Personal Injury Law in Canada

Post on 08-May-2015

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Personal Injury Law in

Canadian Automobile Accident Lawyer

• The aftermath of a serious automobile accident can be a challenging and scary time. There are can be many questions about insurance coverage, compensation for personal and economic losses and litigation against the party who caused the accident. A knowledgeable personal injury lawyer can help guide injured victims through the

financial recovery process.

What Does A Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

• The goal of a personal injury attorney is to recover the damages that their client suffered due to the negligence or fault of another party. Typically, an injured party may be able to recover:

• Reasonable medical expenses

• Caregiver benefits

• Attendant care benefits

• Pain and Suffering

• Loss of earnings


• A personal injury attorney can determine who was at fault and therefore responsible for compensating the injury party. He or she can also estimate the monetary value of the case. Because this field of law is complex, it is important to retain counsel who specializes in personal injury law.

What Is Involved In Recovering Damages?

• With respect to automobile accidents, recovering compensation will oftentimes require dealing with the insurance companies of the injured party and the negligent party. Moreover, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the negligent party. Consequently, it is important that the injured party hire experienced counsel who is familiar with negotiating with insurance companies and taking a case to court.

What Is Involved In Recovering Damages?

• There are a number of laws that govern the type and amount of damages that can be recovered and from whom. There are also time limits within which an injured party must act in order to recover compensation for their injuries. If it becomes necessary to go to court to recover damages, it is important to know all the parties that can be sued under the facts of the case.

What Is Involved In Recovering Damages?

• The injured party may not know all of the parties that could be liable. Therefore, it is important to discuss the facts of the case with counsel so that he or she can find and sue every possible source of compensation.

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

• Injured parties are sometimes reluctant to retain an attorney to help them pursue their remedies because of the fees involved. In Canada, attorneys will represent their clients in return for a percentage of the money recovered from the defendants. In many instances, counsel will also advance the costs for hiring expert witnesses, investigators and the ongoing costs of the litigation. That way, the injured party does not have to pay in advance for services provided by the attorney.

Protect Your Rights

• A serious car accident can disrupt a person’s life for many years, physically, emotionally and financially. A personal injury lawyer cannot help the injured person recover from the physical or emotional damage. However, they can help alleviate the stress of lost income and mounting bills by helping the injured person obtain the compensation they deserve to become financially whole again

Protect Your Rights

• Therefore, it is very important that the injured party consult a personal injury attorney immediately after a car accident in order to preserve full compensation rights.

Further Reading

If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer referral service, consult

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