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ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

PrintIllinois, 60007. Copyright © 1969 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village,it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarkedPEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication,

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\ ‘o i r’ 44NUMBER 1





P ed fa t r icsJU LY 1969



Q Ni : of th e m ost charac te ristic abno r-

m alities o f ce reb rosp in al flu id (CSF)

in p atien ts w ith bac te ria l and tubercu lo iism enin g itis is a dec rease in its g lucose co n-

ten t. T h is find ing , firs t observed by L ich-

the im, was in itia lly a ttribu ted to u tiliza tio n

of g lu cose by the l)acte ria g row in g in the

flu id . T h is exp lana tion , as m any sub se -

quen t on es , has b een abandon ed in th e

l igh t of conf lic ting ex perim en tal ev idence ,

an d at presen t the m echan ism s induc’ing a

low C SF sug ar ar e en igm atic . R ecen t pub ii-

ca tion s bearing au th is P rO l)lem Pr0 IBP t a

rev iew of the fac to rs invo lved in low erin g

ce i’eb rosp in a l flu id sug ar .

G o id ring and H arfo rd it foun d tha t the

u tiliza tion of g lucose 1w concen tra tions of

pn eum ococc i equa l to o r h igher than those

usu ally seen in m en ing itis w as too sm all to

be measu red and cou ld , the re fo re, no t a f-

fec t the sp in a l flu id sug ar in th e face of a

norm a l m ech an ism for its rep len ishm en t.

Th is s tudy , and one by m o ,’ w ho d em on-

stra ted th at u nder norm al co nd itio ns g lu -

cose w as transpo rted in to the C SF m o re

rap id ly than its u tiliz atio n by lym phocy te s,

sug gested to P c te rsdorf and H arte r# {176 } tha t

the decrease in CSF sugar w as du e to its

enhanced u tiliza tion b y phag ocy tiz ing po ly -

m orph onu clea r leuko cy te s in th e ireseu ice

of l)ac te ria . W ork ing with dogs , P e tersdorf,

e t a !. #{176}‘ show ed th at 1 )0 th in civo an d in

citr() the in trodu ction of bac te ria in to CSF

con tain ing po lym orp honuc lea r ee l Is in -

du ced a low ering of CSF sugar. T h is d id

no t occur w hen live b ac te ria w ere in jec ted

in to n orm al CSF , o r in to f lu id of an im als inw hom th e ce llu la r respon se to the in jec tio n

o f s te rile sa line h ad been in h ib ited by irra -

d ia tion -ind uced leukop en ia . Two ob jections

can be ra ised to the hy po thesis tha t the

low ered CSF sug ar is the resu lt o f the com -

b in ed presen ce of b ac te ria and phago cy tes .

First, it fails to exp la in the low C SF sugar

seen in tub ercu lo us m en ing itis and in o ther

m en in g itides ch arac te rized b y a s ligh t m o-

n onuc lea r resp onse. T he secon d ob jection is

th a t, even w hen the m etabo lism of leuko-

cy tes is enhanced th rough the presence of

bac te ria , bac ter ia l g lu co se up take is bu t a

frac tion o f the am oun t m etabo lized by the

bra in .

A ssum ing th at a ty p ica l ch ild w ith b ac te -

ria l m en in g itis has a CSF vo lum e of 100 m l

and u sing the da ta o f P e te rsdo rf and

H arde r,# {17 6} 75 m g of g lu cose is consum ed iw

C SF po lym orphonuc lear ce lls in 2 hours.

S im ila r resu lts a re ob ta ined w hen w e us e

v alu es fou nd by C ohn and M orse fo r gh i-

cose u tiliza tion by endo tox in -s tim u la ted

p o lym orp honuc lea r leukocy tes . T h is co n-

trasts with the u tiliza tion of a l)o u t 75 rug

g luco se per m inu te by the res ting adu lt

b rain . F or these reasons an im p a irm en t in

th e tran sfe r o f g lu co se be tw een b lood and

C SF and bra in an d CSF h as been sug -

gested as con tribu ting to the redu c tion of

sp ina l flu id sug ar .

PEDIAT II I ( ; s , Vo l . 44 , No . 1 , Ju ly 1969

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Fishmant and Crone’#{ 176 } have found that,

under physio lo g ical conditions, the transfer

o f g lucose from blood to CSF and brain is

dependent on tw o fac to rs : s imple diffus io n

and carrier-fac ilitated diffusion. In bacterial

mening itis , bo th mechanism s may func tion

abnormally . S ifontes, et hav e found

that g lucose transport from blood to CSF is

usually inhibited o r de layed in tuberculous

m ening itis , and a number o f o ther clinical

studie s hav e since confirm ed this defect in

non-v iral m ening itide s.

Recently , Prockop and Fishma&2 have

found both the fac ilitated diffusio n o f g lu-

co se from blood to CSF and the fac ilitated

outw ard diffusion o f g lucose from CSF to

blood to be impaired in bacterial meningitis

and, significantly , that a nonspec ific in-

crease in the perm eability o f the m em-

branes betw een blood and CSF, as m ea-

sured by the rates o f mannito l entry and

disappearance , allow ed more hexose to

enter the CSF than w ould be exc luded by

the inhibitio n o f the carrier sys tem .

It is there fore like ly that facto rs aside

from those already c ited contribute to the

reduced CSF sugar in mening itis . One of

these is the greater utilization of g luco se by

the brain as a consequence o f an increase in

the rate o f cerebral g ly co lysis re lative to

g lucose o x idatio n.U nder normal conditions, brain ox idize s

about 85% o f the g lucose it utilizes, while

but 15 % is converted to lac tic acid. S ince ,

theoretically , g ly co lysis y ie lds 2 mo les and

g lucose ox idation 36 mo les of high energy

phosphates per mo le o f g luco se utiliz ed, a

decrease [as fo r instance from 85% to 45% in

the re lativ e amount o f g lucose ox idized by

the tricarhoxy lic ac id (Krebs) cy c le] w ill

increase l)y 78% the amount o f g lucose re -

quired to maintain a constant rate o f en-

e rg y pro duc tio n.

The ev idence for a s ignif icant decrease in

cerebral g lucose ox idatio n, and an increase

in g lyco ly sis in bac terial m ening itis may be

summarized as fo llow s:

1 . A n increased CSF lactic ac id concen-

tratio n has been noted in patients w ith bac-

terial and tuberculous , but not w ith v iral,

mening itis.1 4 ’1 ’ A lthough lac tic ac id has

been cons idered to arise from the metabo-

lism of g luco se by phagocytiz ing leuko-

cy te s, a consideratio n of lac tic acid trans-

po rt mechanism s makes this highly unlike ly .

Po sner and Plum15 have show n that, in al-

te red phy sio lo g ic s tates , CSF lac tic ac id

concentratio ns paralle l those in the brain

rather than those in arterie s o r cerebral

ve ins. Therefore , the increased CSF lac tate

in bacterial mening itis re flec ts a propo rtio n-

al increase in brain lac tate . In the absence o f

impaired brain-CSF-brain transpo rt o f lac -

tic ac id, it is highly unlike ly that lac tic ac i-

dosis o f the CSF could be maintained so lely

through the anaerobic g lyco lysis by po ly -

morphonuc lear leuko cy tes, but it also re-

quires participatio n by the brain in lac tic

ac id production. The productio n of 12 mg of

lac tic ac id per m inute by the normal resting

adult brain, and 0 .06 0 mg lactic ac id by 1 X

10 endotox in stimulated po lymorphonu-

c lear ce lls per hours emphas ize s the re lativ e

dimens ions of the tw o sources fo r lactic ac id

production. W hile increased lactic ac id pro-

duc tion also occurs in status epilepticus and

fo llow ing experimentally induced se i-

zures,1 6 increased g lucose utilizatio n o ccur-

ring under these conditio ns is compensated

fo r by a tenfo ld increase in g lucose uptake

by the brain, and no chang e in CSF glucosew ould be expected.

2 . Reduction in the activ ity o f ox idativ e

enzymes in the neutrophil occurs w ith m ini-

m al degrees o f tissue damage , such as fo l-

low ing anox ia or head trauma, and is de -

tec table by histo chem ical techniques in the

absence o f any obv ious anatom ical or his-

to log ic alte rations. S Converse ly , w hole

body radiatio n has l)een shown to increase

g luco se o x i( latio n and decrease g lyco ly sis o f

adult rat cortex .1 9 The experiments o f Pc -

tersdorf, et a l.e show ing that a low ering of

CSF gluco se can be prevented by prior ir-

radiation of animals should perhaps be in-

terpreted in light o f this most recent find-


3 . Increased brain g lycogen has been

noted in anox ia and in a varie ty o f infec-

tious conditions, inc luding mening itis . In

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experimental injurie s the increased g lycogen

finding corre lates w ell w ith a decrease in

the ac tiv ity o f enzymes partic ipating in the

ox idation of g lucose ,2#{ 17 6} a nd w ith the slow ing

of e lec trical ac tiv ity o f the e lectroencephalo -

gram which o ccurs w hen g lucose o x idation

has been reduced by 50 % or more . These

finding s sugg es t that g lycog en fo rmation,

proceeding v ia g lucose 6 -phosphate (an in-

termediate in the g ly co ly tic pathw ay ), m ay

be re lated to decreased func tion o f the tn-

carboxy lic ac id cy cle , and that it is a rela-

tiv ely common response to m ino r degrees o f

rev ersible cerebral damage .

To sun# { 238} marize, a combination o f in-

creased g lucose utilizatio n by the brain due

to increased g lyco lysis and a defec tive g lu-

cose transpo rt appears at present to repre-

sent the prim ary fac tors fo r the low spinal

f luid sugar in bacterial mening itis .


D iv ision of Pediatric N euro lo gy

UCLA S choo l o f M edicine

Los Angeles, California 90024


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