Peritoneum Surgical Anatomy

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Surgical Anatomy of the Peritoneum


The OmentumRutherford Morison: Omentum is the "abdominal policeman" of the peritoneal cavityBoth protection and brutality characterize the omentum's role:protection in inammatory processesBrutality in omental involvement in some forms of cancer !"#: ovarian$%esser Omentum&t is the fold of peritoneum 'hich e(tends to the liver from the lesser curvature of the stomach and the commencement of the duodenumThe portion of the lesser omentum e(tendin# bet'een the liver and stomach is named the hepato#astric li#ament) and that bet'een the liver and duodenum the hepatoduodenal li#amentThree key structures in the hepatoduodenal ligament:*t the ri#ht border of the hepatoduodenal li#ament the t'o layers are continuous) and form a free mar#in 'hich is the anterior 'all of the epiploic foramen&n the free mar#in lie the hepatoduodenal li#ament enclose the+ortal vein !+osteriorly$,ommon bile duct !*nterior$-epatic artery !to the left of ,B.$The /reater Omentum.ivided into t'o parts:The #astrocolic li#ament connectin# the #reater curvature of the stomach and the transverse colon0 The ri#ht and left #astroepiploic vessels are contained bet'een the leaets of the #astrocolic li#ament0The fat apron or "#reater omentum" 'hich han#s from the transverse colon to the free peritoneal cavity/reater omentum is the embryolo#ic home of the spleen) pancreas) and all branches related to the splenic artery and vein/reat variation in its len#th&n infancy) it is small and not 'ell developed&n adulthood) the 'idth of the #reater omentum varies from individual to individualVascular Supply of the Greater OmentumRecieves e(cellent blood supply from the #astroepiploic arteriesThe ri#ht and left #astroepiploic arteries anastomose and form the arc of Bar1o' throu#h their branches !ri#ht and left epiploic$ in the posterior omental layerThe arc of Bar1o' is reinforced by anterior epiploic arches) 'hich sprin# from the ri#ht and left #astroepiploic arteries and from posterior epiploic branches from the pancreatic vessels02enous draina#e into portal system%ymphatic draina#e: 3 drainin# path'ays for the lymphatics of the omentum4One travels to the ri#ht to'ard the subpyloric nodesThe other travels to the left to'ard the splenic nodes5unctions:+rotective,ontains numerous 6(ed macropha#es,ushions the abdominal or#ans a#ainst in7ury8torehouse of fat0 *lso insulation a#ainst loss of body heat+revents the visceral peritoneum from adherin# to the parietal peritoneumMi#ration and limation of intraperitoneal patholo#y: Moves around peritoneal cavity 'ith peristaltic movements of viscera0 5orms adhesions ad7acent to an inamed or#an) 'allin# it o9 from other healthy visceraThe mesenteryBroad) fan4shaped fold of peritoneum connectin# the coils of 7e7unum and ileum to the posterior abdominal 'allRoot of mesentery e(tends from the upper left :uadrant !;st or 3nd lumbar vertebra$ to the ri#ht sacroiliac 7oint) and is fused to the retroperitoneal space&ntestinal border of the mesentery is about < meters lon# and is thro'n into numerous pleats and frills,onsists of t'o layers of the peritoneum bet'een 'hich run the 7e7unal and ileal branches of the 8M* and accompanyin# neurovascular structuresThe mesoappendi(Trian#ular mesentery of the appendi(*ttached to the bac1 of the lo'er end of the mesentery of ileum) close to the ileocecal 7unction=5alse> mesentery"nclose the blood vessels) nerves and lymph vessels of the vermiform appendi() to#ether 'ith a lymph nodeThe transverse mesocolon&t is a broad fold 'hich connects the transverse colon to the anterior border of the pancreasBet'een the layers of the transverse mesocolon are the blood vessels) nerves and lymphatics of the transverse colonThe si#moid mesocolon&t is a fold of peritoneum 'hich attaches the si#moid colon to the pelvic 'allThe si#moidal and superior rectal vessels run bet'een the layers of the si#moid mesocolon%eft ureter descends into the pelvis behind its ape(