Pharmacist role in the community and new aspects of pharmacy profession

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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my lecture with my young SAMPSian friends "Pharmacist role in the community " In a prepration to a huge campaign aiming to raise the people apperception and to correct some wrong conception about pharmacists


Pharmacist role in the community and new aspects of pharmacy profession

Nabil OmarOncology Pharmacist, HMC,NCCCR

BSC,RPH, PharmD candidate, college of pharmacy, QU ,BCOP-Candidate


Pharmacist –managed clinics

1-pharmacist-managed asthma clinics  2-pharmacist-managed hypertension clinic

3-pharmacist-managed diabetes care clinic

4-pharmacist-managed Heart failure clinic

5-Pharmacist-Managed Anticoagulation Clinic

6-Pharmacist-Managed Stroke Clinic

Studies supporting pharmacists to manage specialized clinic

Improving blood pressure control in a

Pharmacist managed hypertension clinic.The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy at 2002

Objective : To determine whether pharmaceutical care provided by a pharmacist-managed hypertension clinic results in better treatment outcomes when compared with traditional health care from a primary care physician.

Conclusion : Pharmaceutical care improves blood pressure control and results in more patients with hypertension reaching their blood pressure goal.

Studies supporting pharmacists to manage specialized clinic

Development and clinical outcomes of pharmacist-managed diabetes care clinics.


American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy

Conclusion : Compared with national averages, DCCs managed by clinical pharmacists achieved higher screening rates and attained treatment goals more often.

Studies supporting pharmacists to manage specialized clinic

Implementation of a pharmacist managed

heart failure medication titration clinicAmerican Journal of Health-System Pharmacy at 2013

Purpose: The development, implementation, and initial results of a pharmacist-managed heart failure (HF) medication titration clinic are described.Conclusion: Implementation of a pharmacist-managed HF medication titration clinic increased the percentage of patients achieving optimal ACEI, ARB, and β-blocker dosages

Studies supporting pharmacists to manage specialized clinic

Comparison of pharmacist managed anticoagulation with usual medical care in a family medicine clinic


The pharmacist-managed anticoagulation program within a family practice clinic compared to usual care by the physicians achieved significantly better INR control as measured by the percentage of time patients' INR values were kept in both the therapeutic and expanded range. Based on the results of this study, a collaborative family practice clinic using pharmacists and physicians may be an effective model for anticoagulation management with these results verified in future prospective randomized studies.

Al-wakra hospital

simulation of Heart failure clinic ruled by pharmacist

Patient counseling & Education

Daily practice examples of pharmacist interventions for better healthcare for patients

• Patient on cipralex for depression and metocloperamide for nausea and vomiting ?!

Daily practice examples of pharmacist interventions for better healthcare for patients

. Heart failure on digioxin come to your pharmacy complaining from nausea and vomiting ?!

what is your role as pharmacist ?!

Daily practice examples of pharmacist interventions for better healthcare for patients

. Breast cancer patient receiving Nolvadex

( tamoxifen ) as hormonal therapy

& she is active on ciplralex ( escitalopram ) for depression .

what is your role as pharmacist ?!

Daily practice examples of pharmacist interventions for better healthcare for patients

. Colon cancer patient just receive his chemotherapy including oxaloplatin and he ask the nurse to bring for him a cold lemon juice

what is your role as pharmacist ?!

Daily practice examples of pharmacist interventions for better healthcare for patients

Health informatics pharmacist Rowa Vmax video

Robotic solutions for compounding Biohazardous drugs video