Peer Review Evaluation of Revised Cross Section TF Winding Pack

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Peer Review Evaluation of Revised Cross Section TF Winding Pack. Kalish 9/15/04. Charge / Outline. Design Evolution and Comparison Analysis Cost / Schedule/ Vendor Impact Design Comparison. Original TF Wedged Winding Pack Cross Section vs New Design. Existing Design. New Design. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Peer ReviewEvaluation of Revised

Cross Section TF Winding Pack

Kalish 9/15/04


NCSXCharge / Outline

• Design Evolution and Comparison

• Analysis

• Cost / Schedule/ Vendor Impact

• Design Comparison



Original TF Wedged Winding Pack Cross Section vs New Design

Existing Design

New Design

Wedge Cut and Reinsulated



Reduced Cross Section Coil Outline Drawings



Left and Right Castings ReplaceMachined Winding Pack


NCSX Wedge Casting Drawing

Tabs extend the full length of the casting in front to support wedging loads

Tabs on back side of casting top and bottom to resist ejection loads



Wedging Extends 30 degrees around the upper and lower TF

As High as the Upper TF Support Castings



Supports incase the majority of the TF coil neutralizing the effects of a reduced cross section winding pack



NCSXCharge / Outline

• Design Evolution and Comparison

• Analysis

• Cost / Schedule/ Vendor Impact

• Design Comparison


NCSXAnalysis, Stress

• Coarse TF stress analysis re-run with modified geometry

• Four Load Cases Explored• Stresses and Deflections are adequate for

comparative study• Stresses expected to be lower when analysis is

repeated with detailed mesh



1.7 T High Beta Original Configuration



1.7 T High Beta Reduced Width



EQ ID7 (.5T + S1b) Original Configuration



EQ ID7 (.5T + S1b) Reduced Width



Stress and Deflection of TF Coil Configurations for Various Load Cases

Note: Allowable = 165 MPa


NCSXStress Concentration due to

Loss of Support In De-Wedged Region


NCSXForce Distribution (.5T Only)

Areas with highest loading will be supported by the casting



Casting Provides Support in Critical Area

Casting supports and wedges coil 30 degrees around radius supporting area of highest loading

Area of Highest Load / Stress



“Ejection Reactions” for Off Normal Load Cases

•“Pushers” used to react ejection loads.

•Wedge castings add the potential to grab and lock coils top and bottom to react off normal loading.


NCSXAnalysis / Thermal

• Cross sectional area of copper reduced by 31%– Increased Resistance Increases Voltage Requirement falls

within the 300V limit to the power supply for first plasma– Temperature rise for original wedged winding pack is only 1.7 K

Hydraulic / thermal analysis will be re-run for the reduced cross section.

• Restricted Flow can be offset with an increase in pressure– Design point acquired with a dP of 2 psi– Increase of pressure to 38 psi recovers flow– Velocity increases from 1 ft/sec to 4.3 ft/sec


NCSXCharge / Outline

• Design Evolution and Comparison

• Analysis

• Cost / Schedule/ Vendor Impact

• Design Comparison



Cost Reduction For Winding Pack Without Wedge

No Wedge Wedged

Tooling for Nose shaving&curing hrs. 0.00 160

Tooling Fab for nose $ 0.00 40000

Shave nose Machinist hrs. 0.00 224

Wrap & Cure nose (2 men 4 days) hrs. 0.00 64

Total labor hours for 18 coils hrs. 4327.13 9511

Total labor hours for 18 coils hrs. 144.00 144

Cost Summary:  

Total Labor Cost:   282,667.87 593,707.00

Total Material Cost:   323,850.56 323,850.00

Labor to order/stock materials   30,000.00 30,000.00

Tooling M&S   35,983.40 75,983.00

Tooling labor   23,360.00 35,040.00

Grand total for coil mfg.   672,501.83 1,023,541.00

Coil design   246,080.00 246,080.00

Grand total+ G&A before contingency   1,043,581.83 1,394,621.00

Contingency %   20.00 20.00

Design& mfg. +contingency   $1,252,298.19 1,673,546.00


NCSXCost of Wedge Castings

• Estimate of $2640 per bar from BuyCasting, total of $95,040 for 36 Castings.– addition of 6” length on

ends could add $650 per casting set

– estimate based on replies from two vendors

• In house estimate of $2,900 per casting for straight simpler machined parts backs up casting estimate

Estimate for In House Machined Wedge Elements (Straight Channels)



304 $/LB $6.00

Raw Bar H 4

Raw Bar W 1.5

Raw Bar L 96

Weight /in^3 0.3

Raw Bar Weight 172.8

$$$ per Bar $1,036.80


Hours to Machine 24

Hours for Tooling 1.11111111

$$ per hour $75.00

$$ per Bar $1,883.33


Total per Bar $2,920.13


Total per 36 Bars $105,124.80



Cost Comparison Wedged Winding Packvs Reduced Cross Section With Castings


Note: For Comparison Only, G&A and Contingency not included  


  Man Hrs Wedge No Wedge

Elimination of Coil Machining and Insulating     -$351,000

Conductor Cost     -$31,000

Casting Fixturing   $5,000  

Castings 36 pairs   $90,000  

Assembly Fixture HRS + M&S 200 $23,000  

Assembly of Castings to Coil 944 $68,912  

Engineering and Design, Fixture 120 $19,200  

Additional Analysis 120 $19,200  

Engineering and Design, Revisions 240 $38,400  

Testing of Adhesion to Castings 160 $25,600  


    $289,312 -$382,000


Cost Differential   -$92,688  


NCSXEffects on Procurement Plan

• Reduced Delivery for New Coil Configuration– Coil Delivery reduced by approximately 6 wks due to time saved

in machining operation– Time to reinsulate coil offset by time to assemble castings– Advise to use any accelerated delivery to add to contingency,

experience with on time delivery of coils is not good

• Revised design decreases risk and increases confidence with existing vendor pool but does not increase the number of available coil manufacturers

• Vendors contacts do not project confidence in their ability to manufacture a machined wedged winding pack



Alpha Magnetics, Inc

1876 Saber Street Hayward, CA 94545510 732-6698 Ken

*Site Visit by Fred Dahlgren, "Capable, and experienced coil shop with a casual (but probably effective) management style. House-keeping did not appear to be a high priority on the shop floor. In-house expertise in coil winding, machining, Tig and Mig welding, torch brazing, He-leak checking, etc (see trip report)." *Dick Thome at General Atomics has been happy with their work but have had issues with schedule*Brookhaven Laboratories has rated Alpha "Good to Very Good" (per Tom Paterson at Columbia)*Greg Hartwell at Auburn 42cm dia coil was 2mm too wide when the tolerance was +/- 2mm, they were 4 months on a 3 month delivery, coil looks good, as of yet untested, shifted in shipping but packaging did not necessarily look bad*Tom Paterson at Columbia, building small but complicated coils includes welded package, job in progress, alpha has been responsive and knowledgeable but slow to begin work*Teleconference with Ken Wadsworth- Reviewed techniques used to build two large coils one D Shaped 15 feet high by 20 ft long with 1.5"x2" aluminum conductor and 12"x12" cross section for Fermi Lab. The other water cooled copper conductor 12' ID with a 14" square cross section built to a 1/16" tolerance for "Archimedes". A third 60 ft long coil was made by building in place a convection oven. They have a large horizontal boring mill adequate for machining the NCSX TF coils. Ken Wadsworth reviewed the NCSX PF and TF Coil drawings posted on the web and indicated that they are both capable and interested in building any or all of these coils. *Lee Severe (858 642-9170 x208) at Archimedes (purchased the 12' ID coils) would choose EversonTesla over Alpha even at a higher price the next time they purchase large coils. Alpha took about 13 months on an 8 month schedule and was non responsive even when offered additional money to get back on schedule. Alpha had limited or no QA, instrument calibrations were 4 yrs old, Alpha bid 3/4 of the cost of EversonTesla, Archimedes had an engineer on full time who caught bad torch braze joints that would have been buried in the middle of the coil, the end watter fittings were over toqued and distorted at Alpha. The coils are now in service and are working to spec but Lee feels that without the Archimedes oversight the bad braze would have led to a failed coil.There may be "Staffing" issues at Alpha, the company lost it's president and brought back the founder who is competent but temporaryAlpha will require a very high level of oversight a by PPPL to ensure they deliver a quality product but appears to have the basic capability to build any or all of the Conventional Coils

Potential TF Coil Vendors



Everson Tesla, Inc

615 Daniels RoadNazareth, PA 18064610 746-1520Greg

PPPL's experience with Everson is mixed. Generally a well run operation with good controls on paper however there were some avoidable quality problems with the NSTX Coils fabricated at Everson (TF Bundle, and OH Coil). The remnants of Everson have been bought out by Tesla and renamed EversonTesla. Greg Naumovich in a meeting at PPPL did provide some assurances that some of the past issues with QC oversight and attention to detail have been addressed in the reorganization. While they are well positioned to produce any or all of the NCSX coils, to minimize risk there will have to be careful oversight by PPPL and a review and commitment by EversonTesla to put in place procedural improvements to avoid past problems.

Stangenes Industries

1052 East Meadow CirclePalo Alto, CA 94545Lance Thompson650

Teleconference with Lance Thompson, 30 yrs in the business, two buildings each about 15,000 sq. feet, about 100 employees, ISO Certification is in process, have QC department, Built 14' long by 6' wide rectangular coil with 1"x2" conductor for Brookhaven, Built 13' diameter coil with 2cm sq conductor for EBCO Labs in Canada, these jobs were within the last 4 yrs, they No Bid the Columbia job, they have a 10ft oven they no longer use because there aren't very many large coils and they prefer to build an oven in place, Lance said they are capable of building all of the NCSX conventional coils and that he would speak with the CEO. Stangenes looks like a possible player and will get further scrutiny. To be considered for the Bidders list

National Electric Coil

Columbus OhioHoward MoodyHmoudy@national-electric-coil.comTony Mcconnnon

Large industrial supplier as well as supplier for Nuclear Navy. Produce hollow solid copper conductor windings mostly for power generation. Generator Rotor Coils (.25”x1” conductor) Use a lot of CDA 107 copper. Familiar with torch, resistance and induction brazing. Work with clean rooms. Familiar with VPI process. 300,000 sq foot facility. Howard Moody worked the industrial side of Everson up until 10 yrs ago. Will Plan Visit

General Atomics

Dick Thome858 455-3127

Capabilities exist at GA to build any or all of the NCSX Coils. They are limited by the capacity of the 10 Ton Crane which is not an issue for these coils. Dick Thome indicated that GA would not be competitive with industry due to their cost structure and for that reason would not want to expend the effort to bid the job. He did however say that we could consider GA a backup option if we failed to find a satisfactory industrial vendor.

Potential TF Coil Vendors


NCSXCharge / Outline

• Design Evolution and Comparison

• Analysis

• Cost / Schedule/ Vendor Impact

• Design Comparison


NCSXDesign Comparison

• Advantages1. Lower Risk in the

Manufacture of the Coil2. Lower Risk in obtaining

conductor3. Reduce Stress in Key

areas, wedging reacts load at top and bottom

4. Potential to secure structure at top and bottom to resist ejection loads

5. Lower Cost ($92K)6. Increased Schedule

Contingency (6 weeks)Parallel Tasks

• Disadvantages1. Additional analysis

required2. Improved stress but not

necessarily deflection3. Break in the middle of the

casting to be evaluated4. Adhesion of Coil to

Casting to be verified5. Increased resistance /

higher voltage6. More Parts