficult to maintaindifficult to maintain

    Remotely accessed or automatedRemotely accessed or automated

    monitoring systemsmonitoring systems

    Expansion of their applicationExpansion of their application Role in law enforcementRole in law enforcement

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    Increased costs will mean that thereIncreased costs will mean that there

    will be even fewer incentives to travelwill be even fewer incentives to travel

    long distances to meetings,long distances to meetings,particularly via jet planesparticularly via jet planes


    NationalNational RegionalRegional



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    Impacts on MaintenanceImpacts on Maintenance

    Reduction of many types ofReduction of many types of

    maintenance and repairmaintenance and repair

    Road maintenance and other access pointsRoad maintenance and other access points

    NonNon--essential infrastructure, e.g., visitoressential infrastructure, e.g., visitor


    Recovery from catastrophic eventsRecovery from catastrophic eventswill be problematicwill be problematic

    Wind storms, wild fires, tornadoes, floods,Wind storms, wild fires, tornadoes, floods,

    hurricanes, etc.hurricanes, etc.

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    Maintaining levees, dikes, and otherMaintaining levees, dikes, and other

    impoundments will be expensiveimpoundments will be expensive

    -- Especially in coastal areas where seaEspecially in coastal areas where sea

    level rise is predictedlevel rise is predicted

    Retrofit, Repair, and Recycling willRetrofit, Repair, and Recycling will

    be new watchwordsbe new watchwords

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  • 8/7/2019 Peak Oil Implications Trauger FINAL


    Sustainable approaches will be anSustainable approaches will be an

    overriding goaloverriding goal

    Demand for personnel with particularDemand for personnel with particular


    Law enforcement

    Law enforcement

    Adaptive resource managementAdaptive resource management

    Remote sensing and GISRemote sensing and GIS

    Information technology and electronicInformation technology and electronic

    communicationcommunication Equipment maintenance and repairEquipment maintenance and repair

    Care of livestock, i.e., pack animals and horses!Care of livestock, i.e., pack animals and horses!

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    UniversitiesUniversities declining budgets, decliningdeclining budgets, decliningstudent enrollments, declining researchstudent enrollments, declining researchdollars, and downsizing facultydollars, and downsizing faculty

    Fewer students going into forestry, wildlife, fisheries, andFewer students going into forestry, wildlife, fisheries, andother conservation fields due to costs and lack of jobsother conservation fields due to costs and lack of jobs

    Emphasis on training fewer postEmphasis on training fewer post--graduatesgraduates

    Major universities will undergo contraction in many disciplinesMajor universities will undergo contraction in many disciplines

    Smaller colleges and universities nearer to home maySmaller colleges and universities nearer to home mayweather the storm betterweather the storm better

    Approaches to education and training willApproaches to education and training willchange and evolvechange and evolve

    Alternatives to attending universityAlternatives to attending university Distance learning and training technologies, e.g., CDs, DVDs,Distance learning and training technologies, e.g., CDs, DVDs,

    web, interactive video networkweb, interactive video network

    Scattered faculty offer a coherent program of specialized trainingScattered faculty offer a coherent program of specialized trainingto a wider audienceto a wider audience

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  • 8/7/2019 Peak Oil Implications Trauger FINAL


    OpportunitiesOpportunities Will we be able to react quickly enough?Will we be able to react quickly enough?

    Duplication and waste will be less toleratedDuplication and waste will be less tolerateddue to high costs and focus ondue to high costs and focus onsustainabilitysustainability

    Decision making will be streamlined andDecision making will be streamlined andentrusted to those on the front linesentrusted to those on the front lines Innovative, logical, multiInnovative, logical, multi--taskes, risk takerstaskes, risk takers

    Initiative and success rewardedInitiative and success rewarded

    Employees will be challenged by a dynamicEmployees will be challenged by a dynamicwork environmentwork environment Novel situations and conditionsNovel situations and conditions

    Need for adaptability and innovation

    Need for adaptability and innovation

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    Can We be Proactive?Can We be Proactive?

    Most budget adjustments and expendituresMost budget adjustments and expenditures

    must be made early while energy is stillmust be made early while energy is still

    relatively cheap and abundant and beforerelatively cheap and abundant and before

    other costs risethe future is NOW!other costs risethe future is NOW!

    However, could be a difficult task given flatHowever, could be a difficult task given flat

    or declining budgets and inflationaryor declining budgets and inflationary


    Doing more with less will surely take on newDoing more with less will surely take on new

    meaning for allmeaning for all

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    Efficiency andConservationEfficiency andConservation

    History shows that savings due toincreased fuel-efficiency can easily bewiped out by increased population(number of drivers) and energy use


    Not a strategy to enable business asusual, but one to effect a net reduction inoil consumption

    Must be coupled with the eventualelimination of greenhouse gas emissionsfrom the burning of fossil fuels

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    Solar and WindSolar and Wind


    existing facilitiesexisting facilities

    and operating fieldand operating field

    equipmentequipment Example: EasternExample: Eastern

    Neck NationalNeck National

    Wildlife Refuge onWildlife Refuge on

    Marylands upperMarylands upperEastern ShoreEastern Shore

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    Prediction: Budget pressures will force consolidation ofPrediction: Budget pressures will force consolidation of

    natural resources agencies across the U.S.natural resources agencies across the U.S.Government in the next 5 years.Government in the next 5 years.

    Flash: Creation of aFlash: Creation of a Earth Systems Science AgencyEarth Systems Science Agency

    proposed byproposed by merging National Oceanic andmerging National Oceanic and

    Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. GeologicalAtmospheric Administration and the U.S. Geological


    Question: Can the USDAForest Service, U. S. FishQuestion: Can the USDAForest Service, U. S. Fish

    and Wildlife Service, Bureau ofLand Management,and Wildlife Service, Bureau ofLand Management,

    and National Park Service be far behind? Hummmand National Park Service be far behind? Hummm

    Natural Resources Management AgencyNatural Resources Management Agencyhas a certainhas a certain

    ring to it!ring to it!

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    Peak Oil will force drastic changes inPeak Oil will force drastic changes innatural resource management programsnatural resource management programsand prioritiesand priorities

    Major challenge to protect and manage theMajor challenge to protect and manage theintegrity of our forests and other bioticintegrity of our forests and other bioticsystemssystems

    Greater emphasis onGreater emphasis on REALREAL sustainablesustainable

    resource management strategiesresource management strategies

    Whether we leave a natural heritage forWhether we leave a natural heritage forour descendents and future generationsour descendents and future generationswill depend on the pathway we take now!will depend on the pathway we take now!