Personally Growing in My Profession

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Personally Growing in My Profession. Lynn Lawrence, CPOT, ABOC. Overview . Define Professionalism Elements of Professionalism How to grow as a Professional Hindrances to Professionalism How to get others to see you as a Professional Opportunities within the Profession. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Lynn Lawrence, CPOT, ABOC

Overview Define Professionalism Elements of

Professionalism How to grow as a

Professional Hindrances to

Professionalism How to get others to see

you as a Professional Opportunities within the


Where do we start? What does being a

professional mean? An occupation

requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation

Conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession

Professions Have a body of

knowledge, scope of practice, agreed upon values, oath or code and accountability to our society for their profession and their professional behavior.

Professionalism Webster: the

conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional individual

Sports, medicine, law, technical skills

When you fail, the entire profession takes a hit!

Professionalism Describes a certain

type of behavior in the workplace

Based on our values and understanding of our professional roles

Evidenced in our behavior

Becoming an expert

Professionalism is: Having an awareness

of how your actions, body language, and words affect others

Being accountable for one’s actions

Learning to master skills of the trade

Leading by example Having a passion that

cannot be stopped

Personal Definition Lynn: someone

that has learned a skill, understands it’s importance, and continually strives to improve upon it through education and on-the-job training


Com ( Latin meaning with or together)…pass means to move from one state to another… ion means condition or action…

Compassion…to spare, to love, especially to find, have, show and to obtain mercy, have pity, sympathy for someone in distress

Passion will drive you there, but compassion will cause you to act and do something…. directed passion with a purpose…you must get outside of yourself, your feelings, it is about someone other than you…

Elements of a Profession

Values Ethics Reputation Goals Knowing your


Is your profession important?

What are you doing to build your profession?

How are you maintaining your professional status?

Are you involved in your state or national organizations?

How are you as a professional going to move forward as the profession changes?

Great Attitudes Perform each task well Learn each job to the

next highest level Be passionate and

compassionate Everyone is a

business contact Everything is possible Words really matter

Our relationships with patients:

Therapeutic context

Safety, trust, and ethical behavior are foundational

Relationships have boundaries

Vulnerability of patients and the imbalance of power Treat patients like favorite family


Professional loyalty

Doctor provides opportunity for you to advance

How do you show your loyalty

What effect will your actions have on the overall profession

Functional Trust All people have an

equal need for respect

Respect is the basic foundation of all healthy personal relationships

Each team member is equally important

Each team member’s work is equally important

Personal Professional Development

Don’t wait for someone else to train you Work for an office that is professionally

supporting your dreams and goals Don’t make excuses, make plans and stick

to them Get involved in your future…develop career

path to success and follow it… Find others to get involved in your future Become an expert Don’t forget, it is your future

Being Well-Rounded Study all areas of

your expertise Focus on your local

needs Focus on your

patient’s needs Understand the staff

needs See the “Big


Look and Think the Part Dress for success Pay attention to

perceptions Do you project:

team player, team leader, group coordinator, project officer?

Ask others… don’t be self deceived

How to grow as a Professional

Education Dedication Perseverance Association

Personal Local State National International

Ways to Develop Your Profession

Examine what you want…be the example

Set clear borders Teach staff how to learn Find great examples Educate, educate… Express values Tactical/ strategic thinking Read, study, and read

some more

Get InvolvedFind compassion atany of these levels International National State Local Office Charities Civic organizations

Know you can make a difference

Get focused Get involved Find a professional

area that is exciting Find a way to assist

the profession Don’t just sit there Have purpose Do your part

Developing Those Around You

Ensure everyone is learning

Ensure everyone understands what is expected and what is at stake

Establish efficient lines of communication

Instill an atmosphere of teamwork

Accountability; we are only as strong as our weakest link

Determining Professionalism

No one can tell you if you are a professional

You can work in a profession and not demonstrate the traits of a profession

Does not matter what you actually do, you can do it professionally

You determine if you want to be viewed as a professional

How a Professional is Judged

Against a set of expectations or standards

From our own personal values set and understanding of what “professionalism” means

May be situational in nature

Strongly influenced by culture

A Professional is judged through: Our Image (dress code: cleavage, belly,

tattoos, piercings) Communication (phone manners,

profanity) Competence Demeanor Attitude Perception from others

InterviewingLook for a profession, not just a

job! Learn the basics and make a

positive impression Know who you are and what you

can do Do your homework and be

prepared Answer key interview questions

with ease Handle tough questions with

confidence Follow up Negotiate a fair salary

From the Co-Workers Perspective

Trustworthy Competent Supportive Respectful Accountable

Body Language / Non-Verbal

Hindrances Not knowing your job Poor communicator Fail to understand impact of

actions Poor decision making Poor language Personal conduct on and off the

job Not keeping current with trends in

profession Dress and appearance Poor or bad attitudes

Professionalism is NOT! Blaming others Waiting for others to take

the lead Bringing drama to situations Losing your composure Making excuses Being a know-it-all Letting your ego take over Having a bad attitude Power trips

Always being bigger than the problem!

In control, not forceful

Never stooping or lowering your guard

Taking responsibility

Honest, but harmless

Others Judge Your Professionalism

Advocate everywhere Train

Tell, show, watch, agree Look the part Speak the part Communicate the part Always be aware Get feedback Practice at home

More professional development

Create an environment that encourages development

Develop a clear advancement plan

Find out about staff’s personal goals

Write down the career path/review quarterly

How to Recognize Professionals Professionals are

always learning Professional conduct

demonstrates learning

Professionals are focused on the profession

Professionals connect with the profession

Professionals know what they are doing

Professionals look, talk, reflect their roles

Professionals are loyal to the profession in their actions

Professionals look for ways to advance the profession

You never have to look for a professional

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Og Mandino

Opportunities within Profession

There are opportunities within local, state, and national organizations

Guidelines established by reputable organization

On-Line Degree Program

Four Semester Course Plan – Technical Diploma

Not every course of the program is offered every semester. Students enrolled in the online technical diploma program at Madison Area Technical College are advised to follow this course plan.

American Board of Opticianry

ABO/NCLE 28% require

certification 75% hiring preference 75% higher pay 40% promotion

preference After 10 yrs of exp, earn

$6K more 90% of states use

testing as a reference for licensing

JCAHPO Joint Commission on

Allied Health Personnel Mission JCAHPO's mission is to

enhance the quality and availability of ophthalmic patient care by promoting the value of qualified allied health personnel and by providing certification and education.

Earn the Optometric Administration Certificate

INTRODUCINGOptometric Administrative Assessment Based Certificate Program

A comprehensive program designed to help candidates develop a solid foundation in managing an optometric practice.

The program is intended to parallel the skills and knowledge required on the job.

DESIGNED FORPractice Managers

Front Desk Personnel

Office Administrators

Support Staff

Flexible accessNo time constraints

Work at your own pace

AffordableAOA Paraoptometric Section Member - $189Non Paraoptometric Section Member - $229Test Only - $75

Four Separate Units of Training

Each Unit Contains:Interactive Content

Multiple Unit Quizzes



Also Included*Demonstration Videos*GamesDrop Down Tab for AttachmentsSuggested Resource Material for Additional StudySeparate Test Booklet and Form*Included in various units

Unit 1General financial office administration and professional issues including:

Developing and Maintaining Budgets Forecasting and Revenue Projecting Financial Control Professional Relations Ethics Conduct Liability Malpractice

Unit 2Procedures and safety including:

Basic First Aid Procedures Safety Precautions Triage Emergencies OSHA Basic CPR Blood Pressure Patient History

Unit 3Discusses insurance and coding, patient flow, time management and management skills including:

Components of Insurance Effective Coding and Billing HIPAA Regulations Organizational Skills Time Management Inventory Control

Unit 4Highlights essentials for basic human resource management including:

Personnel Responsibilities Writing Job Descriptions Administrative Procedures Staff Scheduling Recognition Job Training Practice Procedural Manuals

AOA Certification Career Path

Darlene Leuschke, Administrator/RegistrarCommission on Paraoptometric Certification (CPC)243 N. Lindbergh Blvd.St. Louis MO 365-2219 ext. 4135(314) 983-4135"Like" us on Facebook:

Congrats! NOA Para of the Year 2011

Jennifer Smith, CPOTProfessional Eyecare Ord, Nebraska

More Examples

Louisiana West Virginia2013 AOA Paraoptometric of the Year

Amy is San Diego bound!

More Examples

Mississippi Maine

Louisiana in the House!


Thank you very much…

Bless you all…