perf art

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A new 512-seat performance auditorium at Wauconda High School Lake County l i l . offers a gathering

space for community events.  Photo courtesy of James Steinkamp/Steinkamp Photography





Creating performing arts centers that

enrich comnnunities and campuses.

  y Greg Spitzer and D ouglas J. Ogurek

rom the undulating land-

scape ol eastern Ohio's

T u s c a r a w a s C o u n t y ,

glass and metal facade will curve

around brick and stone volumes to

complement the community's his-

toric architecture, and stimu late the

performing-arts center will bring

much more tban entertainmen t. As

a world-class venue, the performing-

arts center will promote the eco-

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dance programs.

The Kent State Tuscarawas story

exemplifies a performing-arts centers

potenlial to culturally and financially

invigorate a cotnmunity and campus.

Performing-arts centers can provide



  the high school and col-

legiate levels, and administrators can

take steps now to get the show started.


p r o f i t a b l e c e n t e r p i e c e

When a new performing-arts cen-

ter comes to town, local businesses

profit. Events and performances draw

visitors to the comm unity.

The community performing-arts

center also can prompt the cultural

enrichm ent of a region. The play that

the high school English class studies

becomes much more influential when

the class attends a performance at the

nearby college. Families have the op-

portunity to enjoy the theatergoing

experience together.




center offers op portu nities for shared

u s e .   A college


 universi ty can

open up its theater to K-12 school

districts and community cultural

organizations. Nearby businesses

have more opportunities to attend

or host conferences, and entertain

clients. Similarly, a high school may

share its performing-arts center with

community organizations.

  r i e x i b i e e c o n o m i c e n g i n e



performing-arts center

will play many roles: entertainment

venue, gathering space, resource for

working professionals and learning

h u b .  As


revenue generator, the


cility should be booked as much


possible. Flexibility, combined with a

smart design, will enable the facility

to have a strong economic impact.

Besides the financial benefits,


performing-arts center can enhance

the fine-arts curriculum, especially in

terms of production. Students can  u s e a

performance auditorium to get hands-

on experience with catwalks, lighting,

sets and audiovisual technology.



  ^ •  nce1955 H ^

The School Window Replacement

Technology of Choice

Old classrooms can be transformed into exciting new places to learn.

Balanced, glare-free daylighting with no need ior curtains or shades.

Superior energy performance, structural integrity, vandal-resistant

and a maintenance-free life cycle with rapid payback . All installed

while school is in session.

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Whe n the Kent State I uscarawas

performing-arts centc^r is complete,

it will prompt many theatergoers

to drive directly through downtown

New Philadelphia, Ohio.


courtesy of visualizedconcepts inc.

Performing-arts centers also can

contribute to an expansion of pro-

grams in music, theater and dance.

Lecturers and professional produc-

tions provide students more edu-

cational opportunities. And,



forming-arts center's design quality

may help a student decide to attend a

particular coilege.

F u n c t i o n a l   c o n s i d e r a t i o n s

l.diication iiistiiulions that envision

a performing-arts center may want to

commission   a  demographic analysis  o f

the surrounding community and be-

yond. This helps them define the types

of events the center w ll accommodate:

plays, dance performances, lectures,

concerts, comedy shows.

The more precise the projected


  the more effective the center

will be. For instance, the types of

music performances to be staged in

the facility will influence the acoustic

design. Other considerations: size of

the institution related to demand and

affect the way a building is budgeted

and planned.

Theater support space also de-

pends on anticipated use: a facility

designed to accommodate traveling

road shows may require more elabo-

rate dressing and green rooms.  f

the intent is to create


 strong tie

to the academic curr iculum, the

performing-arts center will need the

teaching and practice spaces, equip-

ment and infrastructure to make it a

learning tool.

Projected use ofthe performing-

arts center affects the lobby, too. In

addition to functioning   a s a   gathering

space, the lobby can accommodate

banquets, conferences and receptions.

It may need to be equipped with cater-

ing and food-service support space.

The selection of team members

also affects the center's success. Ad-

ministrators may want to add audio-

visual, acoustic and lighting systems

consultants to their cast of architects

and engineers.

  e s t h e t i c m a t t e r s

A s a   hub of culture , education and

artistic expression, the exemplary per-

forming-arts center energizes its cam-

pus and   it s   comm unity. It demands an

aesthetically pleasing design.

In addition to size and technology,

the budget affects aesthetic choices

such as massing and materials. Ad-

ministrators must prioritize items

that relate to how the facility ad-

dresses the campus and community

and its desired image.

Education institutions can create   a

riveting performing-arts center with-

out spending a fortune. For instance,

if a budget rules out


 full glass facade,

creative use of aluminum panels can

help create an inspiring statement. Fly

towers can be clad in cost-effective

precast concrete and articulated with

alum inum fins. These materials cost

less, yet still give the institution a

spaces than in private, or back o(

house, areas.

E x t e n d i n g l i i e p e r f o r m a n c e

A performing-artb center holds

the power to not only enhance


performance, but also spark the the-

atergoing experience long before the

curtain opens.

The experience begins as early as

when the building   is   approached. The

materials, shapes and lighting that

compose the facade can build an-

ticipation for the experience that lies

within. Performing-arts centers with

a sculptural quality announce the

energy and drama ofthe performing


 A series of curved and straight

walls made of precast concrete and

reflective metal contrast to   a  fly tower

built of velvety red brick.

Another important consideration

is how


 theater appears



when most performances occur. For

instance, a glowing glass lobby wall

and window slots articulated in the

metal can retlect the energy within the

space.   A   large window above an entry

can build excitement by ilkiminiiting

imagery relating to the performance.

The facility's ability to affect the

theatergoingcxperiencc carries into the

lobby. It should bean elegant, up lifting

space that encourages interaction.

The final physical stage


 th e

spectator's journey is the house, the

locus ofthe theatergoing experience.

Every seat must have a good view of

the stage. Through its interior de-

sign and seating arrangements, llic

performing-arts center can connect

patrons with the performance.



A t A ,  LEED A P ,

  is a senior design

director at

 Chicago-based Legat


  an d



Legal  Kingscott He can be reached



 or gspitzer@iegat

com. Ogurek


A P ,  is a member

ofthe K- 2 education and


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