
Post on 13-May-2015

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  • 1.Perception

2. Untitled.wmv 3. DEFINITION A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. 4. Components of perception stimuli perception Behaviour personality motives learning performancesatistifaction 5. Factors influence the perception Perceiver characteristic: Perception depends on how individual view the objects and situation. The perception is not reality ,but it is a viewing of the reality which differ from person to person according to respective characteristic. 6. Attitude Attitude and aptitude of employees influence in perception formation. If they have positive attitude towards the management they directly perceive the stimuli given by management. In case of negative attitude the employees suspect the managements approach. 7. Motives The motives and desires of employees cause them to view stimuli differently as per their level and angle . Employees having low motives will not work sincerely. Motives are reflect in action based on perception. 8. Interest The interest of the individuals draws more attention and recognition to stimuli. If employees have lack of interest behavior patterns also less effective and perception is also weak. Since individuals interest are vary from person to person ,the perception is also differ. 9. Experience The experiments of employees result in different levels of perception. Experience employees generally understand objects quickly and correctly. 10. Learning Learning is an important factor influencing perception formation. Educated person have higher perception then the less educated persons. 11. personality Personality has different levels of perception . The personality of a perceiving person considerably affect the stimuli transformation behavior process. Young people perceive objects and situations in the original form .experienced persons perceive the object as per their personality levels. 12. External factors The following are external factors that influence perception. Size Contrast Repetition Motion Familiarity 13. size The size of the object or stimulus has a greater impact on the perception process because the size influence attention and recognition more effective manner. 14. Contrast Contrasting objects have more impact on behavior employees pay more attention and recognition to contrasting objects and situations. 15. Repetition Repeated stimuli have more impact on perfomances than a single statement. Repetition has the advantage of being attention- catching. Supervisors repeat orders several times to have them followed by employees. 16. Motion People pay more attention to the moving objects then to stationary objects this is just impact of eyes on the mind. Employees are more attentive towards working machines then stationary machines. 17. Familiarity Employees would like to hear and see those programs with which they are familiar. Training programs demonstrated in the language of employees are highly attended and recognized. 18. Organisational structure The perceptual process is influenced by the organizational structure and process. The perceptual structure, perceptual grouping, constancy, context, defense, work place and process have been recognized as important factors influencing the perceptual process. 19. Perceptual structure The organizational structure influences the perception of employees and other people related to the organizational. The departmentalization, decentralization, delegation of authority and other structural frameworks have important bearings in the mind of employees. If the structure is viewed positively by the employees, they willingly contribute to the development of the organization. 20. Perceptual work place The perceptual process is affected by the workplace too. Perceptual process is different for different employees. Some people have positive perception while other develop negative perception of the workplace. 21. Stereotyping effect Stereotype judgment is base on ideal situation or type of impression formed about the group. If an employees is found well behaved ,the whole group is considered as good. 22. Halo effect Halo effect occurs only when a single factor is taken for performance evaluation or perception with the process ignoring other important consideration.