Phases on the journey to success

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Phases of the Journey to Success

Daniel L. Roberts

IntroductionI am a constructionist, which means I tend to not speak in terms of universal laws. Life, leadership, morality, and love are contextual (which is not to say the same as subjective). What works for one person may not work for another, and so on. However, I share with you my observations about the journey to success in the hopes that you will gain something useful and inspirational from it. You may define success in many different ways, but I think the following is applicable in many contexts.

DesireThe first step to success is the realization that you have a great desire to achieve something specific.

You begin to think about it all the time and can envision what your success will feel and look like.

During this stage, the belief that you can achieve your dream takes root.


You take the first steps down the road toward success.

This phase is filled with excitement and hope.

The visions and desires become stronger.

RealizationWhile the launch phase is marked by excitement, hope, and often early success, this phase brings the realization that the journey will be much more difficult than expected.

Like the young hobbits in the Fellowship of the Ring, what started out as an exciting adventure outside the shire, quickly turns into a trek filled with danger, anxiety, mistakes, and failures.

This is where many people quit. The purpose of this phase is to cause a person to steel himself or herself for the difficult tasks ahead, and realize that he or she has a lot to learn before achieving success.

Persistent Hard WorkThis is the most enduring phase of the journey. In this phase you hone your craft.

The journey will take many winding turns and you may find that you are not quite in the same place you set out to go.

This phase may take years to complete, but along the way you will experience rewards and encouragement, as well as incredible obstacles.

Success!Success may come in many forms. It may not be financial in nature, but it will likely include a great sense of accomplishment, peace, and appreciation for the journey.

The journey does not actually end here, but you will have achieved a place of honor and respect. Many people will look to you as a mentor.

This is the greatest benefit of achievement — helping someone else on their journey.