Peter Agre trailer

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Created by Kirsten B. Haraldsen


Professor , MD, at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Director of the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute

Professor of Biological Chemistry and Professor of MedicineJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Honory doctor at the UiO Faculty of Medicine

CHAIR of the The American Association for the Advancement of Science

Nobel laureatein chemistry

Visiting North Korea, 2009, representing the US-DPRK Scientific Engagement Consortium

The scientific diplomatCHAIR of the The American Association for the Advancement of Science:

Dr. Peter C. Agre

Publisert: 10.03.10 kl. 14:25

Fredsprisvinner Fridtjof Nansen fotografert på en russisk jernbane-stasjon i 1922 sammen medmedlemmer av en russisk nødhjelpskomité. Nordmannen organiserte hjelp til flyktninger.

Professor Ole Petter Ottesen: Rector of the University of Oslo for the period 2009-2013

Professor Ottersen graduated from the University of Oslo as Cand. med. (MD) in 1980, and gained his doctorate in medicine in 1982. He became professor of the Departmentof Anatomy in 1992.From 1997 to1999, Professor Ottersen was academic head of the Department of Anatomy; from 2000-2002 he was Vice-Dean of Research at the Medical Faculty, and from 2002 to 2009 he headed the Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuro-science – one of Norway’s centres of excellence. Professor Ottersen has received a num-ber of awards for his research, including the Anders Jahre Medical Prize for young scie-ntists in 1990 and the Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research (main award) in 2008.Professor Ottersen leads a broad-based team whose objective is to promote the quality of research and tuition at all faculties. The Rector and his team aim to develop the Uni-versity of Oslo into an internationally leading university with academic breadth centredaround research.

Professor Doris Jorde: Vice-Rector of the University of Oslo for the period 2009-2013

Doris Jorde Professor Doris Jorde has been appointed Vice-Rector of the University of Oslo for the period 2009-2013 by the Rector.Doris Jorde obtained a Master of Science degree at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1980, and a PhD in Science Education at the same university in 1984. Since 1984, Professor Jorde has been with the University of Oslo’s Department of Teacher Education and School Development. She also heads the “Rrid-skolen” project (Teaching Scientific Inquiry), and is project manager for the EU project “Mind the Gap”.In 2005 Professor Jorde received the Communication Award at the University of Oslo.

Areas of Responsibility:•Leads the Study Committee •Contact for the Academic Studies Administration •Leads the work on the action plan for internationalisation•Responsible for following up teacher training and e-learning

Peter Agre receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 10 December 2003.

scientific love: E=MC2.

”Our single greatest defense against scientific ignoranceis education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child's first interest was sparked by a teacher.”

Nobel Banquet speech, 2003.

“The need for general scientific understanding by the public has never been larger, and the penalty for

scientific illiteracy never harsher… Lack of scientific fundamentals causes people to make

foolish decisions about issues such as the toxicity of chemicals, the efficacy of medicines, the changes in the global climate.”

Nobel Banquet speech, 2003.

Roderick MacKinnon

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 was awarded "for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes" jointly with one half to Peter Agre "for the discovery of water channels" and with one half to Roderick MacKinnon "for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels".

Peter Agre (left) and Roderick MacKinnon at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 10 December 2003.

Aquaporin 1 channel (AQP1) from RCSB PBD (protein data bank)

Dad always raved that Pauling's accomplishments were the greatest, and heinstilled in us his view that the Nobel Prize is the closest thing to the Holy Grail.

Agre lab on Oct. 8, 2003

Carbrey, JM; Song, LH; Zhou, Y; Yoshinaga, M; Rojek, A; Wang, Y; Liu, Y; Lujan, H; DiCarlo, S; Nielsen, S; Rosen, B; Agre, P; Mukhopadhyay, R (2009) Reduced arsenic clearance and increased toxicity in aquaglyceroporin-9-null mice. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106:37,15956-15960

Agre, P (2008) Aquaporin water channels: From atomic structure to clinical medicine. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 61, S2-S2

Only those cells that contain aquaporincan absorb water and swell up.

Recent publications:

Agre, P (2011) Life on the River of Science. SCIENCE 331: 6016, 416-421

Agre, P (2010) The family naturalist. NATURE 467: 7317, S11-S11

Agre, P; Leshner, AI (2010) Bridging Science and Society. SCIENCE 327:5968, 921-921

Cyranoski, D; Agre, P (2010) The scientific diplomat. NATURE 463:7279, 281-281

Carbrey, JM; Song, LH; Zhou, Y; Yoshinaga, M; Rojek, A; Wang, Y; Liu, Y; Lujan, H; DiCarlo, S; Nielsen, S; Rosen, B; Agre, P; Mukhopadhyay, R (2009) Reduced arsenic clearance and increased toxicity in aquaglyceroporin-9-null mice. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106:37,15956-15960

Rabaud, NE; Song, L; Wang, Y; Agre, P; Yasui, M; Carbrey, J (2009) Aquaporin 6 binds calmodulin in a calcium-dependent manner. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 383:1, 54-57

Liu, YJ; Song, LH; Wang, YD; Rojek, A; Nielsen, S; Agre, P; Carbrey, J(2009) Osteoclast differentiation and function in aquaglyceroporin AQP9-null mice. BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 101:3, 133-140

Josephsen, K; Praetorius, J; Frische, S; Gawenis, L; Kwon, T; Agre, P; Nielsen, S; Fejerskov, O (2009) Targeted disruption of the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger Ae2 results in osteopetrosis in mice. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106:5, 1638-1641

Agre, P (2008) Aquaporin water channels: From atomic structure to clinical medicine. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 61, S2-S2

Agre, P; Kurzweil, R; Nestle, M; Chapman, M; Rubin, H; Chivian, E; Moreno, J; Mooney, C; Davies, P; Grego, L; Carroll, S (2008) Please Mr President, do one thing for me. NEW SCIENTIST 200:2676, 18-19



Crystal structure of the AQP1 water channel

Clarke and Peter Agre (Photos:Peter Agre)From:

nature. reviews

Clarke and Peter Agre (Photos:Peter Agre)From:

Dr. Peter Agre displays his Eagle Scout Award and his Nobel Prize for Chemistry medal. Photograph By Walter Calahan.

Photo: Stephen J. Boitano/Getty Images

Science 28.Januar 2011 (…KBH’s bursdag! …)

Current Topics in Membranes, 2001

Bøkene hans:

Protein Blood Group Antigens of the Human Red Cell: Structure, Function, and Clinical Significance

(The Johns Hopkins Series in Hematology/Oncology)

By: Peter C. Agre (Author) and Jean-Pierre Cartron (Editor)

Johns Hopkins University Press 1992



Current Topics in Membranes, 2001

Bøkene hans:

Protein Blood Group Antigens of the Human Red Cell: Structure, Function, and Clinical Significance

(The Johns Hopkins Series in Hematology/Oncology)

By: Peter C. Agre (Author) and Jean-Pierre Cartron (Editor)

Johns Hopkins University Press 1992


Det nye realfagsbiblioteket i Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Bill Bryson sitt foredrag fra 6.september finner du her

6. oktober kl. 04:42 · Kommenter · Liker · Vis tilbakemeldinger (1)Skjul tilbakemelding (1) •Anne Vedø liker dette.

Det nye realfagsbiblioteket i Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Bill Bryson sitt foredrag fra 6.september

finner du her


Kjør debatt ledet av Kåre Verpe

Bioinformatics Users Forum 201012. November in Vilhelm Bjerknes’hus


Det Nye Realfagsbiblioteket i Vilhelm Bjerknes’ hus og Science debate i Norge i samarbeid med Fritt Ord

Center for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN) Bioinformatics Group og deres samarbeidsprosjekter, om kjernefasilitetet for bioinformatikk, om EMBnet Norway, om PubGene og mye annet på Bioinformatics User Forum 2010.

Ill.: Harry Campbell/ieee spectrum

iGEM 2010

Photo: iGEM/Justin Knight

(~3,000 species, based on rRNA sequences)

Please cite the source as:David M. Hillis, Derrick Zwickl, and Robin Gutell, University of Texas(see Science, 2003, 300:1692-1697)

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VILHELM BJERKNES’ HUSThe new Science Library


Get Real

Commitment to Science

for students and employees at

University of Oslo

– et sted å legge grunnlag for ny forskning, fortsette læringen, bli inspirert, møte venner, kollegaer og foreleser.


The norwegian scientist

Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862-1951) is regarded as oneof the founders ofmeteorology.

He was also a prominent scientist in physics and geophysics.

The New Science Library in Vilhelm Bjerknes’ husand

Science debate in Norway- a cooperation with Fritt Ord

Ny fb side her del forrige

………..something to read om cold winter days…



” There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”