Peer coaching pitch for slideshare

Post on 28-Oct-2014

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Mastermind GroupsThe Social Hack for Performance, Productivity and Progress

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”Jim Rohn


Humans learn faster with like-minded peers. Entrepreneurs are no exception.

Mastermind groups help Entrepreneurs to:

FOCUS – Get Direction and Clarity

GROW – Learn from your peers

MAKE MORE MONEY – Get Motivated

What is it?

Imagine the IMPACT of meeting regularly with a small TEAM of 2-4 SEASONED ENTREPRENEURS who are emotionally invested in your success.

Within this group, you trade expertise, experience and networks, and hold each other accountable to the goals you set for yourselves.

This is a PROVEN concept for accelerating success.What follows is a list of Famous Mastermind Groups

Ex. 1 – The VagabondsHenry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding, Harvey Firestone.

Their results speak for themselves.

The Vagabonds met weekly for many years to discuss business ventures, scientific ideas and politics.

Ex. 2 – The InklingsIt is no mistake that these literary giants knew each other

Met weekly at their local pub, “Eagle and Child”, where they would read aloud from their latest works (The Hobbit, The Screwtape Letters) and debate & critique each other’s prose.

Ex. 3 – Pixar’s Brain Trust

Pixar’s “Brain Trust” is a big part of what has made the company so successful, with a record 11 Blockbuster Animations in only 15 years.

The “Brain Trust” is essentially a Mastermind Group, comprised of an ongoing creative body, which utilizes a peer-driving process for generating incredible results.

Highest Grossing Animation Ever: $1,063,171,911

Ex. 4 – Microcredit ‘Solidarity Lending’

Solidarity Lending Groups are a cornerstone of the microcredit lending practice.

With no collateral available, microcredit financiers rely on peer accountability and mutual support to ensure successful entrepreneurial ventures and loan repayment.

Ex. 5 –Alcoholics Anonymous

According to addiction experts, after 75 years AA is still the best way to achieve one of humanity’s most challenging goals… giving up an alcohol addiction.

Behavioral Science attributes the success of AA in Goal Achievement and Behavior Change, to “the power of the group.”

Imagine applying that power to YOUR SUCCESS

Basic Format

2x 90min Meeting/Month3-5 Entrepreneurs – similar projects – similar ‘level’

Individual Attention Take the Hotseat - focus on your biggest obstacles. Coach, Mentor, Connect and Educate your Peers.

DO ITCommit to actions – Group Accountability

Next Steps

1.Fill out our Survey.

2. WE FIND YOU A GROUP. We review the survey information and (if there’s a good fit, and after your confirmation) place you with 2-4 other entrepreneurs with similar goals and at a similar “level”.

3. WE EDUCATE & FACILITATE. We give you and your group a crash course on the basics of group coaching and the mastermind format, and even facilitate your first meeting.