Personal productivity 1

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Business Growth Strategist

Why are you on earth if not to be productive?

When an individual stops being productive, he loses his relevance and

power of existence

Personal productivity is a prove of healthy self-awareness and


Self management is all about perspective (focus on the right

things) and control (the ability to effectively manage all the things

coming at you)

Aligning with the times as individuals for sustainable

competitive advantage – This is age of skill, result, performance, and productivity!

Luck never made a productive person. Prosperity and growth come only to individuals that

systematically find and exploit their potentials

Personal productivity is completing the actions that

move you closer to accomplishing your goals in a

manner that brings balance and ease into your life

It’s all about completing an action cycle. Knowing what your objectives are and the actions necessary to reach


The different phases of this action cycle are:

Setting meaningful and measurable objectives; Evaluating the objective into actionable items; Completing

the individual actionable items; Reviewing and acknowledging your


The productivity cycle allows you to maintain your sights on

the bigger picture while continuing forward through the

completion of small tactical tasks that lead towards your


The key to accomplishing your tasks and reaching your goals is to schedule them and measure


Measure your performance per time. Measurement is the

motivator for improvement -James A. Belasco

Our personal life is measured by result and


It is not enough to be busy. The question is: what are you busy about?

Your productivity is an extension of your

personality. It is one of the ways in which a person

defines himself, measures his worth and his humanity

Is performance in life a function of one’s salary?

Performance is not a function of salary; what life offers us

is a function of our performance

Productivity is a habit. You can disrupt your negative behaviours, and reinforce them with productive ones

Our degree of effectiveness in life or at work is a sort of

conditioning and over time, it puts us in a State of Flow!

Flow, is a state of inner experience in which there is order in consciousness , and

it takes time to get into a Flow state

What is your true worth in dollars if offered for sale

going by your level of productivity?

Remember, C. Ronaldo was sold that much because of his level of productivity?

I don’t think there’s anything worse than being ordinary –


7 Ps of Personal Productivity

Passion (love for what you do)

Energy flows in the direction of our obsessed interests and dominant


Picture (have a blueprint for what you want to

accomplish with strong purpose)

All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental picture.

Do a mind mapping

Posture (possess resolute personal power i.e.

physical and psychological disposition)

Private philosophy and definition of productivity determine public


Process (priority, planning, preparation)

We must engage in the eternal circle of productivity - doing, learning and


Pursuit/ Pivot (point of balance for result)

Match with a sense of personal vision and mission in life

Product (the result and also the turning point for

more productivity)

A change in behaviour leads to a change in action and results

Time management is the central skill for personal


Ever productive activity takes place at a central stage called time

Time Wasters Vs Time Log

Keep a time log where you write down when you start an activity and when you stop it. At the end of the week, you create a tally so you can

know exactly where your time is going

When you feel your productivity is lower than

you'd like, raise your awareness via time logging

Identify your Time Wasters

Time is wasted in the same way everyday, and chiefly by laziness and


Procrastination is a habit. People aren't born

procrastinators or hard workers, it's something you


Creating a personal productivity system and

structure for performance

It is hard to stay on track without rails

Positive attitude enhances personal productivity and

discipline keys you on track

Discipline is the key to mastery of anything - Anon

Self-reinvention for greater performance is not possible

without attitude

Attitude is the bridge between where we are and where we want to be

Productive individuals believe in themselves, in their skills and

abilities, in their industry and in what they can do with their life

Stop counting your time in life and start making every

time count

Your personal productivity boosts your personality and image – It is not how you look

but how you are good!

Only those who constantly retool themselves stand a chance of

being relevant in the present age

Personal productivity does not come into being without a

conscious effort

 Productivity and personal growth always involves

learning new skills

Learning more and faster is the only true competitive advantage - Ralph C. Stayer

 Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves – to break our own records, to outstrip

our yesterday by our today - Steart B. Johnson

 Do what you do best and give

away the rest to someone else. If others can do it, let them

Don’t settle, keep reaching for greater performance. Winning is not final; there is

still a game tomorrow

 To be effective you must get

out of you comfort zone!

 Remember, the most

productive amongst us have it all!

 If you can be better, good is not


Welcome to a new world of personal productivity!