Personal Lines Homeowners - RMIS Mutual Personal...Personal Lines Homeowners SECTION 1: Underwriting...

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Personal Lines


SECTION 1: Underwriting Philosophy

California Mutual seeks “Preferred Business”. Our homeowners program offers attractive pricing and comprehensive coverages-

a. Credits up to 50% b. Free ID theft coverage c. Extended replacement cost at 150%. d. Ordinance or law coverage included (see below)

The criteria for the selection of above average properties are broad enough

to attract a high percentage of 1-family type properties.

Coverage A- up to $800,000

Protection Classes- 1-7

Brush- 2,500 ft or more

Elevation- 2,500 ft or less

Lot size up to 1 acre The property should meet or exceed the following criteria:

Pride of Ownership of Tenancy - The condition of the property should be

neat and clean resulting in good housekeeping measures.

Environmental Similarity - Risk should not differ in any significant degree from the other structures within the neighborhood. Residential structures should be located within residential areas.

Insurance to Value - The amount of insurance requested should favorably

compare to the values established by CMIC replacement cost valuation, e2Value. See CDI rules on using replacement cost systems. Coverage A Limits: up to $800,000; Coverage E Limits: up to $500,000.

Good Location - Should be on relatively level ground and not be isolated.

The protection class should be PC 1-7. Brush- greater than 2,500 feet , Elevation less than 2,500 feet.

Construction to Code - Construction should be of a conventional nature.

Single Occupancy - The occupancy should be only 1 family (property must

be owner-occupied).

Fire Protection – The protection class should be 1 to 7.

California Mutual Insurance Company Homeowners Program


Note: When Dwelling Coverage A is increased, there is an automatic proportional increase in Coverages B, C, and D. For an additional premium, Coverages B, C, and D may be increased independently of Coverage A. * When coverage for Replacement Cost Composite (RCC) is added, Coverage

C shall be 70% of Coverage A and Coverage D shall be 40% of Coverage A (HO 00 03 only).

Coverage A Dwelling $800,000 max

Coverage B Other Structures 10% of Coverage A

Coverage C Personal Property Worldwide Personal Property in Other Residences

50% of Coverage A* 10% of Coverage C with $1,000 min.

Coverage D Loss of Use 30% of Coverage A*



a. A dwelling occupied by the owner, used for private residential purposes.

b. For occupancy of a dwelling under a life estate arrangement, the owner’s interest in the building and premises liability may be covered by using Additional Insured Endorsement form HO41.

1. The premises is occupied principally for dwelling purposes 2. And there is no other business conducted on the premises

All submissions must be accompanied by e2Value and risk meter report (if near brush area).




** Note: The New Home Credit and New Loan Credit can be combined if a risk

qualifies for both credits. New loan credit applies to new loans on new purchases. Refinancing, equity loans and second mortgages do not apply.

NON-FLAMMABLE ROOF CREDIT- 5% Any home which has a non-flammable roof covering 100% of the dwelling

and attached appurtenant structures is eligible for a 5% Protective Devices credit. A non-flammable roof is one which is of metal, slate, clay tile, or concrete composition.


A policy which has no more than one claim of less than $500 total payment during the immediate rolling 3-year period, or a new policy with proof of no claims during the preceding 3-year period, while insured with one company through the same agency, is eligible for a 10% credit. The credit remains in place until the renewal following the occurrence of a claim on the policy. The effect of the claim is as follows:

A claim of over $500: the credit is removed. The credit is restored when the rolling 3-year period has no more than one

claim of less than $500. Any weather related, catastrophe and medical payment claim will not be considered as a claim under this credit.

NNeeww HHoommee CCrreeddiittss** NNeeww LLooaann DDiissccoouunntt 1st year – 25% 1st year – 10%

2nd year – 22% 2nd year – 7%

3rd year – 19%

4th year – 16%

5th year – 13%

6th year – 10%

7th year – 7%

8th year - 4%


Local fire, smoke and/or burglary systems 2%* Fire or Police Station hookup – burglary and/or fire 3% Central Station – burglary and/or fire 5% Automatic Sprinklers – all areas except attic, closet and bathroom


Automatic sprinklers – all areas 10% Gated community Fully Secured gate (Manned) 12%

Partially Secured gate (Unmanned) 7%

*All homes are to be credited for local fire/smoke alarms (per CDI)


A flat deductible applies to all Section I perils. No deductibles apply to Section II coverages. Minimum deductible is $500.

The deductible may be increased as follows:

$ 500.00 10% Credit $1,000.00 20% Credit $2,500.00 30% Credit


The following conditions will make property not fall within U/W guidelines:

Properties with two or more losses within the last 3 years .

Dwellings built prior to 1950

Dwellings over 5,000 sq. feet living space

Dwellings without an integrally installed central heating system are not acceptable. Exceptions to this are permanently installed wall furnace or heating systems with individual room or zone control, if installed to existing codes. (Dwellings using a wood stove as a primary heat source are not acceptable.)

Secondary dwellings are not desired but may be written on an exception basis, but only if supported by the primary residence being insured with this Company and must follow same U/W guidelines as a principal residence.

Risks that are located in the following areas are not acceptable.

1. Within 2,500 feet of brush areas. 2. 2,500 feet or higher in elevation. 3. PC classes 8-10 4. Subject to wave wash or flood.

Properties with unusual liability exposures or attractive nuisances. Examples would be unfenced swimming pools; temperamental or unusual animals, skateboard/bicycle ramps, trampolines or abandoned vehicles.

Dwellings originally constructed for something other than habitation purposes.

Dwellings requiring a Course of Construction policy.

Dwellings with aluminum wiring or galvanized plumbing.


Risks that include the following hazards are not an acceptable Homeowners risk and may not be written.

Duplexes, Condominiums, Townhouses or any dwelling sharing a common wall or roof line with another.

Risks with swimming pools that have a diving board and/or slide.

Risks that have aggressive dogs or breeds of dog that are known to have aggressive tendencies. Examples include -- but are not limited to -- Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Bull Mastiffs, Akitas, Chows, and Wolf Hybrids.

Homes that are more than two stories in height or are more than two levels.

Risks that are modular or mobile homes.

Risks which house horses or have livestock.

Risks which are built on more than 1 acre.

Risks that are less than 1,000 feet from an ocean.

Risks built on a slope or built on a waterfront.

Risks that are vacant or otherwise unoccupied.

Risks that are located in commercial areas or areas that is in transition from single-family to multiple residential or commercial.

Dwellings occupied with multiple families

Risks with physical security devices such as window guards, spikes or barbed wire on fences, etc. Exception: window guards with “pop outs”.

Homes built on known unstable soil (sink hole exposure or on filled land).

Risks which are in foreclosure proceedings.

Isolated properties e.g not visible to neighbors, set back from the property line compared to neighborhood , and protection class 8 - 10

Properties requiring specialized construction techniques, i.e.: log cabins, geodesic domes.

Risks with incurable obsolescence, or unconventional design or construction, which make replacement difficult.

Structures utilizing a wood stove as the primary heating source.

Risks purchased from foreclosure or short sale a. Requires inspection document to verify any existing damage b. Requires Underwriter approval

Properties with evidence of careless maintenance, housekeeping, inadequate electrical wiring or plumbing systems not conforming to current code requirements.


Generally speaking, homes that are over 35 years old require some extra T.LC. Homes over 35 years of age must meet the following conditions:

Roof: A roof that is in good condition . If repaired or replaced, please provide date of completion and an explanation. (Indicate if this is repairs only or full replacement.)

Electrical: Electrical circuits that are in good condition and are on modern circuit breakers, not fuses. If replaced or updated, please give date and extent of work done.

Plumbing: Copper or plastic pipes and modern fixtures that are in good condition. If replaced or updated, please provide date and extent of work done.

Heating: A thermostatically-controlled heating system. If the system has been replaced or updated, please provide the date of completion and extent or work done.

Note: Homes must be up-to-code. An Older Home Questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the application. Age Group Factor Homes built 35 or more years ago are surcharged as follows:

Age of dwelling/surcharge

35 years – 3%

36 years – 6%

37 years – 9%

38 years - 12%

39 years – 15%

40 years – 18%

41 years – 21%

42 years – 24%

43 years – 27%

44 years - 30%

Any home that has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, including remodels with an existing wall to preserve original code regulations, will be assigned a new year built date based upon the completed construction.


Company General Rules ADDITIONAL INSURED

Generally co-owners, executors, administrators, trustees, and beneficiaries may be named as additional named insureds on the policy. In the case of co-owners, the named insured will be the occupant of the residence with the remaining owners listed as additional named insureds. A policy should not have more than two Named Insureds. If someone is helping the insured qualify for financing, they can be added as an additional insured providing they do not reside in the same household and we have their residence address. (Governmental Agencies or Departments will not be permitted as Additional Named Insureds.)


Some insureds may have business operation exposure while being employed by someone else and are not self-employed. The Business Pursuits Coverage can cover these exposures. (See the “Homeowners Program” section of this manual and endorsement HO 24 71.)

Business Pursuits Liability Insurance Limits of Liability

Coverage E $100,000 $300,000Coverage F $1,000 $1,000

Classification 1 $4 $42 $5 $73 $10 $134 $4 $6



Notice of loss must be forwarded to the Company immediately upon notification to the Agent. Losses are to be reported on the proper ACORD form. Water damage losses, major fire losses, and all liability losses involving bodily injury should be called or faxed into the Claims Department upon notification.


Minimum Liability limits - $100,000/$1,000. Maximum Liability limits - $500,000/$1,000.


Money is required with all new business submissions, unless an impound account is involved. If an annual policy is to be issued, a check for the annual premium, or a down payment, must be collected by the agent.

If the insured is to pay the premium and does not wish to pay the entire annual premium, the

insured may elect to use either the Two Payment or Four Payment options detailed below, by submitting the first installment payment prior to the effective date of the policy (plus $5.00 installment fee).

The Company offers the following payment plans: Note: All billings are direct bill

Plan # Plan


Full Payment

Billed at issuance of policy for Total Premium due on inception date. (No Service Charge)

2 pay Two Payments 1st payment due at inception for 50% of total. 2nd payment due in 6 months. ($5.00 Service Charge)

403 Four Payments 40% Down Payment plus 3 quarterly installments – each installment carries a $5.00 Service Charge added at the time of the billing.



New Business : We require down payment when the application is sent unless mortgagee billed. Billings are due in 20 days or the policy effective date, whichever is later.

Renewal billings are sent out approximately 20 days before the renewal date and is due on the

renewal effective date.

Installment Notices are sent 13 days before the installment due date.

Final Reminder Notices are sent to the insured or the mortgagee and insured, if Mortgagee billed – after the billing due date. Due date is 13 days from mailing date.

Notices of Cancellation are sent to insured, agent and mortgagee after the Final Reminder

Notice due date. This is a “10-day notice of cancellation” (notice must allow 13 days from mailing date). Payment must be received in our office by the cancellation date to be eligible for reinstatement.

If a Notice of Cancellation is sent out for a second time, we will not reinstate. Payments

received will be applied to any earned premium. Unearned premium will be returned.


Dwellings which are purchased through foreclosure or short sale require an inspection report to document any existing damage. Underwriter must approve before binding.


Cancellation at the request of either the insured or the Company shall be computed on a pro rata basis.

The insured may cancel the policy at any time during the policy period by returning the original

policy or submitting a signed Lost Policy Release to the Company. Backdating a cancellation is not acceptable without supporting evidence of a similar coverage or a release of insurable interest such as Escrow Documents. All cancellation and non-renewal notices must have proof of mailing by the US Post Office.

Cancellation Restrictions

Policies which have been in effect for 60 days or more can be cancelled by the Company only

after sending the insured 30 days notice and then only for one of the following reasons:

1. Conviction of a crime which involves increasing the hazard; 2. Discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation; 3. Discovery of grossly negligent acts or omissions which substantially increase the hazard; 4. Physical changes in the property that makes it uninsurable.


If during the policy period, any broadened coverages are adopted without additional premium charge, those broadened coverages will immediately apply.


For increases in amount, the additional premium shall be pro rata of the difference in appropriate term premium for the revised and former amounts of insurance, both based on current premium tables. For reductions in amount, the return premium shall be pro rata of the difference in appropriate term premiums for the revised and former amounts of insurance. Both are based on the premium rates in effect when the policy was written.


Company-Initiated: If the Company decides not to renew a policy at the end of a term, Notice of Non-Renewal will be sent at least 45 days plus 3 days for mailing in advance of the policy expiration date. The notice of Non-Renewal will be sent to the named insured, additional insured, the mortgagee, and the agent. All cancellation and non-renewal notices must have proof of mailing by the US Post Office.


We will furnish the HO 24 70 (Additional Residence Premises, Rented to Others) endorsement under a Homeowners policy. Endorsement is limited to rentals with not more than two (2) family units in each property.


The homeowners policy can be endorsed to provide coverage for personal injury to others. This includes coverage for false arrest, malicious prosecution, wrongful eviction, slander, libel, or privacy violations. Use Personal Injury Endorsement (HO 24 82).


Coverage will be considered for a secondary dwelling principally used for residential purposes, provided the primary insurance is with this company and the dwelling meets eligibility requirements.


Renewals are automatically prepared and sent approximately 60 days before the renewal date. The renewal rates will be those rates in effect at the time.

New forms or endorsements will be issued only in cases where they have been revised.


Vacant, seasonal, or otherwise unoccupied buildings may not be written, although a Company underwriter should be contacted if a special condition exists that might lead to insurability.


Round off all premiums and totals to whole dollars.


Transfer or assignment of insurance to a new owner is not permitted


Coverage is only offered at new business or renewal and may not be added “mid-term”. Coverage applies to all Section I coverages for the same limits as provided under the policy. See separate Earthquake section for details.


Reconstruction Cost Coverage, with a $10,000 limit of liability is only offered at new business and renewal. See separate Earthquake section for details.


Increased limits certain personal property (MS-CPP) $10.00 Increased limits unscheduled silverware (HO 04 65) (Not to exceed $5,000.00)


The special limit for theft of unscheduled jewelry, watches and furs may be increased to an aggregate limit of $2,000 (but not exceeding $1,000 for any one item.) The additional premium shall be $4.00 per $1,000.00.

*Use Endorsement HO 04 65


Increased Limits

Rates for structure used by member of the Insured’s Household $2.00 per $1,000

An additional amount of insurance may be written on other structures under Coverage B *Use Endorsement HO 04 48

Rented to Others

The Homeowners Policy may be endorsed to provide coverage for other structures on the

described premises, rented or held for rental to others, provided such structure is used for residential purposes and is not occupied by more than two roomers or boarders per family.

*Use form (HO-40)

$3.00 per $1,000

Add Liability Section II charge for Additional Residence Premises – Rented to Others. See the

Liability section. *Use Endorsement HO 24 70.


The Homeowners Policy may be endorsed to provide for extended replacement cost coverage on the dwelling subject to the following:

1. The dwelling is insured for 100% of replacement cost as determined by the Company at the

time the endorsement is attached. 2. The insured agrees to notify the Company within 90 days of the start of construction of any

dwelling alterations that increase the replacement cost of the dwelling $50,000 or more. 3. The dwelling must be repaired or replaced in the event of loss. 4. Extends dwelling coverage to 150% of Coverage A. 5. The dwelling must be well maintained and owner-occupied. Older homes must be updated. 6. Dwelling located in PC 7 or better. 7. All homes must be equipped with a smoke detector or local fire alarm.

Extended Replacement Cost Endorsements

Optional Coverage Cost

Replacement Cost Dwelling (MS-DRC) $10.00

Replacement cost contents (MS-RPP) 10% of adjusted base premium ($25.00 minimum charge)

* Replacement cost composite (MS-RCC)

15% of adjusted base premium ($35.00 minimum charge)

* Comprised of Replacement Cost Dwelling (MS-DRC), Replacement Cost Contents (MS-RPP),

Increased Limits on Certain Personal Property (MS-CPP), Increased Coverage C to 70% and Increased Coverage D to 40%.

CALADVANTAGE ENDORSEMENT- Cost - $70 plus RCC and Personal Injury rating Includes the following coverages:

1. Replacement Cost composite (MS-RCC) (above)

2. Appliance and Equipment Breakdown – HFAHO 0211

3. Service Line Coverage – SLCHO 0211

4. Green Home Additional Coverages – CMGHO 0211

5. Pet Injury Coverage – HOPET 0211

6. Personal Injury


Ordinance or Law coverage at 10% of Coverage A is included on all policies. All dwellings up to 5 years old include Ordinance or Law coverage at 50% at no charge.

The additional charge for this coverage is based on the age of the dwelling. To calculate the

premium, multiply the Adjusted Base Premium by the appropriate percentage from the following table:

Age of Dwelling % to Apply

1 to 5 years old INCLUDED

6 years old 1%

7 years old 2%

8 years old 3%

9 years old 4%

10 years old 5%

11 years old 6%

12 years old 7%

13 years old 8%

14 years old 9%

15 to 20 years old 10%

21 to 35 years old 15%

36 years old 20%

*Use Endorsement HO 04 77


It is required by state law that all policies containing Comprehensive Personal Liability insurance include Workers Compensation coverage on Residence Employees who work more than the threshold requirements for hours worked and pay received.

Rates Code 910 – Occasional Employees as defined by statute Included Code 912 – Out servants – Outside employee who works more than 10 hours per week Code 913 – In servants – Inside employee who works more than 20 hours per week


Overall – 25% of Coverage A ($35,000 maximum)

Women’s jewelry……………… $15,000.00 (earrings $2,000.00 per set)

Men’s jewelry…………………. $5,000.00

Furs…………………………….. $7,500.00

Silverware……………………… $3,500.00

Musical Instruments….…....…. $2,500.00

Cameras………………………... $1,500.00


Scheduled items must be supported by an appraisal or a sales receipt dated within the last two (2) years and contain a complete description of the item including the age, model number and serial number where appropriate.

Schedule requests predicated on sales slips must be accompanied by a typed description of the

item and its cost.

1. Round to the nearest dollar the premium shown for each class of property. Fifty cents or more goes to the higher dollar.

2. For items not listed, refer to the Company. 3. All rates shown are expressed on a basis per $100 of insurance. 4. Minimum Premium: $10.00 per year applicable to each class.

A. Camera, Non-Commercial use only Each piece of equipment must be individually described and valued. Make, model, serial number, and date of purchase must be submitted with application.


B. Fine Arts (no breakage coverage) $ .50

C. Furs Los Angeles County and Palm Springs Balance of the state Appraisal by a reliable furrier is required on new business or a bill of sale if newly purchased.

$1.50 $ .70

D. Golfers’ Equipment, excluding golf mobiles $1.50

E. Jewelry Los Angeles County and Palm Springs Balance of the state IF AMOUNT FOR ANY ONE ITEM DOES NOT EXCEED INDIVIDUAL ITEM LIMITS. Appraisal must be submitted with application for all amounts. For items over $7,500, submit to company. DO NOT BIND.

$3.00 $1.50

F. Musical Instruments, Non-Professional use only Organs - Not of a Mobile Nature – Refer to Company


G. Silverware $ .60

H. Stamp Collections $ .65

Page 22


1. Personal Injury (HO 24 82)

Personal Injury Liability Rates

Liability Limit

Coverage E $100,000.00 $300,000.00 $500,000.00

$10.00 $13.00 $19.00

2. Primary Residence, Section II Increased Limits

Main Residence Liability Rates

Liability Medical Main Residence

$100,000.00 $1,000.00 Included

$300,000.00 $1,000.00 $20.00

$500,000.00 $1,000.00 $35.00

3. Additional Residence Premises – Rented to Others, Section II Increased Limits (HO 24 70)

Additional Residence Rented to Others – Liability Rates

Liability Medical One Family Two Family

$100,000.00 $1,000.00 $20.00 $30.00

$300,000.00 $1,000.00 $25.00 $38.00

$500,000.00 $1,000.00 $28.00 $40.00

Note: The HO 24 70 endorsement is limited to rentals with not more than two family units in

each property.

Page 23

4. Business Pursuits (HO 24 71)

Premiums for Business Pursuits, when added to Comprehensive Personal Liability: Business Pursuits provides for the liability of an insured arising out of business activities, other than a business of which he is a sole owner or partner. When coverage is provided for the liability of the Insured arising out of business activities, other than a business of which he is owner or partner or maintains financial control, classify and apply separately for each person insured.


A. Clerical Office Employees, Salesmen, Collectors or Messengers: no installation, demonstrations or servicing operations. Those employees whose duties are confined to keeping the books or records and/or conducting correspondence, or who are wholly in office work where such books or records are kept or where such correspondence is conducted, having no other duty of any nature in or about the employer’s premises. This classification applies only to persons who are employed exclusively in separate buildings or on separate floors of buildings or in departments on such floors which are separated from all other work places of the employer by structural partitions and within which no work is performed other than clerical office duties.

B. Salesmen, Collectors or messengers: including installations, demonstrations or servicing operations.

C. Teachers: Athletics, Laboratory, Manual Training, Physical Training and Swimming Instruction, excluding liability for corporal punishment of pupils – refer to Company.

D. Teachers: not otherwise classified, excluding liability for corporal punishment of pupils.

Occupations not otherwise classified – refer to Company.

Page 24

California Mutual Insurance Company Earthquake Coverage Program


Earthquake coverage is written as an endorsement to California Mutual Insurance Company’s Homeowners or Dwelling Fire policies. The rates and rules are the same for both Homeowners and Dwelling Fire policies.

California law requires us to offer earthquake coverage to our insureds.

This coverage may be purchased at an additional cost. The insured must ask the Company to add Earthquake coverage within 30 days from the date of mailing of the Earthquake Coverage Notice or it shall be conclusively presumed that they have not accepted the offer. The coverage will not be available for two years if not accepted as above.


If an earthquake should occur and a client contacts you requesting coverage, our policy is as follows:

1. There will be a 30-day Moratorium from the time an earthquake is registered and hits a reading of 5.0 or higher.

2. The Moratorium will apply to the county where the earthquake occurred and all adjacent counties.

3. If the registered reading is less than 5.0, the Moratorium will not apply.


1. Basic Earthquake Coverage

Our Earthquake coverage is a blanket coverage. Add coverages A, B, C & D together before multiplying by the rate. If the customer desires a lower amount of coverage, we must have a signed statement from the customer, confirming that they realize they are not purchasing the full amount of coverage to cover their risk. The minimum amount of EARTHQUAKE coverage available is the limit of Coverage A.

Engineering Services and Demolition Cost –(if EQ loss exceeds the deductible) California Mutual will pay up to 10% of the EARTHQUAKE LIMIT for payment of services, except as provided by public entities, for the purpose of structural engineering costs to determine the habitability of the residential dwelling or coverage for the homeowner’s liability for the

Page 25

actual costs of residential dwelling demolition due to structural condemnation as the result of damage or loss from the peril of earthquake. This coverage is additional insurance. Use endorsement MS-EQ for EARTHQUAKE for both Homeowners and Dwelling Fire policies.

2. Reconstruction Cost Coverage ( if EQ loss exceeds the deductible)

This optional coverage is available only if the insured has basic earthquake coverage and after the insured has completed and the insured has verified steps to fit or retrofit the insured residential dwelling to reduce the earthquake damage hazard.

For an additional premium, we will pay up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the purpose of reconstruction costs required to bring the insured residential dwelling up to required current local residential building code standards, as required by the local government entity as part of the approval of the reconstruction permit process after a covered loss from the peril of earthquake. This coverage is additional insurance. Use endorsement MS-EQR – Reconstruction Cost.


The earthquake deductible is 10% of the EARTHQUAKE LIMIT. The deductible applies to the total loss for all covered property per occurrence.

Page 26


Built 1945 & After

Construction Type

Earthquake Class

Frame Rate per $1,000.00

Masonry Rate per $1,000.00

1 $2.00 $ 7.00

2 $4.00 $35.00

3 $3.50 $14.00

4 $5.00 $50.00

5 $4.25 $35.00

6 $9.00 $50.00

Built prior to 1945

Construction Type

Earthquake Class

Frame Rate per $1,000.00

Masonry Rate per $1,000.00

1 $4.50 $14.00

2 $5.25 $50.00

3 $5.00 $25.00

4 $6.00 $50.00

5 $6.00 $50.00

6 $12.00 $50.00

Our Earthquake coverage is a blanket coverage. Add coverages A, B, C & D together before multiplying by above rate. If the customer desires a lower amount of coverage, we must have a signed statement from the customer, confirming that they realize they are not purchasing the full amount of coverage to cover their risk. The minimum amount of EARTHQUAKE coverage available is the limit of Coverage A.

Page 27


Code County Code County






























See Appendix A for Premium Group identification by Zip Code

Appendix – A.1 – Sorted by Zipcode

Appendix – A.2 – Sorted by City Appendix – A.3 – Sorted by County, City

Page 28


Key Premiums ($250 Deductible)

PG-O 239 PG-l 290 PG-2 353 PG3 400 PG4 432

Key Premiums ($500 Deductible)

PG-O 215 PG-l 261 PG-2 318 PG3 360 PG4 389

Key Premiums ($1000 Deductible)

PG-O 191 PG-l 232 PG-2 282 PG3 320 PG4 346

Key Premiums ($2500 Deductible)

PG-O 167 PG-l 203 PG-2 247 PG3 280 PG4 302


Coverage Factor Coverage Factor Coverage Factor Coverage Factor

60,000 0.740 100,000 1.000 140,000 1.400 180,000 1.800

61,000 0.743 101,000 1.010 141,000 1.410 181,000 1.810

62,000 0.746 102,000 1.020 142,000 1.420 182,000 1.820

63,000 0.749 103,000 1.030 143,000 1.430 183,000 1.830

64,000 0.752 104,000 1.040 144,000 1.440 184,000 1.840

65,000 0.755 105,000 1.050 145,000 1.450 185,000 1.850

66,000 0.758 106,000 1.060 146,000 1.460 186,000 1.860

67,000 0.761 107,000 1.070 147,000 1.470 187,000 1.870

68,000 0.764 108,000 1.080 148,000 1.480 188,000 1.880

69,000 0.767 109,000 1.090 149,000 1.490 189,000 1.890

70,000 0.770 110,000 1.100 150,000 1.500 190,000 1.900

71,000 0.776 111,000 1.110 151,000 1.510 191,000 1.910

72,000 0.783 112,000 1.120 152,000 1.520 192,000 1.920

73,000 0.790 113,000 1.130 153,000 1.530 193,000 1.930

74,000 0.797 114,000 1.140 154,000 1.540 194,000 1.940

75,000 0.804 115,000 1.150 155,000 1.550 195,000 1.950

76,000 0.811 116,000 1.160 156,000 1.560 196,000 1.960

77,000 0.818 117,000 1.170 157,000 1.570 197,000 1.970

78,000 0.825 118,000 1.180 158,000 1.580 198,000 1.980

79,000 0.832 119,000 1.190 159,000 1.590 199,000 1.990

80,000 0.839 120,000 1.200 160,000 1.600 200,000 2.000

81,000 0.846 121,000 1.210 161,000 1.610

82,000 0.853 122,000 1.220 162,000 1.620 Each additional $1,000 coverage:

83,000 0.860 123,000 1.230 163,000 1.630 Increase the $200,000 factor (2.000) by .01

84,000 0.867 124,000 1.240 164,000 1.640

85,000 0.874 125,000 1.250 165,000 1.650

86,000 0.881 126,000 1.260 166,000 1.660

87,000 0.888 127,000 1.270 167,000 1.670

88,000 0.895 128,000 1.280 168,000 1.680

89,000 0.902 129,000 1.290 169,000 1.690

90,000 0.910 130,000 1.300 170,000 1.700

91,000 0.919 131,000 1.310 171,000 1.710

92,000 0.928 132,000 1.320 172,000 1.720

93,000 0.937 133,000 1.330 173,000 1.730

94,000 0.946 134,000 1.340 174,000 1.740

95,000 0.955 135,000 1.350 175,000 1.750

96,000 0.964 136,000 1.360 176,000 1.760

97,000 0.973 137,000 1.370 177,000 1.770

98,000 0.982 138,000 1.380 178,000 1.780

99,000 0.991 139,000 1.390 179,000 1.790

Example: To calculate the premium for $202,000 coverage for a risk in Premium Group 0, with a $1,000 deductible:

202,000-200,000 =2,000 2,000/1,000 = 2 2 x 0.01 = .02 (amount to add to

factor) 2.000 + 0.02 = 2.020 (new factor) 2.020 x 191 (key prem.) = 391.88

Premium (round to nearest $) = $392

Page 29

California Earthquake Rate Classes

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

90001 3 90059 3 90306 3 90813 5 91322 3

90002 3 90061 3 90401 3 90814 4 91324 3

90003 3 90062 3 90402 3 90815 5 91325 3

90004 3 90063 3 90403 3 90822 4 91326 3

90005 3 90064 3 90404 3 90840 3 91331 5

90006 3 90065 3 90405 3 91001 5 91335 3

90007 3 90066 5 90501 3 91006 5 91340 5

90008 3 90067 3 90502 3 91010 5 91342 5

90010 3 90068 5 90503 3 91011 5 91343 5

90011 3 90069 3 90504 3 91016 5 91344 3

90012 3 90071 3 90505 3 91020 5 91345 3

90013 3 90077 3 90506 3 91024 5 91350 5

90014 3 90201 3 90601 3 91030 5 91351 5

90015 3 90210 3 90602 3 91040 5 91352 5

90016 3 90211 3 90603 3 91042 5 91354 3

90017 3 90212 3 90604 3 91101 3 91355 3

90018 3 90220 3 90605 3 91103 5 91356 3

90019 3 90221 3 90606 3 91104 5 91358 5

90020 3 90222 3 90607 3 91105 5 91360 3

90021 3 90230 3 90620 3 91106 5 91361 3

90022 3 90232 3 90621 3 91107 5 91362 3

90023 3 90240 3 90622 3 91108 5 91364 5

90024 5 90241 3 90623 3 91201 3 91366 3

90025 3 90242 3 90630 3 91202 3 91367 3

90026 3 90245 3 90631 3 91203 3 91381 6

90027 3 90247 3 90638 3 91204 3 91384 6

90028 3 90248 3 90640 5 91205 3 91401 3

90029 3 90249 3 90650 3 91206 3 91402 3

90030 3 90250 3 90660 3 91207 3 91403 3

90031 3 90254 3 90670 3 91208 3 91405 3

90032 3 90255 3 90680 3 91209 5 91406 3

90033 3 90260 3 90701 3 91214 5 91411 3

90034 3 90261 3 90704 3 91301 3 91423 3

90035 3 90262 3 90706 3 91302 5 91436 3

90036 3 90265 5 90710 3 91303 3 91501 3

90037 3 90266 3 90712 3 90802 5 91502 3

90038 3 90270 3 90713 3 90803 4 91504 3

90039 3 90272 5 90715 3 90804 5 91505 3

90040 3 90274 3 90716 3 90805 5 91506 3

90041 3 90277 3 90717 3 90806 5 91601 3

90042 3 90278 3 90720 5 90807 5 91602 3

90043 3 90280 3 90723 3 90808 5 91604 3

90044 3 90290 3 90731 3 90810 5 91605 3

90045 5 90291 4 90732 3 91304 3 91606 3

90046 5 90292 4 90740 5 91306 3 91607 3

90047 3 90293 3 90742 4 91307 3 91608 3

90048 3 90301 3 90743 4 91310 5 91701 5

Page 30

90049 5 90302 3 90744 4 91311 3 91702 5 90056 5 90303 3 90745 5 91316 3 91706 5

90057 3 90304 3 90746 3 91320 3 91709 5 90058 3 90305 3 90747 3 91321 3 91710 5

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

91711 5 91908 3 92024 3 92108 4 92242 5

91718 5 91909 3 92025 3 92109 4 92243 6

91719 3 91910 3 92026 3 92110 4 92244 6

91720 3 91911 3 92027 3 92111 3 92249 6

91722 5 91912 3 92028 3 92112 3 92250 6

91723 5 91913 3 92029 3 92113 3 92251 6

91724 5 91914 5 92031 3 92114 3 92252 5

91730 5 91915 5 92032 4 92115 3 92253 5

91731 5 91916 3 92034 3 92116 3 92254 5

91732 5 91917 3 92035 3 92117 3 92256 5

91733 5 91931 3 92036 5 92118 3 92257 5

91739 5 91932 4 92037 3 92119 3 92258 5

91740 5 91933 3 92040 3 92120 3 92259 5

91743 5 91934 3 92041 3 92121 3 92160 5

91744 5 91935 3 92042 3 92122 3 92261 5

91745 5 91941 3 92045 3 92123 3 92262 5

91746 3 91942 3 92048 3 92124 3 92264 5

91747 5 91943 3 92050 3 92125 3 92266 6

91748 3 91944 3 92054 3 92126 3 92267 5

91750 5 91945 3 92055 3 92127 3 92268 5

91752 5 91946 3 92056 3 92128 3 92270 5

91754 5 91947 3 92059 3 92129 3 92272 5

91759 5 91948 3 92060 3 92130 3 92273 5

91760 5 91950 3 92061 3 92131 3 92274 6

91761 5 91951 3 92062 3 92133 4 92276 5

91762 5 91962 3' 92063 3 92135 3 92277 5

91763 5 91963 3 92064 3 92137 3 92278 5

91764 5 91976 3 92065 3 92138 4 92280 5

91765 3 91977 3 92066 5 92139 3 92281 6

91766 5 91978 5 92067 3 92140 4 92282 5

91767 5 91979 3 92068 3 92145 3 92283 5

91768 5 91980 3 92069 3 92154 3 92284 5

91770 5 92001 3 92070 3 92155 3 92301 5

91773 5 92002 3 92071 3 92161 3 92304 5

91775 5 92003 3 92073 3 92173 3 92305 3

91776 5 92004 5 92075 3 92201 5 92307 5

91780 5 92005 3 92077 3 92210 5 92308 5

91785 5 92006 3 92078 3 92220 5 92309 5

91786 5 92007 3 92080 3 92222 5 92310 5

91789 5 92008 3 92082 3 92223 5 92311 5

91790 5 92009 3 92083 3 92225 5 92314 3

91791 5 92010 3 92084 3 92227 6 92315 5

91792 5 92011 3 92086 5 92230 5 92316 5

91801 3 92013 3 92101 4 92231 6 92317 5

91803 3 92014 3 92102 3 92233 5 92318 5

Page 31

91901 3 92016 3 92103 3 92234 5 92319 5

91902 3 92017 3 92104 3 92236 5 92320 5

91903 3 92019 3 92105 3 92239 5 92321 5

91905 3 92020 3 92106 3 92240 5 92322 5

91906 3 92021 3 92107 3 92241 5 92323 3

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

92324 5 92407 5 92596 5 92688 3 93101 3

92325 5 92408 5 92605 6 92691 3 93102 3

92326 5 92409 5 92610 5 92692 3 93103 3

92327 5 92410 5 92621 3 92701 3 93105 3

92328 5 92411 5 92624 3 92702 3 93108 3

92332 5 92501 5 92625 3 92703 3 93109 3

92333 5 92502 5 92626 3 92704 2 93110 3

92334 5 92503 5 92627 3 92705 3 93111 3

92335 5 92504 5 92629 3 92706 3 93117 3

92336 5 92505 5 92630 3 92707 3 93201 3

92339 5 92506 5 92631 3 92708 5 93202 3

92340 5 92507 5 92632 3 92709 3 93203 3

92341 5 92508 5 92633 3 92710 3 93204 3

92342 5 92509 5 92634 3 92714 3 93205 3

92345 5 92530 5 92635 3 92715 3 93206 3

92346 5 92531 5 92640 3 92717 3 93207 3

92347 5 92532 6 92641 3 92718 3 93208 3

92351 5 92536 5 92642 3 92720 3 93210 5

92352 5 92539 5 92643 3 92728 3 93212 3

92354 5 92543 6 92644 3 92801 3 93214 5

92356 5 92544 6 92645 3 92802 3 93215 3

92357 5 92545 6 92646 5 92803 3 93217 3

92359 5 92546 6 92647 5 92804 3 93218 3

92363 3 92548 5 92648 5 92805 3 93219 3

92364 5 92549 5 92649 5 92806 3 93220 3

92365 3 92552 6 92651 3 92807 3 93221 3

92366 3 92553 6 92653 3 92808 3 93223 3

92368 5 92554 6 92655 3 93001 3 93224 3

92369 5 92555 6 92656 5 93003 3 93225 5

92371 5 92556 6 92660 5 93004 3 93226 3

92372 5 92557 6 92661 4 93010 3 93227 1

92373 5 92561 5 92662 4 93012 3 93230 1

92374 5 92562 6 92663 4 93013 3 93234 5

92376 5 92563 6 92665 3 93015 3 93235 1

92378 5 92564 6 92666 3 93017 3 93238 1

92382 5 92567 5 92667 3 93021 3 93239 3

92384 5 92570 5 92668 3 93022 3 93240 1

92385 5 92571 3 92669 3 93023 3 93241 3

92386 5 92572 5 92670 3 90303 3 93242 1

92389 3 92582 6 92672 3 93033 3 93243 5

92391 5 92583 6 92675 3 93035 3 93244 1

92392 5 92584 3 92676 3 93040 3 93245 3

92394 5 92585 5 92677 3 93041 2 93247 3

Page 32

92397 5 92586 3 92678 3 93042 3 93249 3

92398 5 92587 5 92679 3 93043 3 93250 3

92399 5 92589 6 92680 3 93060 3 93251 5

92401 3 92590 6 92681 3 93063 3 93252 5

92402 3 92591 6 92683 2 93065 3 93254 5

92404 5 92592 6 92686 3 93066 3 93255 3

92405 5 92595 6 92687 5 93067 3 93256 1

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

93257 1 93436 3 93551 5 93656 3 94002 5

93258 3 93437 3 93553 5 93657 1 94005 6

93260 3 93438 3 93554 3 93660 3 94010 5

93261 1 93440 3 93555 5 93662 1 94014 5

93262 3 93441 3 93560 3 93664 1 94015 5

93263 3 93442 3 93561 5 93665 3 94018 5

93265 1 93444 3 93562 3 93666 1 94019 5

93266 3 93445 3 93563 5 93668 3 94020 5

93267 1 93446 5 93601 1 93669 1 94021 5

93268 5 93449 3 93602 1 93670 1 94022 5

93270 1 93450 5 93603 1 93673 1 94025 5

93271 1 93451 5 93604 1 93701 1 94030 5

93272 1 93452 3 93605 3 93702 1 94035 5

93274 1 93453 5 93606 1 93703 1 94037 5

93276 3 93454 3 93607 3 93704 1 94038 5

93277 1 93455 3 93608 3 93705 1 94040 5

93280 3 93460 3 93609 1 93706 1 94041 5

93282 1 93461 5 93610 1 93710 1 94043 6

93283 1 93463 3 93612 1 93711 1 94044 5

93285 1 93465 3 93614 1 93720 1 94060 5

93286 1 93501 3 93615 1 93721 1 94061 5

93287 1 93505 3 93616 1 93722 1 94062 5

93291 1 93510 5 93618 1 93725 1 94063 6

93301 5 93512 3 93620 3 93726 1 94065 6

93304 5 96513 3 93621 1 93727 1 94066 5

93305 5 93514 3 93622 3 93728 1 94070 5

93306 5 93516 3 93623 1 93845 3 94074 5

93307 5 93517 3 93624 3 93901 2 94080 6

93308 5 93518 3 93625 1 93905 2 94086 5

93309 5 93519 3 93626 1 93906 2 94087 5

93311 5 93520 3 93627 3 93907 2 94089 5

93312 3 93522 3 93630 1 93908 2 94102 5

93313 5 93523 3 93631 1 93921 3 94103 6

93401 3 93526 3 93633 1 93922 3 94104 6

93402 3 93527 3 93634 3 93923 3 94105 6

93403 5 93528 3 93635 3 93924 3 94107 6

93405 5 93529 3 93637 1 93925 3 94108 6

93408 3 93530 3 93638 1 93926 2 94109 5

93420 3 93531 3 93640 3 93927 3 94110 5

93422 5 93532 5 93641 1 93928 3 94111 6

93424 3 93534 5 93643 1 93930 2 94112 5

Page 33

93426 5 93535 3 93644 1 93932 3 94114 5

93427 3 93536 3 93645 1 93933 3 94115 5

93428 3 93541 3 93646 1 93940 3 94116 5

93429 3 93542 3 93647 1 93941 2 94117 5

93430 3 93543 5 93648 1 93950 3 94118 5

93431 5 93544 5 93649 1 93953 3 94121 5

93432 3 93545 3 93650 1 93954 3 94122 5

93433 3 93546 3 93651 1 93955 3 94123 5

93434 3 93549 3 93653 1 93960 2 94124 6

93435 3 93550 5 93654 1 93962 6 94127 5

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

94128 6 94555 3 94626 4 94973 5 95122 5

94129 5 94556 3 94627 4 95002 4 95123 5

94131 5 94558 3 94702 5 95003 5 95124 5

94132 5 94559 3 94703 5 95004 5 95125 5

94133 5 94560 5 94704 5 95005 5 95126 5

94134 5 94561 3 94705 5 95006 3 95127 5

94301 5 94562 3 94706 5 95007 3 95128 5

94303 6 94563 3 94707 5 95008 5 95129 5

94304 5 94564 3 94708 5 95010 5 95130 5

94305 5 94565 3 94709 5 95012 5 95131 5

94306 5 94566 5 94710 5 95013 5 95132 5

94401 6 94567 3 94720 5 95014 5 95133 5

94402 5 94568 3 94801 5 95017 3 95134 5

94403 5 94569 3 94803 5 95018 3 95135 5

94404 6 94571 3 94804 5 95019 5 95136 5

94501 4 94572 3 94805 5 95020 5 95137 5

94507 3 94573 3 94806 5 95023 5 95138 5

94508 3 94574 3 94901 3 95026 5 95139 5

94509 3 94575 3 92903 3 95030 5 95140 3

94510 3 94576 3 94904 5 95035 5 95141 5

94511 3 94577 5 94920 5 95037 5 95142 5

94512 3 94578 5 94922 5 95039 5 95143 5

94513 3 945798 5 94923 5 95041 3 95148 5

94514 3 94580 5 94924 5 95042 5 95192 5

94515 3 94583 3 94925 5 95043 5 95202 1

94516 3 94585 3 94928 3 95044 5 95203 1

94517 3 94586 3 94929 3 95045 5 95204 1

94518 3 94587 5 94930 5 95046 3 95205 1

94519 3 94589 3 94933 5 95950 5 95206 1

94520 3 94590 3 94934 3 95051 5 95207 1

94521 3 94591 3 94937 5 95053 5 95209 1

94523 3 94592 3 94938 5 95054 5 95210 1

94525 3 94595 3 94939 5 95060 3 95211 1

94526 3 94596 3 94940 5 95062 5 95212 1

94528 3 94598 3 94941 5 95064 5 95215 1

94530 5 94599 3 94945 5 95065 5 95219 1

94533 3 94601 5 94946 5 95066 5 95220 1

94535 3 94602 5 94947 3 95070 5 95221 3

94536 3 94603 5 94949 5 95073 5 95222 3

Page 34

94538 3 94605 5 94950 5 95075 5 95223 1

94539 3 94606 5 94951 3 95076 5 95224 1

94541 5 94607 5 94952 3 95077 5 95225 3

94542 5 94608 5 94954 3 95110 5 95226 3

94544 5 94609 5 94956 5 95111 5 95227 3

94545 5 94610 5 94957 5 95112 5 95228 3

94546 5 94611 5 94960 5 95113 5 95230 3

94547 3 94612 5 94963 5 95116 5 95231 1

94548 3 94614 5 94964 3 95117 5 95232 3

94549 3 94618 3 94965 5 95118 5 95233 1

94550 5 94619 5 94970 5 95119 5 95234 1

94552 3 94621 5 94971 5 95120 5 95236 3

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

95240 1 95352 1 95431 3 95501 5 95618 1

95241 3 95354 1 95432 5 95521 3 95619 3

95242 3 95355 1 95433 3 95524 3 95620 1

95245 3 95356 1 95435 3 95525 3 95621 1

95246 3 95360 3 95436 3 95526 3 95622 1 95247 1 95361 3 95437 3 95527 1 95623 1

95248 1 95363 3 95439 3 95528 3 95624 1

95249 3 95364 1 95440 5 95531 3 95625 1

95251 1 95365 1 95441 3 95534 3 95626 1

95252 3 95366 1 95442 3 95536 5 95627 1

95254 3 95367 3 95443 3 95537 5 95628 1

95255 1 95368 1 95444 3 95538 3 95629 1

95257 1 95369 3 95445 5 95540 5 95630 1

95258 1 95370 1 95446 3 95543 1 95631 1

95301 1 95372 1 95448 3 95545 5 95632 1

95303 1 95373 1 95449 3 95546 3 95633 3

95305 1 95374 3 95450 5 95547 3 95634 3

95306 3 95375 1 95451 3 95548 3 95635 3

95307 1 95376 3 95452 3 95549 3 95636 1

95309 3 95379 1 95453 3 95550 3 95637 1

95310 1 95380 3 95454 3 95551 5 95638 3

95311 3 95383 1 95455 3 95552 3 95640 3

95312 1 95384 3 95456 5 95553 3 95641 3

95313 1 95385 3 95457 3 95554 3 95642 3

95314 1 95386 3 95458 3 95555 3 95643 3

95315 1 95387 3 95459 5 95556 1 95644 3

95316 1 95388 3 95460 3 95558 5 95645 1

95317 1 95389 1 95461 3 95559 3 95646 3

95318 3 95401 3 95462 3 95560 3 95648 3

95319 1 95403 3 95464 3 95562 3 95650 3

95320 1 95404 3 95465 5 95563 1 95651 3

95321 1 95405 3 95466 3 95564 3 95652 1

95322 3 95407 3 95467 3 95565 3 95653 1

95323 3 95410 5 95468 5 95567 1 95655 1

95324 1 95411 3 95469 3 95568 1 95656 3

95325 3 95412 5 95470 3 95569 3 95658 3

95326 1 95413 3 95471 3 95570 3 95659 1

95327 3 95414 3 95472 3 95571 3 95660 1

Page 35

95328 1 95415 3 95476 3 95573 1 95661 1

95329 3 95417 3 95480 5 95601 3 95662 1

95330 1 95418 3 95481 3 95603 3 95663 1

95331 1 95419 3 95482 3 95604 3 95664 3

95333 3 95420 3 95485 1 95605 1 95665 1

95334 1 95421 5 95486 5 95606 1 95666 1

95335 1 95422 3 95487 3 95607 1 95667 1

95336 1 95423 1 95488 3 95608 1 95668 1

95338 3 95424 3 95489 5 95610 1 95669 1

95339 1 95425 3 95490 3 95611 3 95670 1

95340 1 95426 3 95492 3 95612 1 95671 1

95342 1 95427 3 95493 3 95613 3 95672 1

95346 1 95428 3 95494 3 95614 3 95673 1

95350 1 95429 3 95495 3 95615 1 95674 1

95351 1 95430 5 95497 5 95616 1 95675 1

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

95676 1 95733 3 95927 3 95986 3 96057 1

95677 1 95734 3 95928 3 95987 3 96058 1

95678 1 95735 3 96930 3 95988 1 96059 1

95679 1 95736 3 96931 3 95991 1 96061 1

95680 1 95737 3 95932 1 95992 1 96062 1

95681 3 95758 1 95934 1 96001 1 96063 1

95682 3 95814 1 95935 3 96002 1 96064 1

95683 3 95815 1 95937 1 96003 1 96065 1

95684 3 95816 1 95938 1 96006 3 96067 1

95685 3 95817 1 95939 1 96007 1 96068 1

95686 3 95818 1 95941 3 96008 1 96069 1

95687 3 95819 1 95942 1 96009 1 96070 1

95688 1 95820 1 95943 1 96010 1 96071 1

95689 1 95821 1 95944 1 96011 1 96073 1

95690 1 95822 1 95945 3 96013 1 96074 1

95691 1 95823 1 95946 3 96014 1 96075 1

95692 3 95824 1 95947 1 96015 3 96076 1

95693 1 95825 1 95948 3 96016 1 96077 1

95694 1 95826 1 95949 3 96017 1 96078 1

95695 1 95827 1 95950 3 96019 1 96079 1

95697 1 95828 1 95951 1 96020 1 96080 1

95698 1 95829 1 95952 1 96021 1 96084 1

95699 3 95830 1 95953 1 96022 1 96085 1

95701 3 95831 1 95954 1 96023 1 96087 3

95702 3 95832 1 95955 3 96024 1 96088 3

95703 3 95833 1 95956 1 96025 1 96090 1

95704 3 95834 1 95957 1 96027 1 96091 1

95705 3 95835 1 95958 1 96028 1 96092 1

95708 3 95836 1 95959 3 96029 1 96093 1

95709 3 95837 1 95960 3 96031 1 96094 1

95711 3 95838 1 95961 1 96032 1 96095 1

95712 3 95841 1 95962 3 96033 1 96096 1

95713 3 95842 1 95963 1 96034 1 96097 1

Page 36

95714 3 95852 1 95965 3 96035 1 96101 1

95715 1 95864 1 95996 5 96038 1 96103 3

95717 3 95901 3 95969 1 96039 1 96090 1

95718 3 95903 3 95970 1 96040 1 96091 1

95719 3 95910 3 95971 1 96041 1 96092 1

95720 1 95912 3 95972 3 96044 1 96093 1

95721 3 95913 1 95973 1 96045 1 96094 1

95722 3 95914 3 95974 1 96046 3 96095 1

95724 3 95915 1 95975 3 96047 1 96096 1

95725 1 95916 3 95977 3 96048 1 96097 1

95726 1 95917 3 95978 1 96050 1 96101 1

95727 3 95918 3 95979 1 96051 1 96103 3

95728 3 95919 3 95980 1 96052 1 96104 3

95729 3 95920 1 95981 1 96053 1 96105 1

95730 3 95922 1 95982 1 96054 1 96106 3

95731 3 95925 3 95983 1 96055 1 96107 3

95732 3 95926 1 95984 1 96056 1 96109 3

Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class Zip Code Rate Class

96110 3 96116 3 96123 3 96129 1 96135 1

96112 3 96117 3 96124 3 96130 3 96136 1

96113 3 96118 3 96125 3 96132 3 96137 1

96114 3 96120 3 96126 3 96133 3

96115 3 96122 3 96128 3 96134 1

Page 37

SECTION 5: Endorsement Forms List

Form Numbers Edition Dates Form Title Source of Form

HO 00 03 10-00 Homeowners Special Form ISO

HO 04 41 10-00 Additional Insured ISO

HO 12 45 10-00 Change Endorsement ISO

HO 04 48 10-00 Other Structures Increased Limits ISO

HO 04 61 10-00 Scheduled Personal Property End. ISO

HO 04 65 10-00 Coverage C Increase ISO

HO 24 70 10-00 Additional Residence Rented to Others ISO

HO 24 71 10-00 Business Pursuits ISO

HO 24 75 10-00 Watercraft ISO

HO 24 82 10-00 Personal Injury ISO

HO 04 16 10-00 Premises Alarm ISO

HO 04 46 10-00 Inflation Guard ISO

HO 24 90 08-01 Workers Comp. ISO

HO 04 77 10-00 Ordinance and Law Increase in Limit ISO

MS-DRC 07-93 Dwelling Replacement California Mutual

MS-RPP 07-93 Personal Property Replacement Cost California Mutual

MS-RCC 07-93 Replacement Cost Composite California Mutual

MS-EQ 07-93 Earthquake California Mutual

MS-EQR 07-93 Earthquake Reconstruction Cost California Mutual

MS-CPP 07-93 Increased Limit on Certain Personal Property California Mutual

438-BFU 05-92 Lenders Loss Payable ISO

372-NS ISO 11-50 Mortgagee Clause (Standard Mortgagee Clause for

junior lien-holders)

Standard ISO form;

included in HO-3 booklet

Page 38