PERSONNEL MANUAL - UDP Personnel Manual.pdfOrientation 12 3.5 Salary and Benefits...

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UDP Personnel Manual

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Table of ContentsPage

1. Introduction 1

2. Scope and Coverage Responsibilities of Personnel Section 2


3. Personnel Services 33.1 Authority3.2 Basis3.3 Types of Personnel


3.4 Recruitment, Selection & Placement


Operating policies 3Recruitment Process 5Selection and Appointment 7Contract 8Orientation 12

3.5 Salary and Benefits Administration 12

Operating Policies 12Compensation Package 14Leave of Absence 15

Vacation 15Sick 16Maternity 17Emergency 17

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3.6 Other Personnel Actions 18Promotion 18Transfer 20Demotion 21Separation 22

3.7 Training and Staff Development


3.8 Grievance Machinery 243.9 Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards


Discipline 26Operating Policies 26Basis of Disciplinary Action 27

Summary of Forms Used 28

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This Manual lays down the policies and procedures for programme operations relating to personnel andas such is provided for the guidance of all officers, advisers and others who are engaged in the day today functioning of Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao (UDP).

1.1 Authority for the Manual

The authority for this Manual rests in the Financing Agreement between the Republic of the Philippinesand the Commission of the European Communities under Reference No. PHI/B7-3000/IB/ALA 97/68establishing the Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao (UDP). Hereinafter referredto as the Programme.

This Manual is to be used in conjunction with the manuals on Financial, Administration andProcurement Policies and Procedures, and in no other way overrides the authority given by, orthe rules and regulations set down, in these manuals.

1.2 The Personnel procedures shall uphold and be implemented vis-a-vis the provisions of theOmnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and Other Pertinent CivilService Laws. The recruitment procedures and employment terms shall adhere to thosepertaining to contractual employees under the rules and regulations of the Civil ServiceCommission (CSC), the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and other issuances. Any policy or action in the Programme’s personnel procedures inconsistent and/or contraryto these provisions shall be superceded to conform with such rulings.

1.3 The main objective of this Manual is the development of the rank and file andsupervisory/management staff to effectively implement the Programme. With this in mind, thePersonnel Services Section will:

- assist in manpower planning, providing advice and assistance to the Programme inestablishing and updating recruitment policies and procedures which are in accordancewith civil service rules and regulations;

- support the Programme in all aspects of recruitment in order to establish and maintainan effective staff complement in which staff are correctly assigned in the plantilla andare advised of their duties and responsibilities;

- prominently place advance written notice of all staff recruitment or promotionopportunities, actual recruitment and promotions throughout all PMO and ProvincialOffice bulletin boards;

- encourage internal staff development and monitor performance in order to advisemanagement on weaknesses that should be corrected, or improvements that could be

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made, through training or other measures;- advise the Programme on salary regulations and administer the secure processing of

salaries and benefits such that staff are paid promptly and correctly in accordance withthe rules and regulations on contractual employment;

- foster and develop effective communication between management and staff whileproviding counseling to staff on their problems and complaints;

- monitor staff attendance and behavior in order to advise superiors and management ofattendance, conduct or misdemeanors;

- assess and advise management on merit;

- maintain, in strict confidence, personnel records and documented job descriptions ofall staff and monitor their career paths in order to encourage and assist them to achievetheir potentials;

- pursue/identify opportunities for personnel improvement and advancement inconjunction with the appropriate section/division of the Programme;

- implement all policies and procedures relating to personnel matters including locally-hired/national consultants and volunteers coming from volunteer service organizations.

- References in the text to "the Project Co-Directors" refer to the National Co-Director (or in his absence the Deputy Project Director) and the European Co-Director (or in his absence the Acting Team Leader). Due to the limited input ofthe Finance and Administration Specialist, exceptionally, in his absence the signingauthority delegated to him as a result of this manual may be assumed by anothermember of the TA team nominated by the Co-Directors.


2.1. The Personnel Services Section has responsibilities in supporting the Programme in the followingaspects:

- Recruitment, Selection and Placement- Personnel Actions- Employee Welfare and Benefits Administration- Local Professional Inputs- Training and Development- Performance Appraisal- Grievance Machinery

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- Code of Discipline


3.1 Authority

The authority to hire and dismiss Programme personnel is vested in the Co-Directors under the principle of Co-Management, and cannot be delegated. Allappointments and notices of separation, shall be approved by both Co-Directors, orendorsed to higher authorities as may be appropriate.

3.2 Basis

The Civil Service Rules and Regulations shall be an integral part of this Manual.In case of a conflict between the CS Rules and this Manual, the former shall prevail.

3.3 Types of Personnel

The type of personnel employed by the Programme are contractural as detailedbelow:

3.3.1 Contractual Staff

Personnel directly hired by the Programme and whose appointments are approved bythe Co-Directors and confirmed by the Civil Service Commission(CSC). These arepersonnel who occupy approved plantilla positions and whose appointment isauthorized in the approved Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) for the currentyear. Contractuals are hired to undertake specific work or job for a period not toexceed the life of the Programme.

3.4 Recruitment, Selection and Placement

3.4.1 Operating Policies:

a. Programme Staff are recruited in accordance with the Department of Agriculture /DBMapproved plantilla. Any amendment, which shall come in the form of increase in numberof existing positions, upgrading, reduction/abolition, and/or creation of new positions, shallhave the approval of the above-mentioned offices.

b. The Programme shall strictly adhere to CSC regulations on Nepotism in the employmentof relatives which provide that no appointment shall be made in favour of a relative of theappointing or recommending authority, or of the chief of office, or of the persons exercisingimmediate supervision over them. The word “relative” and members of the family referred

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to are those related within the third degree either of consanguinity or of affinity of any ofthe above-mentioned officials.

c. The 1997 Revised edition Qualification Standards issued by the Civil Service Commission(CSC) or any later revisions, shall serve as the basis in ascertaining the minimumeducational, experience and training requirements of each plantilla position. TheProgramme may prescribe requirements higher than what is minimally required by the CSCQS to meet its standards in hiring personnel but in no way should these standards be setbelow the minimum relevant job specification set by the CSC for each position.

d. All positions listed in the approved plantilla shall be subject to dedicated Terms ofReference which may be amended from time to time to recognize changes in Programmeneeds.

e. The filling-up of plantilla positions shall be based on the Programme’s personnel

deployment schedule or recruitment plan which is maintained by the Personnel Section,where vacancies are filled-up as the need for the services of appointees to positions arises.This is updated as the need demands, so that vacancies are filled in a timely and efficientmanner and recruitment progress may be readily monitored.

f. The basic hiring rate of new entrants shall be step one of the grade level of the positionsthey are being hired to, as listed in the table of wages issued by the DBM in theimplementation of salary standardization plus twenty per cent (20%) of this rate as theadd-on premium .

g. Vacancies shall be circulated internally within the Programme and externally to get the bestcandidate for the advertised positions. All external applicants shall undergo pre-screeningand qualifying written examination administered either by a contracted recruitment agencyor the Personnel Section of the Programme.

h. A Selection and Promotion Board (SPB) will be created to assist the Co-Directors inemploying the most qualified candidate to a position. All applicants (those who meet theminimum requirements of the position, for both internal and external applicants, and whopass the pre-screening and written examination, for external applicants) will be short listedand shall undergo a final/in-depth interview by the Selection and Promotion Board ( SPB)of the Programme. The Programme shall have the prerogative of giving priority to internalapplicants who, after the evaluation of all applications, would be included in the rankingof qualified contenders to the position/s. The SPB is purely recommendatory innature.

The approval of Programme hired staff will be by both Co-Directors, however theappointment documents will be endorsed/signed as follows:

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Grade Level Endorsed Appointment signed

1 to 23 SPB Regular National Co-Director

24 and up Regular SPB with Secretary DA andparticipation of both endorsed by EC as requiredCo-Directors

The structure of the SPB for the various grade levels shall be as follows:

1 to 23 SPB Regular Composition

24 and up Regular SPB with participation of bothCo-Directors

The regular composition of the Selection and Promotion Board is as follows:

Chairperson - Senior Staff representative designated by the Co-DirectorsMembers - FAD Representative (if FAD Chief is not designated as

Chairperson)Representative of Employees’ Association (President or voted

at large)Chief of Division/Unit where vacancy existsRepresentative of the TA team (normally Finance andAdministration Specialist)Personnel Officer - Permanent Secretary (Non-voting)

The Board may expand its membership to include other senior staff under whose area of specialization the prospective employee/s will concentrate

i. All applicants shall be required to provide full information regarding their age, education,experience and such other information as may be considered relevant. The Programmeshall disqualify, or if warranted, blacklist, any applicant who is found to have intentionallymade any false statement regarding any information contained in his/her application and/orresume, including attachments. A prospective employee shall likewise undergo medicalcheck-up/examination to ascertain his/her health condition prior to employment.

j. All personnel, who are invited to take up positions within the Programme shall undergo a90-day probationary period commencing on the date of assumption to duty. TheProgramme Co-Directors shall have the discretion to extend the probationary period byup to a further three (3) months if, in their judgement, there is insufficient basis fordetermining the probationer’s suitability within the initial probationary period.

3.4.2 Recruitment Process

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a. Recruitment procedures will be objectively directed at the selection of qualified andcapable applicants. Opportunities for women and internal advancement shall beencouraged.

b. The head of division/section shall raise the request to fill up a vacancy as the need for theservices of additional personnel arises, to be approved by the Co-Directors. Theapproved request is forwarded to the Personnel Section, which immediately commenceswith the recruitment procedures.

c. Vacancy notices shall be circulated as widely as possible through:

1) publication in newspapers of national and/or local circulation, if warranted;2) posting prominently at the PMO, the liaison office/D.A. Office in Region XI, Provincial

offices, colleges and universities operating in the area, as appropriate;3) radio announcements

d. The notice for submission of applications shall be four weeks from the first date ofpublication.

- Applications must satisfy accepted recruitment standards. The applicant must:

= meet the minimum relevant educational and training qualifications and experienceprescribed for the job as specified in the qualification standards for the position;

= undergo the interview, testing and other screening procedures that may berequired.

- The minimum requirements to accompany an application are:

* application letter* transcript of records* personal data sheet/curriculum vitae with latest photo attached* valid professional license/certificate (if prescribed)

e. Recruitment is in three stages:

(1) Identification/Initial Screening -

The identification of potential recruits is through responses received to vacancynotices within the deadline set for submission, from candidates with the requiredqualifications. Application letters must be submitted to the Programme Co-Directors, attention of the Personnel Officer (PO). The PO shall review andmake separate files of those who meet and do not meet the minimum relevantqualification requirements of the vacant position/s.Those who meet the requirements shall be called for the written examination

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while those whose credentials are deficient shall be so advised.

(2) Examination/Testing

Examination/testing shall be conducted by either the Personnel Section or by aduly authorized institution/recruitment firm engaged by the Programme. TheProgramme shall define its policies and procedures in conducting this phase of therecruitment process. The result shall be made known to the applicants.

(3) Interview with the Selection and Promotion Board

Applicants who are short-listed (after passing the initial screening) shall beinterviewed by the Selection and Promotion Board. At this stage, applicants areinformed of the general terms and conditions of their prospective employment. Also, if at this point the SPB deems it appropriate, a contender may be requiredto undergo a psychological test or any other form of examination, the result/s ofwhich will substantially help in assessing the suitability of a candidate to aposition. A summary report, normally in the form of the Minutes of theMeeting/Deliberation supported by the Comparative Presentation Sheet signedby all members of the Board, shall be submitted to the Co-Directors for the finaldetermination of candidate/s to be employed. The Co-Directors will jointlyapprove the successful candidate/s.

f. Academic Requirements and Personal Qualities

1) The minimum academic qualifications of candidates shall be based on theQualification Standards (Revised 1997) and the ensuing updates, issued by theCivil Service Commission.

2) There shall be no discrimination, positive or negative, on any candidate. Acandidate must, however, be demonstrably capable, both mentally and physically,of performing the tasks and functions of the appointment.

3) Other qualities to be encouraged and sought, according to the appointment, include maturity, communication ability, pleasing personality, leadership qualitiesas appropriate, commitment to the general objectives of the Programme, decision making ability, and common sense .

3.4.3 Selection and Appointment

The Programme Co-Directors shall select the prospective employee from among the short listedcandidates as a result of the evaluation and deliberation of the SPB. The Co-Directors havethe discretion to not necessarily select the highest ranking candidate but anybody from theshortlist subject to justification. If the Co-Directors agree that not one of the submitted

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candidates can fulfill the requirements of the job, they will return the recommendation to thePersonnel Officer with instructions to re-advertise the position.

The selected candidate for any position will be advised within one week of the decision. In theevent of a selected candidate not taking up the appointed position, the second choice from theshort listed candidate may be offered the position.

3.4.4 Contract: There are two categories of employment in the Programme:

a. Contractual Employment appointed and funded by the Government of the Philippines’(GOP) counterpart funds for personnel services - The appointment is based on theplantilla approved by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The NationalCo-Director shall sign the appointment of personnel from GL 23 and below as Governmentrepresentative. The Secretary of Department of Agriculture shall sign appointment papersfrom GL 24 and up. The appointments are processed by the Civil Service Commission fieldoffice. However, in all cases of initial recruitment, renewal of appointment, transfer ordismissal the written agreement of both Programme Co-Directors will be placed in theindividual's 201 personal file.

b. Contractual Employment funded by grant funds (EC-funded) - The approving /appointingauthority are the Co-Directors and hiring is based on positions submitted to and approvedby the Delegation as recommended by the Department of Agriculture(DA). The hiring ofLocal Consultants/ Specialists is based on the approved Annual Work Plan and Budget(AWP&B) for the current year and follow procedures laid down in the Procurementmanual. If consultancy services are not included in the current budget, the prior approvalof Delegation is required, as endorsed by the DA.

1. Processing of Appointment

1.1 Preparation of Appointment and Submission to CSC:

The following procedures shall be observed in the processing of appointment:

Person/Entity Involved A c t i v i t y

Personnel Officer 1. Requires applicant to submit the followingPre-employment requirements

a) 2 copies Personal Data Sheet (Form 03) with 2 x 2 IDphotos (latest) supported with transcript of records ordiploma, as appropriate

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b) 2 copies Service Record (if previously employed in thegovernment)

c) 2 copies 1 x 1 ID photo for office ID(latest)d) Original copy of Medical Certificate issued by a

government physiciane) Original copy, NBI Clearancef) Clearance from Former Employer (If formerly

employed with a government entity, clearance isrequired even if the office is not the last employer)

g) Statement of Assets & Liabilitiesh) W-2 for those employed within the yeari) Xerox copy of GSIS membership certificatej) Xerox copy of TIN

Note: All photo copies shall be validated by presenting the original copies of documents.

If needed, the Personnel Officer shall verify the information appearing in the documentssubmitted by the prospective employee. Likewise, should the medical certificateindicate a disability on the part of the candidate that would affect the discharge of thefunctions of the position, the prospective employee shall be immediately notified of thetermination of the hiring procedures after the Co-Directors and the concerned head ofdivision/ section, are informed of the findings.

Personnel Officer 2. Receives signed approval form from Co-Directors

3. Prepares Appointment notice and PositionDescription Form*

4. Requires applicant to sign Job Description5. Forwards Appointment notice with

Supporting document to the FAD ChiefChief, Finance & Admin 6. Reviews supporting documents and signs as

Witness in the appropriate space on theCSC appointment form.

7. Forwards appointment notice andattachments to the National Co-Director forsignature.

Programme Directors/HeadDepartment of Agriculture

8. Reviews and initials on the appropriatespace on the CSC appointment papers.

9. Prepares endorsement of appointmentpapers for the Department of Agricultureand has this signed by the Co-Directors.

Personnel Officer 10. Forwards endorsement and appointmentpapers to Department of Agriculture forappropriate action.

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- The submission of the appointments to the Civil Service Commission shall follow the rulesand regulations of the said office on appointments of contractual personnel. The Co-Directors shall be held liable for any violation of any of the rules on appointment and otherpersonnel actions, i.e., hiring of personnel, who do not meet the minimum requirementsof the position, payment of services without the approved appointment and/or after theprescriptive period for the submission of papers to the CSC, has expired.

- The effective date of employment to the Programme shall not be earlier than ;

a. the date of the completion and submission of all pre-employment requirements;b. the date the contract/appointment is signed by the approving authority/ies;c. of the actual assumption to duty.

* It is important to note that before any contract of employment or appointment isprepared and processed, the Personnel Section shall ensure the availability of funds for theposition to be filled up. Fund availability shall be indicated in the Request to Fill- Up aPosition.

1.2 After Approval by the CSC :

Personnel Officer 12. Gives original appointment notice to contractualemployee.

13. Opens personnel file of the new employee which shallcompose of the pre-employment requirements, theappointment and other documents related to his/herwork in the Programme.

1.3 Renewal of Appointment - The renewal of the appointment of personnel with theProgramme must satisfy both of the following conditions:

a. The employee has been rated at least satisfactorily in the performance of his/her jobin the rating period immediately preceding the time of renewal and

b. There is still the need for his/her services.

2. Requirements for Payment of First and Last (or Separation) Pay-

The Personnel Officer shall ensure that the following documentary requirements arecomplied with for claims for first and last salary to be attached to the disbursement voucher:

2.1 If first salary payment -

- Certification issued by the Personnel Officer as to the employment of concerned

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personnel to the position, rate of pay and date of effective/actual assumption to duty;this will also certify that the copy of the contract/appointment and all the pre-employment requirements of the employee are on file in the Personnel Section.

- Approved daily time record (DTR) (Form 05)- If transferee is from another Government Office:

= certificate of clearance= certificate of last salary received

2.2 If last (or separation) pay:

- Certification issued by the Personnel Officer that the following documents have beenproperly complied with/returned and are on file in the Personnel Section:• resignation letter or notice of separation • letter of acceptance of resignation signed by both directors • certificate of clearance• statement of assets & liabilities• Programme ID, Health/Life Insurance cards• approved DTR

3. Probation

3.1 A probation period of a 90 days will be required to enable both the Programme and theemployee enough time to make a qualified judgment on the continuance of the contract.The Programme Co-Directors shall have the discretion to extend the probationary periodby up to a further three (3) months if, in their judgement, there is insufficient basis fordetermining the probationer’s suitability within the initial probationary period. During theprobationary period, the new employee may resign without prejudice, subject to thestandard clearance regulations. Correspondingly, the Programme may terminate aprobationary contract at any time before the contract is completed.

3.2 In, and prior to completion of the probationary employment, the Personnel Officer shallrequest from the employee’s immediate supervisor an assessment of attitude andperformance with regard to the continuation of the contract beyond the probationaryperiod. The assessment shall be discussed openly with the employee. Any qualifyingcomments or remarks by the supervisor and the Personnel Officer shall be included.

3.3 The Programme reserves the right to exercise its option to terminate the services of

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probationary employees under the following conditions:

a. Severe misconduct including violation of reasonable office rules and regulations;b. Violation of any civil service or pertinent laws;

c. Unsatisfactory work performance;d. Commission or conviction of any crime;e. When the continued employment of said employee is deemed inimical and

prejudicial to national security;f. Filing of candidacy for an elective position;g. When the Co-Directors determine that the position should no longer be filled;h. When the job description has changed and subsequently, the qualification

requirements of the said position;i. Other actions which may be found detrimental to the Programme.

3.4.5 Orientation

It shall be the responsibility of the Personnel Officer, in coordination with the appropriateDivision/Section in the Programme, to provide the standard orientation to new recruits on thefollowing:

- goals, objectives and approach- Programme area and coverage- organization structure and chain of command- the work environment and team approach- administration and finance- employee and job description- employment terms, policies and guidelines.

3.5 Salary and Benefits Administration

3.5.1 Operating Policies -

a. The employee is appointed by the CSC, however, this manual is the basic instrument thatestablishes the relationship of the employee with the Programme

b. The terms and conditions of appointment conform with government regulations oncontractual employment. The Programme espouses the policy of providing reasonablebenefits and a working environment that would: foster commitment to its goals, motivatepersonnel into greater productivity and enhance the capabilities of the employees to attaincareer growth in the organization.

c. All contractual employees shall be entitled to receive salaries and allowances as stipulatedelsewhere in this Manual, on a semi-monthly basis, by direct bank transfer, after satisfyingfully and on time, the requirements for the payment of such remuneration.

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d. Subject to authority by the Department of Agriculture and fund-availability, the Programmeshall endeavor to grant those allowances given by government to regular personnel, asidefrom the ones appearing elsewhere in this Manual.

e. Advances on salaries are not allowed.

f. Payment of salaries and authorized allowances shall be on the 15th and last day of themonth. If these fall on a non-working day, payment shall be made on the working dayimmediately preceding the holiday.

g. Deductions from payroll are made under the following categories:

g.1 Required/Compulsory -

a) Withholding Tax - the amount of deduction of which depends on age, salary andthe number of authorized exemptions claimed;

b) Social Security - to provide for the social security benefits in the form of sickness,disability, death and other benefits, both the employee and the employercontribute monthly to a fund, with the employee's contribution deducted from his/her salary.

- GSIS Insurance for contractual employees, if applicable- Employees’ Compensation Insurance Premium- Medicare- PAGIBIG

c) Unauthorized Absences, Tardiness and Undertime -

Unauthorized absences and authorized absences without pay are deductiblefrom the salary. Tardiness in excess of the allowable allowance per month, shall be deducted from the vacation leave credits or in the absence of any VL credits, from thesalary of employees in the payroll immediately following the occurrence.

Undertime of 2 hours or less, shall likewise be deducted from vacation leavecredits or in the absence of any VL credits, from the salary of employees.

e) Unliquidated cash advances - Cash advances which are not liquidated on orbefore due date shall be deducted from the payroll immediately following the duedate.

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g.2 Voluntary

By the employee's signed authorization, deductions may be made for the following,which are to the personal account of the employee:

- Pension Plan- Life Insurance Premiums- Others

These shall be deducted and paid to the account of the employees’ association/cooperative organized by Programme personnel, which shall in turn pay to theconcerned payees. Payroll deduction to settle personal obligations under individualaccount of payees, shall not be allowed.

h. Employees shall acknowledge the receipt of their salaries and allowances by signing thepayroll, payslip or the disbursement voucher. Withdrawal of salaries and allowances bya person other than the payee shall require the presentation of a notarized power ofattorney.

i. Salaries and other forms of remuneration shall be subject to withholding tax.

j. The Personnel Section is primarily responsible for the timely preparation of all payrolls andclaims for the availment of benefits granted to Programme personnel.

3.5.2 Compensation Package -

a. Contractual Staff ( funded from GoP counterpart funds and defined as employer)

a.1 Salary - based on the first (1st) step of the government salary grade schedule of theposition which is taxable.

a.2 Additional Compensation Allowance (ACA) of P500.00 per month is given to eachemployee upon employment which is tax exempt.

No step increment for meritorious and/or length of service in a particular position, shall beenjoyed by personnel. All salary payments shall begin with the first step of the salarygrade of the position a personnel is being contracted for.

a.3 Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) of P500.00 for all grade levels uponemployment which is tax exempt.

a.4 Representation and Transportation Allowance (RATA) for Grade Level 24 and up.,subject to availability of funds. The rate shall be in accordance with the applicable

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provisions of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for the current year.

a.5 13th Month Pay based on the basic pay excluding the 20% premium and shall follow theguidelines issued by the government in granting this benefit. (tax exempt)

a.6 Cash Gift – P5,000 for 1999 and subsequent increases, based on government guidelines,subject to fund availability but not to exceed the amount stated in the circular issued by theDBM. (tax exempt)

The release of the mid-year bonus comprising 50% of the 13th month pay and theCash Gift, shall follow the implementing guidelines issued by the government.Personnel who were able to avail of the mid-year bonus but who are separated fromthe Programme before October 31st of the current year shall refund the full amountthat they received.

a.7 Productivity Incentive Allowance of P2,000.00 per year to employees who were ratedat least satisfactorily in the last two rating periods (two semesters).

a.9 Clothing/Uniform Allowance of P3,000 per year after six (6) months of employment withincrease thereon depending on the approved GAA for the year subject to fund availabilitybut not to exceed the DBM-approved amount for the current year. (tax exempt)

a.10 GSIS Insurance - RA 8291 mandatorily covers under GSIS contractual personnel ingovernment service.

a.11 Employees’ Compensation Insurance Premium (ECIP) of P30.00 per month for eachemployee, paid for by the employer.

a.12 MEDICARE of P37.50 per employee with the employer paying an equal amount.

a.13 PAGIBIG - P100.00 per month employee’s share; P100.,00 per month, employer’sshare.

a.14 Per Diem/Travel/Meals/Transportation Allowances -

Cost of official travel expenses shall fall within the limits authorized in the FinancialManual.

3.5.3 Leave of Absence

Section 4, rule XVI on Leave of Absence of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EONo. 292 states that “ Employees hired on a contractual basis are not entitled to vacation and sickleave benefits. Employment contract shall not provide for such leave benefits”. However, theEU Court of Auditors has allowed the granting of such benefit to Programme personnel subject

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to the following provisions of the IA/EC-approved guidelines on Staff Leave:

a) Vacation Leave

1) All contractural employees can avail of fifteen (15) working days vacation leave perannum. The purpose of vacation leave is to safeguard the health and welfare ofemployees who should therefore be encouraged to use this leave.

2) After three (3) months of continuous service, all employees shall qualify to go onvacation leave under pro-rata basis earning 1.25 days per month computedretroactive the first month of service.

3) Vacation leave shall be scheduled by each section/division duly approved by theProgramme Co-Directors or their designates. Scheduling shall be done in such away that it does not hamper operations, thus, it should be distributed with utmostconsideration of work to be done without sacrificing individual needs orconvenience.

4) For purposes of efficient utilization of leave, scheduling should ideally be done usingthree (3) to five (5) days at a time. It may not always be possible to take fifteen(15) days at a time due to work requirements. This shall be a decision of theProgramme Co-Directors or their designates, upon the recommendation of theSection/Division Chief.

5) Applications for leave using the prescribed Leave Application Form should besubmitted at least seven (7) days before effectivity. In an emergency, vacation leavemay be taken in short notice duly approved by the Programme Co-Directors ortheir designates before going on leave.

6) If, in the event of sickness or emergency an employee is not able to submit a leaveapplication, then every effort must be made to inform the office within 24 hours afterthe onset of leave through a letter, telephone message or via co-employees of theanticipated length of absence. On return to work, the employee should completethe leave application retrospectively.

7) Applications for leave shall be received and recorded (when leave is duly approved)by the Personnel Officer. It shall become part of the 201 file.

8) A semi-annual and annual leave summary shall be maintained by the PersonnelOfficer for administrative purposes.

9) All claims for payment of leave benefit should be supported by the approvedapplication for leave and a properly completed Daily Time Record (Form 48) withthe dates of leave reflected therein.

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10) The Personnel Officer who monitors/controls leave credits shall prepare a separatepayroll for payment of leave credits every 15th and end of the month. Leave payclaims will be paid on the same day that the GoP payroll is paid.

11) Vacation leave should be taken during the year. Unused leave credits cannot be monetized and shall be automatically forfeited upon the start of thefollowing year.

b) Sick Leave

1) All contractural employees can avail of fifteen (15) days sick leave per annum. Sickleave is not an absolute entitlement and applies in cases of sickness only.

2) Application for sick leave filed in advance, or exceeding three (3) days, shallbe accompanied by a medical certificate. In case medical consultation was notavailed of, an affidavit should be executed by the applicant.

3) Unused sick leave during the year shall be automatically forfeited uponthe start of the following year. Unused sick leave credits cannot bemonetized.

4) Items 2 and 6 to 10 of the guidelines for vacation leave shall likewise apply to sickleave.

c) Maternity Leave

Entitlement to this benefit shall be in consonance with the provisions of issuances by theCivil Service Commission.

Under the government procedures on maternity leave, women in government service whohave rendered an aggregate of two or more years of service shall be entitled to maternityleave of 60 days with full pay. For those who have rendered less than 2 years at the timeof leave, the computation of the payment of leave shall be proportionate to the length ofservice rendered by the employee.

(Refer to MC No. 17, s. 1991 and other CSC Circulars)

Supporting papers required before processing payment of the maternity leave shall be thefollowing:

1) Approved application for maternity leave2) Doctor’s certificate of the probable date of delivery.

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3) Office clearance (provisional) 4) Daily Time Record reflecting the period of ML.

Other provisions on leave of absence -

1) Leave of absence exceeding the authorized vacation, sick and maternity leave duringa calendar year shall be treated as an absence or leave without pay. This will onlybe granted at the discretion of the Programme Co-Directors and if exceeding thirty(30) days, shall need the approval of the Department of Agriculture.

2) An application for leave of absence for thirty (30) calendar days or more shall be accompanied by a provisional clearance from money and property


3) An employee who is absent without approved leave shall not be entitled to receivehis/her salary corresponding to the period of the unauthorized leave of absence.

d) Emergency Leave

As it implies, this is resorted to when the employee needs to absent herself/himself fromwork for an urgent, personal reason. The emergency leave is classified as vacation leave,the difference being the very short notice given to the appropriate authority/ies in takingleave from work. If, due to circumstances, it is not possible to seek the approval prior tothe leave, every effort shall be made to inform Management to make it aware of thewhereabouts of the employee. The ALA shall be submitted immediately upon returningto work, for a retrospective approval of the leave.

3.6 Other Personnel Actions

3.6.1 Promotion - It is the advancement of an employee from one position to another with anincrease in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and is usuallyaccompanied by an increase in salary.

a. The comparative degree of competence and qualification of employees shall be determinedby the extent to which they meet the requirements at the time of the appointment:

a.1 Performance - this shall be based on the two performance ratings immediatelypreceding the movement of the employee. No employee shall be considered forpromotion unless his/her performance rating is at least satisfactory.

a.2 Education and Training - these shall include educational background andsuccessful completion of training courses, scholarships, training grants and others. Such education and training must be relevant to the duties of the position to befilled.

a.3 Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments - these shall include occupational

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history, work experience and accomplishments worthy of special commendation.a.4 Physical Characteristics and Personality Traits - these refer to the physical

fitness, attitude and personality traits of the individual which must have bearing onthe position to be filled.

a.5 Potential - this takes into account the employee’s capability not only to perform theduties and assume the responsibilities of the position to be filled but also those ofhigher and more responsible positions.

b. Promotion Board

b.1 Composition - To ensure objectivity in promotion, a Selection and Promotion Boardis established to evaluate contenders to various position in the Programme. TheSPB structure is as discussed in Item 3.4.1 of this Manual.

b.2 Functions

i) The SPB shall be responsible for implementing the formal screening procedureand criteria adopted by the Programme for the evaluation of candidates forpromotion, fairly and consistently.

ii) The SPB shall determine en banc the list of employees recommended forpromotion from which the appointing authority may choose the employee to bepromoted. In preparing the list, the Board shall see to it that the qualificationsof employees recommended are comparatively at par and that they are the bestqualified from among the contenders.

b.3 Factors for Promotion

The following criteria/factors for promotion and the equivalent percentageweight, shall serve as basis in the comparative evaluation of contenders tovacant positions:

1) Performance = 35%2) Educational Attainment = 15%3) Training = 5%4) Experience = 35%5) Potential = 5%6) Physical Characteristics &

Personality Traits = 5% ------------ Total Percentage = 100

Other intangible factors shall likewise be considered by the members of the

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Promotions Board in the evaluation of contenders to the vacant positions. Theseshould however, be indicated in the minutes of the deliberations for the vacantposition. In filling supervisory positions, the SPB shall develop a criteria formanagership and leadership which shall constitute one of the instruments forselection of candidates for promotion.

A candidate recommended for promotion may not necessarily be the highestranking among the contenders for the vacancy provided he/she meets the minimumrequirements of the position.

With everything else considered, an employee with the longer residency in theProgramme may be given preference over the one who has been employed for ashorter period of time.

b.4 Procedures

1) The head of division/section raises a request to fill-up a vacancy. The requestis forwarded to the Co-Directors for approval.

2) The approved request is forwarded by the Co-Directors’ Secretary to thePersonnel Officer who will prepare the necessary Announcement of Vacancyand oversee the circulation of such announcement within the Programme. Theannouncement shall contain the job description/terms of reference andspecifications/qualification standards of the vacant position.

3) Applications received within the deadline of submission shall be reviewed by thePO as to compliance to both the qualification, based on QS and the followingdocumentary requirements:

- letter application- updated Personal Date Sheet/ Form 212- Copy of the latest performance appraisal- Accomplished Potential Assessment Form

4) Those who meet the minimum requirements of the position shall be notified ofthe schedule of interview with the SPB by the PO. At the same time, thepertinent information of each qualified contender shall be presented in theSelection and Promotion Board Summary of scores preparatory to thedeliberation of the SPB.

5) The SPB will interview all applicants as scheduled and deliberate on thequalifications and fitness of these applicants to the position. The SPB shallmake a short list of the contenders, for submission to the Co-Directors, together

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with the Minutes and other relevant documents.

6) Upon receipt of the papers from the SPB, the Co-Directors will review andselect from among the short listed candidates the employee to be promoted.The concerned personnel shall be advised of this decision and shall be asked tocomply with the other documents, following the requirements of the CSC forpromotion, for submission to that office for processing of appointment.

7) If, as agreed between the Co-Directors, the short listed candidates still lack thesuitable qualifications to effectively discharge the functions of the position, thedocuments will be returned to the SPB through the Personnel Officer, who willin turn circularize the vacancy externally, to invite other applicants.

3.6.2 Transfer - It is a movement from one position to another which is of equivalent rank, level orsalary without break in service involving the issuance of an appointment.

a. It is the policy of the Programme to encourage employees to achieve their career ambitionsand interests within the organization. Experience in a position is a valuable asset to theorganization, but there may be cases where transfers offer better opportunities.

b. Unless demonstrably inappropriate, the head of the division/section concerned and theemployee should be informed in advance of a proposed transfer.

c. A transfer may be requested by an employee in writing addressed to the Programme Co-Directors for the attention of the Personnel Officer. An employee requesting transferwould normally discuss it with the immediate supervisor, but there may be circumstanceswhere that would not be appropriate.

d. The result of any transfer decision shall be discussed by the Personnel Officer with theemployee.

3.6.3 Demotion - Is the movement from one position to another involving the issuance of anappointment with diminution in duties, responsibilities, status or rank which mayor may not involve reduction in salary.

Demotion shall only be made possible under the following circumstances:

a. that the employee was identified, as per his/her performance evaluation on result, to beincompetent in his present job/tasks;

b. any misdemeanor which the Co-Directors may deem punishable by the above-mentionedaction;

c. upon the request of the employee, as expressed in writing, for reasons acceptable to the

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Co-Directors. The written request shall at the same time serve as a waiver on the part ofthe employee, to the higher position he/she voluntarily wants to give up.

3.6.4 Separation - It is a voluntary or involuntary termination of employment.

a. Voluntary separation happens when at his/her own volition, an employee tenders his/herresignation within the contract period and is accepted by the Co-Directors.

b. Involuntary termination of services may occur in any of the following instances:

b.1 As a penalty for breach of discipline according to the provisions of Rule XIV ofthe Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO No. 292 and other pertinent rulesof the Civil Service Commission and those issued by the Programme.

b.2 Serious breach of the provisions of the personnel or other Programme manuals. b.3 Filing of candidacy for an elective position.

b.4 Acceptance of employment outside, unless expressly granted by the Programme.b.5 As a result of a poor performance evaluation in one rating period.b.6 As a result of two successive fair/below average performance evaluation.b.7 As a result of the abolition of the plantilla position by the DBM.b.8 When the service of the contractual are no longer required on the basis of a

notice of non-renewal issued by the Programme 30 days before effectivity.

The Civil Service Commission must be informed in the event of a termination forcontractual personnel.

3.6.5 Procedures in Resigning from the Programme -

a. An employee must file a letter of resignation addressed to the Programme Co-Directors thirty (30) days before its effective date;

b. A letter of acceptance shall be issued to the personnel concerned after which, aclearance shall be given to him/her provided he/she is free from any administrative caseand/or accountability;

c. After issuing an office clearance to the personnel concerned, a separation pay which consists of his/her last salary, shall be given.

3.6.6 Documentary Requirements as a Result of Separation from the Programme -

The following requirements shall be submitted/complied with if an employee is separated fromthe Programme as a result of resignation, termination, non-renewal of contract or transfer toanother agency:

a. Approved application for terminal leave

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b. Clearance from cash, property, work and documentary accountabilityc. Letter of Resignation/Request for Transfer (if applicable)d. Acceptance of Resignation/Approval of Request by Programme Co-Directorse. Surrender of Programme ID Card, Health Care Card. In case of loss, a notarized affidavit

of loss shall be submitted.f. Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of the last day of employment in the Programme.

3.7 Training and Staff Development

3.7.1 Operating Policies -

a. The Staff Development Programme shall not be viewed as a reward for good performancebut rather, as a tool to assist in the professional and personal advancement of the staff.

b. The Programme shall adopt the Integrated Human Resource Planning and DevelopmentSystem (IHRPDS) of the CSC as a framework based on the up-to-date personnel dataand information system, to rationalize all human resource management practices andprocesses. The operation of the IHRPDS shall be the shared responsibility andaccountability of the Programme staff at all levels. The PO/Human Resource ManagementOfficer shall coordinate all efforts and activities in its implementation.

b.1 Employees who have been with the Programme for at least six (6) months may beconsidered for local scholarship, study grant and/or training programs.

b.2 The Personnel Section, in collaboration with the Technical operations unit, shallreview recommendations for staff training/seminar/workshop/study grant. The finalrecommendation shall be forwarded to the Co-Directors for approval.

b.3 Attendance to training/seminar/workshop/study grant shall be contingent on thefollowing conditions:

1) when the activity shall mean enhancement of the trainee’s skills and educationalknowledge;

2) when the activity shall mean acquisition of new or additional technique or skillin line with the employee’s field or expertise;

3) when the activity shall satisfy the needed requirement for updating and renewinglicenses as required by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC);

4) when the activity shall obviously benefit the employee in terms of status, contactsand influence in furtherance of his/her career and which, eventually, will redoundto the benefit of the Programme.

b.4 A grantee who resigns, voluntarily retires, or is separated from the Programme for

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reasons within his/her control prior to the completion of the mandatory rendition ofservice to the Programme as a condition to the availment of a study/scholarshipgrant/training as stipulated in the contract, shall reimburse the expenses incurred, tothe Programme. If the grant is on official time, the total amount to be refunded shallinclude salaries, allowances, fees, and other expenses incurred during the period ofstudy/training. If the attendance to the training or schooling is after office hours, thetotal amount to be reimbursed shall not include salaries.

b.5 Books purchased out of Programme funds shall be surrendered by the grantee tothe Programme upon completion/termination of the study/training. Suchbooks/reference materials shall become the property of the Programme.

c. Recreational and social activities. The Programme is supportive of providing reasonablerecreational facilities and social activities as a way of fostering a congenial atmosphere forstaff members and providing venues for relaxation away from work for as long as:

c.1 these activities are undertaken after completion of the required work;c.2 project costs are reasonablec.3 staff members are prepared to support these activities, both in terms of giving time

and effort and in sharing the costs of these activities.

d. Performance Appraisal. The Programme shall come up with an appropriate evaluationsystem which shall be integrated into the IHRPDS as a tool to enable employees toimprove performance and assess their professional growth including determining thepotentials and development needs of individual employees. It shall incorporate thefollowing minimum requirements as called for by the CSC:

d.1 It shall provide for the identification of the outputs as well as the job-relatedbehaviours of the position/functions and the corresponding performance standardswhich shall be mutually agreed upon between the supervisor and the subordinates.

d.2 It shall provide mechanisms by which an employee shall be currently advised ofhis/her progress in accomplishing his/her assignments.

d.3 Supervisors shall be given opportunity by the System to make comments andrecommendations regarding employee’s strengths and weaknesses which may beinstrumental in furthering his/her career, or identifying constraints that may impedehis/her development.

d.4 Performance evaluation shall be done every six months ending on June 30 andDecember 31 of every year. However, if the organizational needs require a shorteror longer period, the minimum appraisal period shall be at least 90 days or threemonths. No appraisal shall be longer than one year.

3.8 Grievance Machinery

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3.8.1 Operating Procedures

a. Definition of terms

a.1 Complaint -an employee’s expressed (written or spoken) feelings of dissatis-factionwith some aspects of his/her working conditions, relationships or status which areoutside his/her control. This does not include those involving disciplinary actions,which are governed by separate rules.

a.2 Grievance -a complaint in writing which has, in the first instance and in theemployee’s opinion, been ignored, overridden or dropped without dueconsideration.

a.3 Grievance Procedure - the method of determining and finding the best way toremedy the specific cause or causes of the complaint or grievance.

b. A Grievance Committee shall be established to be composed of the following:

b.1 For complaints/grievances existing between and among individual employee andsupervisor/management:

- one (1) member of top management or a representative to act as Chairman- one (1) higher supervisor except the one being complained of- one (1) member of the rank and file.

c. Functions of the Grievance Committee:

c.1 To hear/evaluate complaints and cases lodged against a Programme personnel upto the section head level, by another employee /staff member/management;

c.2 To submit written findings and recommendations to the Programme Co-Directors,for disposition.

d. Grievance Procedure - In the resolution of conflicts within the Programme, the followingprocedures shall be observed in sequential order:

d.1 Oral discussion -A complaint shall be presented orally in the first instance to theemployee’s immediate supervisor who shall within three (3) days from the date ofpresentation, inform the employee orally of his/her decision.

d.2 Grievance in writing- If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of theimmediate supervisor, he/she may submit his/her grievance in writing through his/herimmediate supervisor, to the next higher officer or official who shall, within five daysfrom the date of receipt of the written grievance, inform in writing the employeethrough the immediate supervisor, of his/her decision.

d.3 Appeal to the Programme Co-Directors- If the employee is not satisfied with priordecisions relative to his/her grievance, he/she may submit, through channels, his/hergrievance in writing to the agency head, who may refer it to a grievance committee

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constituted for the purpose. The Committee shall come up with a decision within 10days of receipt of the written grievance.

d.4 Appeal to the Civil Service Commission - If the complainant is still not satisfiedwith the decision of the Co-Directors he/she may file the appeal with the CSCOffice which has jurisdiction over his/her case.

e. The staff shall refrain from using the bulletin boards, flyers, the grapevine or anonymousletters, as a sounding board for their complaints and/or grievances. In return, managementand senior staff should make themselves available in hearing out genuinecomplaints/grievances of the employees and of finding ways to resolve the situations.

f. Basis

In the discharge of its functions, the Committee shall adhere to the applicable provisionsof Chapter 7,Sec. 50 on the Summary Proceedings of Book V of EO 292, Rule XII ofthe Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292 and Other Pertinent Civil Service Laws.

3.9 Code Of Conduct and Ethical Standards

3.9.1 Operating Policies

a. The conduct of personnel in the service of the Programme shall be governed by theapplicable provisions of the Rules Implementing the Code of Conduct and EthicalStandards for Public Officials and Employees issued by the Civil Service Commission.

b. Conflict of Interest -

Section 1.a. of Rule IX on Conflict of Interest and Divestment of the Rules Implementingthe Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees providesthat “ An official or employee shall avoid conflict of interest at all times”. Conflict ofinterest occurs when the official or employee is:

b.1 a substantial stockholder; orb.2 a member of the Board of Directors; orb.3 an officer of the corporation; orb.4 an owner or has a substantial interest in a business; orb.5 a partner in a partnership; andb.6 when the interest of such corporation or business, or his rights and duties therein,

are opposed to, or are affected by the faithful performance of official duty.

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All members of the staff therefore are under obligation to declare in writing toProgramme Management any interests they have in, or personal, family or businessrelationships with, any supplier ( past, present and future) of goods and services to theProgramme. Where conflict of interest occurs, the employee is obliged to resign from theprivate business within thirty (30) days from assumption of office or divest himself/herselfof his/her share holdings or interests in the business within sixty (60) from suchassumption. For those who are already in the service and a conflict of interest arises, theofficial or employee must either resign or divest himself/herself of said interests within theperiods herein provided, reckoned from the date when the conflict of interest had arisen.

c. Practice of Profession

The practice of profession by Programme personnel shall be subject to approval by theCo-Directors. In acting on the request, the following conditions shall be taken intoaccount:

c.1 the practice shall not be during office hours;c.1 the practice will not be in conflict or tend to conflict with the official functions of the

employee;c.1 the practice shall not entail the use of Programme resources in any form


3.10 Discipline

3.10.1 Operating Policies

a. The Programme shall create a Fact-Finding Committee that will look into administrativecomplaints filed against any of its personnel. It shall be convened as needed, to gatherrelevant information/documentary evidence and review the same, conduct hearings andsubmit recommendation for the disposition of the Co-Directors.

The basic composition of the Committee shall be the same as that of the GrievanceCommittee. The membership may be expanded to include other members of the staffwho, in the opinion of the Programme Management, would contribute to the earlyresolution of the case at hand.

b. No action shall be taken on an anonymous complaint unless there is obvious truth or meritto the allegations set forth in the complaint.

c. The complaint to be given due course should be written in clear, simple and conciselanguage so as to apprise the respondent of the nature of the charge against him/her and

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to enable him/her to prepare his/her defence. The complaint should be under oath.

3.10.2 Basis of Disciplinary Action

All actions, activities and/or transactions in the pursuance of the duties and responsibilities of Programme personnel, done either singly or collectively, shall be governed by the applicableprovisions of the following issuances:

a. Rule XIV of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 andOther Pertinent Civil Service Laws

b. Rules Implementing the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials andEmployees

c. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 14, s. 1991 re Dress Code Prescribed for allGovernment Officials and Employees

d. Policies, rules and regulations issued by Programme Management and the subsequentamendments.


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Request to Fill-Up Vacancy 29Selection and Promotion Board Summary of Scores 30Personal Data Sheet 31Certification re: Hiring of Personnel 34Daily Time Record 35Certificate of Clearance 36Permission Slip 37Certificate of Entrance to Duty 38Application of Leave of Absence 39Report of Leaves, Absences and Tardiness 40

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Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao


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Unit/Section Head Department/Division Head


� DISAPPROVED DUE TO __________________________________

___________________ ___________________

Programme Co-Directors

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See separate file – Form-SPB

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3. CIVIL STATUS � Single � Widow/er � Married � Separated




10.HEIGHT (meters) 11.WEIGHT (kilos)







(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary)











(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary)

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(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary)





20.SERVICE RECORD (include experience outside government service)


(continue on separate sheet, if necessary)


22.OTHER QUALIFICATIONS (include membership in related associations, hobbies, etc.)

(continue on separate sheet, if necessary)

23.Are you related within the 3rd degree of consanguinity or affinity to the appointing or recommending authority (fourth degree for career employees in Local Government Unit or to the chief of bureau or office, or to the person who has immediate supervision over you in the office, Bureau or Department you are to be appointed? YES� NO� If YES, Give particulars.

24.Have you ever been convicted for violating any law, decree, ordinance or regulations any court or tribunal?YES� NO�. Have you ever been convicted for any breach or infraction by a military tribunal or authority, orfound guilty of an administrative offense? YES� NO�. If your answer is YES to any question, give particulars.

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25.Do you have any pending administrative/criminal case? If you have any, give particulars.

7.Have you ever been a candidate in a National or Local Election (Except Brgy. Election) YES� NO�. If YES, give particulars.

28. REFERENCES (Persons not related by consanguinity or affinity to applicant/appointee)


I declare under the penalties of perjury that theanswers given above are true and correct to thebest of my knowledge and belief.

Community Tax Certifucate No. Issuedat SignatureIssued on

Right Thumbmark

Date Accomplished

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See separate file – Form-Cert

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A.M. P.M. UNDERTIMEDAY Arrival Departur

eArrival Departur

eHours Minutes


I certify on my honour that the above are true and correct report of workPerformed, record of which was made daily at the time of arrival anddeparture from office.

________________________ Signature

______________________________________________________ Verified as to the prescribed office hours.

________________________ In-Charge

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Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao


Date of Application:_______________________Type of Clearance:

� Provisional � Terminal


This is to apply for clearance from money, property and other accountabilities. It is understood that I will be answerable for accountabilities that are established as a result of an audit by proper authorities, after this clearance is issued.

Name of Applicant: ______________________________ Status of Employment: _______________Office/Unit/Division: _____________________________ Position: _________________________

Salary: __________________________PURPOSE:

� Vacation / Sick Leave exceeding 30 days � Maternity Leave Effective Date: _____________________ Effective Date: ______________� Termination of Contract � Transfer to another Agency

� Resignation: __________________________ � Terminal Leave for the period : ____________________

Date of separation from the Programme: ______________________

________________________________ Signature of Applicant

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I. Money Accountabilities (Cash Advances, Loan, Disallowance, Financial Record, etc.)except as stated below:

__________________________________ _____________________________________ CASHIER CHIEF ACCOUNTANT

II. Property, Records and other Non-Cash Accountabilities except as stated below:

_________________________________ _____________________________________ SUPPLY OFFICER ADMIN. OFFICER

III. Personnel (Files, Leave of Absence, DTRs, etc.):

Last day of service: ________________________Last day of leave with pay: __________________

_________________________________ PERSONNEL OFFICER

IV. NO PENDING Administrative and/or criminal case filed per records of this Office:

____________________________________ CHIEF, FINANCE AND ADMIN. DIVISION


___________________________ _________________________________________________________ SUPERVISOR PROGRAMME CO-DIRECTOR PROGRAMME CO-


Date of Clearance: ____________________________ Valid until:________________________________

EUROPEAN UNION - PHILIPPINESDepartment of Agriculture

Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao


Date: Permission is hereby requested to leave the Office on:

� Official Business � Personal Business

Destination/s : ___________________________________________________________

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Purpose/s : ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Estimated Time of Departure from Office : AM/PM

Estimated Time of Return to Office : AM/PM

Requested by: Approved:

_____________________________ ________________________________Name and Signature of Employee Programme Co-Directors/Division Chief

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Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao


This is to certify that _____________________________________________who has been hired to the position of ______________________________________has actually reported to work on ___________________________.

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This certification is issued as one of the requirements for the first salary paymentOf the above-named employee.

Issued this __________ day of _______________, 20___ in _____________________________________.

___________________________ Programme Co-Directors

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Date Filed __________________

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A. TYPES OF LEAVE� Vacation � Sick� Others (Specify)

B. NUMBER OF WORKING DAYS APPLIED FOR Inclusive dates: ______________

C. WHERE LEAVE WILL BE SPENT� W/in the Phil. � in Hospital� Abroad � Outpatient

D. COMMUTATION� Requested � Not Requested

________________________ Signature of applicant


A. CERTIFICATION OF LEAVE CREDITS As of Vacation: Sick : ____________

__________________ ____________Personnel Officer Date

B. BALANCE as of Vacation Leave: _________________ Sick Leave : ___________________


�W/Out Pay� Disapproved due to:


______________________ __________Section/Division Chief Date

__________________________________Programme Co-Directors

Date: _______________

.EUROPEAN UNION - PHILIPPINESDepartment of Agriculture

Upland Development Programme in Southern Mindanao________________________________________________________________

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REPORT OF LEAVES, ABSENCES AND TARDINESSFor the Payroll Period: _______________



No. ofHours

Correspond-ing Amount REMARKS

Prepared by: Noted:

_________________________ _______________________Personnel Officer FAD Chief

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This is to certify that the services of the persons named herein have been hired by the Programme to the position, rate of pay andduration of services as indicated below:




This is to certify further that contract of the said personnel are on file at the Personnel Section.

Issued this day of ,20 in .

_________________________ Noted by: ___________________________ Personnel Officer FAD Chief

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Chairperson FAD Chief Employees’ Representative Division /Province where vacancy exits