People and Culture (Nikos)

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Easter Procession, Spain

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Westminster Abbey, London

Nujood Ali was ten when she fled her abusive, much older husband and took a taxi to the courthouse in Sanaa, Yemen. The girl's courageous act—and the landmark legal battle that ensued—turned her into an international heroine for women's rights. Now divorced, she is

back home with her family and attending school again.

The ruins of an ancient village submerged by the construction of a hydroelectric dam resurface when lake levels are low. The park's man-made attractions range from medieval

castles and pilgrimage sites to modern resorts.

Desert Crossing, Rajasthan, India

Fishermen, Myanmar

Brooklyn Bedroom

Tuareg Celebration

Street Scene, Paris

Folded Hands, Brunei

one-shaped tents called lávut provide temporary shelter for Sami herders while following the reindeer. Nils Peder Gaup, resting here on the tundra, feels most at home in the mountains.

"The Sami spirit follows you," he says.

The Himba women of northern Namibia perform daily rituals in which they anoint themselves with a mixture of ochre, oil, and ash to protect themselves from the harsh desert climate.

They never take a shower, but rather burn aromatic herbs in a pot each morning with which they smoke themselves as if applying perfume.

Kalaripayatu fighters practicing on a beach in North Kerala. Kalaripayatu is one of the most ancient martial arts, supposedly more ancient than Kung Fu. This photo was taken with no

special setup, just during a regular practicing session. I was using a kite to lift the camera, in order to remain steady above the subject for more than an hour, without disturbing.

Floating Lanterns, Thailand

Festival of Lights, Myanmar

When the river floods, the children of Jabed Ali know what to do: Climb the bamboo macha in the front yard and hold on tight. Char dwellers, who inhabit the constantly changing islands, or chars, on the floodplains of Bangladesh's three major rivers, are used to such calamities,

which are on the increase.

Reindeer breeding is one of the basic forms of employment for the indigenous population of this region. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky peninsula.

A monk walks a dusty road in Bagan, the ancient capital of Myanmar (Burma)—and a sight to rival Cambodia's Angkor Wat. The area once held 13,000 pagodas dating back to the second

century A.D., many built of brick that was plastered and painted. Earthquakes and the Ayeyarwady River destroyed more than 10,000 of them.

Tuareg, Algeria

Beltane Fire Festival, Scotland

Buddha in Coal Yard, China

Al Kazimiyah Shrine, Baghdad

Ice Cream Vendor, Greece

Camel Trader, India

Goat Herders, Djibouti

This lady is a part of a very small Kyrgyz community that live in small yurts just on the shore of the amazing Karakol Lake on the way from China to Pakistan.

Children Watching Train, Edinburgh

Nuns, Colombia

Wedding Procession, India

Monks, Bhutan


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