PERICLES Pericles Syllabus 1 Historical context 1a Geography, topography and resources of Athens,...

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Pericles Syllabus 1Historical context 1a Geography, topography and resources of Athens, Attica and the Athenian empire 1b Overview of the development of Athenian democracy 1c Overview of Athenian social, religious and economic structures

Pericles Syllabus 22 Background and rise to prominence 2a Family background and education 2b Early political career to 460 BC

Pericles Syllabus 33 Career

3a Democratic reforms and policies 3b Military career 3c Building program 3d Roles as general (strategos) and politician 3e Methods of maintaining leadership and influence 3f Promotion of Athenian imperialism 3g Role and influence in the development of Athens, the Golden Age 3h Relationships with prominent individuals: Aspasia, Ephialtes, Pheidias 3i Role in the Peloponnesian War (431 BC): causes, strategies and leadership 3j Manner and impact of his death

Pericles Syllabus 44 Evaluation

4a Impact and influence on his time 4b Assessment of his life and career 4c Legacy 4d Ancient and modern images and interpretations of Pericles.

Pericles From his family and other connectionsAthenians EXPECTED Pericles to be

Unique Out of the Ordinary Special

He was from the equivalent of royalty in democratic Athens Germanicus? Kennedy?

FamilyThe scion of 2 noble families (Kagan) With this family background Pericles was well equipped for public office (Lawless) Born into a position that many in Athenian political life would envy (Lawless)

Pericles - Rise to prominence :Family backgroundEducation Early political successMilitary career

Pericles Political Career beginsPolitical Vacuum in Athens because: Aristides (The Just) was dead Themistocles in exile Cimon absent on campaigns (Plutarch)

Family Background and Education

- Born 490 BC - Tribe: Acamantis - Deme: Cholargus Parents - he was descended on both sides from the noblest lineage in Athens (Plutarch) - Father: Xanthippus belonged to a prominent political family and was a rising politician who defeated the Persiansat Mycale while serving as strategos, 479 - Mother: Agariste was a member of the famous Alcmaeonid family, long involved in the political history of Athens - Cleisthenes was Pericles great uncle

The Persian Invasions

Greece 490 and 480-470 BC - Greeks were victorious over the stronger Persian forces- led to patriotism - Athenians played a prominent part in the success- able to capitalise on this spirit via the astuteness of political leaders such as Themistocles and Aristides - Delian League, 478- all the island states who wanted protection from Persia- allowed Athenians to assume apolitical and diplomatic role in the Aegean

Young Pericles had to evacuate Athens in the wake of the Persian invasion- politically active family- biased opinion regarding the greatness of Athens

- Athenian success= possibility of imperial exploitation and a means of ensuring a political career

- Post war- Athens and its popular politicians became too preoccupied with the great military matters of the day to concentrate on further Democratic reform

Pericles father Xanthippus -despite key role as STRATEGOS alongside Miltiades( OSTRACISED ) (HERO OF MARATHON) - liberator of(an Ionian polis in Asia Minor) SestosOSTRACISED

Affect on Pericles At time of Pericles father Xanthippus ostracism in 484 BC Pericles was about 10 years oldHe saw need for political influence

His fathers ostracism made Pericles wary of overexposure to the public.This lesson was critical in his rise to prominence

Phillia Family connections ( From phil= lover of )

OSTRACISM -to stop anyone becoming a Tyrant-exile for 10 years from Athens -family and property safe -minimum of 6,000 votes required-could be recalled in emergencies -otherwise return=death

Aristides The Just ostracon

Pericles training Traditional Athenian education Of the mind knowledge and intellect Of the arts poetry and musicBody- physical education (Thucydides) Development of Democracy

(508-433BC) Uncle Cleisthenes- enlisted the support of the masses by promising to give them political power.His reforms created ten new tribal divisions in which all citizens were redistributed based upon where they lived, not on family connections as previously. This was designed to break up the political power of the aristocrats.Increased the power of the Ecclesia (Assembly) and the Heliaea (Courts)

Ephialtes 468-67BCUnder him the Areopagus (Old Oligarchic Council) lost power to punish magistrates for misconduct, the powerto supervise the administration of the state, the duty of seeming that the laws were obeyed, and the right toinvestigate the lives of private citizens. These powers were transferred to the Boule,(New Council of 500) the Ecclesia ( Assembly or the voters ) and the Heliaea.(Courts) Leaving the Areopagus with only its powers of jurisdiction over cases of intentional homicide and the supervision of religious ceremonies. Ephialtes was assassinated in 462-61, Pericles succeeded him.Aristides (530?-467? BC)introduced in 487 a decree to the Ecclesia whereby five hundred candidates from those citizens eligible were elected, fifty from each tribe, as candidates for selection by lot for the archons positions. He also increased the number of citizens eligible for the archonship and increased the power of the Ecclesia, reducing the power of the aristocracy. He introduced Ostracism and increased the Council of 400 to 500.

470s-60sPericles attached himself to the Peoples Party and took up the cause of the poor and many (rather than the rich and few)despite his aristocratic background

Afraid of being suspected of aiming at a dictatorship because he continually took the office of strategos- recognised that Cimon supported and was admired by the aristocratic party- began to ingratiate (suck up to) himself with the people as a way of securing power against his rival and preserving his ambitions of leadership.

He had many opponents but they were never able to match the admiration and awe the common people held forhim484-469 BCsaw the rise and fall of the most famous names in Athenian political history, e.g. Themistocles, Aristides and Cimon- their political activities and ideas would have affected Pericles political outlook, without their reforms Pericles would not have been able to build up the Empire.- he was shy as a young man. The fact that he was rich and that he came of a distinguished family andpossessed exceedingly powerful friends made the fear of ostracism very real to him, and at the beginning he tookno part in politics but devoted himself to soldiering, in which he showed great daring and enterprise.- (Plutarch)he served with Cimon and the Delian League fleetEducation

- Educated by the several of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the age - Damon music, poetry etc. - probably due to him that Pericles entered Politics as a radical - ostracised for being an intriguer and supporter of tyranny - Zeno - lessons in rhetoric: the study of debating and arguing - Anaxagoras- taught him dignity of spirit and a nobility of utterance also a composure of countenance.(Plutarch) - Under his guidance, Pericles learnt to rise above the orators who deliberately said what the crowd wanted to hear in order to win popularity - Learned to rise above the common fear of the supernatural - Traditional education- training in rhetoric, oratory and philosophy, recital of epic poems as well as appreciation of music and gymnastics.Pericles Tutors 1DAMON Hiding his true talents under the veil of music (Plutarch)Used music to teach Pericles about Athenian politics

Pericles Tutors 2ZENOTaught him the political skill of Counter Questioning Invaluable skill in Oratory Traps opponent through questioning

Pericles Tutors 3 ANAXAGORAS Taught him a cautious manner ,built upon his experience of ostracism (Plutarch)Scientist and philosopher, accused by Pericles enemies for dangerous (scientific) ideas Also influenced Euripides

Pericles Tutors 3 ANAXAGORAS

An alien (non Athenian ) resident (for over 30 years) Taught Pericles to rise above the desire to be merely popular Shaped his innovative democratic ideas ( Longman ) Taught him grace and humility (Kagan) Taught him the value of rational thought and explaining phenomena (Ehrenberg)Pericles political reforms Radicalised democracy Opening it to the influence of the lower classesHE WAS NEVER OSTRACISED Payment for Jury service Rotation of magistracies etcMass participation in governing

Paid jurors

Paid Jury ServiceFrom Aristophanes play The Wasps we learn that jurors were paid 3 obols a day

Pericles constant fear He very closely resembled physically the tyrant Peisistratus He too was from a rich family background and had powerful friends The majority of the people in Athens were from the lower classes Anyone who was thought to be getting too dangerous could be ostracised Athenians remembered the tyrant Peisistratus

Athenian Social Classes

the 500 Bushel men were the richest then the Knights ,then Zeugitae . The working class or Thetes were a large majority in Athens

Social classes Metics were foreigners and not allowed citizenship ,although their children could become citizens if born in Athens Slaves had no citizenship or rights

Pericles 1st Public ActAs Choregos ,he produced a play by Aeschylus called The Persians which celebrated their victory over Xerxes in 480 BC This was massively popular in Athens Wealthy citizens public political duty=Increased chance of election due to public recognition Could not FAIL with a topic as popular as the Persian War !!!

Pericles Military CareerAs an ephebe ( young soldier )Under Cimon v Dolopian PiratesBattle of Eurymedon River 466BC v Persians

Although Pericles viewed the maintaining of Athenian naval empire to be essential, in his position as leader of Athens, his capability is unmistakable due to his contribution in completing democracy and building program l l Pericles 1st Speech On the subjugation of (rebelling Delian League member) Naxos Popular topic with the ordinary people

Role as a Strategos and PoliticianStrategos The office of strategos was seen as the key political position at this time 10 generals elected annually- one from each tribe commanded military and naval expeditions could conduct preliminary negotiations with foreign states could convene the Ecclesia and give advice responsible to the Ecclesia and could only act under its instructions subject to public scrutiny- could be brought to trial, fined or ostracised- Pericles was fined and removed from office in 431 the people blamed him for persuading them to undertake thePeloponnesian War Pericles was elected 16 times, 15 times in a rowPericles roles as general (strategos) and politician

The government of Athens in the time of Pericles is usually regarded as the best example of direct demokratia (democracy).The word demokratia comes from a combination of two Greek words; demos (people) and kratein (to rule).Demokratia therefore means government by the people.

Pericles was first and foremost an Athenian citizen. He was a member of the upper classes but had the same rights and privileges as every other Athenian citizen. This meant he could vote and stand for election to any of the magistracies in Athens. (Aristotle, a Greek fourth century philosopher who wrote The Athenian Constitution, claims there were 700 magistracies.) He could also participate in the Heliaea (peoples court) or Boule (council) if selected by lot and in the Ecclesia (assembly).

Pericles Oratory Skills He could convince the people of anything

Cimons Big GambleHe wanted Athens to help Sparta after a terrible earthquake in Laconia He put his whole prestige on the line to persuade the Athenian Demos (people) to vote for this goodwill aid

Different Foreign Policy options Cimon Pro Sparta v Pericles Pro Athens

Cimon favoured SpartaThe 2 most important Greek states Remember the success of Persian war alliance He genuinely admired the Spartans He named one of his sons Lacedaemonius (Spartan name)

The 464 BC Athenian relief expedition After the earthquake the Spartans were afraid that the democratic Athenians might trigger a large scale helot (slave) revolt

The 4,000 Athenians were sent home Cimon was disgraced

Athens turns against Sparta While the Athenians were sent home other cities expeditions were allowed to staySparta thought the Athenians might join forces with the rebelling helots Athens was hugely insulted This meant that anti-Spartan feeling grew in Athens. Cimon was disgraced Some helots fled to Athens and were resettled at Naupactus, to the annoyance of Sparta Role of strategosThe magistracy that Pericles did stand for was that of strategos. This had become the main political position in Athensat this time. Like all the magistrates, the strategos had to undergo public scrutiny. This meant he could be brought to trial or fined ifthe Athenians suspected him of any wrong doing in relation to his work. In 431-30 BC Pericles was fined and removedfrom office because Athenian citizens were upset about the hardships they had to face during those first two years ofthe Peloponnesian War.

Through his constant re-election he obviously fulfilled the wishes of the majority (Salmon)

Democracy = an indicator of a forward society Good Governing When Pericles was at the head of affairs the state was wisely led and firmly guarded ( Thucydides )Pericles remained out of public life in private matters ,focussing his rise purely on political genius ( Clare)

Thucydides QuotesEven though Pericles was an Athenian citizen who held his position constitutionally, Thucydides still wrote:So, in what was nominally a democracy, power was really in the hands of the first citizen. (Thucydides 2, 65)

Earlier in the same passage Thucydides wrote:

The reason for this was that Pericles, because of his position, his intelligence, and his known integrity, could respect the liberty of the people and at the same time hold them in check. It was he who led them, rather than they who led him........ (Thucydides 2. 65)

Under Pericles the Athenian government became more democratic than it had been previously.

Pericles importance to Athens in summed up by Thucydides: was under him that Athens was at her greatest(Thucydides 2. 65)

The speeches of Pericles were not written down and preserved. However, Thucydides in his history of the Peloponnesian War provides some idea of Pericles' power as an orator.

The Funeral Oration that he has Pericles deliver in honour of the dead during the first year of the Peloponnesian War is especially noble:

"Of all cities Athens alone is even greater than her fame."

She needs no poet to sing her praises; every land and every sea can furnish proofs of her enterprise and success.

Her enemies when defeated are not disgraced; her subjects confess that she is worthy to rule them."

Of Athens' dead he says: "To men who fall as they have fallen death is no evil."

For the whole Earth is the Sepulchre of famous men; and their story is not graven only on Stone over their native earth, but lives on far away, without visible symbol, woven into the stuff of other men's lives.

Pericles on the eve of war. "Nor is it any longer possible for you to give up this empire . . . Your empire is now like a tyranny: it may have been wrong to take it; it is certainly dangerous to let it go."

But the bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it. -- Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War

Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it. Future ages will wonder at us, as the present age wonders at us now.

If Athens shall appear great to you, consider then that her glories were purchased by valiant men, and by men who learned their duty. Instead of looking on discussion as a stumbling block in the way of action, we think it an indispensable preliminary to any wise action at all.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.

Make up your mind that happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous.

Time is the king of all men, he is their parent and their grave, and gives them what he will and not what they crave.

Wait for that wisest of all counsellors, Time.Bury and Meiggs Pericles brought to fulfilment the sovereignty of the people

And this mildly negative quote :He originated little ,however completed the work of others Citizenship RestrictionIt was now in the interest of every Athenian that there should be as few citizens as possible to participate in the new privileges of citizenship (Bury and Meiggs)Problems with Athenian Democracythe exclusion of women from public life Athenian reliance on slavery, including the abuse of those slaves The cruel treatment of other Greek populations. Rebelling states were sometimes settled by Athenian poor settlers in Cleruchies

Problems with Cleruchies (colonies)Advantages Riotous disruptive elementremoved from Athens Chance for disadvantaged and landless poor at a new start in life Maintained Athenian control of rebelling islands Disadvantages Locals resented loss of their land Locals resent Athenian imperialismLocals disrupted by wild new settlers

AspasiaPericles Aspasia She was a foreigner ,from Miletus and therefore not a citizen She sharply divided public opinion about Pericles enemies of Pericles were enraged that she was a hetaera (high class courtesan) He left his wife and 2 sons and lived with AspasiaShe was attractive and intelligent, the centre of attention at Pericles table

Other Greek Women Other Athenian women were not included in dinner party conversationsThey believed she was a prostitute and corrupt, running a brothelShe was his mistress until 445 BC when he divorced his 1st wifeTheir son Pericles Jnr would not have been eligible for citizenship under his own restrictive laws

Enemies of Aspasia She was taken to court and accused of impiety-Pericles got her offShe was accused of starting an unpopular war with Samos, an enemy of Miletus (her home) by influencing Pericles The kidnap of 2 of Aspasias prostitutes by rogue Megarians was said to have resulted in the Megarian Decree which started the Peloponnesian War

PERICLES BUILDING CAMPAIGN PRACTICAL Repair destruction of Persian War Athens sacked twice by Persians SACRED-to thank the gods especially the patron Athene AESTHETIC-to glorify his city MANPOWER- to provide employment for many tradesmen workers artisans etc

The Periclean building program

Most of the major temples were rebuilt under the leadership of Pericles during the Golden Age of Athens (460430 BC). Phidias, a great Athenian sculptor, and Ictinus and Callicrates, two famous architects, were responsible for the reconstruction. During the 5th century BC, the Acropolis gained its final shape. After winning at Eurymedon in 468 BC, Cimon and Themistocles ordered the reconstruction of southern and northern walls, and Pericles entrusted the building of the Parthenon to Ictinus and Phidias.


Monumental gates with columns of Pentelic marble, partly built upon the old Propylaea of Pisistratus.

These colonnades were almost finished in the year 432 BC and had two wings, the northern one serving as picture gallery.Temple of Athene Nike

Begun in 432 BC Finished 421 BCGoddess of Victory -especially against SpartaStatue of Athene PromachosPhidias' gigantic bronze statue of ("she who fights in the front line"), built between 450 BC and 448 BC.The base was 1.50 m high, while the total height of the statue was 9 m. The goddess held a lance whose gilt tip could be seen as a reflection by crews on ships rounding Cape Sounion, and a giant shield on the left side.

The ParthenonPericles entrusted the building of the Parthenon to Ictinus and Phidias.

Expression of the confidence of the Athenians in this newly naked imperialism. When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible flowering of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depredations of the Peloponnesian War. Likewise, it symbolizes the power and influence of the Athenian politician, Pericles, who championed its construction.The Long WallsReconstruction drawing

Early daysThe "Long Walls" were built after Xerxes' invasion of Greece (480-479); their construction was proposed by Themistocles, the actual building started in 461, when Athens was at war with Sparta (the First Peloponnesian War). The proposal to execute the old plan was made by Cimon. The western wall connected the southwest of Athens with its port Piraeus and was about six kilometres long; the eastern wall continued from the south of the city to another port, Phaleron, which was about 5 kilometres away.

The Long WallsMap

Pericles contributionBetween the two walls, a large triangle of land could be used for agriculture. The walls were finished in 457, although later, Pericles took the initiative for doubling the western wall (445-443). The upper walls were made from sun-dried bricks. There were towers at regular intervals. The Long Walls enabled Athens to survive any siege. As long as it was connected to its ports and controlled the sea, no enemy could capture the city. During the Peloponnesian War (431-404), the Athenians simply evacuated the countryside, left it to the Spartans, and lived in Athens itself, which could receive supplies from across the sea.

SULTANA SOURCES For Persian War add HERODOTUS For Delian League Pericles Peloponnesian War add THUCYDIDES ANYTIME add Plutarch -add Pamela Bradley

How to mix in your Sultanas as described recorded by......according mentioned by .....

The Athenian economy

thriving and bustling commercial centre of Hellas Very busy port at Piraeus Contributions from Delian league members Silver and gold from Mt Laurion mines All of Greece came to Athens to trade

Pericles Death

the course of events soon brought home

the worth of Pericles to Athens and made them sharply conscious of his loss (Plutarch)

The Death of Pericles was the end of an epoch (Kagan)

Ostracised Leaders488/7 Hipparchus, son of Charmus487/6 Megacles, son of Hippocrates486/5 Callias "the Mede"485/4 Xanthippus, son of Ariphron, father of Pericles484/3 Callixenus, son of Aristonymus483/2 Aristides "the Just"472/1 Themistocles (year uncertain)462/1 Cimon, son of Miltiades461/0 Alcibiades, son of Cleinias444/3 Thucydides, son of Milesias 416/5 Hyperbolus, son Antiphanes

Pericles was a giant compared to his contemporaries and successors

The fact that Pericles was irreplaceable = a tragic flaw in Athenian democracy?= dud leaders afterwards


ISSUE Athens Golden Age till 431 BC v The Destruction of Athens after the Peloponnesian War 404BC However the result of the Peloponnesian War as a consequence of his actions mar his ability to stand as a successful leader

Pericles Prominence that few would be able to beat (Plutarch)

Golden Age of AthensAthens glowed her brightest in the 30 years of Pericles leadershipOur city is an education for Greece (Thucydides )